en A A SAS A AS THE CENTRE REPORTER, FRED KU RTZ, Editor. UrNTRE Hav! «PALF Fa 11, 1885. FIGHT ON A FREIGHT TRAIN. Two Brakemen Engage: din a Deadly Con- flict With Fist and Revolver, Chicago, Feb. 3.—A Pullman car cons ductor gives an newount of a fight bes tween two Lrakemen named Tom Brady and Frank Morrison on board a Denver and Rio Grande freight train between Denver and Salt Lake while the train was running at full spec d. The en had quarrelled over a girl, and Brady, unexpect edi y finding Morrison in the caboose of the train, pulled a revolver and fired at him The shot wissed, rison gre apple d with hisss-ailant secured the revolver and fired at Brady, wouad- jing him in the shoulder. rady made tops of the cars, Morrison pursuing and firing at him until the shots had been ex- peaded. Brady stumbled aod fell flat upon the roef of a car. Morrison reached him as he arose, but dropped his revol- sud clutched his antagonist by the A frightfal steaggle then took Ining train. ver t place hroat. on top of the ra: their i death suru:gle, fighting, cursing, tng aod gouging each other, until M: serisor, with a supreme effort, raised his foe and threw him with all has might, failing backward himself from his exertion. Brady canght the brake wheel and saved himself from falling be- tween the cars, Regaining his feet he rushed towards the engine over the tops of the cars, jomped down on a flat car and clambered up on top of the next box car, stiil followed by Morrison. By this time the engineer and conductor noticed the men running towards the tender, and the former shut off some of the steam, tbinking something might be wrong. Brady leaped upon the tender, dashed into the cab through the window and out upon the foot-board alongside the boiler. Morrison followed hurliog a Jump of cual as he sprang through the window. The men again grappled on the narrow foot board and hammered one another, each one striving to burl the other to the ground, the cow-catcher before the men had rolled off the cows catcher into a ditch beside the track, where they both lay senseless. They were picked up acd put to bed on board | the caboose aud their wounds attended to. The authorities were not informed of the fig, and as both will recover itis probable that neither will be arrested. CAN BE “Have vou any malaria here : HAD [F WANTED. asked a | “Well,” got any bt taid the Jist now ; we'll place for Ler family landlady, “we hain’t folks haven't asked for it ; t it fur your family if youn want it.” Most | folks get malaria without wanting To g=t rid of its noxious effects, nse Brown's iron Bi hers. Mrs, 8. K.M Dogal d, New Haven, Conn, says, “1 suffered from ma- laria Rr nearly Six years. Bitters cured me completely.” - - HORRIBLE AC CID} Wee Death by awed in Tv 2. [Lewisburg Saturday News, Feb. 7.] ‘The most shocking accident ever re- corded in Union saw mill in Kelley twp, on Wednesday last. As Mr. Samuel Kieffer was endeav oring to move = heavy stick of umber on the carriage, his foot slipped and ne was yo npou a fast revoiving saw, mang is lege, arm and body most horn bly. His rigot jeg was sawed off below the knee and the whirling steel crashed through his body as far aus the breast bone, He wes thrown about six feet against Mr, Horace Bostian. The dying man was wrapped in blackets and au ef fort made to take him to his home, bat he expired before reaching there, just 350 minutes after the buzzing dumb uragon of death had cut the flow of iife biood from his being. The news of theappall~ ing accident spread over the county with wonderful rapidity, and knots of men conld be seen stancing about the country stores and e'sewhere discussing the hor- rible ocean ence, which had cast a shad- ow of darkness over the entire commu- nity, Before his spirit took its flight he requested his frienos ta say good bye to his mother, brother, and sister, and after giving those around him farewell, he was usbered into the dark shadows of ihe mysterious beyond. a — - A GREAT DISCOVERY. Wim. Thomas, of Newton, Ia. says, “My wife has been gerionsly affected with a cough for 25 years, and this spring more severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief, and being urged to use Dr. King's New Dis- covery, did so, with most gratifying re- sults, The first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle absolutely cured her, She hss not had good health for thirty years.” Trial botties free, For “ te at all drug stores. Large size $1.00, - ROSSA PASSED A COMFORTABLE NIGHT, it Re . M ” 3 » Samu is Being Kief 1 sar Jing bi New York, Feb. 5.—It is said at St. Vincent hospital this morning, to which O'Donovan Rossa has been removed yes. terday, that be passed a comfortable night and was greatly improved. The physicians think that it will not he many dave before he is out and aboat. He re- ceives the best of care and attention as a pay patient. Mra. Rossi and Pat, Joyce valid to see him this morniog. Only relatives and intimate friends are permit. ed to see him, i Sass in ME NPI. MI 0 SAM The horrible nauseous worm-scad ver- Wi ges and worm sy raps have had their day. It's downright cruelty to compei a child to take them when McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders are so easy and pleasant to take that children take them and never know a medicine is be ing administered. Can be procured at any drug store for the small som of 25 cents, Sold by J. D. Murray. Jomserox, Hovtow ay & Co, Philadel phia Agents, - Wassontswa, Feb. 6.~Rey. 8, a. Shan« non, for the past ten years pastor of the Lutheran church, bas received a call to the Lutheran church of Bunbury. It is believed that he will accept and assume Rarge thereol in the rt is being made wo IMBECILITY IN ENGLAND, A correspondent to the Boston Con. mercial Bulletin says: Any one who has been a constant reader of Punch has uo need to travel up and down England with me to discover that the traditional, ingrained, agricultural laborer of the country is in very many cases so stupid, so ignorant, so devoid of all ambition to get ont of the plough-ruts in which Lo and hia progenitors have been travelling like cattle for many hundred years, as to rank in the mind of the careful observer only a shade above the domestio beasts among which his life has all been spent I walked and talked with these Eng- lish hinds, and can testify that I never met in my own country, oudside of im. beeile asylums, so stupid, so stolid and stunted a class of human beings. They | have a dialect of their own, which can hardly understand ; | smock-frock fort of an attire which been in fashion for a hundred years, and a way of life, as regards work and play and general home habits, that is the same as was their fathers’ and grand. i | stranger | fathers’, There are, however, lower depths of { human nnintellectuality in England than this, Underneath this last named class is to be found a setof men that is the natural ward (of the stupid hind are a sort of * innocents” about the country dering upon comple are saved from starvation of those who have pity for fortunates, Downright imbeciles are cared for in England, to a large extent, in her in class, te imbecility, he char ity 'ry nu by these 0 to accommodate the stunted imbeciles abounding in crowded old England. I i call to mind, in illustration of the charac. ter of these establishments, one of the largest of them, located in Watford, a town which I walked through on my pe- | destrian excursion from London to Ox- It contains 2,000 chronic imbeciles | who are under the charge of Dr. Case, ian eminent medical man, sud who are maintained at a net expense of 20 cents a | day, | ford. Tn A AAI A is GENERAL SKOBELEFY, { There are a great nn i about {come legendary in 1 {and General Skobelaff which have be- the Rassian army, there a much greater 1 umber abot the Russian Jews which ei {Al il els ARKOH of Russi an se wrod y. i lowing story, which { for the admirers of iand the haters of the Rassian is of interest both the ** white general * Jew, i revived when Prince Bismarck, as a sign | of special distinction, received the cross { Pour le Merite. Skobeleff, | ste ry, was working one evening tent near the Danube, or near a po {when a Turkish bomb dropped at | threshold of the tefit, ig had nd, istoop down and {the shell into phil the water, proached the soldier and said know you have saved my life?” done my best, general.” which d you rather | George's Cross, or 100 roubles?” sentinel was a Jew, with a fis profile. then said: ** What is the value of the 8t. George's Cross, my general?” “What do you mean? The cross itself is of no value; it may be worth five rubles, perhaps, but if is an houor to possess it." * Well, my general,” calmly said the soldier, “if it is like that give me ninety-five roubles and the Cross of Bt. George!” Whether the prayer of that child of Israel was granted or not history does not say.— Pall Mall Gasells, woni ave the Si T— AP —— FARMS IN FRANCE There are millions of farms in France confaining from a quarter of an acre to four acres, writes a correspondent from Dijon. Ifind thataboutan acre and a half is aboutall the most ambitions man wants, The rent for land is always one. half the crop. The land is worth sbout four Lun. dred dollars an atre ; if in grapevines, six hundred dollars. This is why France is liken garden. In England there are two hundred and twenty-seven thousand land owners; in France there are seven million land owners. The Frenchman on his two acres, with his barefooted wife cutting grain with a sickle by Lis side, is happy and contented, because he knows no better. Such a degraded life would drive an American farmer mad. The Frenchman thrives because he spends nothing. He has no wauts be- yond the coarsest food and the wash- ings of the grape skins after the wine is made. Yes, he is thrifty. He saves money, too, The aggregated wealth of thirty million poor, degraded, barefooted peasants makes Fravee rich. The ignor- ance of the French farmer is appalling. I never saw a newspaper in a French farm village. Their wants are no more than the wants of a horse. The French. man eats the coarsest food; about the same as he feeds his horse. He will eat coarse bread and wine for breakfast; soup, bread and wine for dinner ; and, perhaps, bread and milk for supper. He does not know what coffee or tea in mn Ap AAI The wise men of old have sent cat of their morality down the stream of time in the light skiff of apothegm epigram. ass A I MIS woe" Garman’s pew adv. at the Leud of iocal volum a. 2 This medicine, comb! vegetable tonics, guile Cures Dvspe als ha Russ Lm ure Blood, Malaria, ¥ hill Neuralgia. is an unisiling rex Kidneys and Liver. it is inval uable for Women, and al } Itdoeanct ir prod 10 00 Itenriches ans the appetite, aids Hers Heart re ens the muse i For Intermitte Energy, &c., it ha g& The Fenn 1 crossed red ines Bade on’) fie 41 CHE ¥y BEOT A 5 YEARS ced I effien Pronoun pleasant an use, for the thro Al, miiion w hoo) Mitlie l years. It gives and has the power t cannot be had fr cents per bottle, o 9, hes Marble Work . C. MUS CEST 5 Ou it, ore Fiend d Copeing in Marble or B 1 3 ww “is Shop East FOR THI i» | Ihe World's Wunders AGEN Bguier gions, Fisaklie, | Long Greely aad ence iopasdin of exp tare io aki parts of Ege Tales, slfaage Beoal Matarad Was we and rapid sell #99 , over 20 apienaa 3 ¥ ¥ W mile ail GLBer Bows A te maf ¥ or fmt i «om miseon Wits | bc tor ¢ ’ tra terms HISTO iE HELP 355 roped, valuable sample bo pou in the way of makis days than you ever thougt Uspital not reguired ¥ ou Work in spare titue only, or ail botn sexes, of ali ages, grandly £5 sasily varned every evs work may test the busine leled offer: To sil whoare » send $i to pay for tae truubl partiotiare , directions, ets sbeolutely sure for ail who start lny. Address, STINDUN & Uo AGENTS W YANTEL Db} Deeds Of Daring By BLUE & GRAY. | EF roe m" pons | sonal sdventnres bh glicdeow ine he front Civil War, Intense fpreed y ' ploita of scouts sr pravery, impriso; romantic incld morons and tragic dashes, brilliant sue tions on each side the fig FUSBELY ILLUSTRATE ¢ book at all ke ft. Owl dress, STANDARD x __1amovom 610 Arch 8t ad i Tian % 23 2 i Pr i Send six cents for postags r za; free & costly iw of & : help you to more movey right sassy else in this Sorid. All of either sex, The broad read 30 » hour iortaus cpene before the worR eH, atmolutely sure A% once sddross, TRUE & Co., Augusts, Maine, — —————— If you want the Ty PORTER and (he “New World.” for one year ot $245, you ean have the two by ®abmg us the $2.26 in advance wid uw ew ame wiih $2.25, 10 which the two papers wil abo besent Toisiss Lig bergeio, and we are only able to carry # owt upon the above plan. t! HAVE YOU A CARDEN? EESEED YOU WILL NEED And will want the Best of the fant wor oy, Then "my pew Seed Cutaingne will sargvien yim No satier Tn ve buon Renling of sill sve soap. IL in inafled ree lo Al, sady or wnght to have 8 Wi. WM. MH. 120 & 131 ‘Prost se, fA SAL LESME) table en 10 act 6x AGE N10 fof the sale of oir New Fruits and Speciaities! itis oli He of NU petia Took, oes ot veaentis), SrLIVE ACTIVE MEN BARN GOGH WAGES Vor tovms Bro tre, ago Bnd refirenoe, the Ree Weekly i ria TW ANT West Chester Veuva, HAVE For Gol ld and i 1 L Al) of (Fol i Pn. and efore J sn, 1 thelr prices EE ———_ " [ING 1 COUSTR Pe nels can’t be beat. Rid ' : , will be Engraved i vest at ok: ¢ Wi, Wo Ji Jur jor Duwrin g th 18 FLoiil reduced, made 0 i 7 cloch. was to your interest to bu Clothing we sell at in order Ownr ¢ but one dozen left, good, markably low prices. All kinds of Rubber Rubber Boots worth $4 la $2.75, Nf 7 . Fi # LO Sell oul ment, at all price <. ie d, Bugg en's and Boys’ Half-Hose. fast Shawls, / $7 aT If GILL DLeLO TI (u 8, Fr pg (rior nl 5 WY M ' { & store / ii OL, winter goods limited of space is and Spring and Summer e can not sa erifice jirst ¢ sometlines re que sted will see that it 1. Lr SOTILE al half cost stock. Qvercoats, shelf-worn, at re- ntire not SF 7 a big stock. st year, now going for geal’. large assort Blaonkels atl bargains. (love 5, Mitt and ble, Single and Breal- All ws and be ens, Lhese Hosiery, ry AP ‘iL Ln 3. fully, WOLY & SON. 3 iv iD H WARE, ARKDWARE. HARDWARE we 4 sei pect A. HARRIS & C0. A. HA KRIS & LU. me po WE SELLING. REAYRER SECTIONS AND SECTIUNS AND REAP REAY Farming To is, - » 7 ERS HR And sll inde o RAKES, JOURKS, SUYTHES, ROPE BLOCK: SPROUTS HAY FURKS, &e. onsen AS Ww ELL AS ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, TU MEET THE DE. MANDS IN THIS LINE. JAS. HARRIS & CO, Rerrival of Coods STORE ! NEW GOOI'S Hew Ar NEW NEW GOODS! Centre Lull, Havo just opened in one of Largest aud Best Rooms in the Valley, A COMPLETE STOCK OF— DRY GOODS, GOOLS DRILE NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHORS, HARDWARE, 01 L3 AND GLASSWARE QUEN GROCERIES, COFFEES. SUGARS, TEAS, FIBU BALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, EVERYTHING KEPT IN A WELL REGU STORE, ALL NEW GOODS, We offer buraivs Nips in this COME AND SER US, All kinds of Produce taken, snd Highest Market Prices Paid. % PAINTS, NSW ARE, LATEL Centre Hall 4 STOVE EMPORIUM} can J. A, REESUAN NAS JUST RECEIVED THE FINEST LOT OF STOVES IN THE COUNTY. kickel Plated and Flain. Ranges, Coal Steves, Heaters, AND EVERY STYLEOF STOVE, LARGE AND SMALL, PLAIN AXD FARCY, T ALL PRICER, AND IN TRUTR A The Cheapest Stoves IN THE COUNTY. HIS PRICES ARE DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM, BO THAT ID WILL PAY NOONE TO PURCHASE STOVES ELEEWHERR, BR CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELY Cuxree Hart Meat Mawksr, —1he Centre Hall Meat-market having are. frigerator families can at all vimes be supplied with fresh meats, of best quati- ty oetin and evening. ° ards— Attor neys a Wow OK TN BY, Albirtivg vu Ha a ls Law Be soso ntd build HOY LO wil ‘ i ig i yet § 04 “nos wid Lav $50 profession prepnt od while jot ’ Pre vain lutte, C JUBLry trade, J s EL ZL BROWN, pi ing oummuuiIly lel quai 0 guy lu the cou 3 fut moderates. 5 rave for pect Nai ahd (iy Ltr s Bld MATKES Ye ¥ €Iil 8 rial ¢F LUI CRERHOFF¥ HOU BE, ALLEGHENY 8T,, BELLEP: £1. (4, MILLEN, Frop'r. Croud Sample Koocws ou First Floor, CE #0 aid frou sil Laine. 0 Sutin relies LOU Willictses and 1L10rs BRO ETE, FA FLAS ee Dus gun (ENTRE HALL HOTEL. benitby locality, surrounded Ly J ABlie, wWaler, soem Oud pure finest Schule Terms very itaug Uu onuteln uslurai ih 10e sigle, i Veuent, redsunabie & Wis ! Wn Lerwes reasor 4 on Brel Hour, N' NAN MILLIS HOUS a. Oo L&T. RK EB SUMMER RESORT. pg sud Huntisg—BRoman- i Yau Loca iY. SONABLE. Yroprictor CERTHRE COUNTY, PA mas ——————— STA. <0 SADA FINE id alin ivy MDOCLerY., * ’ ailly TERM>s LEA Tesee and Penns Couvejyaucer, Valley Bang mays oy Hall, Pa, Medicibos keg FTE Upen may of r ates 3 “1 Ho LE jurposes Gi a 8G An WELLEVONTE Bd aliow Interest - tow; Buy aud Sell Gov 4 1.4 Ups, i. D FPEXX'A, erament EHUGERT, resident Cashiter PENX 8 VALLEY BANKING CO ” CENTRE HALL, d allow Interest ; Buy avd Sell « Coupe Ww. B YA, Receive Deposits as Pit List ON Borurtios i WM WOLF Presid J Z s ELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, Bellefonte DRUGS, CHEMICALSS PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS . de Pure Wines and Liquors fur medies purposes Always kept Uverument MINGLE, Cashier, Fa, Dealer In ——— DRUGS 0 LLEGE, NEW ER NEW JERSEY. Docuples three Bufiaings | und Pest, More ons for gates han AM other seboo! Ss toi ned, Iife elareht iin Write for clroulsrs, COLEMAN, PALNS & 00., Proprietors, Nanted WE WANT ANT 1000 more re BOOK AGENTS Haxny Boozsm,