AHIR As inevery City and awn to sell this new OC WANTED AND now 10 USE THEM. ALFRED H. GUERNSEY, Ph.D. ANT] Li TRATED. The Pictures con 'd mot be repro or A Grand F Book for ‘Canvasse ™ &3 ot Six SHAT Any Person in Special Terms, NTER & CO, Publishers, Springfield, Mass. EW GOODS! NEW GOODS HARPER & KREAMER Centre Fall, ust opened one . . y %4 Rooms in the Valley COMPLETE STOCK OF— DRESS GOOLS NOTIONS HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, HABDWABE QU Produce taken and 4 {arket Prices Paid. Just Received AT THE— Great Central DYNAMITE, kin id for blowing The Be cie of its ROCK bet ween THEODORE DERCHNER, BELLEFONTE, P ST ELMO HOTEL, 317 & 319 Arch Street, Philadelphia luced rates to $200 per day. The i will still find at this Ho» ral provision for their sm fort It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuses mer : and different railroad depots, as well nd all parts of the city, are easily nceessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors It offers special inducements to those visitingthecity for business or plessure Your patronage rospactfuly solicitad IOS M. FEGER *Pronrisor JOB WORK, Having added to our stock of material we are ready to do poster work, at low rates; Sale bills, large } sheet $1.25; and } sheet, $1.00, All poster work in same b yroportion, Envelopes at 81 75 per 1000 Bill heads and statements $1.75 per 1000, Cash to accompany order. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, White and red wheat, rye, shelled corn oats and barley want at the Centre Hall Roller Mill—for which the highest market prices will be paid, Grain taken on storage tf RECORDS OF THE BALL CLUBS. The Crippled Giants Pulling Behind summary of Games. NEw Yous, Ju 1 ‘he woak with ti 0 C Now holding its Ww n good shape ended second place and Detroit is still There is ire in the position Now effect Yorks arc in nERIn Por ¢ vad positions cent, Won. Baltim MAViILIO Boulanger Talks Sense. Fhe Queen Reviews her Yroops A Priest and His Pistol. A Sinking ( ‘rohibitionists Victorious. Deserted His Wife for a Maiden. Henry Swindling Pension Agent, James BSt. th Md., July 1 R84 i € mond a United A Crisis in Servia, It is reg YORK MARKETS. 1 i NEW ily 11 Money on Call at & and Closin 1 To-day. 106 we X (3 . 0 iL 1, reg PT 134% 1x 199. con 12s ny STK K MARKET ClLiosiNG PRICEA Closing Closing Yesterday Tod Cansnalan Paotfio, lis fig Chicago, Bur, £Q 14 Central Pacifi “ 33 Del, & Hudson 101% Del. Lack. & W 1114 Erie . Erie pref . Lake Bhore Louis. & Nash Michigan Central Missouri Pacific N.Y. & Now Eng N. J. Central N.Y. Cent, & Hud. Bort iwestern . Oregon Navigation Pacific Mall. ... ' Heading look Island St. Paul. . sats Union Pacific West Union ’l PRODUCE MARKET July Aug "6 y Mg Wig Sh y Bi ny MERCHANTILE EXCHANUR steady, Creamerv-Fastorn Western 1943040 0 Dairy Imitation, of sastern, Balllrgin tum 16al853 west rn, 13al0c. Factory -rrosh, 121 3%; low grades Ta80 Choose Market quicts New York ahaddar bub ace Creamery ~Naow York, part skims Dull and weak: Malti: 104; II ale Sep ° % si Putt reMarsues THE WEALTHIEST NEGREES » nots the Colored Bome Interesting Dixon, About Amanda Heolress. Avausra, Ga, July 8 —8ince the decision of the supreme court giving tw Amanda Dixon, the illegitimate daughter of the late David Dixon of Hancock county, his prop erty, to the amount of #400000, it will probably prove of to know thing of Ama of the case are interost SOMO ida and her mode of living. familinr to the public generally David Ihixon, who was “ wealthy planter of Hancock county wife, had cohabited a Dixon, a former slave, by whom child, Amanda, Dixon's friend children Before his death he ro Julin £25,000. He tied in February, leaving the bulk of his property, £400,000, to ufter the de uth of his timate Amanda, she 1 iy use the interest on 1v, and at her death it is to The rel. to sot this will aside, both the the mo go to in tried Her two sons superior i n favor o on of the supreme made the richest irobably the ri DOSS repressor ance, THE REVOLUTION IN HAWAII Some of Kulakaaa's Promises~Two United States Vessels Near Honolulu, The V Wasn resident's New York Trip. Hemarkable Kaillroad Accident. her four.-yé iries, however, agreement to olf i ober, when the supreme court 8 ox woted to render a decision in reference to the appeals of the from the court of quarter which refused the licdnses They aiso execulnd is in saloon men SORKIONS, ¥ the sum Secretary Lamar's Danghter to be Married. Wasmixorox, July 1L.--Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Jennie, daughter of Becretary Lamar, to her cousin, Mr. W H. Lamar, a young attorney of this The ceremony is announoad to at the old homesetad of Mr Lamar, in Macon, the Yist inst The secretary and a number of friends of the family in this city will attend the wed ding. city. take place Becretary {fa., On Distribution of Shad, Hantronn, Conn., July 1i.-Buperinten- dent of Btate Fisheries Henry Fenton of Paquonock bas just completed the distribu- tion of ten million shad in the Connecticut and Housatonic rivers, five millions being given to each. Death of Charlies Merriam, SBrixorieLp, Mass. July 10. Charlies Morriam of the Webster dictionary pub lishing firm of G. & C, Merriam died at his home in this city. Sporting Gossip. The Baltimore players do not expect todo better than second place by the end of the soason. They say that their only ambition is to keep pushing the St. Louis team. Pitcher Kirby, who was bought Isat Saturday from Indianapolis by Cleveland, went to Cincinnati and was overcome by the hoat and knocked out in the first inning Arundel of Indianapolis was fined 868 aud costs in the Indianapolis police court for drunkenness and sssaull during his recent spree. The management then stepped in and fined him $100. It in sald that the Pittsburg club will make an effort to get back into the Ameri- oan association next season. It is also re. ported that Detroit will jump over to the American association, Nicol, the right fielder of the Cincinnati club, Is probably one of tne smallest men now on the ball fleld, but when a iy comes over his way he reaches for it ina way that would make a six-footer turn pale, ~The 324 Bession Moncay evening, Musical CoLLEGE.- of Bix Weeks, opens July 25th 1887, for the Teaching and Training of Young Ladiesin Vocal and Instrumental Music, fd ress, F.C, Mover, Musical Director, 15) 81 Freeburgh, Pa N*¥ PLAINING MILL, At Locust Grove,near Grove and Wolfs Naw Mill. ~-LOHR'S ~NEW GROCERY .—0Q IRE opened a new SARGER, mwnd complete piaining 8 prepared u DOORS, MOULDING The stock will hest always be fresh and of goods, Every effort will be made to IRA T. BARGER, please, and ashare of the public patron- age is solicited, Spring Mills 16jun2m JAS. H. LOHR. Centre Hall elie A DR. H. S. CLEMENS, BUCKLEN'S ARNICA The best salve in the we bruises, alt gores, ulcers, sores, tetter, chapped hands i corns, sod al n eraptions, and tively cures plies, pos - | or no pay required, It guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded ‘rice 25 cents box. For sale by all druggists, 4augly | arger Than EMPORI per «ver ! ITRNITURE UMOF J. #. CAMP, Bishop Strsst, Bells re complete { Chamber & Parlor Suits. Odd Pieces 5 Pre tf ily han ever. Endless vari invite the people ( f Centre to call and examine. In purchasing these go taken great care in selection, and purchased the bes the money. My prices are in strict conformity with reli- Jur Store Room is full and is worth seeing if you do not buy. We abe go wis, even have an attractive line of Par ts—of all the fashionable styles. Chamber Spits are equally attractive, They are in Walnut, Ash and Cherry, Besides goods enumerated above we have everything that can be found in a first class Farniture ye and see our Stock V. R. Camp. Sore { for Infants and Children. “*Castoria is so well adapted to children that { recomubend it as superior to any | rescription known to me." H. A Amncmen, M.D, 111 Bo. Oxford 84, Brooklyn, NX. ¥ Caatoria cures Calle, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Ervetation, Kills Worm 18, gives sleep, and promotes di- Tas Cerrave Coxprany, 152 Fulton Street, N. Y. I —— N ¢CORMICK BBOS, Njccormcs BROS, Prams memes. (J m————p CREE | HAL: | PX DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF -- FURNITURE -:- Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Side Boards, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads, Wood and Cane-Seat Chairs, Trndertaking a Specialty. J AE. H, LUOBR.) CENTRE Covenant Mutual Benefit Association, of Galesburg, 1], agent for the connties of Hearfield, Mifliin and Huntingdon. This Co., is strictly for Odd Fellows and th eir wives it for Lhe wi Crit re HALL, PA., AGERT FOR special Centre, ( C™ EMANT Office N. W { r Bellefonte, Pa orner Di mond 3 i st national bank doors from | C’ NTRE COUNTY BAN B' HH 3 WwW fonte, Pa. trade {youl wr WM AN The hole! eq ) tor. Belles I given Lo sountry junel 6y travelln TOR re IATZEes very moder ae LU CW 'KERHOFF HOI ALLEGHENY 8T,, BE (FORTE i. MCMILLEN, Prop'r. l Sample Reoms on First Floor. Frees Buss to and from sll tr ba Special rales Lo witnesses and ju £. Sun EYENTRE HAI y 12. d. MER Good Table, ountain walter, goenery churches inatural tand reasonabie [J EVN HOUSE | LOCK HAVEN, § B. WOODS CALI : { Terms reasonab 7 rr 4 yn Grst tioor. £32 MERO { LEW i De i Resi ie Ad residence. nranches of his } minisiered i R.S. G. GUTELI Dentist, Mi i services Lo profess: perform all n. H ) axiract leet ess) IRNEY-AT 1 AV, BELLEFONTE, PA second floor of Furst’s new lding north of Court House. Can be |consulted in English or German. 'y54 J OHN Law special attention lands or prog ery ic and have scknowledged Deeds, bonds&ec. Bellefonte, F. POTTER, Attorseranlaw lections promtly made and given to those having resale. Willdraw ud Mortgas we BOWE] i. « ] RVIS, ATTOR NEF LYS. AT-LAW, LLEFY E. FA Office opposite the C yurt House, on 2d floor of Farst's building. F. FORTNEY, Attorney-al- Law, “Office i in old Conard building, fonte. H." Office No. 4 fonte, Pa. Office Hours, 7 to 9 a. 8, p.m. HOY. M D OCULIST AND AURIST, South Spring Street, Belle- m. 1t02, and 7 1lmay4m S.ALLESMIEN WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock !| Steady emyloyment guaranteed SAL. ARY AND EXPENEES PAID, Apply at once, stating age. Chase Brothers, S. A. LIST, LEWISBURG BOOK BINDERY. AN kinds of binding, at reasonable rates. New, papers, magazines, pamphlets, ete, bound and re bound in Sst class style. 1013m (Refer to this PE 4 ROCHESTER IN TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT FROM the date of this notice we will do » strictly cash businom, and positively decline to do any more “ticking.” All orders for four, and coal, must be accompanied with cash or no athetition will be paid to io thei, We will buy all kinds of grain forsame, or exch for Sour, a dy fh KURTZ & SON Feb, 8 gt Centre re Bal, Cexmae Harr Mzar Manxen—The Centre Hall Meat market having a re frigerator families can at all times be sup- plied with fresh meats, of the best qual. 180 bol Next door to bois o pea Gay and evens even