The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 26, 1889, Image 10

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FRED .KURTZ, Epiror and Pror'n
STERMS;—One year, $1.50, when paid in ad
nee. Those in arrears subject to previous
rms. §2 per year,
Advertisements 20 cents
ns.and 5 cents for cach su
r line for 8 inser
uent insertion.
Center Hav, Pa., Truss, Dro, 26,
Ouse AT THE sane
No. 4 Crider’s Exchange, Jellefonte.
All the new things received
soon as out. Patterns sent by
mail postpaid, at New York
price. Add 1oc. for postage
on Metropolitan
and 2 ¢ on Delineator.
—We have spring this fall,
—Daniel Brumgard, of Rabersharg
favored us with a call,
— A lively thunder gus! passed over
this section on Thursday morning.
ee Mra, Flora O. Bairfoot will spend
the holidays with friends at Hanover,
~—Christmas was fine and spring
like. Hope all were happy and merry.
— Rob, and Ed. Wolf are home from
Gettysburg college on their holiday vas
- =T.M. Osman, a student at Dickia-
his vacation.
~—Mrs. Reynolds, widow, of Rebers-
burg, one day last week, while feeding
chickens in the yard, fell and broke an
arm above the wrist,
—James A. McClain, ex-Register of
age. Mr. and Mrs. McClain have our
deepest sympathy .
~~ Among the Christmas gifts in this
burg was a lively little son to Jerry
Miller and a spry little daughter to Da.
vid Boozer. We reckon Dave and Jerry
they were especially fayored by Banta
Claus, Add two more to the census of
COentre Hall. Next.
~The County Grange met at Centre
Hall, on Friday. There seemed to bea
good turn out, and the delegates present
were good, sabstantial men, who seek
the good of the order, and are not
schemers {or office. These are the men
the order is to be judged by, and they
are striving to benefit the depressed agii-
cultural interests,
~——After a lingering illness of over
two years, the venerable G. 8. Hoy, of
Walker, passed away on last Tharsdoy
afternoon. His illness was dae to an af-
fection of dropsy, which was the cause of
his death. Mr. Hoy was about 65 years
of age and was one of the most promi-
nent citizens of that section. He leaves
a wife and seven children, six danghters
and one son, all of whom are married.
~ Recent Union county deaths, In
Hartley twp., on the 16th, Catherine, re~
lict of Jah Boop, deo'd., aged 80 years,
8 months and 10 days. In West Buffalo
aged 60 years. In Laurelton, on the
14th, Mrs. Hannah Biogman, aged
years, S months ana 16 days. In Gregg
twp., on 12th of Oct., Mrs. Mary Shop-
boil aged 65 years, 11 months and 2
——Mrs. Yarger, of near this place,
while in town on Christmas evening,
bad a severs hemmorrhage in Harper &
Kreamer’s store. The lady was in com-
pany with her husband, an old soldier,
was removed to the residenca of Dr.
Emerick, who found the case extremely
serious, and she had to remain thers,
The trouble was checked temporarily,
but the woman, next moraiog was still
in a critical condition,
~=(Jur mention last week, of nine
suicides on this side the county and in
goin as to who could name , has
led Uriah Osman to go over the record,
and he hands us a list of 21 in the coun~
of which 17 were from this side.
ere sre no doubt, others in the more
distant sections of the other side, which,
if gathered would make the number lar-
~e'I'i@ large barn on the farm of Mrs,
Lavina Snodgrass near Cedar Ran, in
Nittany Valley, was destroyed by fire
Tuamda), 19. Over 200 bushels of
wheat, bushels of oats, 20 tons of
bay, were burned. The fire is said xo
have The
Lewistown Scorched.
On Monday morning, at 2 o'clock, fire
was discovered issuing from the large
clothing house of Issiah Leopold, in that
lace. The flames spread so rapidly that
t was impossible to save any of the goods
or even secure anything from neighbor-,
ing dwellings. After a fight of four
hours the fire was under control, help
being received from Patterson,
The total loss is about $32,000, distrib.
uted as follows: Thomas Mayes’ store
buirding and two dwellings, $8000; in~
sarance, $5200; Albert Mayes, grocery,
$1000, fully insured; A, Felix. $50; H. W.
McCurdy, printing office, $1600, insure
ance, $600; Isaiah Leopold, clothing
house, boss $0000, insurance, $7000; Night-
hart, barber shop, loss $350, fully insured;
James Eckelbarger, household goods, o«
$1000, no insurance; Harry Riddle hone
hold goods, $150, no insurance; Ms«
Flora Selheimer, household goods, los |
$150, no insurance; Charles Brevi man,
household goods, loss $150, no inusranee;
Mrs. Adams, two dwelling hous s, $3000,
insurance $1200; Mrs, Beatty, hou sho'd
goods, loss $300, insured; Mra, R. Thrush.
house and farniture, loss $2000, fully 1n-
sured; W. H. Felix, house farniture and
damage to furniture emporiom, loss
$3500, insurance on house $1000; Lewis
town Electric Lipht Company, $100; gas
company, $25.
sme i So A SOAR HISD
The Great Calamity.
Very soon readersof the REroRTER
will have an opportunity to secure an
admirable History of the Johnstown
Disaster, which the Har: isburg, Pa , Tele-
gram is preparing to publish in book
form. Tue volume will meet the popu-
lar demand for a full, well written, trust.
worthy description of the great calamity.
Besides literary and artistic merits of a
high order, the fact that the net proceeds
from the sales will be applied for the
benefit of Printers, Orphan Children and
{ Aged Men ard Women who suffered by
| the flood commends the work to the
favorable consideration of the public,
{ It goes without saying thata book of
| this style, profasely illustrated by the
| best artists of the United States, written
| by an experienced editor from personal
| knowledge, and published to help a
charitable object, will meet with an exs
| traordinary sale over the entire country,
| Local canvas ersshould secure an agency
| ag the book will be sold by subscription
in every part of the country.
- >
urean, New York
Dr. Cyrus Edson of New York Health
Department prescribes Speers Port
| Garpe Wine in his practice as the purest
i and most reliable wine to be had and his
| opinion is endorsed by his associates as
| will ba seen from the following letter:
New York, December 9, 1887.
The Speer N. J. Wine Co.
Haviog used your Port
Sanitary B
cases of sickness and found it to be all
that was recommended of it by my family
' dozen bottles.
Respectfully yours,
Jaues Bryax,
New York City. Druggists keep it,
More Ore.
The Collins Bro's have opened a rich
| vein of pipe ore on the farm of Mr, Ran-
Collinses will put in & switch to connect
with the railroad and ship the ore to
their furnaces at Bellefonte. We under
stand they have obligated themselves to
take out 100 tons of ore per day, for
{ which Mr. Runkle is to receive a royalty
i of 25 cts, per ton,
L/ Sudden Death.
Jacob Rankle, of near Tussey ville, died
suddenly, on last Sunday morning of
i heart disease, Mr. Rarkle was an old
| residenter of that section, and engaged
{in farming and dealiog in live stock.
i For the last few years he had not been
| in the best of health.
| citizen and neighbor,
i A Mpa
~~ New lot of robes and
blankets very cheap at Boozer's.
ww [4 i# rare that Christmas strikes us
in the apring.
Lily flour, and get a No, 1 article.
~ [t's 8 great disappointment to the
street urchin that he can’t snow ball the
| passer by.
| ~——Heveral new sewing machines
Davis and New Home make, will sell at
cost to close them out. G. W. Busamax,
—=Simon Loeb’s new clothing store,
opposite the Conrad house, is the place
for bargains in men and boys’ suits.
——No paper next week—allihabds
want a Christmas vacation. A b
{ Christmas and Happy New Year to
i feader.
we [owing can sell you a late style
suit or take your measure and make 1t |
order on short notice, and at a saving to
you of from $3 to 88. Try bim on this.
wwe § farmer's Institute is to be held
under the auspices of the State Board of
Agriculture, at Howard on January 7th
and 8th and at State College on Jaduary
Oth and 10th,
~The elegant new shoe store, of Mr
Gillam, in the Crider Block, Bellefonte.
should be visited to ses his stock and
variety of boots and shoes for all ages
and sexes.
~pA dog with atin can to his tail
went down town Monday morning at 65
knots an hour. We do not know of any
plan to bave some of our commissioners
to git, unless thet in can one would do it,
Local Briefs
weThe band festival is having a fair
—-=ABK at your store for Calla}; Lily
floar—it ia No. 1.
wD), J, Meyer went to Philadelphia,
on Tuesday on business.
— Woodland and all kinds of soft
and hard coal at the Centre Hall mills,
—Mise Edith Wolf, of Rebersbarg,
is visiting relatives in this place.
Miss Grace Bmith, of Willams.
port, is spending the holidays at the res
idenes of her uncle, Wm, Wolf.
A large white Angora Thomas cat
{ left the home of 8B, W. Bmith, Tuesday,
without cause or provoeation, A hand-
| some reward for bis return,
—eNow is the time to leave your or.
der for a suit and overcoat, Prices to
suit the times. Perfect satiafaction in
every hing fully guaranteed,
Moxrcomery & Co.
Tailors, Bellefonte, |
ef musical convention will be held
in the Green Grove church, 1} miles
north of Penn Hall, conducted by Prof.
J. 8. Meyer, commeaciog on tue 27th of |
Jun. closing Feb. 1st with a grand con- |
| Any on desirioga Brown wagon
for two horses, made in Cleveland, a
standard, and the best in the U, S,
warranted, maguoificent finish, inquire at
the mill; price $70, the highest class, Same |
wagon with tubular axle, $73. |
—(jreen Decker gave our sapcium a
call und feels good over the Democratic
majority in the county. Green thinks if |
the Democrats keep nominating good |
men, there will be no trouble to have |
big majorities. He's right,
In spite of all competition Lewin
continues to take the lead in ready made
clothing, low prices as well as quality of |
goods. He gets ahead of ail, sells more |
than all, pleases all, and fits and suits |
' all,
Mr. Dan. Poorman, formerly of |
this place but now locsted at York, Pa, |
where he is employed in a large carriage |
| works a8 a trimmer, is visitiog his moth- |
| er, Mrs. Joho Rider. Dany betook unto |
{ himself a handsome lady in that place |
| and brought the fair one with him on |
| the visit.
| ——Mingle's shoe store in the Brock- |
| erboff house block has every idea in the |
| line of boots and shoes, w hether of rub. |
| ber, leather or cloth, and he seils at bot- |
| tom prices, so that none pay more than |
| the goods are worth. He warrants all
| he sells,
| -——Now is your timeto get a cheap
| overcoat, and Lewins bas ‘em cheap, |
i good, warm, lasting goods, Give the |
| Philad. Branch a call aad see for your |
| self and save $5 to boot,
{ ~——One of the largest weddiogs that |
| we know of in these parts, came off on |
| Taesday, st the residence of James Ott,
i the bride being his daughter, Anna M., |
and the groom Mr. John Breon. Near |
one handred invited guests were present |
to witness the happy event. There was |
| a royal dinver, and the presents were |
| numerous and handsome. May the |
newly wedded couple have a long life of |
| happiness. |
—Sloves! Stoves! Btoves, that is]
| what Reesman across the way is stocked
{ with, Sloves of every size and descrip
tion, for the parlor, sitting room and
| kitchen ; stoves for wood and coal, for |
i rich and poor, plain and fancy ; a fine
| an assortment as can be found in this
county, and at prices far below other
dealers. Andy puis them wp for you
and warrants them good. His is the oln
dest stove store in the county and noone
{ of his customers have yet had caose to
complain and always found him honest
Andy,and those are the business men
one should always patronize. Go and
pee his stock, and you will be pleased
| with what you see he has.
Dr, William's Indian Pile Ointment is
i the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or
Itching Piles ever discovered. It never
fails to cure old chronic cases of long
standing. :
: oy Coons, Maysville, Ky. says:
| “Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment
| cured me after years of suffering.”
| Judge Cofllobury, Cleveland, O, says:
“I have found by experience that Dr.
William's Indian Pile Ointment gives
| immediate aod permanent relief.”
i We bave hundreds of such testimoni-
{ als. Do pot suffer an instant longer. Sold
by druggists at 50¢ & $1 perbox. aplly
Facts for all.
In Spite of all competition the Philad.
Brane sloping store remains headqoar-
ters for actual reaing in ready made
clothing, for men and boys. Lewins in.
troduced cheap clothing in Centre county,
and has kept it at that all the time; he
kept honest gools.po trash, and, as a
rule, always sold from 25 to 30 per cent
below any other clothing store in this
part of the state.
Tax Paid.
probably few who realise the enormous
amount of snnually paid into the U. 8,
Treasury on Im
Are aware that
a contributor to that fund 7 Are you pos.
a8 to who does one of the t business in
the liquor line * If not, let us to
n them all-and hy) d a
sinoe convincing the peop
valudbtor value. He %i uz
There is
World there Is but One Cure, Dr, Haines
Golden Specifio,
it be given in a of tea or coffee, with.
out the . RF AP parton. taking it, effect:
a - ut Sure, w! the
- A ———
{ find Ideal Tooth Powder ia without
exception the best 1 have ever
With its aid I keep my tooth very clean
and white, which I wes unable to do
with any powder I have
Before, So says Fe
g will
ommend it, 1. EN
List of Jurors.
The following 1s the list of jurors for
the January term of court, begining on
the foorth Monday.
8 Gray Kephart, Patton,
Jumes Stover, Miles,
John Carper, Potter,
John Claar, Rush,
HK Mattern, Huston,
Wm Hutton, Hush.
. J C Rossman, Gregg.
R B Loder, Marion,
Charles Garner, Bellefonte,
DH Bartley. Potter,
Joseph Smith, Bnow Shoe.
Jerre Farber, Philipsburg.
FMuok Turbridy, Snow Shoe,
John R Lee, Potter,
Wm. Ayres, Philipsburg.
Goo Stover, Miles,
Ham'l B Wilson, Ferguson,
James Cooney, Poeun,
G W Hosterman, Centre Hall,
18 Frain, Marion
Isaac Midlam, Burnside,
Michael Onlel, Rush
Wm P Brown, Snow Shoe,
Edward Zellers, College.
Michael Bhank, Snow Bhoe.
Isaac Underwood, Gregg.
Calvin Meyer, Harris
John Bront, Penn
E O Mattern, Philipsburg,
Robert Cooper, Bnow Shoo.
PW Barnhart, Boges.
Adam Decker, Walker
John Harshbarger, Penn,
Miles Taylor, Huston,
Wm Calderwood, Taylor,
GW Hoover, Philipsburg.
Henry Meeker, Burnside
Wm Peters, Milesburg,
Edward Peck, Walker,
Reuben Colyer, Potter
Reuben Lucas, Howard.
Charles Neff, Boggs,
Wm M Adams, Milesburg.
Geo Martz, College,
John G Bally, Ferguson,
Henry Hale, Huston
Samuel Keisner, Snow Bhoe
David Beightel Liberty,
Wim Meyers, Miles
Wm Lyte, Half Moon
Joe W Flora, Bpriog
John Beck, Philipsburg
Edwin Stump, Potter,
Harry R Curtin, Boge
Robert Downing, Half Moon,
Emanuel Musser, College,
Wm W Spangler, Potter,
G H Lyman, Bo
ABComer M
& D Armbruster,
W H Kuoll, Jr., Bpring
Issac Anostrong, College.
J D River, Philipsburg
Atmolews Musser, Halnes
Cyras Durst, Harvls
Herman K Miller
Jaooh Prant
A J Stover,
EA Woods, Be
Win Resides
John Harpe
Peter He .
BE MeKnight, Bel
> B Btover, Haines
Win Dawson, Belle
Goo Flick, Host
WH Wigt Ph
J B Crawford, Walker
Wm Lestners, Haines
Eby. Harris
¥ Kroge Ferguson,
an, Walker
Jos Pheasant
YW Bob, Ca
Harvey Mill
DM Whiteman, Miles,
Bamoel How, Centre Hall
H Hales, Burnside
Joseph Hoy, Br, Ferguson
Christ Cook, Burtmide
as Beuner, Bellefonte
ts B gard, Miles
John M Fary, Spring
W H Sanford, Philipsburg
Flwood Fisher, |
EW Manck . Millhelm,
Janper Brooks,
John KE Foreman
DF Bay
Fdward §
Wim Goo
Farmers Mills.
Mos, Harvey Hagan was very i! last week, and
is till confined 10 bed
Mm. Joe Doup of Spracctown, Wm, Halos, and
Mim Mase Musser of Asronsbarg were visitin
about here recently.
Most of the schools in this twp
last Monday,
. Were opened on
eral weeks ago,
Our supervisor built two good wooden bridges
across Penns creek in this vicinity this fall
Mary Goodhart of Centre Hall on last Monday
of a horn is hoard this fall
Ramor says a little dsughler of John ¥. Breon
had an unplessant meeting with a large bear re
cently in & field near their builaing.
an order of the Orphan's Court of Centre
county, there will be exposed at Public Sale, on
the premises of John Peters dec'd situated i mile
north of Potrers Mille, in Potter township, Centre
county on
al 2 o'clock the following
Qreeneety REAL
! of John Peters, dec’'d, two tracts bounded and des
| seribed as follows: The one thereof bounded on
i the North by lands of Jousthan Hoyer and Mich.
| wel Stiver, on the East by lands of Michael Btiver
and turnpike, on the Bouth by lands of heirs of
| Wm, Allison dec’d,, on the west by lands of same,
i Thereon erected one
Have You Rec 4
Philad. TIMES
This Morning ?
11th 180) 0 wesmnts
EETATE 0mnts
The Times
1s the most extensively circulated and widely
read newspaper published in Pennsylvanis, Its
discussion of public men and public measures,
is in the interest of public integrity, honest gov-
ernment and prosperous industry, and it knows
no party or persons! 8' leglance in treating pubs
licissnes, in the broadest aud best sete a
family and general newspaper,
The News of the World,
| Good summer house, wood shed, good cornerib,
{ pie pen, smoke house, and other necessary ouls
| bulldinge. Plenty of good water and choles fruit,
| containing 6 ACRES and 104 PERCHES,
| The other tract thereof situated about 44 mile
HBouth of Centre Hill, and bounded on the North
| and Kast by lands of Jerry Schreffler George Sti
| ver and others, on the South and West by turn-
| pike and lands of Wm, Kerr, containing shout
i 1and¥ ACRES, There ares number of Good
| White Pine trees, on sald tract and is well located
{ to make a good home,
TERMS OF BALE.) cash on confirmation of
i sale, and thelhalance (n one year thereafier. De-
ferred payne 10 be secured by bond and mors
gage on the premises,
HOUSE Omesrty
The Times has all the facilities of advanced
journalism for gathering pews from all the
quarters of the Globe, in addition 1 that of tL he
Associated Pres, now covering the whole
world in is scope making it the perfection of a
NEWSPAPER, with everything carefully edis
ted to occupy the smallest space,
he Bunday Edition
Administrator, Is not only a completes newspaper, buts Mags-
rine of Popular Literature, Its sixteen large
pigeon, clearly printed and sttosctively illustra.
led, contain as much good tersture, by the
foremost write of the world, as any of the
popular month # POM of the DewspRpers 10
New York, Boston and Chicago pring & greater
number of pages upon Bunday. but hese are
for most part occupied with advertisements,
The merchants iu those cities Concentrate near
yertising in the Mey pagers,
adelphia they have found it more
an order of U
Coun y, there will
the premises
ntre Hall
we Orphan's Court of Centre
be exposed st public sale on
now occupied by Hofier and Dale,
sorough, on
#1 2 o'clock, the following
in Os Tike
# » ¥ wr 3 4 "
Domne BATURDAY, . 25h , 158% while in V
Omen) REAL
y, 4
1 and described
y Richard,
eed. bounded
north by Jaool
af Lhe South '
rupike, containing #0 PER
od a FINE
wood shed, and
cistern. all
romnmn fo
od large stable i
2 1 atinche
nd all necessary
ird on confinnsation
t from
morigege ont
in Iwo years, a
firmation of sale,
secured by bond ni
aste Oo
of Deceased
Our Boys And Girls
0 other newspaper gives the same careful
needs and estes of young
4 6:.%
test Write 1%
CRIN with Lhe
snd instructive
mong all classes of
nit worth $1
: two 20 cent bot- |
wry and the ola
p BT Rirs «
3 :
iFANY v i
5 sant 00
he Son
* homie of L4
ae DOurs «|
WwiWeet fm v
pom oof amid day Members are generally |
(aes 0 attend THE TIMES
§ 4
D.F, Lue Set'y President
Cenire Hall, Pa
Bellefonte, where they have received and un-
packed an exceptionally fine line of
FO lIslliy AY GOOLE,
To which an inspection is requested.
in the county for deep muddy roads.
loft soddenly, about six weeks ago, without exe
plaining his intentions as to where he meant to
£0, and has not been heard of since even by his
own family,
arn up all right some day ia the near future .
After u few woeks of illness, our neighbor Dan’
Homan i= in a state of convalescence,
BEAVER-LEITZELL. On the 8rd inst, at the
Lutheran Ppuisounge at Asronsburg Rev. M.
1. Deltaler, Mr J. W. Beaverand Miss MN.
Leitaell, both of Aaronsburg.
STOVER~REED On the ith inst, at the resis
denes of the bride by Rev. ML. Deltaler, Mr.
Earnest L. Stover and Mis Rebecca Reed.
GLOVER-PURSLEY.—On the 2 Dec, in Miffi.
inburg, bY ev Chas, Edwards, Mr, Charles P.
lover and Miss Minnie Pumiey, both of Hartley
BREON OTT. - On Dec, 24th, at the residence of
James Ott, Mr. Robert Breon, of Spring Mills
and Anna M, Ott, daughter of James OI,
amin SA SI MS
FERBE In Mifflinburg, on the 11th Dec. Lydia
wife of Charles B Foae, BEne Din Dee
EEE vila, of typhoid pysmmonie
i Bossio Elliot, only" duaghter of Rev.
urch in Union td
When she was & Child, she oried for Castoria,
Bargains! « New Goods !
We are now prepared to have the public call at our
store and inspect our new Hime of goods. They were selected
with the greatest care and embrace an endless variety of new
designs and patterns worn during the Fall and Winter seasons,
Our tine of Fancy Plads, Tricots, Fall Prints, and Ail-
Wool Baiting, are fine, and will please our sary customers, and
are selling rapidly, Woolen Blankets, Haps, Quilts, and many
other goods,
Come and eee the special bargains we sre offering in
Cashmeres; prices lower than ever, Our stock of Ready-
Mada Clothing, Overcoats, Gossamers, Gam Coats, is complete
and will gnesk for themselves. Comeand see the new goods at
Elarper & REreamer's.
Nf Conc BROS, MN ComIen
CikfiE IH: PY
Bed Rogm Suits, Parlor Suits, |