THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, . .. Editor. CenxTrRE Harn, PA, June 4, '84 FROSTS IN THE WEST. Chicago, May 29.—8pecial dispatches from Janesville, Beloit, Oak Creek, Fond- du-Lack, Racine and other points in Wisconsin, and from Freeport, Ill, re- yort a severe and blighting frost which as done very considerable damage to the crops, particularly the corn. Cleveland, May 29.—Dispatches from all over northérn Ohio indicate that the frost last night did groat damage to the fruit, vegetables and grain. Lancaster, Pa., May 29.-—There was a heavy frost in this vicinity last night, jce forming in many places. In some places the young tobacco plants were frozen hard, inflicting serious injury to the new crop. Reading, Pa., May 20.—Reports from various points in this section indicate that during the night there was a severe frost. In some places ice was formed } inch thick. Potatoes and garden vegeta- bles were somewhat damaged. Chicago, May 20.—A dispatch from Rockford says a heavy frost visited that section last night, doing great damage to growing grain and vegetables. Corn in many places a ruined and it is too late to plant again. pe FIVE MER KILKED IN A FACTORY. Troy, N. Y., May 27.—A terrible exe plosion at Waterford last evening caused the loss of five lives and did much dam- age to property. It was not a boiler this time, but a bleacher in a straw-board factory of Moore & Wilson that did the damage. At the time of the explosion there were nine men employed in and about the bailding, and the wonder is that any escaped, as the entire establish ment was wrecked, the building falling into a mass of ruins. A force was at once put to work to rescue the men buried in the debris. mses ff M.A — It is said to be an open secret that the British Government has lately come in- to possession of most alarming informa- tion regarding the condition of affairs in the Soudan. Strenuous efforts are made to keep this information from the public, bat it 1s known that El Mahdi’s emissa~ ries are successfully engaged in breediog discontent among the Egyptian soldiers who are garrisoning the Soudan, Milita- ry experts say that sooner or later there _is bound to be a wholesale mutiny of the Egyptian troops, accompanied by massa- cres of the Brittish officers, as in the Se- poy rebellion of 1858, which like the present rising in the Soadan, had a quasi~ religious basis, It is estimated that Ei Mandi’s force includes 5,000 soldiers of the Egyptian regular army. Some of these men were captured after the defeat of Hicks Pasha, and willingly changed their allegiance to El Madhi, Bat the great number have come to his standard by the steady flow of desertions from the doudan garrison, which bas been in pro- gress for the past seven months, — amt tines THE FATHER OF 27 CHILDREN. Seneca City, 8. C., May 25.—Near this place there lives one of the largest fami- lies in the United States. Mr. Joel Vaughn has been married four times. His last three wives were widows, all of whom had children by previbus hus- bands, respectively eight, seven and four, a total of nineteen. These four wives pore Mr. Vaughn twenty-seven children, which, added to the mineteen children, gave Mr. Vaughn control of forty-six children. There are thus seven differ- ent gets of children. The old man is now BO years of age, and his youngest child is an infant. r——— hmm Backache, itchings in the side, inflation and soreness of the bowels, are symp-~ toms of a disordered state of the digestive and sssimilative crgans, which can be promptiy and thoroughiy corrected by the use of Ayers Cathartic Pilis. As dinner pils, and as aids to digestion, they have no equal. They cure constipation. rar———t— me — NINE WORKMEN BURIED IN A TUNNEL. Ligonier, Pa, May 29.—Knupps tunnel on the South Peunsylvania rainroad, was tue scene of a terrivle accident by which nise men were inslautly kilied and elev- en others seriously injured, with slight hopes of recovery. A large force of men wns engaged in excavating the tunpel about 100 feet from the main entrance when a heavy scaffoldiog gave wa} with the above result. ' fA A sr ce SMALL POX AT ASHLAND. Ashland, Pa,, May 30.—~Small-pox still continues to spread. The borough au- thorities have built a hospital, which is now almost filled. Three new cases have GOOD LANGUAGE. As soon as a child begins to lisp ite first broken sentence, its education should be- gin. Habits are formed which will exist to a greater or less degree throughout life. Buch being the case, the conversa. tion of the older members of the family should be carefully guarded, lest the lit- tle ones hear and learn ungrammatioal expressions and slang, which, sad to say, is so rife umeng our young people of the present day. The servants, with whom children spend mueh of their time, should be chosen with reference to this matter. A mother should feel it hor duty to point out any grammatical mistakes made by them, and insist upon their language being correct, respectful, and devoid of slang at all times. It is exceedingly difli- cult to break children of habits once formed, and care in this direction will save much trouble and annoyance. One way to cultivate the use of langnage, and at the same time to learn of the occupa tions and companions of her children, is for the mother to encourage the daily narration of what they have seen, heard, and enjoyed, and the telling of their little experiences. The study of pictures, moreover, in which every child delights, may be used as » great provocation of language. Children always love to look at pictures, and can almost always be in duced to talk about them. This study teaches them observation, and how to so- curately describe whatever they see. When stories are read to children they should be obliged to reproduce them, using as far as possible the language of ths book. The memory is much strengthened in this way, a habit of attention formed, and the power of expression increased. If such plans na these are systematically cerried out, they will prove a wonderful help in the thorough education of a child. The constant, careful teaching and kind sug- gestions of parents will accomplish a work which can never be performed by study, aml in after years such early home train- ing will show itself in a ready command of language, and an easy, graceful power of conversation. Sn gn WW m— LONG LIVES. There is a belief among the East Indi- ans that thealephant lives about 800 years, and instances; are on record of the ani- mals having been kept in captivity as long as 130 years, their age being unknown when they ware first taken wild from the forest. Camels live from forty to fifty years; horses average from twenty to thirty, oxen about twenty, sheep eight or nine and dogs from twelve to fourteen years. It has been observed that ss a general rade, the larger types of animals live longer than the vertebrated classes quadruy sds and birds, reptiles and fishes. Some k inc s of birds attain a great age; | the sw an has been known to live 100 years, | and it 49s recorded that the raven has ex- | ceeds that age ; birds of prey attain to | great longevity, and the eagle has sur- | vivead a century. Parrots have been known to live sixty and as long as eighty years. Phwasants and domestic poultry rarely exceed ten or fifteen years. A tor- toise was placed in the garden of the Ar- chiepiscopal Palace of Lambeth in 1633, during the life of Archbishop Land, and lived till 1753, when it perished by acci- dent. Sach batrachiana, as the toad, are known to live about fifteen years. Fishes and aninls that live in the water attain, in many instances, toa great age. The carp has been known to live 200 years. Common river trout have been confined in a well thirty and even fifty years. A pike has ‘been known to live in a pond ninety ya ws ; and Gesner relates that in 1497 an en ormons pike was caught in a lake near Heilbronn in Swabia, with a brass ring atiached to it, recording that it was put in the lake in the yoar 1230 ; the ring is stil | preserved at Mannheim. The whale, it it 1 said, attains to an age of about 400 years. ————— A APIA TIIE MIDGET nin The very smallest of all the kinds of wneep, says a contemporary, is the tiny SHEEP. been developed to-day. The disease has broken out at Girardville, Centralia ard, intermediate points. No cause for spread of the disease can be assigned, save the carelessness of the people. The residents of the entire valley are alarmed. A ———— SP Mp Hon. L. A. Mackey, of Lock flaven, having positively declined to be a csndi- date for the legislature in Clinton coun. ty, that leaves only two candidates in the field—A. W. Bruogard and A, H, Strayer. They both belong to Lock fla- ven snd both are anxious to go to» Hare risburg. — With the good outlook for large crops, and cheap clothing at tive Philad. Branch, a year of prosperity is ahead for the people of our county. Lev/ins & Co, have the finest assortment of new suits ever brooght to our county before. Go and see their stock, examine t heir prices and don’t fail to make a pure hase if you want to save money. A TERRIBLE COLLA PSE. Baltimore, May 30.—Soon after 2 o clock the weight of the cottcn stored in Hooper's building, No. 87, Bouth Gay St, caused the structure to coll , Alot of people wera in and about the place at the time, and several were killed. Eight hodies have been recovered from the ru. 11s thus far. j DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED even if yon have tried man emed ies for Jom Kidoey disease or Liv come plaint without snccess it is no reason why you should think your disorder ine le. The most intractable cases read. ilv yield to the potent virues of Kidney- Wort. Itisa yurely voagiabla which acts on ki bowels at the same time thus cleans es the whole system. Don’t wait but get a package to cure yourself tosday, ‘Breton sheep. It is too small to be very profitable to raise, for of course it cannot have mitch wool, and, as for eating, why, a hungry man could eat almost a whols one at a meal. It isso small when fall grown that it can hide behind a good- sized bucket. It takes its name from the part of France where it is most raised But, if not a profitable sheep, it is a dear little ereature for a pet, for it is very gen. tle and loving, and, because it is so small, ia not such a nuisanee about the house as was the celebrated lamb which belonged tos little girl named Mary. It would noed to be a very large little girl—a giant girl indeed —who could take an ordinary sheep in her lap and cuddle it there ; but any little girl conld find room in her lap for a Breton sheep, quite as easily as for one of those very ugly little dogs called by the ugly name of pug. One of this little creature’s peculiarities is its extreme with the feelings of its human friends, when it has been brought up sas pet in the house, and has learned to dis. tingnish between happiness and unhap-. piness. If any person whom it likes is very much pleased about anything, and shows it by laughing, the little sheep will frisk about with every sign of joy; but, if, on the contrary, the person, shed tears ‘the athetio friend will evincoits sor- row in an unmistakablo way. A kind word and a lo caress will also fill it with happiness, while a cross word or harsh gest ure will cause it evident dis tress. Sm WD GI Beware of Frauds.—Be sure you get the geno ne Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil. It 4“ “ i“ “" Groceries ? Bhoes ? Hats & Caps 7 | “ " i“ fe Clothing ? Queensware ? Glassware ? Woodware ? | How ARE YOU Trunks ? Batchels ? Hosiery ? Gloves ? Parasols 7 Musling ? Shirtings 7 Shirts ? oh “" fe i Neck-wear ? Oil Cloths ? Toweling ? Handkerchiefs? Embroideries ? Lace ? Window shades i“ Parson Newman is regarded as the most powerful preacher in New ¥ ork. He can break up any church in which he is a'lowed to lift up his voice, Should the parson get down into the lower regions and break up that institu- tion too, wont he get the belt over all others? - ili i San—— HOW TO GET WELL.—How to keep well and be strong and vigorous are questions of vital im- ortance, This i= answered and convincing proofs urnished in an [ustrated Pamphlet concerning the Howard Galvanic Shield, which gives saath ing, strengthening currents of Electricity snd wagnetism, It can be worn by sny one, night or day, at work or rest, and overcomes weakness or disease without drugging the stomach, Pamphlet sent free unsealed, Sealed 4 cents postage. Ad- dress, AMERICAN GALVANIC CO, No. 1103 Chestnut 8, Philadelphia, Fa. Linprim [FINEST AND BEST. | a] J. H. BYRNES, | 3 ‘HIva ¥ SAVE ainnsE "AX IUEIOAILOCOWN (THE MOST DURABLE MADE. | We carry the Best and Cheapest Line of BOY'83 FINE in the County. WIDTHS OF WAUKENPH SHOES, Most Comfortable Shoe Made. 0 MEN & SHOES TI 4 AUST ALL SIZES AND ENGLISH the lemember the place hoff Row, Bellefonte. E. GRAHAM & SON, rner Brocker- jundtf FARIDM. Tiverside, Cal. The dry climate cures BE en fall sion, 56 p., route, MARRIAGEZEIEE that tfnl earione or As and Wt binding 0 cin paper ‘Graide, 164 p Lie, sent Sen . WHITTIER »%% 5 Marriage. I ion and New Store NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! LOW PRICES! HARPER & KREAMER, Centre Hall, Have just opened in one of Largest and Best Rooms in the Valley, —A COMPLETE STOCK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWABE, O1L8 AND PAINTS, GLASSWARE, QUENNSWARE, GROCERIES COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, FISH BALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, EVERYTHING KEEPT IN A WELL REGULATED STORE. ALL NEW GOODS, We offer hargains unsurpassed in this COUNTY. COME AND BEE US, All kinds of Produce taken, and Highest Market Pricea Paid. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. at home is not always the best t we point y to the fact medicine won for itesif OF — DRESS GOODS, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The foll llowing latter Irom One of our bert. Interest to every sufferer Should be of Gronor ANDREW, overseer in the Lowel on his removal Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, cures colds, croup, usthma, deafoess and ® HARDWARE BLACKSMITH supplies, we would Heating Stoves, CROWNING GLORY, FORT ORA EA STOVES. cali your attention to our stock Cooks & Ranges; NCE, STLAKE AND WELCOME HOME. chant tailoring, at the Bee Hive. . a valuable farm, township, 2 miles southwest of Spring Mills, con HOUSE, a good SUMMER HOUSE, and all neces sary outbuildings ; » spring of never falling we ter, & large BANK BARN, and running water contains two Orchards and JAMES HANNA, Spring Mills, Pa the barnyard wil other kinds of fruils Tmaymn 1 am now prepared to| furnish my friends and | the public in general) with Groceries, Dry- Goods, Notions and all goods embraced in den- eral Merchandise at lower prices than ever offered before in Centre Hall. I pay Cash and sell for Cash, and there- fore claim 1 can do bet- ter for you than any one else is doing, Give me a trial. PRODUCE WANTED. SAW MILLS supplied with Provisions at special rates. Very truly, C. DINGES. A New Enterprise. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that a new nr L06 S R TESS JOHN A. GRENOBLE, (SPRING MILLS, PA, { Dealer it & Use Patent Iron Roofing, it outlasts | any building, and costs only a trifle { more than shingles, Call and see it, Everything in the line of COAL STOVESS & RANGER, PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST! TINWARE order, 12dec.y This jretitation ir located in one of the most bes atiful and besithy spots of the entire Alle gheuy region. ils open Ww both sexes, apd of fers Lhe following Courses of Binds Fuli Classical Course of Four Years. 3 A Full Latin sclestisie Course, A Fu fic Course of Four Years, The following SPRCIAL COURRES, of two Years each following the fired (wo years of AGRICULTURE. oy CHEMIBTRY CIVIL. ENGIXEER- i A A the Boientific Course (a {b) NATURAL HISTORY ; AXD FPHYBICS ING, A short EFECIAL COURSE IX AGRICUL, TURE € A short BPECIAL COURSE in Chemistry 7 A Classical and Scientific Preparstory Course. BPECIAL COURSES sare arranged to meet the watts of individoal stodenis, Military drill i required. Expenses for board anc incicenials very low. Tuition tree. Young lad es under charge of omapetent lady Principal, For Oatalogues, or other information, address GED W. ATHERTON, President, Slate Uoliege, Centre Uo, Pa. : iyusl® J. = DEUGS, CHEMICALS] PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, &e Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes aiwsys kept LLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, Beliefonte, Pa, Dealer In DRUGS Are evan 0 a a BEE-HIVE =0NE_PRICE STORES.» wee DRESS GOODS, ~~ SILKS, SHAWLS, | VELVETS, — WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, BRIBONS, LACES, coe DRESS TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, : MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, GENTS FURNISHINGS, wen enone {) commen: sone: EVERYTHING MARKED PLAIN FIGURES, Goldsmith Bros, BELLEFONTE, PA, nm) memes B,—~ ~Merchant Tailoring » Also sole Agents for the 1 IN—- N. Bpecialty. celebrated Jamestown Dress Goods. Steam Bending Shops. AT FARMERS MILLE, PA. All kinds of bendiog in wcod done on short notice, Orders filled for rims of ail sizes, and of best material ; bobsled run- pers, shafts, bent hounds, plow handles, pbaeton and buggy reaches. Send for price list. Orders by mail promptly at. tended to. All work guaranteed. lloot y J. B. REAM & SON. J F. PUTTER, Atworney-si~law Collections promtly meade and special attention given to those having lands or property tor sale, Wilidraw ad and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgas bonds &c. Bellefonte, Pa. OND VALENTINE, Buys and sells Real Estate on fair commission, Insures First-class Life Companies, - * Life and Accident Companion, Fire Companies, German, English and American, Combined © fad, $15,000,000, Office in Bush Arcade, over V entine’s stores, Bellefonte, Pa. ¥ ; - fond six cunts ‘or postage sof goods which will hey pou 10 more mw than anything sles in this wosid, All, saecesd from first bose. The opeas the workers, absolutely ones, TRUK & Co., Augusta, Muive. HA AR a nr ” MILLINER AND FANCY STORE has been opened, (two doors below Dine ges’ store,) in Cexrae Harr, where you will find a full and endless variety of fine FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, &e., &c, &o. Feeling that a new, desirable and fine line of the ahove goods is what has been wanted in this community I have come to supply the want, and respectfully ask all to come and examine my goods, NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY, and each time you call will have some- thing new to show youn. Spring Gooda now open io great variety, and more coming. DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. — a RE SRL REAYER SECTIONS AND REAPER SECTIONS AND REAPERS, REAPERS, And all kinds ot Farming Tools, RA KES, FORKS 80 ES, ROPE BLOCKS SPROUTS HAY FORKS, &ec. weeAS WELL AS ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, TO MEET THE DE. MANDS IN THIS LINE. JAS, HARRIS & CO, New Brockerhoff House. ROCKERHOFF HOUSE, #T,, BELLEFONTE, PA LLEGHENY G. G. MOMILLEN, Prop'r. SONFEUTIONERY wnd RATING BOUSE, st SEARFASY BOOMS Bush's block. Meals at all bours from early to late trains. Lunch without cof fee 10 ote, Lunch with coffee 15 cents Regular meals 25 cts, Oysters in all stye, Great Reduction AT BPRING MILLS, wsrasesaifl Bll kinds of ...oeeene WINTER GOODS, &e., &ec., &c such ss FLANNELS, OVERCOATS, eessessasiolothing, Hais, Caps,.oeneenee Boots, Bhoes All kinhs of DRESS GOODS, Kotiots, Hasiery, Gloves, cte,, ete. freuen in rups, Bogars...... Teas, Coffees. ote., GLASS, CHINA & QUEENS WARE. Also dealer in weGrain, Coal snd Plaster. 13febdm J. D. LONG, Sooccessor to Pealer & Long. UIVOL C13! . rnb Wd at y a EN. » 3 _— Ant. —— —~ Mt wot | RR She ox, — — ests HOME, pres Pau Rian a WIE SN woe wp Bas ~The a tren - Aa . ANPLETE ne EC B.. Free Buss to and from sll 16ap2m 8. AVILDA LONG. trains. Boecial rates to witnesses and jurors, Amy ee ao Phindel