In order to obtain the best resuits in farming, rich soil and good cultivation must go hand in hand, —————— “Shoot Polly as She Files,” — Pop. was the way it appeared in the proof-slip. Theargus-eyed proof-reader, however, knew the quotation intended and changed it to read: “Shoot Folly as she flies," — Pope. Of course it was an error, yet how many are daily committing mue nN graver errors, by allowing the first symptoms of consumption to go unheeded, if afflicted with loss of appetite,chilly sensations or hacking coug gh, it is suicidal to delay a single moment the use of Dr. Pierce's “Golden Medical Dis- covery,” —the great and only reliable reme- dy yet known for this terribly fatal mal: uly. Send two letter stamps for Dr. Pierce's complete treatise on this disease, Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Baffalo, N, ¥ cnn tA A ———— Some authorities consider potash “the most essential food for all yegeta- bles, emai — aulaugh and Grow Fat," is the precept easily preached, but not so easy to practice. 1f a person has no appe- tite, but a distressing nausea, sick- he ad- ac he, dyspepsia, boils, or any other il sulting from inaction of the bowels, it is impossible to get up such + laugh as will produce aldermanic corpulence. In order to laugh satisfactorily you must be well, and to be well you must have your bowels in good order. You can do this and laugh heartily with Dr. Pierce's ‘‘Pleasant Pur- gative Pellets,” the little regulators of the liver and bowels and best promoters of Jollity. Clover and grass are designated as ‘the underpinning of a successful rota- tion.” TO ® # # # Delicate cured. Consultation free, Dispensary Medical Association, X.Y. diseases radically Address World's juffalo, Try hot flannel over the seat of neu- ralgio pain, and renew frequently. EE et fe years. About three years ago I com- menced the use of Ely's Cream Balm, and from the first application I was re- lieved. The sense of smell, which had been lost was restored after using one bottle, I have found the Balm the only | remedy for Catarrh I have ever used with satisfaction, plished a cure in my case,—H. L, My- er, Waverly, N, Y. mer —— A ————— A New Ipea embraced in Ely’s Oream Balm, Oatarrh is cured by cleansing and healing, not by drying up, It is not a hquid or snuff, but is easily ap | plied with the finger. Its effect is mag- ical and a thorongh treatment will cure the worst cases, Price 50 cents. At 60 cents by mail, Ely Bros, Owego, N. XT. ost I MSE naturally have to labor, o— “Ladies of much of the they are called upon to bear, them bless the day when they first tried it. Mrs. A. W, Howl! land, i, SYN: -'] most che worfully v HUNT'S [Kidue y and Liver] a safe and reliable cure for Kidney and iv is the found that does exactly tised to do.” pain and suffering which of Providence, ReMeDy disease, what it is blood. the liver, By promoting bowels and Kidneys blood and eliminates disease, si i ——— Hearts wade of gray marble may be clensed by rubbing them with lin- seed oil. THIN PEOPLE. “Wells’ Health Henewer” restores health and vigor cures Dyspe pela, lmpotence, 3 Tidies have been replaced by a bow of broad ribbon whieh looks very well in the place usunaliy occapied by the tidy. Having used Ely's Cream Balm for about a year, I can say it is just the thing for catarrh, Miss Mattie A, cen A Salt for stock 18 especially serviceable Charcoal should al- sells fruit, BED-BUGS, FLIES Flies roaches, anta, bed. huge rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by “Rough on Hats.” 15c. The first screw America, and, knows, the first iron hulls, Anthracite and the Black Diamond, son, and employed in carrying coal nal. in America was the frigate Princeton, under the superintendence of Capt Stockton. This vessel was a full-ngged ship, and it was the intention to use and as an aid to the sails, The researches of Herr Max Singer, of Vienna, go to show that four sub- stances can be extracted by means of hot water from the woody tissue of some plants. 1. Vanillin, which seems of plant substances, being found even in decayed wood and brown coal. 2. substance which shows the reaction of coniferin, 3. A species of gum soluble atie acid, not identical with any of those already "specified. Moreover, wood gum discovered by Thomson, Frazer Axle Grease is the Standard Axle Grease of tha world, One greasing will last two weeks. sup if you want to make it palatable, atlica——— “BEESON'S AROMATIC ALUM SULPHUR Boar,” beautifies and softens Face and has ands, heals and cures all skin diseases for spare, 25 cents by “Druggist’”’ or by mail, Wm. Dreydoppel, Philadel phia, Pa. ->ne by rubbing them with white of egg. A BroxouIAL TROCHES are a safe and sure troubles of the Throat and Lungs, only in bozes. Price 25 cents, Important. When you visit or leave New York Clty, save expressage and $3 carriage Hireand stop a8 las tirand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Cen He 00 elegant rooms, fitted up At A cost of one millions dofiare $1 and upwards per day. European Flan. Elevator. Hestaurant suppiled with the best, Horse cars, stages and elevated railroad to all depots, Families can live better for lear mony 8% ie Grand Union Hotel than at ARy other fret cinta motel ms the ity. Get rid of every fattening cattle beast before it is three years old, MOTHERS, 1f you are failing; broken, worn out Land nervous, Wells’ liealta Renower.” $1. Druggists Graine 1 wood should be washed with cold tea, Tested Dy Time, For lo these many years has Carbo. line, the great Petroleum Hair Renew er, been used by the le, aud not a word of complaint, erily, actions speak louder than words, WI BI ——— For ordinary woodwork use whit to rub the dirt off and ammonia, ing “ROUGH ON PJ ON PAIN " Cures cholers, colle, Jains, Stu sprains, head hacer Rough oh Pain Oil of favender will drive sway fies. pa Toei: | St. Bernard Veg erable Pills. BANTED A BELY VEGuTARLR s for Liver and Bidivas culiveness, Headache, Dyapopaia. As a r and Spring Medicine y og tad No familly o without a box of the si i Vegetable Fills in te Bouse, ; ts ad Drage or by : ‘ak wet _ Address STETT CELEBRATED in order to enrich the blood with the national invigorani, %, which, deservedly popular tonic, gene rally. Engravings, Etchings, Photographs, FRENGH-PLATE MIRRORS, EAUTIFULLY FRAMED, WINDOW CORNICES, TABLES, gc. TASTEFUL AND HARMONIOUS PICTURE FRAMES. the largest the famous Hey. io carry ta a fal RESTON. finest gesartment in the cnuntry, A JROUPS.Y Sole A; Packed safely to nt. most careful and sk RTioN oF PAINTINGS, Ew Catalogue on recsipt of sta up No. 816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, i ESTABLISUED 1831. ABkin of Bennty Ian joy —— DE. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Beautifler. Cream, or Magieal Pimple fros Kes Moth. Faschen fiom and Skin ess and Oriental other conmet! will do it. Tem wo baste It 0 be sire is pr. L. A, Hayre ald ind, a lady of fh a Ae you Indien ili Tee Jox etre of ot a he ks Fo ttle will RE BES Ss Te or Ein 1 a FEY Sol En pi BR a Tinie 1,000 REE | = sticne bi Ra la CARDS fron 1 GARD 00 Combarimosk:ooma yi ESTEE Hears, soe WARNER'S | TirPECANOE i | THE CAMPAIGN TOKEN OF i040 SNYIW 1! LYHM SX104 G10 IHL XSY corymianten, | BITTER S. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, I. XX. WARNER. & CO, Rochester, N.Y. FUR STOMACH ALL DISORDERS. $1.00 A BOTTLE. H. H, WARNER &« CO, R chester, N. Rev. W 8 BEATHWAITE, Hed Bank was cured of dyspepmia, and other stomac orders, by Warner's Tirrecaxon, Tues Dest FOR INDIGESTION, UNEQUALLED, $1.00 A BOTTLE. H. H. WARNER % CO, Rochester, N. Y HON. D.D & BROW Ro Warner's TIPPECANOE, The Best, for stomach de- rangements, and was astonisced at the good RN did ham, GAIN Health and Happiness. 5 CD AS OTHERS « HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys s disordered? “Kidney Vort brought me from my we, aa it ware, af fuer ] hid born given up by 19 best doctors in Detroit.” MW, Deversss, Rechanic, Jotia, Mick, Are your nerves weak? “Ei Arey Woes cured sus from mervoas weaks ser | waa pot expected $o ve "e Mra M. M yt win, Bd, Christian ¥onifor Cleveland, O. Have you Bright's Disease? “Eitaery Wort eared tae when wy waler was Just like chalk asd then like Blood.” Yrank Wilson, Peabody, Mass _ Suffering from Diabetes? idney Wort bo Lhe mont sxncrnefs ] rege iy | have ever Sad. Wives almond Searondisie peiiel™ Dr. RALEp C. Ballo @, Monkton, YL & Lpomind Have Jou Liver Complaint? “Kidney Wort cured me of chronic Liver Diseases after 1 grayed to die” Aes Ward, iste Col eh Mat Goard X.Y, Is 8 your Back lame and aching? Ta Wert, (1 bottle) cured me vhen | was se bad to roll, out of bod ™ CM Talmage, Milwsshes, Wis Have Jou Kidney Disease? made me sound in liver and kidneys after yours of unsoooesmfai doctord Ita worth fon ox fant Hodges, Wil Are you Constipated? “EiAney Wort Onna Rey SYROWRL HE and cured me after 18 years tee of olher medicines Nelson Fairchild, 84 Albanese, Vi Have you Malaria? “Rs Wart Bas 3) better than any other —— re over wad in XA y Er aout s Here, VE Are you u Bilious? “EIdney Wort has done me mote od than any other rowed) y bs ro 3g taken. Brad T - Galloway, 1k Flat, Oregon. Are you torments d with Piles? “Kidney Wort wo? weed me of 3 dead tome” plies. De. W, O. Kline reron + Geo. I. Horst, Cust . ank, Re . Are you Rheumatism racked ? “Kidney Wo" cured tos, after | was given up So die by physicians and | had rafered thirty years,” Ebr ge M Moicolm, W Maine, Ladies are you suffering? “Kidney We red the of peoniar troubles of several yours standing Many friens « coms pond praise wn" Nas iL Lass oTeRGE, | o La Motie, Vi If you would Banish Disease 1 and gain Health, Take 8K IDNEY.- WORTE THe BLOOD CLUANSER. PLE CAN Bont Cee Cn. Goons; Ham, 200 oA 5 TON WAGON SCALES, Tron Levers, Stes] Hearings, Brass Tare Hoam and fl S60: mm Bot, AND JONES he pare the freight Ty iat mention this Ad address SN or "RINGIA o Binghamton, N. Y. Profitable Employment And ld is Ht home work fi ar fadi veut apwhite Himpie and wtriet ip VT a & DAVIS, Gams, | Address {94 VAAL EI Lands, turance nnd 2 a bE SWIDLED! By baying Eros you nok 1 oshis noshing about, We Baintindy Pitch rad ae aoa lous Shin PIasber highly ms. 2]! Lio 1 V8 : ta, wire! Foon, yy ort pal Sn h Sure of a soho, wor HO PLASTER 00, ay 7 EA Wanted by Kensiogin Plagoe aad Poel Int Oo Ladies an wiria dodo our i lght work at thelr hogs ¢an Auritg | a or ayy ort A Sandy Als a bd #88 gd cuwpioy ment iy mead . Wok sone und "ig ATR rose P.O. Dox, Clinton, Mass $50 REWARD 8 BTR he ras toe ang Senin F. CE HUMOROUS, Duokwarer Jiu, a battered and tat. tered Piute, who claims to be a forty second cousin of Oaptain Bam, has of {ate taken a good deal of interest in things beyond this vale of tears. He likes to hear about heaven, the *‘place of the long rest,” as he calls 1t. Cook- ing his old and battered plug hat on one side, and almott closing his eyes in Lis effort to obtain a realizing sense of this very desirable place of rest, Jim says: “White man up thére no more wuk nm mine—no more run um rail. road?’ “No, Jim, no more work at all.” “What white man do,” “Well, Jum, play oll the time on a big golden harp.” “And Injon, what he do?” “Well, he will have a big harp, all the game as the white man,” “(iuess not,” says Jim, shaking his head dubiously; *‘Injun maybe play lite | tle on jewsharp. Bnt what you think ! "bout eatch um plenty watermelon?” | and Jim opened wide both his eyes and | looked as though much depended on a | favorable auswer to the question, New Mixisrer—*‘No, sir; Idon't like choirs. 1 want congregational singing, and you will oblige me by disbanding your choir before next Sabbath, 1 dis- like to offend you, sir, but I feel strongly ! on this subject.” Organist—**But choirs have been | used for years, and I supposed all op- position to them had ceased in this de- nomination,” New Minister—“I believe, sir, in | keeping close to first principles, There | was no choir singing in the days of the | apostles,” Organist— ‘Of course not. The op- | eras hadn't been written then.’ Mz Dz Brasx—"My dear, it is nore | of my affair, but if I were you I'd send | those striped stockings back and get | them exchanged for plain ones,” | Mrs, Ue Blank—* “Why so, dear? They | are very pretty.” “I know, but they are ont of fash. fon.” “There, I knew it, you old deceiver, So that's where you "spend your even. | ings, is it? Oh, I- “My dear; why, what's the rolierskating rinks!” “I don't, I saw that io a paper.” “Oh!” | college. | drive, he seemed to nave At last he chatter, | faculty of speech. break, | *“*Miss Mingle, which | poets do you prefer?’ “Virgil, of course,” replied Minnie, | with a roguish twinkle in her eye, | “Why? saked George. ““Because he did not waste so much | time with useless preliminaries, but | started right out with man I sing.'” made of “Tan reason I am #0 miserable,” re. marked a Beautiful Heiress, ‘‘is just | this, | me for my money,’ “The reason I am so miserable ” re. | marked pretty Miss Poverty, ‘is just i this, I am afraid no one will marry Tue story that an old gentleman in | conl oil, and now, as a resuls, sports a | luxuriant growth of hair, 1s evidently a | deep-laid scheme to raise the price of | petroleum. Asoruzn p'aneloid has been discoy- | sor. We won't take the trouble to teli | what a planetoid is, Everybody knows, greens, or use it Tor striking a light. o———————— | A Gmonoia farmer who owns a melon- | | pateh has fired his shot-gun forty-one | | times into the darkness thus far this | season, and it bas been answered only | seven times by yells of: “Golly, ghey | i i “Vy, Avorrn,” says Mrs. Felderstel | | derberger, at Long Branch, ‘You hef | been helped tree times to dot sherry | pies, und you will be sicks,."” | mind,” says Mr, Feolderstelderberger, | bay four dollars mit & day, und | Adolph is entitled to a whole pie, any- | how,” Duar and dumb wives, Morse, who invented the telegraph, and Bell, the inventor of the telephone, both bad deaf-mute wives, which leads a wag fo observe: “Just see what a man oan do when everything is quiet.” wl ounTLEMAN who lives near a ocer- tain “springs” wes asked whether there were woodoook in that vicinity. ‘There ought to be plenty,” said he *or I nev- er heard of anybody killing any.” Tar Duke of Edingburg tried to in- troduce the custom of men wearing bracelets on the left arm, The eustom is followed to some extent in this coun try, but the jewelry 1s made of iron. If belts are allowed to become covered with grease, dirt apd res n, or to grow dry snd hard, they cannot work air- tight on the "pull Very often no more than twenty- y oh per cent, of the available power is obtained because of these neglects, Many persons think they obtain more driving power by plac- ing a tightener against the belt; but this gain is only the equivalent of the extra surface with which the beltis brought in contact by the tightener, and in the case of a horizontal belt this will be nearly lost by friction, though on an upright belt the tightener may be useful, There is economy in working with slack belts, keeping them clean and flexible, Hard- ened belts are best softened by a wash of lukewarm soda water and a thorough scraping and oiling, Lew realize what an enormous amount of power is stored up in coal, and now little we really utilize it. Prof. Rogers has put it neatly thus: The dynamic value of one pound of good seam coal is equivalent to the work of a man a day, and three tons are equivalent to twenty years’ hard work of 800 days to the year, The usnal estimate of four foot con! for every square yard, or about 5,000 tons for eash square acre. Each square mile will then contain 3,200,000 tons, whieh, in their total capacity for the production of power, are equal to the labor of over 1,000,000 able-bodied men for twenty years, The following are some of the greatest altitudes reached by railways: The Al- pine line rises to a height of about 1,851 ft.; that of the Black Forest, 2 - 650 ft.; the Soemmering, 2,670 ft.; the Saint Got hmd to the tunnel, 3, 462 ft.; the Brenner, 4,101 ft, ; the Mont-Cenis, 4,014 tt; the North Pacific, 4 956 ft. ; the Central Pacific, 6,420 ft, ; the Unior Pacific, 9,989 ft.; and finally the Andes railway attains a height of 14 307 fi, DYSPEPSIA Does not get wel of qu 'res carefu 1 3B Te mn at owil pe he causes and tone up the < a t OTR ii they perform thelr duties wil Mrs Bosworth, of Amberst, N. H., alter many “sure cures” without benefit, found itselt an 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla fi the 3 1 and restored her to Amen g the ag Too Tp Ienead by th We type tress before or after eating, of app irregu arities of the bowels, ¥ i | pain in the stomach, heartburn, Ki & ment Be deg ITORE IO i ¥ “ are a 5 He W a's Sarenpar Lia Sure ¥ Af you give PPT TITTY TITY «+ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND IRA POSITIVECURE FOR + * All those painful Complaints * ged Weakness 80 common * ses ee vippurbal tren es #* FEMALE POPLLATION » # Fries 1 fu Dewi, Jan or Sethian. pone (8 solely Jor The beg ¢ pu of f pain, and th ali af badien con gladly teslify. * arian troubles, Infsonines thom and Uioersdl ote and indacements, wd uc ment Spins Weakness, aod 4 particular ¥ od to al Thea va * It removes Paintness, Fist s Gostroysal eraving for stimulants, and relieves ef the Shomer it oures Bloating, Headsotes, pia Prostration Gemseral Teebeility, Blconirmness, Depremdon snd Jndl geslion, That feeling of bearing down, causing pal and backache, ls alws rs permanently cured by ils ose * Bend samp to Lyus, Mass, Tor pamphlet, Lotturs of oY iry confidentially suewered Fo sale al Arugrisis Shaves ss TT ET EE san SERRE EE SNS * Ms dinner ond the reli . a 'R. U. AWARE THAT - uy 4 Lorillard’s Climax Plug ————— - bering a red Rose font Kary ( Hinpings an 4 % the best sud ches jes MORPHINE 22s. Opium Habits EASILY CURED, BOOK FREE. DR, 1, C. HOFFMAN, Jeflerson, Wisconsin GONSUMPTION. haven oii vis remed 5 fo ands 91 cases of | we bop cured. sod, HEB LP oF. that § w a 4 THO BOTT A VALUABLE TRRATIOR on tn rr, © es sepresaand PO aldrom, PLA BLOCUM, 36 Poarifiii Rew Yon rk ASTM AXD Manufacturer and Pr CATARRH 2 tne, THURSTON'S ali POWDER Heeping 's Pi wt and Gums Healthy Blai:’ Efi: 3.5m English Gout and TW Rieumatic Remedy. 1X | $1. Lt; resend, &. ots we will font root rz FOR NOTHING raf and hensingion Patuting. in tog ; that jortt 3 ® w rt 3 8 FRIIS ¥ dinenns Samples of Dr. Ww. ma Relief scent free to all who apply. 111s aed an 6X calient temedy for | onghe, Colds and Catarrh . aud $i.00 packages pont b r mail A. ETHRIDGE, os dyna, | Mass. — NOW ==5 Flowers and ty READY street, New York. E VEE ETE aad to the re AR, Vor red Ii Lyin, Masse oo voass AE for home decorations TR Th iE LAUT RY Fore FORKS TAVANA Tis vara Cigar nd -w bet En SPSS A JN Narrow Escape. ROCHBETER, June |, 1888 “Teg Years ago | was attacked with the mont Imense and deginly pains ln my back aid one Bf “Extending to the end of my toes dl “w my brain! “Which made me dellr “Frow agony. “It took three men to hold me at times! “The Doctors tried in vain to but to no purpose, Morphine and oler opiates! “Had no effect! “After two months T was gi dis! “When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had done for her, she at onoe got and gave me some, The first dose eased my brain and seemed to go hunting through my system for the pain, The second dose essed me so much that | sep two hours, something | had not done for two months, Before | had ged five ties, 1 was well and of work as hard as any man could, for over three weeks; but 1 worked too herd tor my strengih, ag tiking a hard cold, | wa « taken with the most scute and painfol rhegmatism all through my system that ever was Known. “1 called the doctors again and afer several weeks, they lefl me & cripple on cruiches for life, as they said, | met a friend and i din my case and be said Hop Bitters had (ore n and would cure me, |] poobed at him, but Le B80 GRruest i was induced 10 use het again, In jess than four weeks [| threw crutches and went to work lightiy and axing Lhe bitters for Sve weeks, un well as any man living, and have | years sinoe, It has also cured my wife, who had been sick for years; and has kept her and my children welland healthy with from two to three bottles per year, There is no need to be sick at all if these bitters are used. J.J. BERE, Ex-Bupervisor “That poor invalid wife, Bis “Or daughteri!!! = C Jan be made the pleture of health “with a few bottles of Hop Bitters! fous! i my bed ruitve Des ven up Ww wa awasy my kept om ii became as wen 80 for six ter, Mother, EW None genuine wi thout Hopson the w mite label, us stuff wil ia “op WEBSTER. in Sheep, Russia and Turkey Bindings. “Get the Standard. GG Webster it has 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, sod a New Biographical Dictionary, » Buidard in Gov't Prigticg Office 32.000 rovies in Put Roe buoalm Bale 20 to 1 of 2 thoy series BEST. ake a Family intelligent, Bs st Lelp for SOHOLARS, HERES and SCHOOLS. 89 The vooabuiar us 3000 more words Liam are found ins r American Dicticusry. supplied, st a sm DEXISON'S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. he gr _ esent a F 8 a ry A ¥ a GC.&C 'MEBRIAM & CO. pringfeid, Mass, al! ad wil the load tw hat class of i has goes a RE Cures in ITO DAYS wnrnnieel not ow Pe — . enuee Boriotyre. EURPHY BY "a s— Peru, Tex HEE only by the 0 haz won the favor of vans Chemical Os ; Cinetnneu I Oia, BOOK AGENTS WANTED se PLATFORM, ECHOES pri VINE TRUTHS far Head and Heart. Bevwsed = = a John B. Gough pr tars aby Re peed 0” Brery one lsvgts and crivserer Tome of havsane bos saith he fs wnd penis sul 10 te $0 Sus wings Introturies Win ARROTT, BE $ wave Ae ute - LY for Cironllars wi ww : eT on 4 - Con x Harifurd. Con. » - SLARKI'S | INFALLIBLE 4a ald me rem wl in Ke aethon, Price SBa- VOR SALE BY DRUGOGINTR. S88 PHOSPHATE Pas 4nd Bates Nn acs We wre wugh's Strictly Pare Raw MM Hauwgh's Yi iv A nimal Hones, si uiy 1a AL A oid far mere to ged ow they can pro. from os, Send your pune ae 0% our hve, Ome paca foatr of Rides Food, In Sonteadis. tinction to wiral sction upog 1he how. en Por dhis ch 1% ie Specially ay od 30 thie ne oan Poon i Tm i gd ptr] a 5 ¥ Fears in EN perfectly ssfe and nourishing Sr inert Tor pert Fast OPIUM: SH Wine §¥ abit Core days, 1 ¥ he tur Brera to3 AA