FARM NOTES, LAMBS FOR THE EARLY SPRING MARKET. —The underground basement of a barn, if dry, furnishes proper quarters fer ralsing winter lambs, It should te well lighted and lined inside with sheathing paper. Double walls filled in will not answer, for rats make havoe of the filling. The space should be divided into pens about 18x16 feel, with sn alley through the center. Each pen will accommodate 15 ewes. A rack for fodder is placed in the center go that the sheep can go all around it, Feed troughs are fastened to 1ts base on both sides in such a manner as to catch the leaves that fall off the fodder. I'he ewes are given clover, hay and corn fodder, all they will eat, Their grain ration 18 whole corn, oil meal and wheat bran, mixed equally by weight. of which each ewe will consume about two quarts a day, Inaddition they are fed all the beets and turnips they will gat. The sheep will generate too much heat and the temperature is kept at about 60° by alr shafts containing check-valves, Salt is kept constantly before them and water in pails. The gates are made so high from the floor that the lambs can escaps into the alley, where there are feed troughs always supplied with the same grain ration. The ewes are placed in the pens about December 1st, and are shorn ime. mediately or the wool would soon com- mence to drop; besides, this rids them of annoying ticks When lambs begin to drop the shepherd should be with his flock all the time he is not eat- ing or sleeping. Youg lambs daubed | with the glutinous colt ostrum should have it removed with warm soap-suds, and then be wiped dry. It should be the shepherd’s aim not to !oseone ki amb. He must pet his sheep and lambs, and get them so they have no fear of him. Dogs, chiidren and loud talking adults should not be allowed in the fold, and very few strangers. The commission merchant to whom the lambs are con- signed will tell when and how to kill and dress lambs, This Is high feeding, but it is nearly pald for in the superior condition the ewes are in for the butcher in early spring when mutton is scarce. For the best results these go to the | shambles as soon as dry, and a new flock is gathered for the next year, VALUE OF A PEDIGREE. ~The male animal, 1am or bull, or male of whatever other class of farm stock reeds improvement, must be himself good, from good parent: and the further back the continuous lines of excellent progenitors stretch the sirong- er reason we have for confidence that good results will follow his introduction. The lines may so stretch back without a break in the inheritance of excellence although we may not have the means | of blood tracing them—in other words, the descent and the blood may be right, yet unrecorded. Our knowledge can not make any difference in the power or lack of power, Still, knowledge of the particulars of descent is worth | having. It may prove very useful sometimes. Let us then, by all means, place the true value upon that knowl- edge, and bave the pedigrees of our stock, if possible, and take pains to preserve records of descent (or eur Own information and the information of those who may succeed us. I hold that pedigree the longer the better, is thing to be desired, accompanying ment granted. - » EE a - A CORRESPONDENT of the Maine Farmer takes great pains to give his cattle all the open air exercise require throughout the winter on warm sunny days, Sunlight and exercise are two of the greatest factors in promot- ing heaith, Shut up human beings in hey a cotton, oil cloth or shoe factory, month after month, carrying them thelr food and allowing them no exercise al | all, and how long before consumption | will seize upon them? It is silly | think that cotton seed meal or any other highly concentrated food will} originate tuberculosis or plenro-pueu- | monia. A MoxTANA sheep breeder offers to rent ewes at fifty cents a year, the man taking them to have lbe wool aud in- crease, but bound to return the full number at the end of the specified time, As the sheep are worth perhaps $2 50 each, the capitalist makes twenly per cent, for his money and risk. This seerns large, but in ibe Territories farmers often pay higher rates than this, Two per cent. a month is a fre. quent price for the use of money there. This is twenty-four per cent, a year, and as it is ofien compounded several times in twelve months, it amounts considerably more than this, CLAUS SPRECKELS, the ‘‘ex-sugar- king” of the Sandwich Islands, who is now giving his attention to the en- couragement of beet-sugar culture in Northern California, says that the beet. sugar industry can be established in almost every State in the Union, and that it will give a et profit of from fifty to seventy-five dollars an acre to the farmers. Most every farmer is aware of the fact that asheep must be fat to make the best mutton, but few conceive the the idea that a properly and well fed sheep produces more and better wool than ome poorly fed and cared for, Wool 8 a product from feeding, just the sawe as fat or flesh, and the flock should be fed and managed with a view to wool growth, and that of fine puslity. Aoccerpixe to Professor John Wil. on, of the University of Edinburgh, than whom there I8 no higher authority, the Suropshires originated in the mix- ture of the blood of the Motfe Common sheep, the Southdowns, Lelcesters and Cotswolds. Bach of these had some special exeellence to contribute. The Morfe Commons b ad food cniity constitutions the Sowthdowns quality of flesh, the Leicesters symmetry of form, and the Cotswolds size. Tue disposition of swine is to pile up in cold euthet, and the warmer we can keep them the less liable oe I -_ to do this, and unless they oan be prevented from wolng it to a great extent disease is much more Hable to break out among them lov SE no. Ls RoAsT GOO0SE, — Draw clean, and singe the goose the same as a chicken Wipe it inside and out with a damp towel. Fill with potato or onion stuff- ing. Sew it up and truss, being careful not to fill it too full, as dressing always sweils while cooking. Place it In a baking pan, put a cup of water and a teaspoonful of salt in the pan, and place in a guick oven. Hoast twenty- five minutes to every pound, basting avery ten minutes; after the goose has been roagting one hour, cool the even, and roast the remainder of the time -at a moderate heat. Serve with giblet sauce made the same as for roast chick- en. CrneAM CAKE Pie: —Beatl the yolks of two eggs, one and a half cups of su- gar,and three ounces of butter together until light, then add one cup (a half pint) of lukewarm water, mix and add two and a half cups of flour. Beat until very smooth, then add the well beaten whites of the two eggs and two large teaspoonfuls of baking powder, Mix thoroughly and bake in an oblong pan in a moderate oven for about forty- five minutes. When cold, split into two layers and pour between and around them a soft custard, flavored with vanilla, - To Keep MILK SweEET.~ Boll the pitcher or can in which the milk is to be put for ten minutes, take it from the boiling water, and without wiping Then set the pitcher back in the boiling water. Re- move and cover the pitcher witha layer of absorbent cotton and boll for five minutes, pitcher, and the absorbent colton keeps | other germs from settling in the milk | and causing fermentation. cotton tle as possible the covering. be kept sweet for many hours, I ————————— blespoonfuls of cornstarch in water, add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, and one cup of sugar, this pour two and a half cu; water, add the beaten yolks of eggs, set on the stove and cook slowly, stirring till It thickens like custard, whites of the eggs beaten sUff, a dish and set away to get cold. nice for dessert with cake, and can be made the day before you want to use it, put LiesoN Purrs.—Powder and sift a pound and a quarter of loaf and mix it with the grated rind of fresh lemons, Then whisk the whites of three eggs to astiff froth and add gradually to it the mixture of sugar cmon, Whisk all thorough ly together until it becomes a thick paste, Then cut it into pieces of Lhe jesired shape, handling the paste as a moderate oven. | utes will sullioe: ———————— SALAD, —Take wo heads of sys buat it eile) substitute I LOBSTER lobster weil boiled, t {or any Seasonab le slices of sliced, two ers, salt per moderately, then lobster carefully some of the meat for garnishing. can Shaman’ be dish either wilh sliced egg, leaves of lettuce or slices of beet, or wi th all combined if you have the tite and taste, SrosoE CAKE, ~ one letluce cucumber Et ayenne pep- add the meat of the coflee A sugar, the yolks of three eggs beaten wil bh the sugar until light, then add a half cup of waler spoonful of essence of lemon, a heaping of sifted flous and a half of baking powder with the flour; the bes egps add jast, This iayer cake by pulling either cocoanut, chocolate or jelly between, mixed Curried LOBSTERS, it. Then throw in the lobster, cut up with a tablespoonful of curry powder. Let it simmer for one minute, stirring 80 as to prevent it burming. Squeeze a lemon on 1t, and serve on a warm dish, tablespoon of melted butter, Seak the bread crurnbs in the milk, add yolks of the two eggs well beaten, then butter, and lastly the whites well whipped, Bake about the same as you would a custard and eat with sauce. OATMEAL Mus SH ROLLS. Take cold oatmeal mush, and work lightly nto it enough Graham four to mold it into rolis, Do not overwork it, as too much kneading spoils the effect. Holl out the dough with the hands on the mold. ing board iuto a long roll, about an inch and a half in diameter, cut off pieces three inches long, and bake ou the grate of a quick oven half an hour, serve warm or cold, desig acbtii MUTTON STEAKS, FRIED. —~Make a batter of grated bread crumbs, milk and one egg. Put it into a shallow dish, Have some mutton steaks cut from the loin, with the bone cat short. Have ready in a frying pan hot butter or dripping. Dip each steak twice in the batter, then fry them brown and send to Lhe table very hot, Tne secret of frying small fish crisp and brown, without either egg or bread crumbs, 18 to fry it well, flour both sides (do not be niggardly With the In- dian meal), and plunge it into plenty of boiling fat. Be sure the fat is boiling, and plenty of it, as upon that dapen the erispness and brownness of the fish, ssh HB RS TAPIOCA IRALY. One half nt of tapioca, one quart of water, the juice and grated rind of » lemon, Soak the taptoca over night in water, sweeten and boil it for an hour in A {arena ket tle. When nearly done stir in the lemon and pour it into molds, Serve with cream sweetened, FINANCIAL (TEM. ~—*What las be come of the cashier of the National Bank?” asks Jones, who hus just re- turned after a brief absence Smith-——Gone straight to C nada, “Gone straight to Canada, has he? Well, do you know I always suspected that there was something crooked about him.” sss THE colored servant in the South 18 occasionally good at repartee, Mrs, Yerger found her servant, Delindy, reposing in the rocking c hair reading a newspaper. *‘You seem to think you are the lady of the house,’’ said Mrs, Yerger, sarcastically. “No, mum, I’s brack, but 1's no sich a fool as dat.” THEY were at the theater and she had thoughtlessly eaten at dinner some soup with the flavor of onion in it, “Oh, Mr. Howlingswell,”’ she sald adroitly, putting a morsel of perfumed lace and cambric to her face, ‘*do you notice that some one near us has had the bad taste to eat onions before com- ing in the theater tomght?’’ **Why, no, Miss Clara, I badn’t until you sooke,”’ 4 » Prepare for Spring Now is the time to prepare for spring, and your own system is of first importance, If you have not feit well during the winter, if you have been gverworked, or closely confined in badly ventl ted rooms or shops, you need a good tonic and blood puriger like Hood's Sarsaparilia. Take It early and you 'will ward off attacks of disease or escape the effects of impure blood and that tired d | feeling, $0 common in the Do not delay. Take Hood's Sarsapariila now “J wish to state the benefit I derived from i ood’s Sarsapariiia. Ihave ased it in the spring for three years for demi ty and can Say that 1 gained In Nesh ana strength after using one tie. f sick headache” bot. It bas aio cured me of Mus. F. H. Asprews, South Woodstock, Conn. “1 took Hood's Marss par dia for joss of appetite, dyspepsia, and general languor, Itdid me a vast | ant of good, and | have no hesilancy in re. i J. W, WiLL: roup, Quincy, J Hood’s Sarsaparilla Solid by all druggist $i: six for $3. Preparal on ! by OC, L HOUL & Cu, Apothecaries, I, Mask «| i { sending IL" Lowe 100 Doses One Dollar AGELT—1'd like to insure your life, lespectable old party—I1 don’t want | “Bat we offer special inducements, | Every policy is raid on death,” i “Well, all the companys do that” “Yes, but we pay up even if you are | hanged. How's that for a special in- ducement?”’ a——— The Woman's Journal of the Orig- | inal Philadelphia Woman’s Exchange | now in its 4th year, No. 19 south 13th street, 2nd fi oor front, This Exchange | is open to all, and was originated and is supported by your most humble ser- vant, Subscription to the Woman's Journal $1.00 per year. Sample copy | Respectfully, Sana D - -oe best thin: Ww clean lLinware soda: rub on briskly with a damp cloth, aller which wipe dry. - - A Rad cal Cure for Estieptie Firs. To the Editor Fiennes ¥ aur renders | that I hav ven posit tive y for the above named disease which ant tocure Lhe worst cases. No stron faith in its vir tues that 1 will send free a sample botlle and | valuable trestise to any sufferer whio wil i give i me his P O pnd Expres arid rosa, 22 HQ. ROOT, ALC. 5 Pearl Bt. New York. - edge, the Tondon pub- printed and sold 600.000 copies "nele Tom's Cabin.” RR — sommit suicide ! if you have arn, duress in he som ARMBRUSTER, The George Rou of ul dyspepsia; i wora oul lake i gred. It creaies an we digesilon, Sold bat ba ates 1 Kansas boasts of having the largest he country | - Forts Leavenworth and Riley. Frazer Axe Giresse, The Frazer is kept by all dealers axis as long as two of any other, als at North Carolina State Fair, Centenulal, and Paris Expositicn. One | A walking-stick, the crutch- handle | Rupiure cure guaranteed by | Pr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St, Vhil'a, Kase at once, no operation or de jay from business, attested by thou. sands of cures After others fall, advice free, send for circular. Rub your lamp chimneys, after wash- ing, with dry salt, and you will be sur- prised at the new bnillaney of your ———— Nothing Cares Dopey, (sravel, Bright's, Tears Diabaies, Urinary, Liver Diseases, Nervousness, dc. ke Cannas Kidoey Care. Ofce, 831 Area ML, Praia, $l a bolle, 6 Tor $5. At Draggisia Cureeiie worst cases Cadre Jaaranisel ITY iL The publie debt shows another re- duction of $14,427,595. ITS: All Fis Hotped free vy De, Kitne's Great Nerve Hestorer. No Pitsafoer Ges day's nse. Mar- Veious cures, Treatise and $2.00 trial bottie free to Fii cases. Bend to Dr Kine 281 Aren St Phila, Pa A i ——— New York claims a total property valuation of over $2,000,000,000 If afMicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaso Thompe son's Eye water. Druggists sell at 250, per bottle Burn over the tleids that are covered with stubble ad dried grass, ss The best cough malicine is Piso’'s Care for Consumption. Sold everywhere 230, ——————— AX UNLUCKY Dav.-*'l tell yon thers is something in this supersi tion about Friday being an unlucky day.” sain Joughnes, with much earnestness, “Why, 1 proposed to Miss Mamie Hig- gins on Friday.” on 1 oo sald Smythe, “And she rejected you, of course?” “(reat Copal nol she accepted me, and we've been married nearly a year.’ CONVALESCENT YouTn — I can’t Swale dis taller, mammy, deed I totter You. better eat dat candle, you trifiin’ you on a light 0 ANY ONE CAN DYE A Dress, or a Coat, | Any well Ribbons, Feathers, yo { DiAA OND ) DYES le DYES Yarns, Rags, ete. ) TENCERTS and in many other ways SAVE Maney, and rake things look like NEW, by using DIAMOND DYES. The work is easy, simple, quick; the colors the BEST and FASTEST known. Ask for DIAMOND DYES and take no other. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. ‘Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby jlo. he from life, printed on piste paper by patent photo DL sent free to Mother of born within a year. ery Bab) Dom wants these | fetures ; send at once. Give | by's name and age. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. BURLINGTON, VT. rasdicine ~ Palne's Celery Compound. It purifies the NOW ; the system of ll waste y and dead matiers “1 have been troubled for some years with & complication of difficulties. Afler Lrylag va- sel lke a new man. Digestion has improved, and I have gained ten pounds in welght Huoe i blood, cures Constipation, and regulates the liver and Paine’s rious remedies, and not Anding reitef, 1 tried Paine's Celery Compound. Before taking one have commenced taking the Compound.” Hoxpsrvs Srearws, Felchville, Vo, kidneys elfoctusily cleans. combines true nerve tonde and strengthing full bottle the long troublesome symplows he. $1.00, Bix for $5.00. At Druggista With that most reliable ing qualities, reviving the energies and spirits, an to subside, and I can truly say now, that | Wrus, Ricuanpson & Co, Burlington, Vo TEXXS MEANS YOU. This Beautiful $1285.00 Organ Positively Given Away. To the first person sending us $1 for 3 fn See's, 10 packets most aut 4d enns, Peas, Hadish, Parsani buge! Onion. Tarnip, camber, Celery, Pepper snd each. Hemember, we mi«ks you a present of th Organ as you get the worth of your money in Seed. We do this 0 gel every one reading his buy their Seedaof us. The one sending the Sra pearest guess as 0 the number of grains or Kerne in mn hull pound gf Ceffee vets the Orumn, whic 1 be sent by freight, securely packed, Ma) Te. Write today. Bend postal note, obey Oras or rewists red letter. We will not compets with firm seiiing old trashy seeds at cut rates, the best al rennanable prices Adcront Aaaly, IRVING MH, SWINK, meedsman, Hloowin Glen. BUCKS CO, ¥EXNA. Your chelee any i puck ts nud one guess, 50 cts, Bend sopnrate place Of paper, size of postal this pager emnto, Cab set, Mus Melon, Cu card . ad i in h T " A Boy’s IDEA .~—A litle hoy whose parents were always disgussing Ways | and means in his presence was con- | stantly reminded of the expense lessons of economy were sunk deep In When hie was Lhree years old domestic such a fund of delight that the small boy’s parents remarked that thes should like such a baby ip their own | | household, and they looked at him to | take the suggestion, What was their surprise when he an- swered gravely *“*You know 89 “you couldn't affora itl A STRAY LAMB A bright fellow iu a veighboring city was visit ing his grandparents, very religious and devout The family pray ers were thesome to the young visitos | and he showed his impatience every evening. Finally, at Lhe close | exercises one evening, be said to grandmother: *I wish 1 didn’t have t grand dpa every night,” Ww by said the grandmother In ise, “Don’t you have family ers at your house?’ : *Y es,” replied the young American, “father does after 1 go to bed, but he doesn’t bother us children with them,’ —— > ILLUSTRATING iT. Sis, what is weant humor?" Angelina Poplojay—1 can’t give you an exuct definition of it, Willie, but cau give you an example, “Well, give us an example.” “When pa came inlo Lhe room wher ma was trying to nail up that bracket yesterday, and said: *Well, what an you driving st now?’ irom | As Ir ArrEAReD One of our | girls, three years old, who had bee | quite interested 10 the painting of he bome, was taken on the cars for a shor trip and the train ran over a oi When the little ose saw the bleeding taken from under the wheels she cried: “Oh, mamma, look at the that poor cow!” Tissgl Pibaat peOpie. Lis to stay to hear Tr wt Willie Popin by jay } “uncouscious PW, A Bensible Man Throat It More Cases ids, Asthma, and is caring Brouc Litis, Lung Trout — : - Histor § ihe prop Coughs, C mi ail [hiroat vince you of the | werit of this great remedy, Large Bottles | + ahd $1 Mi. COoONDUDE~—Fo' de Lord sak’! what Irisu picnic yo' bin to; Cuarlie? Charlie Ulster— No Irish picnic; jist calied Abner Crossgig’s hand, las’ night, when 1 held free aces, but Abner had free frees an’ a razor, He tuck de pot, but he bad to cut dark flesh to do it, yo' heah me! A Ricn HARVEST. —Smilh—Going into the underiak'ng busivess, eh? Brown-—Y e+ “Put thee isnot room for spother | undertaker iu Luis town.” “That's what 1 thought yesterday, | but I have siuce learned thal two new toboggan slides are being built. So you see there's plenty of room for more | undertakers,” : Did yon ever answer a newspaper advert’ eo ment®* Try W. L McKay. w ose advertive ment, Mea W auted,” a, pears in tuis paper, GrooM, to bride; they are wall ng for the mimsler—Hadao't 1 better skp ont and see what is the matter, dear? The minister should have been here twenty minutes azo. Bride~No,; you stay right where you are, —— I ——— Better a diamond with a flaw than » pebble without one, Cold in Head Hers = AS MILK. vised (hat the ment Remarkable ns on , FLESH PRODUCER, Persons gain rapidly while taking it, SCOTT'S EMULSION ann 10 be of § see fort jof of GENITAL : LE rat 8 TY CONSUMPTION, HBERILITY. WA CHILDREN, BECROFUCTLA, STING DISPEASER OF and CITROGNIC COUGHS . go Powne, New The gentler . i rawer 5, Atlania Oa Fun ranr boas and Nh os O8VY eRe Sar Heed Cennier sud Sustaners t 5 % "AE. We guarantee hewn Looe i ht FORTONSTIFFIEN HOO Sehambers . Sew York. = SALESMEN Soom wap Wages $3 Ber D Aha mares ht on weapon, Perasuest pation tennial Waruiaciuring “a, ng We wish a for mon - weil] or gonads Br enmpile te the wholesale sud ree tail grads. Largest mane 3% 1h ont ot Jue. a, Ak foiba Look REDS mn ure Dae TOT 7 re 10 SE ve bon res comfort ; aflecia cures wheres oisers full 4 Price i Ples's Remedy for Catarth in the Best, Easient to Use, and Choupest, 14 by droggiets or sent hy mail 1 . Haseltine, Warren, Pa. 300 Cash isoffered to the person who shall send in the largest number of yearly subscribers to the Lad'as’ Home Journal Sete | how and July Tat, L850, sl 50 cents per voar-HALEF PRICE, Aer thal dale, foo sul iptions vereived for Tess Dhan $1.00 per your, $400--8300 Is offered respectively for next largest clube, A good cach eomamission paid for every subscriber secured, if desired, instead of fame. Hundreds of dollars can be made children. We furnish free sample copies, post- ers, &o. Address CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. woited in wvery Conuir. mer Sorvion: Baperience Great English Gout and Rheumatic 1 round 14 Pills, or Ww OME! METTLE Fo Ser HOME . a tan XT ADWAY' PILLS The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy For the cure of all disorders of the STOM. ACH, LIVER, BOWELS, KIDNEYS, BLADDER NERVOUS DISEASES LOSS UF APPETITE, MEADACHE, CONSTI FATIUXK, CORTIV %» INDIGESTION, BILIOUSN ESS, INVFLAMMA- THON of the BOWELS, VILES and all de- rapgements of the Inter ul Vise rra. Pore. iy Vegetable, contal: ing no mercary, mite erals, or deleterious drags PERFEOT DIGE 3 105 will be accom. plished Ly taking IT WL is FILIS, By ro doing 4 ~~ yop sia, SICK HEADACHY, | TL STOMACH BILIOUSNESS, will b volaed, and th= food thet 18 eaten cont: | » its nourishing properties for the suppy: of the natural waste of the body, SOLD UY ALL DEUG- GISTS, Price 25¢c, per box, or will be sent by meil, on receipt of price, 5 boxes for One poliar, BRADWAY & CO., 32 Warren Si, New York. LEND YOUREAR TO WIIAY WE HAVE TO SAY. MORI ITZS BEST LOW-PRICED i vy PUBLISHED, AT THE REMARK ARILY LOW PRICE OF Only $1.00, Postpaid, 650 Pages, Or only $1.50, Postpaid, 1224 Pages. 600 Vine nan words a (ser. io Germans who an with English rem not meri Ir Dow sid of Ls be nasten 1@ id nese An d at an) Book ste offic of this ps , MOR ITZ & CO. Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. CONSUMPTION tus oe 8 positive permed y | Sunnds of St of Lk Hand honda Le Bo str i= send two hotties we on Chile disease © Oo sddress, T. A BLINK ey a valu RY free, 0 wr at any suf i" TE EC. "0 Pour ow oul elena ce AIAN MM Dry Arnsterdsin, N. ¥. We ba wid Big G fon many years, and fuss thie best of salle DYCHEACD, Chic MES, ii Rot ¥ R100. Bold by Dn PRACTICAL HINTS |. To Builders ; Mra only by Ge zs Chamionl Cs. ent wn A LITTLE BOOK of & 3 man wilde before ian primi Fhort chap i, foundation, nitilstion, the AY tex bi 4 1513 tof 10cents wwtal stamps Address NATIONAL SHEET METAL ROOFING CO. 518 East Twentieth S., New York City NAN ONEAGENT FOR 111 OUNTY, ake ot « Plana AV ue LIFE-SIZE CRAYU.. PICTURES. The volures are really % itu, ldkeness gunrant eed. Agents can eam y get ofders au hake a args comnmission, Ad frogs, international favlishing XI: 828 MARKET FITS, Se ae NERVE ST RER for off Pity 3 Neues ios 2 urn for Nerve Are Fin yd Irataandn if taken we directed » after frat day's we. Treatise and B21 Sa’ hottie free & at pues, They paying express cher ges on buy wien (Sond a nn 0 iy] ts widens = - EWA WARE FOF IMITATING re FRAZER foe OF Pox fis tug Cds ST Die Ay Far Post in dha ¥rona. World, oy ade only tor Co. at Chiseago, & BL » AFTER IL OTHERS fil ¥ bay the Prager Lubrion. als. Sold ¢ oer here. BANE Hs retin oo revdares those wen nae AY 11 or write, Advice free and 10 A. MUNI PM. wad mamas for Boow TVS 10 ALLY