THE CENTRE REPORTER, Caxtre Hawi, Pa, Armin 8, 1885, TaRMS. —$2 per year in advance. $2.50 when not in advance: Advertisements cents per line for three insertions. One colum per year $90—4 colum $465. 2@r-Hereafters all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will get a credit of two months additional as a pre~ mium on $2 in advances. a ———————————— A A. 1885..ccc000s SPRING ! .........1880, THE ECLIPSE A FAILURE. GARMAN'S STORE A COMPLETE SUCCESS, Our newest offerings in Embroidered Dress Patterns, in Batiste, India Linen, Pink and Blue Chambray are beautiful, In Stamped goods we have Tray Covers, Side Board Covers, Tidies, Slipper Cases, Umbrella and Cane Cases, Splashers, Fringe for Lambre- quins, &o., &e. Did you ever buy Merrigac & Allen Shirting Prints (not standard) at 5 cents ? We have lots of them—you usually pay 7 & 8 cents for them. Everything in our stock at proportionately low rates—we offer no baits, but do a strictly hon- est business. Everything must be as we say--we will make it right. Fancy Baskets for Decorating, Cornucopias, Hair Receivers, Catch-Alls, &eo. They tease us about wheelbarrows, but they will not be in fora few years yet. We wanl you to understand that ours is a Complete Dry-Goods and Fancy Notion Stock—should be called “Yan. kee Notion,” but that word has become almost obsolete, ‘We don't alm to keep a hardware, leather, grocery, furniture, clothing, bakery, stationery, or a general banking concern, we will be content to have you come for Dry-Goods and Notions only, D. GARMAN & SON. BUSH'S ARCADB. Bellgfonte, 1885, on a a ———— — LOCAL ITEMS, Sun-bonnets—Garmans. Children’s lace caps—Garmans. Dress goods and plaids—Garmans. 20,000 Saixcres for sale by J. O. Deine inger, Centre Hall. 25m3t —— Wes Henny is adding an improve. ment to Church street by erecting a coach shop. ——S8unday night was quite windy with occasional flashes of lightning ace companied by rain, ——Boys' suits, all styles and prices, at the Philad, Branch, and very low in price. Go and see them. ~—Clevan Dinges is now giving per sonal attention to his store here, and thinks of making things boom. ~—-Pine Grove Mills is having its wa- ter works reconstructed on the plan of Centre Hall, by putting down iron pipes. ——Subscribers changing post-offices this spring should notify uvs—giving name of old as well as new post-office, tf ——Mr. Bartges, of Penn Hall, gave the “Reporter” a call. He is a skilled painter, and can put the finest finish on any vehicle, ~—A temperance lecture: John B. Clark, of Lock Haven, recently drank s half pint of whiskey and died a few hours afterward. Musicar Conreoe~—Will open April 28 for the study of vocal and instrumen- tal music. For circular address, F. C. Moyer, Freeburgh, Pa. An old and a new subscriber to the Re porter can get the New York Weekly World, each one year, for $2.25 sent us in advance, A great bargain, tf ~—Any persons wanting tombstones should stop and give the Centre Hall Marble Works a call. We guarantee our work, style and quality. p3 oux F. Wassox, —We dreamed t'other night we had got on roller skates and that we could goee like hellee and never jell onstee. Ye naver got nearer than to the nk. ~=Dr, Alexander has sold his land, tan acres, near this place, to Howard Ho- man, of Aaronsburg, for $1200. Mr. Ho- man intends erecting buildings on the ground, — You can get spring suits already at the Philad. Bran raid vei} w in Jtice, also hats, underwear , collars, es, and anything in the fine of gent's wear. ~The Centre Hall toll-gate is to be moved to the woods on the south side of the railroad. Mr, Confer, of the Beven Mts, bas charge of the pike from here to the Seven Mts. ~The lots in the vicinity of the sta tion are dotted with timber and stone ile au udlicusion of a little ny fot sp and summer in build an business operations. » i Rov. B.P, jobuten, of Hope- A preach in the Presbyteri- El 3 JL. Sater iors noon, Ap at the afternoon.’ wee Last Friday was warm and ng. like. At night a fierce rain 3 pd pel 4 und next morning we found abous an of snow covering the with 4 to the Philadelphia Branch for bargain in suits in these United ’ & Uo. defy the world for n ready-made clothing an article as is manufac ok me a F house as it the street, ernor has i : i | = a a= st : 3 : : g i i g $ ~ he i a We bave more lacs curtains than ever before. Curtain poles in many styles ~(Iarmans, ~The first thunder and lightning of this season broke in over this section last Torsday morning abont 3 o'clock, ac- companied by » heavy shower. ~My. Daniel Geiss, of Joliet, Ill, was here on a visit last week, and gave the “Reporter” a pleasant call. He made a trip south a short time ago, taking in Georgia, Alabama and New Orleans, He is fatter and more jolly than ever, DEDICATION, ~The new Lutheran church at Madisonburg will be dedicated on Sunday, April 19, '85, Rev, Dr. Con- rad, of Philadelphia, will perform the dedicatory services. A general invitation is extended to all to be present, 3t ~(iive the Philad. Branch your measure Wk u want a latest style suit, Lewiuns & Co. have opened a merchant tailoring department in connection with their clothing store, and will make suits to order on short notice and guarantee satisfaction and give yon “fits.” (gorge Breon has pulled up stakes and sold out at Spring Mills, and goes to Philadelphia no doubt to spend the rest of his days with the famous Nash who seems to be out of the stone jug again, Spring Mills could get along without Nash, but can it spare so clever a fellow citizen as George? ——()yercoats are still needed, winter may last a good while yet, and you can buy any style at almost cost at the Phil adelphia Branch and get a first class ar- ticle. Yeu can’t get as good a bargain anywhere in any kind of ready made clothing as at the Philad, Branch. ~'*Notes from Millheim” are too trifling for space in our columns, News and happenings of interest will be ac- cepted and cheerfully inserted —but leave out the chaff, people don't care to read the triffling staff that many papers are in the habit of publishing from local cor- respondents, {30 to Murray's Drug Store, Cen- tre Hall, for your Chtistmas and Birth day cards, also toys for your children. A fall line of drugs and medicines kept in stock. Any drug or medicine not found on hand will be got for you inside of 48 hours from the time you leave your or der. J. D. Mugrnay, ~The old store stand at Farmer's Mills is to be opened for business this spring, as we are informed, which will be a convenience to the people of that section. Fisher's mill is also under re pairs for rollers—the Major always keeps up with the times and its demands. The store, we are informed, will be carried on by Mr. Dale, son-in-law of Peter Hof- fer, of this place. ~The cold weather does not have any effect on the low prices at the Phila- deipbia Branch-—it makes them sell all the more for it. People know that bare gains are always had there and if they want a suit, overcoat, or any other goods of men adn boys’ wear, they go to Lew- ins & Co. for it, as it amounts to a saving of from $3 to $10 every time. ~— Assessors will find a new duty de volving upon them this year, in making the triennial assessment, which will in- crease their labors sowewhat. By an act of the Legislature, passed in 1883, they will be required to report the number of acres of land in their districts, giviog the amount of cleared and timber, respect- ively, in each tract. This is something which aesessors in previous years es- caped, ~—(One should always bear in mind ready-made clothin found at the Philad. Branch. @ goods and boys’ clothing is equal to that in any of the city stores, with prices down to bottom figures. Always call in at the Philad. Branch before purchasing cloth ing elsewhere. —Thursday afternoon Levi Betzer, a deaf mute, was killed by the cars of the Reading road between Lewisburg and Winfield. He was walking on the track and a passenger train came thunderin along. The engineer whistled, an thought the man would leave the track, but he was struck and tossed over the bank. The cars did not run over him, but he was killed instantly, his head be- ing mashed. Strange to state he wore a r of boots and the force with which was struck, knocked him out of his boots, The body was taken to Winfield, — Lewisburg Chronicle, 2. ~—Lewins & Co. wish to have every man in the county wear one of their suits, and 30 satel this becoming ambi- tion they will sell suits and overcoats from now until April, at a sacrifice. Goods have been marked down so low that no competition can reach the same low figures. The Philad. Branch can une dersell all others becanse they have their stock from first hands, and the profits of the jobber and wholesaler go to the one who purchases at the Philad. Branch. Pe ——— A ML A DRUGGIST'S VERDICT. M. E. George, one of the principal druggists of Philipsburg, Pa. Moe “Mr, J. A. McDonald, Reedaville, Pa. Dear Sir: —One of the most prominent citizens of our city and a gentleman well known and highly respected in the sur- rounding country, called at our store and voluntarily offered to go before the jus. tice of the peage and testify in an affi- davit to the virtue of your B Parifi- er, saying that he had ysed but three bottles, and was now entirely cured of a d and Jong continued attack of after having tried a number of other remedies without receiving any noticeable benefit. Please send us one dozen by express. We never had a med- icine in our store that sells as readily or ve such universgl satisfaction as your A Carp 10 Te Pustio~Bince the fire several parties have circulated the report that we intended to pack our duds and leave Bellefonte, Therefore we desire to state to our many friends and patrons that there is not the least vestige of truth in such a report, We had already se- cured a store before the fire was com- pletely extinguished, and herewith ane nounce to the public that on or about April 10th, we will re-open in Harrie’ new building, corner High and Water streets with an elegant new stock of goods. And if our friends will refrain from making their spring purchases un- til that time they will be well repaid. With many, many, thanks for the mani- festations of sympathy and best wishes extended to us since we were burned out, we remain your obedient servants, GorpsMiTH BroTIERS, P,8,~Ouar Tailoring department was ia running order three days after the fire, and anybody in want of a spring suit will find we have the best selection of woolens ever brought to Bellefonte. G. B. —PERSONAL.—Mr, W, Zorby, of Bae lona, gave ourj sanctum a call. James Lohr Ias set up housekeeping now, James got married a short time ago, and he seems to be better satisfied with a “better half,” Chas. Arney has also made up his mind to go to housekeeping with his new wife, Witmer Wolf, with his bride, have not yet set up for them- selves], perhaps will wait and look on to see how the rest like it. J, Q. A. Kens nedy, with his new wife, will also go to housekeeping shortly, Wish all the above parties—who joined the matrimos nial army-—an ever pleasant life, Sam’! Ripka has left Gregg twp. and will pitch his tent with Samuel Brumgard in Brush Valley. Harvey Garrett, of Gregg, was around here a few days working at the new mill, James Stahl, who had been confined in doors for several weeks, we are leasedto see has so far recovered as to e ableto get around again, ~NEW -coMERS.~Our town, since the rat, counts among its new citizens the following: Mr. J. D. Wagner, who is to have charge of the new roller mill in this place, Mr. Wagner is an experienced miller and all who know bim speak highly of him as a gentleman and as be- ing a No. 1 miller. Mr. Aaron Harter, recently of Hartle- ton, a son of Wm. Harter, of Aaronsburg, will have charge of the engine in the new roller mill. Mr. Harter will also be found a good and useful citizen and just such an addition to our lively town ss we need. Mr. Waseon, of Lemont, is another good citizen, who opens a marble yard ; he will have a gentleman of skill from Philadelphia to put out first class work, Mr. Harper, of Lewistown, is another addition, who is a good stone-mason, a want long felt here. ~The ranning of the train has been chauged in such a way as to make the road of no convenience to parties of | Miles, Penn, Haines and Gregg, who want to go to and from Bellefonte : here THE EVACUATIOR OF PGYPT. Wolseley Paving the Way for A a General Retreat, forwarded to the War Office a significant report made out by the medical staff at- tacked to the Khartoum expedition. The report states that if the present British military station in the Sondan be main- tained fully one-half of the troops will arrival of autumn, The whole been reached to that effect, the pul being ] drawa pedition, ha—— ot —— a Taxe Notice or this Sprexpid Bar. GaN. ~The “New York Weekly World,” one of the best weeklies in the United States, by special arrangement with the World publishers, can be had very low by elubbing with the “Reporter.” Two new names, clubbing for the “Reporter,” will each get thetwo papers, the “World” and the “Reporter” one vear, cash in ad. vance, for $225, the regular price for the two being $3. Subscribers to the “Reporter” can have the “World” and “Reporter” for $2.50, in advance, of for $2.26 when clubbing with two new names. nme fg. A ————— fight with the old house— Aaron is wills ing but the house ia very mulish, but we guess will have to go after all - - Embroidered dress paterns,— Garmans, TRIAL LIST, Lov va es P ve Jar BP Col Frank Ash vs James I’ Cohick Joseph Beatty vs James F Cohick et ilo ve James FP Cohiick of al. wn ve Henry J Walker, Eve lL GE ane of va A Be aie ve, John Hanlen Br & Co vs W TD Casey & Co. va Wil Samuel Halley The fol drawn to I Ve Jame Louis Paw Be April term of Traverse J Ino Armagast, | wWols tirely by private conveyance, or lie over one night at Spring Mills, then one night at Centre Hall. This obange is a big seven hours. Either the through even- ing train should run only to Spring Mills as heretofore, or the noon train should go as far as Centre Hall s0 passengers can make close connections sgain with ail noon stages and the mails go throogh without ing over. We trust the offi- cials at Williamsport will correct this blunder so the mars of people have ~Mr, Soloman Ettlinger, of Hains, has been painfully absent for the last few weeks, leaving many interested friends to sigh for his return, Mr. Ettlinger bad the school funds in his possession as col. lector, and there are some $500 in unpaid teachers’ orders confronting the board, aud a total unsettled balance of $1800 on account of school fund, as we are in- formed. We hope the missing party will return, and thus ease the solicitude of the Board snd numerous others interest ed in Ettlinger's speedy return, W. A. McClellan, of Tdsseyville, for Jolliet, 111, on Tnesday, left The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblaina, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. Tt is guaranteed to give perfoct satisfac- tion, or money refunded, Price 25 cents a box. For sale by J. Zeller & Son, Belle- fonte, druggists, janTy I —_._ 40,000 BHEEP PERISH. Way tiasbury, Greene Co, P., April 1.— It is estimated that about 40,000 sheep have died in this county during the last three months, the scarcity of feed and the unusual severity of the winter and spring weather combined bringing about is result. The farmers say that the wool industry bas received 4 backset that it will take years to recover, By lack of pir exercise, and the want of sufficient carp in the matter of the whole physical mechanism of- ten mes impaired daring the winter, Ayers Barsaparilia is the proper remedy to take in the Spring of the year to pu- rify the blood, in the , BX. cite the liver to on, and restore the liealthy tone and vigor. A CENTRE HALL SELECT SCHOOL. tprm of this institution will 27, next, Il the bigh- but an for ination, Tuition’ for this term from 81 br &. Boarding can be had at reasonable rates. A. Buia, i Emerick. Un von Gates, Benner KF ishier, Har Hi G Boyer, Ha J C Rankin, Sno Arion srnfiue Weston, Worth oltnes, Ferguson few, Halfmoon Goo N AF Cran Fred He Harvey La Patrick Martin, Boggs A B Snyder, Spring Jig iefond John Dale, Beutier end nurtin, He Adams, M i Kush 404 L¥ i chael O'Nes EB we Bechlcrs & Co. have granniated sa» par at Sc a pound, all other grades at owest prices, Ryrups, molasses, finest New Orleans at 80c per gallon. Fine as- sortment of coffees, both green and roasted. Our roasted coffees are always fresh. All the new and desirable brands of tobacco. Special attention given to our cigar trade. We try to sell the best 2 for be and Se cigars in the town, Tea ~ Young Hyson, 60c, 80¢, and $1 per ib.; Imperial, Go, Sc, 81; Gunpowder from 60c to $1 per 1b; Oolong 60c to £1 per Ib; Mixed green and black from 60c to $1 per Ib.; a very fine colored Japan tea; al- #0 a good bargain in Youag Hyson at 40¢ per pound. Finest full cream cheese at 16¢ per Ib. As Baking Powder is coming into such general use, it is important to find which are the best value for the rice charged. Our one pound pails of ker's Baking Powder we think the best return for the money of any brand on the market. The goods will do the same work as any of the higher priced goods, Stone~ware in all sizes of all de- sirable shapes; best quality of Akron ware, This is the most satisfactory goods in the market, Oranges and lemons of the freshest goods. We bave the new lightning fruit jar, and Mason's poroe- lain-lined and glass top jars, The light ning jar is far shead of anything yet known. It is a little higher id price tHan the Mason jar, but it ie worth more than the difference in price. Buoy the light- ning jar and you will not regret it, We have them in pints, quarts and half gal lons, Fine sugar cured hams, shoulder breakfast bacon and dried boef—naked and canvased. We guarantee every piece of meat we sell. We have fiRy fine lambs in good pasture to dress for our market as wanted. We give special ate tention to getting fine lambs, and always to have4 fine Jock Shen, Dar ets. can depond on getting nice lamb at all ti STR ¢00 eh House a— Mp i MARRIED, gv A pion or Ftiath ian thy Ww : At the of Wm. Bhrehfild, in Seigler he. on March @, Miss Rosanon Alexander, aged In Newton Hamilion, March 22 John Thomp- on, 90 yours, 4 months, § days, 14, Nannie, wile of Ira For 30 a Goumint i ROYAL FEET WASHERS, Vienna, April 8.o~John M. Francie, U. number who witnessed yesterdays an. nual ceremony of washing the feet of the poor, Twelve beggars had their feet poror Francis Joseph. The feet wero subsequently wiped by the Arch Dukes of the Empire, A.H. V.. AYERS Bair Vigor cures baldness. Halr Vigor restores youth- ful freshness and color to faded snd gray hair. It attains these results by the stim. ulation of the hair roots and color glands. It rejuvenates the and cleanses it, It restores 10 the HAIR that, either by reason of age or diseases of the scalp, has become dry, harsh and brittle, a plisncy and eilken softness of extreme besuty. VIGOR the clean. condit on glossy There is no dye in Ayer's Halr aud the good 18 does is by the it imparts to the follicles, and liness sad heslthfulness of the in which it maintains the scalp. vr sy Hair Vigor renews the heir. AYER hs) Hair Vigor is the best eure known for Urasby Halr, Beald Head, Itching Humors, Tetter Bores, Torpid Follicles, tad all other disesses of the scalp that cause the falling of the » and its fading. Nothing cleanses HAII of the nuisaice of dandruff so perfectly, and so effectusily prevents its return, as AvEr's Han Vieon. In addition to the curative and restorative virtues peculiar to Ayer's Halr VIGOR itis » tollet luxury, The Halr fs by far tho cleanliest balr-dressing made. It causes the hair to grow thick snd loag, und keeps ib always soft and glossy, Ayer's Hair Vi Contains no deleterious ingredients. Its nee prevents all scalp disease, secures against the hair growing thin or gray, aad surely cures ail baldoess tb 1s not orgaale. - PREPARED BY . Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. « Sold by all Druggists. NOTICE-- I} olf & Son have just received a fine lot of Fresh Mackerel and Lake Herring, suar- anteed to weigh as rep- resented ; First quality and low prices. Call on us before purchasing elsewhere. W. A. Sandoe, Merchant Tailor, CENTS AT CENTRE HALL), Has moved his Tailor Shop to the 2d Floor in Bank Building, and is ‘atloring : of 1 g,; has just and Summer Samples and the Latest Fashion Plates. Spring Emad OU 98 3 nt the Two papers, the Ra- i rorTER and the "New York Weekly for one year at $225, yon can have the two by sending us the $2.25 in advance and a new pame with $2.25, to which the two papers will also besent. This is a big bargain, and we are only able to carry it out upon the & DOSE plan, 2 Hair Mear Mainksr.—The Centre Hell Meat market baving a re- frigerator families can at all times be supe plied with fresh meats, of the best qual ity, also bologna sausage. Next door to hotel ; open day and evening. l4may tf Haxzy Boozes. ICATION POR LICENSE — FPL A Notice is hereby given that the follow named persons have filed thelr petition for 1% cense in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pence in and for Centre County, and that application will be made to the next seston of said court to grant the same C G McMillen, Bellefonte Boro, Tavern W R Teller, " - Danie! Garsaan, - Emanuel Brown, Frank X Lehman, Juwmes MoCarty, John Anderson, Jacob Cook WS Musser, Cesre ——— - » - Bal Howard Bom, Tovers Miliheim Horo, “ 8T Frain, - James Passmore, John A MeOmber, William Parker, Bernard Coyle, #8 Row, John Ramsdale, Peter Ashoroft, WH Dean, A Faulkner, FP McCloskey & Co, John G Geary, Alois Ronihecker, James A Livingston, J H Bibby, np H G Shaffer, C C Hummel, Andrew Inumed, T F Moyer, Joseph Kleckner, DJ Meyer, DH Rub! John © Philipsburg Boro., Unionvil) w Boggs Township, Ferguson Twp, Gregg Township, Harris Township, Haines ~ Miles Penn - Potter Township, kirk, John G Verio, Boston Veilidarfer, > Healey, A Nan, . POPES dineel, Baloom Ramus! Royer, . “ Hury obi Vaiker Tovah > Tove 4 ROBERT BRETT. Clerk. now Bhoe Twp, ' "XECUTORS NOTICE ~Latiany upon the estate of John Tonter, inte of Potter twp, dee’d, having been lawfully granted to the under would Teabetiinily request all Jerome knowing themselves to be ine debited to § o estate 10 Make immodiate payment and those having ¢ {amas arhinst the sme 0 pre went the same & iy for settlement, nae Bwetrwtor, Pa ST ELMO HOTEL, c. 817 & 819 Areh Street Philadelphi Red rates : a, to $2.00 traveling will still ane as thie ou tel the same | provision for their a d : 08 mitt Sad difseent alrond © city, by Bhar Ors Ea 4 8500000 A YEAR, { Statement of the American, Notional and i United Bates and Canada Express Company, Troy, N. ¥, {The strength of Rome lay pot in ber multitude, | nor in her grain ladened flocts. These were eie- ments of strength, but her never-failing resources lay in the self-control and discipline of Koman | soldiers. Disciplines is the very soul to all the | wonderful meaning possessed by the word “vot. erin.” Mr, Benedict, of Troy, is a veterans in the | express business. “Thirty-three years,” be said | 10 your reporter, "1've stood at this desk.” Its | the discipline of yours of experience which gives | him the position he holds in the trust and esteem | of these three great corporations. “We have a | business of $500 000 & your, and Pye been absent | fromm thie office hardly 8 mouth in sll that time, | sithongh 1 must confess that many times I've | worked here when suffering great jain, for | have { been troubled all my life with bLilllousness and dyspepsia. My system had become so reduced | and weak that I had uo appetite, and my diges { thon wholly disordered pe ite, tried various | remedies, but almost two years ago | happened wo { hit upon Dr. Kennedy's FAVORITE [45% he | After using only one bottle or 80 | began to feel | stronger in every wa The at dificolty hae | been with my digestion, but this seems to regs lute it perfectly. | have, sir, grest faith in Dr Kennedy's FAVORITE BEMEDY. 1 have bought and given 4 great deal of it to the poor around { here; those, you know, who have no money ww { buy medicine of any kind, for there are & great | many troubled with bilioos snd suffer on without ald, 1 always keep FAVORITE REME. { DY in the house, 1 consider it the best medicine | for the blood in the market, Well, T must attend | to thir matier for the western part of the ciiy, { Bay, you tell the doctor 1 an coming down to | Bondout to see him in Auglist, 1 want to know | him.” 1left the veteran, still at his post, rejoic | ing in bealth and greatful to Dr. Kennedy, RY Be BAR ——— A i 4 Crowl’s Patent Iron Roofing IE THE ONLY COPPER CORRUGATED ROOFING, AND 13 THE ONLY OXE PREPARED BY THE MANUFACTURERS READY FOR USE. J. A. REESMAN, Centre Hall, Pa., Agent. YAMERON HOUSE, LEWISBURG, PENN BTETTLER & CODER....cconnsevnne BPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL EES OVER BUBDAY Free "Buse 10 and apy DOUBLE ‘A. Proprietors. TRAVEL § Good 14 fro very stlached, in wried by Evaxs Baos , Produce Commission No. 6 North Water St, Philad try, Cheese and all kinds of Quick sales, good prices and PRILADRLPHIA, Apr, ©, 1855, BUTTER. Creamery, Penn'a, extra, Western pd 5 « a “4 vant Dis wns TRIES LTRY. Western, ex brands LIVE PO1 Turkeys, extra... CHOIR... coer anne Chickens, dry-picked, extra. - O08 ov cuore scalded and medium... Ducks, extra... . ‘ i falr..... . o - GORE, CXLIR..coovrenrimnnens wath——— - CALVES AND SHEEP. Calves, Del & M4, prime ween PET 1b Fair 10 BOO... corivsscsmsinss - Comino SUCK ...oveeos Hog-dressed......... Sheep, prime......... Lambs, extra idve Cattle......... - Hogs, Hve....cooonmmmmene igs, live. DRESSED PORK. LAght pests - per ld Hears FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Cabbage, extra........ooccvn pt 100 11 00 - BODE ..ostinnnncsssnssivssns - £00 Apples, Baldwins....... = G . Early Rose, choice BurDanke, CHOICE... vss sos fair... Pear! Mammoth Beauty of Hebros Pootleons cou a8 ad 8508 CHEESE, NY Factory, choice... Ohio, fal, B00 ...oirrissmon — Petin'a, Full Crete seus ER BIARY cons sensinsmenimmssnn OWE ...oesevevesaneet FIA ones srersnsis chsmammismmiasicn: Tob-washed....cooominmins Unwashed... cocaine. DRIED FRUIT. Op RR Dae Rabbits ...con coon H DEY .conrinia dm, Dry Hides, Green, Steer. Tallow, Bol Cake... wr . ake Homey In Comb... commas Country Soap......... pa Rar Price Current Subject to Market Fluctuations MARKETS, on Chicago. =o 11, og Ed Woh 2 Sadr mee Lard, Ontrt lots, Prime... per Ib BERR Re bk - - passin the indu pial” (nditegots