HOUSE COMMITTEES Announced by Speaker Reed Be- fora the Recess. ALLOTMENT OF OHAIRMANSHIPS The Great West Gets the Lion's Share. the List with Right—=0Only One from the Southe=Con- Pennsylvanian Heads gress Adjourns for the Holidays WASHINGT wil Dee. 3, Just befoge the house ned on turd Speaker Reed announced the a v of the committees, Following are the most important: Judiciary—-Ezra “HE aylor, 0, frawart, Vi: Caswell, Wiss Adams, Ills; Buchanan N. J: Thompson, man, 1: Reed, lag ECaiborson, Te 4: Mgfarmic K, Va: She N. J: : LIRR, Ala. Rodg re, Ark. Ww Hson, Ww v $e Hen dereon, N. OC. Stewart, Gi, Banking and Cufveney~ Dorsey; Neb Con- ger, la; Merrill, Kan: Wilbur, N. Y.: Arnold, Pa. + Evans X.: shi ' ad} R 1: Wal ker. Mass: Wright, Tenn. Dargan, b. CC. Covert, N. Ind; Wike, lis: Haynes, O. Coinage, Weights and Measures 1a.: Wickham. O. Walker, Mass. Mon. Minn; Bartine, Knapp. N. Y.: Taylor, His: i Tracey. N. Y.: Mutchler, Pa.; Wil Williams. His; Joseph, N. Mex. Comzr ‘Baker, N. Y4 Oo Ne i Anderson. Kana Browne, Va: Stockh Lind, Mind idge, iL Md. Sweeny, N.Y. , Ind: Wil arner, Ga. clan, 1 kinson. La. oan. * Mi % Moor > \ Conger, Cartier, Comstock, Nev, Xt thang MO yx, Cont Mason, lis Wickham, OQ. Bandall, Mass Campbell 0 Neall Cree Pad in Mo. Crain, T Wis: Wheeler, Mich: Ewart, N. mings, N. Y.: Wheeler, Ala; Fithi An . His Price, la. nu «Funston, Kang: Conger, Ia; { Mc ¢ re ALY, Andrew, Mass, Naval Af alr Watson, Pa: Wallace Dolliver, Ia; Wh Herbert, Ala Tenn Post Ket Mas A le, Me: Lodge, Maas N. Ya : DeHaven, C M , i * M Btone, Mase The chairmen of ennmerated above Mili « affairs, fa: mi buiidis nd mprovenent thie Misai Burrows, Mich: edacation, O° or 3 labor, Wade, Mo. mi Jitia, Henders Yih, patents, Batterworth, ( Wis; claims, Laid: N. Y.. private land claims, Caswell, fs: District of Columbia Grout, Vi; revision of laws, Browne, Ind; expenditures in the state department, Scranton, Pa: expe nditures in the treasury department, Atkinson, Pa; expend in the war department, Yard! ev, Pa; expendi. tures in the navy department, Sawyer, N.Y: expenditures in the postoffice department, Brower, N. C.; expenditures in the ine terior department, Banks, Maes: expendi tures in the department of justice, Sher. man, N. Y.: expenditures in the department of agriculture, Lafollette, Wis: expendi tires In publis buildings, Flood, N. Ya Hbrary, O'Neill, Pa; printing, Russell, Conng election of president and vice president, Lodge, Mass! eleventh census, Dunnell, Minn: Indian depredation claims, Herman, Ore: ventilation and acoustics, Haugen, Wis; alcoholic Hauer traflie, J. D. Taylor, 0. Irrigation of arid lands, Vandever, Cal; im. milgration and naturalization, Owen, Ind.: ae. counts, Spooner, R. I.; mileage, Lind, Minn: enrolled bills, HennadX, 0.; Bllcott investiga. tion (select), Alums, Tis. At the conclusion of the reading the house adjourned till Jan. 6 Proceedings in Congrons, Wasninoron, Dee. 21. Among the bills in troduced in the house are the following: By Mr. Adams, of [llinols, providing fora world's fair in 1882. By Mr. O'Nelil'ot of Botinsy Ivanis, tw indemnify Pennsyivdnia for money ex: pended in 1883 for militia called into the mili. tary service: also, 8 memorial of the Phila. delphia board of trade for some legislation te relieve the Unitid Sialebeuproie court from Mao: Andersor Ww 1 Boatner. La the commitiess not are as follows ich ich. Indian Siruble, ary affairs, Perkins, K nes and minis ts, 4 ferris rier, re x tive, &£. 0 is «i ia; ; war claims, Thomas, itares of the S 987 guise ths . dot $4 I take pleasure in ealling your attention to my full and complete stock of goods which is complete in every department Your inspection I have been to + € § nd desire Eastern cities and . Notions ‘Holiday Goods, ete., which ‘enables me to sell at » " Which an inspection will verify. Save 25 per cent. by buying at the ENNSVALLEY BARGAIN STORE. J 1 Hix “4 ad tton Dress Bhoe, us’ Every Day Shoe, Women's Every Day Shoe, Women's Fin Men's Kip Boota, Meu's Kio Bools, i Women's Ba Wome 4 38 ¢ Dress Shoe, a . ah v1 Bros Lrbuckle’s Qoffee Kioe Brown Bugnr DISHES-BEST WARE, NOTIONX Good Cores . 24 inch Han Skerohief.. Wg. Spool cotton Rusching, per ¥d ww . Wool Howe Underwear, por suit Underwear, All Wool, enc nN. $245 wo "he only place in town you -an get the Genuine Snag Proof Gum Boot DRY GOODS. « wore So, now Sc 44 Piores, . Large Plates, only Large Assortment of Glassware cent. Holiday Goods, Caps and Ssuners, Vases, Mugs, ele. rol ¥ oF Rave HO laps, Boys’ Saits, . Men's Overcoats, All Wool, “ $5.5 50 § toga $4.0 $0.0 1.7 $7.0 $11.7 oe wt Youth's Sait, "” ws WOre Be, now Men's Fine Dress Overcoats, Men's Suits, “" Serene WETS BO, BOW JC , « Tere Hie now 400 . were $0 now Io Good Bhirtings. ............ Were 100 now 80 Applevon Muslit...enonn Table O11 Cloth........coivrnn . Lo All Wool, wi All Wool, Men's Cutaway, All Wool, " Diagonal, “ Boys’ Overcosts, . Wa * “" Be Philadelphia Branch Bootand Shoe Store, delphia Branch Clothing Store, save 256 per cent. My stock of Photo- graph Albums, Silk Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, easly Men's Neck Wear, Slippers, and an hind ie for a present, is con You know what we ne for you. Come and see u do fsr you now. Produce, Poultry, Meat, Apples, ed in exchange for goods. Cc. save. 25 per cond. Phila-