THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor, ho a Ey UrNTRE —————— STABBED EVERY ONE THEY MET. “Hazy, Pa, Serr. 30, 1885. Two Brothers with a Bloodthirsty Concep~ tion of the Way of Having Fun, Scranton, Sept. 22.—Patrick and Thos. Walsh, brothers, of Winton, 25 and 20 years old, respectively, attended a pic-nic in the school house grove near Jessup, a few miles north of Scranton. One of the brothers stepped up behind Patrick Lynch at the pic-nic and plunged a koife into his neck, later they stabbed Owen Loftus in the neck, making a wound nearly two inches in length, When they left the picnic for Winton, at 11 p. m, they were accompanied by another young man. They had gone but a short distance up the public highway when one of them threw a stone ata par- ty ahead of them. It hit James Burke on the head and knocked him senseless, Burke was accompanied by his brother Edward and James Cawley. Edward Burke told Cawley to take care of his brother, and he ran back to ses who had thrown the stove, One of the Walsh boys grabbed him around the waist and stabbed him five times before they let him go. He was wounded under shoulder blade, in the neck and back and in one arm. He was taken to a house near by, and this morning it was thought that he would die, INTIME OF PEACE PREPARE FOR PEACE. Changes of climate, diet and water, oft- times atmospheric changes alone, will subject some member of the family to cholera morbus, dysentery, etc, when that wail of misery in the ‘wee sma’ hours of the night” announce the fact, and you are sent from your comfortable bed across lots or down back alleys for a doctor, 'twonld be a good time to reflect that bad you only secured a bottle of Curtis’ Carmelite Cordial in time, you could with a few drops have headed off the attack, and saved a doctor's bill, and secured a peaceful night's rest, Disaatis- fied purchasers can have their money refunded. Jonxsrox, HorLroway & Co, Philadelphia Agents, For habitual constipation, biliousness, sick headache, torpidity of the liver, con- gestion of the kidneys, malaria and all complications arising from a degenerated condition of the bowels, liver or kidneys, McDonald's Improved Liver Pills can be depended upon for certain and perma. nent relief; as a dinner pill, gentle ca- thartio and safe aperient, they are with- out an equal. Money refunded to dissat- isfied purchasers Jouxstox, Horroway & Co, Philadelphia Agents. mr simi MA CURED BY LAYING ON OF HANDS, Reading, Pa, Sept. 20.—The particolars of a remarkable care by the laing on of hands comes from Lancaster twp. Lan- caster county, Miss Carrie Linter, an only daughter of wealthy parents, was afflicted with spinal disease. Her case was considered hopeless. She was cou- Sized to bed unable to move. Twelve physicians were tried, inciodiog many from New York and Philadelphia, but none afforded her any relief, She was then induced to try a cure by the laying on of hands, No medicine was admin- istered. She almost immediately sat up, sauch to ber own surprise and that of her friends, and she then arose and walked about. She considered herself cared. She goes out riding and attends to household duties. People go to the Aouse from far aud near to confirm what they have heard. ts MAG — Ap How young old people look who have wiever been sick, and who never worry and fret. How old young people look who fret and stew and suffer pain—all at once. But we can’t altogether help our disposition, and we will sometimes get out of sorts in spite of all cantion. Then wwe need the best, the simplest and safest wedicine known, which is Dr, Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, Purifies the blood end renews vitality in old and young. sp BARNUM'S CIRCUS TENT COOL. LAPSES, Titusville, Pa., Sept. 22. —Barnum’s cir- Cos tent met with a bad accideut this af- {ernoon. The big teat, holding 10,000 wpeciators, suddenly collapsed in 8 vio fent wind and rain storm. Half of the people were inside but cnt their way Shrovgh with their knives or crept out under the circus canvass, Twenty-five persons were ipjured. There was no stampede among the elephants or dis. turbance in the menagerie in the other tents as they stood up in a gale of wind. The loss to the company in their ruined tent and evening exhibition will be thousands of dollars, but the show will appear as usval at Oil City in a new tent to morrow, Who has not heard or 0 not or been the recipi- eal of benefits derived from using N. fi Downs’ Elixir, a never failing remedy for all discases of throat, chest and lungs, Ione are too poor to get cured of all bil. ious, diseases by the use of Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, as they only cost 35 aiment for horses, 's Arnica and Oil Lin. , bruises and lame. Down at once. Sold at Murray's, Centre sep —————— JACK LAPORTE GUI : LTY IN THE SECOND DEGREE, THE DIRECTIONS FOLLOWED. — The celebrated Dr. Rankin says, re- cently, an old German, by the uae of Nunsen, called at my office for treatment for an ill-conditioned ulcer on the leg. I presoribed carbolic acid, one-half ounce in ope quart water; bathe ulcer twice daily. The druggist, W. L. Leland, who filled the prescription, attached to the bottle the enstomary poison label, which read as follows : CARBOLIC ACID, POISON. Axroors. —Emetic made by mixing one tablespoonful of mustard in warn water, or grease in warm water. After. ward whisky or other stimulants. W. L. Leraxp, Goop Luck Druo Sronr, Cariore, Io. In about two weeks the patient who lives with his not over-wise son-in-law, sent the bottle back by his son-in-law to have the bottle refilled. When it was presented the following conversation ensued : “I want a pint of fiskey,” said the son-in-law, “We dont sell it,” replied the drug- gist. “What do you want it for?” “ Vhell, I guess it don't make some difference. Vhat you dinks about dot? “ What do you waat it for ?” “¥y, Dr. Quigley's directions said to use it.” “No, you must be mistaken, for the directions don’t mention it.” Pointing to the antidote on the label : * You read dot.” “Did you do as this reads?” “Yaw ; vo gif him der grease und dex mustard, but don't haf der fishey."” «T should have thought it would have made him sick.” * Yaw, it make him sick enough, wo don't haf der fishey to gif him.” “How often did you give lum mustard and the grease “Elery time wo vash the leg—two Hmes a day.” but the SPR JONES TOOK IT BACK. “Say dear,” said an Evansville wife to ber husband, “thst dime you gave me this morning for milk was no good.” “Didn't give you no bad dime” growled Jones ** Yon did too, | guess 1 know.” “No, I never. You've been getting some dangel something down town, and they gave it to you in change. Women ain't got no sense no how.” “ Put you hsnded it to me yoursell” “DARL” * Yes you did and I want you fo take it back.” “I won't" “Yes yon will, yon ol “Won't.” “Well you just will you don't. 11 haven't got sense.” At noon Mrs Jones was all smiles, and waited on her hushand so nicely that he felt like telling her that he had given her the dime, and was sorry, and would give her another, but cons cluded he would wait Hill evening. As she handed him a nice piece of pie, she remarked : ** William, you'll have to eat this in a harry ; it's nearly time to go to the office.” William bolted it dows, bul all of a sndlen mgged, and then wal lowed somethiv - ns if it hurt him, “Mary Jane,” said he, “1 jist swale lowad gometling that didn't feel right. What do you suppose could have got into that pie 7" “ How did it feel, William #” “Oh, sorter bard and round.” “Well, I gnos« it was that dime. You said I conldu't make you take it back, but 1 guess you've got it now. You may keep iL.” Jones is still keeping it EE ribbons or 1 wretoln now ; you see il show you if women DECIDED ACCORDING TO LAW, Judge Sanford loves a good story, cl which his telling this to one of the jary et the recent term of the court is proof. Mecting a man recently when walking in the streets of Hartford, he was some- what abruptly but cordially greeted, when the following conversation oe curred. “Don't you know me, Judge?” “Ro, sir. 1am sorry to say I have not that honor.” “Why, Judge, I wus on the jury in Litchfield when the——case was tried that made so much talk.” ** I remember the trial very well, and I remember this, that the decision of the jury was simply outrageous.” “ Outrageous, Judge —otutrageous? What do you mean! I tell you this: wo did not care a continental for what you said Woe decided the case as we ought—according to law I” msi a II Be A German paper has eollected the fol. lowing bulls: “After the door was closed, a soft female foot slipped into the room, and with her own hand extin- guished the taper.” * The chariot of revolution is rolling onward, and goash- ing its tooth ss it rolls.” ‘The Ladies’ Denell alton hos distributed twenty shoes among the , which will dry up many a tear A was sitting ai the table enjoying a cup of pe when a gentle voice the shoulder. I lesked around and saw A NOTED REVIVAL, Sn BE po a nS Two young men began ihe work in tho summer of 1799. They were broth. ars, preachers, ond on their way across the pine barrens to Ohio, but turned aside to be present at on sacramental solemnity on Red River. The people were accustomed to gather at such times on Friday, and by praying end singing and hearing sermons, prepare them- selves for the reception of the sacrament on Sunday. At the Iled River meeting the brothers were agkad to preach, and one did 8» with astonishing fervor. As he spoke the people were deeply moved, tears ran streamivg down their faces, and one, a woman far in the rear of the house, broke through order and began to shout. For thiee hours after the regular preachers had gone the crowd lingered and were loth to depart. While they tarried one of the brothers was irresistibly impelled to sp ale He rose and told them that he felt ealled to preach, that he could not be silent. The words which then fell from his lips roused the people before him to a *'pun- gent sense of sin.” Again and again the woman shouted, and would pot be silent. He started to her. The crowd begged hia to turn back him urged him on, and ho went through the house shouting and exhorting and praising God. In a moment the floor, to use his own words, ** was covered with the slain.” Their cries for mercy were terrible to hear. Bome found forgiveness, but many went away ‘spiritually wonnded " snd suffered unutterablo soul Nothing could excitement. Every sottlement and the Cumberland was full of relig ious fervor. Men fitted Something within ngony of the along the Green River allay hear bim preach. The ides was new hundreds adopted it and camp meet began. Al the Cane Ridge 20,000 wero encamped, Thy excitement surpassed anything that had been knows. Men who came to sooff yemsined to preach. All day and all night the crowd swarmed to and fro from preacher to preacher, singing, shouting, laughing; pow rushing off to listen {o some new exhorter, bad upon a stump; now gathering around some un- fortunate who, in their peculiar lan. guage was *‘spiritually slain” Boon men and women fell in such numbers that it became impossible for the multi tude to move about widliout trampling them, aud they were hLurrigd to thy meeting-house. At po time was the floor lees than half covered. Some lay quiet, unable to move or speak; some talked, but could not move; some beat the floor with their heels; some, shriek- ing tn egony, bounded aboud, it is said, like a Live fish out of welor; many lay down and rolled over and over for hours st a time; others rushed wildly over the stumps and benches, and then plunged —shionting * Lost | lost I"—into the for- eat, meeting who climbed — AD EI rs————— A NAVAL DISCUSSION, “1 remember on one oesasocy 1 foi lowed in a very fast frigate (my flagship) the Emperor of Russia's yacht Lisndia too near to the fire of the forts of Bebas- topol. 1 say too near, because I drew on my ship such a fire that had I not ‘cleaved pretty quickly out of that'l should not have been here to-day to fell the story. Binee the war n Russian naval officer, whose namie wes Uspl Makaroff, the Emperor of Russia, told me that he had under his command seven torpedo boats, with which he volunteered to go oub~in the day time, if must be remem- bered—and attack me. We disonasad al gome length the probable result, and I think that even he admitted that he econld have done nothing. Here is my view and argument. I said to him: ‘When I saw you and your torpedo boats coming out, 1 should have run Now, Y eonld go thirteen or four- teen knots, Yon esuld steam about pineteen. Thus your speed (oflowing me would have been about five kuots-— no great speed at which to approach a vessel armed to the teeth with Norden. feldt goms—guns on barbette firing grape, shrapnel, eto. I am convinced that we should have destvoyed all the torpedo boats, and this, I believe, wonld be the fate of any day attack sttemptled by them.’ * Well, then,’ said my friend, ‘I should have followed and attacked yon during the night’ ‘There again,’ I said, ‘I tiunk you would have failed; beeause if you had been in range of my small guns as well as of shell, say at about 8,000 yards, before dark I should have destroyad you, After dark I should have changed my course, aud how would you have found me? However, syppos- ing that 1 had stopped fa the night and put kown my defences, what would you have done? I don't think a ship can be seen 50 as 10 be fired at a dis- ance of more than 400 yards on a dork $ a" a moving ship would be a still moye difficult mark. If a torpedo boat came nearer than 400 yards she would have been caught by the line of I have thonght it gid-de-camp to his Majesty, away W . NIH y -t rr bis medicine, sombining lion vi vegetable tonics, quickly cnn Cures Dyspepuing Indigestion, Weakness, Impore Blood, Malaria, Chills and Fevers, und Neurnixin. It iz an uniiting remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys nnd liver, It is invaluable for Discnses ar to Women, and ail who lead sedentary lives, Itdoes not inhire the teeth, cause headache or produce constipation—aother Jron medicines do It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re- lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the museles and nerves, For Intermittent Fevers, Lessitude, Lack of Energy, &¢., it has no equal, Ag The genuine has shove treds mark and crossed red nes on wrarper. Take no other Bade only by BROWN CHEMICAL (0, BALT INGORE, BD nnd letely wernt of £4 odie old or cough will eflecl 8 wx snd juny, very possibly, sat po doubt whatever that Lupe! Ban kver's Gheny Pectoral ras preserved the lives of great { Try hy arresting the development of aryngitis, Bronehitis, Pnenmonia, d Pulmonary Consumption, end by irerons maladies ft for nse in every hitdren, ss ft fx a bn thas of those dag uid ve Kent where there are « fiein r supepior 10 all others dment of Croup, the alleviati y Whooping Cough, and the cure of Colds i Influenza, silmenis peculiarly inci ented to cldidhood and youth, From dealing with aif di is of the uimost ir rea fur i § fie in jas constantly ; , but take at cooe te speed Lest ceriaiu (0 gure, * ¥ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREVARED DY De J, C Ayer & Cx beg 7 fo madid HAIR BALSAM the poplar favorie for drpwing the halr, Besdoring 8 ooloyr when gray, sd preventidg Dio drafl. Ii cleabees the soap, stops the hair faling, snd bs # vers te phones. Won RE vier $4 Dragon The Best Cough Care you can use. Recomanended by emioont physdclane. Popular for fis well known properties of perifying (he up the health and frength. Tt waders carps of Sorofuls, Rbeutsation, Throat, Lung, Lives, fey, and Hervons disease, aad had brought dweedih and comfort 0 ousands of pufforing women, 11s property of indreading the y of the blood, renders It bo of fective in yoviving (he vial ensrgios that 3t oftm mes Nfs, If you seller from Debliity, Skin Erop- tions, Cough, Consumplion, Asthms, Dyspepeis, Bowel, Liver, K oy. of other lunes, Your bieod is defective and Is Joding Me power to nourish and sustain fw system, Don’t wilt till you are sick In bed, but see Passes Toxic today, It will give you aw D0 and HISOOR & 00, KL. Bod val Lasse saving buying 1 Som, Make over Yi por pent profit sel {ng the Family ; ik ORE fn aad of “60% 87. Loum, x. ordi "Fe RR ! Ro ! TRE CPYAY LOLA Unfalling © spit FOR |, H LIAITSOLT Ling Joga, § longue co in the Lack of the skins the urs sliowed 10 stand, ¢ UPpEArABOs Iosnens LEE t sep fit. SIMMONS + LIVER + REGULATOR Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tors pid Liver to a healthy action. Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using this medicine, The Begulator scis w! system, diet or occup Ydver, and Nature ring herself, causes the bile to act as the purge, The excess of bile bei 2 removed, a tonie effect is produced, and healtn is perfecBy restored, 4 Regulates the Dowels and Removes CONSTIPATION, It isa CERTAIN CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. The Regulator contains no quinine, mineral, or anything that will injure the most delicate pas tient, and is given w afely and the happlost results 10 the mont delicate infant, or all Gis. eases in which a Inxative, alterative or purgative is needed it will give the perfect, satisfaction, The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! pep { THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS =x LIVER REGULATOR! the rod Z thont disturbance to the It regulate # the nowt Cn tt e that you got the genuine, with 3 I, prepaced only vy ZEILIN & CO., 13 ra pp J. H SOLE PROPRIETORS, PHILADE HIA PA I ———— sn AB0UT PHOSPHATES ¢ sphate Rock is 1 Fa a A ad os 5 ATE Wi ALLE VOCE i 3 | Ammoniated Amimal B We are the ] g has 1so analysis, Nome ether is genuine & SONS, Philadelphia AUCH'S $25 PHOSP | Bo CHS $2 5 PHOS HATE $s not S ue wy =m ur "oa “4 My, 8 seams Botes, 1 is roads fromm Boe of Ostile sisag tered st the Absttonr and sisugiter bonnes of Philadeiphis We are wore Salling Buy's Moieily Pere Hew Home Bos’, wiv Beugh's Esady ved Pore bodes’ Boros Bt vers oon, 14 would serprise faves Lo know how very low they i —— wis procure these brands ( We supply fertilizers for all crepe. Bend your name and sadree and we will mall you our Phesphate Gulden, BLULH & BONE, 20 5. Del, Ave, Phila, Pa, ow A of Got v HN vive “ wi ow wi HARPER & KREAMER, Centre F ull, Have just opened in or 1: Yana 3 snd Degt Booms it SS AE TEE TPE -—A COMPLETE | DRY GOODS, kN .y ws iiliah {OILS GLASSWARE, QUENNSY 3 ES. A¥ & COFI We offer bargaios iT COUNTY. COME AXD EEE 1 All kinds ot? P nee taken, and Highest Market Prices Pal wait »3 fi fdirnpe ines Se. SALARIES aod copinres g speentwal, Full swilvuctions {1 EY ithe pd wa i Acdress, Loe CLARE & MERRICK, Brighton, 4. Y. How bosler Lome saagt pani of £8 fhraire, Hewes PRT RR” 3. 8 Ro Large Stock of Furniture ! : where. We quote a few sixty days. Big Reduction in Prices! prices” i i i § } i 3 i i Cards— Attorneys. SBT EE A BR SHOR JO, - h “ SH AOR AEA MOA ¥. FORTNEY, Avtornoysal. Law, eC. P. BAT LAW, Hewes BEEY-AT- LAW, BELLEFOETE, PA Office on second floor of Forst's sew building north of Court Houge, € JBN F. POTTER, £ font ts Alornoy-at romiiy made nul n given to those bavi or progerty tor sale, Will ds cknowiedged Deeads, Mori Bellefonte, Fa. ¢ yecinl allentio i o "Ww bonds &c. J. H. ORVIE « {= IS, BOWER Al BRNEYEAT-LAW TE, PA the Court House, on 2 OWER i ORV] A Le Dentists, a —— Ds A lla W. HOSTE} Als, Dentist, Centre Ha) 8 § hurch recs, oppo YWill Ive sniise of his profession, 14nar SEA he Otlice Bl resid BRC « a} 1 MM 1 ite Lutherar fl his lie, He is GPerslions fre e nut in ibe 3F¥ HOUER, ERY ET... BR! ' £1 Y 1% * cMilLLEN, ] opr First Floor. giate, : te Llerme vers y ¢F Lag , &¢ suc re for medicw % y ow VARS BROTHERS, PRODUCE MMISSION MERCHANTS, LAA . Water Street, Philadelphia, Pa. cuts of all Kinds of Country Produce fuick Sales, Good Prices aud Prom ri We have exoclient facili good prices for Botwer. Yeu, e Or dress d) Lard, Tallow, Cheese i, (dried or fresh.) Corn, Oats, Hay, Jin fact, everyihing the farmer prc duces, either in oar loads or Small ray thot stencils and price lets Parnished froe : P &&-We refer 10 Wie editor of this paper. cow HELP for the working people. Send 10 cis, 4 postage and we will maf] you free, a rarsl, valuable sample box of " ron in the way of Daking me darn than jou evel thou SF poust Capital not required. You caf live st bome and work in spare time © or all the time. Al of both sexes, of alisgen, grandly sucesso, 51 cents to £5 eanily earned every evening. 10st all who want work may teri the business. we make this weparai ieled offer: To all are nol well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for tHe trouble of writing os. partieulars , directions, 10. sent free, Immense pay sbwolutely sure for all who start at once. ont de lay. Address, STINSON & Uo, od, Maine. goofy thet will pus money in & fe @ 8 any business. fan Send ix cents for postage, and receive Prize, free un costly bex of goods which will help yon to more money right avay of an hing ise in this weesa, All, of ir BER, rom tr» : ap, Tus booad gh ww vig opens before "We Babe ely sure. Al once J HUE & Uo, &sgosin, Mains, dre SA LESMENSAS:ir, | reliable men 1 act as © cur New Fruits and Specialties | together with a full Noe of NURSERY Y Previous espetionee not’ Ry Tak For terms a cose ACTIVE MEN EARN GOOD WAGES address, giving fall name, and » Hoopes, Brother & Thomas fn Penn's,