s J) —— RRS er ETRE ee BABE-BALL AT rid tha Centro MABKETS. Baos,, 't ——e FOR ANOTHER WAVE. Paul, Mion, Jaly 11. ¥ "| i SAD DROWNING. i LOOK 4 Saturday morning, 3rd, ople of ! Crxtre Harn, Pa, Jury 14, 1886, our town were shocked to hen i i) il to J 1 i; , g ‘Mp eff, low of Col. Josiah | that town on ET nce: 32.60 | death of Mrs. Neff, wido ol. : TERMS. —P2 per year in advance . ¥: | Neff. of Contre Hill. Mrs. Neff arose | number with. well when not in advances Advertisements | ©, ) Mrs. i arose | pth her of Jam ith 20 conts per line for three insertions, | that morning and told her daughter bu- | iuneh baskels, nocompanied our One colum per year $00—3 colum $45. | san she mizhitsce tothe work at the barn | we suppose the crowd from | nam zar-Hereafter all subscribers paying | while she remained in the house to pre. berad upwards of fifty, : 1 he train stop. work and their subscription in advance, will get a | pare breakfast, Alter the return of the | pt Q a bout mil thi 3 side of Lemont, af the depth credit of two months additional as a pre. | daughter from the barn, observed | Laie . meadow, to let off the party. ie | anthrad i on $2 in advance. | the dress of her mother on the cistern | first thing to do was to get thro’ a ae caar—— men | pump and the plank of the platform re- | wire fence to enter the field. The LEMONT. HOT Hall nine exeurti Y the game, COAL IN NIP VALLEY. O17] time past s Feral THE CENTRE REPORTER | ; some fa in 4 #mont, to meet | Bt, ~ Another hot in 8&8 mnaich familie nine of (ite n filled aay ey, rimers ose val in vaneing from the west, which if not Vort art which juts Clinton | Wave 18 n al { will probably equal AL | one Inst week, At the thermometer to-day registered 1 her ¢ over into of IPRA tha Burpass, Liu¢ ’ 3 LL heogh, Jon, itertained the idea ti went to a8 a test, and at sree foot vein of | degrees in the shade, and it was bi i in other parts of the Territory. yu Reports from the Upper Missouri Val- ley gay the crops are not looking well boy ere r they . 14 iv she have been | preparations gecond | struck, | are now | first i a TiCS { { —- Co a al, - | | i | — Nr ask | i | { i | Bellefonte. r ran { | 0 o | IL 4 ha ~~ ay DL —Mr. M. B. 1 our sanctum a call. ——Don’t forget that trout fishis son ends on the 15th, Considerable bark is being ped from this station. ——Philip Mersinger left on Tueaday of last week. ——Red cherries were sold week for 2 cents a quart. Geo. M. Harter, proprietor of red-mill, gave our sanctum a call. — Every book borrower shoald come a member of a retarning board, —A COW Was Ki Hall one day last week by th train. —— Read the advertisement of new confectionery grocery issue. ——Tickets sold at Centre on 3rd inst unted lars, for Hea ICRr g altar : BILETH and vy ShEAL moved, which at once led her the sad reality—for she discovered old lady in the cistern beneath. ower | anvthing to rescue her she | hastened to Centre Hill a Strohm, who found the old in the cistern. For some time there were aberration observed Neff, which culminated as a Nefl was a woman greatly est she ha ful wife and the kindlie and had ever led a Christi sad ending to suspect y life, his | of her earthly existe a the neighborhood. She leaves a daughter and two sons—thi gloom over } + + 3 sy i He west—10 mourn place last Sabbath, was the 1 the Lutheran congregation at Hall, organized 32 years ago. COUrse Was a comparison tion of the state, the church, of the science, civilization and religi short space of time. He dy ton of ou 3 wi 1 Fre of the then made io nin that + 4 ie t particu. | r town thirs and ad va neat: ord Aavalcemenss vel condi ty-lwo years ago ol abou I i LLO case HRY , With we INnGre indas ireciate by } i " i 108, 1 4 ir 4 it of reach t JELGALUIL Lii0 went to Kansas in the gz, is 2110} ggain. —] Bprin tne o fy, are now being capacity. ra mines al Sentia , thi ~The f the Mite soci evening last, 2 —= The brick machine in operatio at Millheim 1s to Bellefonte. — Large quantities of wire fence machines are shipped station daily. Migs Cora Elwert, of Williams- port, is visiting her friend Grace Smith in this place. — —H, H. Yearick, and fami adelphia, are visiting bis parents at Aa- ronsbarg. ’ ——The Spring Mills band has on Satorday next for a harvest picaic, at Rising Spring. ——YWhile through the west there are complaints of drouth, we in this section are having enough of rain. ~The Bellefonte ball team was feated, on 3d, at Bellefonte, by a nine from Mill Hall; score 15 to 11. —W. H. Smith, of near Millheim, has a field of wheat the stalks of which average about 6} feet in length. — Musser’s foundry at Millheim will goon be put in operation with Messrs, F* Kuparr and D, Luse, proprietors, ~Mr. Sechler and family, of Belle- fonte, passed through our town last Wednesday en route for the cave. The wife of Rev, Brubaker, of Nittany, hes been suffering for some three months past from an abscess, ~The Kuights of Labor pic-nic, on 3, at Bellefonte, was attended by a large number from this side of the county, —fam Foust’s remedy against pota- to bugs is the latest out. He might be elected sberifl on the strength of it, Miss Flora Love, of this place, has gone to Sydney, Ohio, which place she will make her home for some time, ~— 14% ia reported that nearly hall of the wheat through the Lebanon valley has been destroyed by the army-worm. ~fome farmers about Salona finish- ed cutting grain as early as July 3, The wheat in that section is an average crop, — Centre Hall had quite a nice dis. nlay of fire works on the evening of the bord, Several large balloons were sent up. ~The Automatic Fence Machine Co. expect to have a large number of their machines manufactured at this place. ~eMis8 Carrie Bowser, of Martins burg, visited the Rev, Heckmans’ family last week. The lady is an amataer elo- cutionist, —Beveral new walks were laid during the past week, and with one or two ex- ceptions our side walks are in first clr condition, ~Poglers are up announcing that proposals will be received. for the erec. tion of the new creamery building at Bpring Mills, . ~—Bome of our farmers will have very litile work harvesting. In some laces the grain is hardly worth the trouble of cutting. Al Korman's store, Oak Hall, 10 cts, is paid for butter, 10 cents for eggs, and keep for sale dry goods, fotions and groceries, ” ~—Sigee the opening of the hotel at the cave travel to that place has increas. ed and i of large plenics and hack loads there are more smaller par- ed fence and from our fixe hom de. h 4 yf Me LXE Wie SQeril,; 8 FArll WLO aad Li 47 ¥ & a ¥ WIE IB reel road Com pe COmMPAnyY Was Ie H name of Beech Creek Ii roa and the following officers were elected President, Wm. A. Wallace; Direct Cornelios Vanderbilt, Wm. KX. V H. Pi bilt, Daniel Beach, George rT, { Jalili he ry, Allyn Cox; Boliator, Peale, —— Boring have a boon, bis saw-mili and wil connection with it, ] up a distillery and another avout to start a creamery. With whiskey and fresh butter, things g® lively down there, Spring Mills bas many advantages for parties to eugage in industries, { ider, i sound Lia —ini another column will be the cards of L. A. Shafer and Williams, who announce themsel candidates for Prothonotary. both excellent men and Democrat purest stamp—devoid of any species of trickery and meanness, Iither of them, if nominated, will be sirorg on the tick- el. J.C. Meyer's card also appears as a candidate for Dist. Attorney. He young man of excellent qualification, and bears a good reputation. ~On Taesday, July 6, the sh ill on Whitmer's sidiog, near Spring Mills, owned and operated by Krumrine & Co., was destroved by fire. The men had quit work at noon and were eating their dinner when they discovered part of the roof of the mill near the smoke stack on fire, and before the flames could be checked they rapidly sjread and soon redoced the building to ashes, A large stock of lnm er and shingles were consamed aloay with te tools and machinery of the mill. The mill wes a new one and has bn in operation but a short time, ~The widow of Rev, Dr. Isaac Grier, of Mifilir burg, died at her residence on 23d ult, Her faneral ocenrred on the 26th uit, acd was attended by a very large concotirsgfof friends and neighbors, Among the fmer was her nephew, Rev, Jobn B, Grier, pastor of the Lewis burg Presb. church, wee ELATTY amb, son of Wm, R. Camp, formerly of this place, was seriously in- jured about the bead and face, a fow days 020, by being tramped by a home, at his grandfather's, in Milroy. The boy got under the horse's feet in some man- ner, with the above rorions results, ~The resolutions of the county pro. hibitionists adopted at their last conven. tion appear in this issue, They were handed ve for last week's issue but on account of lack of space they were held if 8B feat was friend George Jack, of Boalsburg, rge went through with smile uout a serateh, and of eo e the most olks followed, the others takioe a bout way rather than run the the barbs, among the latter the whom WAS a goo ly The south side of the meadow ng arise aflorded Id a w of the game, discomfort 1e want of shade trees, and those fortunate who nmbre backing and there ihe spectat HE Vid tine had . we he bench tes. The laying and took no 1 Was a Close one, DOLL Bide THE AM We game was arranged f between teams from Centre if the team id against oiug §1 per 8 equal 10 an ia i $b by 1 sobs # ¢ dd WIE Lavy AWE M VUE il r y o pr HOGETRLG, 3 LE Card 0 { tzen of Logan M nd, visited Peter Erg, of log who is 80 years old,) 8 compan: many years ago. lhe jenliemen spent a very happy ¥ K { Milis, of his iw Lime ether, as they had not seen each Fr many vears, It wa interesting them with the i ihese iwogentlemen were Lot al workmen and DOLE Iengers seid rig ood Nerul he « oh t 14