THE LIFE by a Fo Fallow, ison, N. Y., Begi ul Odd } (Past and a menberol the us Tost uf i LESS IN Learnoc Hudson Odd Sgr, Low y taking it in the other only ved In me the most yw pained flesh, er than I have ured my ron Wi arren str eet. just at it has had won. #0 my ac fed ft they 1 have given it WEL Ine r bowel 5 2 and ywledge of this it lesson of physical ER, MILBURN & CO., BUFFALO, XN. ¥X. R ~silliRy OVER [000000 BOTTLES SOLD AND NEVER FAILS TO CURE COUGHS.COLDS, THROATAND ALLLUNG TROUBLES aT, BARNDMSE: A TRE sToRy OF MY LIFE™ Meopey Got Lag Jk Golden Ro Lag f a i Making. & face to An w . rh ar Poo a. or Mh Pages, oF fe Af ance te Incinnath o TALS SCALES y ome mance to 3 pound buy paged 1 sales sur grates Make 86 a Pay Selling Perfeet Ld on the Nature, Treatment and Radical kosen. of Npermatorrboes, ine voluntary Emissions, impos . and Impediments to ar. phisg, Epliepsy nad Fits isapacity, ete. by ROBERT M. 1, owned sot 100 ia this admirable lee. own experience that the Abs se may be effectaslly » sargicsl operations, or ecordials; pointing eortain and efactual, by attsr what bie coadition hionseil ehoraply, privately sed idee ely proves fron Hiky care o will prove a boon fo thousands and fer sasl. fn a plain snvelope, vi rece ipt of four cents or two poste em VERWELL MEDICAL C0. New York, N. Y., Post Office Box £50, may lye pond of pt , Plmples, utaneons Erupe { £3¢ rofula gives ¥ such indications, 3 using AYR: x8 Li As the only perfect and re y for the purification of the " SCROF ULA ul corruption in the blood that rots nfl the machinery of life. Nothing rudioate it from the system and pres t ita frapsmission to offspring but ERS BARSAPARILLA, This oF pnt niso the only one that will cleanse bleod of Mereurial poison and the int of C ontag doris Diseases. Impover- jehe wd blood is # productive of ANAEMIA, reed hdd eomdition thlieated hy Palla iin, iaceld Muscles, Shattered reves, ud Melancholy, lis first 4 pre Weak ness, Languor, «i erve Force, mind Mental Des nn. bis course, Michecked, leads whi fo lusenity or death. Women ain ly suffer from it, The enly mele « thats while purifying the Mood, one it with new vitality, nos) favigorstes ar phe 5 ste i Jo Fe ver's § Sarseparilia, PILDARED LG ¥ Cv lhy o wis Cou hava Mass, } Ix igginia Price $1; cis hotles Lo Fs Coa Ss pines frney Win jak ak an BOUK Co, ta any sd. ore EY Boils, snd Wi hen 1] tiona, Pig by a ont Wa 5 AA The ‘Household. To nedromre vrnver. — has been Where velvel crushed, hold the wrong side over a basin of quite boiling water, and the pile will gradaally rise, Do not loss patience, for it takes a considerable time, but the result is marvellous, baked in a quick oven; a little warm water rubbed over them just before putting into the oven will give them a nice color, A rrerry device to set off a small oil painting or water color drawing is to have a graceful bird with bright plum- age holding on the upper portion of the frame by its beak and claws as if trying to get a footing, one-half cup of sweet milk, spoonfuls of baking powder, two tea one tea- Frrrr reopive. —Chop a pineapple take some cake which is a tle dry, rub it fine in vour hands or it on put it into a pudding dish in alternate layers apple, sweeten abundantly, with cold water oven for a kneeding board: and bake ina lerate an hour and three. Taree teaspoonfuls of tea, made hot fore adding the a stronger and four which are teapot and immedi- ig water. There art in making tea, and it is dry tes pot be ater, will give you drawing ” than iy deluged with boil gs a fine On vom drawn to and as Joil cother much nd to i Oo onnces of th root very quart of oil & will 1d tw ix Cover, rose pink; when all racted strain it off 1 quart add a gill of soft and light mahogany. One milk, a hroe © thiree egps, the yolks of Cocoaxor re pint of cocoanut, teacupful sugar, aie cocoa mix with and sugar; stir the pan full, and bake. ites of eggs to a froth, stirring egas 8 even wl ts ab] SENOON fuls pn lverized suzar, ke to a light In OWL i cocoanut is nsed ope li SEs mpiul is required, EN TOMATO P! ILE On ORNOwW-C 1% to exelng res] member as qn y AS possil ne lished by water, Ine not na wsing the injnred and with flour if possible burned part mart in Wy cold, then quickly to +4 ax Iw , COver may the depth of an uch, WOM tne withdrawing the water flour can be applied, thus preventing pain. Caution: ih Ver SPI wonl or eotton bat. 3 ¢ witle az fart . OLIV A8 (a8 1.8 tlie cotton barn unle ag the skin remains whole Tue rotrowiNe is a first class recipe for making lignid blacking, not vouch not bint wo can it will eventnaliy that crack to all liquid polishes ; of gum shellac, broken into small np ~ [LOOK HERE Wiy Confectionery, YOUR Fruits, Nuts HOLIDAY GooDs[: Where you can get them for legs money than yon can boy them in the. c ty at wholes sale, SOURBECK BELLEFONTE. {I have the larzest “stock of Confection~| { Call and I make in Pennsylvania. Convinced for yourself, Special Prices for CHURCH AND SUNDAY nee FJ BTITV A LS, ene For prices call on or address J. D. BSOURBECK, BELLEFONTE, PA, [UIT ini Ta, to ole fo oi { tho HHI HT AN ABSOLUTE Your C ATA R RB H. CURE ¥ ositive ‘ ure, Iti A Trial is all i & used, it Biways actual x Ahsuin ite, ¢ to mankind that is naked far ii. ex mime i oa for teslimg f MALARIA, t11V}] IS ASSURED. is got L for a cure, Stog 8 waked for Ka A SPECLF1C sve ir £7 Al ’ ho] RHEUMATISAL SCROFULA: SKIN ERUPTIONS, VEXEREAL DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELING OF LARKGOUR. BILIOUSXESS. LIVER TROUBLES. RERYVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKXESS., Sey BOT. CE 1. 80 A BOTTLE. Tr 5 85.00 85.00, 0 ol iF hail Be sis it with aloohol, cork tir a shelf hit. and pat it or in a wa ' oe pla camphor as large as a hen's egg if well, and in again and add one ounee of lampblack. If the n'eohol is good, it will all be dissolved in two days. Then shake and ase. If the materials are all good, it will dry in about five minutes, giving a gloss equal to patent lenther, a few To smaxs apple butter, we give two recipes, The first is this: Take os barrel of sweet cider, fresh from the press, and boil it down to abomt one-fourth, Put into the cider as many sweet apples ns the cider will cover, the apples before being put in to be ecarefally peeled, cored and dried in the sun for a day or two. Then boil together until the apples are soft. The second recipe is as fol. lows: Boil down a kettle of cider to two-thirds of the original quantity. Pare, core and slice juicy apples, and put as many into the cider as it will cover, Boil slowly, stirring often with n flat stick, and when the apples are tender to breaking, take them out with a perforated skimmer, straining well against the sides of the kettle. Put in a second supply of apples and stew thom soft, as many ns the oider will hold Take from the firm, pour all together into a tub or large crock, cover, and let stand for twelve hours. Then return to the kettly and boil, stirring all the while until it is the consistency of soft soap and brown in color. You may spice to taste if yon please. Keep in stone jars, in a dry, cool place. Apple butter thus made should keep all winter. sclvid ar fo. Bow Hiwe 40 ust ro hair harsh amd brite 1 hin jy rations, Buckingham’'s Dyo FoR yan WHISKERS Win bro wa or Line RK. ha Gesired, « heeatise IL Is harmless; prahices n Pern ane natura! color: and, binge a dingle reparation, fa more con venient of application than any other. PREPARED BY B. Fr HALL & CO, Nashua, N. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. ONE DOLLAR. WEEKLY PATRIOT, HARRISBURG, PA. The leading Democratic paper in the State. Full of interesting news, and miscellaneous and ne | litieat reading. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. SPECIAL RATES TO CLUBS, (Sample copies mailed free on applice tion, The PATRIOT and Revonren for 82.25 The PATRIOI and N, Y, "Weekly World" for $1.50, The PATRIOT and the Phi'edeiphia “Weekly Times" $1.78. WANTED, AGANIS in every township in this oounty to solicit sabscriptions for the Weekly Patriot, Write for terms, Address all comma- nications to THE PATRIOT, Harrisburg, Pa. Loew 1h "i f« tye Leet IL | | Holiday Goods | Holiday 1 Holiday | { Goods i Goods THE BEST PLACE IN CENTRE COUNTY T0 BUY HOLIDAY @O0ODS, Albums, Books, Stationery AND FANCY GOODS i 1 Stnas stores, 2 DOORS FROM THE ™ IFFICE BELLEFONTE. ENNEYLVANIA and Er RAILROAD — ie Division -on and after WESTWARD, leaves Phi " Ha {Philadelphia MOVE, 1BED J1 20pm : 5 dam M« tal 1do O40 an Willlaz po "i i Jersey Bhore Lock Haven... - Reno arrat Erie... or XPRESS leaves Philadelphia... NEWS} - arratl NIAGARA ZXP leaves Philad . Har We it Williamsport Lock Haven Katie eaves Phil Harris MOLAR 3 Williamepo ". Lack Hay 1. Henovo % FAST LINE Op Yam am Lock Haven RITIVES NENOYO... EASTWARD ieaves Lock Haven » Jersey Bhore William por. - Rilandon arr at Harri shu SEA SHORE . EXP. DAY EXPRESS leaves Kas py Hen Yo : Lack Haven. ' leaves Renovo jock Haven Frie Mall East, Niagas Ext rose Fart 1 ake v4 th BEV Fei, Mail East an i S & MB RR at poOritm wilh B vos] with A. ¥ LEWISBURG AN D1) BONE RATLROAD BELLEFOSTE, NITTANY ASD LEMONT Daily Westward, PM AM AN $10 2 ® % 49 Linden Hall 7 % Hg Onk Hall 45 Ma On Lemont @ ii 4 9 07 Dale Summit 05 i 58 4 16 Pleasant Gap 5 4] i1 16 9 1g Axemann 5 511 i110 12 2 Bellefonte 4] {1 ® Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan do liam 95am, and 7.10 pm, returnin leave Montandon for Lewisburg at 9.20 a m, 6.00 pmand T8 pm, J. BR, WOOD, Gen’ i 1 Pam’ Ret Ag't General Manager. > ] 5 The largest Stock, The Best Assortment, The Lowest Prices, Lewis Grocery, |§ BELLEFONTE, PA. It will pay you to see our Novelty display in our Window. Feu wn A. G, NOLL, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, CENTRE HALL. The undersigned has opened a shop in the rear of the bank, on Church street, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, New boots and shoes made to order, and repairing done, Satisfaction is gnaram teed and all work promptly attended to. He kindly asks a share of the public patronage. (outiey) JA. G. NOLL. TICE ThiGIIER TWP. BA PAYERS tr Lv wil Fb HARDW ARE Heating Stoves. We would especia ¥ ‘ ‘ CROWNING GLORY ¥ In C 00KS th In STO VES. or Stnwes the ihe Will’ WEL COME HOME. & A POLLA * BEL — Wholesale and RETAIL Dinne INPORTANT ) Cras reacts, 100 plore and 1.IS] Bnuy Polat $1.25) ng in stand, y sult Lites Or LAMY to 45 blowing out exiin- PEREFECT SAFETY. sperm fig! ostlad- outside of V (WER] aa Al 180 Eparos sad Fal Nervous Ww A. ro ws quickly relic Equalied by none In delirium of or er. “8 84 Nevtraiizes germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stabborn blood sores. Clesnses blood, quickens a! uggish cir Eliminates Bolls, Carb uncles and Bcalds a Permanently and promptly curs pars Yes, It is 8 charming and beaithiul Apetica Kills Scrofola and Kings Evil, twin bro ry Changes bad breath to good, removing can #7 Routs biliousness and clears complex Charming resolvent and matchloss laxall vou it drives Sick Headache like the wind “oR Contains no drastic esthartic or oplates iy cures Rheumatism by rou sting | Lu Restores [ pro os 10 the blood. “4m is goarant to cure all nervous disorders. “43 §%# Reliable when all oplstes fail."%8 Refresties the mind and juvigontes fhe bod 7. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. "9 Ts in writing be over £ity thousand ading phrsiciane in {7 §. and Ecrope. 6% Leading clergymen ia U. 8 and Ex rope. Es Disenses of the blood own it a conqueror. “§8 For sale by all leading druggists. 1.0098 The DR.S. A, RICHNOXD NERVINE C0, 52. Joseph, Ho Correspondence freely answered by Physicians. « Wor testimonials and circulars rend stamp. Boldby J |. Muorrav, Centre Hall, SCOTT'S EMULSIO OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Id yp of Line Si Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD LIVER O11 that oa. be bak i Tesdily And Solersied for a long Lime i va be in¥Yo wr come ad) TEsTED FOR BEven § Viana ov use wn " THOUSAND CASES. os TURED Ws atv Bt, OT. LOUIS, M0, rr) Ey IEREIXD fa PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, The Greatest Modical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS TORPID LIVER, Losqof anpatiin, Powe the She hand, with a dull pleated aan Pain under the he blade, Foi liness after eating, with a die nation to exertion of body Srasisd, me temper, Low &, foeth feeling na of having ae neglected somo duis ness, atten at XB ng e colored U Deine ah CONSTIPATION. S PILLS are especial! GLOSSY Shs Dr. 1 I Tt Fu. Tmpaste nin 2F coicr eta Matas pesuly of La, i sen FAT @ v PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE, Next Term begins ins January &, 1886, This institution is Jocated in one of the mo oeantiful and healthy spots of ithe entire A ghey jon. I sopen to both sexes and ers the following a, of Study : ”, : A Full Scientific Course of Four Years, A Full Latin Scientific Course, : The following ADVANCED COURSES, ° two years each, following the first two years of the General Scientific Cour-a fn) AGRI CULTURE (b) NATURAL HISTORY ; {¢) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (0) cIviL ENGINEERING. A short, SPECIAL COURSE IN AGIONL. TURE, A short SPECIAL COUSSWE tn cone in NECHRAN A Ieoribmine Soni Shepark with rg ARTS,