i v i CE ER. | NTRE REPORT TN i gg . TA, UOT. Ps 1854, Fenus nod $2 por year in advance, $2.60 in advance. Advertisement cents per line for three insertions, One colum per year $901 colum $45. ir] subscribers paying fheir subs will get a cradit of two months addi At A pres minum o in advance whan 2 ereafler all yseription in advance, tional y | it AND ALL HAS EK TO THI DEPOT,” HIS MAKES AN OVERFLOW, ROOM, INS TO MAKE rO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT, — eA HINT G. R. PPIGELMYER SPRING MILLS, FA, INTERESTING NOTICE Two weeks ago our Fall Stock began to arrive y that we were surprised at the “ t st ¥ 11g wit expresses it but mildly 1 a wl anal ¥ o> 3 es call id be pleased 10 have you call nit rporet it i BOL TCR D. GARMAN & SON, BUsit's ARCADE. Dellgfonte, Oct, 1584, LOCAL ITEMS, Ive the great puzzle at the Bee Hive, Mr. John Wolf, of Miles, desires tate that he did not sign Li » the paper contradicting certain reports relative to Mr. Royer, candidate for sher- iff, and that he was not asked to sign it, The error was through the compositor misreading the abbreviation of Jonathan (Jon,) fordohn. (30 tH Sechler's for the best family groceries in this or adjoining counties, and you will never regret it. They sell only choice guods and at prices that others often ask for stale and inferior goods, Their assortment is always full and complete in every thing belonging to their line. ~SOImMe NArrow escapes were made from flying rocks from the blasts at Har- ris’ new building, at Bellefonte. graph pole saved one man from having n if a large piece from the pole and shattered i i ture gallery. Other large pieces I RT SRE a Sa iy Rising Spring to Centre Iiall, el from Bpring Mil Brics by's Deining Lo Hall Centre 1 — Several been at Centre lall station by a party adjoining town: putting on grain hou lots have The cave, b six acres of land, wi uel and Jesse Lon erect a hotel bui on hand and for sale chea er than elsewhere, made of best material, same al le to order on short Son, Farn ers ! t2m ment damaging windows and goods, Harper, prothonotary, burst a friend, whose name we have forgotten, and kept things lively and pl half an hour. Harper | bust of all above his shoulders, regret its perishable nature. Each one wus armed with an ear of corn d the plenty in that staple article, Felix Burkholder made a escape from death on Thursday, 16 wid on the way home with a load of &#not: w— HATTOW head, horses, this and the strain of the lines wise the wheels of the heavily the Harper's ire Of » read by Bi very { the rea He had from the fall. The railroad severe bruises about company tion to Rising Spring. cause there 18a Spring gomery county, which of freight We suppose be- Mills in Monts often a and expreas what i: ae iit CANNES iisshipment goods. We don't care name will be but we Spring. Duncan or preferred. The company will most like. ly adopt the suggestion of the Hurorten and abolish some of the Halls, and I ¥ Ww ney Rising a wy! f don’t fa ¥ is some Dame might | Oak Hall, and if Centre Hall were not so establis ting another “Hail” out of the map. subjest of shoes there is so much said about b stock, finest styles, best g yods, best gains and lowest prices, by so many oth er dealers that Powers & Son ha know what to say for themselves and their boot and shoe store, i — Upon the boots bar and only vite the people of Pennsvalley and parts of the county to call in and see | Ives, r good prices and then compare wilh isit will satisfy auy man or woman that at Powers’ stock, prices, styles, ele are just such as will meet the wantsof Rik examine the a 1 YG tiie nse Une vy ie — Very fine weather until We morning when rain get in, Have vou seen the 75¢ and ankets at the Bee Hive ? Mr. Chas. lL. Leitzel, Spring Mil boss auctioneer, gave vsa call, i i ‘rye ii openiog Grand f i and 29—Dee H — A small ive. GWOiing a few days ago. Ebony and maliogany curtain with elegant brass trimmings, only 65c- Jee Hive, D. F. Fortney, esq, and Wm. C. Heinle, esq, favored ihe *Reporter” sanctum with a call. New goods at J. D, Long's, Spring Mills, at bottom prices. Please call and compare prices at once, ~Mr. D. Hess is now pulling up a grain ware A URxTRR i Centre Lall Meat-market having ares irigerator families can at all times be supplied with fresh meats, of-best quali ty, sleo bologna sausage, Next door to olel ; I TRY ver MOORS, the ret Philadelphia | Irs hecord, If Mr, Blaine is heir to the Garfield ju-| beritance, the estate must have been very small. ~DBaltimore Day. Mr. Blaine's Hocking Valley syndicate has left the nafortunate miners nothing! but their votes, and now he demands] those, Chicago Times, i and Logan Irish legion pa-| Troy the other night. The oped of ten divisions B yon Post, s magnetism ? #nn, that carries a Republi fa Ponilili £8 AVE) duced majority, raded le gion Was comy man 0 a Qivision, ean candidate by a re- Utica Observer, ! Edmunds’ silence bas at last become wf bicago News, found a John's cellar, That If he had found lidate's sideboard New Orleans Picayune heads of the or. mus with great noiformity. Dem- arrying West Virginia blicar ackle their satis hold Ohio in the Times, | ged that a workman in St It is chs of whisk} 12 not & good slander, be might The 1 gan co tail Thin. osters sdorn the rs CIOW OVer ¢ ena be Republican line.—Philad, OCTals n } 12 nd the RB 18 ( ingabhie to It i i " ley. « ey, fakes prea ters in dyspepsia, fever and agve, and He has atisfac. eneral debility of Lhe system, ally expe need the 1 suits from the use a In randam of Bre whOs & BVSlems are ran Litters will cu bed | Hive, | FRYE Money on bape, 20 to the Bee a DESDEMONA'S BED. : Ty i the purposes of 1 uid be al- tered with advantage to the side wag by which ( sonstrained te ra his back to the andience while ad. Iressing Desde s remains in if we SUDD A her He, 114 i yor Salvin | AEG Comoe {r dialogue 3 alteration of 3 +8 3d 0 effect | the helploss pros. | half-recun nt position ; a most iat ost wduoed by : have ne 4 i i wi he bed 0 the piercing | No, no, no ; send for the man | and ask him.” } $ 8 Jf ‘ 3 1 Genial rss Stl AP RUSSIAN TEA. | If we are to judge by | Gaselie of Turkestan, the Chinese have as | little respect for the Treaty of Kaldja Russia as they wonld appear for that of Tientsin concluded France. In tions that they are committing a clear by interference tier trade, they Mussul- man merchants to quit the Kaldja fron. except Kashgar, on a fort night's There restrictions are | {evidently directed against the Massul- subjoots of the Czar who deserted { Chinese allegiance for that of Russia | A short time ago the Russian Minister of | Finance placed rather heavy duties on { Chinese teas coming across this frontier, | but was obliged to abandon them in the end, because the Chinese refused to do any business ai all, and the Russian | merchants complained bitterly of the | damage oooasiond to their trade. The | tea-plant has lately been introdnoed near | Soukgoum Kaleb, on the Black Sea, and | the Russians are confident, is seems that | they will soon be able to do without | Chinese or Indian teas, They are naturally irritated at the thought that after all their efforts at direct imporia- tion by the vessels of the Volunteer Fleot London can still supply Russia with tea more quickly and cheaply than can the Russian merchants, though next- door neighbors to the Flowery Land. A to — ORDERING RAIN, If a contrivance, a design of which has been sabmitted to the Australian Min. ister for Water Supply be successful, one of the greatest enemios of the far. mer-—drought—will to some extent be avoided. It is a machine for bringing down rain, and is in the form of a bal loom, with a charge of dynamite under. neath it. The balloon is sent into the clouds and the dynamite is fired by a wire connecting it with the earth. It is the intention of the inventor to make a trial of the ap- paratus on the dry districts of New South Wales gl i um a ———— { made with ‘fo have with reply to representa. infraction of the treaty frot have now ordered all Russian with the Rassian tier towns, notice, Nan 11 ONIRROJ3E SISIDDNYT UKY INV BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly snd completely Cures Dyspepsl fodigestion, Weakness, Impure Blood, alaria, Chills nnd Fevers, and Neuralgia. itis an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidoeys nnd Piven it i2 invaluable for Diseshes peculisr to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives, It does not injure the teeth, cause headache or produce constipation—other Iron medicines do, It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re eves Da and Belching, and strength. ene the muscles and nerves For Intermittent Fevers, Lasgdtude, lack of Energy, &c., it has no equal, Ka The genuine has above trade mark snd erossed red lines on wrapper, Take no other. President Cle = INA I, MARC iE WORLD, LY BEMOCRATIC PAYER 1 -% CH ACHR A EMOCREAT re i ] SHOULD READ 17 ally, 86; Semi- Weekly, $2: Sand WEEKLY, ONE DOLLAR A MONEY CAN BE MADE Man or Woman, Boy or Girl who will Organize Clubs for THE WEEKLY EDITION. The Great Farm and Home Newspaper, Complete in All its Departments, AGENTS PAID IN CASH. 100 Eabeeribers at £1 each 825 =ill d: § Bubsorihers, 812 - 5 Babecribers, 88: for 15 8 for 1 Subscribers, av a 5 ) Bubseribers, T1 $l in every town and vwil- ar and sample copies free ONLY 15 CENTS Fr m Now to December. 11 TRY IT TRY IT TRY IT Twenty Per Cent. may be Retained Orders of 10 or More Copies to One Address, THE WORLD, 31 Park Row, New ibheral Con men Wanted. son or Raiary on. Address P x. NI HOLAS & 1 for Sales ¢ premises of the & dark brown 1 8 sar oa forehead owner in requested and remove the mame WH. A. BOAL Potter Townsbis ¥ By vitue of a2 rp hia oovutd of { pond at publi = : na peta Hall, 5 IRR4 {tenetnenie BN ileal the wwnship of ud state of Peruwylivand { beginning at stones rey Noy LL BGON wd ix f be in one Yeu? and yor interest | deferred Cured by nd and mortgage on IL. RISHE] B. REAM Executors of Mi x od hael Res CAUTION «A promisssry pole, given on date of Jas, 8 Krape's sale, by Win. Bearick and J F, Bearick. carly in June. 1886, at 90 days, for $21 87, has been paid, but as the note has not been ivered to the proper perties, all persons are here. ned against Lue purchase of said nate, WM. F. REARICK n de by aul HOUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATEBRALE «A fine it containing a good ten story House, with good stable, at i fo syd Yings, is offered by the undersigned A orchard of } iimes and a well of excellent terns apply to BEN). EMITH 24we pial Farmers Mills, Pa HOW TO GET WELL. How to keep well and be strong and vigorous are questions of vital im. portance. This is answered and convincing proofs farnished in an Nustrated Pamphlet concerning the Howard Galvanic Shield, which gives sooth. ing, strengthening currents of Electricity and sgnotism. It can be worn by any one, night or day. at work or rest, and overcomes wesktess or disonse without drugging the stomach, Pamphict sent free unsealed. Sealed § cents Ads dross, AMERICAN GALVANIC on No. 1103 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. 2iaprian AT PRIVATE BALE I will offer forsale ARM F a valoable farm, situsted in Gregg townshin, 2 miles southwest of Spring Mille, con taining 146 ACRES, of which 110 acres arecleared, balance good timber land: farm is in a good son. dition. thereon erdoted a pond, large dwelling HOUSE. & good SUMMER HOUSE, and ail neces. sary outbuildings . & spring of never failing we tor, a large BANK BARN, and ranning waster in the barnyard: contains two Orchards and all other kinds of fruits, JAMES HANNA, Tmayhm Spring Mails, Pa. Any Housekeeper who sends at once the names of & married ladies, at same addres, and 12 twos cent stamps for postage, will receive free for one tire year, a bandssme, entertaining and itstroot. ive Domestic Journal, devoted to Fashions, Fancy Work. Decorating, Shopping, Cooking and House hold matiefe. Hest Publishes for Ladies, Every housekeeper wants iL. Regular price, $1.00, Must send now | Address, DONIC JOURNAL, sangim Nunda, New York, vale pale young a SR “ ——- Jorn AT PRIVATE SAIR ae domigned offers unable FA 0 ) ACRES sale. Therean x house and _ barn all necessary sutbailds of chester fruit, and good, be house and barn. Also 14 Acres of about 1}4 miles from above. His 1 about wile south of ville, i= & very desirable home, J. W. MERSING Zimnghm ville, “TGoob WEEKLY PAPER FRET We will send the (Wi Weekly one to any one sending ur the ryan aan Cnsh mabsoribers 10 the CENTER RErorTen, and give each of the ae James 2 months (14 months) ak a premiom. in ben liberal offer, thet leaves 1 10 profit, but we make it as a trig) to inereass ihe list of the REPORTER. Any one oan easily got three names under the geements aid be well remunerated for his tooble. Two half Fours subscriptions will aiswer one, and 6 ‘ or i timber half yearly for & An elegant black diagonal cular, with double bux the Lire Hive. Russian cir- pleat, vuly $5 wt October 25, 27, 28, wR ge