The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 04, 1885, Image 8

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Cestee Hari, Pa, Nov, 4, 1885,
Teams —$2 per year in advance. $2.60
when not in advance. Advertisements
20 cents per line {or three insertions.
One colum per year $904 colum $45.
Zr Hereaftor all subscribers paying
their subscription in advance, will got a
credit of two months additional as a pre
miuam on $2 in advance,
Children’s Jersey Caps at 15, 25, 30 and
85 cents.
Cashmere Hose for Ladies, full regu-
lar made, at 25 cents, in colors and black,
Our Cloths—Trico Home-spun
Jamestown goods are selling rapidly.
By the way we can show yonthe finest
line of 1} yard wide Cloths and Trico
you ever saw." Our price is 55 cents; not
one week 60c, next week 50¢, but each
week alike—55 cents,
Dress Braids from an ! of an inch to 3
inches wide.
Wool Laces in all colors and widths.
Fedora Buckles and Clasps for dresses,
Wrap Fringes in all shades. Our
is acknowledged to be the finest,
Velvet Ribbon in pink, blue, cardinal
and common colors—satin back.
Bush Arcade, - - Bellefonte,
Clasps for dresses —Garmans, 11
Saxony, Germantown and common
yarn—(Grarmans, oll
~—(JRIENTAL is the best the
market. Try a sack.
Hoods, mitts, little socks, children’s
knit socks—Garmans.,
—There was a heavy rain storm on
Tharsday night of last week.
~—Manu's axe factory, at Boiling
Springs, will soon start up again.
Shelied corn and other coarse grain
wanted at the Centre Hall rolier mill.
~——Heary Beck, of Bellefonte, has
purchased Bartges' store at Madisouburg.
— [he mail from Bellefonte to Cen-
tre Hall wiil be carried by rail in a few
A special election for boro’ officers,
the first for Centre Hall, was heid last
colors and sbapes in gia-sware; they are
very cheap.
Mr. Emanuel Cronmiiler, of Aa-
ronsburg, has got over his recent spell of
sickoess. :
Wolf's assortment of underwear is
before buying.
riety of cassimeres at Woll's,
pretiier than ever.
—Corn meal grists will Be ground at
the Centre Hall rulier mil; Tuesday and
Baturday of each week, uf
«Rev. 8. gl. Brown, Presbyterian,
will have services at Cenfre Hil, Buuday
morning, 8to, a the regilar hour,
—Tuesday was cold snd windy with
a snow squall in the moshing, which put
8 white cap on our mougtsin tops.
(ur boro’ election should not be
held in the school hofise=it is too incon-
venient and interferes with the scuools,
~The new Luthéram church spire,
in this place, was rodded fast week, D.
K. Geiss did the jou isigomd style.
We didn't yet a ghimpse of the
promised new papers abBeilfoute, Come
up front, feliers, and shal yourselves.
— Abs. Musser, of Halles, has return
ed from a three mooths wi trip. He
did not get the western fed , how-
ever. i
~The borough officers chi
terday hold office only until «Hig
eection, wuen a pew set will be &
fur a full tern Ma
—Merchant tailoriog at the Phila
delp'iia Branch, and satisfaction guarsn-
Better and
this department. tf
low to get married without a li.
cense sud without telling your age, Sub
seribe and pay for the Reronrer and we
will give you the recipe.
The frame work of Musser &
Swith's new hardware storein Millbeim
on the burnt Alexander lot, is up, and
will be faced with brick.
ng. Duck, of Miilheim, is having
a8 new building erected on the burnt
Zeigler lot, the lower story of which will
be used for a complete drug store,
ee), A. Boozer can sell you the best
whip for the least money because he is
a regular dealer in all articles belonging
to saddlery, home-made or foreign,
«sThe grain-house at Coburn, man~
aged heretofore by Mr. 8. R. Gettig for I.
J. Grenoble, we understand has now
passed into the bands of Mr. Gettig,
wwMerchabt tailoring in all its
branches done at the Philad. Branch. A
tailor of long experience superintends all
work, and utmost satisfaction Sr amo-
w—Dentist Guteling talks of leaving
Millheim for Mifflinburg. Millheimers
don’t wish him to go and Mifflinburgers
wish him to come. Toss pennies—heads
1 win, tales you lose,
we Johnstown claims the best water.
works and best water of any town in the
state, That's a mistake—Centre Hall
has the best works and the cheapest and
best water in the state,
~The announcement of the State
College W. C. T. U,, made in last week's
has been withdrawn, on ac
count of a failure to ect arrangements,
80 We are Helen Jackson,
~Qur stock of fall and winter wool.
eos is now in, and on all orders for the
30 dayn, we will alow a discount of
Merchant Tailors, Bellefonte, Pa.
line from Millheim
office is in Mug-
ware store, and the
the plas
wo finished
sor & Smith's
We met a man the other day who
has a family and no newspaper. We
ssked him to sobseribe for the ReronTen.
He gaid he liked the ReronTer but cou'd
not afford it. We kept an eye on him
just one hour with the following as the
result of our observations :
BoM fOUr BRBRIS.covone iss isssassssrsrson soins 10 cents,
Tobacco for day « 10 cents,
TWO GIASEES DOT .oummieirierissessssarssnios . 10 cents,
Total 30 cents per day—$2.10 per
week 8100.20 per ‘year! The Rzron-
TER one year would cost him less than
he spends in one week for tobacco and
beer, which do him harm and deprive
his family of many comforts, but te
“oan't afford” to add a newspaper to the
comforts of his home, wife and children.
No man who chaws tobacco should leave
his family destitute of a newspaper, for
it ain’t troe that he “can’t afford it,”
Now £100.20 will pay for the following:
Rerorten for one year... .
Church paper one year. “
Rulit, 3g FORE ...cocisiirrssnisssrsnssssassrinsssssssnsss 0
Two dresses for wife
Two pairs of shoes for wife,
Bonnet for Wb... cnssmmesssssnsensiossn
Breast pin for wife AsssReasa engin
One railroad ticket for self and wife,
hundred mile trip..... a
Shaw! for Jane.
Hat for Busi. .........cccconcsicissssssssmmnsasness -
Bait and boots for Johnny
One dozen concert tickets
Bundry luxuries...
Playthings for baby
$109 20
Now as he cant afford to take a news-
aper, no donbt he lets his family suffer
or want of many of the above comforts,
while be spits away the amount in to-
bacco, sends it up in smoke and puts it
down in drink, andjof course he can’t af-
ford, &c.
Bl pe -
—The sixteenth annnual convention
of the Centre County Sunday School
Association will be held in the M. E
Church, at Philipsburg, Wednesday, No~
vember 11,
Each school is invited to appoint two
delegates with the superintendent. All
preachers in the county are delegates ex
fu order to secure homes beforehand,
delegates who desire entertainment
should forward their names, not later
than Nov. 6, to Mr. George W. Gauoe,
Philipsburg, Pa.
Some of our leading preachers and
teachers have promised 10 presest to the
convention their model methods of in
struction and practice.
“In the unity of the faith,” let ns spend
this ove day in sweet Christian counsel
aud earnest endeavor to forward the in-
tervsis of the Redeemer's Kingdom,
Rev. 8, E. Furst is president, sud Aus.
tin Cartin, secretary. The following 1s
the exventive committee: Revs, Critivn-
den, W, E, Fischer, John Zeigler, B. J.
Hummeli, J. P. Hoghes, Messrs, D, 8,
Keller, W. 8, Zeller, E. P. Green, H. L.
Harvey, J. W. Mattern,
Every school coutriboting one dollar
{to aid in defraying the expenses of
{ the County Sunday Sehoel. Association
will receive, feed of charge, a latge ano
| neatly pristed “chart of the Beatitudes,”
| arranged for the use all Suuday
Schools, and recommended by the Luter:
national Lesson Committe. Address, C.
C. 5. 5 A, Box 123, Bellefonte, Pa,
: eld omommcn
~The boro’ has elected its first offi
{ cers, and the persovel of the crop is fair
as the burvugh could make. In the
council there may be one inimical to im-
provements and in the school board one
opposed to advancement ia schools, but
we believe the majority will do what
is for the best in oancil and school
board. The boro’ officers elected are:
Burgess, Joho Rishel.
Ass't Burgess, Jacob Ripka,
Councilmen, Simon Harper, E. G. Van
i Pelt, Wm. R. Camp, C, F. Harlacher, D
| J. Meyer, M. Derstive,
Judge of Election, John Spangler.
Inspectors, Wm. P. Shoop, D. A.
Constable, C. W, Bollinger.
High Constable, Wm. H. Rable.
Overseers of Poor, H. D. Van Pelt,
Emanuel Smith,
School Directors, G. W. Hosterman, J.
F. Alexander, Wm, A. Jacobs, B, D, Bris-
bin, C. D. Ruukie, J. W. Henney.
Auditors, J. C. Boal, Jas, H. Lohr, C.
{ bary and a train for passengers onlgibe
tween Mootandon awd Spring Mills.
| From Spring Mills 10 Bellgtonte the
trains will be mixed as ofore, The
Waiay of rains ra by the freight
] i Lewisburg and Spring
will be obviated by the put-
ting on of the Jocal freight aforessid, and
passengers will have the pleasure of
speeding over the L. & T. on time This
will be a guod arrangement, and the pab-
He will thank Sap't Westfall for the
| Milis, which
senger trafic,
~~ A bold robbery was committed in
Delaware county, a few days ago, the
facts of which are given us from a letter
to D. C Kelier, Mr, Stewart, a drover
who occasionally visits this section, on
going into his stable at night, was
pounced by four men in the stable, who
struck a light, threw chop in his face, and
robbed him of $492 in money and his
watch, They told him that he would
pot let them have his horse inthe spring
but now they had his cash. They es
imation ———
wee Mrs. MeCulioch, an aged resident
of Centre Hall, was found on Thursday
morning, 20 alt, suffering from the
effects of coal gas which had escaped
from her stove. A little girl, a daughter
of D, C, Keller, in the house with the old
lady, also suffered severely, but has re-
covered. As no one was seen about the
house in the moroing, Dr, Alexander
and Mr. Mingle, neighbors, entered thro’
a window by using a ladder, and found
them as stated, Mrs, MeColloch former-
ly lived at Milroy,
to A MA
Ve A co npent asks what expen.
the borough will be under to get or
puind, for legal services, eto Don't
ret, time will roll, and if tre per-
sons are putin for conveilmen there will
be light expenses,
are none, and need
chinery for o izing a boro’ is so sim-
ple that it would be a stupid set if a law
yer had to be hired to belp them. The
Sound] elected wo take it are not in need
0 m
i ——— {A ———
~eA fer Bept. 1 our stock of zephyr
yarns, embroi and knitting silks, an
evervihing ing to the liosof
work. will be complete and kept uo aa t
y was at our old stand re the
Lots of racket in town on Baturday
The telephone was completed last
week, The office is in Musser & Bmith's
hardware building.
Philadelphia bummers were plenty last
Mr. J. W. Henney, of Freeport, Ili,
stopped at the First National last week.
Lue two bridges on Peter's street want
J. W. Lose and “Dutch Bill” are paint-
ing the church at Boonville.
A number of our folks were at Aa~
ronsburg on Saturday and Sanday, and
heard some good sermons delivered,
i — -
—Boasrspura SraRks.~—The postof-
fice was removed from Mr. Jack's store
to that of Mr. Price's on Monday. Mr
Price is a veteran D moerat and bad ex-
perience as postmaster .ome twenty-five
years ago, .
Our boys tried to do their “duty” on
hallowe'en and tarned things up general-
ly. Some repairs had to be made Bun-
day morning.
Vi», George Hoffer moves to Petersburg
an Wednesday, Sorry to lose eo good a
neighbor, Mr. Hoffer bas been a citizen
of tiis county for more than 60 years,
Miss Lillie Fisher is in Philadelphia
attending music school,
The RerorreEr one year and N. Y
“Weekly World” six months for $2 in
advance, X.
Nor Trug.—A telegram from Renovo
to eastern papers regarding the defalca-
tion of a lumberman named Rankin,
makes allusions to Mr. RK. M, Glenn, a
prominent business man of that town
and of high standing, as a loser by Mr.
Rankin, and winds up by saying that
“Mr. Glenn 18 a fast man and a specula-
tor in New York stocks.”
Mr. Glenn at the present time being a
visitor at our next door neighbor's, Mr.
Kennedy, we called his attention to the
dispatch, and he pronounces it utterly
untrue that he is a loser by Mr. Rankin,
or that he 15a “fast” man and a specula-
tor in New York stocks. We have every
reason to believe that Mr. Glenn has
been misrepresented, and cheerfully
give him the use of our columns for this
Spaivo Minis, Oct. 25, '85.
Whereas, 1t has pleased Almighty God
to remove from our midst Mrs, Margaret
A. Woods, who has tanght in this Sun-
day School nearly thirty years, being al-
ways at her post even to the last Sabbath
of her fatal illness, it is proper that we
should testify to our appreciation of her
character as a Christian woman and
teacher ; therefore be it
Resolved, By the Spring Mills Union
Sunday School that while we bow with
submission to the will of God, we do not
the less mourn for our friend who bas
been taken from us,
Resoloed, That in the death of Mrs
Margaret A. Woods, this school loses one
who was ever in sympathy with all
Christian work, formost in advancing
the interests of the school, devoted to its
wellfare and prosperity, s hose kiodly,
¢heerful and unselfish spirit endeared
hier not only to the Sunday School but to
all Ber acquaint.noces,
Respleed, That this school tender its
heartfelt sympathy to the family and
relativeg of the deceased in their sad al-
Resolved, That these resolutions be
placed upon the minutes of the Sunday
School, a copy be sent to the family of
the deceased, and one to a local paper
for publication.
Mas, Wu. Avvsox,
Macoie L. Sroven,
. Committee.
coin — —— .
we Don’t forget that Woll's is still the
ace to buylyour boots snd shoes. They
pat assortment sod best
ods are guaranteed as rep:
heir stock of rubbers never
Furst, presiding over the
fou court, revoked the license oi
laia’s botel at Warriorsmark,
and ogXhureday of last week the bur of
Le hee was closed agamnst all whiskey
fg Taesday brooght the first snow
Il of the season. It was cod and
swift, a reminder that coal and woud
stiou'd be looked after and supplied to
keep warm.
—e(Jur portly neighbor down on the
other corner, Mr.Juhu Rishel, was elect.
ed burgess, He cau till the bill aod the
chair, aud give free dinners betler'n any
man we know in this towon-<but must
take care the ice-cream don’t get away,
~—eeJ grseyes, white, red and blue spot-
ted at Woll's. Ladies, remember that
Jerseys are more fashionable than ever
this year, and you will do well tosee this
They also bave
Jersey cloth for children's wraps as well
as made up costs
~The members of the 1.0 GT,
of this place, wili give a select oyster
supper on Saturday evening, 7, in their
bail on second floor of vank building.
Tickets can be procured of the members
or at Dinges’ store, at 15 ots, and 25 vis,
Proceeds for the benefit if the order.
wee of the most" valuable farms in
Centre county, that of Wm. Harter, late
of Aaronsburg, dec'd, is offered at public
sale in the Kuronrtex This farm ba
vever known a failure in crope, being
thoroughly sheltered on all sides, and al-
ways cultivated in the highest manner.
Read adv. in another column,
wee Col, Mackey, Ed. and Evan Bianob«
ard, Hon. 8, Gilliland, Dan’t Hess, Joho
LI. Thompson, and other “big guns” along
the line of our railroad had a jaunt to
Centre Hail on last Friday afternoon to
look at its improvements, As we arrived
on the train they mounted to depart, we
could not post them on the re
from Centre Hall to the different com-
ercial centres of the world,
~ If you want to have a railroad ride
“around a ring,” you can get it from any
point on our road, via Bellefonte, Lock
Haven, Williamsport, Moutandon, aud
Lewisburg to Centre Hall or startin
point in Centre county. The circle is 5%
miles in diameter on a B line, which is
big enough to prevent Jad nem from
“swinging around the ©.” A bridal
pair will find this a splendid “weddiv
ring” for a railroad trip, while i1hrooy
‘entre county two short tunnels will
je Mtg thrown in for a little extra kiss.
cnn MS MAA A
Cleveland, 0, Nov, 1 <The town of
Geneva, is burning. The
j t to the destruction of half th
Williamsport, Oct, 31.—Early this
morning a collision occurred on the
Philadelphia and leading road on the
bridge across the White Deer creek, be-
tween a freight and coal train, The
freight left White Deer, bound for Will-
iamsport, and stopped in the centre of
the bridge for the purpose of looking af
ter a bot ax!e on one of the cars, Thecoal
train reached the station and thinking
that the track was clear ahead the engi-
ueer, after receiving an order from the
operator, pushed on at a rapid speed.
Before reaching the bridge he slacked op
and looked out at the bend and not see-
ing any tight or signal of dauger he en-
tered the bridge, Before he was awara
of anything his engine was crashing into
the rear of the freight. A cracking noise
followed and the span of the bridge gave
way, and the bridge, engine of the coal
train and thirteen oars were horled into
the creek, a distance of about thirty
The cars and their contents were piled
on top of one another in a confased mass,
The engineer of the coal train and the
fireman were buried in the debris,
When they were dog ont they ‘were
f und uuinjured. The loss has not yet
1 een estimated.
wee Mother : Papa, will we Wurst fry
to Sapper? Fapa: Could nothing beter
on the table cowe, to it set me Coffee,
Bread and Bebweitzer cheese,
Dearest Clara, will we
this Evening not to the Theatre go?
Clara: Nothing would me betier please,
then could we to the House come when
Papa and Mama in the Bed bad gone,
and no one would us disturb,
Mother : Jolin walk swift to the
Doctor, say him quickly to come, the
Hannah did the Cellar tumble down apd
did her maoch hurt do.
Wife: George, see the neighbor
Behmidt bis preity Carriage in which he
nig Wife pleasme drives; and me you
keep only an old Cart. Husband: Al
true, dear Maria, bot that is the SBebhmid:
bis second Wife.
come io————
Mrs. Mary A. Dailey, of Tunkhannock,
Pa., was afflicted for six years with asth-
ma and bronchitis, during which time
the best physicians could give no relief
Her life was despaired of, until in last
October she procured a bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery, when immediate
relief was felt, and by continuing its use
for a short time she was completely
cured, gaining in flesh 50 ibs in 8 few
months. Free bottles of this certain cure
of all throat and lung diseases at J. Zel-
ler & Son's drug store, Bellefonte, Large
bottle $1.
we (J COT GE
- A — .
The best blood purifier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ers. Inactivity of the li
ver, biliousness,
any disense of the urinary
whosever requires an appetizer, tonic or
wild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the best and only cure known.
They act surely and quickly, every bot
tie guaranteed to give ent re satisiaction
or money refunded. Sold
bottle at J.
a §
Zeller & Son's
ug store,
Wrage, fringes, |
raid and wool iaces—
moroseness, and despondency, dyspepsia,
constipation, piles, and debility are com-
monly doe to a morbid liver. These ail
mets are readily removed and cured by
Simmou's Liver Regulator—a purely veg-
etable tonic, cathartio and alterative,
Hundreds of letters from those using
Ayer's Hair Vigor attest to its valve ss a
restorer of gray bair to ite pataral color,
As a stimulant and ‘ouic, preventing and
often curivg baldness, ie] cleansing and
sootning the scalp, its use cannot be too
stroogly recommended,
—t ——
It will not disappoint you. it is the
hest article known for purifying the
blood aud boilding up the health and
strength. For 20 years erysipelas broke
out in blotches on my face. 1 found no
care until 1 used Parker's Tonic two
years ago. Ii is the menicine for me. —
ECH nov
: a an
“We do not have to recoramend Park.
er's Hair Balsam bot once,” writes C, A,
Burger, druggist, of Liberty, N. Y. “Af
ter that it stands on its record.” It stops
failing hinir, restores original color, soft
ness Bud gloss, Exceptionally clean,
prevents daadrafl. nov
ssirissannsn MAP MP OA wo
A great many people will contract large
doctor bills or dose themselves with qui-
nine, which injures the system without
reaching the seat of the disease, Kel.
ler's Catarrh Remedy will positively ef-
fect a speedy cure,
Trial proves that honesty is the best
policy in medicine as well as in other
things. Ayed’s Barsaparilis is)a genuine
preparation, an unequalled blood purifi-
er, decidedly superior to all others,
Rheumatism, gout and neuralgia are
generally caused by urea in the blood, ar d
it is one of the special Rrupertjos ot Dr.
Richm nd's Samaritan Nervine to eradi-
cate all these disorders,
and by far the Most Readable,
Agents wanted to eam
money in distributing the Sun's Pre-
The most interesting and advantas
geous offers ever made by any News.
0 riber i or neglected.
Something for all,
Beautiful and Sabstantial Preminins in
Standard Gold and other Watches, Valuabin
Books, the Bost Pamily Sewing Machine
known to the trade, and an eb
of objects of real utility and instruction,
Rates, by Mail, Postpaid:
DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 00
DAILY; por Month without Sundar 50
SUNDAY, per Year wily,
pler fi
Pver: ‘Line ls good and
there are no sdoiterations;
fault is on the side of profusion,
the large towns cook shops abr
Sheep nre roasted whole in oven
sold hot by theslico. The sheep’ bs
and feet are boiled separately and
preparation and sale is a trade in itself
But the edible most in favor among ail
classes in Persia is the kabab, Then
are two varieties of kabab, One is mud
from minced mutton which is chonyed
with a few onions into a paste fine w
sausage meat, earefnlly moni
fire and sold and eaten hots This &
kabab of the bazaar, the deli
At the dinner h
breakfast hot
gurround the
Fach man c
1 5 %
(3 Ove
toasted over on fierce cling
lower classes.
set) and at the
kabab sellers.
bread, which is usually
two feet long, a foot wi
inch thick. The customer
kababs, hot from the fire, in his
and either sits down and ea
and there or takesthe meal ho
family. In
roast meat can be obtained
penny to threepence a head
price of a single skewer of the stea
delicacy is but a halfpenny. Jars
taining about half & pint of ho
a He:
Ba Call 1
any cose, a
for from
for the
and savory meat soup are sol
penny. These form the invariable meal
of the Persian soldier, if he can afford it
ith the
The meat is pounded and served w
soup or eaten afterward as a separat
3ut in Persia, as in the rest of
the Fast bread, rice or dates are
real food —the meat merely the sane
bonne bouche. Persians of all ages
and are
if there
very fond of confectionery,
stantly devouring sweets,
generall pure and good: be
little variety in color, n n
being white, and nearly all are flay
lower class
sian will eat several pounds of
with lemon juice. The y-
cucumbers or apricots for a meal;
eat onions as we eat apples. P
ates and melons are in great demas
food, an wih
fourbes n
nutritious weumbers are
ag a fruit an
ties by rich and poor
indigestible. Sey
Grapes in
most delici
long grape, whic!
gnltana. &
. wr
made by adding «
to the tiny
the tasie
rennet or
in a few
day, it
it becomes 3
good any time. In
pref red and
SUZAT OF Grape sugar.
and dyed a gay color are much eaten;
from forty to fifty can be had for nine-
These things, then, the
cheap and waried diet of the working
Beef, is by them;
pnéver by the well-to-do.
at Bln»
penoe, orn
classes too eaten
It may be asked what suggested the
idea that the sun may be blue rather
than any other color?
tion was first directed this way many
years ago when measuring the heat and
light from different parts of the sun's
disk. It is known that the sun has an
atmosphere of its own, whizh tempers
its heat, and by cutting off certain radia-
tions, and not others, produces the speo-
tral lines we are all familiar with. These
lines we customarily study in connection
with the absorbing vapors of sodium,
iron and so forth, which produce them;
but my own sitention was particularly
given to the regions of absorption, or to
the color it eaused; and I found that the
sun's body must be deeply bluish, and
that it would shed blue light, except
for this apparently colorless solar atmod-
phere, which really plays the part of a
reddish veil, letting a little of the blue
sppear on the center of the sun's disk
where it is thinnest, and staining the
edge red. so that to delicate tests the
center of the sun is a pale aqua marine
and its edge a garnet. The effect 1
found to be so important that, if this ali
but invisible solar atmosphere were dim-
jnished by but a third part, the tempera.
ture of the British Islands would rise
above that of the torrid zone, and this
directed my attention to the great prac
tical importance of studying the action
of our own terrestrial atmosphere on the
sun, and the antecedent probability that
our own air was also and independently
making the really blue sun into an ap-
parently white one.
My own siten
The best salve in the world for euts
sores, (etter, chapped bands, chilblaing,
corns, and al skin eroptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or Go pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satistoc-
tion, or money refunded, Price 26 cents
# box, For sale by J. Zeller & Bon, Belle-
fonte, dogyists jan7y
AL Varmers Mills, Oot, 20. Jacob Reese, aged 2
years, ¥ mouths
In Miles twp
and J
OK. 2
ary J. Finull, age
Pa, will
gant of Aarons
the following +
Whereas lhe on h
wy Ma
17, having asus
od pt me
Over a5d o
Garter Nes
) of i
Le done, and FOLGE
am . rain md
ere 10 prose
is against Lhe prises that
uf Centre count 6 then and t
niled Plales.
i year of the ix
the {
Cat Hag
Hye Hiraw
Whos! plored
Jal Sire. .
per bu 1
ove . snene pisos per ib i
I0Kuinniies - wossseime en PET bg 1
XY Pectory, cholo
Uhiio, fal, A
Pitted Chervies.....
Biack berrics
Tub Washed
Unwashed —————— .
Cholee Ge wp
Chicken "
farkey, as to
Biden, Dry... ocmersnsiose
LBL, BRINE crear ci sarin sisinions
Hides, Green, Steer...
Sheep Skins, per piece...
Lard, Country lots, prime...
Tallow, Solid ey
Honey in Ustad...
Uouniry Soap...
Sgrice Current mut
Rn 4%
to Market Fluctuat!
Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1885,
{Corrected Weekly.)
Chicago. Philadelphia
85% ~81
40 we {0
254 3G
Pork 8.50
Lard 5874
Baxvsr Waits, Jr, Com'n Broker
2iSouth Third Burress.
Wheat -<Red. one
White & Mixed...
1, 85 ears
BUR WRI es snnssrsssstniss some veimmnisnsn
Sasseiivmsssnssrssorsess su
Ssovorsend SIR... cream a
Timothy BOO co conincinsirmminsi rims inion .
Pinster, ground und par BOB BP
Flour, per aaa eo Se Sakasi
sutter 1 Taiyo: Ian
18; ita Br Par aa 8 “
per dosen, 13 cunts.
7: how Si, Chinn, 49; Stove, 5.00
Bulbor...counrivivivn es 18
Hu 1%
Shou %
mm boone
Wanted at the Centre Hall Rovien Mui, for
HT Se a
Sots ats do a
A a ek
Potatoes, wa
hom ma