LONG SUFFERING From Stone in the Bladder. It is by no means strange that Dr. David , N. Y., should have reo y reading it you nady, of Roudout following letter, B one minute why James Andrews was thankful: Dr. D. Kennedy, Rondout, N. ¥ Dear sir nti] within a recent several ye ! will see is sediment has 1 "= * bh it 1 As RCL 3 i n told pain Hav card of Dr Davi dy's EAVORITE RE i tried it, us ings Abt uf bottles 1 th 1 Kem YO in Hill, 1y’ is especi the , constipation LOE offered as & ific for ous kiduey and liver com disorders arising from tat To women who sulle any of the sox Fa temedy fend y is nO more |Kgoe 1 ol ar to their : self an unfall a real ble iss of dl) well of {tse and 1! poedy re yond ie nt cure of sud is Dr, 2 sin OVER 1000000 - BOTTLES SOLD AND NEVER FAILS TO CURE COUGHS COLDS, THROAT. ANDALL LUNG TROUBLES DRUGGISTS SELLIT PRICE, Weg 51 \LERIAMECURIAL AND ALL BL ELE PRcloiNo fl -) £1 INR DAUG GISTS. 4 sre on the Nature Ww oaknoss nae "of Sper involontary EF Bi. a bd impedimes i i Consar s fe; 17a i inoapani LR WELL, M. 2, sna wrasd ants o iis admirable he wari proves from experience that grences of Self-Abase ¥ may be effect withoat «a sargicsl operstion ram rat rings avrdiaie ting re AL O/0S « tala and eft atual, arer, nog mn Lar is co nditi seid chaps, sisaion -, isa tI» . vy and f 1 5. ele, rin t is Own awial © removed bnagion tan witch av al Ber us pain voids Of ry sail MAY MAF Cacs Bim T ot nee thousan sent under sal, in a plain savalope, to drons, wont Bs stampn wiil prova & boon to ih fa pad, on rece ips sf four Pe Ad tl roas, THE CULVE New York, S iyr PRET YY ' IWELL MEDICAL 41 Ann Bt, Simay A VER 5 PILLS their their « they stead and ine tiled not at y+ value. will not . if taken girlie just entering wad, arid to women whose dernity 1s drawing to a close, file, In raodernte doses, merely to ensn re It action of the und of incalculable Value. PREPARED BY ‘or & Co., Lowell, Mass. by all Deuggists. Re Tone Yow Susal 3 will he A 4 i i ., ’ 1 i | Nig INE : (THE (GREAT) | & (NERVE) —— OR. | A SPECIFIC FOR a EPILEPSY. SPASMS, ~9 CORVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, $T. VITUS DANGE, ALCHONOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SOROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RYEUMATISH, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVRUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES, SON 1.50 per Bettly, of druggies, “NNER TUB ORS, A RICHMOND NERVINE CO., Prog's, ST. JOSEPH, MO, To decline taking n sure re y when sick #1 to court suffering and invite Sold by J, D. Murray. ’ LORILL ARDS 1 S PAR ADI® A BEAUTIFUL GAME AME PRESERVE AND FASHIONABLE RESORT, The ©, 000 Aven of the Property Now Includes | To Be Stocked with Deer and Fish—Buildings Acres - pare and Roads, us some in our work on the park, the men, “but you © i we na along finely.” new ame presery Qo known as Truxedo park. = at miles Its contral point west from Jersey City men now employed upon grou nds are making rapid progress in their work, and it is expected that the park will be open for visitors by the 1st of next June, gang of cently formed, are being carried out, the great extent of the project becomes more apparent. The park will, through the mem- resent many hundred thousand dollars in wealth, 900 members, each of whom must necessarily his share of the expense, EDISON PHOTOGRAPHS A SOUND." A A———— At Work on a New Phonograph That Is te Revolutionize Office Work. Greater things are in store for the public | Park. The other day a reporter saw the in. ventor of the electric light seated at a bene h | of wonderful machinery with ingenious mirror appliances attached to all its points concentrating the rays of an electric light and throwing them upon a highly pol. {shed dise, tracing thereby the minute re a nowly constructed phonograph and a larger disc at a distance of three feet, “l am now perfecting the phonograph,” All perfecting my light. I have now some time on my hands and I have resumed my stady of the phonograph. No one has touched or any use of it here, 1 n photograph of the Here t Bow made Ah?'" have just pression ‘ he inventor produced of the association well as summer sports, WHAT THE SUPERINTENDENT SAYS, The correspondent met Mr. Josiah Patter. son. Mr. Lorillard’s general superintendent, who has had charge of the land for many Yoars full according to the plans formed,” said the “Mr. Lorillard’s tract here ginally embraced about 5,00 acres, but he x red for this park 1,000 acres more from the Sterling Mountain company, so that the of the property now includes 6.000 Tho park be all Orange [ but a portion of it runs right along the Rockland county line.” The grounds are to be well stocked with deer and birds, renty-two crates of quails for the purpose nr arrived from the west last week Truxedo lake, name, is already superintende nt. area ACTS will in ounty, stocked bass, which wore put in by Mr. t The bass is a well black with some twelve gamy # y Ars AD N ory Tah, and wil This lake covers about 300 acres and s among the mountains, Its water is sar and spark! and the fish might well oe] happy in tbh ine quarters if it wore ot t for the anglers’ hook and lime. For some CArs Jas spo yrtsimen have been allowed tO fish in the lake upsn a paymend of a certain foe, but now the water will be kept strictly private, only members of thesassociation, or those persons who are 0 fortunate as to live within the limits of the park, ‘being allowed the privilege of putting in their lines in addition to this lake there is smaller sheet of water in the vicinity Nigger pond,” pick ered, and numer the park will 1 TE a 1 Hine Bn nr ealled which abounds “Little in afford excellent trout fishing Near the station at Lorillard’s the-grounds are being graded and several buildings are in process of erection Une of these is to con- English inn, for the accornmodation ors, and Mr. Patterson sayssthat who- harge of this house will Je obliged sign an agreement not to sell sm drop of “No intoxicating liquortwill be sold lace on the grounds,” hey said “amd OF ¢ person | will be al- ithin the inclosure at any’ time, n is not formed for the gpurpose of g temperance principles, but the ized that sobriety and; good order lisorderly Associa promot vation of its cod US ATTRA chars cter FIVE FEATY RES grounds will ba sub An inn constructed oY or a pretty vater that flows to the: north, being built on the i bridge ise novelty for Sounte¥ ft is of wounted ns in t r. and its wallsia re a fort tion and 5 fer Afhight focided Engl kh. A fre die’ mney» of one and the « irive amid bean wills one dde of the lake will be built the club boase, which will, it is state], when completed, kind in the handsome structure elegance, and very complete in ite appoint ments. The building will ha ve a frontage of 230 feet and a wing of 30) feet, and be four stories in height A theatre will be added to it, 30 that the wintes © evenings may be enlivened with the ate -actions of city amusements A fine drive will be con structed around the lake, and numerous boat a will float npon the water in the summer season. In the winter fce-boating and tobogganing will constitute a part of the sports indulged in. Mr. P. Lorillard will have an elegant resi dence for himself constructed on one side of the lake, and directly oppesite a house will be built for his son, P, Larillard, Jr. The park will attract thousands «of visitors from various parts of the country, and all persons who conduct themselves properly will be al- lowed the privilege of walking about the grounds. Nyack Cor, New York Times A Case of Absent. Mindednoss. “There is one pleasant feature about box- office life,” said Treasurer Prior the other day, “and that is the absent-mindedoes of people who purchase tickets. It not unre quently happens that men or women select two seats, throw down a five or ten dollar gold piece, and walk off with the tick ots without waiting for the change. aach persons ever return for what js due then They think: ‘Oh, they won't remember me, ' and charge it up to profit and los Thi: morning a lady purchased a matinee ticket and gave me n #20 gold piece. I gave her the sent and £10 in change. She refuse] to take the money, and sald 1 had made a 1nis- take, and you may laugh, bat I'll swear to it on Jeffrey's Guide—I had to argue vith her for three or four minutes before I ecauld vonvines her that it was not a silver dollar she gave mo, What stupid creatures some wonwn are” Later: Mr, Prior has just informed me that his cash is §19 short.—~Chicago News Very Sweet on the Apostles. Little Johnny Fizddetop was in a candy store with his mother, She bought some figures made of chocolate, yoga: Johny, are the three graces for “0, ma, I'd rather have the twelve apos- fen There are more of ‘em. "Texas Bift- ngs. wsdl pose of , its de well {ul m in sur untain sovnery ner, Un of the courdry. It willbe a . Yankton as an Inland Town. ¥ fu believed that in ten Y DD. T.. will bean inland i Pro ot the city, where the river ran twenty foe: deep five yours ago, there are wow 100 song ; of Ind six: foot above high water mark: ’ Pay the Rerorren one and get the N.Y, World §¥ end of w hich 10 the line of waves, mak inches wide, from one ing one “wave sound.” sumed the magician. “Of course, but the machine that sound would be hgard miles away distinctly.” “There is, then, an ultimate would five future for the I intend to make it of purposes, It will be In offices it will take “Yous, a great one, used for dictating to, This is the machine I am now construct ing. This phonograph was completed so far as it went, and gave satisfaction to all thos Ite mission 1 am about to demonstrate, The phonograph 1 am building will have a five-foot wheel, bw driven by steam The sound transferred from the phonograph to a wheel forty times its diameter, the sound thus Ix making it forty It will I will put it wo will be “This is only to prove the perfection of m shall then construct the new phonograph for office It will be wlf-acting, worked by a spring Nankers, merchants, lawyers and editors can stand up and speak to it, or can recline upon a loun the y se, smoke their cigars, and dictate to it at ease. All they they have to do then the office who, by touching a can make 3 talk back or repeat all wen said to it, which he tran. his w 11 If he misses anything be back, when the phonograph r again Whoever seen one can take it home, and if a thought, an idea strikes him, he can instantly confide nograph, and there it for him The werapber is an expensive Mew This will take machine.” sir ix to boy, hat hast seribed at can spring it will repeat It Ove can pow the phe i= day uli wiashye instit in in an off let tering —-— New York Wo The Gold Fever in Duteh Guiana. (i » pub an Dut: h planta as ruined wing hav indastry in I was manager of a large tion there, but the gold fever bh agricultural pursuits, and at least of the px at work hitherto inncosssible searchin gold, It for many that gold v be found he ut 4050 nm land, but inter mantry is a vast dd-digring and o el to the WO ETO all pea x th whole in the ; for years #HE i= interior pial has been known i In the flew In Tening It was not until six years ago thet Gov ernor Van Sypenstein sont out an expedition roonl across $0 the 2x fields the : re Eldorado ities, Nn which oat shed "n No sooner wi lonred than t rush litte Enorarage people nth any and staked taken ntery 5 worth iit pres thr bosgiedon the IN much larger t will be hat ia Arner develo wrnuge ied out pow wanted in Dutch Guiana is and so or these promising resouroes mn sane HI CTETE SY Ta capital to If the 10,000 Chinese aiid emigrate would be heartily pleasant, and besides gold digg buasy themeolives in ‘anthering bean, the tonka bean, ! A ar makers wel womed ng they could the vanilla | and various plants | ported in great quantities every Dutch Guiana Letter How The Floral Business Was Rained. “The funeral of Mr. Vanderbilt reminded me of a great funeral in New York that had the singular effect of completely ruining the floral business there,” was remarked to a re- porter last evening by a leading florist. “That is singular, Whai were the circum- stances “The funeral was that of A. T. Stewart, the famous dry goods merchant. There were the largest, the finest, and the greatest num- ber of floral emblems sent by friends of the family ever known at any funeral in the city. All the florists had their cstablish- ments depleted, and Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and other towns were called upon by the New York florists for flowers. Prices went up, and almost anything was charged and obtained for de signs. The number of ploces nx smnted up into the hundreds, and thousands of dollars were made by the New York florists within two or three days.” “Then how was their busines so completely ruined by the funcral” inquired the reporter, mystified “Simply because there were so many flow- ers used that the bon ton declared it alto gether too comin to have any flowens at all at funerals thereafter, and for three or four years the flat was in force and florists almost starved to death. By and by, how- ever, the Stowart funeral was forgotten, and, remerpbering only the appropristences of a floral emblem, people soon got to using them again. "Cincinnati Times Star. a Horn In an Adobe Heuse. The wife of Gen. Sheridan was born in an adobe house at Albuquerque, N. M. The house in which she first saw the light con. tained ome small graten window, a mud chimney in the corner and a heavy door bung on wooden hinges. Major Rucker, par tus father, was quartermaster of that military post at the time, and the infantile years of rw, Sheridan were pass] among the rude scene § of a frontier army camp. Sweet Hos chads from the Yukon. Rosebuds, swoet and large, are an Alaska tainty. They grow in the Yukon flat Tans than in this country, and even the seeds soetn loss dry and “downy” than those of temperate climes Chicago Thorndy las Rios, the editor of The North | American Review, ls only ' Murray's drug store S10 BLOOD RTRs | + HARDWARE a FR A nrepa- choice antion of Heating Stoves, ‘he ot We would especial Tet ) 1% not claim it a CROWNING Glu 1a ils, bat boldly ORT . ry orm ww Ap {110% w wh AK Pr ORAM HA In Cooks the REG A full assortment of Fire K all nee pa TES INYO J sv SARA TS TEES Ty gs. wi " . 3 ’ w sh 4 ALN manuiacuurey a“ A . i i enpclhited ms LATARR Boat Pui AN MIRO LT pau i R 1818 5 lute, 3 RHEUM ATISAL SCROFULA. SKIX E VEXEREAI DYSPEPSL LOSS OF FEELING OF LA BILIOUSX ESS. LIVER TROT BL} NERYOUS WEAKNESS. FE MAL K n FEAKNESS. Fr wu'a 3 A LPPET Ba For male by 2 PRICE #1.090 A FLES FOU =° on, WANTED for the MISSOURI . BOOT and SHOE MAKI CENTRE HALL, The undersigned has opened the rear of the bank, and is prepared to do all kin New boots and sboes made 1 repainiog done. Datisial Jon is guar teed ana ail work PR ymplly attended He kindly asks a share of the publi patronage. [outi®ja’y] A. GU. NOLL gall over the or without team. , Maeed, T., weit: * Tou ak whos § Te Boo Oe be meesitine on Lau y OF wif! lp & sample to Chane Sadiring an apeney on a werk w {| ied om fiherat serene. To Dees without oagiinl whe cnn prove sefves trastwarthy, | will farni® machines So £11 thelr Ee RT 4. I «fer hd TH: Re Good Salaries eal or traveling Agents, No ex} werience Steady work JAMES EW BITNE Y. Mi man, Rochester, New York Mention this pa per.| Giauyain The POLICE RB ZETTE wi ed mocyure ly wrapped, toany sAdrewm in the | sited Siates for thr oe monthe on receipt of ONE LUOLLAR 1. itera digeount a jowed 10 stimasiers, ag & snd eisbs, Sample copies malle free, Address s orders Ww RIUHARD K. FOX, Franklis Sgr are, N.Y. we a Wo ery. The T.cgan® Machine works. BZLLEFONTE, PA. n——— —— We desire briefly to esll your altention to the — Union Combined Anvil, Vise and Dell] Thoosands of which are already in use, giving the best of ratisfaction, gre among mechanics, farmers and parties baving nre—as ne arly every por 70 has at different limes—of a light and convenient tool that will obvi. ate the necessity of losing time and going to a machine shop for repairs that wonld take but a few minutes il the proper facilites were at hand. We remedy this annosance and plack at a price within the reach of ail THE UNION DRILL, ANVIL AND VISE COMBINED, Ask yourselves bow of.en you pave wished for & tool of this kind to do some small job about the workshop, house or farm; not having which you have, in loss of time and money, or allowing the job to remain times, nud order at once of finished, paid the price of it perhamw several bs THE 1 LOGAN Buuverosts, Pe, MACHINE WORKS, or ank your iB ipod mercnant to get you ore. Price, 88,00. All kinds Sy a ayn and water pipe fitting doae. an STOVES. y £3 ly BUILDERS & ntion te our stock NGE, rates on halo McFARLANE : WERVOUSOEBILITY CIRGANI0 wv EAEWRES i 5 I. Rapes, Cunt PORE KERVOUS #1 DEBILIT TX firgents Weakness, pli § PHYSICAL L. DECAY, be InYoung, al Wiad Aged Men. Temes ron Soven BR YEARS BY UDE IH MANTTID i HoUsAND C ; CASES. 3 . TREATY LNT. ET : HARRIS REME ’Y or ——— 18. X00, FEOMS ! Not a Truss. aes LY ESR BL B 1 BF fi ey oa Ve Ur" cg SRNR I A i Tae Greatest J A A BY ii 7 FRE TORP be ne J.ossofl appr to Bree ai . the head, with a dull censatios in the back part, Pais usder tho shoulders blade, Fullness after onting, with a dise inclination to exorgjon of bo y ormisd, Irritability of vemper, Yow spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttericg at tho Heart, Dots before ths eyes, Headacko over the right eye, Resticssncas, with fitfa! drenms, Highly colored Urine, nx 2 CONSTIPATION, TUTT'S PILLS are especinlly & to such Canes, OD change of {es ony ts Berean the AY body to Take an Flest nourished, BE yy Jgestive Ovy —— —— —— ve A Newspaper sup porting the Princely} of a Democratic Administration, Published in the City of Kew York WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Cdrtor and Proprietor, Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR; A Sixtecon-page Newspapor, iss on every Wednesday. A clean, pare, bright and interesting FAMILY PAPER. It containe the latest news, down 10 the hour of going to press : Agricultural, Market, Fashiony Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Departments, all under the direction of trained journalists of the highest abil L. tin Jakes will be found | crowded wi rom nun Fey a a by 2 istinguiebed — foreign writers of fiction. THE DAILY STAR, he DatLy Sran contains all the news 8 of the form. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY BTAR ro Sra PIER OF POSTAGR 0d Caoade, Ey Eas aBes a Res FRE ERE es ann ER py and one SA 10 SCH Wag. 15 os wa Ta be a Re our... az... og FO ae ik BODIE ovens Pr North William SHE HA fe