THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor. Cextas Hatt, PA., Fan. 171880, Demooratic County Committee. 1. A Bhaffor Jacob Runkle Wm. Harper } WH Sandford Pallipsburyg »2 «eee Henry Lelnoan bid WC Lhgle Centre Hall Borough Dr. J F Alexander Howard Borough | Abe Weber Mileshurg Baro £ A Carr Miliheln J L Zerby Unionvi PJ MebDopald Bounor William Ishler Bogs, East... Henry L Barnhart Boggs, West Cal. Jas. F Weaver Burnside Wm. Hipple College “oDanlel Grove, Jr, Curtin : ~Hewmy Confer Ferguson, East John MeCormick Ferguson, ds W Walker Greg, North... John Rossman Grege south Jdohin PP Condo Haines East, cndahn J Orndort Haines, West, Jacob Wile Half Moon AT Gray Harris... o.oo. James W Swab Hon 1 Michael Confer HE Charles Murray i J 1 Delong Bellefonte ) W wb gh Borough ... smes A Keller Ellis Hosterman Hugh MeCann Orrin Vall Thomas MeCann Patt Kelley A mos Garbrick Niuton Beckwith * oho H Stover 1 Decker Morrison ADAM HOY, Chairman. AN INTERVIEW WITH A TURK. Str. B. Cour'Oghlou Tells What He Knows About the Sultan and His Harem. - RB. Cour'Oghlou, from Turkey, isin nis on a business In the course asked him the trip pv his time?” to come out of the te affairs, which is rs in two factions, He fears day uffer the fate of precautionar y rain his maj- » other, sO speak anything Daring his oc- an {. not like yours, but making a delicious is a dive of intrigues ich does not play a small MHicial, a full-blooded i marts of Egypt, hat high position, harem. Although a word, he has as a almost once grand viger (the ry often ad tions, no doubt most rem fear £ es the poxd- around + like castle } i an free s unflor the penalty of death. Ucca- ey are permit out in mounted guards, who it a herself from its tal to come ht and if ¥ nymphic beauties ip of the black the great lnughter our eyes a many as some inate Sultan i, consisted of sultan’s wording to law n his harem. vimself on a certain day prepared for this out of the prettiest v, so that literally I can the greatest of Cir- he an artist like you that the world sictires as were never before i eves. —St. Louis Repub- ware Lhe i not sO of the bev pine uzh the 10 hh are » Year was {se of Parents as * Material.” e was nobody left but my father _ you sce for yourself 1 had no [hers was one great advantage in z with them, I knew them $0 thor One naturally feels a certain deli- from a purely artistic persons who have been 80 ne's mother, for instance: Sup. some of her littl ways were so pecul- st the socurate delineation of them ould furnish amusement to great numbers - it would not be without hesita- that n writer of delicote sensibility sald draw ber portrait, with ail its whim- sicalilios, 80 plaindy that it would be gener- ally recognized. One's father is generally of tougher fiber than one's mother, and one would not feel the same scraples, perbape. in using him professionally as material in a novel; still, while you are employing him as bait—you goo | am honest und plainspoken, for your characters are baits to catch readers with— 1 would follow kind Izaak Walton's humane counsel about the frog you are fastening to ir fish hook ; fix artistically, as he directs, but in so doing use bim as though you loved him. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, cacy in handling, poi it near | of view ww, war sar the VaaeTs J x A Newsboy's Simple Little Trick. “Pulking about schemes for obtaining wealth,” remarked a West End streetcar driver to a reporter, “reminds me of a very sinaple little trick practiced by a T-year-old sewsy who holds out at the Point. He waits until he sees a car in which there are several Ludios, then he jumps on board and attempts to soll his papers. Nine cases out of ten he fails, but that don't bother him one bit. He gots down on his knees beside an empty seat, and crptying all the pennies out of his pocket be counts them over vory carefully, Of cours Lis attracts the attention of every- body in the ear. As be counts ar expression of terrible disappointment comes into his eyes and steals rapidly over the rest of his eounlonance, “Jiat lost 15 cents to-day, a doleful voles, and y to himself, as hie slips his wealth back into his pocket, “Bay misns,’ he continues, ‘buy a paper, won't yer, and help me out? “Ten chances to one the lady buys, and so do all the other ladies in the car, and proba. bly some of the gentlemen. The result is sell out B SOCTALLY EMINENT. A —————— A RICH SOCIETY MAN DISCUSSING A k LUNCHEON IN DELMONICO'S. The Calm and Diseriminating Manner in Which He Received the Ssluta- | tions of Mis Friends—Igporing an Outstretehed Mand. A society man of indubitable eminence sat fn Delmonico’s restaurant the other day dis- eussing a luncheon composed staffed vats and a small bottle of Burgundy, Thera is no question iis eminence socially. He is perhaps the most distinctly fashionable bachelor in New Directly the window where he sat was a Dig English mail cart, a perfectly groomed and nettle some team of bays and a small and correct English tiger, who though made of wore a was cut infront, a rather tod b collar, four or five contentment. of a 3} nw York, opposite stood at the pole, wax. The 8 man buttoned dark coat, which light § CAsY as jety closely away waistooat, square wits, a jooking aad an sir of entire rings It is imgpxesible to magne anything more thoroughly trag eal than his manner i consutning a crab, His gingle glass rested in his eve, naturally without effort, aid when he became { with too fell to exan ng poli through the single gla VERY NATING, Nearly every equipage that window, n stream of | them, exhibited one or 1 ve faces, | framed in Yau t i looked eagerly greater pan Jorit or cordial Nothing and dis wivedd the did he ve ceived a CAreiess am as an ord would ask after would particaiar forward, The *r greetis hover about asked wh but he he did 1 The sox and appeire word Y be scribble back of his end of the t bowed the = of slowly exertion with the fork, he I 4 | i hed finger nails the sileel by { 13 thn i bass gontl dangh man w of the the ba of ful « snphe tet v 3 of ver ¢ salutations ned stiflly « her fngers with Li the little zroup and The bemker's hand but he took it in as gracefully ss bh bow and even managed stile in rather servile fashion. A mo later he ha climbed to the seat of his cart, puiled on his driving gloves, and with a fouch of his whip went whirling up the avenue, while the little tiger, with a desperate effort, swung hime if into the rumble as the cart rolled away. A dozen faces turned towar! him on every sule as ho drew his horses into the swim with a practiced hand, but as | be remained he did not reds his head any mord than was necessary nn arknowladg- ing salutations. This he did by raising his whip hand wearily to the rim of his hat. — “RB. IH.” in Brooklyn Eagle, was still were nn sight What Jockey Areher Has Won. The returns of the past racing season in England show that the jockey Archer has outdone all his previous performmmos in the saddle. remarkable as some of then have beon, having won 247 races out of 663. This is the greatest nurnber of races which he or any othr jockey has won in the course of one searon, though Archer had achieved an unprecedented foal last year, when he roadle a4] winners out of 577 mounts. Archer has now stood first on the Hist of winning jockeys for sore ten or twelve years, and it Is worthy of note that he has won no fewer than 1.9500 races in the last five seasons. His siocess this year includes the two thousand guineas and the Grand Prix de Paris on Paradcx, the Derby and the BL Leger on Melton, the Oaks on Lonely, the Middle Park pinte on Minting, the Criterion stakes and the Dewhurst plate on Ormonde, and many other two-year-old races of the first class, ~ Mew York Sun. EE a ——————— What Is an Impresario? Mr. Mapleson was a witness the other day in a sfiit which he brought to recover tw duty paid on some armor and costumes he had brought to this country for use on the opera shun “What is your business I" was asked. “I mam an impresario, replied the colon Nepha cai th “Wall, now tell us, Mr said the Inwyer, “what is an itpresario” “An impresario,” said Mapler, unbending somewhat, and re- vealing the suggestion of « smile, “is a man who tres to please the public and never suo. coeds.” The answer was deemed mtislao tory. ~ Exchange. Nanghty Boys of the HaMans. A Tlirkish proverb says: “One boy oan drop Jato » wail a stone which ry men » SRE wl, rly Langit bop et ds vxtrome Feminine and Canine Fashions, Just no axireines {fashionable dog runs 10 two dherian bloodhounds and fox terriers. The bloodhound should be the size of un horse, if possible, and the closer the ter rier approaches to the dimensions of a rad the more particularly lovable he becomes, Fifth avenue is given over between the hours of 12 and 1 to dogs and brisk moving women, 1t is considered rather English to goout inn tailor-made dress at that hour and stride rapidly up and down the avenue, with an eye on your dog and a whip in your hand, A woman of balloon like proportions came swinging around the corner of Thirty-ninth street the other day at what might be called the dog hour and stopped, with a look of great importance and a more or loss savage and glared down scowl, near the lamp post the street fie was very tall, extremely cumbersome appalling girth. She bad a huge fin one of ber gloved hands such as mihi be used by a Hon-tamer, It had two ong and braided Inches and it was bound firmly around her wrist and buckled up the snapped it viciously and called ate.” ina very thrilling voice, ¢ the horn of the whip up to her a shrill biast on the whistle, it a close clipped, short nosed, spider like logs intense juvenility the corner and enue, while his . like a fat, wob- { overfd Diana, after him. He was «+ than oue of her boots —~Cor. terrier, with | aspect of vy, danced around n -» Of course when a nan vell he dou't care a copper for ia sound and all the He disease is right pre riptions and he wants it right awey. that renson all who know what Dir. nedy's Fasorite Remedy is torn But when nen Aud it is just as bepeficial 10 new Pleasant to the pal- ¢ feb then, % 14 “ids 328 0G Ouus, ancl gehitie 10 108 Retion, . o-oo. The Bisir county Prolibitionistis have lesig uated the 14tn of March as an ants to be sigunhized ral etiort inal the chuiches of the rae funds to prosecule the It 1s propoved « $500, for vse 10 the next? wense Naubath, iv io eran chaise, 10 hould not the time come when sted 10 the public mind with toe Hurvey uow 18 with its circulation, For vlher medical man bhesdoue d tu that end 8s hie bas Auu taut that people shoud of hus isbLOrs are ihe form of Dr “Favorie Kemedy."—Even- uci gu #is0 It thinl « FeBUil wilit:lu FresCh OF &il iD Kheunedy's a —_ - line of the 10ud FunBiug Out fro Wesimoreias urauci in leuye, s cotupleled, Buu Lidlos FUL OVE week for fist Line his ih was bunt tu spen the rich Cul ving back in Westmoreland. . -—- 1 of old yet your hair are get iu Your irteticls rer 81, Youll regres it. Parker's Hair Baisew | mop this Walie, sive YOur Lailf alu feslure Lhe vrigis gl A aid COT ra cpuounity cle, preveuis daudrull, & of drersic i. eb - 3 thie in Lie el cata that (wo LlisiuOre ir. be 8 #1h pspers i Line Soul gies LDusy J ie fluid sii Collide COLES Lheteo musi pein i or probably Jeal Ly sites the Eastunialis, jag lily pe thal us I Lu SCOUTS EMULSION OF PURE : dh. WITH HYPUPHUSPHITES » Useu in Lusg Livuules iret Usdoutetiv, ut J«Cgsunvilie, “Ll Lave Jur the lai ten ur Bauision, 10} ung OUD es, sliv tuey scuin bv Le greatly beuelited Ly lle ie wUlidon § fegCrived ye vies sillier lug Irvin tet, - — The masuiaciure of cigars has become ai eXiensive incustry in Adams county Lae LUlauer wade aggregaiiog 21,000,000, shiere are Oty ive iactories in the coun Ly at prest lil. . It is worth remembering that cBjoys il ued h pobody nicest surroub plugs if iu ued Luere are Miserable poopie abou 0-day wih vue foot In the grave, @ Lu 8 Dott: 01 Parker's lowic wollo du wus goud thay ad the deciors suv medicines they eVer Used, HO “Cases of alcoholism,” when received at the Alwoua Cuy heusplinl, Aare cuurged at the rate of 86 per day. The disfiguring eruptions on the face, the sunken eye, tue palid cum plexivy, fuuics e that there is sumetbiug wrong wuivg on within, Expel tue lurking (oe 0 bealth, Ajer's Sasapariide wad de vised for that purpuse snd does i. AEE RE The surviving members of the Firm Peunsyivasia Cavalry intend to hold a reunivn, - -——- . “ Catarth, malaria, dyspepsia, biliovs- ness, theumntism, and disesgss arising from an impure blood, are thoroaghly eradicated and cored by tne nse of Kel. lors O:tarrh Remedy. It is the greatest remedy of the age, A MoKeesport young lady was earried roin & dancing room to her deathi