THE CENTRE REPORTER, FRED. Eprror and Pror'n KURTZ. Cente Havy, Taurs, Man, 22, 1888 THIRTY-NINE ROUNDS, The Fight Badly Ends in Braw, 'u “ Hoth Men He~ nished Arrested and leased on Ball-Gone to England, , France, March The long Sullivan, , and Charley t batween List of the wi shampion of England, i Saturday ding The fig hours and el draw, amph for cameo oft ina cold, able rain, ran at 1 ven mi which is regurded as a r Mitchell, ht beg sted led in o wl 3 «UAL Immedia riagos, col friends a: whence they was over, five car. priveipals and their arted back for Creil, coming on to roceeded far xd by three ar rested, and ta trate. The me ersand friex were id Af ter HERE 8 nigt head © i JOHN 1. SULLIVAN CHALLENGES MITCHELL. Jack Dempuey Ready “to Bet 810,000 He Can Whip England's Champion. New Youx, March 12. The result of the Sullivan-Mitenell fight has renewed inter. est in a contest whic] it has long been talked of between the Eaglishman and Jack Demp- say, the Nonpareil, and the matter has sad. denly resulted in a proposal for a fight, This morning Jers Dunn cables “Pony” Moore, the backer of Mitchell, a challenge for a $10,000 a side fight according to London prize ring rules, either in Europes or America, and allowing an English roforde, If the battle takes place in America Dempsay's friends will allow Mitchell $04 for expenses, and if in England they want the sume allowance, —— The Lehigh Birike Declared Of Hazi vox, Pa, Mareh 18 Hugh MoGare voy, Muster Workman, aud John J. Meig. han, Bocretary of District Assembly 47, Knights of Labor, have declared the miners’ strike in the Lehigh region off, sod in a lew days every colliery will be of work Heading Herike on PRUADELFRIA, March 12. ~The strike of | the employes of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, it was learned from an official soures weday, will be declared off this week, probably on Wednesday. Veauks oF Uraey Giel, Vivaro City, Nev, March 18. -A. cont) girl in Northern Souors makes ong vn atnong herds of cattle apd rofuses alt I the } eosiives of vivilization, T ARIFF BILL THEY STAND AT PRESENT. Tobacco Manufac. Text of the BIL Rebate to turers WasnixaroN, March 12 The meas. and begins with tariff bill has been made public ure takes up 117 the treatment of the Under it “all farmers and prod siricted in Pages, internal in force ucers of tobacco and disposition of the revenue, whereby ro laws now Are the sale same,” are repealed, foct on July 1, 1858 These laws are defined 1 as including “the | taxes on manufactu snuff, | the repel tobacco, i ts, re cigars, cheroots and cigarel and mal | | | iV, 3.0 SES BELLEFONTE. Pa, dealors In leaf ahi f and fealers ufacturers o re tall man in obacco, tobacco, CO nuff and cigars.’ this connection . ohbars +» restricting or regulat sale or exportation f laws imp ios have Colton, to 40 oe rd ing to is 5 per & pat te per ton; flax straw dressed, £10 cent flax not ckied 01 Gem p, $52 per ton, ow fis AX and hemp y per cents per #ras, Li vents per poun mk vale + Jute yarns, 1 1-0 pond; jule hemp apd flax manu factures, I per cent. ad valorem: burlaps, , 134 cents per pound; oil cloth, 8 cents | per square yard and 1b per cent ad valorem. Wool is divided into three classes: Cloth ing wool, combing wool snd carpet wool, Clothing wool unwashed is rated at 10 to 12 cents per pound, ai double that figure when washed, aod at three times figure when scoured. Combing wool is 10 sod 12 cents per pound. Carpet wool it 3 cents per pound. Ring waste, etc, is 20 cents per pound, woolen rags, shoddy mungo, flax and waste, 10 cents per pound; all wools advanced from the scoured state, d0 conte per pound and 15 per cent. ad valorem. Woolen and worsted shawls and other manufactures in whole or in part of wool from 25 to 40 cents per pound, accord ing to value; flannels, Liankets, ete. from 10 conta to 40 conte per pound, according to value; ready made clothing mn whole or ia part of wool 40 cents per pound and 40 per cent. ad valorum. Paper unsized, printing paper, is rated at 13 cents per pound. The free list of the biil is & long one. but touches almost noth. ing that is produced in this country. Coffea, Indigo, spleos, fruits, fish, oils and all other products of American lishorigs are included cent rem el ufactured than hewn, squared, und sided,” except where an export duty is imposed by the country from which they come, in which case the present duty stands. The impors cent. of morphis is absolutely prohibited, The bill also provides against undervalue tious, . Its reduction of annual revonne is based as will be noted above, on making of any duties prolubitive. The reduction as nearly > cn be figured out to-night will be about B0,000,000; #8,000,0 0 from Tooter hal ravenue, $17,000,000 from the weil aud Troms special uses. OR oR; 3 BB (;00ds! and Roan “New | The Spring Summer Seasons will soon be here ind we are glad that we can announce to our many friends that we have alar finer New ger and stock than ever. Stock in ev ery Department. —-o ! CARPET If vou want t uy a new Spring, come immense li [ORR OI SIO 0 ion in Centre . LE or selling only the rrade of clothing is an established fact. We never handle immitations or shoddy and our custom- ers know what they buy. all the late styles in Clothing. Have new stock and B-8- -Dry Goods- | We would ‘respectfully call the attention of the Ladies to our Dry Goods Depart- ment, Our Stock com- prises the new styles and latest novelties in cloths for Spring and Summer wear. SEA TIN: oe A ALANS oleh hell i su SS S.&A.LOEB . J BELLEFONTE, / . - ler A : Old Fathnr Time gathers in the c has been stored like enter the ards ali and ki Centre Harvester, annually Ors 1888, in with it We tow- and 1 of wishes best S STORE, enn’a. Njooor MICK BDOS, DEALERS IN M WORMICK BROS a THA. Pi i: L, L 1, Bed Room Suits, Side Boar ds, Bedsteads, Tables, a_i : ide ren. “Castorin is so well adapted tochildren that { recotmmnend it as superior to any prescription chown to me. HA Ancnen, M.D 111 Bo. Oxford BL, Drookiyu, NX. YT Castorin cores © Bour Som ArT Kills Won a, gives Ke He. Oonetinat n ma, Er Lhcor op, RDG 3H gosto Without injurious medication. RPANY, 1 i CS EALED PROPOBALE w . office of ¥. L. Olds tect of the Peansylvania Stal ites, Centre Co. Pa day of March, “or the following work, to wit The furnishing of all materials pletion of two dwellings, constr and wood, the four ple Le} Alsey: for an Armory and story bullding of brick or jh: Also: for the completion of the outside dation walls of the Physical and Chemioal ratory building Prawing and spocifioat work, can be seen at the oil Architect Each bid 10 be accompanied with a certified check for $150 00, made payable fo the Treasurer of The Penneyivania State Oollege. Said check to be returned if the bid is not ac cepted or it accept ed to be returned upon the tigning of contract. Bids to be addressed to John Hamilton, chairs man buliding commitice, State College, Centre Co. Pa The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, Plans and specifications for additional buildings fe in preparation and will be advertised for pro posals at an early date 1 Ras inbhor and com spend Asnarnbis stove, ind sige Six Labo pe for the foregoing d¥o Hamitron, . W. Rorgars, | Vom ENNS VALLEY INSTITUTE. =e CENTRE HALL, PA we This school will comments its spring session of ten weeks, on Monday, April Mh, 1888 To all who contemplate atiending school, we extend a hearty welcome 10 enter our school. The course of instruction will be adapted to the wants of the stodents, TERMS: Tuition per session, $5.10 to $8.00, Vor further information addrom A. L LITTLE, Principal, Centre Hall, SEA WONDERS exist in thon sande of forms, Bul are surpass ¢ marvels af invention. These who are in need of profitabie work that oan be done while living at home should st once send sone address 10 Hallett & Oo, Portland, Maine, and re. ceive free, full information how either sex, of all BEER, Can earn from $5 to $25 per day and npwards wherever Hive, You are started free, Oapl tal not reqoired, Bowe have made over $3 in a single day at this work, All suoceed. i 4 3 ATURDAY, MARI LARGE FRICK VIBRATING THRESHER in One season. Also at 8 o'clock on i Offered a SAW-MILL AND ENGINE oom 0 12 horsepower frick engine, a No. 1 y 12 order day of mle 5 AD Tuning J.C. KEARXS Minnesota Leads the World | wich her stock, dairy and products. adjacent to railroad, for sale cheap on ries, rates, eo, Capi issionet, or innds, terms. For ma LTA. J. Bookwalter, En C H. Warren, General ~LOHRS-~NEW~GROCERY The grocery of Lohr & Strohmeler, having been purchased by the undersigned, the same will be carried on at the same Fines, and with Important additions to the stock, 10 make the store more complete than heretofore, and st low prices. His stock will comprise wines BUG A RB, comme COFFERS sn eins TEAR, wind JANNED GOODE, coc DRIEDGFRUITS joes wen VR ACK ERS, senses TO RA COO ons BERG ARS in wens ONFRCTION ERTIES wearin BTC, BTC omnis The stock will alwave be fresh and of best goods. Every effort will be made to please, and a share of the public patron. age is solicited, Gjun2m JAS, H. LOHR. has revolution ised the world Centre Hall, IN the VENTIO Mant Athong wonders of invetitive progress "a po sydiem ar work that oan be performed sli over Lae country without separating the workers from thelr homes. Pay liberal, any one can do the work, cither sex young of old ney special ability required, Capital not peaded;, you are started free Cot this a and return Uo ae and we ih send Jon fron, os thing Of rent, value an m portance "i, will start 11 taped nom, which will ring. in more NRT * right awa than ansthi see in the te world TGrand outfit free, Address RUR& C0.) Auguste, Maing. iy FOR SALR.. An improved shingle machive, good as Apply Ww Uxo W. Voxana . - * Madisoubury, Pr. BROC Ky HOF HOU "COHEYY BT (Food Sah] le Boome of a Fras By to and {row wil Hpecisl rates, 4 a le The SPRING 1 STiPAUL Mi MN AB0LS ANITOB nas LWAY. EXNNE and Er is WEST eaves § Harris Monit nee KREWE EXFPRE arr atl Lo CRAY OR NIAGARA EXI ARTY LINE leaves Phi ork Have Renovo mday Train. ss Phil ar al - “ Lock Haven arrives Renovo KE AST WARD REA EHORE EXP leaves J k Haver - w- - - id at Harr Phi DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane. Beanovo . Lax k Haven - Williamsport Montandon - arr at Harrisb rm . Philadelphia RENOVO AUN leaves Renovo... Lock Haver - - Will imams rt Mentandon ...... - arrives at Harrisburg Philadel; Sunday Traln-—RENOV 0 Aooon also on Sunday ERIE MALL lca ves Erie. indels NS od’ East runs w 245 pm ptoiiy . - lWpm _- Lock Haven... Li pm - Williamsport ..... 15am - Montandon ...... 30am arr at Harrisburg {Mam Philadelphia EB am ‘Rrie Mail Bast. Niagars Express West, and Day Express Kast make close connection at Lock Ha ven with BE V. RR Trains Erie Mail East wl West connect st Krie with Tainson LS & M.8 R BR. ” Oe or with B. P & W.ERR at Emporium with B. X .&P R and at Drifiwood with A ER LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD BELLEFONTE. NITTANY AND LEMONT Kk. R Daly Except Sunday Eastward ay ra NN 910; 1 105 4 oolr2 bhh R % x 5 ah “ FEE ss» Esk Vieksbrg $i MiMminbure hb 56 Ma limont oh Lanreiton #0 Paddy Mountain 5 Coburp rl A 10 Risdag Spring B18 Penn Oave R | an kre Wal! g5% FEEEG - = wi wi £588 ser sotan mw SS a 50 UR TE NRG BG ey SE2BYSERE SE88558:) Pe FH 2 i 2 Mam a and 7 0pm rotary A AS Ah, aud 110 8 2 7% pom. a ; Got Ferg t