sa. I. Schroer, SC a — ON 6 BISHOP ST., BELLEFONTE, Has got in his fall stock of — OIL CLOTHS — all widths, styles and a — ww Lem Boe Noe Qe Lom Ee Uf ee M5 - for office, vestibules, halls, kitchens, &eo man He wouid be glad to have all drop in to take a look at his goods, provided the weather is fair. If, however, it should happen to be raining he will leave on his front step one of the best DOOR MATS to wipe the mud off your shoe, and his nice and novel umbrelia stands in which to place that ever! ‘oma le umbrella, ricer pe Si s——— - EE SEA W ONDERS exist in thou. sands of forms, but are surpass ed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in peed of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co, Portland, Maive, and re- ceive free, full information how elther sex, of all ages, can earn from $6 10 $25 per day and upw ards wherever they five. You are started free. Capi- al not required. Some have made overf0 ina single day at this work. All succes iy ELECANT AnD USEFUL "AUYHEIT 30 AANLS THE JOENSON REVOLVING BOOZ CASE, Wirra Inoarespent Suxives Apuestas vo Books oF any Haacur, A SUPERE PRESENT. INVALUABLE TO Lawyers, Clergymen, Fhyslelans, Editors, Bankers, Teachers, Merchants, Sitadents, and all who read Pooks, CHEAPEST! STRONCEST! Mads of Tron, finished in black, with beaut ornamentation, it cannot wa ¢ order, or wear out. Fach 18 vols, size of Appleion books in less space than any othe Xo 1. For Table, to hold 1: ser of hor oks, . 2x, " 2 tiers oe 12.00 2. Floor, 2" 12.00 a3, . “ ees 185.00 é, - “ 4 io 18,00 The best sive for poneral use is No. 8, Shipped, carefully packed, om receipt of price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Dascriptive price list containing testimonials Free, Illustrated Catalogue of Stationery and Novelties, nearly 200 pages, sent on receipt of $B cis, ANDERSON & ERUM STATIONERY 00., 7 Bond Streot, No w York, N.Y. i. bas revolution - 10) ized the world during the last half century. Not lesst among the wonders of inventive progress isa method and system of work that ean be performed all over tae country without separating the workers from their homes, Pay liberal; any one can do the work, either sex, young or old: no special ability required, Capital not needed; you are started free, Cnt this out and return to us and we will send yon free, something of great value ana imporiance to you, that will start you in business, which will bring yon in more money right awa than anything else in the world Grand outfit free, Addrem BUR 4 Co, Augusta, Maine, iy iful git get ware, will he Holds more w " " " Nev IS THE TIME TO BUY — CHITIN ES Double B, L Bhat Gums... yee a a" " “ “ w" and Gri . Double L.. Shot Guns, Top Hosp, Double bolt, Twist Barrels, Rebound ng Locks xtension Rib, Mistol Grip. Pstent Fore end, Solid Plungers, Matted RIL, Ora mented Rubber Butt, left barrel Chola bored, 10, 72 and 16 gan BEE. .ovuvveer Little Breech-loading Squirrel Rifles from $4 ® pod § 00, I am now able to sell guns as cheaply asanyone in America, and will meetany competitor's price, The Hunting Public is respectfully re- quested to call and examine my stock, which is now arriving. AGERT FOR VAN CAMPEN'S COMPOUND, (DYNAMITE. THEODORE DESCHNER, . Be lefoute’ Pa Great Central Gun Works. Steady Employment We 2 want good men in every town fa this Bate to take orders for Nursery Stock during THIS FALL AND WINTER. » Previous experience not required. We hire ON BALARY. And one mlesman’s dress pas JAUEC, L VAN DURES Sa ore ad 0, qt ata RK. Nurserien atabiishe a. : ct ry THE NEWS CONDENSED, A Brief Mention of All Events of Interest + That ¥ave Filled the Telegraph ‘Luk Columns of Dally Papers for : the Past Week, ————— Henry C. Wiley und Edward Patland, indicted in Chicago for ksaping bucket shops, pleaded gulity Wednesday last and were fined $200 each. ' Mrs. Frances E. SBhillaber has recovered at Worcester, Maas, a verdict of $2,000 against Druggist George E. Fairbanks for poisoning her husband. Editor H. W. Grady, of the Atlanta Con. stitution, will deliver an oration at the open. ing of the sub-tropical exposition in Jack- sonville, Fla., next Monday. The body of E. Dawman, a clock mender, was found on Tuesday in the woods near Creswell, NX. C. Three negroes are in jail suspected of murdering him. Fire last W ednesday destroyed the new Turner Hall on Canal st., Allegheny, Pa. ; loss $32,000, Wm. Ayers was run over by a passen- ger train and killed Wednesday evening near Queensville, Ind. A vein of semi-bituminous coal eight ft. thick has been discovered in Rye township, Porry county, Pa Beveral persons were seriously lujured in Chicago Wednesday by explosion of saltpetre at a small fire. Ernest Hopnel, a workman on the Saint Paul ice palace, fell Wednesday from a turret and was fatally hurt A fire in Beaufort, N. C., Wednesday, destroyed 15 stores and dwellings. Loss estimated at $35, 000, Gov. Ames, of Mass, piy to a query, sald he did not intend to pardon Rev. Mr. Davis, imprisoned in Bos- ton for preaching on the common without the requisite permit nls #4 wr Wednesday, in re- Ex-Congressman Alexander Cochran, counsel for the Tehuantepec Ship Railway Co., says his corporation have not been abie to raise the requisite fifty millions to build the this country and an agent will be sent England to place stock there, Early Wednesday fine in to morning burglars blew open the safe in W. E. Payne's coal office, In Rockville, Conn., and stole 845. They also entered the mill office of J. J. Ryan, drilled a hole in the safe door sad filled 1% with powder, but apparestly were frightened off without exploding it. (fems worth £3,600 were stolen Wednes- day at Kansas City. Joseph Bean being arrested, part of the plunder was re covered. At Milan, Mo., Mrs. Mary eighty years old, was burned Wednesday by fir Caldwell, to death on fire catching in her clothing Alexander Denson, colored, was grrested Wichita, Kan., on Wednesday for a r at Galosbu rg, 111, last Awrust Mr. Charles 8. Moore, of at one the best dropped dead in that city Wednesday. James F. Coyle, a baggageman was between two trains in the Union Depot yard at Albany, The large store and warehouse of the Les Cal, Furniture Company was Loss $150,000. More than one hundred men are deprived of work. An explosion of natural morning in the residence of Alexander Pat Marion, Ind., stunned all the sleep- inmates and caused damage estimated at 84.000 Two trains of the Missour! Paci road collided Wednesday near Texas, and were badly wrecked. Ward and a mail gas Wed nesday ifc Ral’ Houston, Eagineer agent were injured, but Miss Etta Albro, who died at about a month ago, left a will in which she gave her interest in a large estate to James Hazard, a mulatto. The probate of the will is to bo resisted, W. H. Jardone, a prominent Galveston, Texas, while st ; temporary mental aberration Wads A stabbed himsell four times with a pockot knife. It is feared his wounds will prove fatal. Two hundred vind Newport, laws or of Yering from feet of the new central t, & structure 2.00 feet in length and y feet high, spanning the val i in the city of Cleveland, Oh i shortly after 10 o'clock Thursday, carrying down six men The drop was eighty feet, and ir n was piled up in masses that weighed tons, ¢ crash was terr ific H C. Burton was mashed to ploces and s man pamed Hardy was instantly killed. Several srely hurt, The two Clarks, alins Reeves, brothers, and Moilard, were tried on Wednesday at Tompkinsville, Ky., for two burglaries and for burning the Court House. Each of the three was sentenced to terms of imprison. ment amounting to thirty-one years, An officer of the Humane Bociety in cago inspected the horses of the Bide Railway Company Thursday. than a quarter were found fit to work, He forbade the sending pul of several but was disobeyed, and caused the arrest of driver. Miss Harper, while walking Thursday in one of the most fashicaable sections of Pittsburg, Pa., was set upon by two ruf- flans, who knocked her down twice, seized he wallet and ran. They were pursued, but drew their pistols, covered the crown and sscupod. The Brick Bhoals Company at Jasper, Ind., smelted twenty tons of rock, pro duc ing from sixty-five to seventy-five potinds of metal daily. An assay shows in & day's product, pr $0, and gold, 8. The ore is mined on White River, Du Bois county, lod. Five Chicago dressed beof and canning companies have made claims against the several raliroad companies jo excessive freight charges under the Interstate Come merce Law amounting to $60, 00%, for which they threaten suits which will test the constitutionality of the law. W. J. McMaster & Co., wholesale dry goods dealers, of Toronto, Ont., have sus. pended. Wm. C. Duer, an insane man, a reasiden of Accomae county, Va, killed his wife near Belihaven, Thursday. by entting her throat while riding with her in a wagon with two small children. Most of the business portion of Vandalia, Mich.,, was desttoyed by fire Thursday morning. Wm. P. Howells, mine boss, was killed Thursday by falling rock in Murray shaft, Wilkesbarre, Fenn., while trying to save s miner. A premature blast Thursday on the new line of tha Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Laurel Run, Pa, killed four Italians and wounded seven others. eS Read hg frel hit tains Folie on ursday nea Low sburg, Pa. Jaco Lug Dante head and face cut, and Brainer, a hi» Doug was hurt, Indiana's 20 coal mines produced last Jue 2 8.217,711 tonsa of coal, an increase over vious year of 217,711 tons. Capital 22,000; miners employed, ie Chie North Loss dc was $3.1 78M. Boro, nema Rute mm or . Li Be a North’ bara} wdyiniel Henry J. Wola, Cambridge. of Mr. Archibald MaKefll, te taf of the Lond : The Btate Agricultural Hocloty will ment in Albany on Jan. 1% and the Farmers’ Institute will convene at the same time. First Officer Melville Mitchell of Lyan, Mass, was lost overboard Thursday from the schooner Nellie V. Baker off Boston Light, In the United States Circuit Court at 12.000 in the case of Mme. against Henry Bull In suits instituted by the Knights of La- bor against the Bay Sate Brick C Ompany, at Boston, for viclation of the law protubit- ing importation of fore ign labor the defend. ants Thursday corfessed judgmont. The penalty is £1,000 in enc h of five suits. Mrs. Black was burglars in her home near Portland, Me., Thursday, and so severely wounded that she died Friday at noon Her husband fired at the culprits, It is reported that in their flight thoy left ¢ bloody trail A Coroner's jury at Lyons, N. Y., in the case of Johnson, who died from being shot yy Padgers, a bridegroom whom Johnson's purty were serenading with horus, finds that his death occurred as stated, but that the shot was fired without criminal intent, The Maryland Con urt of Appeals Friday affirmed the second conviction of Biscoe, colored, in 8t. Mary's connty, for the mure der of Captain KR. F. Dixon, on the Potomao River in August, 1886, The date of execu- tion will Hixen 1 by the Governor John W, der in the firs Janasuschok assaulted by be Je hnso 0 was convicted of mur Friday 1 Lock Haven, Pu., for Set z Isaac Coiby and his wife at Cherry Run, Pa, Ilsst August, Luther Bhaffor was convicted for the same offence a fow Henry Ki s and Essie Kline indicted for the same killing, In the el officers of the Tenn, the peo large majority maents ware pendi clocted officers degree woeks ago are unlso lay for of. tof Memphis, ticket, had 2 per of Indiet- re- Friday Dubose, neral Peters, on won was a virtual wilion or taxing Bi } ¥adden i Thurs al sgainst these Wii i TOARAION, Hart Fey ph D in J charged a Wiech hh stealing diamonds wi 3, 1586, Mra Flor oJ OBE al bBpringhei Kan. #00 i ofcer Apri Samuel iealer in groceries 7. and the mother i fa 1 is aocused large of forgery. Mrs famille i Yr fay FAIIIY, IB Aesing., An for so ser b WT «i 12 a second stor n, N. YY. Friday s“istorn glory Daniel Los, me time jump in Jamestoy drowned herself in mor “1 ill of ex-Becretary nitted t 1 ably fatally. 1c cutting nl ire! ars Ol Mass. T rOgIRL Frank M was locked u a charge h thirty- p Friday ir hree five years old swport, RK WIvVOs ving t Tr Charles Cor ra, twenty tn vor Was vicious horse Friday Arthur H. Ball a Machine Com pany, ensod « money. Bix years 3 cked to seat) Newburgh N erik at the H: ford, Mans ars of Palmer presided ni TWAS hos sen A he League { wr Li) : f the PTS nfs san 3 oa ter i the ering t the Hebelll dropped dead of heart disoase in Buftalo Friday The search of Pe the property Oshkosh, Wis, wh days ago, was rewarded Satu finding &40 and a certificate of deposit for E.50 in nayivania relatives for Miser Tom Dov lied a few rday } of 8 giane The h the Weeks siiti roy manslaughter Case at ( a ver not gui . The Niste was not w offsot th 1 evidence of Woeks that shooting of Pratt was done in lefo a misplaced switch on the Mi trac k Friday at Bay rv 0 and five cars were thrown Fireman Scot i i Robe ght ir the self « A sry Lis BO eng an emt MATS was killed and Eng ert McMullen slightly The Reading Railroad strike still con tinues, The business men interested have appealed to Mr. Corbin for a settioment of affairs. The position of the strikers remain about the same, and the local merchants are deternined to help i UstoOmMoers na much as possible. The outlook at various points is that unless tl trike is settled tho price wi ach such figures that factories, niills and other business o terprises will have to close down within the next week. The strikers are quiet, but united, and say they can stand die two months longur if nooessary Thomas OC on wv. of New York, stabbed two men for f Murray without juries inflicted Fireman Ball, of the steamer Yorkshire, was burned to death on board the steamer while on her trip from Yokohama [It was caused by pouring paraffine into & tank While carrying & lighted torch in his other rand, The Cigarmakers strike is extending and is expected to be a determined one. About thirty-five hundred members of the union have pledged themselves to contribute fifty cents por week each to the special fund for non-union men who may join the strike. At the headquarters of the different unions the report was that the unions was pro- pared for a big fight if it was forosd upon them. Mra. Cleveland gave the first formal ro eeption of the year on Saturday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs, Ingalls, Miss Florence Bayard, Miss Endicott, and Miss Nelson, The fire st Louisa Court House Friday night resulted in the destruction of twenty- one out of twenty-four business houses and shops in the town. Eunios Cottrell, he was known throughs out North Stoni 8% “Aunt Eunice died st the age of 8 0 on the Pequot Jagu Reservation, in the wild eoun Ti Lantern Hill, in that town, on Mo A singing socilant socurred at Yim, Ohio, Sa urday. Mrs. Anns Roberts, while mips on ot the main straits of Jol on the pavemon' e ily h bi £ those wh pean Nr tat uot it "wad found that sho was Jog baving broken bor FProesident Adol Hirasser, of the To national Clgar nion, said Bun day that only one fn ork factory was on hn ye the applications of i] sho othe ors were boing considered by the various unions, scenery, and costumes of the stranded “She'’ company wera sold Constable Budden, in J City, Ratu. day, ty satisfy the A soveral The brovm Ahuautieture o of Amsterdam and vant prota har in a a Wh uni ation 1 prison. obs, Tm Es a Jot ow 13. of oo bail the result of the in- river, a does curs Neuralgia Rigs bo Yul ¢ col red 3 icture. LIET OF PRINCIPAL Yoarms, iiiarrhen, o Cholera Conghs, Ul Neuralita, Headaches, Dyspepsia wl Sn Ld he *iles, Bind Catarrh, In Whoopin fienernl De 15 0 ot a Nervous De to senses of Bold by price. ~RURFH gels 94 i Borns HaAkS ug as ge wd il Beosuss 4 pot nalll 1 REWARDED aro R who read this and 4 act, they will find hoporable employment will hot take thean fromm thelr i lies. The pre Hits wie Inrie and diptrions THIPBOTY, Ia & | IRAE Ing $e reral B easy for any one to muke § i who is willlug to work, Fither ex, old; eap ital n ot needed; we start you few, No gpd al abilily required; vit do ie well #8 any one for full particoisrs, wi i Stinson & Co, Portinud, rp IE PENRBYLYVANIA FIATE COLLEGE (fbi i yited Ao] int 8 $5. iis pir dny DuLg Everythi Yo, Li mont » and sp wards Ww Hi ALLEGHENY TIONAL: TUITION OTHER Mars goes Pots ATHLOPHORIL! Now he'll betas lame ts hkoog Gsirations on the Farm and in CHa nl DR. EUMPHREYS' BOCK Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pages, with Steel Engraving, HAILED FREER, Address, ¥', 0, Box 1510, K. ¥, 15 £ TRG in the Lax er Vil, ENGINEEKING, £13 # ROS JH. 25 evar, Worm Ualle Teething of Infants. | iw Adulla Bilisas Colic . miting CURLS Fi ass i Ub Grip ug vebie, V a, Brosiohi Foothsche, eaiaths Bick Headache, Vertigo WAN ISAS Gora ata Billions Biemach Profuse Periods ; or Big ng fineness. ( Cond in the Head bility, Physical Wesknoss bility : Bed the Henrt, VP aiptatic wn. 1,00 C0, 109 Fedtes bt. 3. Y PE REABONS WHY THE IMPR NARCH 4 FEROE 4 MAC CHINE AND HAS K¢ IM VED + BEST y BQL Monarch machine stretches tho wire best materiale, and the rea bh very ia © { forces the & yal § f manner § of « pd ated ™ rane ul Ls with Weavs ng past the posts wilh A + Boeoniy nlm Mar t ot, sirom a at ad 1 be 20st durable fence, and is the only s in the world fence material, of territory address, Sn . SHIRES & KENNEDY, Ponpsvivaria apd New York CERTR} machines, tfeciurens Agents for HALL A. AT BELLE. TIME, TRAIN LOADED BE EXPRESS ANY TIME UF TO FREIGHT MUST 2 H* HICKS & BO. ITE, PENNA, ween DEALERE Tone BELLEFON Clls, ETCE UNE S33, aints, + “oy { We have the largest stock at the low. ‘ast prices of any store in our line of bus Now_ that ’ 5 iness in Centre county. you} {have a Railroad throogh the valley and) OL SAVd JLHIEL Telephone Connection direct to our store, it will more than pay you to order from us. We gnarantee prompt ship: 'ments and the lowest prices for the best gooda. COME TO SEE US. When yon can save mouey HEVD ae sung sansod ang ey Jog douade Sue af quowey waned opqeuodsss oy slp fuql BM GFTTIHD G83 HL008 you will certainly take advantage of this H. K. Hicks & Bro. lopportunity. HHILUVL WIHIENOJSSY «n. ". Troms. TOVES, STOVER, STOVES TOVES, BETOVES, STOVE - H. K. HICKS & BRO aprly AS so ———— fares arate literature of the & tains Avpiripnns snd Werke &! wativve and of Fenians Liar ull one. The A sally POPE Whi Banal iy papular he Ref mas 2 of Prawt them babdesmeiy iostrased, They are withoul exosplion the cheapest bovis ever people an opportenity 16 secure the | sort in any other perisd thee great works would cost any Each one is compirte in eel: on he Farrellint Robles fir BY, Catoan filenerations of The Teel wondertul ne Sid SA udoen Chant A Bowel. Bg 8vi vines Conn, Ju, Vary rorsating and Instresiive hh de earl afihe Boenn, A Newl, By Coatn Avstera A Novel, By Rassatny baoret Eh, TThe Diamond ie. re en eat Cun an Bowel. By "Yes fk A Noval, By the auiher of ¥ Dore A Now) Erb. Panswaw. : ag od rise : | hy Ww Win wow i pL) » wnt Walks, 0) her CL ) ; A a! Ly Maw Awwin CA New. By the sutier of ¥ Des w Uabim A Novel By Mie MY, Veoren Oath A Bewl, By Mra Many A Nomi, By Dr dB Babren ay at the most HM hi A Bows! of the coms, witk A Nowsd, Tiy Bove ¥. Piss Haem A Bowe. By the aot of “Dan Mrnoelets 4 Newsd, Sip Mee. Nesey A Rett. HR A re gy fe wed Me Hyde 4 A eoliwelion of IPrsaiatitviy funny Papers, by Coann Aostwrs, snithie A ws pidienlonny tenny honk TW ilew Beda, wanise Datwmes, Contain » A Sank of wiories, plover, haa J —— drame. "yg A ba tL Wand pia pepaing, Daniaing por. Prnnawon AB. H. LOHR. CERTEE BALL. VA, AGERT FOR Covenant Per refit Association, nt ty HE th. #pevisl sgent for the le souoties of Cenire, Ciearfleld, Mifliin i i Mnoinal wd Hantinedon, This Cu, is strictly for Al #0 agent Sor the Union Central Life Ing. Co. 0 and for varioos first class fire insur Rates RING ul ALY Aber agent Saecly einnat {ds GOTH PRIIGH, : ——— SAAN (TLEMANT D, AL B, ! ATTORIEY-AT-LAW, Bellefonte, COTHEY onal Ya. Diamond, two bank, jan87 KING CO LA EVONTE, PENNA. ww Interest 5 Buy and ell Government J. D. BEUGKET, Cask uise Ww x | Heordye Denon nd ui Insesunt Notes; iriliss . A. BEAVER. ts tr Medicin nd Gin kept purposes only, Blore epee week, ney Hotels inthe . ier, proprietor, Helis- Special ailention given to junelfy Pa. (CIUMMINGS J HOUS Bi BROW Coan VE, WLEFORTE, PA. oprietor, will find in beast, snd a trial EMANUEL Fhe traveli i nity respect, for man and harges very moderate. Givei NEW BRO BEOCKE All 5 3. GO. HOFF HOU 8 RE HOURE, ENY 87. RELLEFONTHE, PA cMILLEN, Prop'r. Good Bampie Rooms on First Floor. | Sg Free Be A to and from all trainee. ou Sune Lo wiltvesses and jurors, Blan (OE {FOR RHOFY HOHE M : HAL L HOTE L ME YER, Prop’ I. i TRE | D. J. i EUMMER | ® Good Table, imountain water, surrounded inatnral scenery in the state. land churches convenient, reasonable First-class house in every Od sample rooms on Ist tra ues to and fr AinN. THOMAS HARPER HI br finest Schools Terms very 16ang tf HOUSE i & Market St WIBBURG respect, floor. ree ial Ril TCHIRBO Prop RVIN 1 8, WOOD Terms reaso on first Hoor. HOUSE, LOOK BA EN, 7A: = CAL: DAEs TRE rietor. 1 § i 'N EY G wb opposite A MAN HOUBE, the Court House, BELLEFONTE, PA. g, electric Good W.HOSTERM/ . Dentist, Centre Hall, esidence on Main street. Office in residence, Wi satisfaction in all ranches of bis Ether ad- ministered 14apr TELIUS. ye Millbeim. professional services nm (x 0 i olen srofession , G. G1 Dantist Offe re his io the public. Hels 1 all operations in the He is now fully pres sth absolutely withon my278 A CP. Epwns ATTTORNEYREAT LaW BELLEFONTE CENTRE CO. PENWA, Special sitertion to collections ; Sacto in ah the courts; Consultation in German and English prepared Lo perfor: ental profession pared Lo extract tee pain. 1. L. Braveise . PANGLER & HEWES [poms x ATTORNEY. AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA Office on second floor of Furst's new building north of Court House. Can be |consnlted in n Eaglish or F German. Tm'y54 ey J.B. ORVIS, ©. M BOWER, RVIS, BOWER Cd ORV Is, ATTORNEYS AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA | Office opposite the Court House, on 2d floor of ¥Farst's building. jauss NEY, F. Attorney at: Law, Office | in old Conard building, fonte., . J». ORVIB. Fi RTN Belle- K. HOY. D. DOU LIST AND AURIST, Office No. 4 South Spring Streei, Belle- fonte, Pa. Office 1 Hours, 7 9am, 1t02,and 7 8, p.m, limay4m - S. A. LIST, LEWISBURG BOOK BINDERY. All kinds of binding, at reasonable mies. New, papers, magazines, pamphicis, ete, bound and re bound in fret class style. AGENTS WANTED