The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 15, 1885, Image 7

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Bad Report About Ex-Presidens Arthur.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
“Dr, Lincoln who was at the funer-”
“gl of ex-Secretary Frelinghuysen,”
“says ex- President Arthur looked very”
‘unwell. He is suffering from Bright's”
“disease, Luring the past yesr it has”
“assumed a very aggravated form.’
That telegram is act [V, of a drama
written by ex-President Arthur's phy-
gicians. In Act I. he was made to ap-
pear in “Malaria,” of which all the
country was told when he went to
In Act II. he represented a tired man,
worn down, walking the sands at Old
Point Comfort and looking eastward
over the Atlantic toward Europe for a
longer rest.
The enrtain rolls up for Act [11 upon
the distinguished actor affected with
melancholy from Bright's disease, while
Act 1V. discovers hum with the disease
“in an aggravated form, suffering in-
tensely, (which is unusual) and about
to tako a sea voyage.”
Just such as this is the plot of many
dramas by play-wrights of the medical
profession. They write the first two or
three acts with no conception of what
their character will develop in the final
They have not the discernment for
tracing 1n the early, what the latter im-
rsonstions will be, Not one physic-
fo in & hundred has the adequate mi-
eroscopic and chemical appliances for
discovering bright’s disease in its early
stages, and when many do finally
comprehend that their patients are dy-
ing with it, when death occurs, they
will, to cover up their ignorance of it,
pronounce the fatality to have been
caused by ordinary ailments, whereas
these ailments are really results of
Bright's disease of which they are un-
sonscions victims,
Beyond any doubt, 80 per cent. of all
deaths except from epidemics and acci-
dents, result from diseased kidneys or
livers. If the dying be distinguished
and his friends too intelligent to be
sasily deceived, his physicians perhaps
pronounce the complaint to be pericar-
ditis, pysmia, septicemia, bronchitis,
pleuritis, valvular lesions of the heart,
pneumonia, ete. If the deceased be
less noted, *‘malaria” is now the fash-
jonable assignment of the cause of death.
Bot sll the same, named right or
wrong, this fearful scourge gathers
them ini While it prevails among per-
sons of sedentary habits, — lawyers,
slergymen, congressmen, —it also plays
great havoo among farmers, day labor-
srs and mechanics, though they do not
suspect it, because their physicians
keep it from them, if indeed they are
ible to detect it,
It sweeps thousands of women ar
shildren into untimely graves every |
year. The health gives way gradually, |
the strength is variable, the appetite |
fickle, the vigor gets less and less, ‘Chis
isn’t malaria—it is the beginning of
kidney disease and will end—who doe
pot know how?
No, nature has not been remiss, In-
dependent research has given an infall
ble remedy for this common disorder;
but of course the bigoted physicians
will not nse Warner's safe cure, because
it is a private affair and cuts up ther
practice by restoring the health of thos
who have been invalids for years,
The mew saying of “how common
Bright's disease is becoming among
prominent men |” is getting old, and as
the Englishman would say, sounds
“stupid” — especially “stupid” sine
this disease is readily detected by the
more learned men and specialists of this
disease, But the ‘‘common run” of
physicians, not detecting it, give the
patient Epsom salts or other drugs pre-
scribed by the old code of treatment
ander which their grandiathers and
great-grandfathers practiced |
Anon, we hear that the patient is
vsomfortable.” But ere long, maybe
they *‘tap” him and take some water
from him and again the ‘‘Somfortable’
story is told, Torture him rather than
aliow him to use Warner's safe cure!
With such variations the doctors play
upon the unfortunate until his shrow
is made, when we learn that he died
from heart disease, pymmin, septicomina
or some other deceptive though ‘‘dig-
nified cause.”
Ex President Arthur's case is not
singular—it is typical of every such case.
“He is suffering intensely.” This is
not usual. Generally there is almost
no suffering. He may recover, if he
will not independently of his physicians,
The agency named has cured thousands
of persons even in the extreme stages —
is to day the mainstay of the health of
bundreds of thousands, It is an unfor-
tunate fact that physicians will not ad-
mit there is any virtne outside their
own ap but as each school denies
others, the people act on
and accept things
is figure. They
have to work more hours than the girl
who runs the typewriter, but they have
more cash to spend on false hair,
Consmorrixa all the countless oharms
and accomplishments with which Provi-
dence has endowed lovely woman it
does sometime seem strange that He
didn’t bestow on her the faculty of do-
Crasvs Buokworrny, Br, (to Ruskin
de Vere, art oritic)—"*Now, that's what
I call a ploture remarkable
The hand-carving of wood for house
finish and interior decoration is becom-
ing a distinot and permanent branch of
industry, For fine furniture the carv-
ing of wood has fer a long time had a
place, but there appesrs to be a pros-
pect that to the joiners's shop and work
will be added those of the carver as a
means of finishing intemors, Foreign
workmen at present comprise the larger
part of the workers in this industry,
but the attention of native workers has
been directed to it, with the result of
bringing it into general notice. |
The oylindrograph is an instrument
French invention for taking panora-
photographs in connection with
military surveying and the like, It is
very simple in construction. A semi-
circular cylinder having a small lens in
the centre moves on an axe, and it is
provided with a dark slide of some
material which will bend without break-
ing. When the view 18 to be take then
lens is moved from one side of the land-
scape to the otner, Rapidity of execu-
tion, rather than artistic effect, is the
object sumed at.
“An ideally pure water,” said Pro-
fessor Willis G. Tucker in an address
before the Albany institute, ‘‘should be
clear, colorless, tasteless and odorless,
though little such exists in nature, and
these properties are not necessarily
proof of purity, Water may be clear as
crystal and yet carry typhoid fever from
a hamlet on one side of a mountain to
dwellers ou the other side, as in the
celebrated case at Lausanne, Bwitzer-
French engineers, after long and re-
peated experiments in drying, painting,
ote., inside and outside of boliers to
prevent decadence when not in use,
have decided as follows: **A steam boil-
er which is about to be unused for a
time should be throughly cleaned, and,
instead of drying, should be filled quite
full of water,”
ro —
wove Sees No Faults,”
t has been but, when a woman
dragged down, emaciated, wan, and a
shadow of her former self, with never a
cheerful word, she can be no longer beanti.
ful or lovable. Nature may have been
reperons in her gifts, and endowed her with
all the charms of her sex, but disease has
crept in unawares and stolen the roses from
ber cheeks, the lustre from her eye, and the
sunshine from her heart. But to be well
sain lies in your own power. Take Dr.
Pierce's “Favorite Prescription,” it will
cure you; thousands have been cured by it,
Nothing equals it for all the painful mala-
dies and weaknesses peculiar to women.
Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists.
A A—
There is no duty that is not to be
seasoned and set off with cheerfulness,
esata m—
and anodyne, for
unmatory attacks, is
1d Extract of Smart-
cramps, cholera
ysentery, or bloody-
said; is
The great diaphoretic
ids, fevers and
Pierce's Comp
ais, ures colic,
lax, Only 3 cent
As every thread of gold 1s valued, so
is every minute of time.
A di
tu ricture of the uret
be entrusted to those of large
and skill, By our improved methods
have been enabled to speedily and pe
neutly cu hundreds of worst cases, |
Pampl f ses and terms, three let. |
World's Dispens
, 663 Main Street, I
Discontent is the want of
it is infirmity of will,
* - »
sease of so
self-reliance ;
“The Bestis the Cheapest.™
This is an old adage and the essence of |
wisdom. The best medicine, and the only
sure cure for diseases of the liver, kidneys
and bladder is the old and reliable HUNT'S
[Kidney and Liver] REMEDY. Physicians
endorse it highly and prescribe it in their
practice. !
“I have been dreadfully tronbled with
diseases of the kidneys and liver during |
the past six months. HUXT's [Kidney |
and Liver] REMEDY has made me a new
man ** Isaac W, Fairb: rovidence,
BL .
One reason why diseases of the bladder
and urinary organs are so difficult to cure i
is that they frequently have no pronounced
symptoms, Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] |
REMEDY is peculiarly adapted to the cure |
f these complaints, and goes at once to the |
seat of tha trouble giving relief at once. :
cn Roms
If anyone speaks ill of you let your
life be such that no one will believs ir
d V
getable Pills. |
Price ® ox
all, Sang
sleroer BL. New York.
Homtetter's Stomach and pro.
vents malarial fi a chromic consti. 4
pail ” 0 hing a bladder Mims
» greatest value in
cases of bodily trouble 8 from weakness,
Ole. people are greatly aided and it 1 highly
serviceable to convalescents and in delicate
aie on ong Jouraeyi And COUNETACts the
o o cou °
effects of men dXhausiion.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
ar y mgs A OF
$50 A DAY made with
Hoi 98 7700 North
Trp NoE
H. H. WARNER & CO, Rochester, N.Y.
$1.00 A BOTTLE.
Prov. J. Q. ADAMS, Routh Syracuse, N. Y,, re-
commends Warner's TirrRoaNoR, Toe Best, in
the strongest terms for dyspepsia and stomach dis-
$1.00 A BOTTLE.
H. H. WARNER & CO, Rochester, N
J. H. DEXI0O, Esq. of Alblon, NX.
was taken with stomach
melancholy, headaches, eto
ness and resorted wo far he hope i
of-door exercise would him, He exhausts
ed all the Known means « ¢ best physicians In
vain, In 1854 began taking Warner's TIPPECANOE,
The Best, and in March, 1885, he stated thst his
neath was better than it tad been for years, and
that no medicine he knew of or had ever heard of
equalled Warner's TUTECANOE, The for
womach disorders
1 had a valuable horse taken with the pankaye, rr
aiting in blood polson. After nine months of doctor
iti all the remedies to be found tn horse books,
paired of 8 cure, His right hind log was as large
man's body, and kad on It over fort renaming
sores. AS last | thought of Swift's Specie, 1 weer
fifteen bottles in August last all symplomns of the
disease disappeared. There have been no of 8
return, and the horse has done a mules w on my
Jaa lL. Frasuxo, Augusta, Os
January §. 185
Treatise on Blood and Ekin Diseases mailed free
Tun Bwrrr Srgconce Co, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ua, OF
150 W. 2a BL. K. XY.
farts ever since,
3 Y on
cr any bows! oomnpisints,
opted asthe distetic. Ii ie
wiral in 9 tion upon the
stained where ever
cers aend {i gr friend
wd siarian
a od.
2 av hme
ESET Ee Dr. Marah, Guiney. Mich
ITHTE. Pref. Kline, by his
# Racer a trestinenis ve
$ J ivane practices, sands
LA» w jireacs oeplly unrivaled
' i and is acknowledged
authority om Cancer and
riak Or The most ox.
Fr trac Lpary cures
© heomvieal
ry bya res G9 recorded,
OF hice
«Juans cl traptmenia
o Er
t of Cancers or
rn. For particnlnm,
i for Troe frestiag on.
nm Dil, KIINF "ui
FL Indepdiin a,
nes, nad Rood of Mowil.
Canone of Bre, Pace, Lips, Jaw
ry seros, and 0 per et
profit made by
and woes with on
laboreaving joven
8 Fin one sirest, An
font writes “You
ried “Any manor ®
¢ week should ry ©
Vo guarantee it the Dew
a quick selling goods {ren
devote Jon hours dally. Ba
rite quick and se
ins the land, $1
ady or gent who will
Soe GN SOrRRarT | vO Lai King,
MACHINERY {2437 5% Jif "wie? FREE
Boschert & Boomer Press Co., Syracuse, X.Y.
STAMPING, fisnd us a #lamp and we will
send rou Instractions for samp
on Piaah, Velvet, Fall, ote, or it will got
BOK tps rT VG
ork. T. E. Lynn, Mass,
Pensions inn Rik
\aulp $1.51 2)
SE = Jeo
Russia Cement Co., Glsnoester, Mass,
Hr en 4 RR reer:
ean 100TH POWDER
ig Teeth Perfect and Gums Henithy
Groat English Gout and
Is, Rheumatic Remedy.
§ round,
Listen to Your Wife.
The Manchester GUARDIAN, June Sth, 1558, says:
At one of the
Looking on the woodland ways! With
clumps of rhododendroms and great nas.
pes of May blossoms!!! “There was an in-
teresting group.
It included one who had been a “Cotton
spinner,” but was now so
Paralyzed [11]
That he conld only bear to
clining position.
This refers to my case.
I was Attacked twelve years
“Locomoter Ataxy"’
ie in a re
ago with
and was for several years barely able to get
And for the last Five years not able w
Many things have been done for me,
The last experiment being Nerve stretching.
Two years ago I was voted Into the
Home for Incurables!
in May, 1882,
I am no ““Advoeate;’” “For anything
the shape of patent” Medicines?
And made many objections to my dear
wife's constant urging to try Hop Bitters,
but finally to pacify her—
Consented | |
Near Manchester,
BE a
Improvement wn Chamneys.—The
best chimpeys are made by inelosing
hard baked glazed pipes in a thin wall
of bricks. Buch chimneys will not only
draw better than those made in the
usual way, but there will be less danger
from defective flues, A four ineh brick
wall between us and destruction by fire
crumbled from the joints, To build the
chimneys with double, or eight inch
walls, makes them very large, more ex
pensive, and still not as good as whe
for ventilating is better than to open
directly into the smoke flue, because it
will not impair the drsught for the
fire, and there will be no danger of a
sooty odor in the room when the cir
culation happens to be downward, as it
will ocoasionally. The outside chim-
ney, if there is one, should have an ex
when I felt a change come over me.
was Saturday, November 3d. On Bunday
morning I felt so strong I sald to my room
companions, “I was sure I could.
“Walk |
Bo started across the floor and back.
1 hardly knew how to contain myself,
over the house, 1 am gaining strength
and can walk quite safe without any
“Stick I’
Or Support.
I am now at my own house, and hope soon 10 be
able to earn my own ng again. 1 have beet a
each day,
y thirty years, and was most heartily
rongratulated on going Into the roan on Thur
day last. Very gralefoly yours WN BLACKBURN,
MancuesrTEr (ing) Dec #4, he
Two years later am perfectly weil
without a bunch of greea Hops
Shun all the vile,
I Bans.
EP None genuine
on the while |
- - “ - - ——— ps—
invented a wonderful sewing machine,
which, it is claimed, wlll do eighty per
cent. more work th n any machine now
in the market, An experiment with
steam power moved it with a speed of
2.200 stitches in a minute, and was
started sud stopped instantly, It is
simple in constructfon, is easily opera
ted, and sews all kinds of fabrics, from
leather to fine linen.
The largest deposits of salt on the
Pacific coast are found in Nevada, sc-
cording to the Scientific American,
The most remarkable of these deposits
is that on the Rio Virgen, a fow miles
north ox the Colorado river, in the ex-
treme southern corner of that State. A
formation occurs at this point consisting
of rock salt, resting on, and to some
tion of the mountain itself,
A —
It has been observed in Russia that
erystaline mass containing large cavi-
ties. In one instance the pipes of a
church organ were so altered by cold as
o be no longer sonorous,
Tus Prorizs' Veceramie Toxic,
chief with the Devil's beverages, fired
up with cheap rum. All the diseases
which those demonisc postrums aggra~
vate under pretence of relieving, such
ss Indigestion, Sick Headache, Consti-
pation, Rheumatism, Gout, Pulmonary
affections, and Fevers, are cured by
this Great Herbal Antidote,
——— i —
Dent ware is the ugliest but the most
sought for table service at the present
so Say We Allo Us
The greatest beauty seen
Of womankind so rare,
1s when she uses Carboline
To beautify ber haar,
line canton-ware, so long a favorite,
—— —
when vr
taggage ex pressage and §3 carriage Hire.and stop
gt ine rand Union Hotel, opposite Grand
trad Depot,
@% ceganl rooms, fitted up at 8 cost “ff one
ol dolisrs, $1 and upwards per day.
pean Plan, Eevalor. Hestasurant supplied
w the best. Hofse Cars, sages and elevaien
road 10 all depots. Families oan live better
tor Jess money af the Grated Union Hotel than at
aby other Sratciass hotel in Lhe city.
Elegant table scarves are made of
India silk, with a wide netted border
and fringe, with ball finish,
FOR DYRPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, depression of epir-
ds ahd general debility in their various forms; also
aa & preventive against fever and and other
mtermitient fevers, the “PFerro-Phosphorated-
Eiixir of Calisaya” made by Caswell, Hazard & Oo,
New York, and sold by all ia, ia the best
toni; and for patienis recovering from fever or
other sickbess, it has no egaal
Do you want to grow salt, and at the
same time have an interesting, hand-
some ornament? The proceeding isa
novel chemical experimont tha! may be
tried by anyone. tut in a goblet one
tablespoonful of salt and one spoonful
of biuemg Fill the goblet two-thirds
full of water, and set in a position where
it will have Plenty of warmth and sun-
light, In a little while sparkling erys-
tals will commence forming outside of
the glass, and it is both a novel and
interesting sight to watch it gradually
growing, day by day, until the outside
goblet is ent rely covered with
tra air chamber between the very outer
wall and the back of the fire-place to
save heat, a precantton, that removes
to a great extent, the common objection
A very lsrge per
cent, of fires come from defective flues,
snes A —————
A project is on foot for establishing
hour. It is also
necting Loudon and the French capital,
the time of transmission in this case
as under 5,000 pounds sterling.
will be questioned,
falling, but in nsing every time we fall,
We doubt if there |
remedy for rhe
have suffer:
efited by I
fafled to find rel
“1 was a
years. Previ
grew worse, and at ¢
less. Hood's Barsajp
ban all the other med)
H. T. Barcows, Shirley Vil
“1 bad n}
relief till I
. or can be, a specifie
ousands who
Uy ben
nost help.
re good
I ever Lad”
n ihree years, an
od’'s Sarsapari
done grea ings for me. 1 recom
others.” Lewis Burpaxx, Bidd
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is characterized bY
three peculiarities : 1st, the combination of
remedial agents; 24, the proportion 34, the
process of securing ihe active medicinal
qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual
| strengih. effect iitherto unknown.
| Bend for I tional evidenos,
p my system
. rpens my appel and
| seems to make me + J. P. THOMPSON,
{ Register of Mass
“ Hood's Barsaparilla beats all others. and
ts worth its weight In go " 1. BARRINGTON,
13 Bank Street, New York City.
Hood's : Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for 5. Made
enly Ly C. IL. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass,
100 Doses One Dollar.
ng cur
mes 1
! purifies my
ve 8 positive remedy for od)
wee (housknis of oases of x
landing have heen ¢ ured
io ite efoscy, that | wl
together with 8 VALUARLE
$0 any saflerer, Girossg resgand FO sldross,
— D0 T. A. BLOCUN, 381 Foari BL, Bow York.
The Original and Only Genuine.
fan end sways reliable. Bowers of Werth loss Imimtions
“Chie ostor’s English” oe ee best meds. Iadiepeneedie
TO LADIES, Tasions he. (wimmpe’ Tor puridoniere, tostd
aie, wae, Sn Lelder
a the human body ERADICATED
and efocta.
wetion. we 25 vents a bottle,
DR. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jefferson, Wisconsin
samples of Dr. BR.
who spply.
cellent remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Ostarrh. Soc. and
$1.00 packages sent by mail
Pee Men J — Pook tes,
Otwisie Agency, 100 Paites St, New York,
For all diseases
Only Temperance Bitters Kno.
No other medicine known so eTectuslly
purges the blood of deepseated disenncs.
tilions bear testimony Ww its wonder
ful curative effects
It is a purely Vegetable Preparation,
made from the native hearts and roots of Califor.
nia, the medicinal properties of which are ex-
tracts | therefrom without the use of Aloohol
ftremoves the enuse of ou, aud the
patient recovers his health
It is the great Blood Part Ter and Life.
giving Principle ; 8 Gentle Purgsative «0 Tole 3
s perfect Hesovator and Invigorator of the sys
tern, Never before in the history of the world
has a medicine been compounded possess © the
remarkable qualities of VinepGsr BITTERS li ond
ing the sick of every disease mau is beilr to,
The Alterative, Aperient Disphoretie,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, ecutive,
Counter Irritant, Sudorific, Anti-Bilions, Bolveat,
Diuretic and Tonic properties of VormGas Brr-
axns exceed thope of auy other medicine In the
No person csn take the Errrexs anenrdin
their bones are vot destroyed hy miners: poison
or other means, and the vilel Grgans wasted be-
yond the point of repair
HBilious, Memittent,
Fevers, are prevalenl
United States, particular yi eo vallers of our
great rivers and their vast tributaries during the
Summer and Autumn, espeoally during »essons
of unusual best and dryne:s
These Fevers ars invarishly secompanisd
{the slomach, Qver
Intermittent aod
throughout the
and bowels, In their trea!
erting a power: fi Beno
| absolutely Decessary
| There Is no eathartie for ©
| equal tw Dr. J. Warzea's Vigan i
| will spendily remove the dark
matter with which the bowels are id
| same tne st! isting the secret]
and generally restoring the hesilly fi
the digestive organs
Fortify the bod
fying all its Suids wit
| epid can take hold of a system
| armed,
it invigorates the stomach and gtimu-
| lates the torpid Liver and Bowsls, which reader
{ 1t of une of he blood
| of all impurities vigor to
| the frame, and oaT) off without the aid of
| Oslomel, er miners] medicine, every par
ticle of pol 38 mstter from the syglem.
| Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache,
Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
| Chest, Dissiness, Sour Stomach, Bad Tesi in the
| Mouth. Billous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,
| Infammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of
the Kidnevs, and a hundred other poinfu symp.
toms, are Whe offsprings of Dyspepsia *
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Wi te Swell.
ings, Ulcers, reins, Swelled Neck, Goitre,
Sarofaious or In Inflarnmations, Mercurial
Affections, Od 5, Eruptions of thie Bkin, Bore
Eves otc. Int as in sll other constitutional
Diseases, Wat & Virosis Brrrens has shown
| their great ou ive powers in the most obste
| pate and intraci ble cases 4
Vor Inflammatory snd Chronle Bheuma-
turn, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent
Fevers, [Miseapes Liver, Kidneys and
| Bladder, the Bitters have no sgual Duct Dis
| pases are caused by Vitisted B
Mechanical Diseases, Persons engaged
! tn Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-
A A beaters, and Miners. ss they ad-
lite. are subject to pammirsis of the
To guard against this, take sdose of
Wairgen's Vivegcan Brrrens
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions
i Balt Hheum Blotch Enotes, Pimples, I
Boils, Carbuncles rine, Seald-he
| Bvwn, Ervsipeins, lich,
amore and diseases of
4 erainet disense by puri.
Visecan Bmress. Neo
thus fore
f the Blood
i the PE
Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking
the system of so Toany thoussnds, are elle
saiiv destroved and removed. No syehem ©
edirine no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, wi.
For Pemale ( oemplinints, in young ov
arried or single, st the dawn of womas
orthe turns of life, this Bitters has no equa
snse the Vitiasted Blood whenever
| you find its impurities bursting through the skin
fs Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when
| wou find it obstructed and siuggish in the veins ;
| Sieanse it when itis foul ; your fgelings will tell
ou when, Keep the biood pure, and the health
of the pyatem will follow
In conclusion : Give the Bitters atrial It
will speak for ftaslf. One bottle is a betler gos
antes of its merits than a lengthy adverusement.
Around each bottle are full directions
| privted in different languages
RH. EcDONALD DEFG (0, RPropristors,
| Ban Francsos, Onl, snd 598, 850 & 529 Washington
82. Oor, Chariton St, New York.
Sold by all Dealer and Druggists.
| hao
Ooptatr A
are well rictly Pure Raw
Meni, =» ugh's v Prices ih
Anime! Hones, st very Low
Inrmoery : iow the can Pro
Purp to know how very
eure ——
us. Send your same
Lorillard's Climax Plug
Dearing a red fin tay; that Lorillard
lanl on vat Lorillard’ fa n
y vege, ~
Sela aah hea port, quality considered 7
who is suffering from
Boils and Carbuncles,
no better advice can be given
than to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
ORLANDO SNELL, 132 Ford sl Lowe
ell, Mass., was terribly afilieted with Cure
buncles on the back of his neck. Ajer’s
Sarsaparilia cured the Carbuncles, and his
kept him free from them.
bas done me great good.
Leaxper J. McDoxarp, Soley St.
Mass., testifies: One year
ago I suffered greatly from Polls and Car
and for nearly two months was
unable to work. A dragzit 2dvishi
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