as HT A SUA SOBA SAR. SHANI. 15 LONG SUFFERING From Stone in the Bladder. y no means strange that Dr N.Y By reading it you Itist Body, following letter, of Randont will one minute why James Andrews was thank ful De. D. Kennedy, Rondont, N. Y Dear Sir—Until within a recent date, 1 several years suffered greatly from Gravel by doctors the Brick-dust Sediment, OH ¥ usual quantity, untold pain. dy's EAVORITE REMEDY 1 tried it using about one and one-half bottles i stone from the bladder, of an oval shape, an inch long, and rough on its surface. 1 you the largest plece, that you may it is composed. Since then 1 have felt no pain, now consider myself cured, and cannot my thank Hiverance from a terrible disease, You have consent to use this letter, should you wish so, for the benefiv of other sufferers, JAMES ANDREWS, 10 Marshal St, 1da Hil Favorite Remedy” for No nunedy’s % a trustworthy specific kidney and 1 disorders arising from an impure state Dr. Ke offered he iver con of blood, from any of the ills sex “Favorite Remedy” is ox fan unfai g triend i% nO more To women who suffer lint proving itsel There pec to their mizing class of and none more certain “not to got well of itsell than the disorders of the kidney and bla The only 1 vermanent cure of such affections | Favorite is Dr. pedy's Remedy,” ) ’ OVER [000 ERY BOTTLES SOLD AND NEVER © FAILS TO CURE COUGHS.COLDS, THROATAND ALL LUNG TROUBLES HL aA WAY A a a MBLES.E LES. : LPR CT JMECURIALAND ALL BLOOD DISEASES SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 i tA & (OW of UAE sad PA. TAT iil REMEDY World Dusen of af ihe MINE Wi Gay CURE TOR ki ABSOLUTE { | i 1 i | ‘| thastute, s Vasitive “ ¢ to mankind, 4 nxked for it. Linen gae rasied. Sead for t Cure, It U Giy o Trial is al! hat is i. itis nlway AM ALA / / sl 7 11 'E { { Ty Fo ua RHEUMATISL SCROFULA. SKIN ERUPTIONS. EXEREAL DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELITG OF LAMGOUR. BILIOUSXESS, LIER TROUBLES, AERVOU S WEAKK FE MALE 1X i ESS. Pe 3 WEB YES Ye £3 gener BoTrL mn Ter Iti ® 81.00 A SIX BOT IL Fr - FOR 85. 00. : 5.00 b & Uv Furniture! Furniture! M’CORMICK BROS., “Haccessors to W. BR, Camp.) CENTRE HALL, PERNN'A Offer the floeat and largest stock of FURNITURE ever Lrought to Centre Hall, Com: and examine stock and learn prices. We keep all faroitore nsually = found in fe FIRST CLASS FURNITURE STORE. — A UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY, COFFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, BURIAL ROBES, &ec., kept in stock. —Funerals Attended— With the Fioest Hearse in the Countys i To-day the first June rose bloomed out® Down by the daisies and clover; All a-tremble, with leaves a-pout, Buttercups befiding over. “Bweet, so sweet,” the butterfly said, “Rose, in your rustic splendor!” And honey-bees lingered over her head Murmuring love words tender. “Sweet little blushing wayside rose, Tell me what is the reason All of your brothers and sisters sleep, You are first of the season” All a-blushing, the little rose said, “I know they can not have missed me! I waked this morning” —she hung her head Because a honeybee kissed me.” - ~Uertrude E. Heath. THE COUNTESS auiccioLy S WHIMS, Her Tollet Her Occupation der Poor “Fannie.” Bhe never could bear either beggars or children. She live entirely apart from her husband, who occupied another wing of the villa. She literally adored an ugly little dog, which seemed to constitute all she cared for. She rose between 12 and 2; at night she would sit alone for hours in her recep- | ti n-room, weriting her memoirs she would te with a show of vanity. Her toilet was her sole serious occupation. She washed with starch, often taking baths in olive oil; at night she would wear on her face a linen mask, saturated with perfumed grease, as we are told certain effaminate kings France used to do. To show herself to any one she always considered in the light of a favor, Capricious to a degree, she caused a num- ber of useful flelds to be laid out with sugar- cane and truffles; in addition to this she built on the estate a superb stable in which she kept about seventy milch cows disposed in two long rows, each manger with the name of its occupant attached-—Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, ete,, much to the horror of the scan- dalised local priest, Serious wholesome, and especially kept the skin fresh. During one of her visits to Setlimallo her little dog died; she determined to bury it herself, and I can still see her, double-gloved, muffled with thick veils, and protected by a large umbrella, digging with a spade the little grave in which she placed the body of the pet, enclosed in a rich casket, covered with flowers. A few weeks later when I was ill, and my mother expressed her anxiety with regard to me, the marquise was heard in her insinuating tone, always so carefully ‘modulated with regard to musical effect, “Poor Erminia, if she were to lose her Ab! I know how 1 suffered with my poor Fannie”—the little dog above referred to Signor | tnd. Practicing with son, Bogus Diplomas. A painful discovery that 1 have made con- cerning the profession in America is that it nbraces a number of men now | practising by means of forged medical de- grees, professedly conferred by the Univer sity of Zurich. When the bendle announced, two years ago, the publication of a statistical report, covering the fifty years of the uni- ve rays history, he was besieged with letters offering him sams of money for the insertion of names of men practicing in America, and aller one day offered him a handful of bar nk notes and a heavy purse of gold in the name of a foreigner then practiding in New York state Th ene two facts taken t terogs be obtad certain wether, the propos ease with whic ned and the total want of efficient control of the medical profession by the state authorities doubtless explain in great meas. ure the contemptuous inareser in which European physicians speak of the brother hood in America and the dubious light in which they regard Amerionn diplomas Their view is not the remit of wholesale prejudice, for such are appreciated in highl in the manipulations of operative surgery rows BLANG we —— Blang, profoundly considered, is the lawless germinal element, below all words and sentences, aud” behind all poetry, and proves a certain freedom and perennial rankness and protestan- tism in speech. As the United States inherit by far their most precious pos- soession—the langnage they talk and write ~from the Old World, under and out of its feudal institutes, I will allow myself to borrow a smile even of those forms furthest removed fom American demoos { racy. Considering language then, as | some mighty potentate, into the majes. tic audience hall of the monarch ever enters a personage like one of Shakes. peare’'s clown's, and takes position there, and plays a part even in the , stateliest ceremonies. Such is slang { or indirection, an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism and express itself illimitably, which iu highest walks produces poets and poems, and donltless in prehistoric times gave i the start to and perfected the whol immense tangle of the old mythologies For, curions as it may appear, it is | strictly the tame impulse source, the same thing. Slang, too, is the whole. some fermentation or ernctation of those processes eternally active in language by which froth and specks are thrown | up, mostly to pass away, though oc sionally to settle and permanent talize. To make it plainer, it is certain that many of the oldest and solidest words we use were originally generated | from the daring and license of slang. In the processes of word formation myriads { die, but here and there the ly crys. attempt al tracts superior meanings, becomes valu- able and indispensable, and lives for- ever, Thus the term right means liter. ally only straight. Wrong primarily meant twisted, distorted. Integrily | meant oneness, Spirit meant breath or flame. A supercilious person was ons | a raised his eyebrows. To insult was | to leap aguninst. If you influenced a | {man you but flowed info him. The | Hebrew word which is translated pro-| | phesy meant to bubble up aad pour | {fourth as a fountain. T! thnsiast | bubbles up with the Snirit of God with- | lin him, and it pours forth from him | ! like a fountain. The word prophecy »| { misunderstood. Many predict a 18 en 1 suppose ! is limited to : that lesser portion mere ¢ is | Ne The! Every | srophel. + but the t proater work is f« ' true religions ent ‘ il CIGARETTE MAKING, “How in a day ¥' was asl ® wl 5 ny cigareties can agri m recently * That ie bid) smart, qm 10K ) eo thousand five hundred. | seventy to eighiy © wwrding to the grade 1 Sle Ara very a more ‘nan actions, in the bane! struments are always fairly Zurich Cor. Philadelphia Times Clever Swindlors Whe Seaccead. The most success?ul of swindlers among men are those greed of their fellows games flourish with a degree of prosperity that puts all other forms of cheating; to the blush, People will travel : 810,000 worth of counterfeit mosey for £1,000, and when they find they have bought nothing but sawdust, they have met a man themselves, keeps their mouths shut whe vs and unceasing devotion mas sage to in- terest him. Once secured they hold on with a grip of iron. The least cle ver women swindlers make easy victims of men by practicing on their conceit om prisle, —Brook- lyn Eagle. Cigarette Smoking in V¥V Pinter. “The practice of cigarette smoking in the open air during a cold winter,” sald an well known physician, “is undoubtsdly a good thing for those who are invetomto smokers When smoking a cigar in the open air, the thermometer being below zero, the nicotine, which should pass away with the stnoke, condensed in the mouth and enters the sys tem, producing nervousness. In my opin. jon, one cigar smoked out of doors is more injurious than a dosen stnoked in a wwrm room. As to health, I would recommend cigaretta smoking in winter," Pioneer P; vas id - 9 Swedish Colony in the Wilderness. Fifteen years ago a little company of fifty” Bwedish colonists came to Maine, sailed up the St John river, and nuade a home in the Aroostook wilderness. There are now nearly L100 souls in the colony at New Sweden, with two churches, six schools, and mwmny well-tilled farms, “Children in the Wo xis” the colonists call themselves. They are h ard workers, the women with their wooden sl wes toiling in the flelds with the men, and, un like most immigrants, they have furnished no recruits for our poor-houses and jails,» Chicago Times. A Consolation for Poor Folks, One of the most curious phases of hus an nature shows itself in that oft-made remar &, “Well, he didn’t take hie millions with him.” Enough consolation has been drawn fro m that circumstance to make a host of pow people hall contents with their lot.—Eaw change, Japanese Society of Investigation. A society called the Dal Nippon Kelsal Kai (Japanese Economie has been systam tn Japan, Heems as if sub lie ata ing. c aang en the wige of the | urnod over, lk bes { aliding 3 os it, tue | ! | ignite de polled is Ti Yoivyy the pasta wilt § mu over one alee of the cigarette ™ 1 Giri tes the | cut off 1t | paper, Ana one Por agaratio is ready for the trade, Afsor the onds are must be used when | rolling and pasting, for if any were | pasted crooked or soiled in any manner, or made too hinrd or too soft, the thousand would be returned to the! maker, who would have to make them over again. This happens very often, and is ao loss of several hours to the maker. There may be plenty of en-| joyment in smoking cigarettes, but thore is none in making them.” EE ————— MURDER TIIAT WILL NOT OUT. Small, venomous serpents of Orien- tal countries have always been in vogue as a means of suicide, the asp of Cleo patra recurring fo every one's memory as a prominent example. In certain parts of Bengal there is said to be a race of gypsies, one of whom, for a fee, will furnish a small cobra to any appli. cant, ‘and no questions asked.” A man who desires to commit murder procures one of these repiiles and places it with- ina bamboo just long enough to let the head protrude at one end and the tail at the other. Armed with this deadly weapon the murderer creeps softly to his enemy's tent atdead of night, cuts a holo in the wall and introduces the bamboo, The tortured reptile, careless upon whom it wreaks ils animosity, strikes its fangs into the sleeper. Then itis withdrawn sod the assassin steals silently away. Charles 1, of Euglaud, is very fond of spaniels, and the breed of bid dog wil umput in this gpuntey, * (reat caution i one | mom £0 Z. EVARS, In KK VANS BROTHERS, RO] { COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Water Street, Philadelphia, Pa, PYAMIA Is the most virtent farm « fucon fug. Less spoodily Tain! b ‘ i Te b6 N. ta nly so, Is the vitlalion i i which the first syn iil Sties, Bolls, and Cutancons baupe- tions, Whenthetuint of borofula ph warning of {tg presence by fei indications, no tin should be lost in using AvEr's SARSAPARILLA, His only perfect and reli able medicine for the purith ‘ation of th "" SCROFULA Ia a foul corruption in the blood that rol out all the machinery of life, 2 will ergdicate it fron the # vent ite transmission to AYER'S BARSAPARILLA. tion is also the only one that the blond of Mercurial pois taint Contagious 1 frhed blood is productive ANAEMIA, A wretched condition indi d hy Mallia Skin, Flaccld Muscles, a 4 Nerves, and Melancholy, lis i symptoms are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De. ection. Its course, unch i inevitably to insanity or deat frequent'y suffer from it. Th cine that, while j fying tl riches it with new vila the whole system, is Ayer’s Sarsapariila, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnas, Sold by all Din Price §1; “Six bottles for $0, A 50 a BOOT and SHOE MAKER, CENTRE HALL, he undersigned hes opened a shop in | the rear of the bank, on Church street, and is prepared to do a'l kinds of work. New boots and shoes made to order, and repairing done. Satisfaction EUATATIS teed and all work promptly attended to, | He kindly asks a share of the public patronage. Louia'y3 A. G. NOLL. SI In ae 08 ; { Men Good Salaries 5, Wim vo ut wo ng Agents, No x pe rience Jed: ad. JAMES EE. WHITNEY rey New York Mention “this pas Slanydm solicited, Quick sales, Good Prices acd Ir Returns is our motto, We have excellent Les for oblaining good prices for B Poultry, (live or dressed,’ Lad, Potatoes, Fruit, (dried or fresh, ( ii ve Blo k; lu fact, everyiblog dices, either in car loads or stencils and price lists furn i free 5 We refer no the odor of thls £1.00 THIRTEEN WEEK he POLICE GAZETTE will be ; ly wrapped, to any address in the Ui three months on veesiptol GONE L iveral discount allowed to posi assters, ap and clubs, Bam pie coples walled free Address & orders to RICHARD K. FO X, raakiin Sq are, Libis is Tallrew | re. # the § Email 0s dhe paper od seer Blatss 3 “ tad LAR othing N.Y of bind es, ——eShOomakers with rubber cem SOR, h, Wome 1aists is 3 0 work, ¥ Rochester, THAT, : FoR BALE BY ALL DRL a A i a u UNSURPASEED FOR se Early Truck and Vegetables BAUGH’ 5 yas PHoSPHA TF still le as. i QOUDT iy tn artic e for the least 1S lee i L¥ money, HC 1 Gr: wde 44 oe! for Baugh’ and fu r inf address BAUGH & SONS, Manufacturers and Importers, 20 So. Delaware Ave., Phila, EETAVI RIT Tn sas Vi RVELOUS PRICES. “sa SOOKSFOR THE FOR THE MILLION Copy fete No vels and Other Works. by Famous Authors, Almost Given Awa; rl x or + mm handsomely mu wal trated, sd all are pie ead 1 pe upon good paper Tiny ren of & gross variety - * 5 STE eof sie woudl ke W possess, Le Cll bound Ruta ees books weld Pa. vt Seren, wnany of Uhes & 55 » The w dow Redott Papers Crendmaibers Laugh This ts he bank ! uh ried, and | Atthe w orld’ Mercy. Werden. seth } today me waa : Mildred Trevanion. Fane ¥ Werk for Home Aderanment, wu on auth oF ap ow wl x in Perk or A Bar 3 5 of Called Bard whe i. The My story of the Holly By the swiber of The : Shadows on "the Fao. 1 jen, mutter Frond and 4 hoo sud i se i N. The w n. A Bevel, Pr Bly Walter Bests, | astior o 7 pio . me 4 is 8 tosmanne to verse, and of all ” The Frozen Deep. A Kove yw ra ih pons 8 more besutifs Ges this suiher of © The Woman in White } i i ow ps Sntaintag oer aad | wl or Ang fancy baskets, wall | peedie work, ewtawidery, ¢ i, pre weiraied atry Ateries far the Young. The stories evel pabliebed. The ohiid +h A Aoied with Chem, ‘ The Lady ot the Lake ig uke FT 1% + Tree. A Eewve f oe Manual of Etlguetie fie Ladies and Geatiomen. 8 | * 35 Mod Court Farm. A Sous Neneh and goad Aig. giving Be rede of | Wand. suthw of Yast Lys #. In Cupid's Net. 2 For €l Thorne % Back is the ae Hams. Bay. suiber » John Tow erbank BK uioek a # ©. Lady Gwendoltne's Dream. shared © Dare Thorne ” Tosper Pune’ ’ Keer. Bratton suthed o ¥ HA $ 7. Lesline. Rove § Bary Cs ¥ Be eplis Veork tie for nil seo The Standard perry "Writer tor Lafles snd . rerjupdenor, giving f ethers of ovary | asm ples a & large saline Fungi, aad evenings a w Inter ¥ veming Recrcat ug Charad Teaddonuy, © : ead vais Lhewt + er aut ' sted, : £m slags. Resttations and Headings, s are | 1 a dour snd pubile wed rntarinl veenta i "artor Magi na Chemical JFrveriments, ww Gabriels Marr A Tore Dy 3 Siok Pelle Sue of sawuttng | gutter of © Be § pill 8 male sad fasiree aa with elms | Pe Pavid Mant. 4 Kory Mrs anther of on mtd Va " easing the Wat Sect] Hay. an » B Dudley £ uricne. Gor. 2 ] Kasbe “ p 2 sel. Be 13 ve re ap A The Rams Conk JBosk and Family Phyo! elas, outta ie t pking Peels | aie 4s I im peti, sine te a8 be 10 ture all oom. | . foie Queer Feemed 1 i Manners and Customs In Far Awey Lands, | ory bit ug 2nd is rue ve boask 28 bev aio "sy ad Wy TEN ’ of teuvess, Sewer Ba snore aed costes of Lhe | A ¥ovel A Salden Dawn. * Poors Fi. Valerie's Fate, A Rovel, T be Budget, « of Wii, Homer and Pun, * wad Boss a vu i Ueetai Knowledge? Tor the Mitiion, » handy wel nt Ee Amos Harton 4 Called Wack. i Es Mas Pode park Dare fir Hark Conway, suiber UR UNEQUALLED OFFER: 7.0% cot om, bo ome IR NEQ ER soan Pub i Go. Philad’ a, Pa The I.cgan Machine BELLEFONTE, PA, i We desire briefly to call your attention to the —Union Combined Anvil, Vise and Dzil),— Thousands of which aro already in use, giviog the best of satisfaction, works. among mechanics, farmers and parties having uee—as neatly every per son different times—of a light and convenient tool that will obvi. a's the necessity of loosing lime and going to a machine shop for repa’rs that would take but & fow mintites if the proper facilites were at hand. We remedy this annoyance and place at a price within the reach of all THE UNION DRILL, ANV'L AND VISE COMBINED, Ask yourselves how often ycu have wished for a tool of this kind to do some small job about the workshop, house or farm; not baving which you have, ia loss of time and money, or allowing the job to remain unfinished, paid the price of it perhaps several times, and order at cuce of THE LOGAN MACHINE WORKS, Burigroxrs, Re So Fo ad Pin HARRIS ™. 20, ~ RavicaL Cui: he ¥ WF. NERVOUS Ee] gs withot ara) fanetions TREATY) NT. Honth, ~ B82 Sut benomere. seg vo Wonhe, = £50 fal ropdly pains both hreo Moning, 4A SET Br RA Vit. ARRIG REMEL 7 BS SOc HR, Teath - WR ER OME! ! RUPE ShE ope! wr GH Wala T 1 RE 25 YEARS #4 Tan Greatest Medical Trinmy SYMPTO Ni g OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss ui petite, ro weiscostive, Pain in the bead, with a du’l sensation in the hack parr. Poin uoder the shoulders Linde, Fuiiness af iting, with a diss inclination to exer: on of body or mind, Irritability of tone Ts Tow spirits, with a feeling of kuving neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizzine un, Fiuttering at the Heart, Dots before the eves, Headache over the right eve, Mosticssness, with fitful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, Bi Ts PILLS Lee especial) ; CRses, ons Gone ef ohn nie of fee’ to rstonish the sufferer. Tneoven 21h 1 roetife and cause the «1 an the system is Tonle Action on cgular Stooliare sds Murray Bea N.Y. Ad x Tri om ¥ AIR DYE. 3 changed tO & ¢ application of th Srad ©0 or, acts i ; Eile, OF Lof 81. 7 wt eg vow Yor de sateliad drain i 7 AY MAIL lcaves fais Barn { { NM Willissaspori.. K Haven. VO cum Lay RITIVES NA EASTWARD ORE EXP. — " Jersey Ehote... . . Williamsport, Moutanaon.. art at Harrisburg... i Philade ipa. 11 EEE jeaves Kane. DAY EXPS Kenovo.... —— - Lock Haven... . - Nan. sa i SE leaves Lock Haven... ¥ i " - Montanoon . ary at HRTBRLUYE conn Philadel nis. leaves Renbvo... . Lock Haven. W ilinansport.. " Momtancon ... - - rives ad Harrisbu ea gin Vi iadel Bericins aln—-RENOVO Accomimod a sundiy. ail inves Erb. p— Renovo rn " Jock Ha voli eel’ Williamsport ..... Monn ae at Harrisbw Xiaghta Expos West XN ara Express pe couneciion at Lock Kk. Trains, Woost connect at eis = A ul Corry with B wih B. % N. ¥.RR QENOV OAC 'K ” gEhaE - 4 ‘ Sunday alsoo® { ERIE MN © shined sue FIT Ses aur » > rs bs £ Erie Mall East, Expres Hast make veuwth BE V.R Erie Mail East and traimson LS AMS W. RR a Emporinm and at Driftwood with LEWISBURG AND BELLEFONTE, NITTA. Daily Exoe Wo Sunday. Faia STATI OKS 5 50 Montmndon i» jaw aw isting 6 iB a Pier Ag a6 MiMinburg po Millwmont 7 07 Laurelton 57 Coburn V o = Be AM i 2 5 nt Pr. i X a 2 SOTO EA AD NE FeNs bate Hen 4 a A oH Sat i Addtime 3 fn > E22 »s * p FPF EBEBEE SErEESESENEETRUSREEX