mar — — THE STAGE-DRIVER’S STORY. How General Scot's Lil Life was Saved and How His Driver Twice Escaped Death The traveler of the present day, as he is stage coach and packet were the only points, It is rare that one of the real old- time stage drivers 1s met with now-a days aud when the writer recently ran across Fayette Haskell, of Lockport, N. Y., feit like a bibliographer over the ery lore,” Mr. Haskell, pioneers in stage driving (he formerly ran from Lewiston to Niagara Falls and Duf- live for many years. The strange stories At one time when going down a mountain near Lewiston with no less a personage than General Scott as a passenger, the brakes gave way and the coach came on the heels of the wheel horses. ‘The only remedy was t5 whip the leaders to a gallop. Gaining additional momeninm with each revolution of the wheels the coach swayed and pitched down the mountain side and into the streeis of Lewiston. ahead at the foot of the steep hill horses dashed, apparently to certain death. Yet the firm hand never relaxed its hold nor the clear brain its concepaon of what must te done in the emergency. On dash- ed the horses until the narrow dock was reached on the river bank, when by & mas- terly exhibition of nerve and daring, the coach was turned in tcarce its own leugth and the horses brought to a stand still be- fore the pale lookers on could realize what had occurred. A purse was raised by General Scott and presented to Mr. Has- and bravery. Notwithstanding all his strength and his robust constitution the strain of continuous work and exposure proved too much for Mr. Haskell's constitution. jolting of the coach and the necessarily cramped position in which he was obliged to sit, contributed to this end, and at times he was obliged to abandon driving alto- gether. Speaking ot this period he sad: had a tired teelivg which I never knew be- fore and could not account for,” “ind you give up driving entirely?" “No. 1 tried to keep up but it was ooly with the greatest effort. This state of things continued for nearly twenly years until last October when 1 went pieces ‘In what way!” “Oh, I doubled all walk up; could nol effort or exertion, 1 had a constant de- sire to urinate both day and night and al- though I felt like passing a gallon every ten minutes only a few drops could escape and they thick with sediment. was near.” “What did you do then!” “What I should bave done long before: listen to my wife. Under her advice I be gan a new treaymnent.” “And with what resnit?”’ “Wonderful. It unstopped the closed passages and wha! was #lill more wonder- ful regulated the flow. The sediment van ished; my sppetite returned and [ am now well and good for twenty more years wholly through the sid of Warner's Safe Cure that bas done wouoders for me as wel gs for s0 many others.” Mr. Has 8 experience every day in the lives of American men and women. evil is undermining the existence of an in numerable number who do not realize the danger they are mm until heaith bas en- tirely departed sad death perhaps stares them io the face. To neglect such im portant matters 18 hike drifting in the urrent of Niagara above the Falls ll fess “Now,” said the justice to the wit ness, *“‘yoq will please tell just how it happened.” “Yee, sir, I'litry. The prisoner and that man were eating dinner at the Kell’ repeated ¥ ia thousands other man on the head with it.” “Do you, sir,” said sternly, “pretend to tell the a dab of mashed potatoes, court that even when make a gash five inches long on =a man's head, and knoek him senseless? If you trifle with the court you will be locked up.” first to take the dab out of the dish.” Bovporn incident; “How very warm it is this morning!” belle to her friend, into whose boudoir she had intruded. “Yes, it 18 very, very warm, Cicely, dear, You surely are not out for a walk this mormng?” “ “Why, cert'nly,’ to borrow a phrase from Mr. Burnand, You know in such a morning one has ample opportunity to prove the genuivess of her ocom- plexion.” It she hadn't have glanced suspiciously at the various articles of toilet on the dressing case there would have been no fronble. But at it is, words cannot be coined to express the coolness existing between these two charming women. Mystery explained: Gus De Smith called at a very fashionavle house on Austin avenue a few days ago, and acted so qnearly that when that lady's husband came home she smd: “What is the matter with youug De Smith? He acted so strangely, I think there must be a screw loose abont him some where.” *“Reckon not I saw him this /morniug, and be was light sh over,” Tuvoroorcan item: “What is the devil?” asked an Austin Buanday school teacher of the new boy, who was quite small, “1 don't know what it is, but it can’t run as fast as my pa can, How do you know that the deyil ean’t run fast?” “Because I heard pa say he al- ways ontohes the devil when he comes home ute at night from the lodge, I reckon I'l be able to eaten it, too, when I gee to be as big ns pa” *1've no doubt oi it,” remarked the teaher with a sigh.” AGRICULTURE, HUMOROUS Toe tramp ascended the front steps, | and after taking the precaution to! the ground floor and made a wallowing bath, After experiment- ing I find that a bath consisting of fine confidence born of successes. The door was opened by a woman, as the tramp had anticipated. ‘‘Is Mr, Brown in?” he asked, equal portions of old lime, wood, and besides wallowing, they constantly no doubt for the old lime, have known them to do So far 1 more than I feed mornings boiled turnips, carrots, potatoes, raw cabbage, all well mixed with dry, coarse bone meal, I knead all with my hands, mixing well, not us- ! bread. In no winter bave my poultry done better, so far, in all respects with Ix preparing “nests place a few inches of earth in the bottom or invert a sod, “If the hens are troubled with lice," says a poultry monthly, of sulphur on the bottom of eacli nest before you put eggs under them, er of fine-cut straw, then more sulphur over it. It would be well to place a few medicated or porcelain eggs under each hen before you trust them with valua- nation to fulfil their tasks faithfully, then carefully place the cholee eggs under them at night. A supply of corn fresh water and a convenient dust box are important necessaries in A dust bath at hand is an exoellent thing for broody bens, for at this time, the feverish state of their bodies being fa- vorable for their propagation, Fre- quent dusting with sulphur and carbol- A Wasa ror Fuvrr Tress —Some of the agricu'tural papers are advertising caustic potash, or strong lye made from as a wash for fruit trees, This will remove all the moss snd rough bunt trees on which it has been used look red and sort of burned, and soon have rougher bark than ever. The following we have long used, and know it to be much the better prep aration. vou can ’ mon buy sal-soda or com washing soda; place it in an iron kettle nnd over the fire; gradually heat it, stir. ring often nuutil it turns red, when it be- comes canstiec. Dissolve ome pound of this in from one to two gallons of water as the trees have more less rough snd moss attached, and with it wash trees. will color, leave the bark of a healthy green Try it, Art Freach ‘draught horses are Nor- from whatever province in There are dif- ferent tribes of families in the different provincas, all tracing in their origin to the ancient Norman war horse. The other tribes have their admirers, and are they called by their local names, but the Nationel Norman Horse Asgociation, comprising nine-tenths of all the impor- ters of French draught horses in Amer. ica, recognizes them all as Norman, Oxzu of the yery finest effects of phos- phate oa wheal was the result of drilling between the rows of wheat with the No phosphate was ap was sown. The less, in part owing to the cultiva- Both effective. not a good crop precede wheg), One reason possibly is that they leave soil in loose a condition or the roots will Bat the ehief ob- lection to beans as a fallow crop is that their land for Spring again, which will give opportn- nity for more plant food to accummniate before wheat roots are started in search Ing Set out allow plenty of mannre, one that responds to liberal and frequent cultivation, In factit cannot be worked too olten. feeder it will thrive on any kind of neh manure, Bruxwonss will live on lettuce, castor. oil plant leaves and other piants, but | they ean only make silk from the leaves of the mulberry or osage orange, The best mulberry is the Japan (white), though thers are five kinds of white, two of black and several of diflerent shades. to ten pounds of leaves, while the oth. of leaves to each, pound of cocoons, rover hay ie much better for mileh cows than timothy, It produces a large quantity of milk, and also of a better quality. All butter makers know how yellow the butter is which is made from the milk of cows fed ou clover hay, Crean fhe poultry house and sprinkle with ashes or plaster, If lice abound, apply kerosene in small amounts to the perches, from which it will spread to the birds in effective quantities, A rox of bran is said te make manure worth 814.00. This lenvea its cost for stock feeding very small, Bat its prob. when fed to mulch cows to increase the Mrs, Brown 14. when he to put out the line and hang up the wash; shall send him out with the baby, after that he will have his sweeping No, you can’t see Mr, Brown to-day, and 'twouldn’t make I attend to The tramp sald he house, ani Mrs, Brown, as she slammed the door, had, Then the of yeast; of another where the women ted, ——— Important, or leave New York City, Vhen you visit BAVE at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Cen- tral Depot, Elegant rooms, fitted up ata cost of one ara, redaced 10 $1 and ppwards per Euro pean Plan, Elevator, Restaurant Hed with the be Al. Horse cars, stages and vated raliroad 10 all depots, Famlies can five ter for Jess money at the Grand Union Hotel ue city, mel mci Pravisa with the baby: car, the other day, was a bright little four-year-old lady, An elderly gentle man, a few seats back, little ope turned around, hig finger, or duck his head, or *‘eluck,” or do some one of the score of things that are supposed to be pleasing to babies. The In the steam little Anakesis” PILES, busi or LIKE, i an INFAL i 1 LL ¥ fee 81, at druggists, prepaid by mail, Samples FREE Address CANA JC HSE Malcors, BOX x eal. NEW YORK or rent ive Orgs Lov, Adopte Tn yy pi ars of Vicon Bovers ones, 85% to 8511 Pampl sia Aveeno vA81 Patton Be. NY 4 TIVIA Tour il ranch ginple a ih oh t Free, Olviald Reg quic Cu 3y Lie WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, & Because 1€ acts on the LIVER, BOWELS and KIDNEYS at the same time, Beeause it cleanses the system of the poison. ous humors that dovelope in Kidsey snd Uri. pary Diseases, Dliousness, Jaundice, Coastips. tion, Piles, or in Haeumatism, Ne ralgis, Ner. vous Disorders and sll Female Co LF ECLID PR FOF IT WILL BURELY CUR: CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, wg FREE ACTION of ell the crgans Pi and functions, thereby CLEANSINC the BLOOD restoring the normal power (0 throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of these terrible di have been quickly relieved, and in a short Lime PERFECTLY CURED. LIQUID OR DRY, SOLD BY DHUGGISTE, Dry oan be sent nr mail, « Bur Send samp for Diwy Almas for § KIDNEY-WORTE By causir } race, 81. ton, Vi. a vacant stare, until, apparently feited and grown tired of them, the ex- “Mamma, I really believe that old fool is trying The old gentle- man stopped at once, — A Ruinous Blockade. au Austin schoolmaster entered his temple of learning, one morning, 1 read on the blackboard the touching legend: “Our toscher iv a donkey.” The pupils expected there would be a combined cyclone sud earthquake, but the philosophic pedagog teuted himself =ith adding “driver” toth ege school with Playe Waex 16 ue cou the aud opened wy Ir nd, the AN USUAL, ct Instantly Reheved, been sick Hall’ my nu Balsam fo band, nient Porvrarrry of lawn tennis; play lawn tennis this season, inquired he, last evening?” Miss -—.7" “No, I Is 1t interest Yon see, there are “That if I had ing?” “Yes, very, eight courta, isn't it? Why, known there was so» much courting the game I should have been au ex pert by this time.” *'Oh, I assure you, but you are an expert.” There nd use in pursuing this scheme further, Bed. Bags, Flies, hes, ania, bed bugs, rate, mice, « eared out by “Hough on Rata” 15 Ef “Wiaex I look at the quacksry and Files, roa tolerance to the winds,” said *{ had no idea you hind any to cast,’ Some Ancient Mallads, “Sing a Bong of Sixpence’ is as is found in a musie-book dated 1609; **The ~-Unrboline the world renowned Hair re- newer, was invented in 1878, No man ever lost, his credit, but he Hardly a newspaper printed but speaks Dr. i it, strong assertion; but thany save sad ————— Sin He that lacks time to mourn lacks time to mend, Mothers. If you are failing: broken, worn out and mer vous, use “Wells' Health Eenewer” $1. Drgia C—O SS SATIS The hours perish and are laid to our ‘Hale’s Honey Borehound ana Tar. No man's spirits were ever hurt by doing his duty, : ELY'’'S Cream Balm Causes Gives no P {elief Thorough at Once. Treatment will Care. Not a Lig- uid or Sanfl, Ap- ply with Finger. g Give it a Trial. Hr 8, Drasgiats, O EE EEE EEE EE EEE LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . « VEGETABLE COMPOUND RITivE ¢ Ress amplaints * those painfal Ce and Weakoeusen 990 common * ® hd 4 ahi dA YW ** FEMALE FOPULATION, Price n tn Nguid, lle Sasange fur. THEBES EEE og N ES larly adapt. reser srsnr isnt ulema. | Aostrovaal] craving pe . sevens, Depression and Indl Fof bh raring doen, oa wing pain, * steepdle cored by te nee f piel Sssssasnius BEST TRUSS EVER USED, Tmproved ¥ Troe Worn EEE EEE ERED antic where esrriptive gin N. Y. EL Aare Tron co. Broadway, New X« DR. LINDSEY'S The Great Reme Scrofula, iy, cures ail 2, Pimples, & Malaria, and all Blood Diseases PITTSBURG, PA, thereby doabiipe tae Ar . port wily. No ronel olives 9 annoy, grefoprad by "uloRs of of BL Do YOU wi AR THE i? fy Dealers sell 10 for #5 ‘We pathay TRIAL © OL L an FREE, 13 to 18 in, or W or b cents, Mention this pa i Erinn COLLAR CO, FAacToRy: vaMnsipa a Mass, Hoth dea wtareh pd sling, fine a1 Q vale Ada Aa, # to 12 fia. i Aneo A MONTH na honra five 8 ive uu Men « dees il each connly Yo Taps orders oF The 1)vos of Stee es nervone od BLAINE & LOGAN, 4 E PODGE ; ; ; Address P. W.Ziwarma k Co, Phila, BLAINE AGENTS WANTED) Complete, Reliable THacrated Lite TT TTOrTRS CHOICE. Got Fo) WEST, » terme 16 sponda wrdering fram sl dlatance. Gutli free © nl GAN ecanvaseers, Wein fir clroular ¥ wien have ™N feta 6F hE sok “MY WIFE'S FOOL 0 Serra - Ny Wiliams, LOGAN w. H. THOMPSON, Pub, 404 Arch Bi, Phila. Pe at aA RUS ES WANTED AGENTS The Tasty! se ling Campaign | haris ever fwablished of Ly PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. Address, J. M. ’H fz both, Publisher of M aps, Charts, hy 40 page calalogae free. $i LX) enily nade. hou, Peetoral will cure your cough. Price on “ue ars Dn MES STIC Aspen Puopisa — One dozen large | tart apples, one capful of sugar, the | julee and rind of two lemons, six ges, { four tablegpoonfuls of batter, enough | puff or chopped paste to line a three | pint pudding dish, Pare and quarter | the apples. Pare the thin rind from the lemon, being careful nol to eat into | the white part. Put the Butter, apple | and lemoun-rind and juice in 4 stew-pan with half a ecupful of water; cover | tightly and simmer three-quariers of an hour, rub through a sieve, sdd the sugar and set away to cool, Line the | dish with paste, Beat the yolks of the eggs, and stir into the cooled mixture. | Torn this into the lined dish. Bake slowly for hall an hour, the whites of the eggs to a | froth, and gradually beat into | three tablespoonfulf of | sugar, { return to the oven, and cook twelve | minutes with tne door open. Berve | either hot or cool ————————————— | i e To Dye Kip Groves Brack.— Stuff | the fingers with small seeds or bran, | and the hand with rags. Put one-half | ounce tineture muriste of iron inte a { teacup of warm water, and with a rag brush the solution over the glove, be- ing careful to fouch every spot | With a clean rag brush the {dye all over the glove that has {been wet with the iron solution, | and hang it up to dry. After drying, —————————— A ———————————————— | give it a third coat, It will take only 'a few moments, When the color | satisfactory and the gloves dry, put | with a rag slightly oiled. KarsoMive, —iight pounds of whits {ing and one quarter of a pound of white gine make the right proportivns, Soak the glue over night in cold water, | and in the morning heat till it is per. fectly dissolved, wash the consist. am, Apply warm somine brush, brushing it ishing it as you go on used instead omitted. holes with and have the th ick ore gether, £ ney of with a ka well in and Ln If warm skim milk is ! water, the glue may { fore the wash is applied all | crevices should be stopped ter of Pans mixed with water, Colors to tint the walls may be procired at any paint store, If zine white is used 1 gz. it will last for vears, of f io »Che Poraro Sour. ~-A quart of milk, six large potatoes, talk of cele ry, nion and a tablespoonful of Pat milk to boil thirty minutes. Turn o the water and mash fine and eh Add the boiling milk and the butter, and pepper and salt to tas lub through a strainer, aud serve ately, A cuplal { added when in the Gone = butter. ite, of cream tureen is a | great improvement, This soup must not be allowed to stand, even if kept | i hot. Berved as soon as ready, it is | excellent. — Fuexon Braxs A L Choose some young at beans and remove all fibres by break- ing off the ends; wash, and boil boiling water; when done toss them In Aa YorLerte ad aves and persley; stirin a Little flour, ho inch of salt and same stock. reduce vie sauce, thicken with yelks of egg flavor with a few drops of lemon, and serve, pin Ruceans Crean Pie «¢wed rhubarb, pint cream, two racker, three eggs. rhubarb through other ingredients well together, { just as the pie is reaay for the | stir in the rhubarb; pour the into a plate limed with pastry | with strips and bake. Dr. Graves" Heart Regu Int forms Heart Disease, of nervy | sleeplessness. msn MI AI AAs Morassrs Cooxigs, —1 wo asses, three-quarters cup of ieaspoous soda, one of ginger f salt, halt a cup of water, | the soda in the molasses; cut | ‘nto a cup of flour; add the | «alt, and mix with the molasses, { put in the water and add flour to roll oul, Cut with | and bake in a quick oven, i A—— I — Tain People, “Wells' Health R« restore Vigor, cures ayspepuia, 168 det Ss A Srorren Porarons —After the | tatoes are well washed, bake them til soft, Cat a piece from the top each potato, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon, taking care not reak the kine, Mash tas pulp well rough a colander, season with salt, wid mash with it plenty of butter, Return the mixtare to brown the tips with a salamander red-hot shovel, ———— Pisco’s Remedy tor Ustarth 18 a certain cure for tha very obnoxious disease. Une pint ounces powdered flab the stewed a sieve, beat the alii ir CUE & | | i USDOL AD cups mo- lard, tw r and one Dissolve the lsrd Bpae The enous 8 biseuit-entter DOREY aX nu- of the soil can be got m condition, make a feed for cows balore clover or fodder corn can be ready fo ont, for soiling later in the season, INS Ss Pr Kumng's Great Nerve Hestorer 1s marvel of the age for all nerve diseases, fits stopped free. Send to W9 I hlisdeiphiag, Va dns MII —— Cupid is the greatest sleigh-belle in the workl, the Al Arch Sireet, SS A. SR MENSMANS DPRFTONIZED SREP TONTO, the oniy preparation of bee! coltiining Ms eur Yre ANDY fous propir ties, 11 contains bh ondamaking, Tore generating atid lifeustain ng sroperties: io vaina. bie for indigestion, Ayapopyia, ner vous prosiration, and all ni general debility, alen, In all en. fesbied onmlitions, whether (he result of ox hans tion, nervous p natan, bg oF nents dis rhculialy rewung from pualtesoary swe, Darth Caswell, Hazard & Oo, Pa, New York Said by drew as c— —— Never jest or bu witty ut the expense of “others. AIS aftongts on Dentist Tooth Powder, Smoot hy, refroching, harmioss, slogan, eans. TE, preservative and fragrant. 16c. Droggisis Eee te Respect age and do not dispute with &n old person, i § i ynE a ¢ Rheumatism, “Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Tootarchs, Sore Throat, Swellings Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Sealds, Frost Bites, ARD Al OTHER BODILY FALSE ASD ACHES, Bold by by rywhere. Fifty Cuties beta ? Jasgusges THE CH A KS. ER A You ELLER 2. GORLER & 1 C8 A Bia om wel * »¥ glish we Camerican DICTIONARY. wr cman, Lem Plous POC KE T-1 4 DICTIONARY 3 CURES WHIRT ALL TLSE FAILS, he DostCongh Byrup. Tastes good lie} Use in tise. INFALLIBLE a fe and eA ectn. BF FOIL SALE BY DRUGCLINTS. "8 insane Persons Restored Sor ali nary B Weave Disgases Ondy nod Ast day's wos. Troasise sad fa trial bot we free to cond I= Sree Sir RIF ar tive FA CDE 10 LADIES! orders for our oer bert ro 5 beanie Decorated Tate: | eh 2 Nam i GREAT SHEE FRAC on Reowsrk, Now Jersep the human body ERADICATED by using An eld-time remedy, Safe n Price 25 cenin un bottie Dr KLINE & CREAT evry Jor Nevwe Af cctowod, Fiis, Fpiicpry, ene, argos ou bor when Fit patients, he fsb jaeass Chingus ha Devggiens. B EW ARE Grestend indocemeris over ol sod Coff and sec In hr ’ CLARK'S WORM SYRUP! ad fu ie noethon, "] Qo Marvelowi ewcsdis, i NERVERESTORER INPALLISLE if takes as dlmaed. No Fis afier ets Arch Se findeistin Pe. GOOD NEWS fered. Now's pour tum 1 rg = ods Doorn © elemnn a animes « Col ge Walnut Leaf Hair he sadusties. Nations Piyrosaps. TH nr Clrguils a Le H OULEM 5 acon Restorer. It is entirely different 1s indiestas 8 a perfect Vegetal immedistely free the head {re 1% satura ¢ where 4 has fa on Important Reduction in the price of VASELINE PETROILIUHM JTVLLY LES SPECIFIC FOL WEN LUTZE & Ba Ina e ad Boe « aise trast witter FEC BOW #0 Orde J Or . Basset, 1 cule, K rel $i Cnllectors A. rer i ¥ LAY AGENTS i= fr Queen Cs iy =a mo king Bas pene re ete, n t fitfree adress aces City —— Cinsinnaid, & y Tarren.) tier EL porns Days Trial TO NC are wuffer ng from Fae IV ARTIS Trans pesrs, an Peasorat. Narune, Orage Cavs, restoration te Fh Magen 0 GUARANTEED, te Hiusrated Parphict free YOLTAIC nt : T CO he, Marehnall, a a a for a AGENTS Ww ANTED « 0 ml! Thirty Th Yrare ne STA » u TLD INPLANS Wr Gum bob snd SERN yy LO 000 pil, Arent sell 16 te BO «day. BFSopd rr es hres Tromn, Kppoimen Lx A.D GRTHIMNGTON A 6. Har » ode on Year Te! medi] wedding wef Heavy Rolled Geld, iw Wewy iid ON oe a al X Caen of Thonn, cowpipm, ¥ sermon, Bt. KL won ‘PE CIAL Oftors Fon vB i pend wi fips slogan Ying +} yal By te prevent, the “Listhe w a . TIME KEEPER, st Wows oe. AN thoser ile tel of tive Livne of doy a \ handsome Biver Nickel 3a th Case, UW ane TRIP wpe, Adress Be k 00, Cemterbeuek, Com, gh, Sous or Pi HER ROES an D? R ie a To i BAA EL & U0, Bex OL 1 | 4 ed, Athen Spr Fg wind € 3 Tea | la il ws ter ThesEL na a fae sa we.