The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 18, 1885, Image 8

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Ozayree Harr, Pa, Fen
Terms ~$2 per year in advance.}
whon not in advance. Advertisédments
2 conts per line for three inseftions.
One colum per year $00} columiS45.
##r-Heoreafter all subscribers
their subscription in advance, willl
credit of two months additional as
mium on $2 in advance.
Useful or Beautiful,
ATG. R. 8B
= | By
day and-—
find a nicer, cleaner, Or ———e—
— OW Can travel a
re compiete stock,
talk for themselves.
craze this season
A A AP ot rs ns’ Sb
~——11 any of our present subscribers
will club with a new one, both can get
the Reporter and the New York Weekly
World for 225 each, one year, pay in
# vance, Sm
~—Rev. J. K. Miller and Son have a
40,000 railroad tie job in Nippanose, and
will run two engines to fill the order,
Hope they will make handsomely by it,
a3 they are gentlemen of strict integrity.
[1 —Every body talks of going to Cleve-
land’s inauguration, It is perfectly right
» go, but don’t do it without getting a
suit at the Philad. Branch, if you want
wo look like somebody when inthe crowd.
——-Monday morning early it began to
{ snow and continued to fall thick and fast
until noon, when the depth of snow
reached near fifteen inches, This is more
than all the other snows together which
{ fell previously this winter.
| ~—Go to the Philad, Branch quickly
| if you want a suit of clothes for a mere
| song—they are selling off at about cost,
| some for less than cost. You can get an
| overcoat that will last five years, for $5,
{ enough to go to New Orleans in.
—~--A requisition has been made by
Governor Pattiscn for P, H, Stover, of
{ ly makiog and indorsing written instru
| menis and altering the same. He fled
{ and is believed to be at Gunnison City,
{ =——Several weeks ago we sentout bills
i Lo persons in arrears, and a few have re-
| sponded —some by paying part due oth-
{ ers all. We thank them for their prompt~
{ ness, The many who have overlooked
NO) N.
‘ob Lee, of near Tasseyville,
ing. Hi
s sale 18 advertised
nher of onr voune f
ir young folks hac
arty to Mi i
a slei lesburg one night
last wes
——{Jar town may have the electric
ight by next fall
Machinery for the new roller mill
has already arrived. The buildiog will
go up in a few weeks,
Long, of Gregg, will
His sale wiil befouadad-
sed in Beporter.
Boalsburg, intend
Miflinborg, advertises
tie in the “Reporter.”
Mr. Orris M'Cormick, of near this
has made up his mind to go west,
e is advertised in Reporter,
tiauling stones to buildings going
station has kept teams in em.
winter, and is likely tocontinne-
—eJir Much esteamed friend, Mr,
Geos, Spyker, of Mi:fllinburg, gave the
“Reporter” a pop visit, the other day.
Jacob Smith, of near Tusseyville,
killed the boss hog of this wiater, His
granter weighed 545 pounds dressed,
~emmMr. Mater in company with Mr,
Russel, two spry and good looking voung
men of Boalsburg, favored us with a call.
~—Mr. Frederick Weaver, living near
Aaronsburg, of whose illness we made
mention last week, has since died—age,
82 years,
Mr. Geo, Breon, an old citizen of
died at the resideace of his son
His age was
Mrs. Mater, of
Jacob, in Penn twp., ou 8.
83 years. .
Mr, Stem, a brother of Mrs. Mi-
chael Derstine, is here on a visit to
friends, Mr. B. lives away off in Wash-
ingien territory.
—wPergons who wish to put in bids
for the new Lutheran church to be erect.
ed at Centre Hall can now do so. See
adv. in Reporter,
Hicks & Back, foundry and machine
shops and dealers in agricultural imple-
ments, at Bellefonte, are algo sole agents
for Caauriox and Ossonrxe repairs. 4t
The ground is frozen to a depth of
2% and 8 feet on the level, This is un-
usial and shows the rigor of the present
winter. Itis a good freeze for the coal
we figleg advertised in Rerorter are
read in almost every family in the val
lev, Bend your orders by mail and they
wil receive prompt attention and at low
weer. B. ¥. Yearick, of Spring Mills,
bas concluded to quit farming and has
advertised his valuable farm stock at
public sale in the “Reporter,”
~—=Anctioneer Jas. N, leitzel, of
pring Mills, is having some heavy sales
on hand—but he has a stout pair of lungs
and will put "em through.
~The pipe for the enlarged main
and extension of the Centre Hall water
works have arrived. Work will begin as
goon as the ground is in order for dig-
ging. :
wee ly, Barvis still bas the revival
going on in the M. E. Church of this
‘place, Sonday evening the attend.
ance was 8) large that many could mot
get inthe oh
Bear this in mind, friends,
~The mill foundation isneirly com-
| have the frame work of the lst slory in
{ bas the contract for earpanter work, The
lumber is from Wolf & Grove's mill, and
| is admired by all for its elegance in saw-
{ ing as well as quality,
Hoxoren.—At the encampment of
{ the Boys in Blue, at Harrisburg, last
{ week, our friend Austin Cartin, was
{ slected commander. The vote stood,
{ Aostin Curtin, 524, A. J. Sellers, 161.
John Odenkirk.
| ~The luckiest fellows during the
late cold spell were those who togk the
advice of the “Reporter” and bought one
| of those warm cheap overcoats at the
Philad. Branch. None of these suffered
a while the others shivered and
trembied and are now down with a cold
and bave a doctor bill three times the
price of an oyvercoal staring them in the
| fuce,
wee Th last { hance
for a good suit, or
| good warm overcoat is now to be had at
the Philad. Braseh, Lewins & Co have
put down prices to the last copper in or-
| der to close out winter stock and make
room for spring suits, Now is the time
to get clothing low—buy an overcoat and
lay it up for next winter, you save near
| 30 per cent by doing so. Don't miss a
bargain—these goods are going fast and |
| the first take the prize.
—= We do not desire any local notes
sent in that are calculated to be pergongl
| flings. Buch can not always be detected,
| becanse the drift is only known in the
i localities where they apply.
{ our corregpondets and informants to give
| notes of accidents, improvements, deaths, |
| marriages, and events that iaterest the |
| reader in general. It is not negesgary to
| motice every sneeze or that Miss 80 and |
Bo weat out walking or such like trifles.
| Sechlers & Co, bave granalated sa- |
| gar at Se a pound, all other grades at
lowest prices, Syraps, molasses, finest |
| New Orieans at 80c per gallon, Fioe as- |
{ sortment of coffees, both green and |
| roasted. Our roasted coffees ara glways
fresh. All the new and desirable brands |
| of tobacco. Special attention given to
our cigar trade. We try to sell the best |
2 for be and Be cigars in the town, Tea |
— Young Hyson, 60¢, 80 +, and $1 per 1b.; |
Imperial, 60c, 80c, 81; Ganpowder from |
60c to §1 per jb; Oolong 60¢ to $1 per Ib;
Mixed green and blsck from 60c to $1
per Ib.; a very fine colored Japan tes; al- |
80 a good bargain in Youog Hyson at 40¢ |
per pound. Finest fail cream chegse at
i6c per ib. As Baking Powder is coming
into such general use, it is important to |
find which ars the best value for the |
price charged. Our one pound pails of |
Jaker's Baking Powder we think the |
best return for the money of any brand |
on the market. The ds will do the |
sce work as any of the bigher priced
| goods. Stone-ware in all siles of al] de-
sirable shapes; best quality of Akron
ware, This is the most satisfactory goods
in the market, Oranges and lemons of
the freshast goods, We have the new
lightning fruit jar, and Mason's porce~
lain-lined and glass top jars, The light~
ning jar is far ahead of gnyibing yet
known, It is a little bigher in price than
the Mason jar, but it is worth more than
the difference in price. Bay the light~
ning jar and you will not regret it. We
have them in pints, quarts and half gal~
longs. Fine sugar cored hams, shoulders,
breakfast bacon and dried beef—naked
and canvased. We guarantee every piece
of meat we sell, We have fity fine
lambs in good pastore to dress for our
market as wanted. We give special at
tention to getting fing lagbe, and always
try to have a fine flodk ahead, Our cus-
tomers can depend on getting nice lamb
at all times. Spor & Co, Bash House
Block, Bellefonte,
Take Norice or tiis Senesorp Bam
GAarx. ~The “New York Weekly World,”
one of the best weeklies in the United
States, by special arrangement with the
World publishers, can be had very low
by clabbing with the “Reporter.” Two
new names, clubbing for the “Reporter,”
will each get thetwo papers, the “World”
and the “Kepariar” one year, cash in ad.
vance, for $225 the regular price
for the two being $3. 8 ibprs to
the “Reporter” can have the “World”
and “Reporter” for $2.50, in advance, or
for $2.25 when clubbing with two new
Ne. B17 & 810 Are Sivas. Philadelphia,
Reduced rates to $2.00 per Jo The
traveling public will still Sad at this Ho-
tol the same liberal provision for their
eomfort, It is loca in the immediate
eoatres of business and places of amuses
mont sad different railroad 4 as well
“ all parts ofthe oity, ara Soul y sccenible
roet 8 sonia passing the
oors. It offers togclal’ inducements
to those visiting the city for business or
Preasawr Varrey, Kas, Feb, 5,
Mg, Eptron!—Allow me a little space
in your columns to give a few hints from
from Kansas, In reading your paper I
seldom see any thing from Kansas, or at
least from this part of the state, Well,
yesterday was Kiound beg day, and I do
not know how it was in Penn’a, but here
she could bave seen her ow from
morning until night; we had anice warm
sunshine day, but sccordtng to the old
prophesy we will have another winter
before spring comes, but we would all be
ready to say enough for we have had un-
usually cold weather this winter, Had
a great deal of snow, but is now nearly
all gone, and it looks very much like
spring. The grain on the fields looks
very promising, and if nothing happens
we will bave another good crop this
year; last year we had an immense crop
not know what to do with it, and thous
There is a great
rice, Best wheat at
cents, corn 20 cevts, barley 30 cents,
nine months ; thousands of men are com-
is room for more. We bave soil to raise
all kinds of grain and vegetables that is
yet, Men with small means may secore
for themselves a home who never could
get one in the east, and I am glad to see
many of our eastern people com-
coln Centre, our county seatisimproviog
at present to be occupied by some ron
emigran's, Lots of farms are for sale and
By the way
I would like to bave two industrious
farmers go on two choice farms, 160 acres
each, close to the county-seat and the
best of chances will be given, If there
are any desiring such chances, they can
write to me, Lest] Weuty Jou l must
close, P. B. Broves,
WMI em ——
Jobn Hoffer advertises in “Re-
porter” ‘sale of valoable farm stock at
Reasner's, near Old Fort.
———Any wasting wagons or imple-
ments read adv, of G. W, Nicely, Wiil-
iamsport, in “Reporter.”
~Miss Mazie Hillbish, of Rebers
burg, having lately returned from a west.
ern trip, is visiting friends at this place,
—Dreisbagh’s hardware sloze, Low.
isburg, offers extra inducements to the
Centre county trade. Read ad. in “Re.
—~Wm. F. Jordan writes from Harshy-
ville, Ohio, of a true blue Democrat, Me
Kee Alexander, who canned
government falls into Democratic hands
again, Mr. Jordan further writes: We
bad quite a storm last night, 8th, light.
ning and thunder for over two hours,
If you want the Two papers, the Bz.
World.” for one year at $21.25, you can
the two by sending us the
$2.25 in sdvencg and 8 new name with
$2.25, to which the two papers will also
besent. Thisis a big bargain, and we
ae only able to carry it out upon ithe
above plan. tf
—Rev. A. 8. Baumgardner will de-
liver bis new popular lecture in the
Evange'ioal chgreh, Centre Hall, Monday
Ox," or, “What shall we do with the Lig-
aor Traffic?” Mr. Baumgardoer comes
bere highly recommended, and deserves
a hearing on a subject demanding uni-
versal attention. We hope the good cit-
izens will avail themselves of the opps,
tunity of being highly entertained and
profited, Give him a ul] house,
“Nov. 8,'84, Rev, A. 8. Banmgarjoer
delivered his famous lecture in the Lath,
charch to a large audience. His lecture
abounds In sound logic, and just enough
e instrocts
and pleases every one, —Somerset Time,
+4 February 3, et Rebersburg, Mr, James Sto.
ver, aged 11 YRAYS, § Bousts, 8 days,
Un February 8, st Millhelm, Jona Fomlinson,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Breon, aged §
months, 14 days,
On February 8, in Penn twp, Mr. Geo, Breon
aged 51 years, 5 months, 7 days.
minimis, MAIS. MP AANA
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, gorps, gleers, salt rheum, fever
sores, letter, cha bands gbjlblaines,
corns, and all skin erop! ond, snd .
tively cures piles, or no pay req
Tt is guaranteed to give perfect satistuo-
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
a box. For sale by all druggists, jan7y
a is nie A GA
To All Wanting Employment.
We want live, ene ‘and capable agents in
every county in the United States and Cansda, to
sell a patent article of great merit, on its mer
x. An article having a large
160 per cent, profit, h
ay DO oom
on which the is in
sale by a deed giv eanh every
he may secure from us, With ail thess advanta-
gon, and the fact that 18 6 4h alilcle that ean
sold to every houseowner, it migh neces.
sary to make an “extraordinary offer” to secure
good agents at once, but we have concluded to
make it to show, not only our »
merits of our invention, yf in
any agent that will i
agents now at work are
¢ clonr, and this
So BAR oF w
ment. Any
thirty days’ §
this time, above all
unsold to os'and we w
Fea vr oe
© to have i
th wn rots for ninety days,
clear at least 750 above all
all unsold and get thelr
employer of agents ever
fers, nor wou
HURCH LETTING ~ Proposals for building
brick church, st Contre Hall
will be received until February 28, Plans and
specifications are now ready and can be seen Ly
Application to the Committee. The committee
reserve the right to refuse any or all bids,
M. Dep ting, ALszanbat, 3: T. Lee,
utheran Ch, Bullding Com,
Rev, W. E Foouzs, Becretary, 8
. Sale March 10,
BLIC BARE. Atl the residence of She under.
$i4ned, neas Ceutre Hall, Tues.
dar, March 10: Three head of horses, 1 yearling
Lt, & cows, § head young cattle, 1 bull, 4 breeding
sows, 2 shoats, 3 pigs, Canadian ram, Champion
binder, new; combined Buckeye reaper and mow.
er, 4-horse broad-wheel wagon, 2-horse wagon, 2
horse Shing Wagon, top buggy, long sled, cuiter,
indrill, horse rake, Champion and a Centre
all sornplanter, 2-horse Buckeye cultivator, 2
1-horse cultivators, Zhorse cultivator, landroller,
plows, harrows, single and double driving har
ness, set tug harness, cruppers, plow gears, bri.
dles, collars, forks, rakes, double if h chain, all
other chains, double and siogle trees, 4-horse
wagon bed, 2 set hay ladders, grindstone, digging
tion, pigks, hoes, shovels, 2 grain cradles, 2 mow.
ing sythes, new bay fork, rope and pulley, house.
hold goods, stoves, chairs, tables, cupboards sinus,
bedstesds, iron kettle, cross cut KAW, carpenter
tools, and many other articles, Also, Three-fifihs
share of 52 Acres of GRAIN ip ground, Bale at 10
o'clock, J. 0. MCORMICK.
oo Sale Mach 12.
Pv BiLIC BALE. ~At the residence of the under.
wgned, near Potters Mills,
Thursday, March 12: Three work horses, 2 cows,
2 year old bull, 6 head young eattle, 1! head of
sheep, shoats, 2 2horse wagons, one just new: 2
horse sled, family sled, combined mower and
reaper, grain drill, hayrake, fanning mill, corn.
sheller, corn planter, corn scraper, 2 cullivators,
plows, harrow, 100 feet of bay rope, pullevs and
double harpoon. lightning hay knife, forks, rakes,
2 grain cradles, large dinner bell, single harness,
horse gears, filynets, crow cut saw, post anrer
post digger, double and siusle trees, chains of all
inds, household goods, base burner coal stove,
settse, rocking chair, dining table, and many
other articles. Sale at 12 o'clock.
D. R. Bweetwood, Auct. WwW. W ROYER
Bale March 19.
PUBLIC SALE. At the residence of the under.
signed, at Boring Mil's, Thoms
day, March 19: Four head of horses, 2 year old
onl, 5 milk cows, Champion resper and mower,
Willoughby Drill, Centre Hall cornplanter, yoller,
hayrake, cultivators, windmill, COTDMTADET, {Wo
barrows, plow, 2horse wagon, 4 home broad
wheel wagon, easy running, he ness of all inds,
double set harness, collars, oti en, fiyneis, log.
chain, fifth chain, and other chains, dinner bell,
rakes, forks, and other artic'es. Sale at 12 o'clock
J. N. Leitzel, Auet, B.F. YEARICK.
Bale 11,
PUBLIC BALE. At the residence of the under.
signedy at Boalshmg, Satarday,
March 14: One horse, Jot of castings, plow-polnts
of all kinds, 2 plows complete bugny. spring was.
on, cutter, sleigh, new bob sled, harmess, land.
sides, Jot of sled moles, fan blower, household
goods, cooking stove No, 9, parlor stove, sink, i
dozen chairs, 2 bedsteads, lables, chal™s and oth.
er articles. Sale at} o'clock.
Wm. Goheen, Ane, MARY A. MATER.
Bale Feb, 28.
tue of an order of the Orphany'
Court, the undersigned will offer at public sale at
Potters Mills, Saturday, February 25 at 1 Pp. m.,
the following real estate of Dr. A. 8. Weaver, de
ceased, consisting of a lot of ground bounded by
John McCoy, W. J, Thompson, Jacob Breon. and
the turnpike. containing One Acre, more or lows,
other outbuildings, all good as new, with good
Terms—Onethind cash, twa per cont of which
shall be paid on day of ssle: onethisd
in ane
to be seenred by bond and mortgage on the prom.
isos, and the property to be Insured for the he ne.
fit of the Administrator W. 1. THOMPRON
Kale Feb,
JPrauc BALE. ~By vintve of an
by the Court of Common Pleas
10 the undersigned, there will be offered at public
sale, st the public house of I. 8. Shafer at Spring
Mills, Bainrday, Feb. 28 at 1 p. m.. the follow oq
real estate of Elisabeth Jamison: A tract of land
in Grege twp, bounded by lands of heirs of Adam
Jamison, ¥ Zettle, Geo. Breon, 8. Harter, Jacoh
MeConl and Jas, G. Evans, containing 25 Acres
and 108 perches. neat mensure, of which 4 Acres
are clear, balance well timbered with o bevtnut,
rock oak and other timber
bounded by lands of John Borel
meriy of Geo, Withington and John A. (
containing 3 Acres and 55 perches, all clear and
in 8 high state of cultivation,
Also, another tract of land situate in ssid town.
ship, hounded by lands for of Poa!
Geo. Gemteel, Hiram J
iaining 6 Acres, all clear and in a high state of
enitivation, thereon a House and Barn. necossars
outbuildings, orchard of choloe fruit, and a well
of never falling water at the door
Terms Ten per cent, of purchase money to he
id cash: one-half of balance when desd is de
iverad ; remainder in one year, with interest io
be secured Ly band and mortesge an the prem
fg RY
Cain and hn Borel
* oon
Sale March 17.
Prec BALE —At the residence of the under.
signed, two miles west of Pot
ters Mills, on Toesday, March 17, at 12 o'clock
Four head of horses, 2 2 years oid and 1 Lyear old
ooits, § milk cows, Jersey bull two years old, 12
bead of young cattle, 25 bead sheep. 2 sows with
, Berkshire boar, six shoats, Johnson Harves
good ks new, Johnson Mower, bay fork, rope
and pulleys, fanning mill, broad wheel wagon,
2-horse wagon, horse rake, sulkey enltivators, two
South Bend plows, horse roller, set tug harness,
sot ory , set of double harness, collars, bri
dies, halters, double and single trees, forks, shov.
els, ete. A reasonable credit will be given
Prue BALE At the residence of the under.
signed. 14, miles east of Lin
den Han, ou Thtutday February 19: Six head
of horses, yearling colt, 5 cows, 5 head of young
catile, Durham bull, § , breeding sow,” new
ap horse WAGOR, pes: top oo mS,
on, 3 sled, : P 2
harrows, enltivators, hay rake, we and single
trees, Dothe gesrk bridles, collars, bay fork, with
pulleys and 100 feet of rope, 20 bushels seen oom.
tables, chairs, bedsteads, snd a variety of other
household and furniture, also threefifihs
interest of 5 acres of wheat in the nd. Sale
at 10 am. RUPP B HERS,
Wm. Gobeen, Avet,
bout JOF seres. _— ine ot a
, situate i
one mile east oni Mills, a aha for saleor
Es "Rope, oa the prem ines, OF BPO the
o “ . " aru
undersigned. . RANKIN, pon
debit Lewistown, Pa
Lu FOR SALE OR RENT.-The valuable
residence of the un.
dersigned, near Centre Hall,
on Friday, March &: Three good work horses,
Bay Stallion Jig 3 Lone fine Morgan
horse ooit, rist very fine Percheron
i oid, § milk cows, young
horse colt, risl to cha or
fr, Chesteraehite ols,
or, in good e 3
Bale March
prae BALE.~At the
cattle, 2 brood sows,
No, 3 foot cut
Sale March 4,
PusLIc SALE.~At the resldence of the under.
, Dear Potters Mil
Wednesday, March 4: Doreen, ia
breeding mare, colts, 1 » 1
and the other a ng oolt, 2 cows, 5 head of
ng cattle, 1 bull, 2 oalves, shosts,
ey and pen, 1 a Buckeve, the
HL machine and
drill, horse “wheel wagon
e, 00
Sr —
886 the new Judge make the new move,
They are about 10 make a move for the
new county, Penns Valley can build a
set of buildings for county use for less
than if connected with the other side.
Mr. Editor, would you please give us the
idea or proper way to proceed for the sp.
plieatior; of our purpose. X
[We inwer the above by stating that
under tl: mew constitation the new
county ‘or Penns Valley has its goose
well co /'i»1. The line for such a county
can nol Ly less than 10 miles from the
old couniy seat—this would take off
Penns V/'-/ley as far as Centre Hill, and
would thsrefore not leave ns the requi-
site number of square miles, end throw a
largo portion of our valley to Bellefonte, ]
i - a
~The temperance lecture which was
to have been given Tuesday evening was
postponed until next Monday evening,
when under more familiar circomstances
the lecturer will show us how to “Tie u
that Ox.” The novelty of the subject is
enough to guarantee a full house,
smarts a
Lancaster, N, H. Dec, 8, '79.~By the
way I will say that I think Downs’ Ei
ixir the best cough remedy that I can
find at oor droggists. We always use it.
J. 8B. Peavey, Pub. Republican.
All diseases arising from biliousness
or torpid liver are quickly cured by the
ure of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Soe
notice of Arnica and Oil Liniment in an-
other column. Sold by J. D. Murray, at
Centre Hall, feb'y
. i -
At Minersville, this state, Wm, Duffy
was married Bunday evening to Mary
MeCrystal. The festivities were prolong
ed to a late hour! Early next morning
the friends of the newly married couple
were shocked to hear that the bride hed
c—h ai finn ci
Can any one bring us a case of kidney
or liver complaint that Electric Bitters
will not speedily cure? We say they
cannot, as thousands of cases alrsady
cured sod who are daily recommending
Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's
disease, diabetes, weak back. or any urio-
ary complaint quickly cored. They pu-
rify the blood, regnlate the bowels. and
act directly on the diseased parts. Ever
bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50¢ by all
- - . wo
—{30 to Murrav’s Drug Store, Cen.
| tre Hall, for your Chtistmae and Birth.
day cards, also toys for your children. A
fall line of drugs and medicines kept in
stock. Any drug or medicine not found
on band will be got for you inside of 48
| hours from the time you leave your ors
| der, J. D. Muaray.
| , Housm ax Lot yor Barn —A 2-story
| dwelling house and lot, nearly new. cor-
ner lot, with good stable, fruitand wate T.
on Church street, for sale. Apply st this
office, 3decdm
The condimentary value of pepper
stands very high, and, among European
people, the English perhaps the
most addicted to it, says The Gastronomer,
This condimentary spice may be pro.
cared under the two designations of
white and black paper, the distinction,
however, not being in the botany bat ia
the mode of preparation. Black and
white pepper come from the same plant,
All pepper is black originally, but the
blackness resides in a superficial skin,
If the berry be ground entire; then, of
course, the powder will be dark-colored ;
but if the outicle be removed previous to
grinding, then the powder will have a
tint more or less approaching white,
though never quite white—in this con.
sists the only difference Letween white
and black pepper. The black pepper
plant is indigenous to the East and West
Indies, and it also grows in Sumatra,
Java and other islands of the Indian
Two crops of berries are prodnoed in
the year, but the season of ripening is
very irregnlar. If wholly nnadulterated
pepper is required it shonld be bought
whole and ground in a domestic mill
But in a state of powder it is almost in.
variably adulterated, special ingredients
being sald for this purpose, The two
chief are known in commerce as P. D.
ead D. P. D., the first signifying ** pep-
per dust,” and the second ** dirt of pepe
per dust.™ Both may be described as
the sweepings, more or less contaminated,
of the warehonse in which pepper is
stored. In addition to the ordinary
black and white peppers of domestic use,
there is another kind called long pep-
per. The fruit of this sort is not shaped
as berries, but as elongated oylinders
with rounded ends. It is of more use,
however, as an ingredient of cattle medi.
cines than as a condiment for human
—— Wo Bi——
. Baie March 11.
UBLIC SALB.~At the residence of mood
Wed nesuny, March il:
shoaep, hows, and
ME waoos Janplomen
Lu he ® hy iO
Fhreenit: of 57 Acres of rade
Will be the Loom wie of the season. tai)
o'vice’:, shin. n, JOHN HOYIER,
Sale March 18,
Pv IC BA K--Al the residence “ of he
signed, one mile wo;
Spring Mill, Wednesiny, March 18: Vony
toons, 1 bull, head Young eatile. 3 ;
This medicine, combining 3 with pure
vegetable tonics, fugor 4 oom ly
Fe a fadiacarien. Weakness:
re (ik 1
Itis an un remedy for Liseases of the
Kidueys nnd ver.
WinRar Diesies, peoyiar to
Itdoes not injure the teeth, i or
produce eonstipation-—other From medicines do,
Itenriches and purifies the bine A stimulsies
the appetite, aids the asfmiletion of food, re
dleves burn and Belching, snd sa engihs
«ns the muscles and nerves,
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassituds, Lack of
Energy, &ec., it bas po equal,
8% The genuine has above trade mark
crossed ne on wrapper. Take no
Pronounced by all to be the most
pleasant and efficacious remedy now in
use, for the cure of coughs, colds, croup,
hoarseness, tickling sensation of the
throat, whooping cough, ete. Over a
million bottles solid within the lest few
years. It gives relief wherever used,
and bas the power to impart benefit thet
cannot be bad from the cough mixtures
now in use. Sold by all druggists at 25
cents per bottle,
Bending health in every fiber of the system, is
rapidly made by that remarkable pre son,
Vor the speedy eure of Berofuls, Wasting Mereu-
risl Disease, Eruptions, Erysipelas, vital decay,
and every indication of impoverished blood,
“Lindsey's Blood Searcher” i the one remedy
thet can always be relied upon. Druggists sell §1°
4 dec. ¥
Reported by Evaxs Baos, Produce Commission
Merchants, Na, 56 North Water 81. Philad.
Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Cheese and all kinds of
Country produce, Quick sales, good prices and
Pustaveiruia, Feb, 16, 1888
PR, *XUS......
Creamery, Pema
Western, ex brands erates
Fowis, straight, noardy...............per ib
mixed " — ' -
Western, straight -
4 mized ....
DIUERS creecnmennneeie ronnie.
TA REYS ne nansoo
Turkeys, EX TB... cersssssnsons cn PET ID
- ch ole... A -
* JOR... isrs ens -
Chickens, dry picked, S2in .
socal ded and medium
Ducks, extra... ssa
. FRAY sci sinnrinsssessmstmmmssancanin gt
Goose, extra... Bsn -
Calves, Del & M4, prime wee per Id
Fair to good > -
Canton stock...
Hog <iressed........
Sheep, PIER... cons vecsnstes
Lamin, extra ——————
Live Cattle...coan...coonmcees
Hogs, Hve....ccn...
Pies MYR... cin ccrcnssibenmussion
DE ccoinsnns sssssssnimemscmmhariracrsace per ib
Heavy ....
2p FEETevvzs
Cabbage, exten. -
" god -”
Apples, Baldwins.
Greenings .
Jerk State, mixed...
Boon snmmnn co suminns —
Early Rose, choice...
Burbanks, chaoloe.. -
NY Factory, cholo...
Ohio, Sat, SIME .oormermossstaemmmce
‘a, Full Cream... come
Tab hod ou,
MP TRARI....oonnss sc csinnsinsi mcr Ih
Unwashed... ———
Apples, evaporated, in cases...
Mn a
wert an
641 ssmteinsscnssrees §
veseing SHEE OS 4c *
Muskrat, Winter..........
Wild a————————
BOUME OBL.cessnssseacemmmmmtmms ces
Opossum, cased, trashed out...
Rabbits —
shelled, ond vais OR mr...
Taare “a ye
CARR wre esssmsessmoorn on
rst an er Se ——
¥ 000i.