THE CENTRE REPORTER. AN A ANN NN NI PP Centre Haun, PA, May 28, "84, Trrvs --$2 per year in advance. $2.00 when not in advance Advertisements Y teents por line lor three insertions. Qae colum per year $00} colum $45. Héreafler all subscribers paying their subscription in advafve, will got a credit of two months additional as a pre; mium on $2 in advance. cn ct mn A VISIT FAIR” OR * ™ WILL TO “THE BOTH PLEASE AND PAY YOU. ANY- THING NEW YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THERE FIRST. THIS 8PRING'S GOODS ARE ESPECIALLY FINE AND PRICES VERY LOW, COME AND SEE HOW IT IS YOURSELF. G. R. SPIGELMYER. SPRING MILLS, PENNA MAY 5, 1884. TO OUR “REPORTER” READERS: - Qur stock of Fans, Parasols, (including the Drown seamless,) White Goods sll over Embroideries, and Lace far excell in Style and Price. In Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles we lead all—Portierres and Turken® Cross- stripes. Please call when in town, we are positive you will go away pleased. D. GARMAN & SON, BUSH'S ARCADE. Bellefonte, May, 1884, "LOCAL ITEMS, Reporter for the campaign 10¢ per m’th Black walnut curiain poles at 65 cents at the Bee Hive. Not imitators bat originatore—Valen- tines Store Co , Lim. —New styles hats and geats’ furnish. ing goods at the Bee Hive, — Rain on Tuesday. — Potter school board meets Monday, June 2, for audit. See ady. -—J. 8, Krape will have sale at Spring Mills, June 7. ——W. Garberick, of near Bellefonte, and 8S. M. Long, of Farmers Mills favored our sanctum with a call, Mr. W. Runkle, of Tasseyville. —Ye editor dispatched a 6 ft. black snake on Saturday while out trouting, — Mrs. Geiss, a few doors below the Rerorter office, displays a blooming cac- tus which is hard to beat for beauty. «Mr. John Snyder had a horse die of cholic, on Tuesday night. ~——Thursday, Friday and Sitarday of last week were warm and altogether like summer, ~Cul. Jaoob Wolf, of Millheim, far vored our sanctum with a call aod pleas- ant chat, — Mrs. Stawer, wife of George W, Sto» ver, of Millheim, died on last Batarday night, alter a lingering illness, She was a daoghter of John Harper of near this place ~Bamuel Weiser, one of Millheim's oid 444 respected citizens, gave us a call to day. ~—Chas, Smith and ex-sheriff Lingle, of Bellefonte, gave the “Reporter” a call, ——You can always filod what will sait and please you in style and price, in the line of boots and shoes, at A, C. Min- gle’s, ~The first quarterly meeting of th M. E. Church will be held at Spring Mills, May 31 ; quarterly conference st 2 p. m. Preaching on Saturday evening and Sabbath morning by Rev. J. H. Mec- Garrah, Ayer's Barsaparilla has such concen- trated, curative power, that it is } far the best, cheapest, and surest b . purifier known, ~The Moyer sawmill, on the tract purchased from the Huston estate, east of our town, turns out 200 railroad ties ¥ day. The Moyers are from *old 8.” ~—A three-year-old daoghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer, of Bellefonte, was struck on the head by a heavy stone, rolled down a declivity by some reckless boys, on Sunday, 18, and died a few mia- utes afterward. ~ Dr. Lee, of Madisonburg, spent an hour in pleasant chat with the “Repor- ter,” the other day. The Dr. has a lu- erative practice down there, ~The railroad will be pushed right shead and within 60 days the rails will be laid to Lemont. From Lemont to Bellefonte the work may not proceed quite so rapidly, though we do not see why it [should] not—with about half dozen contractors on about’eight or nine miles it should take very little time to complete that part of the line. ~—After trying all other places, pec- ple generally go back to A. C, Mingle, in the Brockerhoff house block, for their boots and shoes. He always keeps the largest assortment and the best and cheapest goods. Try it yourself, reader. Clothing lower than cost to close out, at Valentines Store Co,, Lim, a D.F. Las, of | is ce, has gotten up an improv nt, the chief Toon of win is Nmpliaey ‘com bined witbjutility, ~0. W. Woodling, of Rebersburg, late clerk of Wolf & Son, sported a day in Centre Hall, last week, and_gave the “Reporter” a call, we Ladi if you want latest style shoes, the only place that keeps ‘em is Mingle's, in the Brockerhoff house block, ~A steam sawmill is being put up on the Kerlin tract of woodlap] on the south gids of the valley. Almost every timber tract of any value, in this . has a steam sawmill, and the noble pine and sturdy oak are fast disppearin . At the present rate twenty years hence fare will be little or no goodftimber left in the valley. For choice A No. 1 dry-goods and ceries go to Valentines Store; Con on MEMORIAL DAY, The G. A. R. Post, No. 282, consisting of comrades of Centre Hall and vicinity, Potters Mills, Spring Mills and the Un- ion, have decided upon the following program for Decoration day, 30 inst, viz: I'he entire post to meet at the Union at 8 o'clock a. m. where it will be joined by Farmers Mills’ drum corps and cornet band, Afier memorial services there, they will proceed to Spring Mills—servi~ ces at 10 a. m. After dinner leave for Georges Valley and decorate at one o'- clock, after which the Post will go to Potters ‘Mills, where it will be joined by the Loop cornet band and march to the Sprucetown cemetery-—services at 2 p. m. The Post will then leave for Centre Ha!l where it will be met by the Linden Hall cornet band —strewing of lowers at 5 p. m. Speakers for all the places have been engaced. All ministers, Sunday Schools, citizens, and all soldiers wheth- er members of the Post or not, are ecordi- ally and enrnestly invited to participate, CoMMITTEE At a meeting relative to memor:al day held in the Post room, Tharaday even- ing, Mr. M. Derstine was elected chair man and W. A. Jacobs, secretary. All ladies of Contre Hall and vicinity were appointed by the chairman as a commit« tee to furnish spruce, flowers, ete. Mr. Derstine was elected chairman of the cominittes. The building back of Hen ney’s coach shops was selected as the place in which to make wreaths, etc. All decorating material to be taken to Wits mer’'s grove and be in readiness by 5 o’- clock p. m. ty - ve — Viewers were out on Tuesday sur. veying damages for right-of-way in Gregg twp. It is to be regretted that there shoald occasionally appear de mands that are porely unreasonable in a matter for the interests of all our peo- ple, where & portion bears the burdens for the common benefit and to have it made heavier fur them by unreasonable demands from sach as dy pothing yet share all the benefits of a public im- provement, ~The lecture of Rev, Hector, color- ¢J, in the M. E. church, Moodsy even- ing, was attended by a fair honse. His lecture was devoted to incidents in bis own life from childhood, together with experiences in the late war, Bev, Hector ks with ease, and is highly amusing Droanhou’—wit and sparks of eloquence called forth frequent bursts of applanse from bis andience. He is lectoriog for the benefit of the G. A. R. —(Goldsmith Brothers, of the Bee Hive Stores, will demonstrate their pa- triotism by closing on Memorial Day, giving their numerous employes a holi- day. In this they show a commendable degree of public spirit and deserve credit for their bold and decided decision with others will do. —James Gilliland, one of the lead- ing citizena of Collage twp, favorad us with a call Valentires Store Co., Lim, never had better assortment of straw hata, Rev. A. A. Kerlin, pastor of the Water gregations for more than three years, drove, principally in pastoral work, from April 1,83 to April 1, "84, 3.246 miles; reached 150 sermons; calechised and Fg at prayer meetings nearly every Weduesday evening, and made 409 calls and visits, and did net miss one appoint- meot on account of health or weather, Hammocks— Valentines Store Co, Lim Jerseyr, Jerseys, Jerseys, for ladies snd misses, at Valentines Store Co,, Li sss A A GEORGE'S VALLEY BITES, Farmers done plantiog corn, sad it ia comiog up since the rain. George Geotzel's barn was raised on Friday, on the southeast end of his farm. Bamuel Harter's house is under roof on his George's valley farm; he also intends putting up & barn. Carpealers n work for El: Smith's (new house on his farm. D. Baney gave a magic lantern exhibition here {mt week of Bible scenes, A horse died for Wm. Ripka on Sanday morning—sick but a short Ume, J. Barger has a self feed lath machine on Grove & Wolf's mill ; cuts three at a time, G. Ee —— LINDEN BEALL CHIPS Our folks are getting ready for decorstion day; some intend to go fo Boalsburg, othem to Cen tre Hall ; wonder if they will forget the velorane who sleep in the Linden Hall cemetery? The house for Wm. Alexander is rapidly going up and will be ready for the plasterers in & week. We bave gypsies visiting us this week: some of our young ladies were anxious to know the size, com- plexion and wealth of thelr future husbands and ve them a oall—consequently they are happy. Ve noticed the danger flag ou our railroad a few days ago, next saw a retired merchant going down the track at the rate of about & mils a min. ute to switch off the workmen who were about tn change the course of the creek flowing above the railroad fses, Greal threats were made but we are alnd there was no collision, The engineers are at work about 2 miles west of here. For fan. cy work go to Major Huse, boot snd shoe maker, We have now one of the best dr} goods stares in the valley, managed by Alexander & Keller: their trade is increasing daily: wonder If the smiles of the junior partner are the cause of it? Are we to haves ih of July celebration? Don't all speak at once. Max, 100 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale 100 choice town lots, near the railroad, at Centre Hall, These lots will be sold at very low figures. For further particulars and plan of lots apply to J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. ous Horrer, Zaprim Bellefonte, Pa. LOOK HERE! Have on hand and offer for sale, at Faruens Miia, Choice Western Corn, Mixed Chop. Family Flour, B0apbt J. B, Fisngs, Cextae Haun Mear Marger.~The Centre Hall Meat-market having a re. frigerator families can at all times be supplied with fresh meats, of best quali- ty, also bologna sansage. Next door to holel ; open day and evening. limay tf Hexry Boozer, Having employed an experienced wood-worker I am now prepared te do all kinds of wood-work as well as paint. ing and trimming, on short notice, and at prices to suit the times, l14maydt J. T. Lez, 62 LIVES LOST, Bt, Johne, N, F., May 23,~~The French brig Senorine, with fifty-three passen and nine crow, sunk to the east of Great Banks and all perished. She left 8t. Malo, France, on March 5, ladened with a general Baint , bound for irre, andfaiocambed to the gle on the y. Ls sm A a————— Louisiana had damaging floods from rains last week, YW REABURER'S BALE OF UN BEATED LANDS for taxes fora 7, 1882 and 1888 and previous YOars ~ | 50 Totice is hereby given that in persu 40 ance of un Act of Assembly passed on ia 0 the 12th day Juno, A. D., 1515, etitledijoo “An act to mmend an act, directingl4n the mode of selling unseated lands inlay o Centre county,” and the several supe plements thereto, there will be ex-l4 a posed at public sale or outcry, theid 4 following tracts of unseated lands injz 0 sald county for the taxes due and un-{20 paid thereon, at the Court House, inf1io the borough of Bellefonte, on Mon {318 day, June ith, A, D. 1884, at one 0-44 clock p,m. ‘2 18 1n Acres, Per. Warran tee name, Benner Twp. Holme, Robert Dale, Christ (owner)...... Bogus Twp. x Dale. Ann part... 355 183 Frazier, Nolbroa... Hannah Fishburn 3 Win Gray... . 7 Martha Godfrey... Jouathan Iarvey Wm Hood ash Ba 10 Moses Hood............. JM Lucas a J § Pac David lewis... Frank Moos Li Packer and Lucas......... 81 Wm Russel anus 163 Thomas Russel............. Juno Walker, owner... Jacob Leathers, owner. 153 168 Michael, Welss......... Bornside Twp. James Black 4 Robt Brady..... 168 Wm P Brady... 163 John Brady.... 33 168 Wm Bell... ....... 38 153 Wm Blagham.... A John HBayd 443 163 John Byers E188 Wan Cook " 33 168 John Cowdon... i 163 Wm Dewart 43 143 John Dewart § 168 H ; Donelly 55 168 John DONE ..eersersrsresen 33 168 Bam'l M FOX. cine 33 163 RODOTE GAY ...rvcrrs senses $4 L623 Wm Gray ashton 23 162 Thomas Grant a_=ns 168 AleX Oraves..... coon 3 163 Gharles Goben i 163 Thos Hamilton Henry Harris 63 Geo Harrison... 63 Jolin Housel ansadains 53 Porson Hank... mee 45 i itt 24 001423 )( 48 6611040 #0 an i46l ker $i a John Ki Nathaul 8 163 Johti LIOR... ionecrinns 158 Blair MeLanahan... A3 15 George Melanahan 3 155 Polly MelLanshan 3 158 Ann McLanahan........ 3 19 Geo Mead Wm Miller... 13 163 Joseph Morris . wh 8 15 John Nicholson.......... 3 i 158 And Pettit % 163 Henry Shaffer Sarah M Ta 152 Francis Tes el Levi rs i Joseph 3 168 Jose 415 1 tilt ps Pee Johnston... ‘ Cartin Twp. Robert Alnsl Chas Allen He FBR 425 1 ey a i> ry Wm " i AGE DE EY di ht Sh ¥ Henry ag -d ad &od TR - ) Martha Godfrey 14lohn W Godfrey Peter Hahn Pusan Hahn. a Ed Hollowell 142 bos Humphery 28 Jami !vvine BY Joseph Kelso #44 RBobeors Kelso........... $0 Joseph Kelso... x et - * w oo El a 7, nl - =i SR BY M Cott Tet i, 08 BEEN al PUBLIC BALE —At the Korman, dec’d, in Gregg twp, on Saturday. June 14 w horse, 2 shoals, top bug KY, springwagon, sleigh. running gears of abugsr, side-hill plow, patent reaper-knife grinder, one good double barreled rifle, one welch, and howe hold farniture. Cook stove, roan stove, and oth or articles. Sale atl when tersas will 1 mdas known, 1. GARBER K, LONG, Bamne! lefts! Executions Ext TORS NOTICE ~Letters testamentary oo gpon the estate of George Korman deceasad, late of Gregg twp, having been law ful iy ated the undersigned they wowld respect. fully request all persons knowing themselves i be indebted to the estate to make immediate par. ment and those having claims sgaitet the same Wo present the same duly authentioated for settio. ment, WASH. GARBERICK, Bellefonte, PEmayit 8. M. LONG, Executors, Farmers Mills, POTTER BCHOOL BOARD ~The director of the Potier sohiool distyior wii] meet at Old Fort, Monday, m.. 10 examine Treasurer's accosst and sttend io such business as pay be presented. All pefsons interested are requested to attend. ¢ Townehip Auditors will meet at 1 o'clock p. m., to audit the account ; and the directors elect to organise new board. J. A. KELLER, W. A. Kuan, Sec, President, ’ Ww ART 8 M. ABSEMBLY, We are authorized to announce that B. ¥. Han. tor, of Benner township, is a candidate for Asser: bly, subject to Democratic usages, TREASURER. We are anthorized to announce that Charles Smith, of Bellefonte, Is a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to Democratic usages, PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce jthat Wm. | Mingle, of Potter, is a candidate for Prothonotars ’ subject to Democratic usagos, : We are authorized to announce that BR. G. Brett of Ferguson, is a candidate for Prothonotary, sub ject 0 Democratic usegos, SHERIFYP, We are suthorised 10 announce that George Hoffer, of Boalsbuty, is a candidate for Sheriff sub. Jott to Democratic UMRG OS Nei i authotied o ahnpungethas b. M. Neid. Swan yor , it a cand for8her pdr : Democratic sagen. yy We are authorised to announce that Miles Walker, of Ferguson township, is a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Democratic usages. COMMISSIONER, We are authorized to announce that A. J. Greist, of Unionville, is a sandidate for Commissioner, sul to Democratic usages, THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, 07 Jo PELIER, ic uONT. noorporated in 1848, Assets, $3,000,000 ; Surplus $1000 sold on ‘early RD thin bonds are pa to holder at the Spa rus Cu Le cif of hy ect } , ANY yearaf. tar the on thelr surrender. For ANA in cali R. ut yldrett MOENALLY : Mc A id Offlos, one door North oF Pont Offtee Petts tonte, Penn's. Zima: a A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BOSTON, NARS AD Chartered in 1835 Jmsets, Decersber a, 1883—-416.901, 943.00 Polteis non-forfeitable Dividends ssnually oeanas of tho cond Autiual phimnent. ‘At at of the Cash V ne and aap tn o' very year, made a 4 8 ’ hl oe fixed Mary la lane Jahn Heady Win P Mra ¥ i parsh Lane. Nathaniel Levi Caleb LOWHER.....coveieieiis 1mac Longstieth..... Cale Lowns Isnne Longstr John 8 Mason lohn MeCauley Philip Meyer Blmon Mevyer............ Michael {hii . Valentine Meyer, James Miller... coon 2 Wm BMitchell Wm FP Mitchel! Wim FP Mitchell, John P Mitcholl........ Royer Mevers.......... SEIS 1. Ovin....occinneres « 8664 J W Packer....... - { XY PRCREY. .csviviicrinnsinn J W Packer J W Packer... Ceo Ci lhon James rot . Win Coop 4h Holt ( ray. Thos Tira Wim bap Alex | Jorem ah Goo Kitts Anron Lev Fuypul No Jereminh ¥ Wm l'arks Win Fed Thomas =r Haina Sex Samuel Sev Hober John Uripy Henry Tol . Ng Cline Quigley... N.... . Peter Emith | Richard Tuuls......... Richard Tanis., JRCob Waln.......oi.conninns Fishburn Wharton......... 85 Fishburn Wharton....... . 35 5 Willls...... Casper Wistar, .... Lames White Jonathan Willis Wm Yardley Moore Wh Penn Twig lames Arg i 10 John Cow } 19 John Cow Thoms James Hey } 81 James Hep Jonathan James #6 And Fenn x1 1} hit { tT Win Barchfleld Abram Hicks shana Peacock Thomas, owaer., | Twp. Rob ASKIR....cooinasnpnnes Jacob Mozely John Mercer Dautel Heese SARA San Michael Zeigler... A Custer's ost, owner Haines Tw M "Potter 1 wp | Mary Bo Win Wn ¥ iy 1AVH Goo » John {ilman RBpring ’ Chas Hall J "i } Mary Links... fowery .... Wm Parker Rpow Bho And Bra 143 Wm B I Belix (300 iE ry Jacob Kefth Josiah Lamburn Jaco Vanpool, owner Vaupool, owner In mvia AY Ca 0, Harris Twp, Aly And Fox... Wm Harrison fad 1] Mamuel Yo ward T +1 Ry ie w JGR 'p. Wl Jonathan Will Huston Twp. fa ames Barter iy ta and Ba Kilmvid M Chris Roh Wm T rer ie ~Irish point and Oriental laces, Jam received, at the Bee Hive. pron 8Al ¥ T -Will be sold at sssevvyille lowing prog ate of Polier ty hooting inder how pond gard 14d ister wd Goods edd sleads and bedding r, books, clock, bureas, carpet, tables ing. cook stove, 10-plate stove, tubs wks, and many other articles of house and kitchen furniture N. B~Persons having claims again (he ortate will please present same on day of sale JOHN DANIELS, Executor, THE OLD STAND!!! AT CENTRE HALL, To the Front with Seasonable Goods. Oar SPRING Sapplies are NOW IN and we would be pleased to have yon Call and Examine, OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Cannot be beat in Quality and Prices, especially in Domestics. We know we can do you good in SHIRTINGS, MUSLINGE, TICKS, GINGHAMS, &e., &e. A HOST OF BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, FLANELS, &c., PRINTS, &e. A SPLENDID LINE OF Cloths and Cachimeres. Our SUMMER Supply of j MEN'S AND BOY® BOOTS & SHOES, | CHILDREN'S SHOES, { with a full and complete line of LADIE'S WEAR now in and ready for examination. Cheap ! Oheap | GROCERIES, FRESH AND PURE, ALWAYS on band, at prices which will compete with any other house for the same qnality and style of a. CALL EARLY TO SEE OUR GOODS, WM. WOLF & SON, A OTICE OF APPEALS. —Appoais will be heid N for the several Kwa shipy and he tr he in the Commissioners’ Office, Bellefonte, ween the hours of 10 o'clock a, m. and § o'clock Ph oh for the towns It s us townships of . Taylan Worthe Hutton: Utter: an thr operas: of Phill Unionville and Mileshurg \ , June 3-for the townships of Burnside, Boow How Curtin, Liberty, Mari- on, Walker of Howand, Wednesday, June 4—for the townships of Miles and the of Penn, Gregg, Potter ir oh iy Jane Sef i oounty purposes, i Assonsors with roqiestad be Promat othe day of prong garb JOHN WOLF, ou Sh AJ G Peun's. ery Mey we of premium, MA 4 Las & ih Bt, Philad, Ofioe, 606 of Post v 3 Wines Waker, Clgtk, i 190 aban | 452 1% Rebecca Waln..... Wakssivitiivios i ) Arasnsanins i 158 Moore Wharton... 144 168 Elizabeth Wharton 43 163 Thos F Wharton... | 450 158 Francis West 475 1580 Benj Weat....... . 4 { 432 158 Wim H West........ u hers, rr. L.. r “4 49 Rash Twp, y FLOM ci ssnesinn James Allison. Aud Allison... .... A Allison & J LAY ‘arke BE sui ane ABIL... nith.. 40 164 10 10 Richard Atherum... James Alllson,........ Jos Bauman. Jos Bauman ae 3 David Beverage, Wh ops anisne Me. ioiriri ir insnnee pert... | PP ned - 3 John Cunningham, VERET ..ovnvsse : Geo Clymer... arton Gog Campbell Laan ¥ RELPORE. oo ivan TO ) fon 3 Daniel Ehler......... 8 Dan Fitegerald ; John Funk hbibay Thos Fitzsimmons, Sabastinn Graf! } Babastian Graff » Thos Grant... } Thos Grant Wm Gary das Gleutworth., urn rn £41 Robt Gray 3 Christian Halr....... 4 € hr wf ¥ i David Hair . s Thos Hamilton, } Hugh Hamilon.. 4 John Hand John Harrison... Jus Harrison..... 53 Hugh Hamilton, Goo M Hartline. ; 163 John Hopkins i John Huber . ‘ hristopher Hager Min Harrison we Bott Irvin WOT 155 Rot Irvine Robt King. 2 10 James Karr } 163 Geo Littimore » 163 Wm G Littimore 153 Christian Lenbore OW nes 106 John Lowden Litney, ow'er 3 e Twp. ra . AR Long ELAR oie wus ' Richard Lowden 153 Jacob Metggar..... 2 Leslie Malone » } 162 Edwdar Maeystown Wm McPherson. 53 JRO Meyers... ant er i shld arscadden 163 Jacob Miler i Marthe McoCounell 158 Geo Mead... of 1 BR Nissen dobin Musser Geo Musser (smith) Elen Nelson... 2 David Old 8 Joseph Pim Hugh Patton 3 Richard Peters Henry Pinkerton... 1Hardman Phijlig BéiHardman Phils 64 - : rEeE.. ' jaHeury BEE aamaans 150George Pim... FOKobhert Rainey... } 108Thos Res FoF de BO Gna? SJacob Rudisil Rush. ——— Hush 3% 14 §7dncod $ 158 Bani, Wm i Wm i CUnsper Behalper 38 168 Andrew Shenk. 13 153Christian Bhenk. 168Michasl Shenk. 18Jscob Bleek 168 Robert Speer..... And Scoit...... Ed French, owr W H Corkendal 44Jobn Weidmeas. AA oes 402 119sscoh Weildmeti 180 50 AM. oC Williams. 7 108 John Wihson...... 14 dokin Wilson, gay Wi Wilson... .. 203 422 162Wuw Wilson cee. 154 65 812 106John Witmer... 26 (0 $06 100Wm Wilson Taylor Twp. Armer & Shaffer... 18 30 Clement Beckwith 77 0 Won Bell............ 3208 James Bush......... 64 90 Joseph Clark... 610 Moses Coates...... 21 45 877 “0 0 25 0% i } B7 150 } of 433 16381z¢'th Heodman 434 Hugh Bamilion... 424 168John Hooproan... 67 lot Ne 14, C V, Jus YVanpool ..... 86Lot No 11, C V, Jas Vanpool ..... 7 H1Lot No 16, CV A, Stephenson est... Lot No 16 C V, Henry Stephen. BOD cusiis suserses i Thos Madson | 4513 ww Montgomery {106 David Kelston... i 45% 2680no M'Commond 50 Barbara Bnyder... 03 C Vanpool 50 Jacob Vanpool... py tieh'd 'W hitehend 0 John Welle 60 Jos Yoder... coves Union Twp. 150 Wm Brower 200 PR Eahn. noe coe 160 140Hurvey Munn... F100 Bam'l Phipps 0 H Thomas, owner | 883 P B Crider & Bon 438 168 Wm Wister...... Walker Twp. 94Robt Askin John Baker 337 164 Robt & Jno Baker | 2412 Sam’! Barkman... 126 120 Ruth Brooks...... | 300 Wm Brady... 5 | 270 120M ary Curvier..... i 115 118Marg’t Dougherty 272 | 179 110E1iz’th Dougherty 4 2 6 20Jesse Evans... 168 100 80Jesse Evans... 240 92 26Wm Eckert... 211 78Peter Habn 2% 47Ebeneezer Hahn... 65 40Wm Hsbn.......... 85 1219 30Margaret James... 51215 166Edward James... 59 40David Jobneon.... 181 John Knox... 660 Mary McEwen. 33284 857 190Wm Mansel... 758 90 ¢4John Mercer........ 215 8271 100David Mercer...... 753 #84 55Wm Miller,...... 92 Thos McCalmont. 102 44Capt Osman... .... 604 $0J ob Packer........ 205 James Packer ..... 215 Richard Purdon... David Reed ........ Riek'd Robison... Jhon and Henry Bh esssse cones 201 153 James Butler... B82 B6Daniel Butler... 5 Wm Swanzy.... 80 Amos Wieker. DRI asus ssssnsn Worth Tw Henry Ciymer...... JB Gray... 27 Thos Hawiborn... 188§ ° John Kubin...) 40 94 Geo Lawman... 826) Jasper Maylan... Bam’'l Miles......... Widow Morris... John Roes....e..t Jno Bwanswich.,, Jobn Binger........ 184 Wm J Shippen... 15 22 laird Jonstban, CAPBOE voces siemens A Laird, owner... Unknown, vacant Jee Vanpool, ow'r Wm Wister.o. ! Daniel Wiser... 2 ¢ D. C. KELLER, Treasurer, 412 63 889 450 70 4% 2200 5 fh 85 9 1600 56 2 26 45 R 46 6 10 44 20 ” 60 11 08 i hs add i 100 2 80 40 { ag» eae © # ft id 1 ] . - 31 16 ] 64 61 HERS B82 64 1920 2226 - 1990 06 45 1% 68 87 ki 656 8 28 BR h it 8 ot gO gd 1 5 os b dn @ 1 po Ran 142 1 198 ig & 79 - 166 B81 -~ 48 87 -~ 49 87 - 40 87 “8 28 116 20 25 18 TT 3708 16 88 - 0602 r e, BEE-HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. ee DRESS GOODS, —e SILKS, SHAWLS, VELVETS, eee WHITE GOODS, een NOTIONS, RIBONS, : LACES, cme DRESS TRIMMINGS, —e CARPETS, : MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS, wee GENTS FURNISHINGS, woe ants EVERYTHING MARKED PLAIN FIGURES, (Goldsmith Bros, BELLEFONTE, PA, sm inn N. By~-Merchant Tailoring a Specialty, Also sole Agents for the celebrated Jamestown Dress Goods, IN ERCOND-HAXD ENGINES FOR SALE ! ONE 40 HORSE POWER, T™WO in ONE 18 “ &“ oe THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. Will be sold Cheap at the BELLEFONTE FOUNDRY a MACHINE SHOPS, 23ap t! WM. P. DUNCAN & CO, A CHANCE FOR DUSINESS The undersigned offers extra inducemnts to pen sons wishing to operdte in lime burning or quar rying building stones. He has the best gualit lime stone forall nITDORES, analysed and tested, righton the L 4 T. Rajirond. Also quarries of the Inrgest and 1800: beautiful Hime stone for buildd purposes, also cement stone monnoed fir iciass by the anhkirser. Ground will be wold or {lenses given, to sult ope For further partio ulars call on C.J. BTAMM, 2iaprim Linden Hall, Pa. XECUTOR'® NOTICE —Letters testamentary upon the estate of Catharine Lelghty, inte of Potter twp. dec’d, having been law ally granted io the undersigned he would respectfally ue AR perstd knowing themselves to be ir. to the estate to make immediate Jopament and those having claims against the same ME sent the same duly suthentionted for settlen Z3apt JOHN DANIELS, Execulc BARGAINS | BARGAINS | IN BOOTS, — SHOES — & — HATS, Tbe best amoriment of BOOTS SHOES & HATS, that was ever brought to this part of the county, Come and look at our stock—no trouble to show goods. BUTTER and will be taken xchange haraaRier. CS il be links 3 buying JOHN MULLEN, 23uprly CENTRE HALL, PA. OHN KLIN J ATTORNEY-ATLAW, BELLEFOXTE, Pa, second floor of building north of Court House, consulted in English or «Ps Office In Ponns Vv, Dani fata Jane: Ta ae am JE Purposes only.