NEWSOF THE WEEK. —Mrs, Sarah Hicks, a schoo! teacher n Brooklyn, committed suicide on the th, —Ewell Lauter was fatally shot while resisting arrest, by a deputy marshal named Cunningham, In Wil Hamstown, Kentucky, on the afternoon of the 12th, Edward Hoag, of Denver, Colorado, went to Owensburg, Ken- tucky. two months ago to maary Miss Ella Brown. Two days before the ceremony Hoag disappeared myste- riously. On the 15th his remains were found four miles from the town. He had over $300 in his possession when last seen, and it 1s thought he was murdered for his money, In a saloon in Walince, Kansas, on the evening of the 12th, an itinerant sewing machine mender attempted to make **Tom?" Dunn, a local *‘tough,’ dance. Dunn refused to dance, when the sewing machine man commenced firing his re- volver, Dunn then shot him dead, Dunn was arrested, but allowed the liberty of streets pending the Coroner's inquest. Herman Hochkoch was maur- dered at the Yenk Hotel in Milwau- kee, Wisconsin, early on the morning of the 13th, He was a rallway laborer and arrived there on the 12th, having about $100, Robbery is supposed to have been the motive of the crime. A despatch from Corona, Colorado, says Vorce, the desperado, was not wounded, and after killing Hollingsworth mounted his horse and escaped. --The municipal election in Boston was held on the 13th and brought out 51,487 votes, the largest number in any local election since 1853. O’Brien, Democrat, was re-elected Mayor, he receiving 206,621 votes to 24.866 for Hart, Republican and Independent. **The I.abor vote failed to material- ize.” The Republicans gained two Aldermen, the Board standing eight Republicans to four Democrats. Com- mon Couneil stands 43 Democrats to 29 Republicans, the same as last year. License was carried by a majority of 8483. Local elections were 2iso beld in Lowell, Salem, Lynn, Worcester and Waterbury. All were carrled by the Republicans, and all voted for li- cense. The local election in Charles- ton, South Carolina, on the 13th, re. sulted in the success of the Demo cratic ticket. The official returns of the vote of Dakota on division show that in North Dakota the majority against division is exactly ten theous- and; in South Dakota the majority for division is 13.038, —A despatch from Brooklyn says that as an engine and siz dirt cars were crossing the trestlework over Gowanus Bay, and Thirty-sixth streets, on the morn- way, and the cars, upon which were a number of workmen, were thrown into the water, Four of the men were badly Lruised, but all escaped alive. ~A [re occurred in the new rour- story flat house at Sth avenue and 128th street, New York, on the afters noon of the 12th, and practically ruined the building and the funiture of the eleven families occupying it. The loss to the tenants is placed at about §35,- 000, There were many DAITOW C3Capes from suffocation, bapking irm of H. 8, Ives & Co., was arresied in New York, on the 18th, oa a4 warrant, which was jssped on a charge of grand larceny made by Julius Dexter, President of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. He tion. Ives sald he was not guilty. ~Henry Fawcett and his wife, liv- ing near Point Pleasant, West Vir- ginia, went to church om the 11th, leaving their three children, the eldest being but five years old, locked up at home.” When the parents returned they found the bouse in ashes and the chil- dren burned to death, ~—While haudling & supposed un- loaded gun, on the 12th, William Young, of Matinicus Island, Maine, shot and fatally wounded his brother in