ms ——— . HH, LOHR. 'W PLAINING MILL, N* CENTRE HALL, PA., AGENT FOR {Covenant Mutual Benefit Association, of At Locust Grove,near Grove and Wolf's | Galesburg, Ill, special agent for the [counties of Centre, Clearfield, Mifflin land Huntingdon, This Co,, is strictly for | Ode d Fe ellows and their wives or the Union Central Tite Ir (continued from outside page) ATH-Lo- pio-Ros Rh eurmatisnt Neuralgia Nervous head JOB WORK, | palf. From the tribuual in which eonvic- Having added to our stock of material | Michael Schwab was a native of Baves | tion was secured tha caso Was taken to we are ready to do poster work, at low | ria, 84 years old, Ho was fairly well edu. | Yhe suprome eourt of l[llinols, and alter rates: Sale bills, large 4 sheet $1.25; and } | cated, and learned fthe bookbinders trade | that body had aflirmed, it was sarried to sheet, $1.00. All poster work in same | in Germany. He inflicted himself on |the supreme ocourt of the re - proportion. Envelopes at $1 75 per 1000 | America in 1575, living 0 year or two as Again It was affirmed, and 9, ao, 1 oy us Bil heads and statements $1.75 per 1000, | Miwa and sinea at Chicago. sHse was | every conceivable moans and with out oo” ache. Ir will ie a writer on the Arbeiter-Zellung. drance, the vast army of their advocates, cure You. Cash to RCCONIPADY oroer, Adolph Fischer, twenty-nine years old, | friends and sympathizers moved upon the : | . "ae 4 has lived ft vmerica fifteen years. He | governor, in whose clemency was vosted oe SOE \ 7 has just beiter- Zeitung. He | the Inst hope Here overy class of society / wi : : o children. was represented, is of names, ’ / | mill at the nbove pla and » a German. He is | many of illustrious years' sentence in | the heartrending appoal nis conuection with { this city and state, but from { the nation p beseechings ter, paramount | would exercise great his Ife with a | given him to was the youne- | for the people's gor Saw Mill. 1ikoe, o Op. 0 nsur ¥ her sgent bdecly IBA BAF n'y BER, d compiete oper piaining | wed a new “an i i — Fler % 4 11 i epared to fill all and thousan : | § ALVIN F. SOLT, y gave LE MART DALE, ATTOBEREYY- AT LAW Bel Lefont 2 Office N. W. corner Dian doors from first national bank, CENTRE ‘COU N1Y BAR KING CO , ' man, orders © SASH, 0 Tailor —- Centre Hal 0 }Merchant Pa. i, Pa. i t ond, every cit tha prere — DOORS, J oured 87 een SIDING ~ MOULDING y nami y } I beret WW oanngunce to the public that I i nded have opened a Merchant Tailoring es mila cab tablishm t wmarmbar 1 frat as | The 4 o SHIRK'S BUILDING 0 i Lv shars of NE He was whe Dot i one re Ne at Centre Hall, and am prepared Jo al. | en any, where lie received a common | opposition prefer ring fend to.ali work perinining io my ne of ! svucation. Ho came to America | to stand upon the law Having taken a complete | th , and has been identified | ung the executive's [ fee gant Jen aay v ho An rel r since. He Is | yonge of duty to the? a | shit to have been insane. state. The law and % Give Me Hi | effort Lad been ex { { pended, and | comes mercy | and a surrender of the | tour to the punish- ment recorded agains! | them by the | They have sinned | to live and they i now to recite the wretches will suff omb 1p "WETS BRACKETS, PENNA. eraity. rest 1 Gove 4a % SOLES + i y . 4 favor or anything else in his 1 Receive Deposits a sunount Discount Becurities JAB, A. BEAVER, J.D President, h ful colore d lecture “Moorish ri, Athlo ph ait il Awail at. Mew Yor ant onl rents to Sell ne. Rates as reasonable Be nment Buy and Isgwhore, andsatisfact BHUGERT, Cashier On guarant eed. UNDERTAKING, in all its branches, attended to. and an elegant business, course in cattiog, my work will give fit guaranteed 1n every case, and examine my work. 1ists aver J D. MURRAY, sat isf: Ct 7. Centre Dealer in DRUGS, pular 1 ent Medicines 1 } ude Wire A eerit call ¥ 3 i ain Kept plore open may now ————— TOF tWO hearse for fu-|® AGENTS very day i 1 __ the HISTORY of 1 BLACK ;, PHALANX a | PR SYLV. ANIA nerals. J. ZELLER & SON, DRUGGIS TS, Bellefon Dealer In DRUGS, a CHEMICALSY PER¥U MER F FANCY GOODS, &e AT. BARGER, Bpring Mills > X te, Ps, majesty Ofebly DRUGS shall crime for An r death, A bomd Wi % gi Py Sw Nw iy : Boring Neva, 2 t thelr sugges prep ared at =. a. Scharoyer, cnesesmntetts {J sameness ON 6 BISHOP ST., BELLEFONTE, mms, {J smears Has got in his fall stock of —OIL CLOTHS, — all widths, stylesand rices ese) ecsmesn - aL pe Be Ne O—[,~E—U —M —8~ for o vestibules, halls, kitchens, &eo flice, smarts {J sommes He to take a | would be glad to have all drop in ok at his goods, provided the if. | Reston to be raining he will leave on his DOOR MATS, your shoe, his weather is fair. however, it should front step one of the best to wipe the mud ofl and nice and novel umbrella stand to place that ever-losable nmbrella. COMMON SENSE Tells anyone that it is an ut- ter impossibility for a mer- chant to sell goods continually —A.T C.0-9-T.— A never be legitimate business can conducted on such a basis, as taxes, rent, insurance, etc., must be paid and a living We do our business upon such a prin- earned. not conduct ciple, and we only ask a rea- sonable advance on all our goods. We believe in FAIR AND SQUARE dealing and know that our goods and prices prove what we Give us a call and be say. convinced. HARPER & KREAMER, Centre Hall, Pa. i JOR where SOAre iy where they received visit ng jall for the pury with any of the prison ushered in » right of our cut or has no special un on the out rs the ors, he must remal and talk wilh small Zand: day kissing can only the That thumbs with clieckors is where Ni touched be ind being ver The row of kuown as sre Lhe KEP iiged In y sat calls “mu to ths rdorars’ THE CITY UNDER GUARD. Police sad Milizsia Under Arms Watching Clucago Property. Detectives imost ones anarchist taxed nand f to iosired that of men ¥ Was all the iher patr ang the stronlsa he big buildings. Un al a seen men io uniform arme ight sticks and carrying dar ch they =Eept Cc Bi $PICIO Wi bad ilinu th at the su dark i 5 aud Irners IKS WATER W itside the jail thal than an res : this were shut th fT but 8 the city w thant lid chance will in the ty. Mon water w and at Ashland and The crib, thro iffer rst t ndiary a to gwael th the north side of Chicago orks, sit avenues rs, avenne, inated water flows aver three miles off shore Is miso carafully guarded. s¢ stone structure covering square bounded by Clark, Jackson, born and government bullding, is also under » special guard. Ia this monster buliding are situated not alone the post office and custom © ut also the sub-treasury (an, Deoar- NS 5 hhc "aan CORRIDOR IX JAIL IN WHICH EXECUTION TOOK PLACE. The city hall and county cours house» these twin structures that in thelr hideous. noss disfigure Clark stireet-—-were fully filled by police and detectives. Io the city building are the police headquarters and a large force are held there In re sOorve. Private detectives and watchmen as wall 8s police are guarding the palatial board of trade on La Salle street. GUARDING PUBLIC PERSONAGRE. Not alang the homes Lut slag the parsons of all who had a hand in bringing the an. archists to justice are being watched by the police, so that they shall not become the victims of an assassin, Those being thus shadowed are Judge Gary, States Attorney Grinnell, Superintendent of Po. lice Ebersold, Inspector Ebersold, Captain Bhack, Bheriff Matson, and such of the twelve jurors as aro in the city. At all the police stations are stationed a IBNrge ro: sorvo forge. The fire telegraph system is being oare- fully guarded, and additional men are ste tioned in the receiving stations, UNDER ARMS FOR FIFTY MILES AROUKD. By order of Adjutant-General Vanco all the regiments within filly miles of Chica go are under arms today, The Bpringfeld regiment, which Is la the armory, will ned come to Chicago, bot remain wusrd the SUALS DRORESEA wrdance with the plan a. It fell Into UW ranks advancing in the and Lo preserve ty It exp and scattered death and every Yollowing yf revolver bullets. Bixty-six and cast in "rang brave men ware ied with fic ioneo was f Ui side rs foil BEketeh of the Anarchists. st Spies, the ade He mayor 0 REAICHhIS maGeger sds and « society n posed Ihe nted Mast's siruct ade dynamite bom ling masses’ agai their ene’ drivers’ and to “apare nor ohiid in the great free WOHs Thia yod the decims cirgulation paper, but many con veris to the anarch atic idea sand bore iis legitimate fruit in thea. Haymarket sragedy Spise’ hatred of police was intensified Vis by the killing of his OSCAR NERRE guod-for-nothi og younger brother, William Bpes, by a icoman ia 155¢, William was & leader in a \ fight two months before his death in which a farmer near Chicago was killed, but Spies was acquitted of the crime. He was shot while resisting ar. reat and August cowed vengeance upon the police. Tne outoome is a histarig blot on the history of Chicago Hples of lata yoars has managed to dross well. He was an expert shot with the pistol, but was se big a coward shat he almoat fainted at she sight of blood. He was a single man, un. Jess his proxy marriage to Nina Van Zends counts, Parsons is forty-five years oid. Iie edited a paper called the Alarm at one time. Init he gave directions for the manufso ture of explosives and how to throw bombs, and advocated the destruction of society. He was at one time a scout in Texas and is a ‘dead shot ™ He has never overburdened himself with work, but is a born agitator. His wife ia quite as ardent In suarchism, and has addressed audiences in this eity within a year in behalf of the condemned Anarchists of Chicago. Hhe has negro or Indian blood in her veins. Bho is a good speaker, is a0 earnest denunociator of soci oly and makes vague appeals to arma, Bam Flelden was a native of Lincelnshive, Eogiand, and is forty yoars old. He worked Ia & cotton mill from his nioth year till he reached kis majority. % He joined the Wesloyan M. E. Church, and was a Bunday sohool super. intendont at 18, sad afterward a presckse He came Lo Amerioain 1806, lived three yedrs LOVIA LINGG. in Cleveland, and since 1860 tn Chicago. Fielden was the brightest of the anarchists, and bad a woe a little wife, who suffered terribly during the strain of the past month, George Engel was born in Cassel fn 1589, and care to Americs in 1872. He hes nlways bHeen a socialist of the violent ype sud was business manager ofthe Asbeiter Beitung. h cur destro dom," course ted the it the brought DO AMERICAN PUES Chior gco “ ima A BARGAIN. A Fine Farm wont Centre TN IIYTLITIIT PR TAA aks hn le dashie hw advan Cliath id Binding oth & Co wilh Bieel Engraviag, 184 Pages, MAILED FREE brn 0 Bex 1516, %. ¥ a i a aa Fal 4 4 { E5 FE Fevers, wt i 54 8 Warma, VS Worm { frying Col Marrhiea Dysentery, § Cholera Morbus Coughs, | Neuralgia, T Headaches OMEOPATHI Dyspepsia, Ruppresse de Ww Rites, too | rou malt Re Hheumatism, Khem Fever sod Ague, | Piles, Hiind or Ricedir Catarrh, Ioflnenss, ( Whooping {0 sugh, y General Debility, P Kidney Disease Nervous Debility {rinary Weakness, Wetting Ped Diseases of the Heart, Lats PECIFICS. of Array KEDICASE (0. 16% Fulton S0. FR FDO ew MAINA NIN a Re ol : ainfal Periods so Fe PINNED Sevan o He sd ent she & We AK Dons 5300 3 B30 wh we Sow 33 DF ee SDD hn 3 hme or price. M CORMICK BBOS, A R RE ~-DEALERS IN | STATE COLLEGE of Ars Asters. AGENTS Whit #1 : wl $ yr lite ana red whea i at, rve, shelled | oats and barley wanted at the | Hall Roller Mill—for which the highest market prices will be paid, Grain taken { on storage tf LOHR S—~NEW~GROCERY.—0O having been 100 sane will ¢, and with important make ihe store more and at low prices. His seen TEAR, . CRACKERS. BACCO sens CONTRA : ETO, osc TIONERIES, The stock will always be fresh and of beat goods. Every effort will be made to please, and a share of the public patron- age is solicited. JAS. H. LOHR. Centre Hall. 16) unm Pare Wines and Liquors for medice Hotels. IBY J8H HOO > W. R. oil {fonte, Pa. Bpecial attention given to _ junel by er, proprietor, Belie« 5|C° MMINGS HOU EMANT Bk EFONTE WY, Pro prietor | The nd communi will find {this hotel equal to any in the evanty in every respect, for man and beast, and icharges very moderate. Giveit a trial ne tf « PA Ein In 'BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. | BROCKERHOFY HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE, PA G. G. McMILLEN, Prop'r. we. Frees Buss to and from all trains. of {Sve scinl rates to witnesses and jurors. SBjun (ENTE E HAL L HOTEL. D.J. MEYER, Prop'r FOR SUMMER BOARDERS AXD TRANBIENT USTOM. Good Table, healthy locality, pure mountain water, surrounded by finest scenery in the state. Schools land churches convenient. Terms very reasonable. 16ang tf HCE First-class { Le youl samni ON HI 0 1 & Market "LEWISBURG house SE 4 é rooms Buss to and from all t HOUSE LOCK HA EN, PA: "8. WOODS CALDWELL, Proprietor, Terms reasonable. wood sample rcoms on first floor. n VIN NEV GARMAN HOUSE; 1 the Conrt House, BELLEFORT E, PA. opposite HOST 'E R M AN, Dentist, Centre Hall, Residence on Main street. Office in residence. Will give satisfaction in all branches of his profession, Ether ad- ministered l4apr D* 8. G. GUTELIUS.~ Dentist, Millheim. Offers professional services to the public. Hes prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully pre. pared Lo extract teeth absolutely withon pain. my27 D¢ WV W. his J. L. Bravoiren, SPANGLER & HEWES, ATTTORNEYB-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO,, PENNA Epecial attention to collections ; practice in all the courts; Consultation in German snd English C. P. Hewes Nj ‘cozaica BROS Ee | P.& X D8 meee A L L. A L LL, Side Boards, Tables, Trndertaling dma iiss a Specialty. I “Oastoria is so well adapted to children that { recommend it as superior to any prescription kbown to me." IL A Ancusn, M.D, 111 So. Cxford 84, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oastaria cures Colle, Constipation, Worme, gives sleep, and promotes di- medication, OHN KLINE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA Office on second floor of Farst’'s new building north of Court House. Can be consulted in English or German, 7m’yS4 a —— E. L. ORVIS, J. H, ORVIS, C. RVIS, BOWER "& ORVIS ATTORNEYS AT-LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office opposite the Court House, on floor of Furst’ # building, jan85 F. FORTN NEY, Attornay-at- Law, q Ofioe in old Conard building, Belle- on 2d K. HOY, OCU LIST AND AURIST, min, Office No. 4 South Spring Street, Belle- fonte, Pa. Office Hours, 7t0 9a. m., 1 t02, and 7 8, p. m. llmay4m S. A. LIST, LEWISBURG BOOK 'BINDERY. All kinds of binding, at reasonable rates. New. papers, magazines, pamphiots, ete, bound and re bound in fist class style. 102m EXTRA i480 HIGH TERMS, Agents who have had fine sucooss should wri us in a RTT HR no postal cards) names of bac, ersoid in | what time, what terms FLAX and XXTRAOKDIN ARY D ow . ins new and sailing en dy HENRY DUCK IN & & 00, Isepdim LADELPHIA, PA: SALESMEN WNATED. To canvass for the sale Stock | Ponds om Si14nY 4% P.