a " —— —"—_. HOUSEHOLD, Userur. Hints.—To clean black silk, sponge on both sides with weak emmonia water, then roll up on a roller and leave until thoroughly dry, Will come cout very nieely and repay the trouble, A tablespoonful of ammonia in one gallon of warm water will restore the color of carpets, Alum and plaster of paris, mixed with water and used in a liquid state, form a hard composition and a useful cement. Dry buckwheat flour if repeatedly ap- plied will entirely remove the worst grease spots on carpets or any other woolen cloth, and will answer as well as French chalk for grease spoils ol sills, Unslacked lime 18 excellent for clean ing small articles in steel, such as jew- elry, buckles and ihe like, To make imitation ground glass which steam will not destroy, put a piece of putty in muslin, twist the fabric tight and tie in the shape of a pad; wellolean the glass first and then put it all over. The putty will exude sufficiently through the muslin to render the stain opaque. Let itdry hard and then var- nish. If a pattern is required cut it out in paper as a stencil, place it so as not to slip and proceed as above, removing the stencil when finished. 1f any object to the clear spaces cover with slightly opaque varnish. ets Ap Conn MEAL MUFFINS. — Warm one pint of milk; work one cup of flour into a smooth puste, and stir into the milk, when it is warm, pot hot; add one tablespoonful of compressed yeast and one teaspoonful of salt; mix well to- gether, and then add enough corn meal to make a thin batter; let it nse over night; in the morning add one scant teaspoonful of corn meal dissolved in tepid water and one of melied butter; bake in muffin rings. These yeast muf- {ins do not. ilke those made with soda, get heavy when co d. Assi BOSTON PLUM PUDDING.—One loaf of baker's bread cut in thin slices and layer of Lread and raisins, a little cin- pamon, nutmeg and sugar, then a lay- er of buttered bread, and continue until the pan is full, put milk enough around it to soak it over might; cover it with a plate to keep it down; before putting it eggs, according to the size of the pud- ding; milk enough to have it moist, but not to have it run over ia the oven. the domestic, but the American method of furnishing it steamed or partly cook- ed saves time and trouble. Every mill h as of course its own way of grinding the grits and samp and different meals, but all agree conceruing the best and simplest way of serving them-—Lave the grains well done, eat with a meas- ure or milk and sugar, if desirable, when cold, snd with butler or cream and sugar when hot. FEATHER CAKE. —DBeat to a cream ha!f a oup of butter and two cups of sugar, one cup of wilk with a teaspoon- ful of soda dissolved in it; beat well to- gether, tha add one cup of flour, with two tesspooafuls of cream of tartar rubbed a i’, and the well beaten yolks of three eggs, Beat the white separate- ly wutil stiff, add them and two more cups of flour to Lhe other ingredients; beat well, butter two tins, pour in the cake and bake twenty minutes or ball #1 hour. Carefulness in baking 8 im portant, ————— mon saad Is made by filling the salad bow! with layers of finely chopped fresh cabbages and of salmon picked Into very small pieces. Pour over ita rich dressing. Some salad makers of repute say that each layer should be seasoned by pouring two or three tablespooufuls ot the dressing over it, and others be- lieve the better way to be to maks the dressing thin enough so that when it is alt poured over the top it will drain slcwiy through. SALT #IsING BREAD. —Take hall a eup of sweet milk; let it stand on the stove until scalding hot, stir in Indian meal until it is as thick as other yeast; let it stand where it is warm wuatil it looks light, about five or six hours; the next morning take warm water and flour, the same as salt rising; stir in your meal and milk, and they will raise in about an hour. There 13 no need of sour bread if you make it this way. - MACARONI AND TOMATOFS,—{Jse, instead of water to cook them in, some soup stock; allow half a dozen tomatoes of medinm size for half & pound of mozaconi; boil the macaroni, which you have broken in small bits, asd, when it is almost tender, add the pesied and sliced tomatoes; season well with pepper and salt. Even without the soup stock the combination ef tomatoes with suacaront will be found to be an improvement, at least us a wvarlely Jn the preparation of the jatter. rED POTATCES — Pare your potatoes aud slice thin, put a layer of them im your pudding pan, then a layer of bread ciumbs, a little salt, pepper and butter, then another layer of po- tatoes, bread crumbs, ete., until yoar pan is most full, pour on milk to moist. en, cover it, but in the oven and bake one hour. Do You Suffer From rheumatism? If so, read the following “yoluntary tribute” from a relisble, conscientious man: “During the fall and winter of 1884, I bad a slight attack of rheumatism which, however, passed off toward spring, but the following winter it reappeared with greater severity. Not desir. ing to become crippled I thought I would try flood’s Sarsaparilia. I took three boities in all, and I am pleased to say the rheumatic pains ceased, my appetite and digestion bacame better, an! my general health greatly fmproved.” Wax Booox, Geneva, N.Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, $1; six fords Prepared only by C. L. HOOD & ©0., Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar In a paper read recently before the British Association, by Francis W, Webb, he describes his method of compounding the locomotive engine, The system differs from that hitherto adopted, particularly as regards the number and disposition of the eylinders. Instead of having one large and one small cylinder, three cylinders are used, viz., two small high-pressure cylinders and one low-pressure cylinder. The two high-pressure cylinders are attached to the out side frame plates immedia- tely under the foot-plate, about midway bet ween the leading and middle wheels, and are connected through their pistog- rods and connecting-rods to the trall- tng-wheels. The low pressure cylinder is placed directly over the leading axle, and its connecting-rods lags bold of a single throw-crank on the axle of the middle pair of wheels. By this arrange- ment the engine is practically balanced, and 18 enabled to run steadidy at high speeds, and, the wheels being driven by seperate engines, coupling-rods are dis. pensed with; it is nol even necessary that one pair ¢f wheels should be of the same diameter 53 the other. ger engine constructed on this principle in December, 1881, has run of work, have been very satisfactory. amr fppeien cabbage head and slice it very fine; make a sauce of three eggs, well beal- en; three tablespoonfuls sweet cream; vinegar, a littie red pepper, put on the pour over the cabbage while hot. Serve it eold, I¥ compelled to use canned fruit that off all the liquor. Put the fruit in a cient sugar to make it like syrup; let it then pour it over the fruit. eine —————— Sue was a crank on the subject of door and asked, “Does Mr. Smith live here?” “No sir, his room Is an octave higher —in the pext flat.” she replied In a planissimo tone of voles, ——————— a Brown at Galveston, i granger to an Austin telegraph opera- | Lor. at his table and begins to send it over { the wires, { “He'd upl | fast, She's got heart disease. Goslow. | Break it to her gently." a——————————— “Did you hear Gilmore's coneert?” { %{ didn’t beah all of it, you know.” | “Why not?” | **Because |] came out befoah it was {ova. 1 heard a feller say that the voea- i 1 st wath going to sing forevah and for- | evah, aod 1 couldn t stay that long, you | you knaw." | It seems that the young man did not know that the name of a popular seng is “Forever and Forever.’’ If you have catarrh, you are in danger, #8 the disease is liable to become chronic and affect your general health, or develope into consump~ ton. Hood's Sarsap rilia cures calarth by pars fying sad enriching the blood, and bullding up the systems. Give it a trial A good reputation is better thao all the wealth of this world. co BR tively permanent relief from Catarrh by using Taylor's Hospital Cure. Free pamph- Jot sent. Address City Hall Pharmacy, 264 Broadway, New York. i ————— tt ——————— Till a person can be good to himself he cannot be good to others, Frazer Axle Grease, One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease will last two weeks, all others two or three days, Try it. It received first premiom at the Centennial and Paris Exposition, The only things we desire to know are those which will benefiL us, ——“— Notning ifke Cannes nianey cure for Dropwy, Gravel, igus, Heat, Urinary or vn Disogsns, pe £3 toed, L) $31 ee Phita, $l a DORE, § Tor $1.05, Dati C—O A A I He who is a stranger to industry may enjoy Bim so AAI Take care of your character; your reputation will take care of itself, Cures and Prevents Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarsoness, Stiff Neck, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Headache, Toothache, Rheumatism Neuralgia, Asthma, Frostbites, Chilblains, It was the first RADWAY'S READY RELIEF quicker than any known remedy. and is the only PAIN REMEDY That tastantly stops the (005 axcraciating pains, allays (nflammation, and cures { ongestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. No matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bedridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neura'gie, or prosirated with diseases "RADWAYS READY RELIEF will afford instant ease, Thirty to #xty drops in halla tumbler of water will, in a fe’ minutes, cure Crainps, Spasme*, Sour Stomach, nausea, Vomiting, Palpitation of the Beart, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Faininess, Heart. urn, Sick Headache, Disrhoes, Dysentery, Colle Wind in the Bowels and all Internal Palos, There 18 Bot a remedial agent ia the world that will cure Fever and Ague and all other Mala rious, Billons. and other Fevers (aide! hy KA D- WAY'S PILLS, 80 quick a8 BADWaXS OR ett, Sieve y Cts, per Bottle, Selé by Druggiss Dit. RADWAY'S FiLLs For the Cure of al the disorders of the Stomach, v Liver. Bowels, ete. Dr. RADWAYX & CON, Y. =~ Be sure to get “Hadway's ’ © = YEARS: POULTRY YARD Oo 108 pages. Care ond Slonnens expinined. Fries, Shots. AM LANG COVE DALERY, Ely’s Cream Balm Gives relief at once for COLD in EAD, we | CURES | CATARRI. Not a Licuid or Snuf. Apply Balm into each nostril. 935A JELY BROBI®: Greenwich st NY. SPEROUS rlunitise 10 secure North Dakota never had better crops than # those just harvested fine Government PRO Many oppo Maps and full partco we CH, Wannes al, Minn, and adjacent to railroad. Gon. Pass. Ags, SL P's Are you mortgaged, pay~ ing heavy rents, aor rane ning behind * Can yan i innds. cheap, which will increase in values several fold in five years. Nea esther such oppor. tanities existing. Foil particulars, free, upon application te CU. H, WARREN, Gea ass. Agt., 5, Pasl, Miss, OFCROPS isnnunknown experience in Central and Korthern Dakota sad dress OC. HH. WARREN, Gen, Pass. Agt., ul, Minn. FREE! To MunCRANTS ONLY: An elegant Cary. ] i i Street, Chicags, —— s— PATER saint Examination free snoloss stamp: save Use, J. BRAT 00 H 88, Washi'et'n.D C QLD 1s worth $5 per in worth §10K, but is wold st Te a box by dealers. HOM STUDY, Book keeping, Patenanelip Arith. neti Shorthand, ke, thareaghiy taaght By mall, Cirediars free. BETANTS CULLEGE 7 Man St, Bulldde N.Y. 3 Bf FRAG Sa Archi sl Phila Howu s Ll. Sd P Matlin N Sth, bw TP MM. kSandar soll A Advisers rotatned, Send Ter inveatory Guides in ATENTS 0 Soldiers & Hlatre. Send ma for cireniare, COOL L risa HAN, Ay, Washington, B.C, Morphi Cared B22 rT pie till aot dd. Dep bene, Lebanon, ay revs mall. Pull Deseription By Eo od ConcenilE PENSIONS Buprovement. An increase ray be dus, Ad drome Mito B Sevens k Grover PA, Washingt’ Latest Puggy FIFTH WHEEL. 2000 ERDRAND CO, Fremont, nll got Ponsions, 11 « wim bled: Officers’ Bare pay enerierd QOLDIERS thsi relieved | 21 reare’ practices, Success of no fee awn wont fron, AW Walarmisk B Bon, Webiseton B95 OPIUM Es Stas wrens iy eT NeArnLy As Goon, PERRAPS.~ *‘John. | am afraid we can’t go to the theatre any more,” sald a Chicago woman to her husband, “No, I'm afraid we can’t; money is getting very tight.” “+1 shall miss it dreadfully.” **80 shall 1.” “Wiat shall we do?” “I have it. We'll bang your big hat on the back of the baby’s chair, and sit and look at iu!" " —————— Sroxs Wnacn Never Fain -—HBe. mantic Miss—1f a couple quarrel before marriage what is it a sign of? Experienced Old Party A sign that they will quarrel after marriage. “Buppose a couple get along without qpatreling before, what Is that the sign **A sign that they will quarrel after marriage, my dest.” A CosMOPOLITAN NATION. Court nesses BXPTOss restored to them by $100 THROWN AWAY, j gut rete. she wok, all tims medicine clans during the threo years they had THE GREATEST EARTHLY Boow. Out one oat relief, ually across my back, fect health, 1 treated poor suffering women," 10 every sufferer from such maladies, of gratitude for the ood than he physi. | | aside, and feel as fr Womks WONDERS, her more g by win contin. | Mich restored me to per- ; § with Dr, =, {i wy ¥. BoswreLr, White Cottage.O., gar Va. AE work, and have been ad to employ help dor ocommenoed bai. bave bad to wenr a tine; this I have lad I have 1 writes: * Your * Favorite Prestriplion have roe ¥, 10 the astonish all Guy. Bealth wonderful 1 can pow be on my feel this way they all present alike womb disorder. The gh yaician, ignorant of tient gets no better, shysicians, suffering, as they | Fa from pervous exhaustion or prostratio Suing and the causs wn of the delay, wrong treat cause would have entirely ram Mrs. BE. F. Monaax, of East Be 3 PHvsicians FAILED. alone, usin Medical Adviser.’ months I was perfectly cured, and have had wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly Having exhausted the weak I could with diffic velope for reply. In reply, I have described my case and have earncsetl and had commenced the use of * Favorite Pres 1.50 required for the *Modiosl Adviser,’ much better already, No. 71 Lexington St. “Five years ego of | | JEALOUS skill of three phy- | Doctors discouraged, and so i of money, ‘Common Sense | In three no troubie since, 1 mentioning bow my | he would get mrticulars | dt fim tiers. the trestment used, From a great pg thet they had sent Lhe gpplicd the win therein, cod wore WOR TING | "Favorite Prescriptic { ten dollars. FORTE. stati ription,’ time. I bave four years.” The treatment of many thousends of “ass of those chronio weaknesses and distrossing milments peculiar to females, at the invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. has afforded 8 vast experience In nplocly adapting snd thoroughly testing remedios for the cure of woman's peculiar maladios. and valuable experienoe, testimonials, reccived from patients and from physicians who have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate cases which had baffiad their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women, It 8 Dot POOOIMIIMen as 8 *oureall” but as & most perfect Epecific for woman's peculiar alhments. As a powerfn Invigorating tonie, it fmparts stren to whole system, lages, In worn-out, ,- ors, mili Zebop.sirie, hoasckeepers nursing mothe ers. and foeble women gesemally, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the great. est earthly b being unequalled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonite, It promotes digestion and assimilation of food, Address, FACETI A Tie Cuny or THE UNENPLOYED.~— A Dearborn farmer was trying to hire some o! the numerous loafers ground | he Central Market to go out to his | plgos and husk corn, and he finally | found one who had interest enough to ask: “What wages?" “I'll give you $2 per week board.” “1s the corn in the barn or out in the field?” **Out in the Geld, but I'll set up » tent and stove, and lay down a new Brussels carpet for you.” “Do you bave ple and pudding every meal?" “Oh, yea” “Can 1 sleep iz the parior room?" “Certainly.” “Any cider to drink?” “Plenty of it. Will you come?’ “Y.pen | guess 50. Say, how fur is it to church?" “Three miles, but 1'l] take you bugey.” “No, you won’tl That settles itl I've got a lame back, and it Juris we and bed in a cures nausea, weakness of stomach, indi. gustion, bloating and eructallons of gas, As a soothing snd sirengthening mervine, * Favorite Prescription” is un- ind and is invaluable in allaying and ing nervous excitability, lrrita dilty, ustion, prostrstion, bysteria, spasms oiher dstressing, DErvous symploms osmmonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induors refreshing sioep and relieves me pial anxe joty and despondency. . Plerce’s Favorite Prescription fa un legitimate medicine, carefully ar ed by an Sper noed and skillful physician, and sdapte organisation. It is i composition and perfect 7 effects in any condition of the system, ex he and to ride. 1've gol to be where I can find a church by walking a couple of | blocks, Might hand me ten cents for | consuming my valuable time,” CURTAIR LECTURES SHORTENED ~~ 11.45 P. M.Mr. Winke—My dear, did you see what Lhe pape: s sud tonight about Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Mrs. Winks—No; and I am pot hall 80 much :nterested in Miss Stanton us | am in your persistent and continual staying oul every, But this Is advice to women want to preserve their beauty. Oh, what Is it? Ste says there is only one thicg that will do it—pleuly of sleep. who Wire (who prides kersell on being | sensible): *“Joun, de you notice how easy fitting my new shoes ure?’ Husband: “Yes.” Wife: “Well, do you know why 1 “Favorite Prescription” Is a {tive eure for the most oormplicated i obstinate oases of eucorrhea, or whites,” | exorssive flowing at monthly periods, pain- wolapsus or falling of the womb, weak | back, “female weakness,” snfeversion, re- troversion, bearing-down sensations, clirot- fe congestion, iInfianunation and ulceration min and ten. od with * ine of the womb, inflammation, | dornees In OVENIOS, SOCOTH | ternal boat.” holly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned in ene reading. arommended by Mang Twat, Bacsann ¥ the Bclentist, Hons, W. W. Aston Jrnan Coliege | P90 vlasees of JT each wt Vale | 0 at Und versity of Pens, Phila. / #00 at Wellesley College, e classes at Uhastsuque us PORT PERE from PROV. LOISETTE. 2F ? WELLS’ HAIR BALSAM restores Gray E 8 WELLS, Jersny City, A. &, BOUBHoxCATAR Ri Oly abwolwte, rare foul bromtd, ve odors, sore Groat, -— bre TY Tha oy v ty x. J. 00K YOUNG ign Ln tamui. o, 3. gnother with pain bere or there, anc mn separate and distinol discs, eymptoms caused iy BOL are made, The sulferiog A proper meditine, Lisa Mrs. CG. F. Braces writes; “1 was miblod with leuocorrhen and Bug of Lhe jours, so 1 bad to kewp my bed f the time, doctored with an and spent Large At last wy which I war loath and the doctore said hustuand LE ai would try then He got me six bottles of th gino six bottjes of the * Discov: ry, for boities x ‘Discovery ” and four o and 1 have been a sound woman for fou wrt o PLY smn 1G G0 them, 1 finally told m # and she cured berscii any medicine now in & short FAO * t i 1 & i i i it i In pregnancy, * Favorite Prescription * relieving DEUCE, common 10 thet condition, 34 pt up in the latter WOLTHE of it so prepares the system ona greatly lesson, and many ines rely do sway with the sutferings yaploms Enost enti “pavorite Prescription” when taken ive doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Peildis Their combined use sis moves blood taints, and jebolishes oan’ bagnors from the “Favorite Prescription is the only women sold, by druggieto, positive guaranice, from the © sntinfno- 3 This guarantees hes n printed bottie-wrapper, and faithfully our. many years, Large bottles 100, or six bottles for 500, £™ Sond ton oonts n gtampe for Dr jarpe, illustrafed Treatise (100 w and world, rquuis cusie shoes that cost (rem W.L. DOU $3 SHOE - The only 83 SEAMLESS Shoe in the world, with. out tacks or nails. Finest Calf, ect ny LI. DOUGLAS SE SHOE, the glual only band.sew welt $4 shoe 10 the ads handsewes GLA ul Bi A WwW. L. DOUGLAS 82.50 EHOE Is seexe sulied for heavy wear, If sot ssid by your denier writs W.L. DOUGLAS. Brockion, dn wnnssnmaimmion “ RE Drs. J. N. & J. B. HOBENSAUK, Medical and Surgical Offices #0 Yuass Esraprissarn, 206 North Second St, Philadelphia, V's. Tegular Registered Physicians apd aoe wile 4 in the treatment and oars of cases of pervons debility ani spocial disehacs Offoe hours fiom § a.m. 102 pm, anl roms opm Closed on Saf laFs Cousa.laliv no ow mail Brictly confidential Wher { wey cure | do Sot moss soerely 1080p them for & Lime and then have then reins seein, . a Y or PA i The wore! oases, » rune] oy (ive Ee Hae M. CU. 183 Peuri 56. New York. 'FRAZE i 4 : 3 ANS A 1 RAO After all othere fail coaasuls Dr. I.OBEB Jnr 18th 8c, below Callewhl, Fala, a WANTED: ONE AGENT FOR THISCOUNTY, 3 as “ewes Sukh ons”