How to Travel and When. If Galileo were still alive not only 1 selence and art would he recognize that the world still moves, but in the facili- ties afforded for traveling and the ap- pliances furnished for the comfort and convenience of travelers also, many years since the journeys of men the compass of a few miles, Dut, now in 21 hours we may go from New York to Cincinnati; in 24 to Chicago, which including stoppages, and in 6 days from the Atlantic to the ocean. Moreover to the principal trains are attached saloon, sleeping, smoking and dining cars, which com- bine the advantages of the parlor with the luxuries of the boudoir. Catering for the public with our railroad men is & study and each year exhibits progress towards perfection, Moreover the Pennsylvania Railroad has pre. pared for several years past a series of more than 2,000 excifrsion routes where- by every point of interest in the United States and the Canadas may be visited most part good servation as a book of art. attention is called to a map giving a and Rangely; in springs, Saratoga, Cresson, Clifton, ad infinitum. No summer tourist who examines one of these books prepared for his instruction can be at a loss where to go or what facilities he can command on his trip. ———— - CanBaGE Sauap,—Cut the cabbage very fine, and put into a dish in layers, with salt and pepper between. Then take two teaspoonfuls of butter, two of sugar, two of flour, two of mustard, one cup of vinegar and oue egg. Stir the stove. Pour it hot over, and mix well witn cabbage; cover up. A ————— quart pudding use two teacups of meal, moisten the meal with cold water, then pour over 1t one pint of boiling water; add one tablespooninl of butter, two teacups of sugar, one cup of raisins, three eggs well beaten before adding, and fill up with sweet milk; season with whatever spice is preferred; bake slowly half an hour or more. na — it Is Very Seldom that practicing physicians of all schools, not only endorse a proprietary medic but prescribe it in their practice, yet tals i done every day iu the case of Huxt's [Kid ney and Liver] BeMEDY—and why ¥- be cause it always gives immediate relief all cases of diseases of kidoeys, liver or urinary organs and has permanently cured some of the worst cases. Mrs. Geo. Dawley, of 76 Knight St, Providence, RB. 1, says:—"'1 was severely enlargement of the liver. ney and Liver] REMEDY has certainly done wonders for me."”’ In the past thirty years many remedies advertised for the cure of kidney and liver troubles and diseases of the Urinary organs. Of only one ean it be said that “it is never known to fail.” That one is Huxt's [Kidney and REMEDY. ney and Liver] REMEDY. ain. W. Handy, Superintendent Pratt & Whit ney Company. Paint the trellises and palings, We advise our physicians and others to read the advertisement of the New York umns. It is a reliable house. keeping the animal in a damp stable, or in one that is very filthy, Frazer Axfe Uresse, One trial will couvines you that it is the other. Every box has our trade mark on. Who never walks save where he sees men’s tracks, makes no discovery. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having tad placed in his hands by an East India misaion- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronenitis, Cstarrh, A and all Throat and Lang Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and ail Nervous Complaints, ving tested its wonderful curative . in thous of cases, haa felt It his daty 10 make 18 known to his suffering fellows, Actuated by this motive and a desirs to relieve human suffering. 1 TE ren Gertaan, Fcdah of English, with fal hy or ih, wish fail directions for preparing and uaing. Sent by mail by adaressing with stam thin paper, W. A. Nores, Power's Block, ster, N. ¥. About all that cu oan do for a man is to make him ulous, Important. When you visit or leave New York Clty, save eXprosage and $3 carriage Hireand sto A raua Union Hotel, opposite Grand Cen. fitted up at a cost of one and upwards per day. estaurant supplied with best, Horse cars, stages and elevated railroad to all Families can live better any other at the Grand Union Hotel than at hotel in the city. Ride not your ‘‘hobbies” on public roads lest you be trampled on, PHRYSIOLOGISTS SAY THAT OUR Bovixs are renewed once in seven years, The material of which they are reconstruct. ed is the blood, and unless it be fully charged with the elements of vitality, the strength and health of the system decline. Of all blood depurents, Dx. Warker's Vinzaan Brerens Is the saf- est and most infallible, It will speedily cure all blood diseases. snma— IANS We often need those reproofs which we have given to others, ————————— If afflicted with sore use Dr Isanc Thompson's Eye Water. sell it. 250 Allow to think as well of each other as oan, i Ii valuable things were too easily come by we would not learn to take pains, I ————— S00 Reward. The former proprietor of Dr. Bage's Ca i tarrh Remedy, for years made a standing, 2500 reward for a case of catarrh that he The present proprietors have renewed this offer, All the druggists sell this Remedy, together with the “Douche,” and all other appliances advised cure, No va- tarrh patient is longer able to say #1 cal not be cured.” You get $500 in case ol failure. arin ly A A Now plant sowe trees, sci——— Brown's Little Joke, men spend so peither heal nor help them, that few and far between. weakness of the lungs, shortness of breath and lingering coughs, soon yield magic influend R. V. Pierce's Provide lime for the hens. sr —— - » - improv ed methods, Dispensary Medical Association, GS Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. gestae A small farm is the model. sm ————— As A Cure ror SORE THROAT AND CouGHs, “Brown's Bronchial Troches' have been thoroughly tested, and maintain their good reputation. in Blackberry roots run deep. A ——— 1 A highly perfum ed Soap will not heal or cure skin diseases, neither will it beautify and soften face and bands; try Aromati um Sulphur Soap," Wim. Dreydop- pel, Puiladelphia, Pa. A MP The promised seed time is sure. St. Bern ard Vegetable Pills, URELY VEGETABLE Liver and Biious Headacho, a As & WARBANTE 1 : Ban y Hi FRER . 53 Meroar SL. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters conquers and pro vents malarial fevers, dyspepsia, chronic consi. and rheamastam, and 1s of the greatest value In cases of bodily trouble arising Tip TOKEN OF 1840 CAMPAIGN THE SNYIWN 11 LYHM $X104 Q70 3H MSY = TTT ERS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H. KX. WARNER & CO, Rochester, N.Y. FOR TIRED FEELINGS, A SPECIFIC. 81.00 A BOTTLE. H. H. WARNER & 00., Rochester, N. Y. Erper J, H. BR. CARDEN, Cola ports that he gained one { strength by the use of Warner's Best, podred per « tL lirrecaNoR, The FOR MAI. ARIA, “AL” $1.00 A BOTTI.E. | H. H. WARNER & 00., Rochester, N. Y. | BA WILCOX, Clayton, N. Y., was cured of giite, general TIFPECANOR, { malars and dyspepsia, loss of iassitnde, eto, Warner's i Bast, by ‘MIRRORS, PAINTINGS, &o., FOR HOME DECORATION. “Coming To Anchor,” | New otching by T. Moran, after Harry Chass. Rous. Baus “FISHERMAN,” Elching by Kratks, Cabinet Photographs of For eign Celebrities, NEW ETCHINGS & ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, MIRRORS. Ths best and han dscment Ploture Frames, Card and Cabinet Prames from Paris and Vienss. The isrgest and Soest selection in ik runt All te Rogers Grou, $10 10 $25. Catalogue on receipt of stamp | James 8S. Earle & Sons, Ko. 816 Chestnut 8t., Phila. ESTABLISHED 151, EW Paintings beautifully clsansd and rest ored. ! salon, and BD per ot i profit made bry men | ¢ b Senet An : an BD " ’ i quicked of any I ever tried "Any tan o : ! making leas than $40 peor wok should try pany IDOoner-maki broami noban, A anarnnies It the bes ¢ paring in the las 1 sas ples quick selling goods from | to any lady or pant whowilldevaing few hours daily. Fx 1 perienos Gunes Cure your ow i talking, Write quick snd w ree BG Merril] #5 Cheng | CANCERINSTITUTE, fret Miec, : FE = scientt ; b- # : >I & br his antic Preaminently wn and a acknowiedpge sath 3 Boer serviceable to CouvaleRcEnis A h a sand for Cree Ironting gai, on Dit. KLINF. 1 BL Philadephia a. dren is often d by somes indiscretion on the part of the Ee es be Chirk: and, &8 8 reenii Te ery, cholers infantum. or other complaints | don ach or bowels ensoes, In sil such ese Hidge's Food is the beet dietetio, 1t is perfectly safe, being neutral (0 (98 action upon the bowels, snl in interferes with action of wedicines TO PHYSICIAN invite your attention $9 our new, clean and oon. venient application of ths principie of counter. frritmiion ae shown by our MEDIC ED BODY BANDS. Highly ind: pro sent mem bere of Lae pro. fasion, for the ( of Dyspepsin, Nhramn- tiem, Painful sand it Menstruation, Pleurisy Paine in thie Side, Back, Bowels, and Kidneys, Exo out for Cholera in all forms, warming the bowels sud checking dirchiarees. Sup plied to you or your p tients through Drus stores, or ay mail on receipt 1 $1, Head for cirenlars oath onisls from rhyvicians & Ae Agonts wanted SEWYORK HEALTH AGENCY, 255 Broadway, N.X. 10W MS for sais. Wild. Tgproved, st Depot. P, V. B. HOES, Kinderhook, N. ¥ FAR Chive Face, Hands, Feer,and all their im. parioctima, melading Facial Deyelop- ment Birth Marks, Moles, Warts Mot 1 Freckles, Red Now, Acne, BI'k Heads, . Pitting and their treatment, Jolin Woodbury. ® Paar] SL Alba. Say. N.Y. Est'v'd 150 i a Teta PATENTS Zilia ts Lars Raps sii fan, Sever, mt QR Dt put ada ro » Aline Habis YH. Nop OPIUM 8. , HYEPHRNS, MORPHINE piss EASILY CURED, BOOK FREE, DR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jeflerson, Wisconsin Die hy Printing, TAUGHT AND SITUATIONS A 1. Cirenlags free, 0%. Jageavilie, Wis, 5 TON WAGON SCALES, teal Bearings, Levers, # Tare Batm and S 0 557 Sos Slt: ment Joy for free pri OF HINGHAM TON, Bisghamton; N. ¥. CARDS FPP RE: emt ‘GONSUMPTION, » of caves worst Kind and standing bave been cared. In “0 fe my fait Tn us ofener. § wiih wo Brie fuk, together with a VALUARL ATE Hin disease and PF. 1 PeariBin ow York, ply NR ENNYROYAL PENNY ENGLISH" T A & ea fot wrt, TRURSTON'S 5 TOOTH __VALENTINE DOMESTIC, A WORKINGMAN writes, I earn only 6 close to the wind, If 1 spent over 25 cents way, and we and the children like it: A |: use some salt, pepper, a little parsley, a grate of nutmeg, a small piece of butter, and some dry bread hour; when we can afford it we take the yolks of two eggs and make a sauce Savory OMmeLerrEs—we make ihis sbout four minutes, in & basin, add a quarter of a teaspoon- A —————— is excellent for removing grease spots and stains from carpets and clothing is made of two ces of ammonia, two ounces of white castile soap, one ounce of ether: cut the soap fine, dissolve in one piut of water over the fire; add two quarts of water, This should be mixed with water in the proportion of a teacupful to one ordinarysized pail of water, Mix thoroughly and wash soil- ed garments in it. For removing spoils use a sponge or clean flannel cloth, and with a dry cloth rub as dry ss possible, Woolen goods may be made to look bright and fresh by being sponged with ‘¥uar I Kxow, I Kxow,” sald the great surgeon, Magendie. “Give me stubborn facts—I care not for theories.” This is sound doctrine. The world de- mands facts, not speculative opinions, and it is well known that Dr. WALKERS Visegan Brrrens cure Indigestion, Liver Complaint, and Fevers, and numerous other distressing and danger. ous complaints. ns A AA To enjoy the pleasures of wealth, thou shouldst first experience the fa- The person who 1s good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else, Beauotiful Chromo Cards Free. A very handsome set of elegant Floral Cards will be sent free of cost to all who send their address on a postal card newer, comnmanmen AAI AI5555 Bite off your tongue, ere it speak words which may wound those who love you. Mensa PEFTONIZIED EREF TONIC, the only preparation of beef containing Ha entire nnire Homes properties, IL contains bood-TRAKIDG, toroe and jife-ausaining properties; invaius feebied conditions, whether the rescitl of exhaus Lon, pervous prosirétion, orver-work or acute dis eam, complainia Caswell, Hazard & U0, proprietors, New York, Said by drogisia cotton thet is the principal color in the other ornamentation, To make the of fringing easy, first draw out one thread where you wish to make the place to stop, then slash the edge, and with a stiff needle or large piu you can draw the threads out rapidly and easily, Freckles, Pimples, Balt Rheum cured. Ad's Dr. M, Hutchinson, 110 Clark 8t,, Chicago, Ill, To Bom Rion wash the rice tho. roughly, and throw it into a lnrge sance- panful of boiling water; add a bit of butter about the size of a rut, and boil the rice as fast as possible for fifteen or twenty minutes—the time must depend on the rice you use. Take out the rice and dry it on a sieve for a few minutes before the fire, Every grain will then be separate and swollen to ite full size, The secret of boiling rice is that the sancepan must be large enough for every grain to ''kick” separately and to boil it fast, thas: A li butter, one cup and a half of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, one three cups of flour, one of soda dis. solved in a very little hot water, and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar mixed thoroughly in the flour; one cup of raisins chopped very fine. — That Tired Feeling £1 The warm weather has a debilitating effect, especially upon those who ave within doors ed US AN This feeling can be entirely overchbme by taking Hood's parila, which gives new lio and strength lo all the functions of the body. #1 eould pot sleep; had no appetite, i took Hood's Barsaparilla and soon began to sicep soundly; coud get up without thas tired and languid feeling; and my appetite fmproved.” RK. A. BANFORD, Kent, Olle, Sarsaj { i . / | Strengthen the System Hood's Sarsaparilla 1s characterized vy | three peculiarities: 1st, the combination of remedial agents; 24, the proportion; 34, ibe | process of securing the active medic inal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual sirength, efiscting cures hitherto unk now. | Bend for book containing additional ev idence. “Hood's Sarsapariila tones up my system purifies my blood, sharpens my appetite, anc seems 10 make me over.” J.P. THOMPSON, Register of Deeds, Lowell, Mass. “ Hood's Sarsaparilla beats al! others and fs worth its weight in gold” 1 DARKINGTOUN, 130 Bank Street, New York City. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1; six for §5. Made only byC. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar. This Bitters cures Fe= ce Bitters Known. male Come iaints, In- Made from Californias roots and herbs, free from Alco~ holle Btimu- no W jants. A Pure o ative and iammatory Rand Chronic Hheumana- tise, Gout, Bilious, He- mittent Intermittent ¥evers, Blood, Liver and Kidney Discases, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache i Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Furred Tongue, Bilicus ks, Palpitation of the Heart, ( Colds warnonia are cured by the use < ! the Bitters 8, Tet it Diseases, T un, Pimples, Boll ihe X : ase OF 4 the Stomach» id Liver and B and nparts new carried out of the sys itinvigorates the tory life and vigor 0 the whols system No Person can take the Bitters and rem long unwell - ¥in, Tape and other Worms, are destroyed and removed from the gywiam Cleanse the Vitinted Ricod whenever mpure, No other Modicine so efToctuslly res the blood « v-peated diseases Give the Bitters i « a betior gusranion ® & weiss, sin { dew iH. HM. McDonald Fra Drug Co, Iv a & Cal. endl fa , 55 & 63 Wa Cor. Charlion Bt, New rk Sold by all Dealers and Druggists. ASKIn of Heawty isa joy Forever, DRT. FELIX GOURAUD'S Cream, or Magical ® Es Beaatifier. Lesnsorves 88 “rupien, Pre bom, Mot wiehws, Hasls na Skin 4 ond ~~ ™ Heautifies the Skin. Ne other cosmetio § as Parifies as well will do it. 5 & lady of the BATT TOR (8 § wee then, | recommend ul of all the Sion wo j¢ removes suprfio ry to the skin GOURAUD, Sole Prop, € Bond 8 N.Y. i drogwiets and Fancy Goods Dealers he 1. 5. Ospadas and Europe Also Sty, of IL HL Macy's Stern's, Bhrton’s, ther Fancy Goods Dealer Fuewsre ' #100 Beward for arrest and rood WANTED Apis! wipe Phot sha. Ent iden. Liberal discous Rend for san 11. BROS. inch 4 al LAYED AT y Thout instr u TOW « wiiiete ny sien pA DDRESS NEW YORE MUSIC OO. P sutde-Batry Dookkesping thoroughly ta y mail, Send for Prospscins an son. HAR. COOK, 141 iplda Pe anE y BOX 178 shi by iret Avenue, New York { SIO0TO S20 A DAY mate with i aifits for manufacturing Stepoib Ror Chocks and Rubber Stamp Catalogue free, 8. M. SPENCER 117 Washington Bt. Boston Masa R. U. AWARE THAT - 1" » * Lorillard’s Climax Plug HOE. bearing a rod fin fag; that Lorillard's Rose Leaf fine cul; that Loriliard's vy Clippings, and that Lorillard’s Snuffe, are Na the best and cheapest, quality considered ? sesyere———————— BE RADWAY'S READY ® ® ¢RELIT~ A CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAI-TS I A teasposoful f a tumbler of wa i afew mon CREAMPE, BEPASN BTOMACH, YOMITIRG, { BURN, 3 A «MiSs, BLEEPLE SICK HEA] iE, DIARKMB(EA, DYSE { CHOLERA 1 (BUR, COLIC, FLATU AND ALL INTERSAL PAIRS, CHOLERA! The READY RELIEF is almost 8 8po terrible epldemic; if used in Umie, Wil sive | every case, RADWAY’S EADY RELIEF MALARIA IN ITS FARIOTS Fons, Tere 1s DO & remedin sen In Gis world {| the: will cure Fever and Agus i other Ma { larious, 50 2, and Other vers (sided bY | RADWAY ILLS) #0 quickly = BADWAY'S {| READY hal 3 THs Bary ADY BRELIRY 1s A CURE POR 1 ] HEADACHE, A, RHEC- NTH, h BACK, OR LIMBS § 1 of the READY REI | part or parts where the Dain or © : { will aflord ins Case 3 comfort t was the fret ard is THE ONLY PAIN EDY that ins vy Stops the INOSL eXuru y pains, allays f ! 1 Cures Congestion { whether ol 1 R, OF lands or ; PRICE, 0 © iste. S—— En CH The appileatic nd « by ~ DR. RADWAY'S ' Sarsapariilian Resolvent, The Creat Blood Purifier. FOR THE CURE OF ALLS NIC DIS i Chronic Rheu i Ing, { Byphil i Dyspepeia, | mors, Yim i Ulcers, . ' Radway's Besol vent, composed of ingredients of eXrROT- cal properties, esseutin Ww puridy, vigorale the roken-Gown ane ICE. PLEARANT, SAFE 60d PRs | WENT IO Ha Gestment and cure BOLD BY ALL DRI Barsaparillian GGISTS. One Dollar & bottle, DR. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS Perfectly last ie, 3 a anise B ¥ 4 Dr. Ba i, for the 2 of the jiver, Boweis, K UOT * Nerv . oe, 4 od A Ser, ache, Cons POPELA, B Bowes, i ternal Visoeri i mercury. Price, 20 cents per bax, EAD “FALSE AND TRUE Send a eter Bl RAD ® Ko. 82 Warren mation wor 13 Parely yegetadie, minerais, or deleterious dries FOIA DY A to DR. LIQUI UNEQUALL wOOD, GLASS, OME IM EDFORCEMENTING AWARDED CO DAL, LONDON, isk. Used by Mason & sls d a Mans Co Palnos Cur Oo. ke, MPG only by lhe JUSSI CEMENT, £2 GLOUCESTER, MAE & EVERYWHERE. $50 REWARD wit! be paid tor any Gratis Fas of swine wee thot ens deen end bag wt ward Geals or Fos in sae ar we our Patent HON ARCH » KEWARK MACHINE CO | Golam ue Ohbe. Bartors Brant Kove, Hagorviows, Ba. 4%. 24 samples of Dr. BB. W. Read s Celebrated Aath- sent free to all b 1% ie leo a0 €X- 3% 1 dy for Cough ¢ id Csiarrh Soc, $1.00 packages sont by mail A. ETHRIDGE, Manufacturer snd Re tor, Rome W.X. AXD CATARR 1 i i i ! : \ spared by Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mase. - — rom A WOMANS A NATURAL ANXIETY \ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I consider Ayer’s Sarssparilla u safe, 1 have used it extensively, and 1 bave used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, from As 8 spring medi ts peoulisrly bolt by Lieggiets. Price $1; ®x bottles, 8 ¥ " ry | ha : ime ad wo &