i Sn A ASAE) 505 eo —————— THE CENTRE REPORTER — FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor, Cexrre Hary, Pa, July 2,84 LOGAN'S DEMOCRACY. A Specimen of His Fire Eating Orato: ry in His Early Congressional Career. Washington, June 20.—Upon the 5th of February, 1850, John A. Logan made a fiercely Democratic speech in the House of Representatives. The speech bristled with such fierce invective and such posi- tive declarations that the memory of the speech has never grown faint in subse quent political discussions. As the year have rolled on charges have been made that Gen. Logan made disloyal speeches in the House before the war. But the record shows nothing of this kind. It does show, however, that Logan was an ultra-Democrat, who believed in the rig- id enforcement of the Fugitive Slave law, the extension of slavery to the Territo- ries and that the North was, by its en~ couragement of Republicanism, hasten- ing the break-up of the Union. In one place in the speech of 1859 Logan speaks of John Brown as a “traitor, thief and scoundrel.” The following paragraph from the speech of that time fairly illustrates its spin: “Sir, are there not hundreds and bune dreds of fogitive slaves passing through Obio and lilinois and the great North. western States who belong to the constit- uency of those people here representing the Southern States on this side of the house? Why is it, if you are good, Con- stitution-loving citizens, loyal to the Constitution, if you love the Uuion, love the Constitution, why is it that you do not do justice to these men by ia ing their fugitives and returning them to their masters as the Constitution and the sta- tates of the country require? Why, geatlemen, do ycu not do it? Yet you say: ‘Ob, we will take po right from you Southern men that you are entitled to under the Constitution.! Every fogi- tive that has been arrested in Illinois or in any Western Stales—and I call Ilii- nois a Western State, for I am ashamed longer to call it a Northern State—has been made by Democrats. In Tilinois the Democrats have all that work todo. You call it the dirty work of the Democratic party to catch fugitive slaves for the Southern people. We are willing to per- form that dirty work, I do not consider it disgraceful to perform any work, dirt or not dirty, which is in accordance wit the laws of the land and the Coustitution of the country ang calculated to assist men in recoyering that which is their right, guaranteed to them under the Constitution and laws of the land. “What further do these gentlemen of the North want who are taikiog here 80 much and boasting 1n reference to their constitutional obligations? I ask you to tell me in reference to this Harper's Fer ry Tory of John Brown. In Illinois—in the State from which 1 come—in Chica- go there was a sympatbizing meeting teld in favor of John Brown, and minis ters of God or pretended ministers of God attended the meeting aod passed resolutions of sympathy with the traitor, thief and scoundrel; yet no Republi can representative in that portion of the state raised his voice against such pros ceedings, : . In reply to Haskins in aoother place Logan said : “All that 1 have to say in reply is that I came here as a Democrat and © expect to support a Democrat. | may have differed with gentlemen vpou this side of the house in reference to is sues that are passed, but God knows that I have differed from the other side from my childhood, and with that side I will never affiliate so long as I have breath in my body.” (Applause.) i — MOBBING HEBREWS, St. Petersbarg, June 24.—lutelligence from Nizhnee- Novgorod now confirms the reports of a conflict between Christ- japs snd Jews at that place. On 19th a rumor was circulated tarough the suburb to the effect that a Jew had kidoapped a Christian child and taken it to a syna- gogue. A mob quickly coliected and at~ tacked the synagogue where the child was supposed to be. Many of the Jews were harshly bandied sna several were killed. Much damage was done also fo the houses of the Jews. A large force of po~ lice and a detatchment of Cossack infaot- ry succeeded at last in restoring order, A hundred and fifty arrests were made. The number of Jews killed in the riot was about nine. Six houses were wre-k- ed and many were plundered, Sr ———— A —— i TIME 18 MONEY. Time and money will be saved by keeping Kidney-Wort in the house. It is aa invaluable remedy for all disorders of the kidney, liver and bowels snd for all diseases ansing from obstructions of these organs, It has cured many obstie nate cases after hundreds of dollars had been paid to physicians without ob- taining re R It cures constipation, piles, biliousness “and all kindred disorders, Keep it by you, i an DROWNING ACCIDENT IN POLAND, Warsaw, June 23.~The river Vistula is flooded high and to-day causes great damage and loss of life at this point. An immense bridge has recently been erect- ed at a cost of $2,000,000. Crowds of people were standing on the bridge watching the flood. Bo intent were the in gazing at the furious torrent as it swept on its way to the sea that some of them failed to hear the warning creak of the irons and planks of the massive structure tiil it was too late. Most of the multitude escaped in safety, but twenty of the number fcll into the seethin stream with the bridge and were carri away. All attempts to rescue the drowned were unavailing. EE nw The soothing restorative effects of Ayers Cherry Pectoral are realized at ounce in all eases of colds, Songhn, throat or lung troubles, while ite reaching and healing qualities are always demons strated in the wost serious pulmonary disorders, Pittsburg, June 25,~~A terrible thunder storm passed over a portion of western Pennsylvania and eastern. Ohio yestors day, damaging rty and kii Washington, Pa, J — Ms a., June 25.~Horobeck wiruck ¢ ig il at Gr was "furied Soe, . London, June 23.—Dispatches from astern Earope continue to bring intelli- gence of disastrons floods, The river Vis. tula has risen sixteen feet. The streets of Warsaw and of hundreds of villages in that region are flooded. Milwaukee, Jone 25.-—CGeorge Brooks’ house was struck by lightning to day and burned, His daughter Effie, aged 14, was killed and another daughter stunned. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Ayers SBarsaparilla render it the most reliable and economical medi cine that can be used. It contains no dangerous or harmful ingredient, and may be safely administered to patients of all ages. When yon are sick the best medicine that can be obtained is none too good, and is the cheapest whatever it costs, 1lot button gaiters, cloth-topped, kid- foxed, reduced from $1.50 to $1 at the Beehive. WOMAN'S INFLUENCE ON PUBLIC MEN, Alexander Hamilton owed his death to a woman, and fors woman Aaron Burr fell from the vice-prasidency to the low- est dregs of disgrace. Every president's wife hes made and unmade men, and in Jackson's day the daughter of a tavern- keeper, having married Major Eaton, senator from Tennessee, raised such a fuss about her social standing with other Washington belles that Jackson changed his cabinet in order to sustain her, and it is said that Martin Van Buren got to the presidency through Jackson's friend- ship, made the stronger by his attentions to Jackson's friend, Mrs. Senator Eaton. The whole lives of James Buchanan and Alexander H. Stevens were made bitter by being disappointed in love in their youth, and the troubles of Senators Chris- tiancy, Sharon, snd others have lately been paraded before the world. Ex-Sec- retary of War Belknap fell into disgrace, Simon Cameron had lots of trouble with Mary Oliver, and through the foolish- ness of his wife General Dan Sickles’ life has been blotted with grief by family troubles, EFFECT OF CALIFORNIA'S CLIMATE. There can hardly be any question of the climatic causes of nervousness and restlessness here. Men can never rest anywhere. They are restless during bus- iness ; they drop into saloons and drink ; they rush home ; they are hardly there before they want to be off somewhete ; a quiet, pleasant evening is out of the question. I have noticed from the ex- perience of masy people I know that there is some climatic cause for this. A friend of mine went up north, and on his ELECTORAL COUNT BILL. Washington, June 24.—The electoral count bill which passed the house to-day was reported by Mr, Eaton, from the house committee on the law relating to the election of president and vica presi- dent, as a substitote for the bill intro- duced in the senate by Mr, Hoar, and which was passed by that body in Janu- ary last, It provides for a joint session of the two houses of congress for the counting of the votes, and that such convention sball not be dissolved until the count shall have been completed and the result declared. It provides also that any recess which the joint convention may take while the vote is being counted shall not be for a longer time than one calender day and that after the first Saturday succeeding the beginning of the count no further re- cess shall be taken gntil the count has been completed and the result declared. It provides that in case of objection to counting of the vote of any State, and in case more than one return shail have been received from a State, the question in the first instance of the countiog of the vote of the Sate, and in the second, of which return shall be received and counted, it shall be submitted to joint eonvention by the presiding officer, and that three hours having been allowed, if necessary, for debate, a vole shall then be taken, per capita, commencing with the state of Alabema, and the convention shall thus determine the question. The supervisions with respect to the settlement of the questions concerning the reception and the counting of the vote of the states in cases of objection thereto or of more than one set of re turns constitute the principal difference between the Hoar bili and the substitute adopted by the house. The Hoar bill provides that in such cases the lwo hous es acting separately shall currently de« termine the question. HOW TO GET WELL. —How to keep well and be strong apd vigorous are questions of vital um portance, This is answered and convincing proofs furnished in an lostrated Pamphlet concerning the Howard Galvanic Shield, which gives sooth ing, strengthening currents of Electricity and Kagnetism. It cau be worn by suy one, night or day, at work of rest, and overcomes wesktioss of disease withowt drugging the stomach. Paiaphiet sent free unsealed. Scaled 4 ceuts postage. Ad dress, AMERICAN GALVANIC CO, Mo. 18 Chestuut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Zapran -o—— LET THEM AWAY. We mean the horrible, nagseons worm- seed compounds called worm syrups and vermifuges: many of them as worthiess as they are obpoxicus, They have out lived their usefulness. People do wot want them sivce McDonald's Celebrated Worn Powders, so easy und pleasant to take, can he bad from auy dealer. Eve: ry one who has tried them says they are the nicest and best vermifoge ever dis covered. Chi dren take them and never know a medicive is being administered. Any case of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist the refunded ja every instance D. Marray. Jonxsrox, HoLroway, Puiladelplhia A mouey prompliy by J. rind & C Poy viet gels, return noted the most extraordinary change. While sway be had felt quite] inclined to rest. He did his business very| quietly and enjoyed himself. As soou as) he landed in San Francisco the old ner vous spirit appeared. He hurried home. He felt that he could not settle anywhere, | and he hurrice now everywhere and is forever restless. | ll MI ii—— VERY ANCIENT FOOTSTEPS The Porvenir, of Managua, Nicaraugu, publishes the following archmological item : *“ Dr. Earl Flint came hers from Rivas recently for the purpose of in specting traces of human footsteps which have been discovered in a quarry, owned by Senor Areyes, at a depth of fifteen feet from the surface. Traces of these footsteps were first noticed in some stone which had been quarried and was used in the erection of a house. The doctor calculates these footprints to be at least 50,000 years old In other excavations in the neighborhood, several pieces Of earthenware pottery, slanding on three legs, painted in black, red and silver col- ors, and the drawings on which are en. tirely Etruscan, have been obtained. On one of them, s dressing-gown, almost of the European model of to-day, isdrawn.” A man's virtue should be measused, not by his occasional exertions, bus by the doings of his ordinary life. THE ORIGIN OF DIXIE On a Satarday night in 1850, when Dan Emmett was 8 member of Bryant's Minstrels, New York, Dan Bryant came to him and said : “Dan, can't you get us up a ‘walk around I’ I want something new and lively for Monday night.” Dan cirous people of the North, In early fal when nipping frosts would overtake the tented wanderers, the boys would think of the warmth of the South, and the com- mon expression would be, “Well I wish Iwasin Dixie” This gave the catch- line, and the rest of the song ‘was origi- nal. On Monday morning it re. hearsed and highly commended, at night a crowded house canght the Pol 01 it 1 teas ut hadoua sing Dixie. o song become the and W. W. Newcoml's, Buckley's Mio. wrote to Emmett to secure the copyright ; but, without waiting for a reply, pub- lished it with words by » Mr. Peters Pond of New York secured it from Em- mett for $600 ; but Werlear sold thous. ands of copies without giving him » nickel. Not only was Emmett robbed of the profits of his song ; but the suthor- ship of it was disputed. Will 8. Hayes claimed it as his own. Pond brought the matter before a music pgblishers’ conven. tion, and settled the ; but Dan reaped no benefit from this tardy justice, - - New spring stock of wooleus, chant tailoring, at the Bee Hive, JR AT PRIVATE BALE Twill offer fo r INer- township, 2 5 mining 146 Af , Of Lalanoe good of Jaded; farm is INA E dition, tuerean i & goad HOUSE, a good SUMMER HOUSE, and a sary ombualidings ; a epring of Dever § ter, & be BAMK BAKES, and nu Fa contains two inde of frais New Store. ereeia RIE rd NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! LOW PRICES! HARPER & KREAMER, Centre Hall, Have just opeved in ooe of Largest and Best Rooms in the Valley, —A COMPLETE STOCK OF-— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS HATS & CATDS, BOOTS & SHOKS, HARDWABE, OILS AND PAINTS, GLASSWARE, QUENNSWARE, GROCERIES COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, FISH SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, EVERYTHING KEPT IN A WELL REGULATED STORE. ALL NEW GOODS, We offer bargaine unsurpassed in this : COUNTY. COME AND "SEE Us. All kinds of Produce taken, and Highest Market Prices Paid. HALL’S "Soiias Hair Renewer. Seldom does a popular remedy win such 8 it bas nocomplished a complete woclor 10 tas Bair, and vigorous health to the BUCKINGHAM’S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS Tas become one of the most Important popu 1ar toilet articles for gentlemen's Use. When the beard is gray or naturally of an unde sirable shade, BUGRINGRAM'S DYH Is the PREPARED BY R.P, Hall & Co,, Nashua, N.H, $0 by al Droggiew. ad » 5000 yards best standard prints redac.| vd from Be to be at the Bee-hive, i A ———— —— or OT 0 3 05 HO 0 0 ”o o—— : A CHANCE FOR RBUBINESS The undersigned offers extra inducoments to per | sons wishing to operate In line burning or quar. | rying building stones, He has the best quality! of Hime stone for all purposes, analysed and Nested righton the I. 41 RAtiroad: Also quarries of the largest and most beautiful Hime stone for building purposes, also cement stone propounced first lias by the analyser. Ground will, be sold or lsmsosgiven, to sult operators, For further partic t lars call on C.J. STAMM, 28nprim Linden Hall, Pa, JX TORS KOTICE. ~Letlers testamentary La upon the estate of George Korman, | Coceasad, late of Gregg twp., having been lawful ir granted the undersigned they would respect fally request all persons knowing themselves to Le indebted to the estate to make Immediate pay rent and those havigg claims sgalost the same to present the same duly authenticated for settle. nient, WARH, GARBERICK, Bellefonte, ways 8B. M. LONG, 4 Excoutors, Farmers Mills, —————————————— ns om ‘HARDWARE Heating Stoves, CROWNING GLORY, A full assortment of Fire Brick and —DINGES— | i i I am now prepared to furnish my friends and the public in deneral vith Groceries, Dry-| (foods, Notions and all goods embraced in gen- eral Merchandise at) lower prices than ever / Hall. I pay Cash and fore claim 1 can do bet else is dong, Give a trial. PRODUCE WANTED. SAW MILLS supplied | with Provisions at | special rates. me Very truly, C. DINGES. ap AAA lt ont wane [FINEST AND BEST. A J. H. BYRNES, h i We onrry the Best and Cheapest Line of MEN & BOY's FINE SHOES in the County. ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS OF THE ENGLISH WAURENIIAUSS erseenss BHO ES, Goavine tte Most Lo wlortabile Shoe Made. Rsmember the place—Corver Brovker: hoff Row, Bellefunta, ‘ | undtf E. CYAU ANA SGN, i BECOYD-HAXND ENGINES FOR SALE! HORSE POWELL. “ i ONE 40 TWO 2b ONE 18 “" i“ ot THORGUGHLY OVERHAULED AXD IN GOOD! ORDER, | Will be sold Cheup at the BELLEFONTE FOUNDRY a4 MACHINE SHOPS, | Bap tf RUNNING Wood Pay for Agents, S100 Lo S200 per pee, made selling ony Grand Sew Histor Famous nnd Decisive Bat ties of theWor Write to J. C. MoUnrdy & Co., Phlladelphin, Pa STOVES. NGE, AND WELCOME HOME, Grates on hand, JOHN A. GRENOBLE, PBIRING MILLS, PA, Dealer In PATENT IRON ROOFING Use y 3 Patent Iron Roofing, it outlasts wmilding, and costs only a trifle At Everything in the lige of COOKING BTOVES, COAL STOVES, & RANGES, PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST ! TISWARE of all descriptions on hand and made to order, 2dec.y 1)ENNSYLVANIA College-- pital J SDUATY 4, 1988, of the most : thy spots of the entire Alle is open 10 both sexes, abd of ing Courses of Bluds A Full Classical Course of Four Years A Full Latin Scientific Course A Full Beientille Course of Four Years 8 SPECIAL COURSES, of wo ch following the Mirst two years of the Scientific Coume (8) AGRICULTURK : NATURAL HISTORY ; (0) CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS; (4) CIVIL ENGINEER ING A short SPECIAL TURE A short EPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry, A Classical and Bolentific Preparatory Course, SPECIAL COURSES are arranged to meet the wants of individual students Military drill required. Expenses for board ahd incidentals ver w. Tuilon free. Young ladies under charge of competent lady Priocipal. Fur Ostalogoos, or olber juformation, address se follow] WIE OR COURSE t IN AGRICUL GED W. ATHERTON, President, Sate Collage, Centre Co, Pa * veya Yoel J.” DRUGS, CHEMICALS: PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, &c Pare Wives and Liquors for medical purposes always kept ELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, Beilefoute, Pa, Desler In DRUGS - — —— TE B RATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF MONTPELIER, VEERMORT., Incorporated in 1848, Assets, $3.000000 ; Furplus, $1,050,000, $1000 Bonds sold on yearly instalments, These bonds are payable to the holder st the expiration of 7% years or 81 previous death, or & sth tinted jemmint payable in cash at the end of any yearaf ter the first, on thelr surrender, For circulars call on or address RM McEXALLY, Foecial Agent, Office, one door North of Post Office Peiietonte, Penn's, 2imayim LIFE INSUBARCE COMPARY BOSTON, MABE. Chartered, in 1835. — Assets, Decesaber 31, 1083-§16.901 94200 Surplus, $Me BAM Policies non-forfeitable Dividends snnusily, commencing with second snnusl payment. An | endorsement of the Cash Value and Paldup in | surance for every year, mads on each policy, Fv. | ery life Policy becomes an endowment al a fixed age, without change of premium. MARSTON & WAKELIN, Geners] Agenia 188 R, 4th Bt. Philad i B. M. MCENALLY, Bpecial Agent, Office, one door North of Post Office, Bellefonte | Penn's Zimaydm BEE-HIVE sONE PRICE STORES. ee DRESS GOODS, meee SILKS, SHAWLS, VELVETS, ———— WRITE GOODS, we NOTIONS, RIBONS, LACES, DREESKE TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, : MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, | —— GENTS FURNISHINGS, ——— asm —REVERYTHING PLAIN ———————————— a ———— ————— MARKED FIGURES, Goldsmith Bros. BELLEFONTE, PA. samen {empires IN N. Specialty. B,~ -Merchaot Tailoring a Also sole Agents for the celebrated Jamestown Dress Goods. T00 LATE! Some of our patrons sent us their or- ders last fall when we were busy filling orders that we booked early in the sea- son. It was not too late to use the fertil- izer, but was too late for us to ship the grods promptly, and in some instances we were compelled to return orders and money which accompanied them. This we much dishked to do, and we since then added 10 our shipping facili- ties so that we will be able to give all or- ders quick dispatch, Nevertheless, to avoid all possibility of delay, we trust our friends will send their orders at once for sisi VIE mass TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR -PHOSPHATE - ADOPTED 1580, CHEAPEST and BEST. For circular giving analysis and for further information, addresss BAUGH & SONS, Fole Manufacturers, 20 80. Del. Ave., Philadelphia, have Steam Bending Shops. AT FARMERS MILLE, PA. All kinds of bending in wcod done on short notice. Orders filled for rims of all wizes, and of best material ; bobsled ron- pers, shafts, bent hounds, plow handles, phaeton and buggy reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly at- tended to. All work guaranteed, 1loct y J. B. REAM & SON. OHN F, POTTER, Aworney-aislaw : Coliections promtly made and special stiention given to those having lands or property tor sale. Will draw ud snd have scknowledged Deeds, Mortgss bonds &o. Belletonie, Ps OND VALENTINE, Buys and sells Real Estate on falr commission, Iusares Firstclass Lite Oompanios, - “ Life and Accident Companies, ¥ire Companies, German, Euglish snd Amerionn. Combined fal, $15000000. Office in Bush Arcade, over V entine’s stores, Bellefonte, Pa. anv A Prize we " kd rwonive fren a costly bot sucered trom fires Boar. The broad road opens befare the workers, sbsointely sare, once, TRUK & Co. Augusta, Maise. Hr. %ARE ; ~= RE SELL ' REAYER SECTIONS A REAPER SKCTIONS AND REA PERS, REAPERS, And all kinds vi Farming Tools, RA KES, #URKS, SCYTHES, ROPE § BLOCKS SPROUTS HAY FORKS, &e. | HARDW MAND IN THIS LINE. JAS, HARRIS & CO, dA RRR EY A RO d——— New Brockerhoff House. ———— ROOKERHOFF HOUSE, ) ALLEGUENY ST, WKLLEFONTE, PA G. G. MOMILLEN, Prop'r. ree Bass to and from sll tra | Shin rub bs witnosses and jurors, C% FECTIONERY and EATING HOUSE, at SEARFASY ROOMS Bush's block. Meals st all hours from early to late trains. Lunch without cof fee 10 cte, Lunch with coffee 15 cents Regular meals 25 cts. Oysters in alintye, LEWISBURG AND TYRONE RAILROAD TIME TABLE. — Leave Westward. 5 AM. nes 11.00 11m Les Lie nz: 11.40 9 M. 5 ~ Eanunnes Montandon...... Lewisburg, ar, Lew\darg. lv. Fair (round... Biehl. cco Matava ff ion... Mifinhurg, iv Milmont.... Laurelton... SERBNERLR™ BREE : Longs Ezy Spring. Millar 10.15 amv Eastward 6 «® @ ~ ® B gnEsuy! Spring Mills Co ih Lanrelton.... Thnont Miflinburg.ar, Miminburg lv. ge Ex opm 3 150 10.15 i 5.25 6.90 ar1.% arse Aon at 180 M., returning leave a. Lewisburg a 7.50 P, M, PEER