PG JRA BT aE PE FRI THE CENTRE FRED KURTZ, HALL, Pa. REPOR TER]: . « Editor August 6, "84 CENTRE Democratic and 1 county ‘rat 3 i Delezate Election tonvention The Dem ol at the regal Ge JAR SATURI NOPOLIST BL! MO HOWL Fite 88 11 Dra npin the are een aw the con Penns ty t ry ylv Aalilad “Simpl kb fi Fine aim and or I" glaves 1 J given wo jad ce tha pr ally.” “What lat os “Ihe who wi jy enon er. He “will emp consent to SOrK he has often Frenne Fate fn think otherwise, and tyrannical management and bis pertinent i=hmen or other skill sun nat him, He has br wight into the conutry pauper labor from Norway and Bweeden and Italy, and active, skilled, ngtive mechanics have no chance to com- pete. He trade idea that the 'r fuh are pe But there is ent. i y take wrk for 60 t 3 ! ul togeth who ents, gt y keen bods oy anybo or 7) or 65 « which work. We nnd ploy [i+ HES We are ser bib ref PREM av ® On the yr and ignorant, bat a great deal of intelligence even among Irish miners. It would astonish vou to see the iutelligence of Bote the who come out of the mines dusky and blac k. 1 hey are hovest and they have no sympathy with Blaine, who wants to crush them and has nade every possible effort to crush them in the mining digs tricts in which be has un interest. “I belong to the labor p: 1 propose to stand by the laborers, and | wh tle 1am here 1 intend to tell the labore rs that Blsinie is no friend of theirs, and that 1 isnot a friend of the Irish either, He does not believe in the Irish er any skill ed workingmen, He wants Scandinavi- ans or Italians or Chinamen who will work for sixty cents a day. How in God's name is a man to hiveon that? 1 kuow Blaine. I worked for him, I keow wha 1 was paid for my labora miserable pit tance—and I propose to do all in my power Lo oppose Blaine. Iam going 10 vote for Cleveland. He bas proved him pelf a friend of the workingmen and he deserves their support.” BLAINLES MONOPOLY. Mt. Blaine hae been connected with many monopolies in the course of his lite, Home of bis seniemes have been sue cessful, bat several have not, He was in terested in the Standard Coul and Iron Company of Mew Yairk and Columbuoe 0. of Ji I a th 3 ania turers and plac men uo der the 1" Kip A HBUMAN A BONES, NID | La remarkable how freque cows, i thosn iquarian no Orse mn for 1 0 ios | t tained an gf aid froi 1 A (says he tibia of a dog careful 1 iy pPresery } ay oT nes of oxen. ms relics of AA API LUCKILY IVLANTS, came 1m. conntri« it being tl 3 who 1h 18 comsidere lem of : nd ail is also likewise to The bleeding he art aprang from a | drop of blood wrung from her by the agony of witnessing the death of her | and is therefore idered lnoky flower, tha a lucky flowes., Virgin Maoary, who loved Incky, for her. 12 enn i for marigol WY + 8 on it wu 1 consecrated re ik if it while the | | i i9 Bon, ulso cons \ very In Englwad, days of the Druids, but is now sidered as Incky for lovers, the kis %ing at Christmas times boing done nnder is branches. when susprmded in the hal Jobn's wort is luck if it be gathered be- fore davm on St John's Day; at any other tinae it has no power to comman:l goed fortune. The pappy and tubeross are Inoky for the living, becanse they are love] by the dead, but oddly enough, the imm ortelle is unlucky for the same reason, the difference being caused by some legend or siperst ition which has been forgotien, Tiere is a French superstition that tb o spirits of the dead revisit their grave 3 and are pleased to see them crowned with immortellos, and these and the my rile, which is lucky be. Janse sacred to lo va, are more frequently seen on graves ir | Prance thaw any other plants or flowers | ——— COT PAs How muel, + ,¢ your patience, onr hu mility, our oh arity, our faith in God and his kind loving providenoe-—iin short. how mv oh of what is host and swectes in ow . characters bi of the bitter experience ot: our own wea knes and ort sightedna sy mwom oul nd That corapnny was organized ‘with » view of costrodng the eptire con! mnd fron production of the Hocking Valley “to crush out the small farnaces and i ban cih do Experionoe is a tiophy ——— mod ot the weapous wo liste been wom aded with. | —— A — ce | TOAD TURTLI NE W HICH AND] I ) DISEAS | 4 LES IAD DIE] SES. gl J., July 29,1 he filthy i’ gal ol [tal six laborers « on Lehigh alley tailrond, who ] 4 +4 the inhab Ya. 18 Of outbreak ¢ the common h ti ew ng Five which had | IrOWn away were | nd served up fl kens dy from | | eat- | have great | frequently | days | tarties, ey meen | 114, irrive anid a delieie and | gard LVH ’ i ny Hk fp eagerly ai i ¥ - GE LOGY The hie IT LEADS ALL. Xo other blood.purifying medicine is made, or has ever besn pr sod, which 80 come plotely meots the wants of physicians snd Wo geveral pubic as Ayers Sarsaparilla. wis the lat ann truly seientifie preparte tio Bh 1. all blow disoaaae If there in a lark. LA 5 taint of Sorofala atoat you CRO} LA Ayei's SARSAPARILLA will a itodge 5 < and expel i from your system, or eons Wittig mal or serofulons Catarrh, CATARRH . ER's SARSAPARILLA is the ro remedy, It has cured numberiess oa catarrhial disols ' we, It will stop the nauseous res, atid remove the sickens ing odor of the b Hat, w which are a of serofalous orig. “3. ao 0, Tex., Sept. 28, 1852. ULCEROUS “AL the AL a ots ja jars one of § a Lyd my children wi. '# ly SORES with alearous “raoming Tosi yd ha faco amd neck, At tho sa 30 and Yor Syed were swollen, much in Yamen. on HA bo Pliyaieta vs told ne that a po SORE EVES arfal alte rative \edicine iit bo employed. They unit Wl in rei. OfANEN( ng AVER'S HARSAPARILLA. fow ian duced a perosptible impr ements, y es adherence to your dire hans, Was Sy! No usd to a complete and pot manant our he evidence has sinos appears.’ of the ex i. ef any sorofalous tendonole 8; and no pee ment of any disordor was © wor attended by ro prompt or offcetaal fe suis, MOY PY vars truly, B. ¥. JORXSON™ PREPARED BY Dr.d.C.Ayor &Co., Lowell, Mass, Bold by all Draggiste; $1, six bottles for §5, HARDWARE STOVES. [on addition to our extensive stock of FARMERS, BUILDERS ACKSMITH supplies, we would eall your attention to our stuck Heating Stoves, Cooks & Ranges, We weld especially suggest in Heating Btoves the {Re YWNING GLORY, FORT ORANGE, EASTLAKE AND WELCOME HOME. In Cooks the REGULATOR PIONELR In Renges the VICTOR & APOLLA. Jrick and Grates on hand, WILSON, McFARLANE & CO | | | assortment of Fire JOHN A. GRENOBLE, Dealer in NGES—— |s10vES, TINWARE 4 —D1 PATENT IRON ROOF Patent Iron Roofing, it ou and cosis ily a building, or { more than shingles, f hing in the line of STOVES, STOVES | COOKING COAL Ay o RAN THE [ am now prepared to or [furnish my friends and | the public in gdeneral Groceries, Dry: Goods. Notions ‘and all goods embraced in gen eral Merchandise at lower prices than ever offered before in Ct ntre 8 Hall. I pay Cash anda sell jor Cash, and there claim I can or you than any ont no. Give nu "ARE } and and no dec, y patiern will not parc J Hd fg rogenre Ria "| PENNSYL § be {-1 & / ler J else a trial. PROUUCE WANTED, SAW MILLS su with Pro rales Ore do 1s doi pplied vi 707118 al Sp CL Very truly C. DIXGES. . ¢ NEST AND BEST. | J. H. BYRNES, | | - a A ARDW Ha A ARRIS, ARRIBS, sRLLI CIONS A SEUTIONS N ND ND A Aa i185 & CHILD oy And all Linde o BA KES, fORKS 8C ¥ THES, ‘ROPES BLO TEVERY LADY, "a “AT "EITISMITOOR ‘WIVE ¥ SAVE GINS — AS WELL AS ALL BARDWARE., TO MANDS IN THIS LINE. a — A —— Milheim Plaining THE MOST DURABLE MADE. J A ————————————————————— AA We carry the Best and Cheapest Line of 1BOY's FINE 14 the SASH, FLOORIN SBIDINu. SHUTTERS, BLINDS SHOES Wnty. ' ANE WIDTHS OF THE w AUKBNPITADST craneress SHG JS the Mos Comfortable Shoe Made. Remambpr toe place-~Corner Brocker- hoff Row, Hdl afonte, andtf E GRAVAM & SON ALL Slabs ENGLISH STAIR Ra1LING, & ¢ &¢ Promptly attended to. 25jally * t Yaw OF OR BUSINESS - offers extra induocemen ing A CHANCE F sons wishing to operate in lime bam rying buliding stones. He bias the a A —————— vighton the LL a %. ka largest and most Desutiful Tie alone for purposes, also cement SECONDHAND cles by the analyser, ENGINES FOR SALE! HORSE POWER. Ground will be ilar h oal Il on Zaaprim —————————————— MRM AT PRIVATE SALE ~ F a valoable farm, situated iiip, 2 tal ning 2 miles southwest of Spring M # ACRES, bsanoe good timber re farm dition, thereon ere ME n » HOU To, * go # uy : KRAOV bb iy { @ sn1y outhu ge he of pox ter, a Ia K'RA the a RR me oe ther an. 8 of frais. Tmaybm THE "COMPLETE HOM HOME New edition «New nemo a Sp Pe The i gut all SY RS. . ERORLLENT ONE 10 TWO 2 ONE 18 “" i THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND IN GooD RUNNING ORDER. Will bo sold Cheap at the | HELLEPONTE FOUNDRY a MACHINE SHOT WM. P. DUNCAN & CO. re HA { ona tf dh EE — nd ay eg andy for, Axpnits, Bias da 4204 RA EER i =f RA Yel OVMONTPELIER Incorporated Assets, $3000 000 ; & | sow Bon bonds mre 14 on ter Gu or wares M, McERALLY | | | ————————————— — | NEW EXC 1.4 2h LIFE A Question Promptly Answered. Twer The Why is the lar Phosphats BECAUS { any ING 1 Hau other trifle ; ammoniated anima Bupe r - Phot p hate ma LR American rket, as well as the best. snaps JHE xa k TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR | GES | ‘| ST and B E 87. giving C HE APE D For ci further dress reulars Analysis a1 on or information, call cost dres BAUGH & SONS, le Manufactu 90 Bo. Del. Ave. Pi ——————————————————— New Store. GOODS! N PRI Fers, jiagel pl EW NEW LOW HARPER & KREAMER, Centre Hall, 3 Of 100 10 « p Roo in the Val COMPLETE STOCK ¥:0 HR:0 Best § A EVERYTHING 1.1 bids WwW REGI1 COME of Pr Market Pri doo i 0 -t oid PY DidRil Bending Stops AT FARN SERS Mii {KE s BR RE All ki nds of bending in wcod d short notice, Orders filled for rims «izes, and of best bobsled run- ners, shafts, bent hounds, plo phaeton and bogey reaches, 3 price list... Orders by mail promptly tended to. All work guaranteed, lloct y J. B. REAM & SON. Lid CO, eral oR 1 LEWISBUR( s AND TY st NE 1 E RAI [LROAL feave Westwasa 1 3 AM, AM h 50 5 iy 60 ¢ 7.5 7.40 TAD 7.45 sisar. R00 yy CRE Montandon Lewisburg, ar Lewisburg. iv. Fair Ground... Riehl.......... Vicksbu Miiubuty MiRlinburg, ! Milmont.. Lassreiton 8.53 Gobum..... P48 Spring Milisar 10.15 Loave Eastward 4 6 AM 5.50 6.18 780 7.40 £00 hs £156 8,20 £50 8.55 1: un. te o - Spring Mills Ooburn . Laurelton Milmont Mifinburg ar de. | iminbung Ir 1310 AM Vicksburg Riehl... FairGround Lawisbn ig, ar AN lawisburg lv. 0.3 E55 115 1 ob # Montandon ar 5 40 ar 910 ar lO earl ard © Additional trains leave Lewisburg for Montan. / don wt 780 P.M, priming leave Montandon ey i 12 i 1s to per or qlaar Lewisburg at 7 WP. CLEVELAND ir $f adition of his life ; ten at ba own home, with Hix odape rition by the renowned Qoodtich, By, ohenpest, andsombet, beet. Fle Fay is od outs more po copy 0 manuihctare than the Hh. ar lives that sre sold for twice ita price. Ontsells all others $50 to one. One of our agents made f profit of $50 the vt day. A harvest of will be realized 1; every worker, All pew mime ™ pooped andly, ers free, and the moet Tiber al ever offered. Barve valuable time by sending hud for postage, eto, bo free ontt, which in on arge prospectus book, Aol quickly: & da) ShibaNait lh Worth 4 4 soak ai the fibisk n ; LLBTT & Oo, Petlinnd, Me CRs DBUTYS Se sr rn, erie Tn ct XE » See Eh phon Care Laat i Agents wanted 1 14d tullding au th nf sold or in Grege a ils, oot water In ry all NN wens Wanted