The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 12, 1885, Image 8

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Cextre Harn, Pa, Ava. 12 1885,
on mt —— -
TrrMS. —$2 per year in advance, $2.00
when not in sdvencos Advertisements
20 cents per for three insertions.
One ocolum per yosr $004 colum $46.
F@Hereallor all subscribers paying
their subscription in advance, will get a
eredit of two months additional as a pres
mium on $2 in advance,
ns mc cn a n—
Besn's Arcavg, Bellefonte, Pa., 1885.
Tremendous barge fr the next month as
our stock ov t be
m $1 to 8) a pair
its 10 §1 a pair,
vere So, now 6
joods were 100, now 5C
s Gipghawms wore
thie above GOOous,
. (4 RMAN & SON.
Our store is open to” meet all
from 5:30 a. m. to © p. m,
Our prices are positively the lowest
consistent with strictly first-class goods.
Fans and parasols at a great reduction,
Summer underwear in all sizes.
Don’t fail to give us a call when in
Arcade, Bellefonte.
p———— et rst
— No more dry weather.
1e3 are in market,
— Peacl
—A new telephone has
the bank.
during the cool spell
% reset Fg
wenn { ) ¥ QTCOBAE,
were comfortable.
roller process flour,
Get a gl i
8 drug siole.
} were 8
week at $1.50 per bushel,
idress him a= James
wm § OWL CAD TiC
H. Dobbins, M.D.
movement 18 on
-A foot for a di-
vision of Ferguson township.
Bev. James Wilson will hold
communion services at Spring Mille, on
Sunday next, at 104 a, m.
-Next Sabbath
[= + will Be
Sapper will be
formed church, of place.
~The frame work of the Reformed
parsonage 1s now up, and ipdicales a
snug home fo tle
gtival will be held at
Tusseyvil le, st 20th to ZInd,
good time is promised and all are invited.
——We have been informed that Mr.
Curt Condo, who wae lying seriously ill
in some part of the west, is rapidly im.
—'The Democratic primary election
was well attended, considering the num-
ber and importance of the otiices to be
voted for.
Sunday papers are being sold regu-
jarly on our streets. The greater part of
the reading matter is sensational and not
the best for Sanday reading,
—Y ony Deininger’s planing mill has
got as far gs the finished foundation.
How soon will we hear the whistle,
Yony, and the buzz of the planers?
"There are about ten or eleven in-
straments on the telephone line to
Spring Mille, and cause considerable
confusion and difficulty in speaking. _
—eJlenry 8. Gross, a former éitizen o
Asaronsburg, and who did business the
as a merchant thirty years ago, is at
resent with his wife visiting that burg
—A new building will soon be
erected on Main street and will be vsed
as an implement store, A few more good
stores will* draw more business to this
wD), Hess, of Linden Hall, P. M,
has resigoed. * Put him down as one Re-
yablican who has sense enough to let a
Yemocratic brother have his seat at the
wwe Mr, John Hoffer, of Bellefonte, is
daily seen on our streets, He is hav-
ing the buildings on his farm repaired
and superintending the opening of the
ew stroet,
$ewMr. C. Dinges has taken the
agency for tho gleam laundry of Belle
fonte, Persons who like to gear nicoly
polished linen, can have it done up at
reasonable prices. \
* e=——lLast Thursday night a : heavy
chilling rain set in, which continued al
day Friday. The streams were much
swollen in consequence, and there were
many gullies washed in the fields.
~eeMr. F., Herlacher ia putting
on the patent fire and Dung proof
puint on roofs in this place. Itis con~
sidered one of the best p of
the kind in the market, and is the most
economical thing that can be used to reo-
old roofs.
~The Pennsylvania railroad com~
pany having draped all the stations
along their line upon the death of
General Grant, falled to drape the sta~
a a an auprum that he
or |
a station at El Sn, aan
to be
_ this
ow ou _ stalk fi
stalks ai
Tr penis 5
o of the berries. There is no
we'The Mifflinburg Union Sanday
school excursion comes to Centre Hall
on Thursday, the 18th. | The Telegraph
says: “For weeks past a committee rep-
resenting all the Sunday schools,of Mif-
flinburg have been consulting and
arranging for a grand excursion and
picnic of gil the schools, and, as a res
guilt, we are now authorized and re-
quested to announce that Centre Hall
has been selected as the place and
Thursday, the’ 13th, the time for the
holding of said picnic—to go and return
by troin on the Lewisburg and Tyrone
railroad.” Rates of fare for the round
trip are : adults, 70 cents; children, 35
cents, The MifMinburg band will be
—A Lewisburg dispatch to the Phil.
adelphia Record says: “This place is
deeply absorbed in a contest going on
between Mrs. Dr. Harrison, a niece of
ex-Senator Cameron, and Samuel H, Or-
wig, a leading lawyer. The dispute is
over a line wall botween the Cameron
Hotel, owned by Mre, Harrison, and the
residence of Mr, Orwig. Mrs, Harrison
personally stands over her workmen,
and, if they hesitate to do her bidding,
takes hold with ber own hands and
tears away the bricks and water pipes of
Mr, Orwig's residence.”
societies we have at Centre Hall. He
very sensibly omits to mention the “so-
ciety” that gives no aid to but opposes
every effort for progress and improve-
ment. We have that breed of kittens
had their way there would be very little
to do for our mechanics and working
men. Fomenters of jealousies and
sary evils,
ee Parties wanting to visit the cay
by railroad have frequently inquired
far itis from Centre Hall station, It is
three miles and almost level road. This
is about as near as can be reached by
If trains on our railroad are run fo
make close connections east there will be
a great deal of travel over it from Belle-
fonte and points west, as it would
shorten the trip one hour.
——If vou are a member of a church,
a Good Templar or a man of conscien-
tious scruples, you can get a glass of
furray’s sparkling soda water and will
eel all the better for it,
—_ Michael Derstine, alter serving an
apprenticeship of three years in Camp's
:binet sbope, at this place, expects to
il one of John B. Gough's popular
Persons living in Penn's Valley
can make a trip to Bellefonte by rail
and return at two periods of the dav,
while people at Bellefonte can make but
one trip to this valley and retam in two
days. Strange how queer it is.
hands with Mr.
burg, who made
county last week, and thinks we have a
rich and fine country here. Mr. Kinter
railroad station,
eeMrs. David Witmer, formerly of
Aaronsbnrg but now of Wisconsin, is
visiting at William Woll"s and other rel
stives in our valley, preparatory to ber
departure for Loa Angelos, Cal., where
she thinks of making her future home
with her two sons.
~—(o to A. C. Mingle's, in the Brock-
erhoff House block, if you want a bar-
sain in auything in the line of boots and
shoes ; everything he keeps is first-class
goods of its kind and warranted.
a railroad trip to buy boots and
Dr. Runkle, of Philadelphis, for-
merly of this place, is up here on a
visit. He looks fine, and is having a
Judge Runkle, deceased,
at Bellefonte last Saturday. Ex ove
erpor Curiin presided over a crowaed
andience in the court house. The exe
governor 1aade a short & , and wus
followed by General Beaver, Rev. William
Laurie, Judge Hay and Senatcr Alexan-
der. Deep solemnity and interest pre-
vailed. All the business places in town
were closed.
A fatal disease is prevailiog ao
the hogs in the vicinity of Newark,
The disease strikes the animal suddenly,
and after staggering awhile they fall over
and die in convulsions,
—We are told that a snake about
asighteen inches in length was found in
one of the second story bed rooms of
the dwelling of Mr, doe, of this
place, a few days ago. How it got up
stairs is the query. Maybe it went up to
take & usp or frighten the little ones.
The house to be bailt oo the
Fisher lot, on East Church street, in this
Jace, by M. M. Musser, of Aaronsbuirg,
- been let to Howard Homan. .
Homan will also build a house for kim
gelf near the station next summer.
The Culinary Wire Basket or
cooking potatoes, meats, cabbage, egge,
etc. They can be placed in it and then
in your eooklag vessa!, The basket, be-
ing constru of wire, allows the heat
from the steam to penetrate, thorozghiy
cooking the contents uniformiy, a0 will
not burn them. By the nse of the Cali.
pary Dasket great trouble is avoided in
so often cleaning your pol, as your
meats, vegetables, ete, while cooking,
are prevented lu coming in contact wi
else than the wire sibs, gnd when lifiing
vegetables, etc., it can be dong without
da x of scalding the hands. 46 Ko FE0-
ket 18 provided with a bail, E. Z. Milipr,
Milroy, agent for Centre county, Get
one, augl2-4t
Among the leading establishments
of Ceatre Hall, and one which out town
ean foul, ro § hcia Cumin Tiadeare
store, Ww r asuetih égance
and varisty of goods, Will ro with
any in the county, His Aono
will appear vext week.
~The Democratic county con
tion on Tuesday ns usoal,
ed the actions of Pattison,
and the
Ere re oa
p p 0 n
oe out t ty excursion tickets
ere sold at thin station :
wie POE nae
. A. BR, encampment
The Fost of this nly J
wisn Merchant in
branches 2 ont at the Philad. an
tailor 0 experience superintends all
utmost satisfaction guaran
eStats) rales
The Democratic County Conven-
tion met at Bellefonte on Tuesday, the
1ith. The convention wns opened at
2o'¢lock p.m. The attendance was not
as large as previous conventions, owing
to the few nominations to be made. Mr.
L.'T. Manson, of Bellefonte, was unani-
mously chosen as president.
The work before the convention was
to make nominations for jury commis.
sionor, coroner, and elect delegates to
other business of
lows: For jury commissioner, John
Rhone, of Spring; for coroner, I, K.
Hoy, of Dellefonte ; delegates to the
state convention, D. C. Keller, B. F.
Hunter, L, G, Lingle and C, M. Bower,
J. N. Cassinova was elected as delegate
to the State Central Committee, and
County Coramittee,
market. Try a sack.
~The Twelfth
the lest in the
Williams' Grove, Cumberland coun ty
Pa, on Monday, August 31, 1885, and
continne until Monday, September 7th.
Excursion rates at reduced fare will be
arranged over the principal
Pennsylvania and adjoining states,
RK. H. Trouas,
Manager Inter-State Pienic Exhibi-
tion, Mechanicsburg, Ya,
has commenced laying brick for the new
Lutheran church in this place, and is as-
sisted by five or gix hands. With
force ths work is progrsseing rapidly.
The bricks sre laid 1a black mortar,
which has a slight bioish tint.
carrie Sare~Mr, J. C. Rankin
will be at Centre Hall on Angust 17th
with one hundred head of fine cattle,
which will be offered for sale. Aunys
body desiring choice cattle should see
him. avgh-dt
—We understand that lots 606x165
feet. can now be bad at the low rates of
from $100 to $125, on Hoffer street. Per-
sons wishing to purchase should do so al
they can be bad very long al these
—Korman’s siore, at Oak
| now open and ready to sell all ]
dry goods and groceries. The sl
all new, and t y'
low as in Delle
and encourage it
Call at
~—Merchani lail
{ delphia Draoch, and satisfacti
| teed. An experienced
thet Tanaris
thas deparumens
{ Mgr. EpitoR:
! township have a]
six to look after the histles, an
peo that they
i Any person neg!
fine of fifteen Any person in-
{ jure d ean remove them and recover 1wo
dollars a day for their time from the
nereon owning the land, This commit
toe will enforce the law where itis found
peccssary. 1his is what ever township
should do at once.
We are sorry to state that our neigh-
bor, Peter D. Phillips, fireman, met wilh
a serions accident at Colyer & McCool's
saw mill, pear Woodward, on Monday,
the 10th. The large wheel and shalt of
the engine broke, and a piece of the
shaft struck Phill Al this writing it
is not known if any bones are broken,
| Mr James J. 13 walk
i around through the house ag
tev, kriler & Ww
visit Jast week.
Rev. James Wilson and family are vis
jting at his father’s home.
C. C. Cummings, sister and niece, from
Philadelphia, are spending a few weeks
Wa our town.
The writer has been informed that it
is likely that this place is to be the per
manent intersection of the railroads,
Well, we have nothing against that—it is
very convenient place for that purpose.
» »
Ahh ial ps,
Michssl Neye, the oldest citizen of
Asronsburg, died there on the Sih inst,
in the eighty-sixtl year of his age.
Wosnx sre everywhere using and
recommending Parker's id onic, because
they have learned from experience that
it speedily overcomes despondency, indi
sation, pain or weakness in the back or
Kianays, gad other troubles pecaliar to
the sex. aug
A New, Findy Crass Bivins Sawiso
Maciuse, of any No, can bs had by
any subscriber to the REroxTey, jor the
low price of $20, including the RErorren
one year, Along with it are all the
usual attachments, We desire to offer
ous subscribers a good thipg for their
patronage, #nd, by 8 special arrange.
ment, we are enabled |; supply our sub-
geribers with 8 new,standard sewing ma.
chine for a mere scng. This offer we
extend to new subscribers,
ov soncumtbusthn fhe ion
Cleaskesd, Aggust 7.— Early yesterday
morning she Louge of Dawuel Ijcoyer,
in kuox towaship, vas destroged by
fire. Mrs, Hoover was burned fo death,
———_-——— so WP Mp
I s——
Fhe New Bedford Bark Napoleon Crushed
in ite doe In the Arctic,
San Francisco, August 4.~Tha Louie
mercial News will publish to-morrow the
arrival off coast this eveniog of the
achoover James A. Garfield, twenty-six
days from the Arctic Ocean, with news of
he bark Napoleon, of New Beford, The
tepotcon wes crushed in the ice and
fwenty 150 Te Sh Th — hom
Rox officer Thomas Pease, of ya
Lic ont A "ota of the
Sram ances ves: for iho. of thin
: co, bat had been sufi:
| Brrigroxsre, August 11.
Mau. orton: Oar business men do
not look with a kindly eye upon the pros-
pect of having 8.8. Blair manage cor
| railroad affairs. We suspect his loyalty
| to Bellesonte interests in view of recent
changes in the schedule for Snow Bhoe,
and we do pot think he has the kindest
feelings towards the Penn's Valley road.
| Let us have fair play in this matter.
Bellefonte bas done much for railroads
and other enterprises that have bene-
fitted not ouly our town, but the connty,
in establishiog a home market here for
produce equal to any in the state.
The Penn's Valley trains are watched
with anxious eyes to see what travel they
bring hither, and whether the valley
| people will continue to visit us and do
| business here, The ontlook thus far has
been enconraging—the trains from the
i gtart have brought more passengers than
| was expected, and when the busy season
| 18 over with the farmers it is expected
that travel will increase, and the new
railroad will prove quite a benefit to our
General Beaver issiightly annoyed b
the occasional newspaper gquibs that C,
| I.. Magee may become the choice of the
| machine bosses for governor, Ths ma.
chine is really not for Beaver, and if it
| does turn in for him it will be only be-
| cange jt can't head off the General with
| the masses,
The ramar that the Watchman will go
into other hands under a five years’
| lense has raised the question as to what
| it meant, In one quarter it was quietly
whispered that the change meant the
conducting of the paper on the inde-
| pendent Democratic basis, viz : support.
| ing only worthy men for office, nomin-
ated or not, and tsking a stand against
rings and dishonest methods in the party
| machine. That is just the thing—we
! want such a sheet. Bat, let's wait and
Democrats and Republicans alike
| mourn the death of General Grant, and
Saturduy was observed here as a faneral
| Members of the legislature should
{ Jexrn that appointments to federal
| places are made by the President and not
| by the Governor, aad upon the recom-
mendation of a congressman and not
| of an assemblyman., This knowledge
| would have quieted the heart of one of
| our members that a certain gentleman
“shall not be appointed.” It is rather
a little previous for one who is not yet
{in the party to swell to such propor
} tiops and think {o cast out good Demo=
crais of lifelong service, How we apples
The burped district is well nigh re-
built. and will make one of the best
business quarters of Lown,
(Jaite a crowd joined the Lock Haven
excarsion at this place, and all rettirned
well pleased with the trip,
It has been made a criminal offence
for any one to buy support from dele
10 gain a public position. It is
! binted that on Tuesday [dele
| sates were offered payment of their hotel
| bills by one who thus sought to buy his
y a4 a delegate to the stale convention,
I will stake my reputation as a lawyer
that such conduct is punishable by fine
nd imprisonment, and delegates should
s warning --corruption must be wiped
in Centre county among Democrats
and Republicans, Shame, that men will
t go low even for such a positon;
how poor must be Wiis standing
rer ois ,
Fayetteville, N. C, August 7. -J. O.
Howard, Thomas Gee and Thomas Me
Neill were hanged here together to-day.
Ihe execution took place at 1:30 p.m.
None of themen made apy confession,
Fully 5000 people witnessed the execu.
tion. The mea were all detested and
their fate was fully merited.
Lafayette, Ala, August 7 William
Hancock, aged firty-scven, a farmer, res
siding eight miles from bere, quarreled
with his son Willian, yesterday, over a
division of crops, both had slot guns,
and when toe father rasied lus gum to
fire, the son shot him; dead. Another
son then shot William in the eye, when
he in lurn Wes sbot in the side by Wik
liam, William bas been arrested.
| peaver, Col, August 9.—~The Monte
gama Jlotel, at Las Vegas Hot Springs,
| caught fire at 1120 o'clock last nigut,
| au burned nearly to the gronod in an
| hour. It is reported that eight persons
| perished in the flames.
ee ep——— ——————
~Jarors for the 2d week, Au
pot attend, aa there will be no
3. B. Beery,
Term, need
Cash will be paid for red wheat, rye,
onts and corn, at the roller mill, Centre
Hall, u
sani - wo
Tre liver is the largest gland in the
human organism and stands gukrd, as it
wore, at the portals of health. Properly
performing ita functions, it eliminates all
impurities and disease germs from the
blood : failing in this misery and disease
follows. An 00g dose of McDoi-
ald’s’ Tmproved Liver Eills will insure
lar, ieaRhy ah Vigorois gotjon of
this great gland, and save doctors’ bills
and days of misery. Dissatisfied por-
chasers can have their mon refunded.
Josxstox, HorLoway & Co,
Philadelphia Agents,
timed gre’ cot from the whole
cloth, and for every ohne voluntarily
given in praise of a meritorious article
an unscrupulous and dishonest manufac.
turer can write wp a dozen for his worth-
Jess products; bat the following card
from the traveler of Bower, Potts & Co.,
8 publishin sopge known in almost
every state fn the aldn, is an emphatic
and to thé point that ‘we can n
from giving it in évidences”
J. A. Bc Lim ry:
forward by ex at one of
jolite Cord OF
ial to
og eared me so quickly and
that 1 recom
A xX
| be relied upon, not only
| the best of everything,
agency for such
to carry in
| tion
i ever
| Agency
New Discovery
sell it on a positive guarantee.
reliable. Having secu
get a sample bottle free,
wr fp nf
curred in Toulon,
epidemic is inggeasing in Granada.
> ——— > ——
ence on the scalp, and
and prevention of
Hair Vigor has no equal.
silken appearance,
Taene is no use fighting nature.
Kennedy's “Favorite HKemedy”
nothing of that kind.
the pretense of doing them A
Is your head thick and heavy?
charm away these ailments almost
you are aware,
i a ————
they ever used.”
| stores color, promotes growth,
table Balsamic
on man or beast, are
the use of Henry &
and Ol! Linimeat.
———- - —— oa ———
y Rev
mr ———
drawn for the next term of court,
= Jomeph CG Carson, farmer, Poller Wow nship.
Padwand Np i, painter, Boggs
J 11 Wolf, laborer, Grogs
jaan Bock, farmer, Hall Moon
WR Casmapbell, forgetoan, Milesburg,
Charles Mclaughlin, laborer, Boggs
1 B McCloskey, teacher, Liberty
i Kauffman, farther, Spring.
gar, teacher, Spring,
twell, carriage maker, Bellefonte
rx, farmer, Patton
a Late, former, Hall Moon
intic, laborer, Potier
Kk, farmer, Haines,
George B Johnston, mechanic, Bellefonte.
William P Catherman, laborer, Millbelm
John T McCormick, farmer, Ferguson
e B Lucas, shoetnaker, Howard,
nn A Miller, merchant, Milos
Hea, mechanic, Greg
am H Cassler, lumberman, Haines,
ry Spots, farmer, Union
John B fon merchant, Grege
Hobert Mock, farmer, Ferguson,
William Callen, laborer, Rush township,
Austin ¢ ariin, genteman, Boges
Yaward Jones, iaborer, Boggs.
George Fisher, Sarmer, Burnside,
Pat kelly, farmer, Soow Shoe,
David Fiack, forgeman, Bellefonte,
J H Griffen, merchant, Hail Moon.
John Carper, farmer, Potier.
C A Faulkner, desler, Philipsburg,
Harry Curtin, merchant Boggs,
Andrew Smith, Srmer, Peon
J © Hicklin, merchant, Snow Shoe.
Johu Dunlap, carpenter, Bellefonte,
William Hartman, machinist, Miliheim
Monroe Armour, tarmer, Bellefonte,
William Bloom, or, Ferguson
Thoinas Doyle, butcher, Philipsburg,
Theor. Moore, farmer, Taylor,
Ww M Crovdster, agent, Worth,
Ww B Leathers, farmer, Howard
D 8 Erb, farmer, Ferguson.
Jack Brkenroth, carpenier, Spring,
John Hoy, Jr. farmer, Marion,
robert Marshall, laborer, Huston,
Bd Kummer, blackemith, Harris,
Harvey F Davis, laborer. Huston,
Uriah Stover, fkrmaer, Spring.
1 PF Omig, Diacksmith, Ye
FW spook, fherheli. Millhe
A B Frecinan, ord, Tibés
Anthony Gatens, farmer, Bey
Noah Storer, farmer, Penn,
William Jamison, carpenter, Belle X
Robert McNeal, laborer, Petlohnante
GU Brisbon, contractor, | .
int Schenck, iaborer Howard,
Emanuel Duey, mason, College.
Charles Foster, farmer a phirg
LCT cepentar, bog +
Samue her,
31 Condo, Siackanith, Haris.
Bb OI A035 AA le
REGISTER A FOTICE ~The foliowing scoousils
ave beet: exami , passed and re
i main in this office for the Inspection of hairs and
lugatees. eroditors and all ofbiors in anywise in
Court of Centre County, on Wednesday, the 2y
day of August, A. D, 1885, for allowance and ron
The first and final account® of A J Grahan,
sdministrator of ete, of ¥V B Holt, iste of Philips
burg, doc'd,
2 The firgt and final account of Frapkiin Vou
ada, administrator of ele, of Anos Mary Vouads,
The first and final account of W T Leathers,
administrator of ete, of Adam Lose, late of How
urd twp, dec’d,
4 The acoount of John B Heckman, adminis
trator of ete, of Wm, Geary, late of Groggy twp, Oe
6. The acosunt of Jacob Buyder, guardian of
Antde M. and Samuel G, Felton, ming children
of Robert K Felton, late of Taylor twp, dee'd
6 The socount of T W Hoslersaan, administra.
tor of ete, of Hauna H Hosterman, late of Haines
twp., dec'd,
7 The account of Henry Keen , trustee appoint
od by the Orphan's Court to make sale of the ro
al estate of John Keen, lute of Millhelm boro,
# The account of 8 8 Lyon, administrator coun
ento annexo of ete, of Ann Parr Lyon,
of Bellefonte borough, decd. ’
§ The second sccount of Dr, PT Mus
ser, administrator of ete, of John D Foote, Inte of
Millheim borough, deceased,
10 The aceount of W A Murmy, guardian of
Hallie Retly, minor child of James Heily, dec'd.
11 The first aid final secount of Clement Dale
guardian of Wm. A Thomason, & minor child of
Wm. A Thompson, late of Potter twp, decd,
12 The sccount of John M Furey, admin
tor of ete, of Hom, J O Larimer, inte of
twp., decd,
12 The scoount of Jacob Dunkle, 2
ete, of Mary Dunkle, lute of Walker twp, {
14 The sooount of John Daniels, executor of
ete, of Catherine Leighty, late of Poller wownshi]
15 The third partial account of George Bower
and Samuel Everts, executors of ele, of Jagpb Ev-
erts, late of Penn twp, dec'd, :
16 ‘The scoount of C B Houser, late guardian of
Lilly May Houser, minor child of Martin Houser,
17 The scocount of Amos Tyson, admindstrator
of ete, of Bamuel Tyson, late of Ferg
18 The scoount of Isssr Mitchell, executor of
ele, of EJ Carter, Inte of Bellefonte boro., decd
19 The scoount of Emeline Myers, exer gt of
ete, of Margaret BE Myers, late of Philipsburg, bor
ough, dec'd. :
20 The first and partial account of Mollie Ne®
and Bue E Neff, executors of elo, of Josiah Nef!
late of Potter twp, dec'd.
21 The account of Lucinda Runkle, adminis
teatrix of ete, of Hon John K Runkie, late of Pot
wr why dec'd,
22 The acoount of James Wiser, administrator
of ete, of John Wiser, laie of Worth twp, dec'd.
24 The first and partial scooumt of T Frank
Adams, executor of ete, of Frapces M. Atherton
late of Milesburg borough, dec'd.
24 The third account of James FP Coburn, exec-
ntor of ete, of Daniel Kreamer, late of Feun twp
25 The fourth scoonnt of James P Cot
ecutor of etc, of Bamuel Huston, late «
twp. dec'd
25 The sooond and final scoount of A
son, executor of ete, of Heury Harper,
Ferguson twp, dec'd.
27 The scoount of Wm. McFarlane and
H Jack, executors of ete, of George Jack
Harris twp, dec’'d.
2% The account of Jacob Ridge, ad
of etc, of Mary A Camp, late of Belle
¥ Cles
late of
26 The first and partial account of 8 H Benn
son, administrator of ele, of John Strunk, laste of
Walker twp., dee 5
Bellefonte, July 27, '® Register
Whereas, the Hen. A. O. Furst, President of
tae Usurtof Vommon Pleas of the dh Judicial Dis
tricl, consisting of ibe cousliss of Centre and
Husit on, sod the Hes. Jas. B Smith and the
Hon Ubester. Munson Assoc, Judges in Centre ooun-
ty, having weaned their precept, bearing date BLL day
of uly 19%. to me @ + Tor holding a Court of
Oger and Terminsr and General Jail Delivery and
Quarter Sessions of the Posse in Bellefonte, for the
county of Uentre, and to oommence on the Fourth
Monday of Aug next, being the Bth day of Ang
hh, aed to continse two weeks. hereby
gives to the Uoroner, J sstices of the Peace, Aldermen
and Constat les of saldeoanty of Centre, that ihey be
then and there tu Uhelr proper patsoha, 81 10 o'sleck
« With their records ingui
of said
sitions, examinations, their own remembrances,
to do those Lsings odich to Lhair office apperiaing to
be done, and those whe are bound in recognirances 1o
frase ne Eada the prisos rs that sreershall be in
He jail of Centre county, be then and o Prose
tute against them se shall be thet. tate ta p
Bellefonte, tie 24th day
Given ander sy hand, at
of July in the year of our Lord IS, and the one
r of the Isa sdenos of
handred and sisth ¥ .
the United Sistes, SMILES WALKER, Sherif
Reported by Evass Bros, Produce Commission
Merchants, No, 5 North Water 81, PMlulad
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Cheese and all kinds of
Country produce. Quick sales, good prices and
quick relurus,
Pritangirnrs, August 10
Creamery, Penn's, eX... insomn
WOMEN ™ cocsvmmmunimmsiins
Penn's, Del and Md, per dos.
Western, ex brands serun TREE
Fowlis, straight, nosrby. er 1%
mixed wv
Western, straight.
- mixed oases *
Calves, Del'd Md, prime
= Falr wo good...
APDIES, DEW oo. covrirsrmmns on POF bbl 82 00
Peaches, EXIM orn PECK Cale 2 00
EE ——— wo
“ FRNCY «on ironsrsesn POT CIB
New Potato, choles... pe per ii
“ CRE - oo "
¥ culls... oi
Watermelons, ext... per 100
KY Faotory, CHolOR...coommemmemmiiscna
Ohio, Tat, THI i..ovminsiminns vss soimiosss
Timothy, Chalo. ween weadpet Oud 18 0 823 0
" fair... Sahn . Ww is Ww
WW we
wives eee
Whol BURW cocoa sommes
tr rh hr
$2 COM arnon bbe
Oo Toa
: y :
Ne y & i Hh a. I wes ust at sv a od