BILIOUSNESS. Bilious symptoms invariably arise from indigestion, such as furred tongue, vomiting of bile, giddiness, sick headache, ir- regular bowels. The liver se- cretes the bile and acts like a filter or sieve, to cleanse impu- rities of the blood. By irregu- larity in its action or suspen- sions of its a the bile is liable to overflow into the blood, causing jaundice, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, bil- ious diarrhoa, a languid, weary feeling an d many other ii sing symptoms. Bilious- may be pr operly termed 4 of tha liver, and Ci an be thoroughly cured by the grand regulator of the liver and biliar y organs, BURDOCK Fo . On BLOOD BIT TERS. Act upon the stomach, bowels and liver, making healthy bile and pure blood, and opens the culverts ang siuicewsays for the outlet of +d sold everywhere Bae i SUAS, i 3 Ty 4 anil oilIaPpoa» ad ARO guaraniLegeg RHEUM SE SCROFULA SKIN ER TSEREAL ST PSIA. OF PPE PLING OF LAN LIOU SXESS. TROT BI TISM. PTIOXS, DISEA 0 A BOT 1 ot ¥. & GENUINE MERIT 1s SURE TO WIN. i we RUSSIAN RHEU a, al, genuine merit, It is this faith has sav e ren it & § bether ort B ad 1 tod. 1 Ad ’ mailed, 100, additions "Price 32 50. i registered, loc, more, y ~sRUSSIANSe, = t ¥ Thioe witht thin Ah —_- » Tad Mark, | PHEUMATIEM CO A ! — » be T IT i al the stores Yt cay singe the spmount ss above, and cong proqaietons, de BROS. & co. None Genuine 7 URE (0D LIVER OIL od Ho jhspis ot of Lime & Soda Almosta 2 Palatable as Wilk. y preg COD LIVER O11 that Arath 1 fur a long Lime els el oath ay AS A REMEDY FOR _CONKUMPTION IWTLOLS AFFECTIONS, ANARY (4 iis, 0) rely COUGHS AND THRO TECIIONS, and hi WANTING DISORDLIR OF CITLDESS 1H is 1 marvollons in its reseits, 3 doped I by the ed pirion of the world, R SAL LZ DY ALL DRUGGISTS. A A RNAS RII GHAR ANS SAM JONES’ SERMONS In the prineip al eities, with History of His Life; and Sermons by Sam Small, his Co laborer . ONLY ILLUSTRATED KDITION. Most remarvkebite and fntensely [nterestiog RMusing enaravings ever seen in a book ONLY FULL AND AUTHENTIC EDITION, The first complete reports ever printed. Great ost book sensation of the day. Tremendous Ae. mand. No book ever before like i. AGENTS WANTED, Popular low down prices. Write ft farms, or, bo secure agency quick, seud 70 cends in stapes for full outilt, Haprom BTANDARD BOOK €O,, 612 Arch Bt, Philadelphia, a, BRIDAL. In blithe London T \ s known Lindsay so gay in sot) MAGAZINE RIFLES IN FAVOR OF As thi arl Colin the UROPEAN NATIONS. O'er the Border, MOVEMENT JSE AMONG E er cama bonnier youth ‘qs unit alinl § ou UL fg France's Response to Germany's leecon Action = Experiments Mado In the The bridemaids and Are here In their pride ' re the rite this ony United States==What European Nations are Dolng=The Austro-Frussion War, The cable dispatch that the French govern ment has ordered 60,000 repeating rifles to bx distributed among its troops by the end of this month has an interest for this country a well as for I European nations, | shrewdly said long a after tho « the next great governm vould want magazine zo that WRI every guns: but it now loo i 3} i h he add matters, and the it *Ileauty Contest.’ EWO voy tton mill toot than that botwoen rk in one of the o« ; ng Ome of then § them is oid enough to Le he verdict of her husband or swoot The vexed question arose in the fore , but its settioinent was left over unt wer, when each bed had futfict y “fix up.” An extra rib on oF bw gey jewelry adorned each. The most f at-me smiles were displayed iy bands in the mill decd A Ve The girls were placed side of ion al the must pai : J jeleanliness, talik & apt to sour upon the from the back bo ww | bands of the retail dealor, and even in transit 1, 1ooked at the girls critically, With | from the dairy. To prevent this, attempts the eye of an art connoisseur, and rendered | oon made to { reserve it with chemion) ome. Lis decision fearlessly. The damsels made it}, sunds, including, as Dr. Bartley shows, a 0 IN0GE we rious matter. With them it wan y Subst we known as rex magnus, composod of Joke, es It was to the eritics on beauty. | Lorie acid, borax and common salt Fretty eyes filled with tears more than once PF The effect of the continued fogoet n of aid cheels flushed rod with chagrin. Lewis fre chemicals is to rodiies irritation of the { Fhody, wad (aie. } el ou ernal 0 Ineys and livers of adults; upon thom of hildren thelr influence mus bo yet mord How the problen of duliirie ON na an , Anmsthotio. | severe, Jayncians are now using aniline ofl as a | wholeoms milk for Indaae In local anaesthetic when simple operations such | fthitough the torrid davs y ¢ nv evening of a felon aro to be Pi armed. jto be solved, we do not pretend to Tta Loge, in such 6 case fs dipped for a law but parents oan at Jenst take short timo Ia (ho 11, and although the flesh | epee fal precautions, to the extent of any vubscquen:ly be cut to the bone it ia | ghiais ability, to keep the milk fresh, by cone wud ‘hero is absolutely mo pain, —Clidcago | gant scouring of vessels and bottles, a ad Newa pos “ool as ibie.~ Brooklyn Eagle, su} tl ying tensinants mmraer is Carda—Attornovs Hwy ed Vi AITO ond fiocor of r north of Court House ed in Loglish or Ger | isc e O11 Be buildi Now open u sith thee onsult ot I'l} ER, Aor i ng prom 1 ¢ ial lt RT I Tr | } Prices are the Very Lowest (1 not aflord art 1 (71 rn, - wt wees 0% I won de bli WW ond v oF Beiter d *37 “2 al rn tafnnd ahd SUA: BUI GIVIIAL, ry { branch | minis Ere profess propare § GELLAR: § | pared i ———o PEE cunt of Hon i, RC, OL JARRROS & 1 of Harr sooo utol H BR( enh MoMeon, PE. fw. de rrp arin, Admin iste of Bellefonte ) by A carefully gre SPECIAL COURSES sn wauis of indite}ian: ht Military drill sro 1 and in ntals very low SAU0R A Charge Of Cou ny For Cai alogas, or olbes GEO. W, ATH 13a >» Plaiet Rherunstizm Hire One bottle of Catarrh Remedy will demonstrate that it will cure you, whetlier the attack is acute or chronic, it reaches the seat of disease, the blood, and eflecis a cure every time Complexion Beautifier won RD CUM POR = sess Malaria, Fover and Ague, Serofuln, Dancer, Erysipeins, Rotis, Pimples, teers, Hove Eyes, Seald Head, Tet. ry Balt Rhonm, Mercurial and all Biood and Skin Discases. & iT TA DESTROYED BY FIRE. «The Hungarian by firey A TOWN Vionoa, August 13 town of Sillien was destroyed Four bhnudred houses were Amonan : which were wm church, a huateny or . St have beot the standard remedy for (Aud a handsome school building. About FIVER COMPLAINT, OOSTIVENRES £row’ 1.200) are renciored homeless JIKADAUKE, PAIN IN LE Bae x, § LVISZINESS, COATED TONGUE, and all dis.| eases arising from the LIVER or STOMACH, homas Adm o f Big Sandy, Ky. says: Sel T C lipped Som “Cana da Presbyterian,” Bers’ tile saved undrods of Sllarein dostors’ and ier the signatore of $8 Blackett, a proe bills in his county.” Sold by Draggists, pa sor. " dues cur cured of oft-reqes wf THS bil ots h shies by BIG’ 3 Sollers Wediciae C : ) BU ders, ria w § y it. Wm. Dreydopped Mir, LADELFPUIA, FA. ont ptiad bare oat Hall Roller Mailed r which tlre highest market prices will be pid, Grain taken on storage. tr © WAST [PROV EVENT IN Ee arnil lyr Bibles a: hiv tn he & he foaftee for the m of one. Jusi istprd, our. cow and hagn’ eet Parad ie Peatizaniel cada os, hl and DEW. rey ised Yeisiam Family I We, The won cons and ¥upet bly findratod and Tien ihated Rion over 1s dit £1 3 J A evra is i Kile bindine, 1 mit SE ie I Wa Ni i a : nul winh BC Ge dl BRBRMR » soft 0 4 Sa editions. ” wl OU ARC RE ellie ORE. #OANMEL 4 COMPANY, Box Toi Phils APERI ee WT 08 Dae, iki aa R bON, we Vin eX § Fw ¥ a ie -