The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 18, 1886, Image 3

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-1f the colt endeavors to pull away
after the halter is on, you have to cir
cumvent him by a little strategy. |
Take a common clothes-line rope and
make a large slip-loop knot around the
body, drawing it moderately tight, and
pass the end up between the front legs
through the halter, The reason for do- |
ing this is very apparent. Ie cannot
understand how anything can pull the
hind part of his body, and his head at
A ————————
STEWED LAMB Rice WArrFLES. —Two cups of milk,
one cup of cold boiled rice, three egies,
one scant tablespoonful of lard, one |
even teaspoonful of salt, one cup of |
prepared flour, a scant one, Melt the | 5
lard and beat into the rice, adding the |
whipped eggs when you have a smooth | une
paste, next ‘the sugar, the salt, the milk | the heaits
lastly the sifted flour. See that the | con
waffle irons are perfectly clean and dry,
then grease well with salt fat pork be- |
fore baking.
A Danish clergyman named | anson |
hus made some experiments relative to
the growth of trees. Regard ag the
latter, Mr, Hanson has made daily
| measurements of a number of trees in
| the garden of the institution, and has
| convinced himself that a period of
| growth in length, as represented by the
| branches, twigs and tops, alternates |
angelica being an excellent tonic and | 4 stew tender. Take out the lamb, | with another of increase in bulk—that |
carnunative, They remove the outer |. 1.4 it and keep hot, covered, over | is, in the circumference of the trunk—
rind of the youug stalks, cul them into | Strain the gravy left in | followed by a third period of equipoise
" oxi} 1 and ' blanch | boiling walter,
pleces fiirec, ius 108 long, and blanch | gp. ot return to the fire with two | or rest, In April and May the entire
3 r Vy & + 1
them in bolling water; peas and cook until
| AND Peas. —Have |
| the bones taken out of the under side
| of a shoulder of lamb and bind into a
| good shape with tape, Cover the bot-
| tom of a pot with chopped salt pork,
| stew with minced young onion, lay in
the meat and pour in a quart of weak
broth made from the extracted bones
and other trimmings. Cover closely
ANGELICA (to vreserve).—The way
in which French confectioners pres’rve
| the fresh stalks of this plant in Paris
| 18 exceedingly simple, and the result an
| agreeable sweetmeat which contalns |
| most of the virtues of the plant, the
We do not glshin that Hood
Purify the Blood.
only medi
08 0
6 health §
of Appetit
Pyspeypnia, Debility,
itt aliments
£ rivue and ©
by wh hi!
able. Loss
ne of
ests ——— r
lay them on a |
the same time; and on feeling the strain
behind he will go forward, and thus
you will accomplish your object without
made of clarified sugar. Then
they are done, strain and lay about the
A Remurkuble Cure of Serofuls.
while the thick-
the trunk remained stationary;
thening the branches,
Tne disadvantages of the ordinary
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, $1; six for 86. Mads
only by C. 1. HOOD & CO. Tow i, Mass.
fod elapses before the skimming is com- |
peted, too much space is required, and |
in sumer the milk becomes sour be- |
| fore the whole of the cream is raised.
being compelled to use force. Taking . : Se th |
this rope in the right hand and stand- | of wooden frame in a cool stove. The | oe Ba ot Lei
ing directly In front of the colt, say, in | Laplanders think the angelica one of | ty, lund, writes a8 lg: Oye! My
a decided manner, “Come here!” and | the most important productions of their | taken with Berotnia in the hip when
at the same time pull the rope sharply. | soil. It grows wild there, and they | two years old.
The colt will invariably move forward, | cat both the roots and stem raw with | : row rt
and when he does so, caress him. Re- | butter. The root of the first year, be- | ment. Noticing your SCOVILL'S BAR-
peat this two or three times, until he | fore the stem has shot up, they call | BAPARILLA AND BTILLINGIA, OR |
“‘utrus,’”” and this they declare to be | BLOOD AND LIVER BYRUP, recom- |
will quickly move forward; then say, | ne i edielna Tor vr ving Wealth ) : :
“Come here!” Next, with the rope the best medicine [or preserving nein | mended so highly, I bought some of it of
| to a very old age, and continued t
hitch him to the manger or to a post,
and standing in front of him, open and | healed up.
shut umbrellas, shake buffalo robes and | and, 1
beat tin pans —in fact, make as noise as | your medicine did him so much
possible without touching him. Of | | when he used it,
course he cannot think of two things at
once, and the rope tied around him be- | ;
hind catches him by surprise, and he | pepper. Salt to taste. Cut the lobster |
will end by giving up tryinz to get meat small, put it into a pot with the
away when he finds that he is freer boiling water and simmer five minutes
from pain when he is quiet and still before adding seasoning and crumbs
than when jerking his head. Tor a After these let cook ten minutes and
very nervous horse put the rope as far | Stir the butter. Meanwhile heat Al
forward as possible around the body. | Wilk in a farina ket'le with a tiny bit
This treatment can be applied until he | of soda. Let buttered mixture
is thoroughly halter broken. Thesame | iu the pot almost reach a slow boll, r2= | upon the biood, thor
arrangement 18 the most successful one | move from the fire, put in the milk and u
in existence for halter pullers, and is turn instantly into the tureen. I’ass | Inthe vital finid
also a most valuable assistant in lead- | crackers and sliced lemon with it. -
ing a horse behind a wagon. How -
many people are at their wits’ ends | Cream Pickerer.—Clean a large
continually when on a long ride with | fresh ish, leaviug the head on, lay it at
a horse tied to the carriage behind— | length in a dripping pan, score the back
and yet this simple invention would | gimost to the Bone in four places, and
prevent it all, and they would not be | pour a cup of cold water about it.
obliged to even give the horse a | Buke, closely covered, except whenbast- | The
thought. ing with butter and water, twelve min-
utes to the pound. Daste at least six
times, Remove the fish with care to a
hot water dish, striuin the gravy fro
the dripping pan into a farina
add two tablespoonfuls of butte rolled
| surement failed to discover any increase
| of bulk; but in June, until the middle |
| of July, when the new twigs had been |
| all formed, it was the trunk that ab- |
| sorbed the nourishment from the roots, |
| and bulged out. Then came the per- |
1od of rest and mactivity.
OMT 100 Doses One Dollar
ARKIn of Besuty Iss joy Ferrey ur,
al Cream, or Magical Beantifier.
eanvem Tan,
§ iasyriens, FF roe.
piom, 43 0 Lh.
William B. Baker, of Lewis, Vego C
We tried several physicians,
from their treat.
Beautifies 1)
but the boy got no relief
Hall's Hair Renewer always gives satis.
faction, and Is indorsed by our best physi
Scientific men have been perplexed
| for many years over the phenomenon of |
aking | o certain well at Yakutsk, Siberia. A |
He 18 | Russian merchant in 1829 began to dig | | : , : ry y st
$ J
As a stimulant to the stomach,
bowels, the safest remedy is Ayer's Pills
liver, and
eyory tunity
on ia
und Jelios
teactaons. [Lewes
i you in the year 1562,
i it till the
furifies as well
the Skin,
other cosmetic
Cn wn
l.onsTER BIQUE.—Meat of a large |
lobster, four cups of milk, one cup of
pour ded cracker, one quart of boiling
water, four tablespoonfuls of butter,
one quarter teasproniul of cayenne
sores finally
now 21 years of age,
| that
sing satisfied i ; . . as wwpects nealness ar
eing satisfied | the well, but he gave up the task three | Dress, 80 far as respects neatness and | sah Jo ws Pen
| years later, when he had dug down | eleaniiness, is of great importance oe wo Ln
| thirty feet and was still insolidly frozen | {the first impression we make upon | v # A rear
| soil. Then the Russian Academy of | others. HE Rnie.” noon
| Seiences dug away the well for | == Se poesia
| months, but stopped when it lad reach- | 3 ne Ter,
ed a depth of 382 feet, when the ground | | Dr. L.A, payer win w & indy of LIF TORE Pile
was still frozen as hard as arock. In | | ‘Gourana’s Cream’ a the least 1 mtcmmttd
1844 the Academy had the temperature | preparations ™ One bottle | wx tooth, eg
{ ’ ho pve wares
of the excavation carefully taken at ;
it various depths, and from these data it
root of the evil. Thisis ex- | Was estimated that the ground was Q Bghott the pg Ta po Ai
i | frozen to a depth of 512 feet. Although ; ; tidieys, her Fane ds Dal tery
| the pole of the greatest cold is in this J
| province of Yakutsk, not even the te:-
| rible severity of the Siberian winter
| could freeze the ground to a depth of | re LAS
| 600 feet. Geologists have decided that | r 26 how
| the frozen valley of the lower Lena is a
formation of the g! lacial period, They Combining IRON with PURE VEGETABLE
believe. in short. that it froze solidly i TOXICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES
| . » ih J | and ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Quickens
| then, and has never si had a chance the action of the Liver and Kidneys. Clears the
complexion, makes the skin smooth. It does not
injure the teeth, cause headache, or produce con.
Physicians snd Drggiste everywhere reconunend i
good |
we want to t
write u
i ry again in
another case, and » you to get
The great mass of mankind can only
za and wonder; If they undertake to
(, they grow listless, and soon tire
a Hood's Sarsap
#, and leaving not even a lalnl
- Ei ———
To have a beautiful bed of flowers try
Chinese pinks. ‘They are of all colors,
and when a bed of such pinks 18 made
by sowing seeds of all the varieties the
contrast of colors is very striking.
Ww. L. - DOUC!
. 8
Button and Lace
for the W. L.
$2.00 shoe, x
the $500 Bhoe
get these shoes {
ers send address
card to W
Brockion, Muss
Bays ak
————— :
Frazer Axle Grease, to thaw out.
The Bolletino Mensuale of the Central |
Observatory, published by the Italian
Meteorological Society, for February, Miss Exsa Hanraax, Allestown Ps. says:
+ ¢ ¢ ak . Mr | ery Lain an or all b i
1886, gives among numerous interest- | Mg viel waerey tis S94 SEED I ortten. of
ing articles an account of the Interma- Brown's fron wn 1 am ! restored to
tional Cong gress of 1 yvdrol logy
Frazer Axle
intwinsically, the
vour horses to
Ley it.
Grease is the best
cheapest. Don't
using poor
death by axle
ProriT oN Fowwrs.—A Northern
farmer says that last year he kept 28
hens and two cocks which cost him
838 15 to feed and care for. But he
A -
Independence is a name for
Ian possesses; nd thing,
what no
in the animate
health snd sirength, and ob recommend §
and Cli- | “yu, um Ww sax 515 8
is 5
sold eggs and chickens enough to bring
him $31 60, leaving a profit of 843 45.
pense. There are doubtless thousands
of such instances that could be given,
both in the North and S,uth, if ac-
counts were kept, even where much
paius are taken to raise fowis; br
must be the profits of those teus of thou-
sands who take no pains, but leave the
fowls to forage for a living, and yet sell
off all the surpiu-: eggs and fowls at ex-
travagantly high prices? A pair of
such hens at $1 pays about 100 per cent.
pon the investment. The eggs are not
I-fed hens, but
they sell for the same price, while the
for hens fall but a few cents
below the fattest and finest in the mar-
kat. H things are true they
pay raise fowls
show that it v
under almost any circumstances,
as rich as those of well
IT may not be generally known that
there is a very simple and inexpensive
remedy for cuts, and bruises on horses
and « at the command of almost
every one. In cases of fresh culs orin-
from barbed wire, however se-
re, or running sores, apply to the
wound, lime, fresh slaked, of the con-
sistency of thick cream, with a com-
mon paint brush. Cover the wound as
quickly as possible and repeal daily, or
ftener if necessary, In a short time
new flesh wil form, and the wound
heal without hardly a scar.
is only of value
manure has had its
lay. It has very little value for this
rpose, and if no betier use can be
had for it there would be good policy in
selling straw wherever there was a near
market. Bul bright wheat or oat straw
makes a valuable part of the ration for
horses or store stock. It needs to be
fed with grain, but with either corn or
oats, cut straw makes in most places a
better and cheaper feed than hay alone,
Tie idea that straw
to rot down into
To produce the seeds of an apple ex-
hausts the tree more than to produce the
much greater quantity of meat, because
they contain a much larger proportion
of the mineral elements. As much
meat or pulp can be grown on 500 fine
large apple trees as upon 1000 small, in-
ferior ones, but the production of seeds
will be only one-half as great. Thus
“thinning” not only adds to the value
of the present crop, but economizes the
energies of the tree for future ones.
Diseases are often communicated by
feeding horses in stalls which have been
occupied previously by diseased ani-
In one teaspoonful of corn starch, and
as this boils a small cup of
which has been dropped
po larger than a pea.
scalding hot, stir In a
minced parsley,
and salt to taste and pour over the fish.
a bit
Heat until
tablespoonful of |
{wis of
t of prepared flour, two table-
of butter, three
powdered sugar
capfuls of milk, two
cream, cupful; cream
and sugar, beat in
the milk, and lastly
square or oblong psn; ror
in three pieces,
yellow raspberries, sprit
lay another thnrd on
and more sugar, Lhe i
sift sugar on it, and spread thick with
the whipped cream: stick the finest
berries I
and send around
with it. You will
this dessert,
, one and a hal
thickly in the snowy capping,
liquid cream to eat
admire and enjoy
1 OTATO ¢ Take six good.
sized po
one al
two teaspoonfuis of salt,
lespoonful of butter and a iittle
wpper. eel the potatoes and put
into boiling water. Wi
been boiling for ft
teaspoonful of salt, As soon as
ocoked drain and mash wh Add one
teaspoonful of sx t, Rn little wpper, t
butter; then add four well-be aten yolks,
mixing well. Rub through & colander,
Melt two tablespoonfuls of butier ina
frying-pan. Put in the potato, smooth-
ing it over, Fry it a light brown color,
Hght b
ble melot
Ne. meet
they have
minutes, add
and serve like an «
A VERY EcoxoMicAL Dus. —lLane
a pudding-shape all through with thin
siices of bacon. Tuke some boiled
spinach, seasoned and chopped as if for
table. Cut some carrot ani tarnips in-
are pieces, and a few
liked; whip up Lie
Ho pel wer
and turnig
to squ
ious if
egg with a it
the carrots
simnall on-
» 1t-
and salt,
1 well with
alternately at
the sides of the tin,
middle with the
the bottom and round
and €I up
dressed spinach.
When the tin is full cover it with thin
slices of BACOR, steam it oue hour, turn
it out in a corner dish, and lft up the
bacon whilst you pour sowe rich brown
gravy, then replace the bacem neatly.
Laue Por-Pie is delicious at this
time of year, made exactly after the
quarter-pound of butterinto a half pint
or inanimate world,
than wan,
. > -
When you have tried everything else
in creation for that bald head of yours,
you will probably tumble to the fact
only Halr pro-
the work properly
is more dependent
ducer that will do
and well,
We commonplace fellows
a very inspiring
woman who thun
FITS: Al Fisstop
sidom cut
ZIASSE ater ma
for musiins.
Bern ard Vegetable
sia Poree. Peed !
The Pe
Warranted the most perfect Force. Fees
Fertilizer Drill In existences, Send for cir.
cular, A. II. FARQUHAR, York, Fa.
¥ Dr. .
an ol
1% A M wey
«and sundays
sons Bn peeteee #04
sngrsring of W
spe Su pny
German Asthma Cure vover foils wo ghve
worst reer IBERIA CONS
oferta wmres Shere all wibers fad A
a Feies 08 ole. md
La Fampis FHEF for
IHR. ® ne HIVE MAN, i Pas, Minn,
I} Morphine Mabit cured in
aya Hafor to 188 pa
all paris Dr Mane, OQ
sme mie veive be
&r~ Got Noll Every where,
6) hat men the ond tw
the sales of that clans of
remedies, and has given
simont universe! satiafac-
Paris, Tes
€ hav won (he (aver of
the public and now ranks
Cares in
1 YO Dats
Persons wishing to
part in the
igner, at
entific body.
tend and take
should addre 8%
Visconte de Chaste
A new star has arisen in th
ladies’ lawn tennis, ir
son of a Miss Dod, of Roc kferry.
ly th is young lady, who is only fi
| years old, carried off the West of
land hampionship for Ladies, 1
Miss Watson, who is
All Englas nd in the {inal
and C to 4, with oul i
3 she goes on
twenty, M
be at all the
the Champ
ving her a chance,
49 D ¥l O
men om
German engineers have
diminishing thg swaying of
tives, and with it the wear of
driver flanges, by making
more or less rig
and indeed, four-wheeled locomot
have been used on some roads for line
engines by having heavy shoot
each side ¢ ntering sockets on
der—in this way pre sventi ng ©
tical or horizontal sw aying
iments made to
cause of iron rusting or
led to Lhe conclusion
be due
Some exper
not te the oxygen of the air,
less dissolved in the water which is
contact with the iron; even
acid when dissolved In
duce rust, wich dry carbonic
not do.
T © Weaker Sex
are immensely strengthened b
i Dr. RV. Pleroe’s “Fave
which cures all female derangements,
gives tone t¢ the system. Sold by
y the
happy 18 ar insult.
Martling Weakness,
results of
pervous debility,
of self-confidence,
vigor and powers,
ES] of
mon indulgence o
tary practices,
bas thus been wrecked should add
treatise giving means of perfect
063 Main Street, MN. XY.
a———— ATI
makes lim happy, as it is what
Si ———B
Adeice to Consamptives,
as general debility, loss of appetite, pallor,
t $i
suffering from
soning snd the doctor
least, 1 tried Brow
My Little bay wae
. ¥
grest tonic and purifier
Daxmer, MoCUpesxey
K J. ssps: “1 weed Brow
blood with the best results
too bighly ss sl
Hod Prarie
shove Trade Mark and crossed red
Take no other. Made anly by
Genuine has
of eyr Ty five
has pom form of
Heart Disease, and isin con.
stant danger of Apoplexy,
hock or Budden Death |
This Hemedy regulates, ro
lieves, correcis an a cures
EF Vrepared st Dr. Elmer's
Tr VENSAN rg hasnt x 3
6 for. Letters of airy answered
Gudde ix Ly riod fom chs
$5.00 Bold by Druggista.
Cream Balm
By Johan 3. Gough.,
J last and evowning life werk, brim full of theillin
rumor and pethos hi pure. apd good,
oe ter and tome, Meslleai sighite all. To il » added
¢ Lite and Desh of Ms. Gough, by Rev &Y MAN AR.
BOTT, 1000 Agere Wanted, Men aod omen. $109
28200 s oul. wade. {5° Distence ne Mindrones as we
Sve Kaira Terme snd Poy Freighis, Write for tirenies te
A.B. WORTEL a 00 Rartford, Coan,
wil of
and sweet. Excellent for Bath and Teller.
Tr EEE Foersnle everywhere,
ITS=: p—p———
Insane P ersons Restored
forall BRAIN NERVE UISRAS ARE. Only rere
cry Jor Nevaw ATe Fite, I Pliegay, ete
INPALLIBLE se directe Ne Fete after
svel day's wrt. B ¢ i jo free to
Fit patimate, they Pay 3 hen
recaivafl, Sond es of
afficred to In. } A 3 ». Pa
Bee Lrugaists. #
i ”
Keeping Teeth Perfect and (ume IH
_Osal Hox, 84
“Steam Engines.
Pratw Biron Vere
fiat onery, Portstle and
T rection
for Perpises
uh Tor Liniogee
n Far gular
STame ron
Full PasTicuLans.,
POLLARR each for New and
Warranted ve yours evi ox * i Ge
Puy divert sud wave $5 ie
Orgaingiors ® prom Wei FEET
euler wilh 1000 teal = ae
prod ral NE 4 OO.
4M Bower
ant. Patent 1 -
A. OB. FARQUHAR, Manufacturer, York
Contisvons Bay sud biz»
Without a Clear, h, hite Complexion.
4 1 Great rua «
De ex A Loaon Jor red fp
i ng RNS
Se Corrie 1red H Skin
pS bo i
Nis, To a jarge e Xion COD
. coals the evidence of
age. A few appli ations
will make Lhe shld Dosh
y soi. smooth, and
white. tis not a pang
or powder that will 8k
ap 1 he pores of the skib,
and by 0 GUINgE Create
disease of the skinsoch
as Pimpleseic bul is a
pert feotly CIeRT guid &
Va. Gabe discovery that
ne cheek to glow
health, and Tival
{iv in whiteness, IB
possibile 10 detect
Le Xs
chilly sensations, followed by night-sweats |
als, Sue shoul or- : Send stam
mal uch stalls should first be thor { and cough—prompt measures for relief PENSI te Soldiers & Hela, 4 stamp
ONS for Ulrcalara Ul. I. BING
{ — Aw’ y, Waiterton, Do
| of milk and let it dissolve over the fire,
oughly cleaned and disinfected. To do | but not boil. Mix it with the flour,
this take a pint of sulphuric acid and | gradually until you form a stiff paste,
put it in a bucket of water. Then, with and while still warm mould into the
an oid mop, wash all parts of the stall, | erust. As most pastry has to be made | 2
especially the trough or manger. All fee cold in summer, this way is a novelty,
stalls should be occasionally so disinfec~ | Do not roll out the crust, but work it
ted. #6 their constant use permits them | into a cone with your right hand above |
to gradually become unfit abodes of the | and your left hand underneath the |
animals, i
among the lesding Medi
times of the 0 idem,
dradte, 1,
Seid i .
an the besoty It confers
It cures Olly ®kin, Mime
Es Freckles, Pace Grabs, Blac i
apbura, Chapped Hands and
Itch, eto. It frees the pores, © viands, ap! robes
of the iw n from the injurious effects of powders
| and cosmetic wakes containing sediment, while i
beauties the skin, giving it that healthy, neural
| and youthfnl appearance which i is impossible So
obtain by any other means, It is cOnOBUed DY COR
nolssears in the art 10 be the test 0d sat beans
sifier the world ever produced,
| should be taken. Consumption is scrofo-
i lous disease of the lungs; therefore use the |
| great anti-screfula, or blood.-purifier and |
rice $1,
| Strength-restorec,—Dr. Pierce's Golden | FARQUAAR "VIBRATING SEPARATOR,
I mr A re, ASTINA. | Medical Discovery.” Superior to ood liver —_—
i Ki UER'S PASTILLES. OWrLL, & iy | fl as a nutritive, and unsurpassed as a oa 8100
Lat lestow a, i ral, For weak lungs, spittiag of |
— — | blood, and kindred affections it Las no |
equal. Sold by druggists the world over, |
Pimples, Blotches, Senly of Oily Skin,
called cantaloupes from being cultivat- |
ed at Cantaluppi, a villa near Rome,
where they had been introduced from
Armema, by missionaries. The name
is paid to be still in use in some parts
of Europe for a class of deeply ribbed,
yellow —fleshed melons, In this coun
try it is applied to different kinds of
melons in different localities, and the
significance of the word cannot be well
defined as now used.
ExarnAxp buys $10,252,884 out of
the $20,805,824 worth of the bacon we
export, "of hams, $2,454,980 worth out
of the $3,231,609, nearly half of the
$3,402,538 ‘of pork, and about one-third
of our surplus lard.
Tue calf born in the fall, fairly well
wintered and given the vigorous growth
that grass food gives the following sum-
mer, makes a better cow than the
sprivig raised one, and she is two years
old—the right time for the birth of her
first calf,
| to stay where he is not welcome. Why
When youn visit or eave New Yorx City, save
bag expre and $3 carriago Hires, and stop
aithe Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Cen.
tral Depot,
600 elegant rooms. 0Otted up at a costof ons
million dollars, $l aud upwards per
day, a uurapean Plan, Jvaor
supp) with the best, OrW0 CATS, stages
elevated raliroad 10 all depota, Families tan lye
better for jess money at the Grand Union Hotel
than at any other Arst-cinss hota! in the altv.
A school for training nurses 18 to be
established in Japan under charge of a
lady from Boston.
AXY man looks like a sloven with ran.
over heels, Lyon's Heel Stiffners keep
boots straight, 20,
First'in your sermons use your logic,
and then your rhetoric; rhetoric with
out logic 1s like a tree "with leaves and
blossoms but no roots,
If a cough disturbs
ul 0
Pino's Cure for Comsum Ap,
on and rest well,
Blemishes and all Skin D@y asses Cured
and Complexion HDeauntified Ly
Beeson's Aromatic Alum Sulphur Soap.
Sold by Druggiets or sent by mall on receipt of
RIcents by WM. DREYDOPPEL, Manu-
Cacturer, 208 North Front ft, Philadel phia, Pa
in FET
No Rope to Cut on Horses’ Manes.
nd LE Cambined, cannot
Bs an LH Bp any bores, Sample
Halter to any part of UU. 8 free, on
ron ptof gi. ob] by all Saddlery,
Harton and Harness Dealsrs
pacial ¢ ‘Frioe lo the rade.
Rog lor
The Qit)osior
and quirk ih 8 Trini pask
hs RO.
aga de
xt HA
A Lily sx poriomen,
ages. ovraliation wad The ww rot FRE .
Dr. WARD & ©O..
Pierce's treatise on consumption,
sary Madical Association, 663 Main Bireet,
Buflslo, N. YX.
nm II
If you feel as though waler was gathering
around the heart (heart-deopay) or have heart.
| tion, sympathetic heart Seouble-Dr. Kimer's
OeRAN. WED regulates, corrects and cures,
In every ~ woman's soul is reared a
house of love, and man may dwell
therein if be can find and keep the
A ———————
The purest, swestest and best Cod Liver Oil in
the world, manufactarad from fresh, healthy iv.
ors upon (he seashore, It is Absolutely pure and
sweet, Patients who have onoe taken ii prefer it
J all others, Physicians have decided i superiot
0 any of the otherolls in market. Made by Cas
0h Hazard & Co. New York. New York
a Te a
well, Hazard
There is nothing so valuable, and yet
so cheap, as civility; you can almost
buy land with it.
iy Las
Syually Parfact ia Al
kinds of
Piso's Remedy for Oatareh Is the
, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest,
for Ould in the Mead,
ie, Hay Fever, £0. 0 cents,
For sale bv Droggists and Fancy Goods Dealers,
Send for Clrealars, with Testimonials and Deals
tiful Pictore, free.
Brows ai’ Savery Rey Howoek, Bolt ry bg
oS ———
The meat bony
ful amd finest Lome
in ve woria. Lew
pr Sway 3
meme, Bend for Ontaion
oan aver Organ & Piano ¢ Cavers
415i BRN
re on Ths Rhee aT
oi Tavs ihe © pain oe tk for the