The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 25, 1885, Image 8

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    SE suosss swine
Cewrse Hari, Pa, Nov, 26, 1885,
————" -
Terms. —$2 per year in advance. $2.50
when not in advance. Advertisements
20 cents per line for three insertions.
One colum per year $90—4 colum $45.
Hereafter all subscribers paying
their subscription in advance, will get
credit of two months additional asa pre
mium on $2 in advance.
Children’s Jersey Caps at 15, 25, 30 and
35 cents.
Cashmore Hose for Ladies, full regu-
lar made, at 25 cents, in colors and black,
Quar Cloths—Trico Home-spun and
Jamestown goods are selling rapidly.
By the way we can show youthe finest
line of 1} yard wide Cloths and Trico
you ever saw. Our price is b5 cents; not
one week 60¢, next week 50c, but each
week alike—55 cents,
Dress Braids from an § of an inch to 3
inches wide.
Wool Laces in all colors and widths.
Fedora Buckles and Clasps for dresses.
Wrap Fringes in all shades. Our line
is acknowledged to be the finest,
Velvet Ribbon in pink, blue, cardinal
and common colors—satin back.
Bush Arcade, Bellefonte,
~—QRIENTAL is the best in
~—Ladies’ and men’s underwear very
low, at Diages’ store,
~All kinds of produce taken in ex-
change by J. D. Long & Son.
——Try the prepared cocoanut for
baking purpuses, at Dinges.
~There are a number of cases of ty-
phoid fever in and wrvund Oak Hall.
— Wednesday night is begun to rain
and continued raining uotil next moru-
~Dishes of all description, all the
latest styles of glassware—J. D.
——Robert Lohr bas broken ground
~Clontre county still has some citi-
zens who paver saw a locomotive or a
railroad train. It is learned that at least
one woman has been made wiser. Chris-
tina Freeze, nee Schroyer, a lady seventy-
four years old and living slong the
mountain in Brushvalley, midway be-
tween Madisonburg and Rebersburg, saw
a locomotive Monday, 16, for the first
time in her life, when she boarded the
car at Coburn on her way to Bellefonte
Those who were by when the train ap-
proached the Coburn depot say the el-
derly lady was greatly Irightened, but
soon became reconciled to the sitnadion,
and by the time she reached Dellefonte
was highly pleased with the new order
of things. She was unable to express her
astouvishment at what has been accom
plished 1n the way of science during all
the years while she lived happy and con-
tentedly on ber little farm in Miles twp.
She is a woman of some benevolence,
und considered in rather good fluanciai
gircuinstances, — Gazelle,
reece mmeastihers ms — p—
—Boargnvra ITEMS ~Chas, Stemm
moved from Oak Hall to our town last
week, — Mrs, Jacob Harman, of near Le-
mount, was buried here on Thursday. —
The “Buock-tail” bunurs, of Harris
twp., returned from a ten days’ buat io
the Green-woods, near Drift Wood, las
week, with five deer.—Mr. F. Kenved
moved to the State College and will take
charge of the Mechanical Art deparime.
of tuat institution —Toe new posi-mssi er
18 well hiked.—~Merchants are preparing
for the holidays.— Butchers are selling
fresh pork aud ssusage ut 12 centa pes
pound, that's cheap.—It is said Dr. F.
Moyer inteuds locating here,
a a a gE]
The esteemed boro’ fathers having
ordain-d that Centre Hal side-wak-
should ve five feet has displeased an e-
toened citizen aud he asks the KEPURTER
whether our citizens bind vot better em
ploy au attoruey snd try it on.
Keep out of the lawyers’ hands is our
advice —you need a luwyer abou: as hith
as would our council, A lawyer is worse
tuau u five-foot side walk, and a five-foout
side walk is better thau oue which ison
lv four feet but not quite as good as »
six-fuot walk, A lawyer might urge youn
on but the couocil would come out
se mem tie —————
~There is a disagreeable spell of
weather since Monday. Snow came dows
all tue time waking any quastity of
singh. A tierce wind prevailed during al
this time, though the temperature wa-
scarce 10 tue freezing point, Oa Toes
day evening snow lay aboot 8 inches
deep and would have be-n 18 bad nut
much of it melted shortly after falling.
Wednesday still kept snowing,
- rome
we Last Satarday morning the ground
was covered with hall su iuch «f suow ~
just enough tur Cusriey Arvey to make
it hot for ravbits, Next we expect to
hear tue jingle of the werry sieigh bells,
Heap on more wood,
the toli-gate,
—wHow cheap a hog must [feel
know that “dressed” she's worth ouly 4
cents a pound,
——Sberiflf Walker bad nine boarders,
the number may be reduced by tuis
week's coart.
~ Bellefonte papers complain of dull
times and sigh for «a voom—how wutlu
one in Bpriug Creek do?
~Corn weal grists will be ground at
the Ceutre Halli rvlier mull, Tussday and
Baturaay of vach week, uf
~—John Martin has been sppoinied
r ut Museburg, Thus une by
one the “oid cougers” tumble wut
— Now, wueu a lady steps 10to the
court-house yard, every ienow aouvut i»
offering to bet sue’ siler a iiveuse,
— Qur boro fathers Lave figsed the
width tor pavements at tive feel. luads
not wide enough for a gent anu WO,
Thomas Waker, 8 recent resideut
of Lock Haven, shut himselt an Sswur-
day in a parlor car st Jersey Uliy.
—e—Mouday murnisg opened with two
inches uf Suuw OQ wwe grutiud, and a dis
sgressuly blast vi wel BuuW relgued ail
weer, D. Hess talks of building a
new house at Linden Hall nex: summer,
to be occupied Dy the new merchsul,
~Reuben Gramley, of Miles, in
forms as that quite s uumberof Logs had
died down there recently trom the uug
~The filuest new crop New Orleans
baking mouissees just received sud offer
ed at a special low price, si Dioges’ swre
Try it ounce.
Call and see Reesman's stoves, be
has all the new styles and wil sell you
any kind of » stove lrow $2 w 33 cheaper
than eisewuore,
~Bome roughs broke the street lamp
in front of the Lutuersu church in Ase
rousburg. The parties are known sud
may get into trou
oh ities will sell their satire stock
cost, mencing in Decewber, .
gains offereu now, Pouitry sud produce
wanted in exchange,
—Merchbant tailoring at the Phila
Selghia Brauch, and satisfaction —
Ap experieuced head oversees
tuis t tf
= A widow who keeps tavern across
the mowstaian; Sak that by r Wete b
cense ow
Foetal ground when she
~—eComplete line of dry-goods, gro~
caps, boots, shoes aud a ful
, at bottom prices, at J.
~On Friday, 27, the valnahle fa
Wm. Harter, decd, near Aaronsharg.
people of Asrrmeburg have
two and three 1hoosand
this snmmer, which
not 20 years,
Blomwart has closed
d at A Millbottm, and will
spring. Dry ground
used to make pressed brick
impossible $1 get now,
meeeCharley Diehl, of Montross, Col,
formatly Jrpt the Farmers’ Store,
lower , was in Aarones
rg on SBatordsy H+ had hewn to Phil:
aod New York haying goods
ewmeHow to get the Revonrrr for noth.
fog: For every new cash name yon send
us for one year, we will fend Fok the Re.
up his
Heap on more coal,
As though you wouid,
Briug biessings 10 each needy soul,
White wint'ry biasis without do groan,
Forbid tnat eisewners want be shown,
m— i ———
Abe Keriin, we are informed, bas
lan eve ou Suton Ruanle's water power ius
s:me industria! en erprnise vo doubd
Cuis is vue of the finest aud most relin-
abie mater powers io the county, aud 1
Mr. Kerliu does not pur hase the Stone
mull sie it affords « good cuavce for any
vie else «8 an investment. We have vo
doubt Mr, Ruble would sell at a low fig
- a -
—(3en, Beaver and Hon. J, B. Lino
were in town the other day, sud cup
cluded to tence in sud make side wWaike
in trout of sowe of their luts Dear the
station us 8 wodel. Tuey say Centre
Hull cau be made one of the must wt
tracrive lite towns io tue state, by a Jit-
tie pains of vur citizens, Jess 80,
WI ——“———— "
Times being doll, the EzrorTER
makes te fuilowiog offer tu rails: toe
wind: Aoy coupe wanting to get ils
marriage license i16e of cot cad du it by
sibs rising for aod pay iug the REPORTER
«De year iu advance We'll set up the
wimps fur the otuer, sid throw ine par
of sucks fur wee litte feet besides,
Centre Hall has a school board
without schools—the towuship board tgs
wat schools under its control Gut the
close of the year, in Juve, Toe burough
bosrd cau thank its stars for this—hyy.
ing nothing to do tuey will at leget one
cape the cussing, the usual thanks aotive
school directurs get. 7
wee Goldsmith Brothers, proprietors of
the Bee Hive, come to the frint this
week 10 8 new advertisement which we
recommend all of our resders to sean
very closely Cut it our und rake it with
you when you go to Belefounre to do
your shopping in order tomtisty yourse:f
of the truth of thelr announcement.
There is quite a lively competition
in burley, and the price has been run up
iron 40 10 65 cents, Whether this Aw
muke the beer glass smaller or the price
of tie beverage higner we do not know,
mach leas care, it's none of our faueral
tor we don't quench our thirst with bar-
ley juice.
————— A AGI Mp TATA A
=Qur improvements: Howard Ho
man hes commenced on bis new house,
The foundry company are ready to ralee
the frame work of their new store robm,
Mr. Fleisher has broken ground for a
new honse, Lots have been lately sold
for balf dozen more honses,
———— I A AAAS
wv Nearly all stylish shoes worn with.
in ten miles from lefonte are boaght
st Miogie's, in the Brockerhoff house
block, which is sdmitied by all to he
headqnarters for boots and shoes, Ladies
ai | ind Mingle's assurtment unsarpase
ed for vlegance.
= — - a ——,,.
An esteemed citizen of the ent.
skirts was msde believe that a boro’
meunt that its of igens could borrow just
what they wanted, He swore that none
of "em should boro’ any thing from him.
That's plack, for on ar
wee Whi ti@ver Jou have a gun that
youn think “sint loaded” and want to
snap it at anybody, always wait ontil the
Ife insnrance sgent comes a then
sim—otherwise some innvoent fellow
might get burt,
ims EE ——————
Department Commander Cartin is kept
visiting and review ng Grand Army
Poets in var parte of the state. He
in makipg 8 good record and winniog
volden opivwus from Pennsylvacia
ver erana,
a ———
Improvements that are to Follow.
Since January last Centre Hall bas
exhibited quite a spirit of improvement,
with very solid results to show for it at
this writing. We do not think that any
town in thw county can show up as favor
ably, sccording to population, Tak
ug in some of the smaller improvements
not given in the list below, we think we
can safely say the =» te will reach
the haudsome sum of $50,000~—which is
retty good for a pretty little town. The
prorTER will keep or sonnding the ad:
vantages of loeuwtion, bealth, good water,
fine churches, good schools, mill and oth
er facilities, surrounded by a rich agri-
enltaral country, to attact the attention
of men who waut just such a point to lo
cate in aod invest, We might add that
our husiness men might help themselves,
the town generally, aod the Reporter by
sdvertisivg through its coluains more lib
erally and not be afraid to let outsiders
kuow that there is business snap and tac
in Centre Hall, People abroad jndge a
place from the busivess ad's in the
columns of its newspaper The Rgror-
TER hiss been the main lever to bring
Centre Hall into notice abroad and help
on its improvements at home; we will be
pardoned for this allusion to its own @ ~
tris, being proud of the good that bas
been done,
The following is a list of the improve-
ments tn the lax ion months, with an es-
Jdmared cost which is not too high :
Mr. Grenoble, grainhouse, ete............o00e. 8 1,000
W. Bartholmew, store, dwelling. ete........... 35,00
F. Kurtz, roller mill, 2 houses, ete... + 15,000
R. R. Depot, €10...ccouisnensscnssnen 1.50
J. O. Deininger, plaining mill
A. Kerlin, house, etc... ET CH el
Jas, Binith, BOUSE, G80... .oericssinrssrssamirsssses
Mise Bgpyder, house, e18......convvrm =
Mrs. Brishin, DOM... comsaccrscrsssssrsssiasssssisen
Reformed Pamsouage, eto
D. C. Keller, stable.............. wha
Evangelical PArsonage, 10... come
M. MUSSET, DOUBD.......c. co rcnminnssrssmmrmnioss
Johan Spangler, on house
Chas, Bollinger, shop
LAtherall CRUNCH. ooossssisionsiesmimmasismns son
W. Henny, shop
Wm. Wolf, on house
$4 00
As we say sbuve, other minor improve.
wents sould swell this to $50,000,
We are glad 10 say tuat this is not to
6 tue end, Quite a pumber of new
houses are already fixed ou, and ground
tas been broken for sume. These are
J. O, Deininger, house and stavle,
D. Fleisher, house and stable,
A. 5 Kerio, 2ud house,
Jumes Lour, bouse and stable.
DC Rookie, *
H. Homun, "
Joho Dauberman, house and stable.
Joho Kruombige, house,
George Kruwtine, house,
Foundry Comp., large warehouse.
D. Lobr, new nouse,
F. Karts, 2 new houses,
Wisou estate, pew house,
In add tion 10 these there is talk of
others ost of which are just as certain
« uny of the above, Thus 1% sul be
sen that the wutare looks bright,
Our ctizens cas do much to belp along
the town io standing vy its iulerests, en.
wouragiog its busive-s men and those
® bio eugege lo solid enterprises and there-
by furnist ewploy meat for mechanics
aud labouring wen rigtt aloog.
J. Harvey Swith, the lombermsan who
ciaimed tw have been robbed, wes sill in
the city Thursday visitiog the saloons
and treativg the crowd A rend pw
biw ou board of the 4 o'clock trun snd
tied to iwdoce bim to go home, but
vefore the train started be chauged his
wind sud allowed it to start without
wim. Late in the wight he came 10to the
bar rovmn of « hotel with his $500 guv-
eruwent bund 10 his vandeaud wauied
© sell it ror $400. some one shuoid take
charge of Swit aud ser Suit chat be goes
bowe.— Wms port Sun and Banner, 19,
Oar Coburn correspondent devies that
Swiih is of intemperate havits,
The puilishers of * Ratledge's Month.
13” offer 12 vaiuable rewards in their
Monthy ror December, smoog which is
the tollowiog :
We wilt gave $20 to the person telling
us what 18 the shortest verse in the new
lestament Scriptures (not the revised
ediuon,) and 1n which bouk and chaper
it ean ve funed, by Dec. 10, 85. Buould
LWO OF More Correct Buswers be received,
tie reward will be givided. The mouey
will be furwarded to the winner Dec 15
Persous tryiog for the reward must send
20 cents in suver or po-tal notes, (uo
stamps taken) with their suswer, fur
which they will receive the Moundhly for
Javuary, in which the name snd address
of the winner of the reward aod the ocor-
rect snswer will be published, and io
which several more valoable rewards
will be uffered. Address, RurLepag Pon-
wsaina Co, Easton, Pa,
Philade'phis, No. 20.~The body of
Frauk B. Wan about 26 yoarg es
& residert of Houtingdon, Pa., was fun
dead io bed this moruing st Berger's Ho-
tel, northeast corner Fifteenth and
Filbert str- ets, The deceased had been
a wuest for the past three days and little
was seen of him by the clerks, who say
that he t most of bis time in his
room, hen the Coroner's messenger
visited the hotel this morning he found
three empty bottles that contained
liquor lying on the bed beside the corpse,
and suother 8 ow filled with
whisky grasped in right haod, as
though dean bad overraken the young
man just us he was about to take anotu-
er draught,
A i MA
Cold feet—~two feet of snow. Bad cold
won settled on the lungs. Good care
Dr. Kvsalor's Celebrated Engish Cough
«Dr, Ba says the surest way to
take a cold is to be always hugging a
stoye, Young man, remestbe; this, Rod
when you gn S86 youp Jon
night Ton Rayond your hogiing the
stove: but if you do get a cold Dr,
Tors Celebrated Ewgtish Cough Medicine
oan he relied upon to cure you,
Did it ever oeonr to yon, thonghithl
and + rodent reader, that Dr
Hetcbrased Euglinh Consh Medic oe um
be an w of rei or how con
the menufecta be able to, adver
Dr Gorwald a:
0 of the |
Sek Ah SS Se AAS BE Sa
The Dead Bea is an old and decripit
salt lake in a very advanced stage of
evaporation. It lies several feet below
the level of the Mediterranean, just as
the Caspian lies several feet below the
level of the Black Bea ; and ns in both
eases the surface must once have been
continuous, it is clear that the water of
either sheet must have dried up to a
considerable extent, But while the
Caspian has shrunk only to eighty-five
fect below the Black Sea, the Dead Sea
has shrunk to the enormous depth of
1,202 feet below the Mediterranean.
Every now and then some enterprising
pomp RA Al FA
Belgrade, Nov 28—An official report
says that King Milan has brought bis
force into operation with the Drina and
Moravia divisions, and that a decisive st-
tack on Blivnitza is immioent. It also
states thst if King Milan is victorious he
will agree to an armistice, so as to allow
the Conference of the Powers to rutile
the terms of peace,
London, Nov. 23, —~Advices from Tzari
brod state that the wenther there is ter
ribly severe, Dragoman Pase is blocke
with snow, snd the rosds across the
mountains are impassable. The Drina
division forerd its way through after &
and joined the main Army belore Blivi
Dead Sea, and so re-establish the old
high level. The effect of this very rev-
olutionary proceeding would be to flood
the entire Jordan valley, connect the Sea
of Galilee with the Dead Sea, and play
the dickens generally with Scripture
geography, to the infinite delight of
Sunday school classes. Now, when the
Dead Sea first began its independent
career as a sepavate sheet of water on its
own account, it no doubt occupied the
whole bed of this imaginary engineer's
lake—spreading, if not from Dan to
Beersheba, at any rate from Dan to
Edon, or, in other words, along the
whole Jordan valley, from the Sea of
Galilee and even the Waters of Merom,
to the southern desert. (I will not
sult the reader's intelligence and ortho-
doxy by suggesting that he may not be
precisely certain as to the exact position
of the Waters of Merom ; but I will
merely recommend him just to refresh
hia memory by turning to his atlas, as
again ocour.) The modern Dead Bea is
the last shrunken relic of such a consid-
erable ancient lake. Its waters are now
80 very concentrated and so very nasty
that no fish or other self-respecting ani-
mal can consent to live in thom, and so
buoyant that a man can't drown him-
self, even if he tries, because the sea is
so saturated with salts of various sorts
till it has become a kind of soup or por-
ridge, in which a swimmer floats, will
he, nill he. Persons in the neighbor.
hood who wish to commit suicide sre
therefore obliged to go elsewhere; much
as in Tasmanis, the healthiest climate in
the world, people who want to die are
obliged to run across for a week to Syd-
ney or Melbourne.
A —
The skunks are a nuisance in more
ways than one. They are stupid
familiar beasts, with a great predilection
for visiting camps to pick up any scraps
have time and again, known a skunk to
spend hours mn
perseveringly digging a hole underneath
the it WE ( of
of meat that may be lying about
several of the night
a hut so as to get inside
inmates. The animal then
ut among them, and of course
e will willingly molest it ; and it
dten been known to deliberately
Ben to eal one
The strange and
these attacks is
in certain districts and at certain
times the bite of the skunk is surely
atal, producing hydrophobia, avd many
hunters and soldiers have
There is no wild
he plains, no matter what its
ze and ferocity, so dreaded by plains-
nen as this seemingly harmless little
Ones a number of us, among
a huge, happy goducky
deoteliman who went by the name of
were sleeping in » hut, when a
&knnk burrowed under the logs and got
a. Hearing it move about among the
pans, Ssady stronck a light, was much
taken by the familiarity of the pretly
black-and-white little animal, and, as it
seemed in his eyes a curiosity, took a
«hot at it with his revolver. He missed,
ind for a wonder, the skunk retired
p omptly without taking any notice of
the attack, and the rest of the alarmed
sleepers, when {uformed of the csuse
of the shot, cursed the Soot up hill and
down dale for having #0 nearly brought
dire confusion on them all. The latter
took the abuse very philosophically,
merely remarking, “I'm glad a didn’t
kill him mysel; he seemed such a
decent woe beastie” The sequel
proved that neither Sandy nor the
skunk bad learned anything by the
encounter, for half an hour after the
“decent weo beastie” came back, and
this time Sandy fired at him with fatal
effect. Of course the resull was »
frantic rush of all hands from the hui,
Sandy exclaiming with late but sincere
repentance, “* A did na ken t'wad cause
such a tragadie.”
————— A AI ——
settle down upon aud
of the ales pers
terrible thing about
tied from this cause.
veil on §
we 1 a
The venom of a bee being acid, ite
effects may be neutralized by the appli-
cation of an alkali, such as a very small
quantity of liquor potasse, spplied with
a camel's hair bru A remedy which
is generally at hand will be found in
finely-out smoking tobacco. A pinch of
this should be laid fo the hollow of the
hand and moistened ; it should then be
worked with the thumb and forefinger
of the other hand till the juice excluded
is quite dark-colored. This should then
be applied to the part affected, using the
Gute ee
the thumb and floger, As
soon as the tobacee gets dry a little more
moisture should be added, and the
juice pressed upon the inflamed spot for
five or ton minutes, and if this applica.
gion 18 resorted to immediately, it is a
——————— A ————
hore that Blivioitza has fallen. No ois
cial confirmation of the report hus been
reevived, Orders have been sent
| to delay the formation of the Becond
Reserve Division, at it i8 wot needed at
Iondon, Nov. 23,—Dispatches from
RBervia are silent with regard to yester-
day’s battle, with the exception of a
vagne statement that the Bu'garians are
retreating. The public st Beigrade are
anxious end slarmed King Milano, it 1s
stated, desires to retrieve Lis losses be
fore agreeing to an armistice,
terday afiernovn the Bervians were dry
en vut of Dragomau Pass by the Bulga-
| risne, who tues ocupied the Pass,
w— incor it —
i your Electric Bitters to my customers,
| they give entire sas isfaction and are rapid
| sellers,”
| them.
tur's bills every year
Bellefonte, :
Mr. E. Springer. Mechanicsburg, Pa,
waking skeleton, Gota trial
Dr. Kiug's uew Discovery fur Consump
completely restored to bealth,
store, Bellefoute, snd a get a free tla
bottle of this certsic cure for ail
diseases. Large butties, £1
the blovd, stimuiawes the vital fuuwct
and restores the healib aud
No one whose boud is
sg should
purity sod vitsize the bivod.
Vertigo, Bysterics, COBVUISIONE~—~
nervous disorders in {
samaritan Nervibe,
“My wie baa fits
| Heury Clars, of Fairfield
maritay Nervive cured ver” X
gis. keeps it. $1.50.
for 35 years,
ar Drag
Deal article kouwe or
tioud gud budding up the
ott lu blotches ou my nce. |
viire polit 1 eed Parker's Tonic
years ago. Its the mweniciue for me —
BCH nov
er's Hair Baisaw bul ounce,” writes U, A
Burger, diuggist, of Livery, N X.
ber bat it slauus On Js record.”
fading Dair, resiures uriginal coor, son
vets aod gloss, Exvepliveally
preveuls deaurall
We take pleasure io
Hall's Hair Keuewer tu our readers,
restores gra; hair 0
aid hair sud scalp viscliees
wor. In
swoeens Lue Direatn
lured Wwwigoe,
connects Whe Lillvus BW ioig
aud cleauses Lhe
If you Lave masaria, ur troubled wit,
dyspepsia, biidvusuess, languor Or 10es of
appeliie, 11y vie bolle of Keliel's La
tatih Kemedy., Ii wii work wouders, It
Is a pusilive Cure. See advil
Erysipelas and salt + beaw was driven
enuely anny rom Mrs. J. UC. Heoder-
sui, Peshiigu, Wis, vy Borduwes Biowd
Bitters. No equal 8s a bivod pacifier,
Af er Sept. 1 our stock uf Repuyrs,
yarns, embroidery aun kaittiog sks, aud
everything pertaitiug to the live oi faucy
wutk, Win De Cutupiele alia Kept Up as it
furtuerly was ai ots old stand belure Lhe
lire, Gorpsairy Bros,
wMerchant tailotieg itn all its
branches dune at the Puuad. Brauch, A
watlur ot lung experisuce superistenas ail
work, sud vimost satisisction guaran.
weed, u.
wee Our stock of fall and winter wool.
ens is now in, und ou all orders for the
next 30 days, we will aliow a discount of
10 per cout. Gorosmrrn Bros,
Merchant Taiiors, Bellefouts, Pa,
Crxrae Haun Lers—Bailding lots,
{ mile east 0’ Centre Hal sta ion, ior sale,
Prices, $100, $110 to $115 per ot. Puy.
me nits easy. 3m nen Kurz
in Poe cas ps pos :
fo, on N rE
p oy. . ha 4 R, n
£ shunk and hops, 1 both of
Gregg twp.
On Ng, 19, by Rev. 2.4 Yoearick, at Aarons
Suk dom Penn Hall, yor,
is for ld
PROTO pe In rg Hol
district will be received by the of directors
to 2 o'clock y, Dee. 12. at which
Wine board Hill 6
JO RECUTORS ROTICE-Latier textamentars
- upon the estate of Margaret A.
Woods, late of Grogy twp, dec'd, having been jaw
fully granted to the undersigned, would epect
fully request all persons knowing themselves tobe
fndetned 10 the estate 10 make Immediate pay
ment and those having claims against the sameto
present the same duly suthenticated for settic
ment, 1860v6L A, WOODS, Ex'r,
HALL ~The undersigned offers his
large 280ry Brick Dwelling House and Lot al
private sale, Stable and all other outbuildings
are aise of brick, except cornorib and ice hou
All bulidings are new, Choloe fruit on the ot,
scl 8 cistern near the door, Hester in cellar can
be bought with property if desired, Will
sold very cheap. For further information apply
Centre Hall
{ inm Harter, des
{| Pa, will expose i
canst Of Astin
oy ob Bower, of. &l
a wil Kinds «
WHICK sales, good prices aid
PuilAaprELrais Nov, 28 188
n'a, extra...
Western, ex brands
Cut Haj
Hye Bliaw
W beni Straw
§ Uhl siraw
{ Timothy
§ Clover
i Flax... wh
KY Factory, choice
§ UhLo, fal, De ..ovmrrimnn
! Pitted Cherr
! Hasplerries
i Bisckbuities
Dred Peaches, unpecied..
per bus
| Tub Washe per ib 22
Unwaalied wa —— 2
Choloe Goese...... per 1b
Prime ‘ "
Chicken ....... wa
Turkey, as Wo quality...
& uck -
Hides, Dry...
Cail, Salted . —
Hides, Green, Steer...
, Cow... »
. Bull...
Salted Steer
RVI ons aviatncitvas
Bhoeep Ekin, per piece
Lard, Country lots, prime... perid
Tallow, Bolld....oonvncinns - .
CRRR...ocniviiniimrmes - - Bay
Honey In UID... www wvmmmmmsss - i i
UORLATY BURP ....ovvvrmmnsmmmmiinininn b 6
Sar Price Current Subject 10 Mark et Fluctustios
wr wh te, dang
pos |
# ah
Philadelphia, Nav. & 1885.
{Corrested Weekly.) .
Chin Philadelphia
854 he»
Ww we
254 36
Purk 8 5b
Lard HET
Baxven Wars, Jr, Comm'n Broker
2isouth 1lhird Surest.
i en soe
hhh un re
dah ar ttt eo
RIE rninincrmnanions. J SP aa
‘ “"
WW ey
wasn sn 19
ENOTES mgr wr
smn] Boman
Wanted at the Centre Hall Rotem Mua, fe