¢ Frat Quiruns For Poraroes, —A cor- tospondent writes: Several years ago I became a convert to flat culture for potatoes, and every season convinces me that this mods is preferable to the form- ing of hills around the plants, This geason, being a very moist one in this section, fully demonstrated with me that in moist as well as dry seasons fiat | culture is the better of the two, Just | across the fence from my potato pateh was a fleld of my neighbor's, of abonl four acres, planted about ten days bafore mine. The ground is alike on both patches—clayey loam, My neighbor manured more liberally than I did. He adopted the hill method of eulture, and I the flat method, In the early part of the season his made a much more vig orous growth than mine; in fact the foliage in his fleld covered the ground pefore mine begun to grow. As the season advanced mine gained in growtl upon his and maintained greener Is linge longer. Hisnpened about a week ahead of mine, but while his crop s 180 bushels to the acre, mine 950 bushels to the acre, i ROVOILY bushels similar, his havi a 3 nove legs tha with thi and grooms, and i x all exterm DOSTS Are comi herds on the stone river, Ax Indiana farmer oured heaves in horses hay from them and substitu food iu its place. He also a8 large as walnut, composed of eq parts of a balsam of fir and balsan aspaiba, Ax animal that has been injured by overfeeding cannot be again brought fnto as good eondition as one that Las grown poor through lack of food Overfed hogs can rarely be brought back to a good, healthy condition, The results of overfeeding are derange ment of the digestive organs, loss of | appetite sud finally loss of flesh. Canaries. —To {ree Canari other cage birds from the mseot recommended by one who lina fully practiced i: for years: Every just at dusk the cage or AVIArY 1s with white eloth, Daring the parasites will crawl fi birds on to the cl o be seen runnin removed at Jd be killed by putting will soon clear away injuring the birds, no doubt kili parasi well, furni DCATLY § 1 ANAS By the use of Hoste tior's Boma h ore the MARK i Work yards, for submarine mvestigation he second to M, Lhouar, for his journey to the Grand Chaco, and the third to 3. Charnay, for his Yucatan explora tions and discoverios, — Crwilization has its drawbacks, It is standard common among savage nations or approximately spherieal formation, either becoming flattened from front to 5 e FPRENCE } i IDOCIAIVE BATTLY § HISTORY of the THIRTY } iil ! & "vq ¥ i Bn work lige { per « , BOOMS Preg ous : and vet there ) i in if and it will thus be the means of a the numerous »* her valuable books which the p { v will want it dvertiul i : \ E rary in i if. can Is fetal " y "- v . Pitts MATE nN, i A. ting forward,” Chri in al Work, New York City, \ ‘11 \ : y t torical Won Fak ils HIBDOT 38 PU lint 1 wm \ ey / A WonGes b It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me i chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at 20 i. yperial oetavo volume of over 1,000 popes, will i t Pag i I illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsome] I acon . i Hr i A i { x} i styl tnining four standard histori al worka of iit $585 i sae, exept MDE, NUMeErous \nd RET - § AW . ti ul Hin ing, BIC page pi pe . ' i ik sold for $2.50." — BENSON J. Lossixa, 11 ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100--all are first-clags,”™ =~ " 3g “ol i This Coppen will be received i Christian Cynosure, Clhacago, HL CoOVPON ries of vither of Alive ern, It bin tea dare Tre Gude nf 26 CE TB. this ones iment? un Bare of pap 3 Por in bo SOLUTE Tour Whether we admire its large proportions, béau Do not allow poultry to froeze before i ” . ’ . ing, Tt gives a NS pinehed look hasard appearance of TAR oats ’ ud { back 20 aA to bring the retina too near | LIBRARY of STANDARD POETS, containing In one |§ prOXPT responses and Tudionis 146 prying advertising wedioms : : Paliowness Of dopeptios ars euppiastei bY a | ha warface, of elongated from front to | imperial octave handsomely bound volume, of about 1100 pages, Boar it will not k nealthier look, aud 4s tee food 18 assim! ted, th “PAGE C4T yo UE se ve] and eep, as after thawing it body GogaRires suneta pos, : Appetite ia yestored, | back so as to remove the retina too far goois and Brevier trpe, leaded, the following works. unabridged! i 100-PAGE CATALOGUE sent free. The best Lib soon spoils, | dined she jueivouy sTsiam 3 reshed with much | from the surface, Seott's Complete Postical and Dramatic Works | erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known, Books Tr has boen found that oresm is more | wich mw ais ne Of 5. Loay st es —— Completa Poetionl Works of Robert Burns, {sent for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT anally, churned when the cows bave | ndency, and an ines irmahie preventive of fever When slone we have our thoughta to Complete Poctioal Works of Thomas Moore, jon reasonable evidence of good faith, Address been fed on ensilage | and age, : tern s i ; : . . Don go, Non when they | wor sale iy all Droge sts and Dealers gen. watth; in ont Jusition, oar pers; in Spdunily BO u “ition of these Ne Mo elsewhere obtain JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher rally. society, ongnes, able for less than $4.50; my price $2.00; postage 34 cents. | p 0, Dox 1027, 300 Pearl Street, Now York,