THE CENTRE REPORTER, FRED. KURTZ. Epiror and Pror'r ArnriLh, 1888 Cusirnn Hau L, Pa Tugs, AN ENGLISH TRAY ELER IN CA, AMER- HIS PRAISE OF THE PENNBYLVANIA'S NEW YORK AND CHICAGO LIMITED, [From N. Y. Times, March 13th, 1588.) The following extract from an English gentleman’s letter to a friend in London Es him to be a keen observer, and demonstrates his appreciation of Amer: ican railway methods as he found their best exemp fication on the Penveylvanin Railroad. “Having determined to go to the West, 1 cast about for the best means of reach- ing that great land, There are no Brad. shaws in America, but every railway company issues in the most profuse gnan- tities time-tables and guide- books to their lines, and the booking agents, who reem 0 be ubiquitous as well as omnipresent, are exceediogly accomodating in faruidh- ing every detail of information a tourist would need. 1 bethought me of a con versation 1 bad had on board the steam- er with a clever young American, in which he had spoken very warmly the praises of the Pennsylvania Route, and especially of their very excellent trains between New York and Chicago. 1 fol- lowed up this cine, and found that the piece de resistance of their service was the New York and Chiesgo Limited, a train in whose description the agent grew elo quent. The resuit was that I booked for it, and am free to confess that I never did a wiser thing. In order to thoroughly ap. preciate the usefulness of this train you must know that it supplies everything one needs to foster enjoyment and make the time pass pleasantly. Its carriages are so wonderfully constructed that they provide food, lodging and entertainment My train was to leaye New York at 9 o'clock in the morning, so. I arose at 8, dresced, and proceeded to the station, At a few minutes past 9 the wheels began to revolve, and we were off through the low lands of New Jersey. The fresh morning air had given an edge to my ap- petite, aud in the wake of the attendent, whom the Americans, with their uice sense of the fitness of things, call a “por. ter,’ becanse he carries your baggage upon the slightest encouragement, [ entered the “dining car” aud was served sith breakfast. The desigostion “dicing car,” 18 a misnomer. | wouold soggest thut Pennsylvania Railroad people change it ‘refectory.” Tue wmain saloon of the carriage is firted with tables, ranged on either side with an aisle in the middle. These ta" es seat four persons. aud are covered with the snowies of linen, the brighiest piate, and dainty to! i fie Amer- selections chiva menu covered the entire rane ican breakfast dishes, and my wer« promptly served, beaat:full ed, aud, I can assure you, heariily reish- ed. The nave ty of *bie situation leat an added zest t . the meal, avd when I Led concluded my repast and tipped servitor, he volunteered the informa that we were passing throogn Trenton, fiftysseven miles from New York. Fifty. seven miles between the frai: and Songer bowl was not by any ng 8 bad start, I reflected. “After breakfast | wandered ino smoking room, and here another surprise awsited me. lostead of smoking ’ I found a most pleasantly fitted lounging Apart neut Com’ortabie arm chairs, in vit divans, and and Peroni Als ww Of sable VO mes the fg VMIRE, newsp re ready at hand, 1 lighted mv pipe and seated myself by one of the wide windows to read in theinter vals between my peepsont opthe ravid'y passing scecery. It was without doubt the pleasantes: morning 1 ever spent on the meta 8. Beside the readers of newspapers and books, which the ry affordet pity people wer ing «t the de a party were play nra- some | ie ar aks, « PRING OPENING sire fp omen &A.LO SES BELLEFONTE. Pa, WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES. Painting and Paper Hanging, A SPECIALTY AT S. H. Williams, 46 High Street, Bellefonte, Penna. We hav e the Largest Stock Wall Paper ever brought Bellefonte, at prices lower before. of BROWN BACKS Je, WHITE BACKS 12¢, PATENT BACKS 10¢, WHITE BACKS 12¢, { Summer The Seasons will soon be here Spring and sind we are glad that we can announce to our many friends that we have alar ger and finer stock than ever. New Stock in ev ery Department. o-B———F-0 CARPET If you want to buya new Carpet this Spring, come and see our immense line sen] selling which we g at We dre lowest prices have all grades. OBO 0108 Oi 0t n'E reputation in Centre 4513 & Lou cards, and others papping- Th of an eles Dell briugs the porter to vour chair, and he you from his baffet anvthiog desire to drink, I Bags and had it served in a moment, passiog ont of the smoking room | obser ved an apartment which nad previ escaped my observation, and apoa ent ing found a barber shaving with t ntmo=t ease, ho gn the was rushing on at a rate of at least milesan hour. In avother part of the rom with water from a reservoir made a mental note o determined 10 enjoy the new ex that suggested, iog room, wheremy berth was located, | found the ¢ aH sge well filled wih peaple- gentlemen, ladies and children. They wera ail com forrably disposed, the | reading or enatting, and rompiag around ig gleaful I'he Sealy, posed of “yvesttbale cars” Tris in a | arracgement. The entrance to American raiiway carrigges is made from the end«, and the platform, extends ont beyond the body of the car, itVerbi wii et or e ira perience bappiie « inost the “vestibnle” almost without knowing it. The aggregation of curs making np the train is, to all practical purposes, one long carrisge, dividad into compari ments, It is a most excellent device, aud not on ly adds greatly to the comfore of travel, but imp «rts a steady motion, and, I 4m told, adds greater strength in case of ac- cident. “Lunch and dinoer were as satisfactory as the breakfast, and I retired for the night. 1 slept the slaty of a happy and contented man. Arising early the next morning, | enjoyed a most refresh. ing bath, was shaved by the knight of the razor, and reached my hotel in Chicago a short while after nine o'clock, as fresh a8 if I had passed the night in my own rooms. “The Americans are great travelers, and this is the way they travel.” - -—— Now is the time to buy a chip pistol or revolver as we are selling off one stock to make room for new A 22 cals i wo revolver for $1 25 and ap, 32 calibre us low as $2 25 Busnman & Kreamen, EGAL NOTICE TAKE NOTICE, EL RLY afd township, Lr CIA pe of Er Fie yi Pe SHOATS WANTED, gr ot the Centra HAM Roller Mile | County for selling only the :. i : best grade of clothing is an established fact. We never handle immitations or shoddy and our custom- ers know what they buy. all the late styles in Clothing. Have new stock and H-N-N the attention of the Ladies to our Dry Goods Depart- ment, Our Stock com- prises the new styles and cloths for Spring and Summer latest novelties in wear. K5 | eX | >A LOEB} Hee BELLEFONTE, | i i SATINS and MICAS 1%, GOLD from 1 Emoossed Golds and §locks from 45 cents to $1.75 per plece COLOR BORDERS band 1 4 band 2 cents, 3 band 35 cent 1 band 75 cents, GOLD EMI gn B BOR! cents nd 4 $100 wo §: ¥) to 400, 1d 156 cents, od 45 cents, DEI cel Shand 8, 2 band 7 cents, » Cents, i band FRICES FOR BN PER ON THE WALI We have jgood Painters and Paper Hangers constantly in our em. ploy. Are prepared to execute work on short notice and in a workman-lhike manner examine our stock Tele- phone Connection, rT HE PENKSYLVANIA BTATE COLLEGE LOCATED IN ONE OF THE MOST FUL AND HEALTHFUL SPOTS IN ALLEGHEXY REGION; UNDENOMI TIONAL OPEN TO BOTH TUITION FREER BOARD OTHER EXPENSES LOW, BEA! THF NA BEXES AND TH i LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF AGH A CLTUR CULTURAL ‘us sruti MER On tory BOTANY and HORTICULY cal and practical. © oe study with the wm CHEMISTRY wi thie rough OO AVIL ENGINE] pr : e Ww fs 11 OR Y nal invest MATHEMAT and applied MECHANIC ith sts y ne KT A ex} MECH ANI Cal 85 4 praciics MENTAL, ; ENCE ? Polit MIL: wn, 8 ross +748) W. ATHERTON Hale Uo & Co od, Pei , Portia SALESMEN WANTED Block t co. Sh vals Jor 4 tae of Narsery Steady em Bt pusranteed, od SALARY AND EXPENSES PA iD. Apply st once, s1aling age. Chase Brothers C UROCHESTE Ompany, ROCHESTER, N. N.Y. Minnesota Leads the World with ber stock dalry and gesin produ 2,000,000 acres fine timber, farming and gracing iands, adjacent to railroad, for sale chap o on terms. For maps, prices, rates, ele, , J . Bookwalter, Land Commissioner, or CG H, Warren, General Pak in * gt. fos Pol fen Hu. GRAIN, REPORTED WEEKLY BY KURTZ & SON. Prices Subjjety to phitustions of market, Wheat, red . J ¥ Corn, sholled. .. Barley No. 2, mixed with oats, bought at oats weight and mixed with Rye bought at rye weigh and price. FLOUR AND FEED. Pat. Flour. 145 Bran perton...... ler Fl 2185 Bran, retall, cw, 20 Hew Rol Cr our 1 25 Chop er ton... ... Middlings per ton. 20 ® ail percrvt COAL MARK FT. SPEER REN ER EL ais e Chestnut oo Woodland. Sov... PraseRb asin - BEER RS a tar HEE Ee EY Gr A discount on all above prices will be made for8POT Cash, KURTZ & BON a ———— — EW GARMAN HOUSE, opposite the Court Hovise, _ BELLEFON TE, PA. ashen ana Is open A ie ro fo he McCoRMICK BBOS, E N E N T T — DEA LER > Bedsteads, A —— 3 | IN Wood section, Goods, to this i M CORMICK BE ok JA Pi 1 1 Ls, Ls, Table dS, and Cane-Seat Chairs, = ~~ Pe - cially. alt SAE ig mero ix “Castoris is so wal rend {Lag superior wa kaya to mn ie." H. A. Ancy Cast ort % ony sr He is § ‘ Without injurious medi po EE EE — Ne IS THE TIME Ed \ Fo? wa in t i BI n« ARAny oom petit One i's quested w hich is Great Central Gan Worl ing for 1 ‘| (tENTRE HALL HOTEL. ). hd BOARDERS AND 1 CUETOM i MM Good Table mountain water, nattiral scenery in and churches conven reasonable, LEWISBURG, First-class house in every (Good sample rooms on 1st Buss to and from all trains. THOMASTHARPER Hey INTL FOR BU FOE fh surrounded TY the stats AMERON HOUSE, Cor, spl "RVIN HOUSE, LOUK #x XN, WH, WOODS CALDWELL, an first floor, USH HOUSE, fonte, Pa country trade, (UaINGs HOUSE, The traveling community charges very moderate. june tf Jas H. LOHR. CENTRE HALL, PA, AGENT counties of Centre and Hontingdon, odd) Fellows and their wives, Caan and fot wo) fieat class oy. v RANSIENT pure by finest Schools TINE very 16aug tf PA. onpot 1 “ree Belle junel By will find FOR fire insur agent i K BIBLE. Offiee in Conrad building, Brockerhoff House, ree BONE fre Timm m= i AN iia, wr Wi = Ra Lea M8 Bnd Im £2vn oubie, t adi res ” in person wt ero LO AnREWeET BOY reserve th sn Bend for mew © pe of Northwest. INVENTION = nn wre TIE S———y re A a Sas nab AW Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pages, with Bieel Engraviag, HAILED VEER, Address, I, 6, Beg 1816, O00 KY CURES Inflammant sone rin Fever Worm : {'rying Coli, ning inrrhen, s ¥ Dysentery, Rote re Mo, { oughs, Cold, Hr Neuralgia, Tooth Headaches, Sick OMEOPATHI! Bilions Stomach seed or Painful Periods too Pi ro fuse Papic Cough , OR a> [heum, E 3 “ts Hheamatiem, Bh i Fever and Agus, Uhills, Piles, Bind or Hieoding . Catarrh, Influensa, A in the Head .5 Wheoping Cough, Viclent Coughs 50 treneral Debility, Physical Weakness 00 Kidney Discase 30 Nervons Rebitity tf rinary Weakness, Wetting Bed Hernsrs or the Heart, Palpitation 1 00 PECIFICS. Boid bs LT TE ™ roosipt of price. PHAR BADICISE Xe Is . 8 WAI AASISAIASENS Hoppa HE $55. PA z + DENA DRE» TE Tos SOTHRRBR 10, 109 Fultes 8, Pons VALLEY INSTITUTE, weenlCENTRE HALL, PA we J his sehool will commence its spring session of ten weeks, on Monday, April #h, 1888. To all who contemplate attending shoal, we extend a hearty welcome 10 enter our sol The course of instruction will be adapted to the wan of the students TERMS Tuition per session, $ farther information addres A. L.LTILE, od 0 to $8.00, For Principal, Centre Hall, Pa SEA WONDERS exist in sands of forms, VE SE marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living st home should af once send their address to Hallett & Oo, Portland, Maine, and re ceive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, oan earn from £5 to 82 per day and upwards wherever they dive, You are started free. Oapie tal not required. Some have made over $0 ina single day at this work. All succeed, iy WANTED bog the Juost vopalar book at the present before the American ie, The HON, HENRY Ww, BLAS 1. 8 Renator from N H) “TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT” or “THE CON: rer B thou bul are surpass FREN MAN AND ALOCOROL” he deep Interest today in the sane of tom. perano, er with the enrmestness and popularity of the writer in his efforts on behalf of education and reform, will make this one of the mont pt selling books known since the tirant book, pecially” during the presidential cam. o work is complete in 1 Vol. of 60 and contains 86 Photogravure ill : — SSOFF HOT 8 ALLEGHKEY 87, 9 BE SLLEVONTS ki 10 org wil trainee, 400 ef Friars Miu ret G. B BRANDON, Prop. SHOEMAKER, —( HALI Hnoemaser nd CENTRE 1 have Ope ned Deinipger’s buildi nil THE FARM Of HOTE] STORE FIL Is foe ’ TRY TOWN ICSE and COAL R: VALUABLE offered for sale for Brick Reside leasaniest ry ihe ala) Ohh Ee 7 Linden Nall $5 Omk Hall 52 Lemont 9 Dale Susamit #8 Picasant Gap 9 4Axemann i 9 20 Bellefonte 6 Additional trains leave Lowhbung for 1 don at 5. 20am, 9588 m, and 7.10 pm, ret leave Mon tandon for Lewisburg at 8.20 Bib mand Spm H J. BR. WOOD, AE E PU du, (General Manager, Gen’! Vwwiper At LOW TOURIST RATES. Yor 847.50 a fretalnes round trip ticket, fo wel for 0 Save, with stopg ver priv PIER, can FREDE DEW) wo BERBER ERT TOGO REY Fe ¥N i ANIT ue be obtained , 81, Paul to Great Falls, Mon tana, the coming mm fn nating contre of the northwest Only 8566.00 Saint Paul to Helena and return AN polar ductions from pointe east and south Rater To3 iy an low wi be named to points In Misnesota and Da kota, or npon Paget Bound and the Pacific Coast. For farther particulars address B I. Warren, General Eastern Agent, 2387 Broadway, New York ty, or CH. Wannes, Geseral Pas wenger Agent, 84. Paul. Minn. or LVIN F. BOLT, oI Merchant Tailor{ee—o Centre Hall, Pa I hereby announce to the pablie that have opened a Merchant Tailoring e tablishmwent in Oe JIBHIRK'S BUILDING( 0 at Centre Hall, sod am prepared to tend 10 ull work pertaining to my lice business, Having taken a Sump} course in entting, 1 feel confident my work will give satisfaction. A a fis toed 10 every case, Give m the | 81! and examine my work tf. Alo, Agent for lis Cleansing estublishments. ve foe ie of and pou Sow lune of Spning