cn esse Sa THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED .KURTZ, Eprror and Pror'r STERMS;—One year, $1.50, when paid in ad nee. Those in arrears subject to previous rms. $2 per year, Advertisements 20 cents per line for 8 inser ng.and 5 cents for each subsequent insertion, Centre Hav, PA, Taons, Ava, 1. “THE RACKET.” Chas. I}. Rouss, Wholesale Dry Goods, New York City. July 1, 'S9. Tote! Yeblie We desire to say that G. R. Spigel- meyer has the exclusive sale of our goods in his town; his resident buyer hae his leadquarters with ua, and 18 given first choice of every bargain we ree Our arrangeiient with this firvs is that he obligates himself to s iu at II, uniform profit on all goods we sell him—uno* baits,” no miss ive. 0ile, 8€ no erediling lo anybody. (Signed) C. B. ROUSY, .. . . The above explains itself. I ayf now in position to serve my friends in Penns and Brush Vallies, better than ever. When in Bellefonte call to seg me: G. R. Sriap: LexEr. * : LOCAL ITEMS. f Kuriz & Son — The ne of is miil The P. of H. Pienioe. The executive committee met on Men~ day, at this place, to make arrangements for this years picnic. There was a fall attendance. The time fixed on is Beps tember 16, and the picnic proper to last four days. ! The committee will make its plans about same as lest year, only upon a lars ger scale, and for the accommodation of a larger number of exhibitors and lar- ger crowds, . In a conversation with a railroad offi. cial we were assured that the railroad company would ve all the needed fa: cilities for carrying large crowds, and run trains every two hours until ten o'clock at night and thus avoid the overs crowding of trains as was the case last year. The Reporter contributed much to the success of last year’s picnic by the free publication given in these colums for five or six weeks previous, and we Who is Ahead? Arthur, son of Wm. Lee, of this place reports that he hauled 1104 sheaves of wheat with four horses, the other day, thus taking the belt from Hiram Durst, Try to win it back Hiram. Arthar is ahead, War has heen wiged sgainst sparrows and rats in the at few weeks, shotguns and traps being put to good use in ex- terminating these pests, Sandoe shot 42 rats thus far, which puts him ahead by a majority of 30 over auy other fellow thus far. Bill Lee had the first chopping done at the new mill on Baturday—so Bill is ahead. A traveling salesman, coming down the mountain, a few days ago, reports having scen a blacksnake, thick as his leg, near the little spring half a mile above town, and moving to cross the pike. He claims to have hurt it but it Jook forward toa far greater affair this year, We take pride in the succees of | the gathering because it was the Reroa- | ter which pointed out the grounds sever- al years ago and advised prolonging the picnic for a number of days instead of one. | Many of the leading Patrons took the ene and finally the committee adopted the present grounds and kept the exhi- bition open for a week with a success bevond their expectations. We are glad that onr agitation of this matter had the desired effect and that through the ener- gy and wisdom of last years Committee the grandest r wits followed. The Committee this year will leave nothing andone to make the picnic a greater suc cess than last yeer, as they have a mine of experience to aid them. Br —— The Bush House On Monday against Mr. Telles to was entered upon. Mr. Hughes had no further to offer. Mr. Love, of counsel Teller, asked that the testimony stricken out. Mr. Peale did Mr. love appealed toa jary peers, and “di ot believe his should be placed in jeopardy twice. . | ked that it be x oped until Anga | gession of court. The revocation of the Case morning proceedings for Mr. the same. of his d client e i sl license, says penaity, $ on now in full opuration. — V0, ministrati I ifr aNO her colum. is starting a little grocery at “The tall form of Cyrus was in town on Monday—he i best of humor. ~The Centre Convention will be hele the Sth of August, —John Kline announces a candidate for the Repub! tion for district atlorney, — It stlil keeps showery fountains above are t seem to have as abundant a supply ever. An electri down between berland within 60 days be 5 cents. —Joy, Miles O. Noll minister Belle o ite Reformed Charge, will preach in the Reformed church at tiis place on next Sunday evening. Rev. T.J. Frederick, barg, is visiting friends in the valley, and gave usa call. He is getting finely with his charge. a ~(iarman’s, Delle don't lieve in doing anything by halves, and have taken one whole page of the roRTER for an advertisement, 3 to be theman who don't read ne pers that biows out the gus when he goes to bed. Sabscribe for the Reporter, and live lorger, ~The shower on Friday Saturday was in excellent corn and potatoes, Monday, only on a smaller scale. -——The same old song, and Thursday : Rain, rain. parts of the country and Earope its cy- clones, floods and loss of lives. — John F. Heckman one township's staunch Democrats and ex« cellent citizens announces his name in this issue of the ReronTer as a candis date for associate judge. One of the lumber teams, while hauli.g stones from the mountain, went pelimell down over the bank, on Tness day, the horses head over heels, and strange to tell, came ont unharmed, —Focht of the Lewisburg Batarday News is calling for some one to liso Gov, Lowry of Mississippi because he ia Connty Republic 1 at Bellefonte himself an poming nature's © ye ire $ Ie Gary road is tol street Car y TI xr we Sanobnry and Sortao f mnte, —1It go night and time for the of Gregg in the Sallivan-Kilrain fight. does Fochty say to being the fellow that will lasso the Governor? —efRov. Father Fischer, of Philadel. phia, son of Dr. Fischer, of Boalsburg, waa in Bellefonte on Sunday and cele- brated mass in the Catholic Church, Af- ter the service the Rev, Father, who is a bright and talented young priest, wect to his father’s home in Boaisburg.—News, —James K. Hosterman of Centre Hill, is canvassing in Union county, for Dr. Wolf's new work, “Lutherans in America.” This isJim's first business trip and with so good a work we trust he will meet with success, Robt. Wolf, of our town, is canvassing for the same work. ww Forty one bushels of wheat to the acre can any of our Centre county fars mers come pear that ? M, L. Greider, owner of the Chicques Summit Farm, in Lancaster county, is one of the competi- tors for the $500 prize offered by Orange, Judd & Co. for the best acre of wheat raised in the United States. Mr, Greid- er threshed his acre on Wednesday, and the yield was forty one bushels, —engurance agents met at Spring Millis on last Tharsday to adjust the loss on goods sustained by the Grenoble Store Co. in the recent fire. It appeared at the meeting that the actual amount of insar- ance on stock was §12000 instead of $5,000 as given by us last week, The agents, however, were unwilliog to adjust upon £12,000 alleging that that sam was r above the actual value of the stock. fter debating the matter it was agreed to fix the value of the stock at $8,000, An adjustment upon this basis wonld make the pro rata of the Centre Hall Company about $800 instead of $2,000, We learn since the above was in type that the agents of the insurance compan- ies, who met last week to adjost the loss of the Grenoble Btore Company at Bpring Mills, have concluded not fo agree to the amount fixed upon, $8,000, which iz a cutting down from $12,000 insurance, They may wish to insist on a still furthe or cutting down, or possibly contest the validity or the whole, fir. 1 ’ iangnagy particular stress 3 in the | Ass ny can be mitted only tv a ¢0 wd jary. They are not called op t meet it here, | May it please the court, this case can go to a jury—this case shail go toa jury us ti vent 3 i. Mr. P i favorite phrase in h ping over Frank W was called. He got several | fore he was of age, | Phil McGinley | fall: never drank at the | wine there and drank it, got il | Lie. eale i! Po wiry wien 3 Ad 2 "DY conviclion A sembly, The testim #1 hs yi ® tea a’ fa} i Was 3 acquitte 8 Epeect i FprC 3 i Le iliams t drinks there jast (208 got gnor bar th * 301 ery strict in selling liquor, a Cleary Applies fora New Trial Ki and McCorm | Char. eary, of Renovo, who was con victed at the May | county court of murdering Policeman Paul, have just filed eight reasons i support of their application trial. charging the jury on a number of legal poin:s against their client; that the ev idence as a whole was not sullicieut to sustain a verdict of murder in the first fis degree, cne of the jurors perjured him. i] 8, ww e { 4 iL i | opinion of the case, whereas they claim to have since learned that he had said | that Cleary waa guilty and ought to hang. | before Judge Mayer at Lock Hevea on Saturday. . ——— Fe tival, The Sabbath Sclico! at Marray’s school ge will hold a fistival us house on Augost hie the school a 3. The | band will be present, - : ¥ eal Briefs — Extract of Vanilla, wholesale and retail, at Muorray's. weMr. Whiteman pretty new house, Miss Celia Parker, of Carlisle, is visiting her friend, Miss Sarah Deining- | er in this place. is painting his | cheaper and preeminently superior to any other make. ~Mrs, Barefoot has been quite ill for several days from an affection of the throat, caused by a cold no doubt, Simon lLoeb’s new clothing store, for bargains in men and boys’ suits, wee Mrs. William Emerick, widow, of | this place, has been quite ill for some | time, the trouble seeming 10 be in her stomach. —Simon Loeb’'s new clothing and geats furnishing store, opposite the Con- rad house, is the brsy place now, Bar- gaing is what draws the people. ~John Ehman, a car inspector of Tyrone, had both legs cutoff by being ron over by a train of cars, on Monday. He was about 40 years old and married. J.C, Meyer, Esq., announces his name for renomination for district attor- ney in this issue of the Reronven. He has served satisfactorily daring the pres- ent term, and we see no objection to him. ree Liowing beats the state for large assortment of men and boy's clothing— and he beats the world and all clothing stores in it for low prices. There's where you save from $3 to $8 on a suit of «clothes, —J, BR. Gost, M. D, will make a short visit to Centre Hall next Wednes- day, Aug. 7th and while there will be prepared to refract or fit glasses for any arties desiring same, Also at Bpring Mills Tuesday Ang, Oth, wwe A ghort time ago one of our hon est, hardworking citizens, who needs every dollar he earns, was notified that he is held liable on a note of over $300 given on Bohemian oats account, several years . When will the last victim of the infamous swindle be learned of 7 wee All the New Woolens for the com- ing season now being received, Liberal discount for «arly orders duriug the dull season. Our Fall stock will be the fins est ever shown, Prices and ao goed fil guaraniced, Moxraomenry & Co, Tailors, Bellefonte. escaped ioto the rocks and he did not feel like giving chasa after it. He is ahead on bigsnakes, Two of our county commissioners are trying their best to putin every day in the year at §3 per day. From latest re turns they are ahead of any other coms i missioners we had yet, - An Honest Man at johnstown: The general sitnation about town dar- | {ing the past week hss considerably im- | proved, and the only anxiety seem: to | Pe runing the distribution of the res | lief fand. Judge Commin is still ill at { Cresson. He was in town but a few hours | | on Tuesday, but has not been there since | i that time. Over $1000 was i i i rad | on Valoables by honest | an | Riceland Township, different packages. When found thi { money was in a roll of carpet, which wus { unearthed from the debris, resident « H . Facts for all, In spite of ail competition Branch ¢ it yr actus! bargains in clothing, for men and trod ! an i Lins Kept bonest i the Phi othiong store, remains headgaar era i boys leawins in need cheap clot it at Rept SAIWHAVE 8 nd f in Town. Mr. Henry Wolf and Prof. B @ r { Gf Urellvsbuarg of wifi Wilt and wife were vi burg, and ck! + An £ (aren ¥ 1h as AFA shter Mrs 8h Mra, § ér of Aarons f Inniat Of JULIAIR COUN 7, are visiting at I), J, Meyers. Col, Weaver, member the g ¢ ities, wes in town M relative to Lhe « gave a ty of £, * a meetin and us ke of | Mill - -_— - A Sensible Judge. thie unreasonable & ne aspaper for a : # FY who Ar men year or two or ‘not sher the jad take rafused’ publi , and ge pigintift fo the yi 4 Fave fa do f 8 13) notice to « . iit liscontinue was that aot He must pay first, -—- New Music. piece to the famous and popular "Kobin's Return,” with ti ion that this | new piece is still more pleasing than his “Robin's Return.” Mailed on receipt of S0cts. in 2 ot, postage stamps, Ign. Fis cher, publisher, Toledo, Ohio, €X0eM --—— Death of Dr. Fisher. ' Dr. C. P. W, Fisher, of Boalsburg, | 4d on Wednesday from second attack { of a stroke of apoplexy, » stroke some years ago, which pat. paralized him. He was a wells | known physician, and a son of Rev. P. 8 Fisher. Ee. } i STAR SPRING WATER. Saratoga Star Spring Water for s:le in bottie® and by the glass by ail druggists, A try it. { Tuesday morning, 1 | —lamberman Huyett and D. | Meyer have bought Mra. Mary Moyer's lnmber tract, 100 acres, at Coburn sas | tion. {gorge Dale, of Lemont town on Monday and gave us a hand. shake, Heis a member of the picnic | committee, ~—Rev. Fischer has had the parson | age improved by cutting away the old lecust ireesand baving a new yard fence | in front of the house. | Wm. Gettig, of near Tasseyville, { died on Tuesday morning. Mr. Getlig had been ailing for several months, one j of his troubles was dropsy. He was a good citizen. i In spite of all competition Lewins | contir ues to take the lead in ready made clothing, low prices as well as quality of grods, He getsahead of all, sells more Sonn all, pleases all, and fits and suits all i | wb], W. Foster & Co., a reliable firm i of Geneva, N, Y., want salesmen, Ex | perience not required. Read their ade | vertisemen! headed “ Wanted, Reliable, i Energetic Men.” | =—The Georges Valley Lutheran Sabbath School will hold & picnic in George Gentzal's grove, on Satarday 3rd of August, Boveral echools are invited, and a good time is expected. Huckster- ing wiil not be aliowed. By Orosn ov CoMMITTER. we Robert MecFarlage's hardware store in Bellefonte is headquarters for the celebrated Link Fence Wire. Have ing bought a car 'oad before the recent advance in price, be is ab'e to sell at very low rates, The link wire has stood the test of several years in our county and has proven first class in all respecte, It is 80 easy to handle and put up and weighs a little less to the rod than any other, Write for prices, wCaptain Amos Mullen, former] on of Company B. 5th Regiment, N, G. FP, of Bellefonte, was during the re. cent encampment at Bedford Le ert was in | elected lieutenant colonel of the . ment, in place of Colenel Harry Hale, deceased. First Lieutepant Reber was romoted to the captainey of Compaoy 3. and W, F. Reeder, the law partner of General Hastings, was elected first lisuy tenant of the same company, MILL NOTICHy The Centre Hall mill is n®% ready to take in custom work and exchange flour and bran grists, and will constantly keep on hand Cream and Calla Lily flour for sale at wholesale and retajl. For chopping the mill will be ready about July 24. Corn chopped in the ear or otherwise, and all kinds of feed mann- factured, Arrangements have been made for grinding rye flour and granulated and other fine grades of corn meal, Wheat and all kinds of grain wanted and highest prices paid for same, Coal, hard, soft and Woodland, will be constantly on hand. TERMS CASH, The business of the mill will upon the cash principle, 1 recent heavy loss by fire obliges and to drop the credit sysbem in order to keep the mill in successful operation our friends will see the force of this, and 0 be done Bees 4 ECAURG OLY ua to it Because the cash system 18 the only sound busi- 3. Because we are re- stock kept on hand, We will be pleased to see our old ens oe tomers at the old stand and wany new Ones. Kunrrz & Sox. i a Personals, H in visited her old k. rier ial we Mrs, Aaron ome in Hartlet Wm. L. Kartz, wife and i igited here sturn Lo Somersel by Mm Rev. the five Ri ast on Friday, Fischer and gave the RBerontes a Ti Jno. F. Heckman tum a call Dr. Wi only KITE « ire f Ww Bind, B hing Piles ever discovered. d chronic « eeding or It never { HBE88 Of ong » cures o Maysville, Ky. sa s Indian Pile ware of suffering . 0 found by experience ti Indian Chnlmen immediate and permanent relief.” We have husdreds of such testimoni | als. Do pot suffer an instant longer, Sold by drogyists at 50¢ & §1 per box, aplly - i i ite ” i Ril eV eiRLG 1 ie in lo” -=There is no beller extract of Vas | nilla than Murray's, F. Riley, « of Boslsburg's | Democratic war horses, favored the He. i porter with a cai LUIS morning. What the Philad, Branch d { have in the line of ene I, ne es not ready-made clot} . not worth having. The spring stock wow on the counters is immense and ws ahiesd of anything you exer saw, ~wins is Kiog for low prices. ow ii lke Harpster and James retarned last week from the N. G. P. en~ { campment badly broken up. lke was in | the hospital several days from sickness { and also got at the basiness end of » gun while gallantly defending Lb {in a sham fight and received of powder in the face. Gregg i$ country ne charge ' i 3 § § 1 4 | — William HH. Hounz, forme {| Lewistown, who Jeft abont two years sg0 | very suddenly, and ted for forgery, was arrested while in his i room io a botel io Dabuque, lowa, Sat. | urday. A requisition was received trom | Governor Beaver by District Attorney | Porter, Monday and that ao. ght at 12:4 | Sheriff Ryan started west to bring the prisoner to Lewistown His forgeries are {| reported to amount to $20,000, Koribmer's Magazine for August is a very | complete number. The ¥ © nyson's First Flight.” will not be only interested but { &d by James Dwight's ariicle on in Lawn Tennis” A willy and not | Parsons Lathrop, | closed today, having completed its lab- ors. According to the bureau's registry and canvass the number of living people in Johnstown and immediate vicinity, | or otherwise accounted for, is 22880 { This leaves, puiting the population at { a little over 20.000, as fized by Clark's | directory, 6,111 people unaccounted for, Mr. French thinks that these figures are within a few bhundred-—not over four hundred of being correct. These figures also inclade persons absent from the ci'y yisitiogiwho are included inthe 22589 given as the present population, From these figures it would appear that the to tal loss of life in the great flood was about 6,000, Of this number, according to the burean’s statistics, about 2000 have been recovered. There are some men who never i grow old and who never loge their influ ence with the young, remarks an ex« change. There are others who become veritable bores before their hair grows | gray, and who are regarded by the pres. | ent generation as fossils of an extinot age, whose room is always preferable to their company. These are the people who are continually dwelling upon the de parted glories of the pest and the sad de. cadence of the present. To hear their lamentations one would think that a few years ago the world was enjoying its golden age, while the present is a dreary enough time and the heavens black with storm clouds ominous of disaster. Thus they become unpleasant compan- ions, persons to be dreaded and avoided, The wise man keeps his heart young. He recalls the past, but he does it in solitude, nor does he fail to recognize the privileges and blessings of the pres. ent. Such an one need never want for friends, - sh MPL Musical College ~The 36th sess ion of six weeks, opens Monday evening, July 20, for the teaching of young ladies in vocal and instramental music. Address, . CO. Moyxn, Ojunbt Director, Freeburgh, Pa, i NIN A AION 5 50 “Robin's Farewell,” Caprice for Piano by Fischer. Brilliant, not difficult, and easy to commit to memory. A capital i Tat Fp, it m cents in 2-et, asic dealer, or y Toledo, O. i .. Woy They were variety selected of new HOH BONS Ail- Prints, and are selling rapidly, other goods, Come 2nd CITC ower than ing, Overeoals, (FOHRa k for themselves Cash nue Mad ( and w w% we g in oy offering of Re complete i are Our stock Coa tH ai - { DEALERS IN EROS M COBMICK ’ P A 1 4 3 > tes 15 vy en a vt Cand oc on wt uti rnd i —s =~ = po TY ds png Pe? I/O Se Jurors for Term of August GRAN] W.H No bring Jospe Blowart Be William Jacobs, Buow She a ALR OF Al the Bpaing ing deseribed by land of Kray wad on A of Corson i of George lands of B " lands of Rey Innds of Daniel Kr» las yf Juanes H. Kunkle be the same more or loss Also the « bounded o of Bpring Milis : bi t by land of Pe § of ah AURE, be the Also the on the nord Ripka. et al: on John MeCool, ot al, ooh Brean, John Meyers lands of Samuel Harter be the same more or les TRACT NO wlivided ones hall of tract bounded on the north by land of M. 11. Guise; on the east by lands of Daniel Kennelly, ot al; on the south by lands ot J ww G. Evan: and John Coldnom and on Lhe west by “Egg Hill" timber lands, con taining 990 ACRES, be the same more or less Terms of Sale: ~i of the purchase money to wo paid in cash. ’4 in one year, and the balance in two years, with interest, the deforred payments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premi wos, or jndgment notes. If deemed 10 the best ine terests of Lhe estate, any of the premises may be sold in smaller pieces. 1a such case return to be socompanied by dmifs, Also at same me and place, the timber on 20 ACRES of land, more or loss, on farm lying north of Penn Hall, Terms on same, cash or its equiva lent on confirmation of sale, BAMUEL J. HERRING, Assignee of Dante! Bartges. undivided oned Be of tract 10rawik lands of 1 #1 by dl nnd wost ACRES, and « contain.gag the 196 Also the uy NO MAN NEED BE IDLE. The subscription books published by Faulkner & en of Philadelphia, have proved exceptionally popular and profit. able for agents. An announcement by them of a new work, invariably brings a great number of applications for terri. tory from agents who are eager for op- portunities to make “big money."—Frank ie’s Illustrated Newspaper. iliac When Baby was slek, we gave hor Osstorte, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, yan he Docu Mok Si hank to Chait, #hoAad Chiddron, sbe gave thas Castorin, - P L AGENTS ENTIRELY WANTED | | NEW BOOK KrEING M1 . D. H. Ral and from all trains prop tM, 1. Gard 4 hat T De | ounG morrsilc u ¥. Heck AnsoCiate 0 i Weare sn of Belief toroey, sulject that J. C. Merer | be inte for District AL y Democratic usages Ty NEWS BREVITIES. Wilkie Collins is out of danger The premium on gold at Buoonos Ayres has advanced to 73 per cent. Typhoid fever prevails to an alarming extent throughout the walley of the Schuylkill. The proposition to have the North Dakota Reith consist of one house will probably fail. ExS8peaker Carlisle was given a re ception at the American legation, City of Mexico. Gen. Emmons Clark of New York, declines the appointment of cofisul gen- eral at Havre, : The Parnell inquiry has adjourned till Oct. 24. The young son of Marshall H. Twitch. ell, United States consul at Kingston, Ont, has been arrested for burglary. A cablegram from Minister Dinsmore wots at rest the story that Mrs. Herson, an American missionery, has been sen tenoced to death in Corea, The summer meeting of the Saratoga ing association i with a large oe ne and Hanover were winners, vl mat wap ht A nibs Wheeling, w. 8, Ww alte to wreck a train loaded with Roth on he and Elm grove milroad, George Brydges Roduay, of New Cas- tle, Del., has been appointed a cadet at