re IE rH "ARM NOTES. INING MIL in Cows. —Mileh cows are frequently very much injure ed and ruined by care and harsh treatment connected milked, The milk and should not be too] for the sake of saving | be drawn steadily and with 1ts natural . ows have very tender Ls, and this fact requires the atten- of the milk-man, rapid work would haves tendency to do in- jury to them. But probably the most consideration is the attention that is paid in the line of Kindness; cows are frequently very sensitive, and barsh | treatment either by words or act ren- | ders them e xceedingly restive, A cow that is impatient does not kindly sub- mit to rough handling, and soon the | disposition ruined by bad treat- ment. We have known cows so restless lo | harsh or boisterous treatment that they would almost wholly withhold their milk, Among animals kind treatment is always appreciated. To be gentle and kind to animals inspires confidence, and for the reason no one should be allowed to have the care of animals who is subject to fits of passion, and would be harsh to them or who would be boisterous in manner, if the welfare of such animals i3 de- Rt occasionally less | vith has a | should spoudent * Some ( 100 yon 5i0Ce important is and future good sired. eg. — The secrets growing, early sowing and giving JETTUL lett uc JOSErver, prepared are soil, ie seed y being sma and and wn early hence also bec nl ri Hang, dril | the are suffice: thinning about way, e to ollowing this method, time every alternate | ng ones iapidly ones will grow afool or m Ge ve is one will Som wrenisd WIG VANTLLY later plants { miniature waz 3} , 2 catage ARL the re style cates that 4 1 hose WESIEKN BOOM, TRE All ( ithe Ar st. Joseph, Mo, Bull Leading tors in Real Estate D of ym peti - onls an Substantial qui sition Faterpri v . A D0 THe n tinues pa vai a corre I t king house AMD Ming Li dicate of truction of to be t £308 {i the sb in one ald 1 n for $i ), 700, and s lines, balan« Sam 1.4 a cost, PS we 00 and sold onstable bought ph Extension Jd. B ight eighty Third and Sylv: wen offe red ne ni unk refused it. J. M., Hill} east corner Second a ef used 1 #000, f ta on BL. J ow FS bo OF BF v en ’ 8 "WL me ph sold im six ‘ht two lots in | $600, ia thirty i since re r by ight y and = 6 been in January in for 8700. In th d £1 000, since four #in days i Easte hoan a Ken days after h then $2,000 f Robidoux addition old for $6,000, and purens O00, Mme. N Brewste for $500 sold and in days they : DP. GG. Griswold East St. Joseph for § lay for $750; also resold three rede and his M. and four i i 10m, KR three in weeks One of the ry, speaking of the prevailing boom, as follows of Joseph, where he has just issued the Directory for 1887: “Not only has Joseph increased in population at a most satisfactory rate, there being an increase in one year of 5.846, while the total population un round numbers is shown ), 000, but she has undergone a spir that angurs the outstripping of all compe tition, [fen years ago ths city had scarce. ly a dozen manutactories, whereas the year '87 finds her with some 170 of all kinds, with thirteen railroads, the largest publishers ef Hoy a's Western writes Direc. the cities and wt to be { ited revival ’ wiles of streets, paved with asphaltam, and | as many miles more under contract, with the electric motor soon to be in ope ration on two of the car lines, and the cable line an assured fact, and new springing up Gaily on every hand. demand tor real estate has been steady and | active, the United States in bank clearances, per cent. of increase over 1886 reaching in one case 140.7, and up to date maintaining an average of almost 100. Down to Dee. 41, 18806, Bt. Joseph's jobbing houses did a business of $110,530,000, showing an in. crease in the business of 1886 over that of 1865 of $23,111,028, A fair indication of the ine reasing business may be sought in the fact that St. Joseph now employs a force of commercial travelers numbering 1,013 men, #t. Joseph, more than any other Western town, offers the best inducements to men of small capital to commence & manufac turing business, and to mechanics and la. borers to find employmew’ and build ded:- while homes, INDIGNATION.—* You sounterfeit $10 gold plece | You must be entirely de- void of conscience, ?? “Well, return it to me. I'll | tin.» i “Oli, 11 mel ody else YirrTuous gave me take it i would 18 a4 8 WIFE — Smith's acqualntan for nothing fellow.’ Husband—**1mj I ought t he come you Ie ossible!! know, 1f anybody. from my place, and 3 v ife- 0 Doesnt 3 there amounts to anything.’ PArA—*"No, my dear, I wouid not wear tan-colored gloves; they do not your dress. His Helress— “Dear me! Neitber they doy” (bright- ening) ‘but then you Know, papa, I can get a dress and wrap and a bonnet and a parasol to mateh the gloves.’ ts ONE advantage overlooked when | pared with the use of commercial fer- tilizers, is that with the decomposition | of manure a liberation of carbonic acid ges, which upon the soil chemically and assists in providing a greater amount of plant food by ren- dering i t matter soluble, The value manure, therefore, does not depend solely on the amount of material added to the soil, but i led partly to its chemi is acts net Ol va) i fed ground il wholegraius, waste Ie By Io od will be ile th animals wil 1 3 } of food a food 80 J0- aller pre required, wi ser-Worked Women, Money Makers otherwise a —~ are Frazer Axle Greass, Fra the than th e commonest $ more applause of them, Courage, tues, obtain cretion, the rarest vir- 1 a if yon h fx Love can eanness; but excuse means natural i) excep! ess kills love, ples even affection. Vi JE EX with praise; so when a f(ault is discov- ered, it is well to go in company with ii, wed * an in in any part. st porous plas. warfal pa tals 1gest pot ive (or stron wn. the tne you aut best, xt & Of rourse You w Hop Plaster the ue jure cure, ns ID. TS - Never retire at night without being wiser than when you rose in the morn- | ing, by having learned something use- ful during the day. itaillin Nothing like Cann's Kulney Cure for Gravel, Bright's, Heart, Urimaryor L Nervousness, &« Cure guarantesd, Arch St, hia. $1 a bottle, 6 for $5.00, Try it The man who violently hates or ardently loves, cannot avold being in some degree or sense a slave to the per- Draopay, ver Diseases, UMlos, S31 pruggists, ss TS: All Fita stopped free. Treatise and $2 trim bottle of Dr. Kline'stireat Nerve Restorer, free 6) }itcases. rendio Dr. Kline Wil Arch st, Pala, Pa The habit of resolving without act. ing 1s worse than not resoiving at all, inasmuch as it gradually sunders the natural connection beiween thought and deed. ‘ i— Royal Grore' mends anything! Broken Chi. pa, Glass, Wood. Free Vials at Drugs & Gro. A Many persons are purified and exal- ted by sickness, as if the hand of dis- ease had been stretched out over them only to make the sign of the cross on their souls, A MI if a cough disturbs your sleep, taks Piso's Cure for Consumption and rest well. » MASON & HAMLIN 100 STYLES OF ORGANS “9 oad ae TO $000. Re nd for Catalog 46 pp THEE IMPROVED UPRIG HT PIANOS The new mode of pi tion Invented by Mason & Hamlin in 1882 has beer y pre many excellent expe sonouncing it the "great. i century.” ne, ito, QUARTER, vr. | ano construd ved, est improvement n plar send for Catalogue For full information MASON & HAMLIN CRG! YEW TORE, 46 Bast 14th OL, ar ¥ AND TE AAEA AA NO PIANO CO. 4 } BOSTON, 104 Tremont Ot, He Gor ™e Ginn,-—Confidential Sorcine, I want to Spent | vou on a little matter of business, ur daughter,’ Never, you 1'1] dis “We.whatl marries Employer ever, exactly it. Of cours man has a right to do but I thought I'd drop in rand whether you'd rather have me and remain here, to Mon very he @ to marry her and take her 3] that puts Would of new “I'm! Well, in a course light. “ “Quite so’ “Well, take her and be happy. I “‘Fully that much.’ is always something Interest- about childhood in- One evening not long ago I THERE CURES WHERE ALL ELSE Dest Cough Byrup. Tastes good, in Ume. § ANTI BILIOUS PILLS, THEGREATENGLISHREMEDY MARRY Her dag tanta gngie ~~ 5 oo & 5 a ‘ AFFLIC | ED 2% UNFUKT TUNAT E After all others Dr. LOoOBB 290 NK. 15th 8¢., below Callowhiil, Phila 20 ye ence in all SPECIAL dioras . these weakened by os Callor write. Advice free as Flours: ss am. tlle, and 7 te se ITS: Fee Dr KLINE 8 NerveResT on : BRAT & New FOr HPS TAPE al ore PR. WILLIAMS te Pile Ointment will cure any case of fiche tated or Pretrudin ANTEED. 1} r ars H ILES! PAYSthe FREICHT Ton Wagen »ralrs, Base we JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, N, ¥. EDICAL OFFICES, 206 XN. Second Bt, Philada., Former » Drs.J.N.&J. 5. HOBENSACE. Fetablished 40 years, For the curs of al » DISEASES OF MEN, ling VARICOCELE, Ete, Call or write be eflernon Ce Hoepital so 8, 61 Closed Dusiare, red by a (ira ate of ene - lege, with o. i | INES IMPROVED ROOT REE » PACK i MiEHX, Bie, Makes 8B gallons | sparking tempers Barer ge | purifies the biood tts ogi an i a on Cand te ACH f Savor | commend it $0 a roid] evecy whore ™Y »7Y. je SR a day, "amples worth S150 FRER Jues not under the horse's feel Address I a s Sarery Ruin HoLous, Holly, Mich. OPIUM =% nal fparse Da Manes Quincy Mj) | ® ART. ASTIN, KIDDER S om TE Xi Had le slowly HORTHAND [i ont, Dy mall or pers — tugtions procured All paps when compe ans « Go CHAFFEE, Orwego. 5 x Piso's Remedy for Catarri je the Best, Easiest to Uso, and Chenpost, CATARRH droggists t by mal. ET Prt hl kif and Morphine Mahit cured in days Hefar fo 1000 palonis on fe HERETOFORE it was supposed that the Dorking fowl was very tender when youug, and not easily rmised, Recent experiments show that the Dorking feathers rapidly, the same as the Leg- | horn, and if the chicks be allowed a small quantity of meat once a day they will prove as hardy as other Kinds. This difficulty overcome, the Dorking will bold the highest place among poultry as a market fowl, 1t 13 to the barnyard fowls what the Shorthorn ia among cattle. tuted the family. When 1t came to to retire he was son consti for the lad bedroom. After the manner of his teaching, he on his knees and began to repeat + well-known child’s prayer, **Now {ter recili once he repeated it, and theu he gan to say it Just nished the hei tal Pp yh, ¥ wi Over aga rd time his ' tlie father hat in world replied, LWOo nig “Why, papa,’’ he IY f 101 fyymt v ¢ USL BAaYIiDg prayers th ry @ A Dass to Wi W "wi of an Who pestere Cai ly fing ale afl I am rid even uve “How did Married ghiter, alia— -**Well, at things ‘What's natter now, ‘Well. ye Know vork ag bard anybody alt As SCATCELY make a livin “That's so,’ “*An’' yet my brother Bob has saved million on a salary of $1,500 Year, an’ they call him a statesman,’’ oh Wire -*Ti says women are more relia! 1 positions of trust than men are.’ Husband -*" How do they make th til ? ’ 1a at “From statistics, It is known that where one hundred men abscond, not tore than woman can be found who is in least dishonest, Now one the " “Well, the women bave no extirava- —_ The LYueen, 1f Moxie Nerve Food can take the ging and stimulating, it has and many of the doctors actually does. After thirteen ite sale is said to be the largest ever known, place come say it # the last half of everything that has been found. Poor litle Moxie weed, never dreamed before that it was so soon 10 be queen of f the medical ‘world. - HA Just “MY this way? You are too hysterical seems to me the sense of protection which 1 bring to you~" sir, 1 didn't marry you for protes- tion!” “Eh? For what, then, pray?’ “For revenue. Now, are you golng to get me that new bonnet or aren't you?" EASILY ACCOUNTED Fon.~Bili Collector—**See here, I have written you a dozen letters about the bill you owe my firm and you haven't even rec- ognized them,’ Country Editor- “‘Were they written on both mdes of the sheet?” “Of course.” “All such communications go into the waste bas ket without reading.” The happiest creature is he who has a thought for himself, : god tot ys wepke [ood's BArsapar pling an strength ron greater Dr. Pier ree’s v Golde: " ve di . Dis ove ry (tier 1 t LYDIAE. PINKHAM' 'S | Se : , EGETABLE © Di Saran] Shas ore © COMPOUN rom wha OFFELS THE > SUREST REMEDY ILLS AND DISORDERS SUF- Y WOMEN EVERYWHERE. in in ii 14 it . Bic ree ‘sw Golden Medion on X ZA SR i A J PAINFUL FEREDB ces very CURES ALL HUMORS, THE LIF D EE." Pier " FOR THE BLOOD iS Ladies! Golden "Medical hs CONSUMP™ r ION, Se rofu ia ofthe § Chronic Biscases Liver, Blood, and Lungs. s Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main St, BUFFALO, N. ¥ vr EXHAUSTED VITALITY & Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Age! Men DR. PARDEE'S RIEMIED Tie Only Bellabls Rloo arifl 4 SPECIFIC FOR RHEUMATISM, S8crofula, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia, Ring Worm And sll other Skin and Blood Diseases. ITABGULATES THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Curos Indgestion and all dlscares arising from an enleebicd condition of the aysiom, EF Ask your Draggist f lL PARDEE'S REME DY » take © ther w 8) e or Six Bott ioe for §8 Ranuine hy the PARDEE MEDICINE co., Pochester, N. Y. KNOW THYSELF. pURLISTIED | the 1'E I ASTITUTE, Neo Haul Hosta “ man WML ix Rn Ki "e por bot ABDOD MEDI finch =i. M.D. we yr W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. » oof The best 83 She wer fm the MEDALS AWARDED-TD] | : WwW. 1. la 21) avi BL50 Shoe «~ fires. Bove ware of Trow Cures Plen are slumped on Rhenmetion, Low : WwW. 1. mn of rar DOUGLAS Backache, Weakness, ¢ ai n the Chest and oll Aches and ¥traing them 2 Khoe, a a Rite “ proce Bie Brockton, Mass. 1 YE THON toasted 1 AN h = th i Tranbies Nere vous Debilar,. Mental or Physical Ww en iho we that Ho “nie Nerve Bitters fall 1th St, ten urd for amy Hiduey Phila... a dy ory Sm. Learn here and earn oe py Situations Janesville Wis ER A JER » AXLE HENRY WARD BEECHER Why did the Women Tam W. EKsox As Aut i end ampiote Himory BEST IN THE Won GREASE for =e Jian = SE Kata Terms. Sand yy “Gre. HUNMANEREMREDY LX of this country use over thirleem million cakes of Beware of itn tations under stellar of his Life and Work from the Lie to the Grave EF” Get the Genuine Bold 4 Prevswhte. | iar. Address FUE ©0., Hartford, Cos. Lean on trial - ’ . Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886? esonnding Latoes. AK rel Rs Barson's Ax T4580 k - SThIN ACENTS WANTED for the LIFE OF wile all aihern 30 te i The BEAT and CHEAPRRY. he RA ——— ws——— TELE Write PHY = | IPI LaF ae nue Ind. Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why: