The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 05, 1889, Image 4

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FRED.KURTZ, Eprror and Pror'n
TERMS; ~One year, $1.50, when paid in ad
neo. Those in arrears subject to previous
rms. §2 per year,
Advertisomoents 20 cents per line for 8 inser
ns.and b cents tor each subsequent insertion.
Cextie Hav, Pa., Tours, Sxp, 5,
Belief That the General Is the Senator's
Man for Governor.
HARRISBURG, Aug: 81.—Adjt. Gen.
Hastings came in from the west after
spending two days at Beaver as the
guest of Senator Quay. He is recover-
ing from his arduous labors at Johns-
town, and to in excellent
health, Today he will leave for his
home at Yesterday after-
800M be
noon he went to Williams’ grove, where
he was booked for a speech. Gen.
Hastings was reared on a farm, and is
not a stranger to agricultural pursuits,
so that his talk should be interesting,
Among politicians here his visit to
Senator Quay is regarded as very sig-
nificant. It is looked upon as a con-
firmation of the report that the national
chairman is not committed to Senator
Delameter for Governor, and as an in-
dication that Gen, Hastings is the com-
ing man. He has many friends who
have been urging him to announce him-
self, but up to this time has steadily re-
fused to talk aboutethe matter. Mavor
Fitier's favorable attitude has also had
the effect of strengthening the Hastings
undercurrent here and elsewhere.
Shocking AGidont at Cariopiec’s Home-
stead Works—Four Barned to Death
and Four Seriously Woundell,
taining thirty tons of molten
two twelve ton incots taken out.
over at Camegie’'s Homeste
works, burning one man
another so badly that
fatally burning two others, be
others being seriously burned,
The dead are a
Andrew Ki pple
Nicholas Bowers,
John Lewis,
caunot recover boy
- -
si €
8 wife and four
burned all over body,
ars of age and
. Durkes, 84
fat: burned, ha
dren in Hungary.
. :
seph vears of age,
uhby a wife and two chil-
The serously burned
ladleman, burned al
cover, Mt 4
are: Isaac Gone
over, but will re
Christ, badly burned,
wel D, Ze
urned, but will
b i will Fs I
years of , badly |
COVer., J 3
will recover,
of the most heartren ling
of the accident was the re
body of Andrew 1 plin. He
fallen into a guant of the
metal and a stream of water
plaving on the mass until
cool. Then the skelete of
man was taken from the iron bed and
when removed there was a distinet out-
line of his body in the metal.
ro Hh
ill re
of the
wis kept
it became
the poor
Generous Bequests to Hospitals, Colleges
and Missions.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 3. —The will of Will-
fam Thaw, the dead millionaire railroad
king, bas just bx 3 it
pies thirty-six pag pe written
foolscap and was made July 5 of the
present Year.
His estate, exe
vided into si
lands are to |
children be
expected to be
wife gets threes
his children one nth each, and
from remaining three-sixteenth are
be paid a large number of private and
public bequests.
Among the
of $wr
Ol i»
oal lands, is di-
parts, The coal
all his minor
when they are
3 000,000. © His
of the estate,
ome of
worth $1
larger public are
the following: Western University of
Pennsylvania, $100.000: Presbyterian
Board of Home Missions, $20.000: for
eign, $20,000; college board. £50,000
other Presbyterian boards, £30,000
American board, £5,000, Pittsburg hos-
itals get an agpregate of £100,000, both
rotestant and Catholic institutions be-
ing remembered. Al debts of depend-
ent friends aae caneelled,
New York and Penns:
Dedicated on the Mattie Field.
GETTYSBURG, Pa. Sept. 5.—The Fourth
New York cavalry and the Tenth New
York infantry dedicated memorials on
the battle field. General exercises were
held in the court house, at which Alder-
man McKee, of Brooklyn, presided,
Rev. C. L. Torwig conducted the ro-
ligious portion of the exercises and Mark
I. Wilbur delivered the oration.
Col. George J. Hopper presided at the
dedications of the Tenth regiment men-
orial, which stands on Meade avenue.
Sergt. Benjamin L. Tarner made the
dedicatory address for the Fourth cay.
alry, whose monument stands on the
Mummasburg road, Maj. James H.
Jenkins wus the orator. Both mon.
ments are of granite, suitably inscribed,
The Ninetieth Pennsylvania dedicated
its bowlder monument on Hancock ave
nue. A. J. Sellers delivered the ad-
tania Monuments
The Grangers' Exhibition Closed.
CARLISLE, Pa., Sept. 2. —The sixteenth
annual exhibition of the grangers of the
United States was brought to a close at
Williams' grote. It is estimated that
over 150,000 persons were in attendance
during the week, The exhibits met
with ready sales. This exhibition was
the most successful one ever held and
the revenue derived from it was quite
large. A meeting of the executive com-
miitee of the national grange was held
in the auditorium and it was agreed to
hold the next exhibition in August,
1890, at the same place,
Lycoming’s Heavy Court Docket.
WiLLiamsrort, Pa., Sept. 3, — The
first term of court in Lycoming county
since last spring convened in Williams-
port. The June term was set aside by
reason of the flood, and the result has
been an accumulation of a large lot of
business. Judge Metzger is being as |
gigted Judge Kelen, of Columbia
county, and it will require hard work by+
these two every day to clear the docket
of grimina) Shute this week. une
are about 150 cases to be acted upon
the grand jury.
Nurse Donnelly Declared to Be
Out of Danger.
Dr. Crosby Issues the Desired Certifleate
Hamilton Will Probably Be
Released on Ball—Plans
and Mrs,
of the Prose.
cution and Defense~Hamilton's Friends
Have Not Deserted Him,
ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 31.—-The much
talked of certificate declaring Mrs, Mary
Donnelly, the wet nurse who was
stabbed in the abdomen by Mrs. Ray
Hamilton, out of danger, was prepared
by Dr. Lee Crosby, the homwopathic
physician attending her, and by him
handed to Prosecutor of the Pleas Jo-
seph Thompson. It concisely states that
the wounded nurse is practically out of
danger of a fatal result from the effects
of the knife thrust which she received
last Monday afternoon,
The latter gentleman was seen at his
office. He said
that while he ac-
cepted Dr, Cros-
b y's certificate
in good faith he
would be obliged
to have the
county physi-
cian examine
Mrs. Donnelly
and add his ofhi-
cial assurance of
the woman's im-
proved condi
tion. Mr.Thomp-
son further said
that the prisoner
would probably
be tried for atro- MRE HAMILTON,
cious assault; that the limit of
alty for that crime Is five year
minimum two vears i that he
might not take place until
alter caurt opens on Sept. 10,
The Wounded Woman Vi
It was learned that in Mrs, Rupp's
statement, which is now in the hands of
Prosecutor Thompson, «hs
nurse twice ejected from
the pén-
and the
two weeks
ws Vengeance.
that the
m the
CL ~ in which Hamil-
and his wife
' quarreling;
hat she persisted
ntering a third
we, and that it
was then that the
a lls SH re” nraged wife Og
- tt = mitted the as-
— or Lar
; SE —— ault., The con-
(From sketch made at her LCNEE Of the
bedside ) nurse 8 statement
will not be revealed until the trial. It
is generally surmised. however, that
they will denounce her atlant
strong phrases, for since
after she recovered from
effects of the wound she
hausting her breath in heaping ulphur-
ous epithets on the head of her impris-
oned mistress
The actions of the wounded woman
are at times indescriable,. She seems to
have but the one thought of revenge and
hatred and vows that when
ers the assailant shall feel the
her vengeance, Whether Mr. Hamil
ton’s noted eloquence, his liberal use of
money and the persuasive power that he
can employ to frustrate her determina-
tion to satisfy her revenge will avail, is
an open question,
Was room
shie recov
weight of
The May's Landing Prisoner.
Belmont Perry, prosecutor of the
pleas of Gloucester coun s been en-
gaged by his
broths r. Counsel
lor Samuel Perry,
to assist him in
the case, Lottors
from all sources
continue tocrowd
into Mr. Hamil
tons mail box.
They are almost
of a weighty char-
acter and the long
envelopes denote
legal authorship.
They are supposed
to contain oflory BOBERT RAY HAMILTON
of assistance to Mr. Hamilton. A postal
card was addressed to Mrs. Hamilton
and it was a bitterly written denuncia-
tion of the adventuress, It was for
warded to her at May's Landing.
Mrs. Hamilton is carefully watched
by the kind hearted sheriff and her
wants ministered unto by his matronly
Ball Nefnsed.
The public prosecutor refused to ad-
mit Mrs the
Hamilton on bail ts
physician's certificate did
state that Mrs. Donnelly out of
danger, but that she was ‘ra wonably
#0.” The county physician, Dr. Reilly,
visited the patient later, and will make
an official report. There is a rumor
that Mr. Hamilton will visit the jail and
be married to the prisoner, in order
settle the question of relationship and be
legally exempted from testifying against
FH an
not ;
Ohio Democratic Ticket,
Dayton, O., Aug. 29.-The Demo
cratic state convention was held in the
rink, a large wooden building capable of
seating several thou prope, but
wholly inadequate to ccommodate the
crowds of people which tried to gain ad-
Following is the complete state ticket
For governor. James i. Campbell, of
Hamilton; for lieutenant governor,
William V. Marquis, of Bellefontaine
for judge of supreme court, Martin DD.
Follett, of Maraitta: for state treasurer
W. E. Baden, of Guernsey county: for
school commissioner, Charles , Miller,
of Putnam county: for attorney gen-
eral, Jesse M. Lewis, of Urbana: mem.
ber board public works, Frank Reynolds,
of Cincinnati; clerk of supreme court.
L J. C. Shumaker, of Tiffin,
A Race War Imminent.
CHARLESTON, W, Va., Sept. 2.-—A
negro desperado named Tom Smith en.
tered the store of Berry, Cooper & Co,
at Echo, on New river, and made an as
sault on a clerk, who drew a revolver
and shot him dead. In the evening o
number of negroes collected in the
vicinity and threatened to burn the
town in revenge for Sinith's death. The
whites are highly alarmed and orders
have come to Charleston for all avail
able firearms, The negroes are armed
and a bloody battle is imminent,
John L. Sallivan’s Mother Ded.
Boston, Aug, 81.-Mrs. Catherine
Bullivan, mother «f John L. Sullivan
the pugilist, died lest night after a long
illness. She was 5 years old and a na
tive of Ireland,
He Remaing Away from Church—To Visit
Philadelphia and Baltimore,
DEER Park, Md., Sept, 2.—The presi-
dent did not go to church yesterday as
has been his Sunday custom.
It is his intention to leave Deer Park
on Wednesday next for Philadelphia for
the purpose of taking part in the cele.
bration of the “‘old log cabin,” returning
then to Washington on Saturday next,
Monday, Sept.9 the president will go to
Baltimore to see the trades display. The
committee from Baltimore desired him
to vigit that city Sept. 12, the anniver-
sary of the battle of North Paint, on
which night will occur a mimic bom-
bardment of Fort McHenry, but the
president replied that his engagements
for that date were of such an important
nature that he could not comply with
their wishes, After witnessing the
trades display on Sept. 9 he will be ten-
dered a reception at the city hall.
C. Graham Suoccessfully Shoots the
Cataract in His Barrel—No
Desire to Repeat It,
NIAGARA FarLrs, N, Y,, Sept. 2.—Very
early yesterday morning it was reported
on the street that C. DD, Graham had
the Horse Shoe falls, Less than a-dozen
are willing to testify that the trip was
squarely made, while the barrel, which
could be seen in the eddy below the falls,
where a boat could hardly reach, is
offered as evidence,
Graham, who is in bed at
tel, and
have seen the trip tell the story
Horne's ho-
some of the party who claim to
as fol-
Preparations for the Feat.
The barrel, which is the one in which
he made his trip through the Whirlpool
rapids last Sunday, was taken across the
bridge about 3 a. m., and launched just
below ( nip WHA Creek Considerable
work had been done on the barrel since
last Sunday in the way of padding.
Two sand bags had also been strapped to
the bottom on the inside, The barrel
was towed out into the nver by Garry
Staley and Andrew Aden, reputable cit-
zens of Niagara Falls, The man hole
was packed it water tight and
when the was shut down it was
fastened on inside and two bars
laced over and secured by a spring
to make
Over the Falls
At 6:45 the barrel
t loose and
the one of
Was Boen oo pass over
feet from the shore
was out of sight a
Was cu
two weeks ago, t
the falls about 200
at 7:10 o'clock. It
little over a minute and come out from
under the falls rig side up and drifted
into one of the eddies.
Amer Jone expert
out and brought in of the
lines attached and with the assistance of
Mr. Cahill pulled the craft ashore, when
it was opened at 3 having
been closed about fifty minutes,
an swimmer,
5 o'clock,
Graham's Account of Jt.
Graham says of his trip: “The ride
through th rapids is as nothing com-
wares with it. The rapids, before reach-
ing the brink and which looked so small
from the shore. are not at all deasant
I could not realize just when po hed
the brink, for it seemed as though 1
must have been dazed, but 1 experienced
the fallmng sensation and I knew | was
going feet first
“The noise no man will ever be able
to describe. 1 realized nothing after
that until something struck the barrel
and 1 could hear one call out,
‘Graham, are vou alive” 1 had hardly
strength to answer back and not enough
to undo the fastening in the inside. so |
begged them to kr the barrel
neces and get me out, but they only
Jr off the man hole cover
ock to
Sarah Althea appeared in court to an
i ¢l Mra
an old charge of contempt
and a long
Terry was dressed in black
features. She
blac kE veil « hed Hoey
showexi none of her old time spirit and
gobbed so loud ¥ that the judge looked
irritated Her atl pleaded hot
gmity for her and the was sot for
Oct, 12
The atals
formexi that
duras has
department has been in-
the government of Hon.
appointed Senor Jeomino
Zelaya ax delegate to the international
American congress and that he will
reach New York Sept. 244. The govern-
ment of Ecuador has appointed ex Presi
dent Jose Marin Camaano as delegate.
Mra. Maybrick is the
firmary at Woking.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie wishes to be
elected president of the Association of
Mechanical and Civil Engineers,
mn prison in-
Mrs. Samuel A. Patterson, of Asbury
Park, claims that her Susband's divorce
suit against her is a conspiracy. She
says that she has evigence against her
busband and will bring suit against him,
Florence Hashagen, :iged 5 years, who
was bitten by a mad dog, died just forty
days later.
The oyster crop this
nounced a good one, and there is re-
ported be plenty of game, which
sportsmen may pursue after today.
Three persons were killed and four in-
jured in a wreck on the Vermont Cen-
tral railrowl, Engineer Embrey's hero
ism in remaining at his post prevented a
more serions disaster. He was killed,
William Brown, of Buffalo, wants to
be cremated alive in order that he may
return to earth rid of his body and fulfil
his mission as a seer,
Welty McCullough, of Greensburg,
Pa., ex-member of congress for the
Twenty-first district of Pennsylvania,
died, nged 42 years,
Secretary Tracy and Walker Blaine
returned to Washington.
A dispatch from Bismarck, Dak. , says.
John Grass, the famous Sioux chief, who
was prostrated by thw heat a few days
ago, is still alive and resting well, and
there is a prospect of his ultimate re-
Delogates are gathe rin
for to-morrow’s state
The public debt statement shows
an increase of $6,070,602 during
August and $1,017,811 in July. The
bonded indebtedness of the United
Btates has been reduced $16,200,000 dur-
4 the pt month and now amounts to
year is pro-
at Harrisburg
mocratic con-
The French government has declined
to accede to the request of the le or
the Now Hobrides f the wane
the islands by Feance,
| Reduced prices on the
Greatest part of our stock)
for this month. We pre-|
fer the space for new Fall
\Goods, rather than have the
investment in Summer stock]
for six months more. It will
pay you to buy for next season. |
Come, see and be convinced
that we mean just what we here]
state. You can save from
0 to 25 per cent. on many
luseful things. in
:-: WM, WOLF & SON :-:
O 0) 0
| Ask you to
corners of this square, them
Ouwr line of Gents’ Fur-|
nishings is beyond com-
petition in this section.
[The latest in Flannel Shirts,
(Collars, Neck Wear, Hats,
Ask those who
proof. You will believe them
rather than us; it is natural you
should. Yow may say il is
to our interest to exad-
gerate. Come and see
whether we do or not.
Centre Hall, Fa., Sept. 4, 1889,
The line of Dress
Goods we display is al-
ways up to the times in
style and price. We carry
a large variety of Ladies’ Dress
materials, and quality consider-
ed, as cheap or cheaper than
city retail houses. As stated
in another corner, on such
goods, we will dive you
a bargain if you buy for
cash or its equal during
this month of September.
New Goods
Bargains! :
We are now prepared to have
store and inspect our new line of goods :
with the greatest care and embrace an endloss variety
designs and patterns worn during the Fall and Winter ne,
Our line of Fancy Plads, Tricots, Fall Prints, and All-
Wool Baiting, are fine, and will please our ear ¥ customers, and
are selling rapidly. Woolen Blankets, Hapa, Quilts, and many
other goods,
Come and see the special bargains we are offering in
Cash meres: ower than ever, Our stock of Ready
Made ( g. Overcaata, Gossamers, Gum Con's, is complete
and wi k for themselves Comeand see the new goods at
darper & EKrearmer's.
call at
Were g
e public
M cvoran K BBOS, Njccoruk
C:2t32 1 Hat%) P?
Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits,
Side Boards, Lounges, Tables, :
Bedsteads, Wood and Ca ne-Seat Chairs
Undertaking a Specialty.
Presents an opportunity for securing preparation for the real work of Ife which thousands of
Young Men Bave found a Orting stone Ro HONORABLE and CONSPICUOUS SUCCESS. The
Institution is in a most prosperous condition, and its pationage is composed of & superior clam of
young men and women from all parts of the continent. Send for catalorne and illustrated circular
two WILLIAMS & ROGERS, Rochester, N. Y.
Either of the following engravings DEM. CO. COM.
“" line,”’ “Ba ard,” ** Monarch of Bellefonte. N. W . wnt M Bower
the Glen” or * The First Step,” without | 5 Oy ye Paitick Garrety
advertising on them, size 20x 24 inches, | W. Wore werd OBEDY W Grow
ven with one 60 cent or two 25 cent | Contre Hall Borough wonvsead] wi FOormick
of Ideal Tooth Powder. These Sara Bucongh. i: - wll Willis Weader
are pot cheap lithogra hs, but works of | Milihelm Borough. uC W Hatter
art. A.D. man, tist, Nicholia, 1! Philipsburg, 1st W. wed D Ritter
Idaho, says, I am sing your tent Avats : 2d W wseud H Riley
Powder, and find it superior others.
- 3d WW... ackson Gorton
Jndonyille Borough gig svieny
The engraving * Evangeline” arrived | Boggs, N 7
safely on the 24th of December, making | = Wr. ——— wee TF Adams
it seem like a Christmas gifs, Trusting y
that Ideal Tooth Powder hay Soutish,
I remain, yours respectfully, Elois Ear
nest, Denver, Col. One of Tav-
s without advertising on it worth $1
1 is given with each two 20 cent bots A Bowerwox
ties of 1 Tooth Powder, Rh, ares
SM I MPS A Th... we
vere —
OOLIORE. c.crummsivmissmmssmirssmnisneiianiel Grove
Cartin., errr sssssimmrsssnsase 1 8 Delon
Ferguson, E P...cuvmmmsnadohin T MOormic
Ta W Povirmssmssoms woe imine] Harpster Jr
Geo B Crawford
wed © Rossman
4 A Bowersox
GreRE, B Pocsesmsissomns: io
Haines, EP
ERE RRR Sever vrs I
Een avseaveee
TR ee esata
BE I Sib esr ses seas ararne BIE
WM. C, HEINLE, Chairman.
Ibave on hand a Jot of brass an
painted bird cages which I will sell at
and below cost. Come early.
J.D. Mursay.
All the departmentsin
the store are as well fill
ed as you find them in
intry store, and should
hat is
stock we 1 ill take pleas
faring tf
in oracrin It 107
cally ¢
u desire some article t
0 you ace
ding to your own taste.
Command us as you
wish and we will endeap-
or to accommodate you
and please you in every
§ Cloth & Cold Binding
§ 144 Pages, with Sieel Eagreving,
Afdrom. F'. O. Box 1810, KX. ¥,
Crying Colle,
f oughs, ! tis
Neuralgia, Toothes Foous
Headaches, Sick Anche, Vertigo
Dyspepsia, 1 nach
oppressed or Painful Periods
Whites, 100 Profuse Pe nu
5 Bg
HBhromation, B
Fever snd Aguoe
Plies, Bind or 1leeding
Catarrh, Infivense, Ooid
Whooping Cough. Visleut
fieporsl Pebllity, Phys
hidoney Dieses ss
Nervous Pebility
ft rinary Weakness, Woiting Hed
THierasecs of the Heart, Palpitatic
3 by Drug
SEIT vsana
Pir bisbusisionie
assis Sop
gists. or ment bosipmad on receipt of
EVE BEDICIAK 00, 109 Putten 84. K. 1.
7 BEF tn
Cure for Con
sumption is also the best
% >
Cough Medicine.
f you
Lungs, a few doses
You need. But if you ne-
glect this easy means of
safety, the slight Cough
may become a serious
matter, and several bot
ties will be required.
have a Cough
disease of
are all
Plsc's Remady for Ontarth I the
Post, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest
by draggists or sent by mall
E T. Haseltine, Warren, Pa.
‘** | NEW BOOK
i :
il collection of practical
we tor the poop)
merve: of
ng for every one t
iifal helpful eNETavinias,
0 evervihing Xo oomnpes
3 ihe When
EE Paying emp
thoroughly first ol
shouid write for
most remardable
sinoe the world
i i : universe
ried that which i= of trae value
#1 Ald 1 riy
and looking for something
al an exlamordinary MN ;
description and
achievement in
I sinorely dos
book making
SCAMMEL & OO. Box am
a5) St. Louis or Phil
1 pow in fall operation
The mili
Grain of all kinds wane
There wi'l be conslantly om haad,
Cream, patent flour,
Calla Lily flour,
Fine rye flour,
Two grades grannlated corn weal.
Chop, bran, and every grade of feed,
Corn chopped in the cob, 20 to 80 bu,
per hour,
Small s'ove, nut, lnmp and pea coal.
Soft and Woodland coal, a full stock on
very Tuesday and Thorsday afternoon.
Kugrz & Box