FACT hat U CAN BET ON. » factory in the svdid in je 3 3 Js That this factory rales the popular asd worlds famed Climax Plug, the acknowled stand. y ard for first-class chewing tobacco, That this factory was established as long age as 1300. That last year (18%) it made and sold the enormous quantity of 27.082.080 [ba or fourteen thou. sand tons of tobacco, this was more than one-seventh of all the to. bacco made in the United States notwithe standing that there were o00 factories at work, in the last ox years this factory has helped support the United States Government to the extent of over Forty-four million seven hun. dred thousand dollars ($44,700,000) paid into the U, 8. Treasury in Internal Revenue Taxes, the puy-roll of this factory is about $1,000, 000,00 per year or $ao.on0.00 per week, this factory employs about 3,500 operatives, this factory makes such a wonderfully good chew in Climax Plug that rainy other factories have tried to imitate it in vain, and in despair now try to attract custom by offering larger pieces of inferior goods for the same price, That this factory nevertheless continues to increase its business every year, That this factory belones to and is operated by Yours, very truly, P. LORILLARD & CO. £3. XI. Schroser, On ON 6 BISHOP ST., BELLEFONTE, 0 Has got in his fall stock of —OIL CLOTHS all widths, styles and . C oem Loe foe NOL E—U —M =}, - for office, vestibules, halls, kitchens, &e ————— OQ He would be glad to have all drop in to take a look at his goode, provided the weather 18 fatr. If, however, it should happen to be raining he will leave on his front step one of the best DOOR MATS, to wipe the mud off your shoe, and his nice and novel umbrelia tands in which to place that ever-losatle nmbr-lla. S—— Crm ricer DEEP SEA WONDERS exist in thou sands of forms, but are surpass ed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitabie work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and re ceive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $6 10 825 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are staried free. Capi: tal not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. All succeed, ly ELECANT AnD USEFUL FOR THE OFFICE, Wirn Isperesoest Suzcives Avjustases ro Books or axy Huicwr, JA BUPEREER PRESENT. INVALUARDLE TO Lawyers, Clergymen, Physicians, Editors, Bankers, Teachers, . Merchants, Students, snd all who read Books, CHEAPEST! STRONCEST! BEST! Made of Iron, finished in black, with beautiful gilt ornamentation, it cannot warp, check, split, get our of order, or wear out. Each shelf, 16in, square, will hold 18 vols, sire of Appleton’s Cyclopedia, more broks in less space than any other device, No. 1, For Table, to hold 1 tier of books,... $10.00 “ ix, " sa 2 tiers n sa 13.00 “* 2 * Floor, : 12.00 ng nn gm 15.00 “4, 4 «xe 28,00 The best size for general use is No. 8. Shipped, carefully packed, on receipt of price, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Descriptive price list containing testimonials Free, Tilustrated Catalogue of Stationery awd Novelties, nearly 200 pages, sent on receipt of 95 cts ANDERION & ERUM STATIONERY €o., 7 Bona Stroet, Now York, N.Y. NTION Ew ves ized the world during the last half century. Not least RUBOOE the wonders of inventive progress is a method and system of work that can be performed all over tae country without separating the workers from their homes, Pay liberal; say one ean do the work, either sex. young or old: no special ability required, Capital pot needed: you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value an: importance to you, that will start you in business, which will briog you in more money right away, than anythiog else in ths world Grand util free. Address TRur & Co., Augusta, Maine, iy o “ “ “ w w“ " i“ N°” IS THE TIME TO BUY CHT IN Double B, L. Shot GUBS.....ouniivvins riers d 9 “ - " TI........ooneee 3} “ and Pistol a “ 3 Double BL. Bhot Guns, Top Snap, Double bolt, Twist Barrels, Rebounding Locks Extension Bib, Pistol Grip, Petent Pore. end, Solid Plungers, Matted Rib, Orpa. mented Rubber Butt, left barrel Choke bored, 10, '2 and 16 ERO. ....ocrniiirns os atl Breech-loading Squirrel Rifies from $4 7 00, [ am now able to sell guns as cheaply asanyone in America, and will meet any competitor's price, The Hunting Public is respectfully re- quested to call and examine my stock, which is now arriving. AGENT FOR VAN CAMPEN'S COMPOUND, (DYNAMITE, THEODORE DESCHNER, Be'lefoute' Pa Great Central Gun Works, Steady Employment We want good men in town Btate to take orders for Numery k Ni this THIS FALL AND WINTER Previous experience not required. We hire ON SALARY. 2 50 0 to And pay dress. Nu our salesmen’s . For terms ad. THEC. 1. VAN DUREN NURSER hy tablished 0. 4 URARY xX. THE TARIFF ON WOOL. Californias Think it Will Bo Beneficial if the Industry Continues to Decline. 8Ax Fraxcisco, Jan. 14.--The people of California, because of their State's annual wool clip of 85,000,000 pounds and more, are deeply interested in the changes in the wool tariff recommended by President Cleveland. The opinions of those most concerned are divided, and many think that it would be beneficial to the Slate If the industry should continue to decling even more rapidly than it has for the last few years. They think that the vast nunber of acres devoted to sheep ranches wauld be more profitable if turned into small farms. The Ezaminer has interviewed a number of men, repre- sentative of both the woolgrowing and the wool-manufacturing interests, and has found that the division of sentimeat does not follow the class line. Of the wool merchants some oppose any change on the ground that if the tariff is taken off the markets will be flooded with Australian wool, Others say that a change would result as did the reduction of the tariff on Hawaiian sugars, and that wool growers would be benefitted, Of the man- ufacturers some favor the admission of wool free on the ground that a large quan- tity of Australian wool of a quality not produced in this country must be used, and if this 1s admitted free the manufactured article will come cheaper, while there will be no interference with the wool-glowing interest. Others add to this that the press ent tax prevents the manufacturers from entering foreign markets. The more com- mon opinion among wool growers is that any interference with the proscut tariff would be disastrons to them. Petitioning For a Government Telegraph. PriLaveLrnia, Jan, 15. —For almost two weeks petitions by the score and hundred have been flowing in daily from all séo- tions of the country like a great deluge up- on the general headquarters of the order of Knights of Lalor in this city. They are the expressions of thousands and thousands of workmen aad members of the Knights’ organization in favor of the erection by the United States Government of a national telegraph system, to counteract the manifold evils of tae Congress to test the strength of a popular clamor for the establishment of a publio is stitution. The petitions contain upward of 500,000 names. Hog Disease Prevalent In New Jersey. Mioorerows, N. J., Jan. 16—There his been considerable sickness among the hogs owned by farmers in this vicinity. Wa. W. Connor of Red Bank, has lost seventy hows out of a herd of 100. Last week Louk Heiser, who lives two miles from Mud tawan, lost nine hogs, weighing 150 pounds each John Stemler and several other farmers of that neighborhood have had 3 but not so badly as to be attended by fate resujts. or take only thin liquid food, which they do not seem to digest; thon they becoms weak in the legs, so that they are unable t¢ walk, and finally die of starvation. The New Jersey Knights Revolt. New Buxswiox, N. J, Jan. 16.—A large meeting of Knights of Labor from all over the State was held here yesterday afters noon. They organized an assembly of the “Improved Kuights of Labor.” Speeches were made dencuncing Powderly and all the rest of the Executive Board, and a number of resolutions exposing the wrong- ful acts of these men were laid over until next Bunday. Itis expected that these reso lutions will create a big sensation. The ob ject of the new order is to bring about closer relations between capital and labor, oppose strikes, prevent blackmail of mans. only means of settling labor troubles, The Lasters Strike, Nontu Avams, Mass, Jan 16-The ex- tensive strike in the shoe shops here will assume another phase today. The Samp son Manufacturing Company on Friday pur- chased three new and Mnproved lasting machines, which it is alleged, can do the work for the entire shop and require only twelve men to operate them. The work of setting up these machines was begun to day, and by the middie of the woek, it is expected they will be in operation, thus of effecting a settlement. The feeling here seems to be that the lasters acted hastily in going ou}. The Federal Court Without Funds Taexrox, N. J., Jan. 14. ~The appropriaj tion for carrying on the United States courts inthis city is exhausted. The win. ter term of court opens on Tuesday, but it is expected that it will not continue for longer®han that day. The Federal courts have had to suspend several times before on this account, sand the prisoners wers kept in jail an unnecessary length of time, Congressman Buchan of this city has de cided to urge Congress to consider the matter, h— Fourteen Rounds With Bare Kanokles, BeorrpaLe, Pa, Jan. 15.-A bare knuokle prize fight took place near Connellsville at day light this morning between James Melton, alias Jem Smith, of New York, and Michael O'Mailey, of Youngstown, O. Melton had the best of the fights from the start, and In the fourteenth round knocked his opponent out. The mill was for the gate receipts, and was witnessed by abont = Dersona, Both men were kdly pune Can't Convict Sgiritaslists. Boswox, Jan. 16. -Judge Bacon, of the Buperior Court, has sustained the defend- ant's motion to squash ‘the indictment against Charles R. Ross for obtaining money was complained of bya number of persons who had paid to witness seances at bis place on Court street. There is no statute under which he can be convicted, © Resignation of Rev, G. L. Walker. Baxryonp, Conn., Jan. 16.—The Rev. Dr. George Leon Walker, pastor since 1570 of serp congregation by reading a lotter of resignation. The reason for action is his poor health. : vi Ont., Jan, Me Creek firobogs a severe lesson, 14 McDonald to twenty years in the peniten: Loo tw seven yours, : 5 5 ALI, BLAINE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Arn g— He Leads All Others in that State—Lin. coln for Second Place. Coxconro, N. H., Jan. 14.—Querics as to their fixe! and second choice for President and Vice President, and also as to whom they consider the most available candidate in the doubtful Btates, were sent to 500 ac. Blaine is named as the favorite for Presi. Lincoln by 14, Gen. Sheridan by 12, Senator Edmunds by 15, Roscoe Conkling by 15, Senator Hawley by Benator Harrison publican except Blaine.” Of the 120 Blaine Harrison, 5 Depew, 8 Blair, 5 Ingalls, 4 Alll son, 8 Hiscock, 8 Fairchild, Chandler. “a - Bherman or Lincoin “Cleveland cannot be beaten. ! divided as to the strongest candidate as follows: For Bheridan, 78; Sherman, 42; Blaine, 88; Lincoln, 10; Hawley, ¥; Harri son, 7; Depew, 3; Edmunds, 4; Evarts, 8; Blair, 8; Chief Justice Waite, 2; Foraker, 2; Gen. Sherman, Allison and Gresham, } each. Anti-Polygamons Mormons, Barr Lage City, U. House of Representatives Saturday sfter. noon, Mr. Hoge, Gentile, introduced a bill providing for the punishment of bigamy | and polygamy in Utah, and virtually ro-en. acting the Congressional legislation on those subjects. The bill was referred to the Commitiee on Judiciary, Representa. tive King, Mormon, introduced a similar bill, which was read by its title and re. ferred to the same committee. This move ment was made by the Mormons to put themselves on record as being in earnest when they last summer adopted a constitu. tion containing an anti-polygamy clause, So anxious are the Mormons for statehood that there is little doubt as to the passage of the . bill Socialist Recruits for Chicago. CHATTANOOGA, Jan. 15.—A man named Barneau, from Fort Wayne, is in the city to get Bocialist recruits to go to Chicago. ; He has succeeded 1n enlisting ten men, who, it is alleged, have been supplied by the So. cialist clubs of Chicago with railroad tick. ets and sixteen dollars in cash apiece to go to that city. Barnesu asserts that he was present at the Haymarket riot, snd says the Chicago Bocialista are adding to their numbers recruits from all over the coun- try. He has left for Birmingham, where he expects to obtain not less than twenty or thirty mea. He says that there will be a terrible Socialist uprising in Chicago in less than ninety days. 3 They Want Him Removed. New Havex, Jan, 14 The petition of leading Connecticut Democrats for the re. moval of Internal Revenue Collector Alex. ander Troup has been made public. His removal is demanded on the ground thas he is treacherous to the Democratic Party | and there is fear that if ho is longer oon tinued in office Democratic dissatisfaction will luse Connecticut the Republicans next Fall. The petition has already 1,000 signers to The B and O. Syndicate Defeated. Barriwone, Jan. 18 —~Thare was not a quorum of stock represented at the Balti amore and Ohio meeting HBaturday, and as ouly threes days from the date of the Directors’ meeting are allowed in which the Stockholders may confirm & new issue of stock, and these threo days have expired, the fatqof the proposed issue of £000,000 is now settled. The syndicate acknowledge defeat, and the matter will be dropped. Against Lamar, Hr. Pari, Jan 18. -Gov. McGill, in an interview said: “1 have to say that | have great respect for Mr. Lamar personally, ut Ido not believe it good policy to place any man in the exalted position Judge of the Bupreme Court who within the last twenty-five years was in command of armed men intent upon destroying our national government. To Check Adulteration of Lard. New Brovonno, Ct, Jan. 16 The Board of Trade has passed s resolution and pre- amble in favor of petitioning Congress to { enact a law for regulating the sale of an ! article which closely resembles lard. Lard is made in the west, sent east, adulterated and sold for pure leaf lard THAN NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, Jan. 13. —Money on call to-day 4 por conly BONDS, Qosing Closing Saturday, To-day. $e YE), POR ..oinn coos sini fa IL, coup 4a, 19, con. ax inanan were} STOCK MARKET, Business was reduced to 8 minimum to-day, and nothing worthy of remark was accom- plished on the stock market. Bonds were so tive and generally strong, Sterling exchange was reduced bg per cont, Clos A. sebiriny. Rd Chicago, Bur, 8 Q...coovnveviinne { Delawnre & Hudson, . .... ooo Del, Lack. & West. .............. SHEER IEN Fad EE ANE EE ARNE a Rr SER Ne i i \ou can be cured of our we RHEUMATISM, NeURA or NERVOUS HEADACHE by using ATH-LO-PHO-ROS, For ears AY colores picture i ————— $e MLOPHOROS C0 112 WALL ST: New York. HUMPHREYS’ ——————— A ——— DR. EUMPHREYS' BOOK Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pages, with Slee! HAILED FRER, Address, V. ©. Hox 1810, X. ¥, OF PRIBCIFAL KOS. CURES PRICE. Fevers, Uangestion, Inflammations. .. Worms, Worn Fever, Worm Colle... ‘rying Colic, or Teething of Infants Rade My of Uhildren or Adults Dysentery, Griping, ilious Cslie. ... holera Morbus, Vomiting. has ‘vaghs, Cold, Bronchitis... .......... Neuralgia, Toothache Faceschs..... Headaches, Bick Headaches, Vertigs Dyspepsia, Bilious Momach. . H ppressed or Painful Periods 4 i too Profuse Periods ‘rou Dough. Difficult Bresthing. alt Eines, Erysipeise, Erupty t heumatism, Hhenmatic Pains, ever and Agwe, Uhills, Malaria les, Blind or Bleeding... sigsseg # ‘atarrh, influenza, Cold in the Head 'hooping Oo gh alent Coughs. General Debility, Physical Weakness Kidiey Discos Nervous Debilhty at .1 ‘rinary Weakness, Wetting Hed... 28 Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation.. 1 PECIFICS. Bold by Druggists, or sent paid on receipt of Price. CEPHER TS MEDICINE C0. 100 Fulton 86. 5. T, willing cur TRASK AGENTS :i::. cin REFLECTING SAFETY LAMP. Ep double thelr mono Can be sold in every family, Gives | more light than three ordinary lamps. | Send irty five cents for cons Iete Innip and be couvinoed, | he manufactures a large lise of household articles, Bend for Tree lllgstrated Ciroulars to FORSHEE & McMAKIN, Cinclanall0. The Cream of all Books of Adventure Condensed into One Volume, PIONEER | ,\; |DARING HEROES | “"° |DEEDS, The thrilling adventures of all the hero explor em and frontier fighters with Indians, outlaws 1 ants, over our whole country, from the mes lo the present. Lives and famous DeSoto, LaSalle, Standish, Boone, 1 Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Huston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wid Bil, Buffalo Bill, Gen. Crook, great Indian Chiefs spd Bplendidiy Illustrated with 220 Spe en- AGENTS WANTED. Low priced, and souls anyihing to sell. Time for payments allowed agents short of funds, H.SCAMMELL & CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sseplmn others gras ings O-LOHR'S ~NEW-GROCERY.—0O hie grocery of Lohr & Strohmeler, having been purchased by the undersigned, the same will be carried on at the same place, and w the Mock make the store more ith important additions Wo 0 osmpiete than heretofore, and st low prices. His stock will comprise SUGARS, eee COFFEES swe nnn TEASE “CARNED GOODS, coms TH sm wel CRACK ERE, sss TO BA COB jones we BEGGARS, sone CONFECTIONERIES, wens BTC... BTC ons he stock will always be fresh and of best goods, Every effort will be made to please, and a share of the public patron- age is solicited, DRIBIGPRI JAS. H. LOHR. 16junm Centre Hall. COURT PROCLAMATION, Wasnnas, the Hon, A. 0, Farst, President of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Centre and Huotingdon, and the Hon Chester Munson sod the Hon. Daniel Rboads Associate Judges in Centre county, having ened their precept, bear ing date the 70th day of Dec. 1889. to me 4) rected. for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses. fons of the Peace in Beileforte, for the county of Centre, and to commence on the 4th Monday of Jan being the 28rd day of Jan 1888 and tocontinue two Weeks, Notice is hereby given to the Coron. er, Justices of the Penee, Aldermen and Consta bles of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper persons, st 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 25rd, with their records, in. quisitions, examinations, and their owt remem. brances, to do those things which 10 their office appertaln to be done, and those who sre bound in recognizantes to prosecute agaiost the prison ers that are or shall be in the jail of Centre coun. i be then and there 10 prosecute against them as ahiall be just, Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the nd day of Jan, in the year of our Lord 1588, and the one hundred and twelfth year of the Indepen- dence of the United States, ROBERT COOK, Sheriff, £5 UDITORS NOTICE. In the Orphans Court of Centre county, in the matter of the Edate of William Boal, dec’'d The under signed an auditor ated by sald Court to make distribution of the balance in the hands of John B. Linn, adm'r, to and among tho . iy entitled thereto, will attend 10 the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Belle: foute, on Friday the 20th day of January, A. D. 1585, al ten o'clock 8. m, Parties interested will please take notice. JOHN KLINE, Auditor, ¥ wd i any land of lsorusge, and Wonders of hina deme ig tions awd wonderful worked patie and of man, Vers aleresiing and instructive, ond of the Sew. A d= Tie any wonder. wal Vinge femnd 8% the bottom of Phe been, with Pra Tner §Y rat one » i 00 . rw % rligction of RS any “A Pleasnrs aria writer of A uy. hd the World, Nitunit avs Oven, Ow. - Hlesaretivne of the ¥» Jowian Rees Stes Be Ce mow A ay fea be sniee Drcanes. Dontains o wrller whas 1 ob Trend BLU ete Tere! Hat h i" ty a : : opular Noriintions ww. OR, Sumerand, drove. fie Se mbde We of Modern Times, Bai : host A series of rf rend te’ fo In haw fo Io bod dP he growl oily. “wn Ne rie Ww “ x of © Tow Haid waif weer wag pasties REWARDED are those RR Cc who read this and then, act, they will find honorable employment that will hot take them from thelr homes and fami lies. The proiits are inrge aud sure for every in. dustrious person. many have made and are now making several hundred dollars 8 month, It is easy for apy one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is wBiing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital pot needed; wo start you. Everything new. Nospecial ability required: you, reader, can do it as well ss any ono, Write to us at once for full particulars, which we mail free, Address Biinson & Co., Portland, Maine, ly FE PENNSYLVANIA BTATE COLLEGE LOCATED IR ONE OF THE MOBT BEAUTIL FUL, AND HEALTHFUL BPOTS IN THY ALLEGHENY REGION: UNDEROMINA- TIONAL: OPEN TO BOTH SEXES i TUITION FREE BOARD AND OTHER EXPENSES VERY LW, LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF 37TUDY, AC LI TURE (Thros Courses) and AGRI. CULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant {l« lustrations on the Farm and in the Labora. J AS. H. LOHR CENTRE HALL, PA, AGENT YOR i pecial agent for the ounties of Centre, Clearfield, Mifflin Also agent for the Union Central Life Ine. Co. o ecly KE. ATTORREY-AT- LAW, ; Bellefonte, Pa. Office N. W. corner Diamond, two vores from first natiosal bank, jacB7 — KING CO, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Discount Notes; Buy and fell Government J. D. EHUGERT, Cashier President, ory. BOTANY and HORTICULTURE: theoretl eal and practical. Students taught original study with the microscope, CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory, CIVIL ENGINEERING; very extensive field ri with best modern instruments, 1ISTORY: Ancient and Modern, with origi nal investigation, LADIES" COURSE IN LITERATURE and SCIENCE; Two vears. Ample facilities for Music, vocal and instrumental. LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, Latin (optional) French, German and Kuglish (re- quired.) one or more continued through the entire course, MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY; pure and applied. MECHANIC ARTS, combining shop work with study, thres years’ course; New bulid. ing and equipment, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING cal and practical, MENTAL, MORAL and POLITICAL 8CI ENCE, Coustitutional Law and History, Political Economy, ete MILITARY BCIENCE: instruction theoretd cal and practical, including each arm of the service 8, PHYSICS; Mechanics, Sound, Light Heat Electricity, etc, a very full course, with ex- tensive Laboratory practics, i. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT years—curefully graded and thorough. Winter term opens January 11, 1888; Spring term, April ith, 1888, For Catalogue or other ‘informa. ton, address ad GEO. W, ATHERTON, LL.D.. Prest., eh} Btate College, Centre Co., Pa NEW YORK OBSERVER. ESTABLISHED IN 1828, THE OLDEST AND BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Six Regular Editors; Special Correspondents at Home and Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Con- densed News, Departments for Farmers, Merchants, Bankers, Professional Men, Boys and Girls. This year the Opserver will publish more than fe theoreti. Two Centre Hall, Pa, Patent Medicines and Holland Gin kept may Hotels. JUSE, ate, Pa. Special attention given to JunelBy MMINGS HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. EMANUEL BROWN, Proprietor. june tf ALLEGHEXY 8T.. 8 G. G. McMILLEN ELLEFOKTE, PA , Prop’r. D. J. MEYER, Prop'r. CUSTOM, Good Table, healthy loeality, pure 18ang tf AMERON HOUSE, Cor, 2nd & Market St. LEWISBURG, PA. First-class house in every respect. ‘ree THOMAS HARPER HUTCHINBOX, BepIsTL Proprietor FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, and the ablest and most popular Titers will contribute to its col- Poets and prose writers, org, editors, men of science nd women of genius will fill the inmns of the Opsgrver, and will give fifty-two unexcelled ' the coming year. rice, £3.00 a year, Liergymen, $2.00 a year. in § L The KEW YORK ODSERVER will be sent for ope year to any clergyman not sow & RVIN HOUSE, LOCK BA EN. PA. #. WOODS CALOWELL, Proprietor, Terms reason: ble. wood gzmple rcoms opposite the Court Honse, BELLEFONTE, PA. The New Garman Jlouse has arisen from its New building, beat, clectric modern improvements, Good subsornibor, fur ORE DOLLAR. *. Avy subseriler sending bis own subsorip- for a your in advance und a pew subscriber wilh $5.00, oan Lave a copy of the “ Irenicus Leticre,” or * Tho Life of Jerry McAuley.” & Yoo wiil send the ODSERAVER for the re. maindor of this yar, end to January 1, 188, to any pew pileoriber soding us bis name and { 95.00 In advance. To such sub rile: we will also give either the volume of d latters™ or “The Life of Jerry we Lian wanted everywhere, Liberal terms missions. Bample copy free. W.HOSTERMAN, Dentist, Centre Hall, Residence on Main street. Office In Will give satisfaction in all Ether ad- l4apr R.8. G. GUTELIUS.~ Dentist, Millheim. Offers his He is He it now fully pres my 278 ww Y(¢ NI, K OBSERVER, YORI. IJ OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHAR. TER in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, Jan. Term 1888, Notice is hereby given thst an applioation will be made to Hon. A. OO. Fumt, om [Sse of said Court, on Monday the 23rd day of Jan. 188%, under an sot of ascembly of the Commonwealth of Penna entitled “An act provide for the incorporation and lation of certain coporations” approved April 29, 1874. and . L. Brawei CP. Hewes ATTTORNEYEAT-LAW, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE C0.. PEXN'A. : practice in als courts; Consultation in German and English OHN KLINE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA the supplements thereto for the charter of an {6 tended jon to be called “Centre Hall Cornet Band” the character and ohject whereof is 10 promote and cultivate the science of music and practiel and performing instrumental music and for these purposes to have and @ all the rights beoefits and vileges of the 3 uot of assembly and its supplements, 4.C. MEYER, WH GOHEEN, Solicitor AUCTIONEER, Boalsburg, Pa Is prepared to cry sales, He has been sucoessful in the past and offers his ser. vices to the public, th. Hives HIDES 1 Highest cash merket paid for all kinds of hides tor, at Centre Hall station, rices will be y Aaron Har. E. L. ORVIS, 3, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office opposite the Court House, on 24 jan8h F. FORTNEY, tlorney-at- Law A » Office in old Conard building, Belle- K. HOY. M_D., OCULIST AND AURIST, 4 South Spring Street, Belle- Office Hours, 7 to 9 a. m., 1 t02, and 7 llmay4m Office No. Pa. ip Ty Re Roh RR PR A Kowal, By MT. Crvvon A Fovel, Bylvi vanes Down, oo, " A Bn. oT Duan Avarers, A Bowel, By Reva W, A Novel, By ths summer of * Dorn " Benoelel. A Xowl. Dy Mes. Huwnr A 0 peg At ad oa 4 “raw A Nowl, By (on author of “ Dre 's Be LEWISBURG BOOK RINDERY. All kinds of binding, at reasonable rates. New. » A Wowk. By te suther &* © Dora Whin, A Newd Bp Hee MY. Veron :