Dons your cream refuse to produce butter, the conditions so far as manipu- lation is concerned being correct? The fault is probably some one or more cows of the herd, Test the milk separately of any that may be suspected, espeo- fally of any one that may be ailing in any way, Mr, E. BR. Hoyt, a mechanical engin- eer at the New Orleans Exposition, was severely injured by a huge derrick pole falling on his foot. He was conveyed to his residence, and after only three applications of St. Jacob's Oil, all the swelling and pain disappeared, and he resumed his duties. a im IAG Qin The old Eaglish ivy is an excellent vine for the house-—some say the best, People Going West. Beeking homes, health, investments, em- ployment or recreation, can obtain maps ,de- scriptive pamphlets and information about cost of tickets, by mall, free, upon applica tion toJ. W Morse, General Passenger Agent Union Pacific Railway, Omaha, Nebraska. State where you saw this item and whether you wish to go to Kansas, Nebraska, Colo- rado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, Washington, Nevada or California. pmae—im tlie ——— In the calling of agriculture it is bet- ter to be conservative than radical. A Man 1s Doomed, in popular opinion, when he has Dright’s Disease, but since Huxt's [Kidney and Liver] REMEDY has become so well known the cases are rare that it will not immedi ately relieve and permanently cure. His Son's Advice. Newrorr, Me, May 17, 1883, “I had weakness of the kidneys and biad- der for 12 years, My son, a Lewiston drug- gist, advised the use of Huxt's [Kidney and Liver] REMrDY. Am now enjoying good health thanks to HUNT'S [Kidney to recommend.” —E. B. Clark, Furniture Dealer, formerly with Maine Central BE. R. If You (Question the wonderful testimonials published by the Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] REMEDY Co., ot Providence, RE. L, write to the ad- dresses given enclos ing postal or stamp for reply, Bend for their iliustrated pamphlet of testimonials, giving wonderful cures. i ——— A A —" The first planting ot peas should be shallow and each successive one deep- er, ———— CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician om practice, having rad placed in his b ) ary ihe formuls the speedy and Bronchitis, Cat \ Lang Affections, 2180 & for Nervous Debility an after having tested i! in thousands of ci ft known to his sullening fell motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, In German, Freneh or | h directions for preparing and us Sent by mail by addresang with stamp, nam his paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. Wa of finely bred and finest class butter- COWS, Lm portant, When you visit or leave New York City, save baggage Srptesaage and $3 carriage Hir and 8top as ine Grand Uanlon Hotel, opposite Gra na Cen. ad gant rooms, fitted up ai a cost of one million dollars, $1 and uopwards per day. European Plan. Elevator. Hestaurani sappiied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevaied railroad to all depots, Families can live betler for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other drsil-ciass hotel (mn the city. Charred grain, either of corn, wheat, occasionally. MEwsMAN'S PEFTONIZED BEEF TONIC, the ouly preparation of beef containing Ra enifre nur tious properties. It contains blood-making, {oroe gensnating and (fe.mmstaining properiias; Invaiaa- ie for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous prosiration, and all forma of general debility, also, in all en feebind conditions, whether the resalt of exnaas. tion, nervous proatralion, over-work or acute dis. ease, particularly if resaltiag from pulmonary complaints, Caswell, flazard & Co, proprietors, New York. Sold by drugmista west I Bt —— Shrubs and trees about a farm house give it a pleasant appearance, Piant them, Life Preserver. If you are losing your grip 2a fe, try “Well H h Renewer.” Goes direct to weak spots. good for frost-bites and chilblsns, Sxrx DISEASES —''BEESON'S AROMAT 10 ALUM SULPRUR Soar,” cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, BSBores, Pimples, Druggists, or by mail. Philadelphia, Pa. inns AAI A Western vigilance committees are making it warm for horse-thieves. Wm. Dreydoppel, Covaus axp Conps. Those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, ete, shoukl try Brown's BRONCHIAL TrocHES. Suid only in boxes. si AI — Alabama is said to be the leading wool-growing State, and Ohio, second, Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivacity. Don't [ail to try “ Wells’ Health Renower.” sticks and fasten them with wire in the center, paint black and varnish, spread even distances and stand on ends, For the top you can use a cheese-box cover or have a carpenter make one to suit you, then cover the top with dark cloth snd tack on drapery of the same with brass-headed tacks. Embroider four ys on the drapery with crewels and bows also a large bow where is is fast. ened together with wire, Marrerrieon ORNAMENTS, — Among the devices for mantelpiece ornaments isa thouse wrought in copper snd elaborated in details, which carries two discs on the lantern, one wings with works on the striking of the hours, S0id Chunys of Wisdom. The only answer to all criticism, the true test of all work, is the result, and when Carboline restores the hair we know that it is the best hair renewer, ms tf MI MR SN Cultivation is equally as essential as fertility im the production of large crops. i —— A TATA If afflicted with sore use Dr. Issac Thompson's Kye Water. wollit 20e butter is spoiled worked tikes mat Hetog worked ohongh ie TRANSPARENCIRS are Do longer used for sash curtaios, as they soil readily, and few curtains are a success after the second washing, In their place India silk is used, as well as silk grenadine and light madrassa cloths, The silks are by far the best adapted for this purpose, as the texture is soft and pliable and admits of being gracefully draped. The colors are various shades from green to blush red, India reds, olive green, cop- per, gilt and these blue shades that are seen only in Oriental fabrics, White is to be ignored unless for summer use, and even then dust will discolor it, even if the maid-of-all-work does not | leave her finger marks on it every | time the panes are wiped off, Ecru is | a good shade, as also are pearl, the opal tints and the first four shades of brown and ohve, Prerry Bepcovem. — Take a linen sheet or thin counterpane and stitch strips of bright colored chintz upon it lengthwise, Or put them upon the four sides as a border, letting them cross at the corners, with a handsome square if the center, lostead of chintz { you can use strips of plan colors, as blue, red, pink or any material that will wash well, and can be stitched on and along the edges, Pat long herring- bone stitches of bright scarlet thread for a finish; if you wish it to hang over trim with pretty ince If to be tucked in, care must be taken to put the strips | far enough from the edge to show well | wheh the bed is made. To cLeax bottles, cut a new potato | into small pieces and put them in the | bottle with a tablespoonful of salt and | two tablespoonfuls of water. Shake {all well together and rinse the bottle | with clear water, emtetv——— PioxLep Arries, —Pare and quarter sweet apples, then steam in clear water until a fork can easily pierce them; three pounds of sugar to seven pounds of apples, and spices to suit the taste; over them, e—————— Arvy water will restore most all faded colors; brush the faded article THE GREAT GERMAN REM f AXN. | Ne RE 3 | Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, »o Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, re roat, Swellings Sprains, Bralses, Harn, Sealds, Frost Bites, ASD ALL OTHER BODILY PAINS AND ACHES Bold by Druggiste snd Dealers sverywhers, Fully Csats o bollls, Direction, in 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER ©0, Puosmases to A. VOGELER 200.) Baltimore, 84, U. 8. As 3 Thus remedy coniaing no (rgurious drug 8, C ATAR R Ely’s Cream Balm Pt when applied nto the nos. iis. will be absorbed, ef. Ble aually cleansing the head of catarrhal virus, causing healihy secretions It silays inflammation, grotects the membrane from fresh colds, com. SE ietely heals the sores and testores the senses of taste, smell and hearing itis KOT A LIQUID OF RNUFF A few applieations re. eve, A horough real. mand will ore Agree. hie to use, FPric 50 cents by mall or st druggists Send for circular, BLY BROTHERS, Droggists, Owego, XN. Y. CANCER INSTITUT > , Prof. Kline, by bis tures, [uvestizgalion fio treatanenin and practice, st x 5] iy on Cancer and ived. The most ex. sre recorded, water and then alum water, and the color will usually appear much brighter than before, a Ax excellent furniture polish for ev- fa, easstics, los of vw Fone Ful treatments uired in removing the 2 of Caneers of Yor particulars, rf treativg rt 1 EILINE "A of Bilhicion plus Fa A NTS WANTED, Houghtaiing's Hay three parts thick aleoholic shellac var. nish with one part boiled linseed oil, i ing. What can be more disagreeable, more dis- gasting. son who is troubled with catarrh, to keep coughing and clearing his an——— Such persons are always to be pitied if they try to curethemseives and fail. Butif they get Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy there need be no failure. sn iy Sheep do better in saall flocks, and when ouly a few are sheded together, A Sad Case of Folsoning disease or derangement of the liver, result. in poisonous accumulations in «d, scrofulous affections, sick-headaches, bl ina healthy condition. To accomplish this proved itself so efficacious as Dr Pierce's | Golden Medical Discovery,” which has | never failed to do the work claimed for | and never will pastures they should be tagged closely, * $$ * @» pile tumors and fistulas. Pamphlet of ticulars two letter stamps. World's pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. EE. — i bles as the weather grows milder, — ci— “Rough vn leh." ——— AI A — A bles and “less hog and hominy.” sta —— Frazer Axle Grease, | others two to three days Try it Paris Exposition. have oatmeal added to it, ns nm os sRough on Toothache," ASK for “Rough ou Toothache.” | ache, { The first duties of every man are the | duties of home; and he who neglects them cannot be supposed well to regard | any other, St. Bernard Vegetabe Pills, Wannaxred PURELY VEGETABLE 5 The best cure for Liver and Bilivas pr peainia, Costiveness, Headacha, grins and Dyspepsia As » «nd Purifier and dpa Medicine sy have no og No Tamil stiould be withoui a box of the pernard Vegotabie Pills in the Prioe 2 oonts of Drage or ™ Samples sent FREE. Addrowm Maoroor 88, Now York. Sample 1 Yreawiom Let Pr fra U.S CARD OO. i have a positive remedy! Bee Lhousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured, Indeed, sostrongis my faith In 116 eoney, that I will send TWO BOTTLES PRER, togeider with A VALUASLETRRATIEE on this Cisse Ww any sulerer Givesrpress and FO slddrren, * TUDE. 1. A. SLOCUM, 185 Peari Bi, Xow York, Keeping Teeth Perfect and Gums Healthy ox, $1.00; round, 50 ota, # HAY CLUTTER. The best in the world. i Eatte fe Pinel, Sempered. asd factosed we dever wil res baile | U1 oan he aesd Tir taken of we sharpen. Lesgih of oul wed, The Bigher lover is radend the wager # ents. AL warranted. Hae sogive malted FEUER HK MACHINE 00, Columbus, Baatwrs Brassed Hews, Hegerviowe, Bd, Sruiad of NEWA a month ‘salary or commission: ia agenie for THE WORLD'S WON. DEMS, 4 Write for fall partioniam HINTURICAL PUR. 00, Phila, Ps | ES LIQUID GLUE = Carmennds of Sret clan Mame erturery and Machenios on (heir bet week. Heceived GOLD MEDAL. London". Prossasend svouped dus opm, Bond card of desler wis Goes Bed koe with Sve Jo stamps Lor BAMPLE CAN FE Russia Cement Ca. Gloserrter am, ALL IMPE wp}: RF ECTIONS of the Face, Hands & Frol, Buperfinous Hair, ¥oics, Warts, Frockles, Both, Red Nose, Acue, PIR Heads, Sears, Ping and treatment Dr. Johs W aadburg, Albany, N, ¥' fd Joe. Tor book. LPO NEL. siaction, Ne eroe a payfaid outright work micely on line Chom siimndid a i sad puevranired witha ity comp Cons. witnd on Sew am puts; warks ealirely by of threw moni ren 9 Telephone will buy win poivate Vinge Jf oTiCAL wad RELL soir Telephone made, to give sstisfuction, oF sade AQGRENTE om som profits and get sil the ¢ work hey c 52 do. Mo grevious expe Fence veguired. Where] bare poagrsts Telophonas may be orlersd direct Cor peivite wen Circular ee . T. JOHNBON, 108 8. Division #t. Buffale, NX. XT. tal fon te the outright a the only PR AB » and warrants TUR pr RELIABLE SALESME introduce and sell Lhe trade the wall Kivown 1 Tr partes) Lerma ad Areas, si REE Fo RR es Si A MONTH ad Sulary paid wad on id any our goods, No capitsl . y advanes, Fall pare ver SE oo WE A BRITE & C0; Sule | TT TP —— - [1] A Fancy Work for home deo Tieues and ¥! Book and CA by READ Liwis & To a an ath nBRRE B Street, New J Or. on sn PATCH ah o nt pac of | A Er Ty MORPHINE abi Opium Habits EASILY CURED, BOOK FREE. OR, 1, C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, Wisconsin gm 5 PAS IIL SCROFULA Probably mo form of disedss is 80 generally dis tributed among our whols population sa Serofula Almont every individual kas this Intent poison cours ing his veins. The terrible sufferings endured by those afflicted with scrofulous sores cannot be understood by others, and the lutensity of thelr gratitude when they find a remedy that cures them astonishes & well person. The wonderful powers Hood’ of Hood's Barsspa S every form of Hovol: vis has bocn se clearly and fully it lsnves no doubt that if is the greatest wedicsl dis covery of this generation. Price $1.00, six for $5.00, Prepared only by C. 1 HOOD & CO,, Lowell, Mas, rill In eradicating . Sarsaparill demonstrated that Sold by Droggists and Dealers in Medicines, Pertinent Facts for An Atlanta (Ga) sight, the other day, wis a cart drawn by two lame alligators, They are sold on their merits, Lame Back, Stiiches, Pleurisy, Kidney Affections, Sore Chest, Crick, Rheumatism and strengthen weak paris is amply proven by the testimony of thousands. Ask for a Hop Porous Plaster. $5e, Wind pulls up empty bisdders; opinion, fools STaLes., 4 How is your back? Do #1 sche? Tell all suffer from Backache, Rieumatism, Neuralgia, dwo len Joints, or Muscles, Lame Side or Hip, Crick, Wrenches, Kidoey Troubles, Sciatica or soreness io any part, the Hop Plaster is offered as a certain cure. The virtues of fresh Hops with fitch and Gums. A wonderful strengthening Porous Plaster, 38¢, or 6 for $1.00, any dealer or oy mall. Insist on having it. Washington BL, Boston, Mass, Last year $837,000 worth of chewing gum 801d In the United States, Tbe household remedy. Hop Porous Plasters for Aches, Strains, Pains, Bruises, Stitches, Crick, LAME LORE OF DOTeDERS IR Any part, on, se Sheep placed on Key West sland lose their wool in the second Year, was “0 unlike all others, alter using the Hop Porous Plaster you will tave no other kind, “Tuey are nea’, possess real merii and never fall g Only 850. al an ean, It is sald that al i 10 that made from grain cal De produced § of wer any kind advent ured wm “lamas walking yas Jilasier, It ackache ot long stand everviaing Bo. of all droggi @a ng when Mummies are the only who are now left in Egrpl well-behaved persons Why bay a doubtful thing when thousands of New England peope say the Hop Plasier the sroages: and best porous plaster made. Lo The mean clevaiion of Colorado is higher U hai of any other State or Territory fhe had pain in the small of her back and was rod by a Hop Porous Masier, An Three thousand Sve hundred pounds of whale. bone have been oblaned from one whale. A great many people suffer with soreness in the best. A Hop Flaster applied will cure the pain Cast iron transmits sound about SNeen times Truth, in a fow words: The Hop Plaster ia ‘he strongest and best porous plaster, Mind snemployed 1» rind unenjoryed, lovee, You know the power of Hops in cases of pains, aches and nervous weakness? Well, the Hop Pore wis Plasier contains al the virtass of fresh Hops gnited with Gums and Pitch. Clean, tidy and ready to apply. Be. Our lite ia but the twinkle of a sar In God's eternal day. Bapard Taglor, “Our family insists on having your Hop Masiers alwars on band” For sucden pa‘as, weaknesses, and soreness, Bolling approaches them in value, All other goods by Portane's hand are given; A wife is the pecallar gift of Heaven. The Hop Porous Plaster Kills pain, strengthens 0, Be, Draggisia The ancient oil, a measure, was the length of the arm of Henry L Liniments and jotions are dirty things 0 sappy and their effect ia only for a moment. Apply a flop Porous Master. Cican, sweel and most hearty in action. 98. What is the use of suffering with Backache, Pain in the Side or Hip, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Kidney quickly, § cies, Chest and Long Troubles, or any sor of pain or sorencss either loosl or deep-seated when 8 Hop Paster will give instant Tellef? Prepared sain killing virtues of Hops The best sirength. ening plaster ever known fold by all dealers, Malied on receipt of price so. 6 for $1.08. Hop Plaster Company, Boston, Mass, TA NKR of Heanty isn joy Forever. PR T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Beautifier. iental Cream, or Magical g Puarifies as well as Beautifies roperl y Fone Itoruisned ai 10 & indy of the apy TON (a ie Aik XY. rs De a RA AGRICULTURE, me to state through your valuable the result of an experiment ma last yeur, aud continuing to the present time. In pounds, live weight. In the mouth of unmistakable evidence and as a result about 50 per cent. died, and this after prescribing all the known | remedies that could be heard of. With | this experience I was better prepared | tor the return of the disease next year, | We commenced the season of 1684 with 27 shoats weighing about 100 pounds each, divide into five different pens. | In the month of August the diseases lin = pen of seven, one was found dead, | and two more were unable to walk or jeat, The symptoms were all of the cholers character, | | wwo days, The sick ones recovered and October, when in another pen one was | taken sick, followed immediately by | three more. From that time until all one, were case, | noid was had as a preventive, This | winter, with a lot of seventeen, using | stopped by the same remedy. about the trough and pen, failure at times to grow squashes, young plants will start weil, grow lux- urisntly for a time and then begin to show signs of decay. In most cases this appears to result from the ravages of a sort of maggot or insect that works at the root just below the surface of the ground, aod is effectual in causing stroction. We notice an excl is claimed to be a remedy, wh so simple that it is worthy of a trial at least, The writer “] put a handrail of salt in each lull at the of planting, and not a vine was touched. They grew splendidly and the squashes grew well through the Winter. One hill was planted without salt and that proved a failure.” Farmers will do well to bear the above in mind at the time of planting squashes, NasToxTioMs, — What could be more delightful for table bouquets next sum- mer than so abundance of sweet, pun. { i in ge what ch in $ BAYH: time By sowing the seed in any fair bed of will start up quickly, A Dangerous Case. * NocuewrEs, June 1,185 “Teg Years ago | was attacked with the most intense and deathly pains in my back ane woe HIE FREY “Extending to the end of my toes sad my brain . “Which made me delirious! “From agony. “It took three men to hold me on my . » of “Phe Doetors tried in vain to relieve ug but to no purpose. Morphine and other opiates! “Had no effect! “After two months 1 die! “When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters hall done for her, she at oucs got and gave me some. The first dose eased my brain sad Wa given ip for the pain. The second dose essed me so much that | segs two hours, something I had not done for Swe months, Before] had used five botties, | wis rel] atid aL WOrk as hard as any man could, fer over three weeks, but | worked too hard Jor strength, and taking a bard cold, | was lakes w mos! acule and painfal reeumslisss 0 Ug iy syYSlem thal ever wat KBowi doctors sge'u and 2Thr sevens wit me 8 cripple on crutches for iofe, met 8 1iend 8746 Wid am my fue I poohed 81 Bim, Hul be was 50 cares 1 was induced 10 use then again, in less than four weeks | threw away wy crutches and went 10 work lightly and kek om e Litters [or Sve weeks, un 1 | because #8 nv man living, std have bess so (0 SiR FORrs sinoe It has also cured my wife, who had beam for years; and has kept her and my children, well and healthy with from (we here is po ned be sick if these billers sre wed J.J. Berk, Ex-Supervisor, “That poor invalid wile, “5 “Mother! “Or daughter! “Can be made the pictare of heath “with a few botties of Hop Bitters! “ Will you let them suffer? atl ail ster FF Nope genuine without a bunch Hops on the while ia ons «nfl wih “Hop” {THE SURE KIDNEY DISEASES, {i LIVER COMPLAINTS, i CONSTIPATION, PILES, i AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS EXDORSE IT HEARTILY. remedy tom, Vi . ‘Kidney. Wort is the most susoomsiil Baliow, Xo # siways relintie. ark, Bo. Hero, Vi my wife after Poo years Li. Busmaserlis, San Hil, Oe. ring IN THC SANDS OF CASES it has cured wh 511 aise had felled. Tis mild, but efficent, CL ETAIN IN ITS ACTION, bus harmless {n all onsos, EF It cleanses the Blood and Strengthens and wives New Life to all the important organs of {| B the body. The naturel action of the Kidneys is | § restored. The Liver is closused of all Gissess, and the Powsls move freely aad besithfaly. i In this way he worst disesses are cradiosied from the system. % PRICE, $100 LIQUID OR DRY, FOLD WY DEDSESTE Dry oan be sent by mail, WELIA, RICHARDMON & 00, Burlington Vi. CC cents per ounce, Let the children have | a bed in which to sow nasturtinms, | Few farmers have the courage, unless | driven by necessity, to buy feed to be | fed out on the farm. Very possibly | they sare night in their caution, as they | know their stock to be too poor to war. rant such expense, Yet the very poor- | serubbiest stock will not hesitate to feed | the produce of bis own farm until ail is | gone, and then perhaps dispose of it | paying best for food consumed. milk, | for there are times when more milk is | produced than ean be profitably fed otherwise, Besides, the cows that are taught to est the greatest variety of fo are always the best milkers. Dui in most places ali the skim milk can be than to any other stock, Skim milk for hens will set them #o laying It abounds in albumen, from which the yard or inclosure. Horses, oolts—which { are frisky creatures balls, cows, sheep, and fowls all run in one yard or | the cows and sheep, and often destroy fowls and ducks are trampled on and there is a sad time all round, And the farmer—he says he has had bad luck 1 ama oo of brass an ares and winistered bhoiplions Invalid Specific, Ky legs, arms and bands are 1 wee thems without pain. Ky remota a 3 BR 7% “ULCERS. Por six or sight years | mufTerad with uloms on WF } 1 was treated with lodide of Foon nel a 1 samme helpless. Six bellies oF Bwifts Specific rinabent cure eb s, S85 Winsor, Gsineprille, Ge Swift's Epecific ia entirely vegetable. Troslise on Blood and fT Tos Swwr Srecre Co, Drawer &, Atlanta, Ga. WwW. S48L. 8 ¥ fio Borde Of F eroury A 1 Beosiet ® : Swifts copper from fling got Io wolsoned my whole sysier roughi on rheuhsliom, » 1 took two doses b an made a ¥ Sar ESES IE EESERTE REISER OERS «+ LYDIA E. PINKNAM'S » « VEGETABLE COMPOUND s+% 15 A POSITIVE CURB FOR *** All those painful Compleinie * sod Weaknewes 50 common * ees evr fpoourhbmiees eens ** FEMALE POPULATION #= » ries #1 is Bowid, pI er tonenge Born. panne 48 mE Foor the legitimate hociing i ohio Ad relief of gin, and thet §f Hoes 3 t chatme fo do, Thousands © odes oan festlly. * It will core entirely all Ovarian troubles, Inflamm wh and 1 eration, Falling aid Triaplaooneonts, ssl to De ¢ of Pe sr Te Vv: he It reanowes Aeatrees al] ora or wim! of Ra General 1 § Sew - ry gration foiling of hearing down, aging pale, and backache, is always permarfently cored w * Bd sanep to Lynn Mass, for pampdiel Letsereol i § ry confidentially apewered Por wie al Aragpten. 1. - es - 920 PHOSPHATE a ATES TERIA E TY ma tiene