‘OLD SERIES, XL. NEW SERIES XXI. THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED KU RTZ, -= EDITOR DON'T SCOLD Rh euralgia. pain is simply awful. No torture in the | ancient times was more painful than | these twin diseases. But-oughtn't | a maa to be blamed if, having Rheu- | matism or Neuralgia, he wont use | Atk-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured | thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds | after physicians have pronounced | them incurable, “The skill of five physicians could i cure me of hitman had tind i that sleep was simost impos first dose of A ve | : 1 to sleep for four and a Balf hours w waking. 1 tinued its well » Rr BH TROT ER. Now Albany, Ind. Sa8end 6 cents for the beautiful colored ple- ture, * Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS €0.112 Wall SL. A.V. WHY DO YOU PAY RENT? When the money giventhe landlord will purchase a better house than the one in which youn live. Should you die before the payments are complete, your heirs receive a deed at once. Why not secure a home or business property on this plan enjoy all your earnings, and be confident that your family will not be turned into thestrest should you die. For farther particulars apply or address Tue Home Company of N. Y., 33 and 35 Liberty St, New York, or A. C Moore, General Agent, office over post office, Bellefonte, m34t M. GOHEEN, AUCTIONEER, Boalsburg, Pa Is prepared to cry sales. He has been successful in the past and offers his ser- vices to the public, tf. pure N BUFFET SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANGE, 8t. Louis to Los Angeles and San Fran- CIRCO, VIA THE IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE Leave St. Lou's at 8:30 p. m., Daily. THE ONLY LINE THAT DOES IT. NO HIGH ALTITUDES, NOSNOW BLOCKADES Jas N. LEITZEL g--—AUCTIONEER—90 Spring Mills, Pa. Has Terms teed. years experience. satisfaction guaran- had many reasonable; J D. MUR RAY, Centre Hall, Pa, Dealer in DRUGS, popular Patent Medicines Whiskey, Brandy, Wine, sud Holland Gin kept and sold for medicinal purposes only. tore open every day inthe week. may IN 0? ICE TO STOCKHOLDERS THE AN- nual meeting of the stockholders of Lhe Lewisburg and Tyrone Railroad Compaty will be held at the office of the company, No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa, on Monday, May 7, 1858 at 1114 o'clock, a. m, Election for pres dent and directors same day and place. JAMES R. McCLURE, 12aprdt Hooretary. CAUTION THE FOLLOWING PEOPERTY baving been purchased of Jacob Cath. erman, > the undersigned, at constatie’s sale, and will be left in his possession at my pleasure, namely, 1 team of horses and harness, 1 cow. All persons are hereby eautioned against meddliog with the same In any manver, DALE & CO, aprh Contre Hall NT. ELMO HOTEL, , Ne 817 & 319 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Reduced rates to $2.00 per day. The traveling public will still End at this Ho tal the same liberal! provision for their comfort, [tis located in the immediate cantres of business and pisces of amuses ment and different railroad depots, as well as all parts of the city, are sasily accessible by Street CUars constant pasung the doors It offers special inducement to those visitingthecity for business or pleasures Your gO Lospaatiul® solicited JOS FPEGER (Propristor NEW MILLINER SHOP. The undersigned Las opeced a millins er shop in Jacob Lee's house near the de- pot at Centre Hall. The patronage of the public ia solic ted. All are invited. p. 19th Sapie E, Grove. GRAIN. REPORTED WEEKLY BY KURTZ & 8ON, Prices subject to fuctuations of market. Wheat, red ......§ 5 Odlhnnmmmn Wheat, white ....... RYO cacossesss Corn, shelled - bh Ricans Barley No. 2, mixed with oats, bought at oats weight and price. eat mixed with Rye bought at rye weigh and price. FLOUR AND FEED. w Pat. Flour. 1 45 Bran per ton pry 1A Flour. 8 1 8 Bran recall, owt, 24 Best Rolo'r Flour 1 25 Chop pet Sch . Middlings per ton. 20 00“ 1 per owt COAL MARKET, et tet td mile a tet J88 ¥3Ss8 tt tt art] EE Chestnut arta hid ed a FH] papper aEe ct butt lho ih hh bd W EERE EE ER HERR REE PRET SE osssbtes 7% £9 A discount on all above prices will be made forSPOT Cash, KURTZ & BON Fray When Baby was sick, we gave bor Onstoria, When she was a Child, ahe cried for Castoria, ‘When she became Miss, she dung to Castoris, BILL NYE AND BURGLARS. 38 Pauses to Make a Few Romarks to the Fraternity -An Industry Which He Thinks Has Heen Sufliciently Fostered— No Longer Heeugnizing the tise. to the New York World, Bill Nye writes as When I reached this point yestor- follows: tie: er. minals who may have to suffer the death penalty. Such efforts denote @ refined snd cultivated society, one that would in no way the elevated stations, As one good turn deserves another, yo as by some chunce one of these nice, good-inten tioned people may, under an unlucky star, come in contact with one of my profession engaged fn his regular business, you would most cer tainly fill a long-felt want if you would invent some quick and painless method for a eriminal to murder his victim. furders are too often lingering and painful. Why should there nol be » reform in that way?! Should you kindly lend your genius to help our profession in that way you would gain the lasting gratitude of the publicas well as of many BURGLARS, New York, February 24, 1888, In replying bris}y to the above, I will state that no burglar ever came to my house for a favor and went away disap pointed, provided I was able to contribute to his wants and provided he went at it in the right way. I have never jumped on a burglar behind his back or taken advantage of my great strength to do him up When a burglar is in my house he is my guest. If he be willing to take things as he finds them he will have no trouble with me, But I believe that, as a class, burglars are already favored more than other people. I hesitate to do any thing to advance their in- terests until other industries have been fostered more. turglars presume too much, I think. Be cause they have free entree and carte blanche to the drawing-rooms of our best people, they want the earth and make them. salves disagreeable. 1 donot wish tohurt the feelings of my correspondent, especially if be takes the paper regularly, but for one 1 an going to quit protecting and fostering the infant industry of American burgiary as against the pauper burglar of Europe. I say let us get our burgling done by the best and cheapest methods. Let our burglary take its chances in competition with that of effete monarchies, just as every thing else will have to do some day. In the mean time I do not propose to do may thing in a newspaper way that will look like so attempt to retain the burglar vole. Let the WMrglar rustle for his wages the way I doand the way other working-men do. I know that burglars claim they are poorly paid because their work keeps U wp nights so much, but newspaper men have to work nights also, aod unless they WELCOMING THE BURGLAR ean rob a prosperous burglar once in swhile they have a hard row to hoe And what have the burglars ever done for me that I should now be called upon to advance their interests? When they had no other place to go, have they not always feit free to come to my house! And how have they rewarded my hospitality?! When they went through my house last year and found a condition of things which would have moved the ston- jos heart, what did they do! They stole a valuable autograph album which had been sent me to write in and I had it to pay for They took a valuable umbrella which I had borrowed a few years sgo, and which Lin- tended to return to the owner after awhile. They ate some cold rice and sorghum which had been set aside for the use of other guests, and then they left the gate open so that cows got in and ate up my lima beans, Now I am asked to use my influence in the direction of better sand-bag facilities for burglars and a more reliable style of rapid transit between the taxpdyer and the Kew Jerusalem. In years past I will admit that I was run- ning for office a good deal, and 1 had to do things that would retain tae burglar vote, but now I am firm in my conviction and out- spoken for what I believe to be right. A wan engaged in trying to be his own suo- eessor in the portfolio of justice of the peace is not & free moral agent. It is more or less so in other offices, but it is especially so with a justice of the peace. 1 now propose, with the help of the Amer jean people and an earnest, manly effort on my part, to shake off the burglar and come out and take higher ground. I will go fur- ther and laclude the patrons of arsony and other Soclalistic organizations. Henceforth my voice will be heard in more or less ston- torian tones in the interests of humanity. Prosperous burglary which gets a second trial will be regarded the same as loss fort- unate petty larceny, which gets ninety days. Burglars who may have voted for me in the old days are hereby notified that the autograph album and lima beans offset that account, and that it is my carnest wish, 80 far as it is in my power, during the re maining years which may be granted me, to live down and forget the dark and devious days when I was in politics. 1 believe that onsior and more painless methods for the administration of capital punishment will soon be perfected, whereby a man who is executed by the law will not be entitled to sny more glory or flowers than one who dies of pueumonia. To that ond I am to work, When that is accomplished I de vote my halting powers to the further amelioration of our race. But tgs burglar has no further political claims on me. Men who visit Now York from a distance forced desiring to purchase at sale or to obtain gold of those who ¥ y * will anvays be HMEeNOramwa So Wu us wy good right arm shall not forget her cunning. Visitors who visit the metropolis for the purpose of * going on & bat," claiming that eastward the star of Vampire takes its way, will have to get their amelioration out side this ofiice 1 am willing to do what 1 can for the pro motion of science and the painliss pg Hing of burglars, but that is as fa as { would go. Moreover, 1 hope that our correspondence vill wt continueany longer. Durglars who pleased and entertained me when | was in politics have long since The truth of the matter is that while all other profession “ve mace rupid progress, pol ceased to do so tics and burglary are just whore they were @ hundred yoars Sgo. Ono reason why burglary has not made more rapid strides I begeve because burglars do not advertise. They rely solely upon heir ing ight and keen penetration, The result is that burglars and burglary have fallen off. 1 do not believe iu trying to help a professich 80 abundantly ebie to belp itsols Bua Nis. to Le NEW YORK'S TAX LEVY. tis 260 as Coraopured with 2 70 in the Year 1887 and Lower Thun for Years. ArLuany, May 18.--The annual tax levy, passed in the Assem yesterday compared with inst mill tax on eachd , Bod as is as follows, Har of uation : _ . 1588, Canals, m enANCH ‘ 0 “4 Canals, sin wr fun ‘ 2 = Canals, other wo . “ 19 Schools 1.10 100 General fund ‘ } 25 2.60 levy was I years Total Mr. Ainsw lower than 11 had Deer rih Ann O'Delia Bolot © 8) now coafined i mbs prison, New York, on ti f conapiracy 10 de- fraud Lawyer Marsh, will be tried May 23. Officer Martin Nolan, of Chicag was ahotl in savers and fatally wounded hursday mor g two members of the notorious Mollie Mott gang of house break- ers. Dr. Wesley Humphrey aged 67 pook medium, died at Kansas He was a native of the Btate of , and served un. der Grant and Sherman in the Mississippi campaign Phillip Favetli chester, Conn, Gr fo burner of ty Friday low char- ntenced The Mullen Tanne! Useless for Two Months t, May 14. From the pres. us it will be fully two months fic can uso the FOREIGN NEWS. Exelting Scones at Trish Evictions. Mav! Exciting siry # tL ( os £ ho rles at BrnLCE, 8 ihuries, gies took yester. ¥ nis whom hey to evi 1 slice ing-ram in efle nee to some of the bouses. They met with a stout resist ance. the tenants throwing boiling water at them and assaulting them with sticks and stones Some of the inlenae were effected. will be abandoned asad a Datler aro Macing tn Eagliand 1oxpox May | fifth the Chester { ida arsed ur Fear $8 ADAG W sixty and a quarter, wa it ray. It had twelve silarters a “ won OF weight, Mr. J. OG Kinsky, with U four-year-old FF