The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 11, 1885, Image 3

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TrAT success inspires envy and dis-
honest competition is well known, The
force of this must often have occurred
to a Baltimore house which is known
everywher», he Charles A. Vogeler
yompany, tb’; excellence of whose
ana the integrity of whose
business dealings are recogmzed
throigu ut the commercial world,
Time ».d again have they defended
their nights against those who sought to
wrest from them the legittms te fruits of
their labor and enterprise. Last year
12 London, England, an unscrupulous
“dealer sought to place a so-called St,
Davids’ Oil on the market on the
strength of the great popularity of St.
Jacobs’ Oil. The High Uourt of Jus-
tice promptly issued a perpetual injunc-
tion and imposed heavy damages. This
decision indorsed the action of the
Unite States Court at Cleveland, Ohio,
and ths Oireui’ Chari of Baltimore
Referring to the men's Jf another
s aluable remedial agent placed upon
she market by this enterprising house
a Medical Journal says: We admire
the stand taken by numerous eminent
physicians and members of the Board
of Health of such cities as Brooklyn,
Philadelphia and Baltimore, in publicly
endorsing and adopting Red Star
Gough Cure because it 1s eflicacious,
free from dangerom
without worpbia or opium, Another
feature | thic h commends .. 8 its popu-
lar price, ~ twenty-five os nts,
cure for throat and lung diseases.
hn fh oi
pounds of fruit, four pounds of sugar,
one pound of best white brandy.
Make a syrup of t=» sugar and a quart
of pure ‘sater. Jet them come to a
boil, ther ~at the pared fruit into it,
removed the fruit carefully with a per.
forated ladle, let the syrup boil fifteen
minntes longer, or until it thickens
thor cake the kettle at once from the
fire. Pour the hot syrup over the fru*
put in glass bottles with wide mouths
and seal up tight, If after taking
fruit from the fire the first time a red-
before adding the clear syrup, Choose
always toe fairest, firmest specimens of
fruit for brandying if you would be re-
warded for your pains, Well-made
brandied fruit should keep good for
7 ars
CasvresaaM Caxe. —ane weight of
six eggs in sugar, four in flour and we
in butter, Cream the butter, add ‘ho
sugar and the six beaten yolks, lightly
stir in the frothy whites and contrive to
add the sifted flour without at all heav-
ily beating the cake batter, This maxes
a good mixture for layer cake, but is
quite rish enough to serve alone. With
a soft icing of loaf sugar, which has
been rubbed ove: the skinof one orange
ana mixed with or ange juice, it is de-
hicicas, Simply glaze the cake after it
is done, with the flavored sugar, and
let it dry with the oven door open, i’
the juice does not make the glaze whir
to the sugar.
made into a tender and delicate dish by
letting itcook in its own juices in the
oven wiihout narticle of water.
flavor a=A juices, and {he ough fibres
and grist.e are softened by the mild
heat, it must be put in three or four
hours before dinner time, The heat
that comes through the stone is very
different from that of hot iron, and it is
the slow action of the steady heat that
makes a rich dish ont of a cheap joint,
Uorrer Cake. —1wo cups of brown
sugar, one cup votter, five eggs, one-
half cup molasses one nutmeg grated,
two taspoonfuis cinnamon, one fea
spoon! sloves, one-half eup made cof-
fee, three heaping cups flour, one cup rai-
sins, one cup currants, one teaspoonful
saleratus disolved in warm water, one-
~marter pound of citron, one teaspoon-
fruit before stirring it in; bake in a
moderately fast oven,
Pras Lemon Pm —To the grated
two eggs two cups of sugar, and place
over tue fire, Blend two large table-
spoonfuls of corn starch in a very little
brirkly for a few mowents, aati, i. be-
somes thickened. Pourinto 1 700d
undercrust, This amount makes two
medium-sized pies, and may be enriched
by adding a little butter,
Sova Bmovrr.—One pint of sweet
milk, three pints of flour, a pinch of
salt, half a cup of butter and lard
mixed, one teaspoonful of soda and two
of cream of tartar. Mix soda in the
milk and ores of tartsr in the flour.
Bab the shortening fn the flour, then
add the milk; mux Zid roll Yehtly,
handling as little as possible Nake
into small cakes and bake in o quick
Veuver Onzas,—Dissolve one ounce
or half a box of gelatine in a coffee cup
of wine over the fire; add the juice and
grated rind of one lemon. When the
gelatine has dissolved add one coffee
cup of white =ngar; cook slowly, strain
one and ones-ha't pints of milk,
Btir notil coz! pour ins mold and
set iv a cool place,
Bren Caxe.—Two cups of sugar,
two thirds of a cup of butter, two and
one-half cups of flour, two teaspoonfals
of cream of tartar, whites of five eggs,
one cup of milk, one teaspoonful of so-
da. Brown part—two tabl
of the white dough, one-half eup of
treacle, one-half enp of flour, one-half
cup of each ~f currants snd raisins,
Bake in layres « ud spread with jelly.
Tre deer Escnxous are coming great.
into use tor their **handiness” in got-
up gravies, stews and other dish.
Lexon Cusranps.—The yolks of four
egge, the whites of two, one cup of su-
gar, one cup of cold water, one spoon-
ful of butter and one spoonful of corn
starch, blended in a little cold water,
and the grated peel aud juice of a large
lemon, Bake in cups and frost with the
Coxrosirion Caxm.—One pound of
sugar, one pound of butter, eight eggs,
one oup of rich milk, one and one-half
grated nutmegs, one teaspoonful of
powdered cinnamon, one pound of flour,
one pound of raisins seeded, one-half
pound of citron out thin, one teaspoon-
ful of soda, two of cream of tartar,
Sweer Poraro Poxs.—Wash well six
good-sized sweet potatoes, scrape the
skins off and grate on a potato-grater,
mix in one tablespoonful of butter, one
cup of molasses, one of sugar, three
eggs, pineh of salt, pounded orange
peel, nutmeg and ginger to suit taste;
put in a pan, sprinkle sugar over the
top, and bake,
Beer Ouererrs.—Pour half a pint of
rich beef stock, or half a teaspoonful of
beef extract mixed with a cup of boil-
ing water, over a cup of bread rubbed to
small crumbs, Neason highly and let
| it stand in a warm oven for fifteen min-
utes, Make an omelette of six well
beaten eggs ; add the soaked crumbs
and fry as usual,
A Hor Sanap,— Lettuce is more easi-
ly digested and makes a delicate salad
when boiled for fifteen minutes, Make
a dressing of a raw egg, & teaspoonful
of dry mustard, a dash of cayenne, two
table spoonfuls of vinegar and a smal
cup of cream which may be slightly
the salad,
one egg beaten to a stiff froth, beat in
| dered sugar, with not quite half a tes-
it, flavor to taste,
any baked pudding,
— I ——————.
A Ratlroad Man's Views
| Toronto, Canadas, of the New York,
| pany,
| Dominion.
| weeks his little girl was ill with bron-
| chitis, He used different preparations
| and also had her treated by a physician,
| but without effect. Finally, he tried
| Red Star Cough Cure, and before one
| bottle was finished she was perfectly
| well,
is well-known throughout
Stick to your owa opinion if you have
| to stick to theirs,
house, it prevents headache and kidney
| man to be ready for his opportunity
| when it comes,
A Barberous Hhyme.
| Lather me lightly and speak to me low,
Ob, interrogative barber mine;
And I will forgive if to make my hair
You use magic Carboline,
Don't plane too much importance on
the things of this life, they are all pass-
: —
that eats away life’s energies so rapidly
| as that of worms, which are the out-
| natural appetite for food, hollow,
| sunken eyes, and a general bodily un-
easiness, Parents should note these
symptoms, and relieve the little ones
by the use of Vixgcan Brirers.
Any man who puts his life in peril in
danng of all men,
An old physician, retired from practice, having
bad piaced in his hands by an East India mission.
ary the formulas of a simpie vegetable remedy for
the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption,
Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Netvous Debility and all Nervous Complaints,
afier having tested 8 wonde curative powers
in thousands of cases, has fel
it known to his suffering 7
{ motive and a deslre 0 Te
wii send free of charge, !
r Human saforing.
y #li who desire it, this
directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall
by adaressng with stamp, naming this paper, W.
i A. Novas, 148 Power's Block, Rochester, N, Y.
Good manners is the art of making
those people easy with whom you con-
Frazer Axle Grease,
One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease
days, Try it. 18 received first premium
at the Centennial and Paris Exposition.
—— A WD I A.
The latest fashion in pérsonal jewelry
in California is a secaripin made of a
ten inches long, set in gold.
JRepazation of bee! containing Hs entire rr
properties, It containabiood-making foree
gendrt and jife-sustaining properties; invaius.
a vous prostration,
for |
in all en
and all forms of y yi
feebled conditions, whether the result of exhaos.
over-work or acute dis.
tion, nervous
complaint, ©
New York, Seid by
A collossal bronze bust of Washing.
ton Irving by Frederick Beer, of Brunn,
Austria, is to be ted to Central
Park, New York, a citizen of Ger.
man extraction.
When von visit or jeave New York Oity, save
® ox and $8 carriage i sop
er ET a Sr ual
WL Dont.
on) rooms. fited up at a cost of one
on eat #1 and upwards
supplied w Tiorse cars, stages and
elevated raiiroad to al depots, “Vutnlies can
better for iss money at Grand Union
than at anv other Hret-olas hotel in the city.
EI ata mm
Bailing lovers is the next
neighbor Po wns. Boon
If a cough disturbs i tak
Pino's Cure for Connon and rest well,
“SAY dear,” said an Evansville
wife to her husband, ‘that dime you
gave me for milk this morning was no
“Didn't give you no bad dime,”
growled Jones.
“You did too, I guess I know,”
“No, I never. You've been get-
ting some danged ribbons or something
down town, and they gave it to you in
change, Women ain’t got no sense
no how.”
“But you handed it to me yourself."
“Yes you did and I want you to take
it back.”
“I won't."
*Yes you will, you old wretch, ™
‘Well you just will now ; you see if
youdon’t, I'll show you if women
haven't got any sense.”
At noon Mrs, Jones was all smiles,
and waited on her husband so nicely
that he felt like telling her that he had
given her the dime, and was sorry, and
would give her another, but concluded
i he woull wait till evening. As she
handed him a nice piece of ple, she re-
marked: William, you'll have to eat
this in a burry; its nearly time to go to
the office.” William bolted it down,
but all of a sudden gagged, and then
swallowed something as if it hurt him,
lowed something that didn't feel right,
| what do you suppese could have got in-
| to that pie?”
| How did it feel, William?”
| Ob, sorter hard and round,”
“Well, guess it was that dime. You
sald I couldn't make you take it back,
{ but I guess you have got it now. You
may keep it.”?
| Jones is still keeping it.
Can consumption be cured? Yes
man only, discovered the laws of gravita.
| tion. One man only, discovered the virtue
of vaccination. And one man afler years
of study and reflection, has discovered the
cure for consumption. Dr. Plerce's "Gold.
{ en Medical Discovery’ is its specific. Send
two letter stamps and get Dr.
| pamphlet treatise on consumption,
| dress, World's Dispensary Medical Associ
tion, Buffalo, N. ¥.
Discontent is the want of self-reli-
ance ; it 12 infirmity of will.
“Sweet Mand Maller,”
Whittier's beautiful ballad contains a
touching allusion to the many cures and
sorrows which wear upon the “heart and
brain’ of a wife and mother. Thousands
of weary suffering women have found Dr.
Plerce's "Favorite Prescription” a marvel-
lous recuperator of wasted strength, and of
| sovereign efficacy in all thosederangements
son of which the vitality is gradually
| sapped, and the check robbed prematurely
of ita bloom.
By druggists,
. --— mess
| Riches are good in their way, but a
| rloh man with s howling toothache fails
to see much use in money.
. » &
Young or middle-aged men,
suffering from premature decline of power,
however induced, speedily and radically
{ cured. Illustrated wk for 10 cents in
{ stampa. World's Dispensary Medical As-
i sociation, Buffalo, N. Y.
| A comprehensive monument to all the
| combatants on the French sidein the
| war with Germany is proposed for Paris,
AX ITEM OF I STEREST. —" Beeson's Aro-
| and heals skin diseases, softens and beanti-
fles face and hands. 25c., by Droggists,
or mail, Address Wm. Dreydoppel,
Philadelphia, Pa
nnsenmm————— >
In the last ten years the
erzment has spent more than §2,500,-
| ing artiste,
We depart from our usual practice
{and recommend Hunt's Remedy as &
{sure care for gil kidney discases,—
Medical Gazette,
PREVENT croeked boots and biistered
Force yourself to reflect upon what
| you read, paragraph upon paragraph.
! e is am in.
i fallible THE for P11,
: “ANA RSL8 or sold by
: PAID, mail Ramples
| sent PERE ur 2
i STARTER 0, No. £3
i Mercere, NowY ork, Role
| - Pod manuf, of "ANA
It is Unequalled in Results and Per.
manent In its Care.
“Having had occasion to use a remedy for
kidney troubles 1 purchased a bottle of Huwr's
(Kidney and Liver] Remedy, and it compiétely
cured me—-have no indigestion, and am heart
and healthy for one of my years (65). ~J, F. Wood
bury, Bi Ith, Manchester, N, £1,
“Small beginnings lend to large endings.”
“1 was troubled with a weakness of the Kidneys,
nad to Wy Water as many as fifteen mes
After ha used the second
a. hy all my Cae wan liven) Bau o
e. "Joseph
Miller, Carpenter, Xotla, ontor
“hie & friend to yourself, and others will”
Feeney ai ive]. Snes somaretny
cured me", A. Glass, ambas, Ohio,
“To the #000, might 8 not dark.”
A Sailor,
Captain dohn Kimbal A London,
St TT Sl
botiles entirely oured me.
Ice Pox ps. —Almost every farm with
a stream could have an ice-pond. A
dam with a gata built across a stream
and a flat meadow alongside would in-
close half an acre or more of water
which could be let down after the ice
had been cut. Half an acre of Ice six
inches thick equals 300 tons ; enough to
supply ten families and dairies, At
twenty-five cents a ton for the Ice in
the pond here would be $75; equal to
five per cent. on $1.500, and making
that half acre the most productive on
the farm, If this is to be done it should
be begun soon. For an easy construct-
ed dam stakes are driven down on the
line and a furrow turned up against the
stakes from the inside, Planks are
firmly bedded in the soft earth and are
supported by stakes on each side. This
protects the bottom and prevents leak-
ing. The plow-—a side-hill one—is
then run back and forth in the furrow
and the soil turned up against the
planks. This is done on both sides.
The earth is well trodden, and as the
furrow i8 widened and deepened the
material for the dam is shoveled out
until the embankment is high enough.
The gateis built in the stream with
care that water does not work out on
| the sides, The dam will become firm
before winter, when the gate can be
closed and the pond filled. The earlier
the 1ce is cut the better. It is well to
sod the dam on both sides, and to do
this I would first cut the sod where the
dam is to be built, and save it for
covering the bank. It would be fun to
ure of using the ice for skating.
Mn. George Simpson, an English
| to sixteen quarts daily, does not an-
swer at all,
t dry cows glving
{ oats straw.
| milk is reduced, and gradually they dry
| themselves, and without any evil ef-
fects following. The practice of sud-
denly checking the flow of milk of good
| milkers, by the ordinary method, has
A visitor who Introduced himself as
the Son of Man called at the White
House recently and was ordered off the
premises without being allowed to
make known his errand. And has it
come to pass that hungry Democrats
have been allowed to ruin the reputa-
tion of the Son of Man with the re
form administration by filing charges of
offensive partisanship against Him?
It must be a fine thing to get into the
swim of London society. Au old Eng-
lish paper contains an advertisement in
which a lady of good position offers for
the sum of $3,000 to take charge of a
young lady of good family and present
her to a wide circle of the best society
during the month of July, As we are
imitating the English perhaps it would
be well to introduce the kink into our
own country,
“WiLL you miss me when I am gone?’
sang Alfonso in the parlor.
*No!” fiendishly whispered the old
man to himself around the cormer of
the house ; “and I'll not miss you while
you are going,” he replied, cocking his
“No, YOU can’t have any of my mon-
“You are not worth your salt.”
“Ohyes, I am. You forget,
| I aaa part of the Commonwealth.”
| Purify
the Blood
We do not claim that Hood's Barsaparilis is the onl
| medicine doservin ifidenoces, but we believe
| that to purify th
i whole system, I oann
i public that this fact cannot
| that s trial will not fully substantiate it. The inf
estimated. If § becomes contaminated, the train
s, Dyspepsia, Debility, N
1 (Y) allments™ sre the prem
serions and of ten fatal results
i parilis, the reliable blood purifier, and remove the
i cause. Made only by C 1. HOOD & OO,
| Mase Price $LO0, six for $5.25 804 by Druggiets
snd Dealers in Madicines
nly Temperance SITlers Knowl
| had begun.
| gans became inflamed,
{ find it highly important to pay particu
| those of the Jersey and Guernsey breed,
which are great milkers,
| Soxe of the popular ideas with re-
| gard to milk and butter are erroneous.
| A sample of milk at the New York ex-
{ perimental station
| showed 12.53 per cent. of fat. One
| sample, with 5.90 per cent, of fat, gave
| three pounds and four ounces of butter,
against two pounds and seven ounces
| from a sample with 8.58 per cent. of
| fat, It is conceded that the amount of
! butter to be
| upon an analysis of the fat. The test
{ of churning is the only reliable method.
glass of pure water. If the
milk is rot with calf, but if it sinks to
the bottom of the glass as it fails upoa
the water, and does not produce bul
little of a milky cloud, the cow is preg-
nant. The specific gravity and viscid-
| ity of the albuminous milk being heav-
i milk and causes it to sink.
| give it a test. If reliable the informa-
| tion may be of great value to them.
| To keep flies out of the stable noth-
| ing 18 better than soft soap and carbolic
| acid thrown on the floor once or twice
‘a day. The mixture may be made of
| tained very cheap, and ordinary soft
| soap. The amount of the acid depends
| on the strength of the soap. This can
| thoroughly mixing for an hour or two.
Then mix a little with soft water.
| by particles of oil floating on the sur-
Two or three tablespoonfuls of
acid to a quart of soap will usually suf-
| fice,
| tached to most of the agricultural col-
| Jeges where girls as well as boys could
| attend and learn how to make bulter
and cheese, Why should not the wo-
men of the land have a chance tZ get
| some of the abundance of information
to be had at our agricultural colleges ?
‘ Surely the women have to work on
| farms, and hard too.
Two valuable colts were lately poi-
| soned by snake root, ex palorium agera-
| toides, The disease known formerly as
| *s the trembles,” an affection of cattle,
| was caused by this weed, When eaten
by milech cows the poison, to some ex-
tent, passts off with the milk, even
when the cows have not been notice
bly ill, and drink it have
sickened a sometimes died. The
weed ought to be mote generally known
Bo inl it should be shunned or exterm-
in ‘
Lise is not only essential to the soll
but also to stock, and should the food
supplied be deficient in that element the
k will be deficient in bone. For
Grateful Thousands
pusiained the aking yyetem,
* trom Alcololie Stimulaste. A Purgative
and Tonic,
vers, Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases,
Pain in the Ehoulders, Coughs, T
Chest, Dizviness, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue,
Billous Attacks, Paipitation of the Heart, Poe.
are cured by the use of the Bitters,
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Dol
Erysipeias, Scrofula, Discolorations, H “or
diseases of the Ekin of whalever na
ture, are Hlerally J
gysiem in 8 sb time by the use of Lhe Bitters
or na
utates the torpid Liver and Bowels, which ren.
der it of unequaled efficiency in cleansing the
blood of all impurities, and Luparting new life
and vigor 10 the whole svetem
long unwell
Pin, Ta and other Worms, are
destroyed and removed from the system
Cleanse the Vitinted Blood whenever
it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep
the blood pure, acd the health of the system
will follow,
In conclusion : “ive the Bitters a trial. Tt
will speak for fieeif. One bots will prove a bet-
ter guarantee of its merits thas a lengthy ad-
p t
H. McDonald Prag Co,, Proprietors,
Ban Francisoo, Osi. and 68, HN 05 Washington a
s & st, x.
Sold by ali Dealers and Drageists.
1 am a pative of England, and while I wan in that
oountry 1 contracted a terrible hiood poison. and for
two years was under treatment ss an ouldoor pa.
| thend at ¥otinehsmm Hospital, England, bul was not
eared, | suflered the most agonizing pains in my
bones, and was coversd with sores all over my body
limbs. Finally I completely lost all hope in
| that country, and sailed for Amerion, snd was
{ treated a1 Roosevelt in this city. ss well ne by a
| prosuinent physician in New York baviog no oon.
nection with the hospitals
1 saw the advertisement of Reift's Specific, and I
(etormined to give it a trial, 1 took siz bottles and
1 catisay with grest Joy thet they have cured me
entirely. 18m ss sound and wellas | ever was in my
life Le. Fred, Harronn,
Now York City, June 12th. 1885
i and
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free,
Tae Bwirr Sppciric Jo, Drawer 8 Atlanta, Ga.
KY. Bw. Sam
This remedy CONLAINSE NO Dgurions arugs.
GATAR R Ely’s Cream Balm
Ti I
His, will be al
ueing healthy secretions
alaye Inflammation,
1 rotects the membrane
From trem colds, OOH.
riety heals the sores and
And the best every . Hor Pras.
25¢C. |i oom, the
To or to ure
For Pain ici ae,
Foraiaes, wha.
be Pale
els per
go's Food
ratids, snd is read
ways with ssthefac.
Lo the directions
Mothers aud nurses, send 10
ni Sadres
when taken
e method
¢ only one that
i per f in cases of
" v i
FITS dlepsy. Two tris Bottles sent free.
PTIC REMEDY 00... 478
DY ©9.. 4 road Bt. N.Y.
# ; that Lorillard’
; that Lorfllardys
prio Lgl
Vis }
ny $a situations fa
BIG OFFER, ws vi" 2
5 VE AWAY Lo Beil.
Operating Washing Macotines If you wagt ons
send ne your name, Po
cent. more made in k
FEED MILLS. Circulars and Tes
d 7 "et inis sens
on applicstion. WILSON BROS. Easton, Pa.
The Original and Only Genuine.
Fat and Liweys redighie, Beware of Worthless lolintons,
“Chichester’s Fagiish” se the bert ends. Indispensubie
LADIES, Tncios ss ioamps’ for pardiesiars oth
Boosie. vbr, en ielier seni Ten vf Pil ! kL ¥
turn mall. NAME PAPER,
Chichester Chemionl Ue.
22307 Madison Sg, Phileds, Fa.
TE ¥ ary B36.
por Bouth snd Expenses. Expenses in ad-
venoe. Canvassing outfit FREE Pertioders
free. Standard Silver. ware Co. Boston, Mass.
Opium Habits
PR. LC. HOFFMAN. Jeferson, Wisconsin
PIUN M 2m Sure cure m 10 to
— ae
An wetive Man
sousty to sel! our gous. sal
days, Samarium treatmen
medicines CXpreng,
ee rn LL ,,™P Marsh.
ory tablished Books Tree
. Quincy, Mich
nee, Hands Feet, and all their tm.
perfections, ponding
ad r, Moles, Wi
\ jos, Bod N Acme. B71
> i i treatment
. 3
a g
Duy, N.Y. Beha 1
“ WANTED, Send Joe
GOINS for Ostslogue of ;
AYER 12 Lambert Ave, Be Mass,
® the customer
on Highlan
. A,
or Seron trisl, address for circular and locstio
eslern snd Southern Storebonses and Apes
P K.DEDERICK & CO... Albany. N. ¥-
eth Perfe. nnd Gums
irs Pi