The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 18, 1885, Image 7

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A A Commotion Oaused by that
i ble Statement of 8 PFhysioian.
T published in these col-
umns ntly from the Rochester,
(N. X.)Rpemocrat, created a deal of
commeént@here, #8 if bas elsewhere.
Apparent 1% oauted even more com-
motion inl Bichester, is the following
from the Fame paper shows:
Dr. J. B. Henion, who is well-known
not only Rochester, but in nearly
every part)of Ameriea, sent an ex-
tended artisle to this paper, a few days
ago which was duly published, detail-
ing his remsrkable experience and
rescue from what seemed to be certain
death; - It would be ‘impossible to
enumerate the personal enquiries which
have been male at our office as to the
validity of sie artiole, but they have
been so numerous that further investi-
gation of the. subject was deemed an
editorial necessity,
With this end in view a representative
of this paper called on Dr, Henion at
luis residonce on Andrews street, when
tue foliowing interview oocurred: “That
article of yours, Doctor, has created
guite a whirlwind. Are the statements
about the terrible condition you were
in, and the way you were rescued such
as you can sustain?”
“Every one of them and many addi-
tional ones. I was brought so low by
neglecting the first and most simple
symptoms, I did not think I was sick.
It is true I had frequent headaches;
felt tired most of the time; could eat
nothing one day and was ravenous the
next; felt dull pains and my stomach
was oat of order, but I did not thiok ir
meant anything serious, The medical
profession have been treating symptoms
instead of diseases for years, and itis
have just mentioned or any unusual
action or irruation of the water chan-
pels indicate the approach of kidney
the coming of consumption.
treat the cough, but try to help the
lungs. We should not waste our time
in trywmg to relieve the headache, pains
go directly to the kidneys, the source
of most of these ailments,”
“Tus, then, 18 what yon meant when
you said that more than one-half of the
deaths that occur asise from Bright's
disease, is it Doctor?”
“Precisely. Thousands of diseases
are torturing
reality sre D
its many forms.
monster, and the slightest symptoms
of the case of Mr, H. H, Warner some
three years ago, Doctor?”
“Yes, sir,”
“What did this analysis show you?”
“The pressnoe of albumen and tube
casts in great abundance.”
“And what did the symptoms indi-
“A serious disease of the kidneys."
“Did you think Mr, Warner could
“No, sir,
“Do you know anything about the
remedy which cured him?"
“Yes, I have chemically analyzed it
and find it pure and harmless.”
We publish the foregoing statements
in view of the commotion which the
publicity of Dr. Henion’s article has
caused and to meet the protestations
which have been made, ‘Lhe doctor
was cured four years ago and ts well
and attending to his proressional duties
to-day, The standing of Dr, Henion,
Mr. Warner and Dr, Lattimore in the
community is beyond question, and the
statements they make, cannot for a
moment be donbted. Dr. Henion's
experience shows that Bright's disease
of the kidneys is one of the most de-
ceptive and dangerous of all aiscases,
that it is exceedingly common, and that
it can be cured.
I did not think it possi-
msn AM pr
A Poisr assur Warerisag, — When
convenient, horses should be fed at
short rather than at long intervals,
The small size of the stomach precludes
the horse from rapidly digesting a
quantity of food sufficient to serve bim
for a long penod. This applies with
even greater force to watering. Itisa
very common practice to water horses
only three times a Jay, the water being
by some given before meals, and by
others afterward, Whichever of these
plans is adopted, the system is bad: but
worst when the Istter method is
before the gastric
even in the fasting stomach, then water.
ing before meals must wash away this
has them. I can look back and recall
declared at the time were eaused by
paralysis, apoplexy, heart
pheumoma, malarial fever and
common complaints which I see now
were cansed by Bright's disease,
no service. Horses should therefore
have water at short interyals, and when
practicable they should have free access
to it in their mangers. Whefi this is
tically to wash out his stomach
trating the benelicial effects of potash
upon the health of peach trees, Me. J.
two rees
symptoms at first?”
“Every one of them, and might have
of the same remedy.
my eyes thoroughly opensd in
this matter aad think I am helping
ble danger also.”
Mr. Warner was visited at his es-
tablishment on North Bt. Paul street.
At first he was inclined to be reticent,
but learning that the information de-
very earnestly.
“Jt is true that Bright's disease had
increased wonderfully, and we find, by
growth was over 250 per cent. Look
at the prominent men it has carried off.
Everett, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Car-
penter, Bishop Haven, Folger, Colfax
and others, Nearly every week
neut mau from this scourge. Recently,
however, the increase has heen checked
and I attribute this to the general use
of my remedy.”
“Do you think many people are al
per cent, are already dead,
of the Board of Agriculture,
peach orchards. He, however, found
Prof, Jenkins of the
Connecticut Experiment Station, found
by the analysis of the wood of healthy
and diseased trees, that the Iatter are
deficient in ssh constituents, Potashis
the ash of the virgin soil is restored.
Late Murcamxa: 1 is still a suitable
garden, even though quite a ernst of
every kind of growth is benefitted by a
protecting cost of manure, or other
is, Mr. Warner?”
A prominent professor in a New Or.
leans medical college was lecturing be-
fore his class on the subject of Bright's
sdizense, He had various fluids under
microscopic analysis and was showing
the students what the indications of
this terrible malady were. ‘Awd now,
gentlemen,” he said, ‘as we have seen
the upheaithy indications I will show
I how it appears in a state of perfect
ealth,” and he submitted his own fluid
to the usual test, As he watched the
resuits his countenance suddenly
changed his color and command both
said: Gentlemen, I have made a pain
ful discovery; 1 have Bright's disease
of the kudneys,” And in less than a
year he was dead. The slightest indi-
cations of any kidney difficulty should
be enough to strike terror to anyone,”
“You know of Dr, Henion's case?”
“Yes, I have both read and heard of
“It is véry wonderful, is it not?”
“No more #0 than a great many othors
that have coule to my notice as having
been cured by the same means.’
“You believe then that Bright's dis-
ease can be.cured.”
“1 know it can, I know il from my
own and the experience of thousands of
went persons who were given u
FE die by both their physicians
hold snow. yet by lying exposed to the
elements until Bprmng it will readily
spade in and serve as a fertilizer. All
plant and trees are in a more or less
active state throughout the winter and
activity, and by this means enables the
severe cold and wind the easier,
To Exasmiss A Home, —A good horse
will always show well standing at rest,
The man sbowing a horse for sale who
keeps the animal constantly stopping
about, to show off, is to be looked upon
with suspieion. The time to examine a
horse 1s when he is at rest, It is then
that his weak points will be shown, If
the horse ‘‘flies up” at some object on
the ground, nearsightedness may be,
suspected, If brought suddenly into
the light, from a dark stable, and the
light oppresses him, bis eyes are wehk,
His gait aud speed should be tested by
actual service. Ab rest if the horse is
sound, he will stand square on his limbs,
without moving any of them, the feel
being placed flat on the ground, and alt
his legs plump and natdarally placed.
1f ane foot be thrown forward, with the
toe pointing to the gronnd and the heel
raised, or if the foot be lifted from the
round, and the weight taken from it,
isease or tenderness may be suspected,
$5 old times the agriculture of
Scotland was execrably bad. Hardly
any wheat was attempted to be grown;
oats full of thistles was the standing
crop, and. this was repeated on the
greater part of arable land, while it
would produce twice the amount of seed
ware raised: tur-
God created the coquette as soon as
he had made the fool.
Joyrahy Astonished.
Mr. James Brunt, Deputy Bheriff,
Baltimore, Maryland, writes: In an ex-
perience of thirty years I have become
acquainted with numerous so-called
specifics for coughs and colds, but never
before experienced such surprising effl
onoy ss was obtained from the Red
Star Cough Cure. I was attacked with
n severe deep-seated cold and cough,
[ suffered for some time, and tried this
valuable remedy. 1 was completely
onred by the use of ona bottle,
EE po
Nothung is so eredulous as vanity, or
80 ignorant of what becomes itself,
The Record of the Fairs.
The superiority of Wells, Richardson
& Co's. Improved Butter Cclor over all
others made, is again demonstrated by
its record at the Annual Fairs, The
tost of practical use is what tells the
story, and the great value of the pre-
miums given by the Agricultural Fairs,
lies in the fact, that the judges in these
cases are regular farmers, who know
what their needs are and what will sup.
ply them,
Improved Batter Color, which has taken
first premium at all fairs where exhib-
ited, is put up in a vegetable oil 80 pre.
which is fatal to so many of the Butter
Colors offered for sale, It does not
color the buster-milk, it imparts =
bright natural color, which is unattained
by many others; and being the strong-
est is the cheapest Color in the market,
nA A
thing unless beauutfied by sentiment,
OxE OF wy euuaren, a girl abont nine
years old, had a very bad discharge
from her head and nose of a thick, yel-
lowish matter, and was growing worse,
We had two difierent physicians pre-
tried Ely's Crean Balm, and much to
our surprise in three days there was a
marked improvement, We continued
using the Balm and in a short time the
discharge was apparently cured. —O, A.
Qary, Corning, N. Y
Outward service alone 18 of no value,
et ——
of Feopie
get bilious, have heavy headaches,
mouth foul, yellow eyes, &o,, all the
direct result of impure blood which ean
be thoroughly cleansed, renewed and
enriched with Kidney-Wort., It sots at
the same time on the Kidneys, Liver
a package than can be found in any
Lost minocence returns no more,
i ——
FOR DYSPEPSLA, IXDIOENTION, depression of epir
uer BLY AN their vanious Forme iso
pe fever and ague and other
ut fevers, the “Ferro-Vhosphorated.
Elixiy allsaya” made by Caswell, Hagard & Oo,
New York, and sold by all Drugiisia, is the bed
Lone: for palisnts recovering frown fever or
Dees, iL has OO equsl
Into each life some rain must fall,
3 «
Trocones for
& pothing to be
im. —Rer, OG. DD. Wal
Coughs and Colds: “Ti i
compared with the
kins, Walton, Ind
Time is the rider that breaks youth,
If you are falling: broken, worn oul and nee.
vous, ase “Wells' Heallh denewer. "$i. Drug gisia
One story is good till another's told.
Firs: All Pits stopped free. ‘Treatise and £2 00
trial bottle of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Hestorer
free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 831 Arch SL,
Pulladeiphia, Pa
A danger foreseen is half avoided.
“St. Bernard
The beat cure for LIVER sed Bil,
(IOUS eomplsints, CORT VEN E58,
Gad PF Prion, 3 on st Droggisis, or Ly
mall Samples seni FREE A
5 Meroar street, Now York
By the use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitlers the
haggard appearance of the countenados and
shllowness of drapeptios are supplanted by a
healthier Jook, and as tue food is arsimil. tod, the
body acquires substance, Appetite is restored,
and the nervous system refreshed with much
needed slumber, through the use of this medicine,
which 1s also beneficial to persons of a rheumatic
tendency, and an inestimable preventive of fover
and ague,
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen.
Voina of wis SEE
All those palafal Complaints
* and Weaknewsen 56 common *
sera svigour heat # see ss
A Prize ia the Lottery.
of life which 18 usually unappreciated uu.
til it is lost, perhaps never to return, is
health, What a priceless boon it is, snd
how we ought to chensh it, that life may
not be a worthless blank to us, Many of
the diseases that life is heir to, and which
make life burdensome, such as consumpt-
tion (scrofula of the lungs) aud other
scrofulous apd blood diseases, find a com.
ete cure in Dr. KR. V. Pierce's ‘Golden
Medical Discovery’ when all other reme-
dies have falled, Dr. Plerce’s pamphiet on
consumption maildd for two stamps. Ad-
dress, World's Dispensary Medical Asso-
elation, Butialo, N, ¥.
ss ——— ——
War is death's feast,
“AL Men Are Linrs.*”
sald David of old He was probably
prompted to make the above remark after
trying some unreliable catarrh remedy,
Had he been permitted to live until tie
present day, and tried Dr. Sage’s Remedy,
he might have had a better opinion of man-
kind, We claim that no cuse of catarrh
can withstand the magic effects of this
wonderful medigine, One trial of it will
vince you of its efficacy. By druggists;
fifty cents,
a ——— ni
| Tue Japanese are very precise and
| correct, as & rule, 1x their pronuncia-
| tion of Euglish, as they learn more or
less like parrots, One day & man went
| into the Hiogo telegraph office with a
| message to be sent to Osaka.
The polite Jap took it from him,
looked blandly over it, and then said:
“You—cannot—sgend—this— message
"The — gentleman — who — {akes —
charge—of—the—telegraph—oflice — is
“Well, what am I to do?”
‘Jgyou will — leave your — ad-
drees~I—will— send — and — tell —you
when -—he—is--sober,”
Is he very often taken like
i —————
Delicate diseases of either sex,
however induced, speedily and permantly
cured. ' Consultation free, look three
(dct) stamps. World's Dispensary Medi-
cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
sm————— EE —————
Denying a fault doubles it,
Lovelt's Gulde to Fruit Cultare,
. & » =
It 1% really a valuable work on Horticul-
full tions for planting, prot.
tare. go
giving instru
and impartial deseriptions of all w
It 1% & book of over 70 pages, with an
cover, elegantly printed
trae io nature,
without p ates, y BL a inle
in fruit caitare should send to 7. J. Lovett, Las
1 ft
Silver, New Jersey, and get a copy.
Price, with ob
red plates, 10 ¢
ss A 0
nt Ae
When vou visi or
agpage expressage and §
al ine Grand Unton Howell, opporile
Fai Depot,
G00 siegamt
Urasa Cen
tp si a cost of
ang upwards per
Hisvator, Hestaurant
Horse cars, slages and
' depuis Families can
cus money al the Grand Union Hote
than a any other rst-Class ole Io the cl ¥
i —
Beorn to do a mean act,
are $l
| neglected, Coids the Head snd
| and lung affections, Eiy's Cream Balm
cures at once. It is perfectly safe and
is easily applied with the Boger, It
time, Bold by druggists. 00 cents
Ely Bros,, Owego, N. X,
som A 55
Wonnds given to honor never heal,
pe Kuxr 1x var Fasnioxn, ~The Dia-
{ claim to do.
! It wll Jook like new,
ranted, 10c. at druggmts,
Richardson & Co., Burnington, Vi,
To resist evil by evil is evil
a ————
Thin People.
or, cares dyspepsia, lo pdendasexaoal debility. $i.
Too many broths spoil the cook,
A iarberouns Rhyme,
Lather me lightly and speak to me low,
Oh, interrogative barber mine;
And I will forgive if to make my hair
You use magic Oarboline.
Spare the child aod spoil the rod,
Tae sorrie of Ely's Cream Balm
that I obtained of you last summer has
entirely oured my little boy of a severe
attack of eatarrh, Mrs. Sallie Davis,
Green Postoffice, Ala,
Where there's a way there's a will,
“Réugh on Pain”
Chaires colle, cramps, diarrhea; externally for
aches, pains, spraifs, veal Mons: nearalgia, rhea.
matism, For man or beast, and Soo.
leon IIL by Marmix,
orice of the two works. THIS
1848, is written by M. Gumor,
wid completed from his
jvizor De Wire, It is
wtavo, printed from
lark green cloth,
wt, only $8.00
ly OXE:
It is a work to.
ion Churchman,
Toronto, Canada.
Ose day when Uncle Daniel Drew
was in the zenith of his power, so to
say, & gentleman stopped him on the
streot and sald:
“Mr, Drew, I believe you are a Chris.
tian man?”
“Well, y-e-s,” answered the specula~
“Then 1 ask yon to do the right thing
by me, A month ago I sold you some
Blank & Blank raalroad stock at 88, In
two weeks it jumped to 60, 1t 1s only
fair that you should present me with at
least 81,000." ’
“My Christian friend,” replied Uncle
Daniel, with a lonesome squint in his
left eye, ‘I remember that transaction,
Next day after buying the bonds I con.
cluded that 1 had made a fool of myself, |
and resold for 85, Let ns embrace and |
console each other and divide my loss |
betwecu us,”
“Rough on Coughs,”
Ask for “Rough on Coughs,” for Coughs, Colds, |
Sore | hroat, Hoarseness. Troches, 1c, Liquidgse, |
Craft bringeth nothing home,
Does not pet well of ise! 1 quires ca
serdistent atteniyn and & remedy tual will assis
f Wo throw off Lhe causes acd toge up the di
| they perform their duties wil.
, of Amherst, N. H., after |
without benefit, found |
' .
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
head and restored her
Hiss experienced hy Lie
ting, loss of appe
tite, frregu arities of the bowels, wind or gas and
pain in the stomach, heari-Harn, sour stomach,
&o., causing menial depression, BETVYOUs frritabiil- §
LY and sicepies If you are discouraged be of
good cheer an ry Hood's Sarsapariiis. It has |
cured handreds, 11 will ox 1 if you give it a
fair chance, Prepared on t LHOUD & CO.
Lowell, Mass. Price $1.00.
Mrs, Bosworth
trying any ‘sure «
to healll,
hit the nail on the
AMoug the ag
are distress before or after &
ACENT WANTED for the mos: |
« ONiniand a
Shwe — yd ames G. Blaine.
Hon. J. 5. Wise, M, C,, from Va. saye: * Who
ever takes il up no mater whether he be Mr Blaine's
frima or enémy, will never pul down usd he
read the sohole” Age's make from $300
10 $1,000 per month, Over 8,000 agenisairendy
Free from Oplates, Emetics and FPoleons,
¥or Coughs, Bore Throat, Hosrseneas, Infuenta,
Colds. Bronchitis, Croup, Wheoplng Cough,
Asthma, Quiney, Pulns in Chest, snd ofa
aMections of the Threat en’
fold by
ere. Fuarties unable Lo induce 1h
pet 1a for them will receive two bottles, Lz
om Owners and Maso!
Baltimore 4 CT. Rh A
Thiriysevenih Annual Sisivmrat
oy THE
$E400270 48
Net Assets, January 1, 1684,
Heecvipia during the year:
For Prem sus, J41.2'6 9%
For interest, ete, 487, v08 OF
245,174 8
Claims vy Daath, Pil 6h ¥
Matured Endowments, 4.0
gurrendered Policies, 135
Cash and Note Dividends, 568
He. insurance,
Total paid Polley-
holders $1.042.423 01
Taxes nud Legal Expenses, $54,005 65
Salaries, Medics] Fees and
Offic Expenses,
io Agenis
Hens, 6c,
avertising, rr
Mire Insurance, Office Fur
niture, ete.
88,108 2
r EXpenses
A iting, Supe
Net Assets, January 1, 1885,
pd WS aler
Loans, Rallrosd, &
uisr easiest se ling
book ever published, * TWEN TY YEARS OF |
B HENRY EILL PUR. CO, Norwich, Coun.
Abnslutely correct
tifie rules, secur ag pede
by the heel ho listen 1 Now §
n shape
ot on
8 be
jo And econ
1 pot
the outer a,
Ask your tere t for Lhe whe
ng above seal, Examine carefully rehoming smd
Beware of Worthicss Imitations,
In the human body ERADICATED by axing
fo apd cflects.
An aldaime remedy. So
La conte rn beitle,
al in is notion, Price
8a? “ALE RY
Mavveious rwcoess.
tasane Persons Restored
Sor all Beaty & Reve DISEASES. Only sure
cure for Nrvoe APections, Fie, Fpipey, v0.
INPALLIBLE if taken as directed. Ne Fis after
Prot day's wae. Treatise sod $e vii 3
Fit patients, They DAYIRg exiressch
received, Send names, P.O. and oe §
$85 ted 15 198 LINE aur Arch 8g Fhiladeinhis Pa.
Lorillard's Climax Plug
bearing a red fin fog; that Lorillsrd's
Net Ledger Asnets ns nbove £9. 124.330 14
ne Gelieried alia nrep 4
ts 164 560 15
t dae 3nd accrued, elo, 4 id
t Valine of wks, Be
. 8na Real Estate over
Bi.E0 2
Gross Assetin. Jon T 1885, £9.063.8%4 26
Lowses reporied, i
not due, $52,881
Reserve al 4 per oemt
0 re
re-insure risks
% “re 8
Surpios nf 4 1.2 per cent
Fenpsyivanin Sinadnrd,
{Est mate
£1 812.360 34
Nasu, NX.
Fach of these panes cone
with full dire ns, ir
tion to forming &n tensely interesiing
any one can, by their use, in s shorn t
without effort permanently sogaire ali the
: ed
tacis of Ge By nd i intosre nding
ots of Geography and Histo
* »
Designed 10 enable persons 10 become familine
with the principal characters of Myihology in an
interesting and easy way. Price, $1.00
post-paid, or the three by express, prepaid, k
£2.50 Send for Descriptive Clroulars,
1 have & positive remed § Tor pi
mee {hopsands of oases of the worst kind snd el £
standing have been cured, Indeed, sostrongie my igiu
i 1s emoacy, that § will send TWO BOTTLES
topeiher RES VATTAPLETRRATIER on this disease
0 any sufferer. Give express und PO addres,
DRT. A. FLOCUM, 381 Peari Bi, New Fork,
«ts of 200 carlie
"In sdb
handsome x. Ia
Rowe Lonf tne cut | that Lorillard’s
Navy Clippings, and that Lortilard's Souls, aro
the best and cheapest, quality considered 7
U. 8.
of Lady Agents Wanted.
Eiaguutss Gpina) Corset 0. 4128 way, New York,
ni Address Valeutine Bros, Janewviiie, Wis,
Rents © ANH,
KIDDER'S PASTILLES. ': 7 57: "1 25
Chat lestowin,
"Q ivernares
Morphine Habit Cured in 10
0 20 days, No pay till cured.
®. J. SrEraExs, Lebanon, Olle.
. »
Library style,
Price of the
Indianapolis, Ind.
shi« EF»
Vohsox. Cuteelis oll others 100 1.
impartiel. Comets, the Best
var Freighte pond. send Sor Bxtrals
for the pew book THIRTY. THREE YEARS ANONG
8s Gen, DODGE end Gen. SHERMAN. The
® to 20 dsr
: - Ts, gh
Solid Berit wake book for
hii sic ————
aperaiion of di ol nin bo new towied by hundreds
cures, 84 A ile for chrcular. Advios ree,
has ouklone