TE CORONER The Coming President, VANTED, one or two Ladies or Gens ‘men of undoubted reference and char. cer, willing to work eight hoars per fay for a six months’ engagement, as I'raveling Agents for “The Lives and Graves of our Presidents” to every sub- sceriber of which book WILL BE GIV- EN FREE “I'he Lives of the Four Cane didates,” Why pay from $2 to $1 for the Lives of the Candidates when you can get it free? First applicants get choice of pusitions. Good pay to the right par- ty. Address, giving name of reference, Hiun & Harvey Punuisaing Co, 16judm 55 N, Charles St,, Baltimore, Md ns | NSYLVANL STATE COLLEGE, 8 r 10, 15 4 3 ix . mi Fall Tern begins sept ion for admission, Examinat i 0 Fert it ff the entire oil sexes, and © tudv ns ih althy IL is ope Cour 1 in one spots of tot of locat most Alles {- { file } i Ig * budy ; lentifie Course of Four Years. Latin Selentifie Course, wing SPECIAL COURSES, of two years each following the Mirst two years of the (a) AGRICULTURE: } NATURAL HISTORY ; (¢) CHEMISTRY AND CIVIL ENGINEER ING. Scientific Course PHYSICS; (4) A she TURE. short SPECIALCOURSE in Chemistry. iized course in Mechanical Arts, nt SPECIAL COURSE IN AGRICUL- \ mn bining shop-work with study, new Special Course (Iwo years we, fo in Litera r Young Ladics, wants of indi Mil aud g AALS itary drill is Expenses for board i dentals very low. Tuftion free. Young under charge of competent lady Principal. For Catalogues, or other information, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, Presidént, lyjand State College, Centre Co, Pa WW ADCEL THE KIDNEYS. They are the most important secretory organs. Into and through the Kidneys flow the waste fluids of the body, containing poisonous matter taken out of the system. If the Kidneys do not act prop- erly this matter is retained, the whole system becomes disordered and the following symptoms will follow: Head- ache, weakness, pain in the small of back and loins, flushes of heat, chills, with disordered stomach and bowels. You can thoroughly Frotec the Kid- neys by BURDOCK BLOOD BIT- TERS, and when any of these symptoms manifest them- selves Jo can quickly rid yourself of them by this best of all medicines for the Kid- neys. BURDOCK BLOOD BIT- TERS are sold everywhere at $1 per bottle, and one bottle will prove their efficacy. —— or ————— HELP Women MEN we NERVOUS? ARE LACK VITAL ENERGY. ARD GALVANICSHIELD Aer Bios I Jiepnse at oy'net HH Ker vege Mawsisr aires, spendily ron Ube sytem By exergy retione, and thus is & nes wt dragging the damask, prart anr clalags la eur Hine HERE TYPES OF MEN," vr LADIES ONLY, fren, or . © anne a waaknaee Boalute pron to ‘TH vy het, eutified * LY, also one fo sent sented for & coula postage, Prices Every AppliaRes Warmiaed a represented, from S4 3 AMERICAN GALVANIC CO,, UpWATSS: 1108 Chestuut 8t., Philada., Pa. A-k for et Murray's Drug store, HE -RU MN lot KE od : lh sm wl ~TiGULAR. NEVER tyro en Pe R ‘Ff PEs INEver i: : ¢/ AS Ng gOUN game ; X gi to ge #11t b : EW HO vr ACHR 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK. WA CA ‘A .- ww \CAG afNg oN AE, AS yo 2 1. Oars FOR SALE BY i - re. G and +. A. Keune ¥, Contre flay, Agt. ti ————————————————————————— GA THE DUTIES OF QUEEN VICTORIA, | BURNS AND SKINGRAFTING, Correspondence with the Queen by lot. Jurns sre a great source of trouble to ter is one of the Primo Minister's regular | the surgeon in many ways. For instance, and almost daily duties. When there if & burn is very extensive, there may be haz been an important division or debate great difficulty in getting a cicatrice to in Parliament, and mombars are hasten. form over the whele of it. Cicatrization ing home tired, to bed, the Premier | only begins in the immediate neighbor- alone ean take no rest until he has writ. bood of living epidermis, and therefore | | ten to the Queen his official report of the ® burn or ulcer must heal from the ocir-| proceedings. These letters are couched cumference to the centre. But the fur. 3 OBpwe. in the third person: ‘Mr. Gladstone ther that the cicatricial tissno extends presents his duty to your Majesty, &e.,” | from the margin of the bum, the moro | and Her Majesty's roplics, usually imperfectly is it formed ; and indeed it) dictated to a secretary, also run in tho may fail altogether to reach the centre. third person, Though never disoursive, | This difficulty has often beet met by a they are not mere formal ncknowledg- Small operation called skin-grafting. A| ments, but often enter succinctly into Piece of sonnd skin sbout the size of a | the question at issue. The Queen devotes 8plit pea is pinched np—say, on the out-| several honrs every morning to the study Side of the arm—and the epidermis snip- of state business; aud her time is no ped off with a pair of curved scissors, | longer wasted now as it was during the just going deep enough to cut slightly | first twenty-five years of her reign by into the skin and draw a little blood. | having to sign all commissions for the!A special kind of scissors has been in- | Army and Navy. In 1862 an Act re.|/tented for the purpose that will only | lieved her of this tedious task. She was take up just the right amount of skin, 80 | in that year still engaged in signing the that the operation is thus made even! commissions of the year 1858. The simpler still ; and if it is skillfully per- | Queen receives copies of all despatohes formed it causes only very trifling pain. | sent to diplomatic envoys and colonial] The little fragment of skin thus separa. | governors. She had to insist on this ted is then placed gently, with its raw | against Lord {Palmerston in the early surface downward, on the unheated sur- | period of her reign, and there has never face of the burn. The same thing is re- been any question since of her rights to Pested again and egain till there are| peruse and amend documents that are to many grafts, if the burn is a large one. | be issued in her name. The first drafts Isinglass plaster or some other similar | of Parliamentary bills are likewise sub. material is employed to keep the grafts | mitted to her ; and at the beginning and in position and preserve them from in| end of every session the speech which jury. In about four days they should | she is to deliver either in person or by have taken root, and then they covering | commission is discussed before her in a can be removed. There is now a num-| Privy Council, paragraph by paragraph. ber of foci from which cicatrization can | Pretty frequently the Queen has sug- start; for, as before said, it will begin | gested alterations in these speeches; from where there is an epidermal oover- | and on one occasion, at the close of the ing, and thence alone. After a times | session of 1858, she altogether objected to number of little islands of scar tissue | the version set before her, and com. msy be seen, which go on ingreasing manded the Premier, Lord Derby, to until at length they coalesce with one draw up another. Formerly pardons another and also join that extending | and the minutim of military affairs en- from the margin of the burn. This is} grossed the Sovereign's time to an en. what happens if all goes well ; but, un- | ormous extent. Without parting with fortunately, there is a very great tend- | her precious prerogative of pardoning, ency for a cicatrice formed from grafts | the Queen has delegated its exercise in to break down and disappesr, ap that} to the Home Secretary, the result is not by aay means always she is thus free from the dilemma 80 satisfactory as it at first promises to | sh beset her predecessors of having be. ! ead a quantity of painful criminal re- Tt i ports or of re proaching themselves {i WOMEN IN CALIFORNIA. leaving this work undone. In military a matters again, though the Queen takes nl S6¥8 the Nebraska State Journal: A whole-hearted interest in the Army and Young lady friend of theso topics writes in its operations no matter wher, she Pack from California: “I want to ex- bas freely surrendered much of her direct POS0 8 fra]. You know the newsps- control over it, for the sake of its greater Per® have been for years tellicg about ficiency. The Duke of Wellington's the great preponderance of mgn over Ivice to her, * Keep the command of Women in this section ; how mdny rich Army, ma'am,” bachelors there art, and how {mpossible it is for a girl to stay anywhereOver twenty-four hours without an offer of marringe. Indeed, one paper said that every pretty girl held acoptinual levee, in which suitors took tgyns, the same os n barber shop. Now, F have been here nsed by women, it will be proper for six months and I want to denounce such 0 go forth in singing and praying statements as frands There are move bands, beseeching woman to stop the men here than women, it is true ; but if my judgment goes for anything, the most of them have run away and come But whatever be out here to have a quiet, peaceful time, the best method of combating the evil, awny from the pestiforoms sex that bas the course of habitual indulgence in caused their woes. A woman is of less morphine and opium is making its brand consequence here than anywhere in the | upon society. Sometimes contracted world. The Chines do most of the 1 1 i i i : £ i i nvdina Ordiliary cases and whi fo re i £ ¢ LY the ol Cal. + - was nol very practi. AA Assi. EVIL USE OF MORPHINE, The time is ripe for a crusade against vo $i + morphine, As the narcotic is chiefly iat horrid practice and druggists to ceass rp so T13 vs } 43s from selling the preparation to eoufirmed morphine inebriatea, rad iv A lh A on BILL wr. J. C. BRA AR ACKBILL IOWA LIQUOR LAWS, | Muscatine, Ia., Bept. 30.—Judge Hayes {delivered a charge to the Grand Jury to- {day in the matter of indictments under ithe new prohibitory law. He charged the | jury that while selling liquor is indictas! { ble, buying it is equally a violation of! law; that all (persons testifying to hay-| ling purchased liquor are subject to ins |g fees LER nrineg 1llnea 2 3 3 during illness, sometimes taken up to abate a longing for intoxicating liquors, sometimes adopted to allay nervous suf- washing, and house-keeping, and work | at about the same wages that girls and women wonld findl necessary. There is idietment and that, referring it is supposs | sd to the Temperance Alliance, in the! cage of ary person being induced or en- couraged by any organized body to buy | liquor for the purpose of criminating the seller, such buyer would be indictable | and such body guilty of conspiracy and | subject to indictment, 1t is thought to | be next to impossible to enforee the an! ti-liquor 'aw under this raling. i i i i i { - at - READ THIS ADVERTIBEMENT. Adrian, Michigan, Jan. 31,81, | Have sold the goods many years, and | they give the best satisfaction. We had | an order for 3 large bottles Downs’ Elixir last week to he sent to Woodland, Cal, J. R, Bexxerr & Co., Drogyists, The goods referred to in foregoing let. | ter are N. H, Downs’ Vegetable Balsamic Elixir, I'r. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, and Henry & Johnson's Arniea and Oil | Linimen*. For sale at Murray's. oct | - o> > MORE MISERY FOR WORKINGMEN. | Wilkesbarre, Sept, 30 —The operators | of the Vulcan iron works in this city, a manufactory of locomotives and mining | machinery, posted notices in their vari- | f f a redoction of 10 per cent, in wages | would take effect to-morrow. Thy have | 400 persons in their employment, but | the employes express no intention of re- | sisting the reduction, - -— - UCTOBER is a good month for merchants to exam- | ine their stock of Dr, Kessler's Celebra ted Eoglish Cough Medicine and include a winter's supply in their pext der. The people have found out by ex perience that it can be relied on in all} cases of croup, whooping cough, colds, and lung troubles of any nature, and will have it. A good article draws trade while | worthless preparations drive it away. It] should be a source of satisfaction to a dealer as well, to know he is giving good | honest value for money received, i Of | v ws a Call~-~=--Sati J. BRACKBEI Electric COODS SHOWN AT NIGH’ ® / 5 APR 7 § [AEG RX bi I tr iw yy 4 ial Y A v ad LACKSMITI Heating Stov We would CROWNING on ’ iit sive LOC to our exter { i wit upplies, we ¥ YS weil y¥ sugpest GLORY, FORT, id e r xX Cay i EAR TOR PI In BB «Aang Bi Ww { LA IN Vy 4 = hap Fa Nfs v2 Ps wd 4 LO 77 Wn sfact.on Guaranteed, S f i AS A. ssi I STD i you I Alten ooks & Fb 4 Ce «wh & iv ww in Hesting Btoves the tion ¢ ? ¥ on we rE, TLAKEZ AND WELCO XEEK v Me Ab Ad HOME. i the i 1) rT i 3 hand, , MeFARKLANE & { 0 Money refunded to dissatisfied chasers. Bold by J. D. Murray. Jonxsrox, HoLtoway, loei2 Philadelphia Agen - ow SES GREAT LOSS OF | LIFE | City of Mexico, Sept, 29.— A cioud-burst | occurred at Pachuca on the afternoon of | 27th, causing a terrible inundation. The amalgamating works were destroye considerable silver which w treatment was lost, It is estim thirty persons were killed. i of properly was destroyed and many os tie drowned, pur- | & ( Ay tx A STORM CAU -—t— — ped from “Capada Presb ire of C, ctarlan LOTR 0 3 Le i } ! Macketl Robinson, Clip under signals Prop'r. ious headaches by Burdock tera. Blood - -- A VISIT TO THE GUSHER. Eald Ridge, Bepi. I well to-day 1s doing at the rate « ches per hour in a 250 barreis per hour. It still flow without cessation, ail considered by those who wi closely to have about lest sunday, However jelinite can be said about w ©il is not yet through tne sar - i MOE MISERY FOR WORKINGMER., Pittsburg, Pa, Oct, ~The employes of Oliver Bros, & Philips, iro turers, were polilied this evening Uial a general reduction of wages of 124 per cent. would go into effect on 6th instant. The reduction wiil affect all, from the nianagers to the lowest on toe lief, eala- ra - { of 49 in. | oe) barrel ta 4 isi have walched | rt a In tie is it DOLD § thal, ns Lhe ud, A io * i MANUALS - MISS & CHILD ol EVERY LADY, TRIAL ™ \NY)7 rrisRadq, Z QC J" Sent FREF Cu rT as 3d $ ‘HIVE ¥ SAVE aQiIanEs SHOES, | sn . DURABLE MADE. J Xl “THE MOST i ays of it: fn August artd 0 me wos wre is Lop my ulmnoes pect thal a 2 110N coud the prose en ¥O pletely gotlien short lime o sure you tml Go fais iii ‘ doing sil that ] can in sdding to the saoe h will surely crown so beseficial a ranedy.”’ 34d o Pasi les wre prepared and sald caly by the ST. LOUIS, MO, Eoxty's treatment $2, te months 35, (hres mantis 7 NR SL SR ST WR. RR UR URL A, Agents & « ta The {net b. Le, Oost, free, Hiugtrated. rupt 0 . oii n -, Zoe, Mur al wr Xa C0 PEE. { ¢ i that the doubtil caricas ar thoughife 1 and 3 Aime We carry the Best and | » or rips, byl Cheapest Line of Ss fering, the deadily habit seldom deserts its victim. The sufferers from narcotism through the nse of these drugs may be numbered by tens of thousands. Every druggist has them among his customers. Many of them steal into the drug stole with a cautious look, as if they feared they might be watched or their purpose would be read before they disclosed it ; and others impart the business as a con- fidential one, or often attempt to convey! the impression that the narcotic is for) another person. Nothing is more marked | ne than the injurious effect which the, All through the interior of the country practioe exerts upon the moral faculties, |* Almost every town and village are to The doses these wretched people learn to © found runners, usually Indians, bear are sufficient to kill an ordinary| Whose business it is to carry small person, and the quality is increased Pockages upon their shoulders from place from month to month until the suicidal © place. Knowing all the mommtain work is completed. The fatal effect of Poths and shirt cuts, and possessing s familiarity with the forms of opium often ¥25t tmount of . strength end staying appears in a startling way when persons Power, these runners make long journeys addicted to opium-eating prescribe their » prodigiously short time. To cite s mighty little marrying and giving in marriage here. Tho men don't seem fo be anxious about it, and the girls ard £9 well up to snuff thet they won't enconr- age aman till they know all about his former life and make sure he hasn't a surplus wife or two somewhere East. Ob, no; this is no place for a girl who wanis to marry, and I'm coming back to Nebraska this fall.” ————— a ME LICAN EXPRESS RUNNERS beloved medicine for others, A —— PAPER TOWELS. a prominent physician has been using with much satisfaction Japanese paper handkerchiefs for drying wounda Sponges are so seldom and with such difficulty perfectly cleansed after being once used that they are never employed in the hospital. Ordinary colton or linen towels are much preferable to sponges, which, if dirty, are liable to introduce septic material into the wounds The paper towels, however, answer the same purpose as cotton ones, and are so cheap that they can be thrown away after being used. The cost of washing a large num- ber of ordinary towels is thus avoided The paper towels are searcely suitable for drying hands, after washing, nnless naveral towels are used at once, because 2 large smonnt of moisture on the hands soon saturates a single towel. For ro absorb blood mpidly. The crude epy. mental pictures, in color, on he Vwels are of no advantage, nor ave they, so fur as known, any detriment. yn tl ns, New fail stock~Garmans, verything new —(iarmans, obby line of caso that fllustrates both the custom of gift sending and the manner of sending gifts: One of my friends in Monterey, being then on his way hone from the {City of Mexico, stopped for a night {with his horse, carriage and servants at a (hospitable rancho, where he * gas well en- tertained. Om the evening of the next ‘day ho oamo to a town famo aa for its do- licious fish, and as an ack sowledgment of the hospitality shown ! fm hg sent » maner with a basket of fi sh to Nis host of the night before. Tho: distan.ve, al- lowing for short cuts, wa gy forty iuiles across & mountainous oon Bry; yet the runner made it inside of! ‘tan hour %~ leaving at seven o'clock at © ight, and (¥*- riving at the ranch (as m y friend mW subsequently infoamed) sé five o'clock ir! | i ids, 164 v - | DR. WHITTIER piTTee 1 reaped | somal Yio Ld t, Mer An i % - ries of otherw se, excepting the yearly i { Tin = 5 ao sed Pam bet Tee, scale of lubor of tue Amalgamated AssO- ciation. 30's FINE SHO in the County. MEN & pa » WA AT td wl — dp mes All the the latest fall styles of hats aud caps, for men aud boys and children, st th. Bee Hive. i There | o for sullering from CONSTIPATION and other diseases that follo , 8 ored state of the Stomach and Bow- [8 8 els, when the use of DR. HENRY BAXTER'S QUANDRARD BITTER} Will give immediate relief. After constipstion follows § Biliousness, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Discases of the Kidneys, Torpid Liver § Rheumatism, Dizziness, § Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Ap oplexy, Palpitations, Eruptions and Skin Dis oases, eto, rll of which these Bitters will speadily curs by removing the couse. Keep tho Siomach, Bowels, and Digeative Ovgow i in pond snoridng order, end perfect health will be the result. Londies sod others sub ject 0 Sick Moadache will find relief fs and permanent cure by the nse of these Bitters Being tomie and mildly purgative they 8 PURIFY THE BLOOD. Price 20 ots. por bottle, For sie by all dealers in medicion, Send address for pranphlet, free, giving full directions. BENRY, Jouxae, ¥ & LORD, Props., Burlington, Vi : ® SIZES A) ins ALL AND Wi F THE 4 ENGLISH WAUKENPHAUST | f HOES, ......... | ; the Most Comfortable Shoe Made. | Remember the place—Corner Brocker- | § hoff Row, Bellefonte. i E. GRAHAME& St MURRAY'S = CARRIAG WORKS CENTRE HALL, Centre Co, Penna, Where a ve kept on hand and for sale. | i un dif 1 -—BUGGL%S8, A wee} "HAETONS, — *BPRING WAGONS, — 3 FEET wd COLE: JERSEY Ivania in 1883, | men Repairing done at Heasonable rales. Buggy Tops of any style made to or- / der, with prices according to quality. 1 have recently ad- ded HORSE SHORING to the smith department, under the su- pervision of a ery skilled and obliging blacksmith, : 19. or 3 LEVI MURRAY. Sa ——————— an Sa a ——— OT ————————— ———— ————— oon. JOHN A. GRENOBLE, NEW 101 8 Penne { ustes than ail other | holarship, $40. Write MAN a PALMS Proprietor, (Co! LEGE. NEWARK, j students from More positions for grad schools combined. Lik for ciretiare H iyly COLE Iu : CERES WHIRL ALL ELST FALLS, ed Fest Ocugh yrup, Tastes good. BB 8 in ry fe 1] by araccisia oo! 0 v EPRING MILLE, FA organic weakness wd de oxy, Af pumeress of pours Alepnses, tailing SEIN §howiciane, vey from yositfe!l lullsers tone, wn free infulgonon, sod over brain work, De wet tomporive while such Dealer in STOVES, TINWARE & PATENT IRON ROOFING Use Patent Iron Roofing, it outlasis any building, and cosis only a tridle more than shingles. Call and see it. Everything in the line of COOKING BTOVES, Joarn important facts belirs taking treatment eleewiers, Take & remedy Phat has cured howsands, an dees Bot ne tortie wil strention tw buh yom SPERMATORRHEA IMPOTENCY. BF Tosted for over 8 Fears by vee In thou the morning. Taking inte , consideration the time lost b’ tween colle ction and ship- ment, and b’ tween reoeiy » at the termi: nal point ond gotusl delivery to con. #igneo, "a0 best regu ted express com pany “nn Poe world cos 1d not have made shipment mor e expeditiously. r, a@ these rune ors are absolutely ~4hero ars cusses on record of their ¢.ying in defence of their freight— uy on. ty oly TI Largest and finest 4) sansa of Cases. wee TRIAL COAL STOVES, & RANGES PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST! . We offir sn 8 1010 31. P. Anlomatis, | LA Treue TINWARE frark Ing, Mowrsed Portable Eugins, with MEL 16 16 carriage 89 1% track and wears 2 sbulinneonm lover wot bond Blocks, 2% inch arbor, 3 changoe toed: sawyer controls Teed lover aud head bloo from bos thom. BO-dael ov 4 belting, ey cant. rage 1100 - Ane a vena hak Te Ths ela? wv = and koap Lp Vi Sa SEND NODA HARRIS " B06; North 10th Rb, SL. Louls, Yo. Ost Mowes Taoerwont, 83: © wonnis 35: 8 wanna, aid TT RISLEY'S WITCH HAZEL Crores headaches, burnetii cule, wounds, hens em, toothache, Blisters, Ld, A ad n quailty al halt the price, § en. 5 ots, Plats (16 ou) 00 fix. Quarts $1 per bottle, RISLEY'S EXTRACT OF BUCHUL Vvalushls in the onm of wieetatin wed Dreite. tian of the kidneys, bladder and urethe, sirangu- | § gravel, sieet, Shon Tooth 3» 1 «, ropes, pain lo back, loins, ac, 81 ber ix oh by ai mh ol WsLEY, ew York of + 1 descriptions on hand and made to ard ee, 12decy wa I —— - Bond six cents for pasta: FP En and macive free § epstly bo I'l JOG goods whieh will Baip you i oe Wore mous ; REDE ath) il, 6. " than anything ele Md thiy Soria 3 a a . Pr whis tie, Bold Ld splay of department of the Bee ) live. a am, noe, YRUE