» THE CENTRE REPORTER] ' BARNIURNED. we ow TE The bara of Jacob Weaver, near Pine 4 og oR p in | Grove Mills, was destroyed by fire on ; FRED. KURTZ, ’, EomoRand ProPadrnit wilh ah ita contents, inoluding - “| live stock, except ote cow and one call. Centre Harpy, Pa, Nov, 24, 1880, —On last Satur. lay, De, W. A, Jap cobs, of this place, ‘shile attending bis patients inthe Loop, wet with a. severe accident, He was driving down a steep hill near James Horner's, when the breech b&Hd of the harness broke and let the buggy run against the horse’ The horse was a young beast and began fo run and kick, snd soon became un. manageable. Seeing several children in the, road _ ahead .of him the Dr. leaped from the bugey and finally succeeded in quieting the frightened beast. After unhitching the horse, he felt a severe pain in his right ankle and was carried to Mr. Horner's house and was brought home in the afternoon. It seems that in leaping from the buggy, be stepped upon his right foot and tore some of the ‘tendons and fractured a gmall bone in the ankle. His injuries will keep him at home for several weeks and he moves around by the use of crutches. We understand he has about forty patients in different parts of the AEA OLD-TIME HONESTY, We often hear incldents of the hones- | iy and confidence that existed in the dae of our grandfathers. One will be remembered in a transaction between farmer Miller and firmer Houseman. The former sold the latter a horse for which Honseman signed a note, Bat who to hold the note was the puzzle, when the idea struck Miller, and says be, *Houneeman I guess yon must keep the note and as long as you bave it yom will know it is not paid ; then when yon gay it you give the note to me to keep and then I will always know it's paid,” and with a “yaw, yaw'’ the puzzle was solved. Many of the older readers of the Re- porter will remember of Dr. Bigelow, & noted physician who practiced in the lower end of this valley some 00 years ago when cheating had not been thonght of or introduced as a yankee invention. Dr, Bigelow’s practice extended over half the valley for he was a physician | who understood his busipess and always | minded his own business, which render- ad him immensely popular. Among the families attended by him was the well | known Heckman family, grandfather of | the present Heckman’s in oor valley, and | in whose noble breast there lurked mo AAAS WOSNDEEFUL CURES, W.D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and re. tall druggists of Home, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Fileetric Bitters and Buacklen’s Arnica Balve for two years, Have never bandled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction, There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Beveral cares of pronounced consumption have been en- tirely cured by use of a few hottlesof Dr, King's New Discovery, taken in connece tion with Electric Bitters, We goaran- tee them always. Bold by all droggists, i ————— . Women are everywhere using apd 1e- | commending Parker's Tonie because they hpve learned from experience that it speedily overcomes despondency, indi- preaching on acconnt of his health, bav- | gestion, pain or weakness in the back of ing had a stroke of apoplexy about a | kidueye, and other tronbles peculiar 10 year ago, from which be never entirely | the sex, nov recovered. AARONBEURG, Absalom Motz who was ecgaged in gold mining in North Ouarolios, died | there and was brought home and baried | at Woodward oa the 22d inst, On last Saturday ab ut noon, old Mr, Samuel Weiser of Millheim, died very suddenly of heart disease. He was ao | old and much respected citizen, and had | followed blacksmithing for many years. The Gilbert Family of colored jubilee singers gave a concert in the old church with only an ordinary house, though the performances were pronoupced very good, Rev. J. G. Shoemaker, formerly pastor of the Reformed people at Aarcnsburg, has moved to Dayton, Penn, and is en- gaged in the drog business. Fe bas quit All grain, feed, ete., was consumed. The fire occurred about 4 o'clock on Monday morning. Mr. Weaver's baru was par- tially insured. There was a steam thresher ig use at the barn, on Saturday, and the crops had been threshed. ' There were 1000 bush: ols of oats, a wagon loaded with grain ready for markes on Monday, burned along with the other contents of the barn. ‘The barn was insured in the Cen- tre Hall company, but we understand the property was sold at Sheriff sale dur ing the summer and pafchased by a son of Mr. Weaver, but there was. no traos- fer of policy made to the som, hence the insurance may mot be in forge, All the outbmildings, corn eid, chick- en house, hog pen, &c, were burned BN lok kd mules, twa Whips, all | county. No damagb was done to horse Kol: oki ken of in. the’ hi Rest A Stefith Sept belongifig to Frank 1° buggy. The horse did not ran away whole stock is spoken © 9 Gates was alto * burned. Theh properly as first reported. , > 4 A 7¥ | belonged to rge Gates, who is teach- ni IN PRICES WE DEFY ing at Curwenaville, The loss must be —— A good fitting suit always gives We oeely $1000. Supposed to have been get | satisfaction no matter where it is made on fire, 4 and you are often obliged to pay extrav- agant prices forit. "The tailoriog estab- lishment of W. 1. Fleming & Co. of Bellefonte employ none but the best workmen and especially first-class cut- ters who know bow to cat and fit a first- class suit. They do np “both” work, or disfigure the appearance of a man by poorly - fitting clothing. Their prices are the most reasonable and within the reach of any one, They have a good rep- utation, but char hottiG tor that. If | you want a fine suit, try them. wer tf ve : ——Ceutee Hall with its abusdance of best and purest water, in dryest 88ssons, right from the mountain spriogs, now has a reservoir completed with storage capacity to supply double our present population, and if needed we ha¥e st command a supply 10 serve atl 0 Terms. —$2 per yeat in advance. $2.00 hen not in advance: . Advertisements 20 conts per line for three insertions "One colum per year $90—% colum $45. . par-Heroaftor all subscribers paying thoir subscription in advance, will get a + Jpradit of two months additional as a pre- minum on $2 in advance, Important ! We have one. line.of invissable cheek in Dress Goods entirély new, that are > an | ~=~Mrs, Miriam Putman, | Mass, the daoghter-in-law admired by every body, in fact our esti A eemorsimet of Danvers SPRING MILLS. : of General i : i Putman of the nti ill eel | Toe Lise property was bovght by | I jn of ht Sieve ution, will celebrate | William Stover for $000. | her 102d Lirthday in several days. There was a “‘darkey”’ last week. ot gs terms, ANY ONE TO BEAT US? don't buy goods JUST BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP, but IZ BIUST HAVE STYLE and GOOD QUA- L11IES COMBINED, or we pass il. Our line of goodsfor MOURNING WEAR : exceeds dg thing in town. - i. The largest variety of Ladies Coats ev- ; a : | er shown in Centre county, all tailor Landlord Schaeffer is said to peesess made to our own order by skilled opera- motive of dishonesty, Dr. Bigelow hav- | the finest hogs this season. | tives, Buperior fit and workmanship. Ail ing made up bis mind {0 leave Pennsval- | The school, made vacant by the death | the latest desigus at prices as low as or. ley and locate elsewhere, he began to eal | of Mr, Sayder, is being taught by Cyrus | dinary goods are oflered at. Our sim Epos those who owed img 1 or settle | Grove. has been to give as good a wrap in work- mont, as be bad w babit of letting the ip young gentleman wha teaches the | TAI B: EAZC KISCE OF BOSD ID Ins aboutit. Coming to father Heckman he | Mountein school, met with amishap the dr erin RC BUNCH ean Maks | dawn, id told him he intended moving away, st other night. ’ fe droge’ ee JW dey . which the old gentieman expressed his | - foi regret edding that he hoped the Doctor | wonld make out his bill before moving | so he could pay bim. The Doecter re plied that his bill was seventy five dol- lars. At this the old patriarch rose from his chair, seized bis cane and went, not show in town | in A A MO ~The Gilt: family a JIo%0e hs colored jubilee singers arrived at Centre Hall on Saturday morning” and gave a concert in the evening, in the Evangeli- cal church, which consisted of sacred gongs, plantation anglodscs. aud other pular songs chapacteristic o @ race. On Sunday: evening Mr.. Gilbert, the head of the family, delivered a lecture, in the same place, giving a brief sketch of the origin of slavery, ia. ilucts and - _ _... | the condition and progress race to: ALL THE NEW DRESS TRIMM INGS. | gay. His lecture, although upon an old ; ra . 8 : gabiect worn thread-bare by writers and Miss Annie Swarts will be pleased to | cakes, was interesting and suggested ~ _.| many new thoughts. The lecture was We will free, and it is hardly necessary (0 men- tion, that all were there en masse, The exercises were interspersed with appro- priate songs. On -Monday evening an | entertainment was given and & goodly pumber were present. The lecture con: —GARMAN'S. | sisted in an account of the escapade of 1 the speaker and fifteen other slaves from | their bondsmen in Maryland. Mr. Gil bert is an intelligent man aod a speaker. His lecture wad liste; with great interest by those present. A AA DEATH OF ADS. MOTZ. Mr. Abs. Motz, a native of Haines tp., a son of Jacob Motz, dec'd, of Wood- ward, died in South Carolipa, one day last week, hi actaal home, however, be ing in Lewisburg, Pe. whither he moved | from Woallward a number of years ago. | if : ts after | © : | His remains were gent up here and io- pightially w o have hat slight Juriadic. | o¥ ne roaureair Io so -. a i i auls cemetery in Haines | tion oyer the younger members of their} VS ters ind §i3 Ceara in ue vais r Tien ) 4 John | jerzeg int. Pauls cemetery I families. | ley to ope deer in the mountain, call on Joe Kleckner., Pickiog |» » s . Ye . ag . A ww from Bal a “va hd | cholo n i i Love property at public sale, Nov. 27— | "4 seotr was in South Carolina much Z Pe A dter writes from Balt iver pays hé eget K iti il § fot ig ho kK tump th sign outs oburn, . 24. i see adv. in Reporter. _.. | of his timeé'assisting his brother, the well ois ra , ; . ; is to] : Hy A yg With sgh ue | t ——We are pleased to learn that Ellis | ynown Emanuel Motz, in gold mining —The Good Templars of Centre Hall | side lllered, 'Frothonotary a oliice, ; it { val a - i : any 1 Ri . Hosterman has so far recovered as to | operations, inwhich Emanuel is large- will hoid a festival in their rooms over | Chey say Wi | Bhick is : able to be about again. | ly interested, bath as 8 part owner and Harper & Kreamer's store, on Friday | a fe ery dou ha Ww " 3 :V ing Cc. = id 3 @ Spring Alils Creamery w And now the music of the sausage | superin! endent, These gold mines are pr Saturday evenings, Det, 24 oud | ine Be ier an of its stock! chopper is heard in the land, —like the | the old historic gold mies of South Car- yatem, ie Sream an ’ other el Bad very col i blasts li soft cooing of a dove. Selah! | olins, and the Motz brothers have been ments will be served, / hearty invita red: 3 Jaty oil bast —W the REPoRTER must be | concerned ther® for the last 6 or 8 years. | 100 is extended to tue pubiicto embrace § recuced the PUA § the best 8 ar obard the most These brothers from their boyhood had | thie opportaaity of getting the worth of Last week auow and rains § ne 3 — 3 $000 5 & i ine . cisterns and raised the streams } ne hh va G < ‘ ~ i P : which, in a | their money and aiding 4 worthy cause. us, | moowealth ve Grant Shafer, for asssait | clubs are found under it. a fondness for adventure, < i 1f you send us two new cash names to | on Luther Stover, was tried. Shafer | the Reporter wil Rive Fi was fined $30 sand costs and ordered to | Pe year for Jouk tosh e. sprit | enter surety of the peace. | Won qr gra n Oe 38 1 OK promising, i Commonwealth vs Mr Beef caitle pe!l per stealing a pair of shoes ive weigh shoe store Philip Mersinger and lady are still rus tieating withia the hea’? of Centre Hail. A citizgenjwho got short n to know why some had t board walks and others not. i COBU RN, W. G. Rook, proprielor of the National | Hotel of Millheim, bas sent ont invila~ | o 5 5 . | tions to his friends of this place to ut- | 5 pa 8 to inform you that Drey doppels | tend a Thanksgiviog banquet to be held | An GE ap. ae best soap made in for the doctor, b : } | at his bouse. Of course will all at-}” merica, Ary il. nov. or the doctor, but up stairs, preentis |... 4nd get a square neal and bave a | = S—— returned with a sack which contained | , 1 (ime | MARK ETE about a peck of silver coin and emptied i" 0 WwW White : Yeesaht 2] Ey kd Be xd the jinglers on the table, with the re | & Wm. biltmer have bought a ER hiladelphia, Nov. 24.—~Wheat 81} for mark. “Now Doctor, whatever your bill { tract of oak timber land of Christ Alex- | November, 3 » wars a. " 2 1 » airing 4 al | { , £1 is jost take it ont of that pile.” Oh. no, i aader and are bargaining for several { 5, arn 4 towns bike ours, We think the OWES |said the Doctor, I want you to count it other tracts of timber land near here. | November. council should adopt some means for €x=1 ont, No, bo, said Heckman, you count | They leased » site of land of Benja mit - me————— tinguishing fires, & duty which every bo | it Doctor, you know hest when you have | Kerstetter to put a saw mill on it, and CENTRE H 3 x operations soon, | JENTRE HALL MARKETS. PRODUCE AT THE BY - The fact that you read ti J Lae newspaper i8 evidence that you desire 10 keep pos « ed up in what is going on. This para i -meel her many friends here. + endéavor-to make a call both profitable or and pleasant. GARMAN'S, Cr———————— th ro’ attends to 8s one of highest impor: | egotigh. The physician counted ous his | expect to coinmence ! taoce, To guard against a conflagration | 875, when the farmer again insisted he | which will employ several hands. pefore one occurs is the policy of wis. | shonldbe sure he bad enough. After a | ces lo them. ga dom. minutes change of conversation gran ~ | Last Sunday Rev. Yearick beld com- | 7,4 father Heckman again went at Bigelow | munion services here. Our Sanday | with, “Now Doctor, if you havn't got | school is in good o~der and well attend. | enough &o ‘10 ‘the pile there and heip | ©d, and expect lo ave some kind of an | wi yourself { entertainment on Christmas. (Quite a {4 Ob, for this old-time honesty and con- | erowd took the train on Monday mora- |, fidence, that it might be restored, | 108 to attend court. Bucs LOCAL ITEMS, a | — Mr. Geo. Moyer, of Linden Hall, contemplates moving to Coburn ina few months. +o. mA charter was granted Jast week the Bellefonte Glass Company, with 8 | capital of $30,000. ——The Horner hunting party return- | e1 on Saturday from the Clearfield woods with two fine deer, —— Esq. Boal will again offer the — A parent who has no idea where his children spend their evenings, need not be sarprised if those children bring his gray hairs in sorrow to the grave. Nor can he escipe responsibility for their misdoings if their lives are ruined, There are parents in this town, judgiog from the appearance of the streets after LITTLE METEORS, Squim,—The Centre Hall water: Joe Kleckner took the lead on Mon. | WEEKLY BY KURTZ & BOX | day and killed some fine porkers. W.| | H.Kreamer {oliowed on Tuesday, and | Wi | Judge Ard follows suit to-day. 2 By the way, if anybody wants a good | 1 10 Quctuations of market. OBIS, .comnms. Mn pa -— : FLOUR AXD TEED. Vio 1 46 Breuer Wr, rFiour $135 Brag tet rFlour 1 5 Chop per to bon. 8 WwW retail pu irks 10 | per owl Court met on {| presiding, with 5 nith. ings per Wa Monday, m3 nesociales Judge ig, on Manson and | —— ris of constables were | ) | received and the judge charged the grand | Broker filled the | jury. On Tuesday morning case of com- | *F : Furst fers t week which Ihe rep AL MARKET, lies, . -—- a wn — Terrible stormy Wednesday night | Tea8UTe, hes caused their lives tobe a of last week with heavy rain, follows oving one with loa Beids of abaehce » Eh AD a nia, the Roc Kies i Amu the ae ——— 1 ’ Fei, 1 tri liar & and Man, as of Linden Hall, has moved to Coburn, hy Ap oe Lover end ‘of ibe hers be bas purchased Mr. Barger's | yajjey. About 30 years sso it was sap- wouse and grocery. sosed that they had been kilie y the ——Miss Ellie, daughter of AM, Hos- Fadiaos, no intelligence havilig beon re- terman near Centre Hill, efter a six | ceived from hem. . They howeyer re- week’s siege from a fever, is able to be | turned unlooked for and in the b of up agsin. the far-off frontierman aud be re hinan, Mess. Chas, Arney and Henry After spetiding a brief period at home, Boozer left tor Renova om Monday ab they sagain set out for the territories w hich place they expect to join a hunt which #tthat day were an almost’ un- ing party. known part of he gerd. Of theta, Sot vw : the Philad. Absalom was more requent in his Visils Pe Tame bo ers size and to his fa and friends. Ewmanovel 18 lars than turned oaly &fter long periods of absence Style and at sovers) dof Jets 80 | and bis stay Was brief. Theee brothers pe were married to sisters, daughters of ——Mrs. Lizzie Kurzenknabe had ten ied {ary f Woodward, Miss dollars stolen while DE a‘railroad Thomas Hagper of nr : Harper is the second wife of Absalom gicket at Chats too bad Journal of } Mots: herwsister, Mrs. Emanoel Mots, died some y#ars ago, and Emanuel haa ee, YO man by name i of James “married 10 a routhern lady. Hull, at Zion, broke one of his arms | other, Simon, also was a com- the wrist on Dr. her was is doing well. + u credit for one | ne of the aged citizens of Miles township, pir. Davia Wolf, i8 seriously iil sud egpected not to survive. His age is 83. N.B, Mr. Woif died on mornidg. —=Jd. Powers always keeps Lis as- | sortment of boots and shoes full and | complete, and sells at bottom prices. le knows what the people want hence all are suited who buy of Powers, FE. kert, from Found guilty. I'he case of Ocker vs Kennedy & Shirs | was tried on Wednesday forenoon, on | | a note given by Ocker for 5 fence ma- | lice wan's | chines, | y make their! Inthe Walchman riot cases the grand- | | jury found true bills against Emery, Gib- | tT ABE Duly te SE a ren | soa, Evy aud Summers, and ignored bills PH 2 yang Doxrt.~Don't always be talking about | against Chnst, Miller and Fiedler. The | oq a & your ne'ghbos for we guarantee you | case is on {rial as we go to press 1 have as many fanlia a8 any; don't be | Bk o0e 0 733% Mingie's | Moaday 1 xiviog bounds oT. ELMO HOTEL, 817 & 319 Arch Street s Philadelphia. educed rates wo §L00 per day. The will still ind at this Ho- e libersl provision for their itis located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuses " ment and different railroad depo, as well : n't Fekers from Rash, for stealing a horse, | as all parts of the city, are Op Be bh wy WO rrawWi vou ie t la. | got IR mor i ! 3 Di Pass u always bort swing J wr neighbor's R got 18 months in the penitentiary. He by Street Oars conslanily passing the porter &'l the time bat subs tribe and pay | #aid be stole the horse because the own- | doors. It offers special inducements for it and you will feel beiter and die | er owed him money for work and wonld | 10 those visiting ihe city for business or happy ; don’t encourage ihe credil sys | plessure, not pay him, and did it #0 as to get the \ tema in ordinery business trapsactions ; | reward on the horse. i Your patronage respectfully solicitad. don’t be stingy end whining when asked Case against Mr, M'Conner, and Mrs JOS' M. FEGER. Proprietor to contribute to any useful project or in- | Kunes, from Eagleville, (formerly Batts bap it M re slilulion ia your neighborhood ; don’ Potts, of Miliheim), selliog liquor with- A EXTER a + t Mzar Marzxrr.—The feel jealous when you flod your meigh-| out license. M'Comner was fined $200 entre Hall Meat ‘market baving a re. bor prospering - his prosperity is your | and costs, and Mrs. Kunes was dischar- Rigeraior fami Ses can at all times be sup- prosperity ; don’t bave aa idea that con- | ged with a reprimand from the judge pes Wild [res meats, of the best qual- stant blabbering is showing off smart. phn ’ ity, also bologna saveage. Next door to ness : don’t think that you can see into hotel ; open day and evening. a miilstone deeper than anybody ese; limav it Hxxay Boozxs. don’t think your underband plaos to in- gg jure another can't be read altho’ ther's nothing said; don’t think the world won't move on all the same when you die—rest assured it won't miss you: don't cheat a printer who has sent you bis paper regularly in good faith; don’t overcoais at the Puilad, Branch, Soid | plead the limitation on sn honest debt; 30 per cent. lower than elsewhere, don't ever, ever, teil a lie—don't, Gotlieb Strohimeier has built an o extension to Lis marble shop, Quit. ~Quit tquirting tobacco juice on Theodore Schilling and the church floor; quit eating pea nuts —f'vrus Durst opens the sausage season io Harris township by slaoguter- ig & hog weigtuiog 459 pounds. Walk gp Licau unt some oie beats you. we ff you want a fine suit made yourse:, go to Fiemiog & Co's, tailors wg eswbiishwent, Bellefonte. They Lave une of the Dest callers in this pan of Lue state, for Mi. Wm, Camp and son Willie, of Bellefunte, were iu town on Monday Bellefonte seems to pgree with Me, Cam p. . wee Mr. B. O. Deininger, of Millbeim, paid Centre Hall a visit one Jay last Week. . eir adventures, but he final. ealled, and the patient ——Bellefonts will have the next ses}! sion of the Central Pennsylvania confer ence of the _charch. Bishop War- ren, of Denver, Colorado, will preside. ——elncle Sam's mail from Centre Hall to Potters Mills, is now carried by Seven Mountain Parker, who has taken it off the bands of Church street Ruble. Centre Hall will have two fine Sabhath schivol entertainments during the coming holidays—one by the Re- formed and one by the Lutheran school. id down to steady life in the These brothers are full consios of r. Neff and of Mrs, Fred. Kurtz, of this town, The age of deceased we judge to have been upwards of 70 years, Later information says that Mr. Motz was about to make a blast when a rock fell down striking him on the bead jand mashed it horribly. The following telegram mentions the cause of Mr, Motz's death : Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 21.—At the BARN BURXED. The large barn on the Ambrose Me: Mullen property, at Heclag Farnace, was destroyed by fire, on Sunday afternoon last, about 4 o'clock, with ali this year's : crops and other contents, The fire was first discovered by a Mr. Goble, who was climbing to the baymow, when he saw a fire of about four feet square on the mow 4 which contained the fodder. The ten- ant on the farm was Mr. George Ream formerly of Brushvalley. The persons living on the premises were all at church FOR SALE. Two farms belonging to the estate of Joseph Neff, deceased. Inquire of A. A. Dauz, Attorvey, Belle onte : Mrs. Ross, of this place, is able to be about gain, uniter ua severe Fpeli of sick ness, Don't fail to get oie of those warm FOR BALE. A new two-story dwelling houre and jot with good stable Year the railroad. If desired toe purchaser can have one —Daniel Koderman, of Hartleton, Union county, is father of 17 children, all of whom are living, the oldest being sixty eight years old and the youngest forty-two, weThere are some changes of impor- gp in the time table of the P. & E. and 1. & T. railroads. - Before starting ond journey, oan your eye over the ¢or- rected sche — Huyett, Livingood & Co , are now operating on L. Nefl's timber tract, for. merly D. Durst, above a. They intend to make Centre Hall their head~ in a short time. Brewer gold mine, tweive miles east of this city, a fatal accident’ occurred jes terday, resulting in the death of Mr, Abe. Motz. Motz was at work in a shall of the wine seventeen feet below the surface, when a cave in occurred and he was caught beneath a falling mass of rook and killed instantly. imams SA nin LOCK HAVEN SWEPT BY A SE- VERE WIND. A severe wind storm that’ swept over Lock Haveo on last Thwsday morniog did much damage 10 peiperty. At the 8 another gentleman from Berks county, whose name we have oot learned, left the Cen- tre Hall hunters, who are in the Clear. field woods and walked back to this place, a distance of aboot sixty miles. While on the road home a large buck jumped in front of them, but tue rifle iney carried had no load in i, and the deer escaped, -. a>. . casos —W. K. Vanderbilt bas paid $1,000 for thirty imported chickens of fancy breeds. and chestnuts in charch ; quit chewiog tobacco; quit joafing around at night; quit reading novels ; quilssearing ; quis going into your neighbor's house with dirty shoes ; quit having your chin slob- bered with tobacco juice; quit eatin your oysters alone, {take ‘em bome ve let your wife and 1i:tle ones have a taste, they like em too ; quit making your wife and daughter chop the wood to cook your meal; quit sneeriog al every passer by ; quit makiog remarks about your neighbor's dress, it may be paid for and your own may not be; quit wearing out other people's things when you at the time, and nothing could be done tosave the barn, The live stock a'one was gaved, The barn was heavily in- sured. Mr. Ream, however, had no #n- surance on his part of the crop, and the loss falls heavily upon him, His loss will be rbout $400, There is no acoounts ing for the origin of the fire, . al SUGAR VALLEY. Dear or ax asamp Crees. —This week we are called on to announce the death of our well known and worthy towneman, Mr. George Asachenbauoh, or more acres of ground § mile east of sta tien. Also, building 1088 § mile east of Cen~ tre Hall station, prices $75 to $125 per lot, on esty terms. Apply to Fxep Kuntz, tf ¥ sell “REMINISCENCES ATIONAL METROPOLIS, sv BEN PERLEY POORE Mustrating the Wit, Humor, and Boventricities of Noted Celebrities. A Richly Illustrated treat of inner Society RH from “ye olden time” to AGENTS WANTED gents t rapid sales, Address for cire'r apd « Publizhers. HUBBARD BR TI t 3 —Hinzs WANTED by Aaron Harter at a ia, Centre Halistatwn, Highest price paid in cash. tt —~Hon, Wm. 'T. Price, Congressman: elect from the ¥'y Lith Wisconsin district, is dying. «The increase « f pearly 500 per cent, in the vote of the Jew Jersey Probibi- tionists has great'y elated that party. ~The original “ctier written by Bene- dict Arnold to the. American people io vindication of his « haracter after the at tempted betrayal of hus country into the hands of the British is now in the pos- segsion of the Kingston Freeman. It was found in an old loft in Kingston by C. P. Custer. The Iptipr is written in a free, flowing hand. «One of the most remarkable exam- Djes of ill breeding displayed at the hite house receptions was that of a who is re d to have carried under her arm, and after shak- od hauds with the President held ah the pug's paw for a shake, too, hes on: didnt shake, " ™ Packer B, 4. Tagoer, of I, Mich, is reported a a | When Deby was sick, we gave hor Castoria, mon that , who gefused | When she was » Child, she cried for surtun that shy Qistisn, who _sefastd {hem ahe wha Chi. shy sted fo Cutetin for a thousand years on ihe hot pave. | When she hed Children, she gave them Castoria, ts of bell, If Mr, Tanner is correct: it in that ation ha wo renin. | should have your own; quit borrowing it your memory is toa short for a prompe return ; quit minding other ppople's bus iness ; quit gossiping——quit, we: A argo stock of wen’s and boyy’ and children’s gum boots, overshoes, Jambermen’s gums, men’s fine call and kip boots, lagies’ fine button shoes, la- dies’ fll calf shoes irsewed or pegged, also the celetnand Bolar tip shoes for children, all of which we are selling at low prices, Grabam & Son, Bellefonte. Ka SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE: COD LIVER Olly WITH RYPOPHOSPHITES, For Lung Troubles and Wasting Diseases Dr. J. 8imovaud, New Orleans, La, says: ‘Scott's Emolgion js the finest pre- paration of the kind ever brovght io m notice. In affections of the lungs sn other wasting diseases, wo may consider it our most reliable agent. In a perfects ly elegant and sgreeable form.” who died at 8 e'clock on Wedoesday | F* evening, Nov. 17. Aged 71 years, His desth was sudden and sent grief to all acquainted with bim; and his many friends will be at loess to know he is no more among them, Deceased was a highly respectad citizen of this place, joved be ail. In his younger days when he was in fuil vigor of life, he was one of the most enterprising citizensin Logans- ville. More than 340 Jeare ago, he was elected secretary of the Bugar Valle Mutual Fire Insurances Company, wit its office at this place, and in which of. fice his services gave universal satistac- tion up to the time of his death, Inter thant on Saturday afternoon, November Pennsylvania paper company’s nove works, two [ho oh moke stacks 7H Ty feet high were blown n. One of them fell on the evap i completely demolishing it, orimes who were hing lbs : BCTOME it. emen, H Mavy build- and alarge —wnnMr. Aaron Harter pure chased the lot adjoining his y on the south, owned by Wm. Flory, on which he proposes 10 erect another handsome residence in the near fature. Messrs Thom Patterson pson, Pat and : College, botight three carloads Brown's ards nesr Lewisburg, last week ; Maj. r of Penn Hall also same time. ten the steers. isiThe evening train on the B. E. V. youd for Tyrone now to Belleforte one hour earlier, at 4, nection with the Penosval ' *Phis is thought to be in : business. Th “ 1 e without any real t PMIRISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of ministration upon the osate of Howard Harter, ani , date of Gregg township, having been lawfully granted to the uodersigned Be world respertfiflly request all persotr know. ing themselves 10 be indebted Ww the ostate 0 make lmmediste payment, snd those having claims against the same to present the same duly authenticated for t. SAMUEL HARTER, Ad ministrator an ae ae Craaxs COURT SALE By virtne of ap of Orphans’ county, there will be xvod | to philic the premises, 1 mile of Vile A NT 2 Yo dlonk. AY thas ; whi i a manson anime ps mt SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. Samuel Weiser died suddenly at Millheim, on forenoon, 20th, Mr. Weiser was sitting in his chair, an d bad Sonveraed Joly with sme of bis neighbors without an og Indica tion that his Tes nigh. He ex-|f ug while sitting in his'chair, no donkt io The tallest boy in Sogar Valley, i ames Groening nedr Hoon: ville, i about Arh ot oi aad I pov. en feet high, when be has his derby hat on his head. While Mr. Wilson Rishel and his brother Dir were out hunting they came in contact with a large bear, which they, however, easily managed to kill. The bete hon dressed, weighed 858 pou we JOUINGL, cause, woman MARRIED. In Bellefonte, Pa, Nov, 11, 1 b Rev, Isaac H irs Hauler Miss M. Maurer, both cf : slapd : a true = | knew him long and well, Hi age we wo o was tb about 78 years, ° HE ld ve avkud E ’