THE CENTRE REPORTER. NIN NIN NPN NANNING NNN NN : Cextre Haun, Pa, Fan 8, 1885, sn AA TAPAS BOR WI IAI SO SIA, Truss —8$2 per yeat in advance. $2.50 when not in advance, Advertisements 90 cents per line tor three insertions. One colum per year $004 colum $45. ao Horeafter all subscribers paying thoir subscription in advance, will get a credit of two months additional as a pres miam on $2 in advance, | —— wuBollefonts is convulsed on the | question of constin—boys sliding down | hill on their sleds. Some want to stop | the boys, others want them to coast as | long as there is a hill with snow on it, | and a thread to their breeches. Let the | people of Bellefonte resolve themselves | into a debating club and discuss the ! question pro and cou. First settle the | question, what hills are for. When we | were a boy we never conld see any sen. | gible use for a hill except to slide down | from it on a board—we didn't have a lit- | tle sled. Then settle the question what | snow is for. We always thought fnow was put on hills to ride and slide dowu on with a board, when a little fellow hasn't got a little sled. Now any man in | Bellefonte opposed to coasting, having coasted when a boy, will say at one time | he had the same idea about hills and | U CAN FIND US WITH A A. Better Assorted Stock THAN EVER IN OUR ELEGANT NEW ROOMS IN MNerchants' FPlace, Bellefonte. SOX. « . GARMAN LOCAL Frinzes—(Garmans, Yankee notions—Garmans, ITEMS. pnt re oa the globe. Call to see Laraans, —, PF. 1 tel. out and inside. Miss Verny Geiss has got over her spell of scariet fever. — Barbara Long, at the Cave, adver- tises sale in REPORTER. — Esq. Herring, of Gregg, honored our sanctum with a eall, ee WANTED. — Flour i Centre Hali Rou us in oar new barrels lier Mills, Zephyrs, sazxony, Germantown comm »o yarn—Garmans. at and Mrs. Aumau’s sale, in Poe Valley, has been chauged to Feb. 17. —All the best coogh drops in market at Murray's drug store. tf Weather has been very cold again gince Suuday, avd at Limes siormy. realized 830 [ro musical cornveus i080. Mrs. E. C. Grove advertises sale of farm sto:k aad b rusenold goods at pad- lic sale, in RerorTER. in Lhelr st 14 glum ps, ete, —~Grarnans whe new house bailt by Reed, opposi Coburn station, be ocoupied as a hole! next spriog. wnweMe Frank Tomlinson, of Aarons- brirg, has golie a¥dy on 8 visit and wifs has moved home to her pareara. wm we Frank Weaver moves into bis new {#8 is to (3. W. Keister iakes