FARM NOTES; KEEPING Roses IN BLOOM.—AsS soon as they have formed their first flowers in the open ground, pinch off the end of the first shoot, and as soon us the rose is fully opened, pick it off, No rose sheuld be left to fade upon the bush, as when so left it exhausts the plant in the formation of seed, As the plants grow, pinch back the ends of the sheots when they bave grown six in- ches, and rub out all puny shoots, thus Keeping the plants Ina round open bush form. If strong shoots alone are left to grow, they will soon control the strength of the plant, and the flowers will be few and often of imperfect form. Should the season be hot and dry, a mulch of fine, fresh grass or sawdust, er moss rom the Roots, should be placed over the soil, three inches deep, and at night watered thoroughly, not sprinkled, but wet like a day's rain. The Hybid Perpetuals or Noisettes re- Quire this pruning or pinching back, more promptly than the Teas, Dengals or Bourbons, clover produces seed the while red clover produces This is ALSIKE first crop, seed for the second crop only. tilization of the later is dependent upon the bumble bee to a large extent, clover, that about a year since bumble been known to exist. ——— tools, This can easily be dope as fol. lows: First clean the place wished to be marked and then cover it with a thin layer of beeswax, raising the edge so as to form a basin, Mark the name in the wax with a sharp instrument cut- ting it through to the steel. When with undiluted nitric acid fortis and let it stand awhile. The longer it shall stand the deeper it will cut. Then wash with water, AN old farmer says that dandelions in pasture form valuable food for and especially for dalry cows. Some yearsago he had two fields one with few and the other witha great many dandelions. It was found when the cows were put on the field with many of these plants their yield of milk was improved both in quality and quantity. Since then he has planted dandelions in fields laid down in grass in order to improve the pasture, and the effect has teen beneficial, SPREAD plenty of manure over the asparagus bed in February and allow the melting snow fo carry down the soluble matter to the roots. Aspara- gus shoots come up early, and are on the table before the seeds of some vegetables are in the ground. Soap- suds are excellent dor Asparagus beds, sp RING DE BLL ITY. The Best Spring Medicine Ever Discov- ered, Every one needs a 8 - ng tgnic—a organs, The Spring is the time others for the sick to get well for the comparatively well © health by the use of a judi Spring medicine, With the advent of Sprin g comes mala- ria, nervousness and debnlity, A and tired feeling, if neglected, always re. abgve all keep in good ously selected Cure these diseasea, or guard against them by the use of Dr. Greene's Nervura Nerve Tonle, which is the greatest and best of ail Spring medicines. This wonderful remedy is recommended by physicians, and the people medicine. If you are nervous, irritable, depressed and cannot sleep nights, use this remedy by all means, and your nerves wiil become strong and steady, and, your sleep calm, natural and refreshing. If you wake tired mornings, with dull head, bad taste in the mouth, no appetite for breakfast, afid markable remedy will clear your head, give you an strength, vigor and energies. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, consti. pation, kidney complaint, palin and weak. ness in the back, this remedy will give you sure relief and cure. Itisa perfect specific for neevous debility, nearalgia, nervous or sick beadache, heart disease, palpitation, nervoes diseases, gret it. It Is parely vegetable, and fra wonderful effects afford a safe, sure and positive gure. Do not be persuaded to take anything else, for this remedy has no equal. Kt is the greatest medical discovery of the age. All druggists keep it. Price $1 per bottle, If your druggist does not have it, he will get it for you. Its discov. erer, Pr. Greene, 35 West 14th street, New York, the great apectalist in curing nerv- ous and chronie diseases, can bo consulted free, personally or by letter, —— eS A worLb oF MsErY.—Tramp (to fussy old gentleman). **Will you please give me ten cents, sir; I'm starving?” Fussy old gentleman (producing =a bill). “Dear me, starving. Can you change a dollar?" Tramp. * Yes, sir.” Fussy old gentleman (pocketing the change). “Dear, dear, starving! Bless me, but this world 1s fall of misery!” The Handsomest Lady Ts Town Remarked to a friend the other day that She uioy Bewip's Balsam for the Throat ad an was 8 superior remedy, as it er cough ipstantly when other od iad no offect whatever, So to prove this and convines pou of its merit, any druggist will give yo a Bample Rottie Frea Large bottles 50 cents and $1, AN MPRBOBADLE YARN.~Judge (to prisoner)~* ‘You say that you were driven byhunger to commit thiserime,” Prisoner—**Just so, Your Honor.” hungry man isa't likely to aeATa Whole esis, I that, but I didn’t have my ife with me or I'd haye only cut off a few pounds, be Sl RRR If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr, lsano Thompe son'sEye-waler. Druggists sell at 250, per bottie C—O I IO 55 AAI Tue KEY 70 TNE QUESTION.— is one of the greatest manufacturers of harmony in the world. Perhaps this Is the reason for his selec tion as a member of a committee w has been somewhat discordant of ADWAY’ PIL.T.5! The Creat Liver and STOMACH REMEDY. For thecurea of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, adder, Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Costivenesa, Iadi- gestion, Biliousness, Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of tha miter. nal viscera. Purely vegetable, mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs, Price, 28 cents per box. Sold by all dragg ists, DYSPEPSIA! DR RADWAY'S PILLS aoure for this * compluint, They re. Store strength to the stomach and enshie it to per. form its functions, The symploms of Dyspepsia disappear, and with them the Habllity of the AYH. tem to contract disenses, Take the medicine ac cording to directions, and observe what we say in “False and Tn ee" E#F Send a letter stamp to DR. Co, No, 12 Warren Street, "pe alse and True.” *e" Be sure togot RADWAYS, BEADWAY & New ————————————————————— DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, rifles Hold by Bullds up the broken down const'tution, the blood, restoring health and vigor. druggi Si 3! a bottle. RADWAYS READY RELIEF. or the relief and core of a and I Inflammations, DR-BADWAY & CO..28 Warren 8t. N.Y y E.N. GEL. PATENT TS STON 2 Chey. Waahe ington. D |b nd k of Instructions ALMw Business College, Phila, Ma. Bitua D tons £ us furnish . Life Seholarsulp, $40. Write. A HINT TO HUSBANDS, —Yerger— **What are you going to do with that mouse in that trap?” moush most schares life outover. LY WAY. Shee?” mitstliii——— A poy living on Pearl street, while Addressing his grandfather, he cried : * Grandfather, what great event occurred In 1709 ¥» “Why, swered Lhe old man. him wilh no more questions in history. ——— reading, good ¢ must fonish him, - 8500 Hewara, If you suffer from dul obstruction of the nasal passages, charges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, acrid, at others, thick, purulent, bloody and putrid; ir the are weak, watery, and inflamed; and thers is ringiog in the cars, co g to gle I, heavy headache, teuacions, Bueous, ar the Wal, expector matter, together with having a nasal twang; sation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough, and general debility, then you are suflering fromx chrovic nasal es tarrh. Only a few of the above named iptotns are ilkely to be prsyent ia soy Olle CAs oe time, or in ond stage of the AN, , X X is of cases anna iy, 1 ithoat anifesting baif of the above iptoms, resplt in consumpilon, and end the grave. No diseasa I» £0 tomm re Ceceptive and dangerous, less wl or more unsuccessful 'y bysicians, I'he manufacturers of age's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, S00 rew ard for a case of catarth which oy cannot care, The Remedy is sold by dri rugg sts at only so ——— TT Top ventilation often animals to have colds when the wind forces draughts of air in and it passes over thelr bodies, ated 50 conta, —————— “Golden at moraiog, silver at noon, and lead at uight,"” ls the old sayi ing oranges, ud can be taken with benefit at any hour of the day. This is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth ita weight in gold wo any one suffering with scrofuloas affections, 1m pur. It is unfail ing By druggists, Lambs that shall before come in prices, — es Beautiful woman, from whence came thy bloom, Thy beaming eye, thy features fair? What kindly hand on thee was laid — Endowing thes with beanty rare? * "Twas not ever thus,” the dame replied, “Once pale this face, these features bold, The ‘Favorite Prescription’ of Dr, Pierce Wrought the wonderous change which you behold." >a The Baldwin | isa very popular apple with Canadian borticulturists, but many consider the Spy quite as hardy and longer lived, —— iin Dyspepsia, indigestion, sick headache, and that tired feeling are cured by Hood's Sarsapariiia, Which tones the stomach, promotes healthy di. gestion, oréates an appetite, cures sick headache and bailds up the whole system. Sold by ali druggists, 100 Doses One Doliar, It is claimed that though the mule may be stubborn, yet he seldom runs away or becomes frightensd, nor does he shy at every object. Consumption Surely Cored, To the Editor Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above Bamned disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless canes Save been Jetmancty cured. 1 shall be gisd 10 send two Lew of my remedy FRER [0 any of your readers who have cogsump- tion Gt send me their Express and PF. address, Respectfully T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Peart 8t., N. T. Small turkeys are more salable, and usually In greater demand, than {hose of large size, though this fact is not generally known. ss YI Nothing Cares Dropay, (ra Bright" eare, Diabaios, Urinaey eh a Liver Diseases, Nervousn Ac. ike Conus “kuaney Cure, Uron, 61 Aros SL, Phila, $1 a bottle, 6 for $3, { braggie Curesthe WOKS canes, | Care iarastond, iw . A A I © ster oil applied dally for two or three weeks is said to be a sare cure for warts, isis Mn Frazer Axle Grease, The Frazer Axle Greases ia better and cheapér than any other, at double the price. Ask our denser for it, and take no other, A rea to fo Rtgs, be NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visions this little word brings before the eves of the nervous, Headache, Neuralgia, Indigestion, Sleeplesancas, Nervous Prostration, All stare them in the face, Yet all these nervous troubles can be cured b ry using ~ Lies oh For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con {itions of the Kidneys, Liver, and Blood, which always ac Spuny. nerve troubles. tis 2 Nerve To , an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. 1.00 a Bottle, Send for fu np ulars, WELLS RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors, BURLINGTON, VT. CURES WHERE ALL Beat Cc nk ich Syrup. tas sox, I believe Piso’s Cure for Cans tion saved my life. 1. Dower, Editor E ey Eden- ton, N, C., April 23, 1887, You say you want my daughter, said the proprietor of a New York newspas | per toa young man who was sitting | nervously on the edge of a chair, and | wiping his feverish brow with a tremb- | ling handkerchief, } “Y.yes sir, ” “Have you spoken to heron this mat- | ter?” “She—she referred me to yoy, sir,” “Is vour affection for her deep and Fincere?’’ “Sincere!” gasped the youpg man, “1 pledge you my word 1 haven't slept a wink or eaten a mouthful of victuals ‘George,’ said the father, after, look- ing at hun a moment reflectivly, “I think you may come into the family, I need a young wan of your capabilities | to swear to the circulation of the paper, THEY CALLED IT “BUNCO."—Mr, Gentle, an mnocent faced young man, was walking by himself In a shady part of a street one night, when an insinu- ating stranger approached and accosted | him cordially. “Ah, Mr, Morris, “Ah, good evenine (rood evening.’ ' responded Mr ‘Eh, tut Your name has slipped me “Why, Fitzgerald, you know,’ sald the insinuating stranger the least bit | “But,” he continued, *‘how | “All pretty well but Louisa,” aid | “Ah, sald Mr. Fitzgerald, ° Louisa | “Yes,” sald Mr. Gentle, *'she bad = | “Really!” laugbted Mr. Fitzgerald. $ The nest Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cunk ron Coxsumrerion., Children take it without objection. ye by all druggists. 25c, CURES WHERE - £15 FAIL Best Cough # in time, i i *‘Bunpco,” said Mr. Gentle, i “Good evening,’’ sald Mr. Fitzger- HARD OF HEARING, ~0ld man Con | was walking down Austin avenue, when he | men who stopped to Tuey found it very diffi him, as he was | As they passed down the street one of them remarked: “His last hour will soon strike.” **1 dare say it struck long ago, but — — DURING a recent examination of al | class of youngsters the teacher asked: “What is a monarchy?’ and was im- | The only Ons eslf §2 Reamlens Shoe in the world As wylish and | durable as those cosidag §5 ov $4 and navies wo | tacks br nalls to wear the slicing or hart tre feed, i makes them as comfortable and well Sitting & a | Band sewed shoe. Buy the best, Kose grauize un jess stamped on Butican “WI. Dougles $3 Show, | orrariee n 1 W. 1. DOUGLAS $4 SHOE, the arigtnal and | only han | sewod welt $4 shoe which Suis Customs i made ghoas oomting from §6 wo $0. i W, I. DOUGLAS $2.50 SHOE = unex | eelied for heavy wear, i W.I. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE is worn by all i All the above goods are made a Congres, Button | h DOUGLAS, Be sckien, 3 i nmin “qf m3 Beery famuy, the Wreld ® Over two hundred thous new ISN od tion now re ¥ With vi! a rival in contents or prios The best, mo {satis actory wore sgents oad handle, AJ dress for terms, WM. M. GOLD THWALTE, 40 Ful ton SL, New York, Bresch. loading doable Shotruns at %10 03; Sigels barrel breschiosders st . io $13; Breesh los Bag Haifiew from $1.0 10 815. Doutie barrel Munaled wg Bhoturos st 65 50 to 82; Rapeati ne Hiffes Dane 15 10 830; Revolvers { rom # 1» $2. end stamp for Hustirstad Catalogas, Addr GHEAT WESTERN OU ¥ Wonks, Piisbarz, Pa L CURE FITS! BY Fa PING Cn Sa hare [Se lo Tonecn for bot for net pow ST na pari BL. SH GENTS’ HAT BAZAAR, 1, 3&5 Xew Church Ste, cor. Fulton StL, MEW YOUR CITY, A. SLaMIN & SON, whe ats st Maa ulncturars’ Prioes Largo’ Aoriann Latest ¥ty les st RicTLY une PRICK Blair's HIS, mam antand ’s $. Rheumatic Remedy. Box, Ba: round, 14 Fille. I OL pear in GARNI. 215 Arete Ra AD { ADIES ROYAL ATR REMOY R remov ce eyery | Jab + hai hh by ah A by Jury of RiRORN » EN " & CO. opmstion ua ule HONE ooo RE “*A country governed Ly a king. ”? i “Who would rule if the king should | die?” “The queen. ”’ “And if the queen should diet” “The jack. - -— THe First Special! Delivery Letter | A young lady living uptown received | letter, The 1pessen- | instead of wrii- De John—Gl d t5 bear from you, Come | up Sunday might,” If you fea) tired, wesk, worn out, or run down from hard work, by impoverished condition of the biood gr low state of the system, you should take Hood's Sarsspariiia, The peeullar toning, purifying, and viializing qualities of this secoess- ful medicine ure soon felt throughout the entire expelling disease, and giving quick, healthy action to every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, Thopsands who have taken it with benefit, testify that Hood's Sarsaparilis ithe weak strong.” Hood's Sarsaparilla “*1 have taken not guite & botile of Hood's Sarsa- parila, and must say it Is one of the best medi cines Tor giving an appetite, purifying the blood, and regulating the digestive organs, that { ever heard of. It did me a great desl of good.” Maus, BYANLEY, Canastota, N, ¥. *1 took Hood's Barsaparilia for loss of appetite, dysape a's, and general lapguor, It did me a vam amount of good, and | Rave no hesitancy in re commending it.” J. WW. WirLevorp, Quine, tL Ymakes ALLIS seRaon, ak spring approached, a good re. labile toni irilier is needed Dy nearly EVeryhoay Haul and blood p & Sarapariia in pov ry BECOIBER TG 1k FDOT IGR. “When I 100k Hood's Sarsaparills thal Ueav lose in my stomach left; the daiiness in wy head, ana s dapled for this pur pose soi ar every sear. Try it the gloomy, despondest fesling disappeésrsd, 1 began to get slronger, my Yiood gained better cly- | enlation, the coldness in my Bands and Teel left me, ana my Kidneys do not bother me uw. ‘fore G, W, Howe, Attorney-st-Law, L cinluirg, O Health is Strength “A year ago 1 suffered rom indigestion, ad terrible hesdaches, very litle appetite; no fat, | seemed completely broken down On takog | Hood's Barsaperilia | begsa Lo improve, and now 1 have good appetite, snd my beallh BB 2x00 sue compared 10 what 1f was, ] am better in sp rite am not troubled with cold feet or ands, 350 Ju entirely cured of indigestion.” Miswis Wax wing, Newburgh, Orange County, 4. ¥Y N. b.Be gure 10 get ouly #iX for $5 Prepared ouly HOOD & O00. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar repared one by C. L HOOD & CU. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass 100 Doses One Dollar J Sold Ly ali drugeista $0; six for $5. The Ba Waterprod | Coa. Tat ars sma rt, but gh on Rats’ beats the Sears out Bats Mice, Boacbes, Water Buss, Flies Beetles Woths, Ants, Mosquitoes, Bod bugs, Hen Lice, Iosects, Potato Bugs, Bparrows, Bcunks, Weasel, Gopbers, Clup- mucks, Moles, Musk Hats, Jack Habbile, Bquirrels. 5c. aud Be. Druggista * ROUGH ON PAIN" Plaster, Porosed. 1%. *BOUGH ON COUCHS.™ Coughs, colds, 2e, ng SKIN HUMORS CURED BY ROUGH==ITCH ny on leh” Ointment cures Skin Ho mors, Pimples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Tet ter, Malt Rboum, Frosted Feet, Chilblalins, Itch, Hg noon, Barber's Itch, Scald Head, Ecoema. ie. Dra ormall. BE 8 Weis, Jersey City. an Oures Piles or Remon holds, Ted ing, Blending. Internal and exte in sach EE ure cure, 40 or siall E 8 Was, A Jersey City. N_ J. Bowers, Bew suFTEVIBgE lesms with Borel hina Evervtandy deigbied oli ail your Iriends vid pow, GW Visg Faanetlaburg, Pa WANTED: ONE AGENT FOR THISCOUNTY, LIFE SIZE CRAYON PICTURES. ures sre really bes J ideeness nieed, Ageuls can easily g srders and BARC 8 IArge ovinmiss on A Feu, | International Publishing & Printing Ce. 528 MAMKET ST. PHILADELPHIA FRAZER AXLE GREASE. | Bestin ths Waid. World, wr hs a uly ur by ne Vraner alah “ar Oe, ad Chloadion, NORTHERN PACIFIC. LOW PRICE RAILROAD LANBS and FREE Government IAN I= FMiL LIONS of ACRIER Gf each In Minnesota, North SEND FOR Dabiigaeinns wiv hope doped SEND FOR. iy A Bulk srs gi Greig aa y rr CHAS. B. LAMBORN, J, rm ier AFFLICTED UNFORTUNATE After all othere fail consuls Dr. TOBE 320 KN. 15th St, below Callowhill, Phils, Ps. 20 years experience in Jl SPECIAL diseases. Pes } masently restores those weakened by esrly indiscre. ons. Bc Callorwrite. Advice free and stricty ons. | Glaatial Hogrv: 11am till 2, 0d 5 10 to evening. { COPY RIGITT, 3587, § LIBITRENN, that it will give satiafactic Invalides’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, remedies for the cure of woman's pee uliar A Boon To Women. | outgrowth, or result, of | experionee, have tested it in the more aggravated and obwtinate cases which had bufMed their skill, prove it {0 be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of su fering women. It is not recommended ak a "eurcall”™ but as a most perfect Specific for woman” 8 peculiar dispeasos, As a powerful, in. vigoraiing tonic, it & POWERFUL | toparts strongtn to the whole system, and to the Tome. uterus, or womb and its ape MW, in particu. vr. For overworked “worn - out,” “run