i THE CENTRE REPORTER FRED KURTZ, ... Editor. CeNTRE HALL, PA., May 14, '84 The Grant failure looks worse every day. ees cid tain drm Constantinople, May 11.—Madhat Pa- gha died to-day from the effects of car- buncles. - wo ® ol A MILLIONAIRE CLEAVES THE AIR, Dayton, Ohio, May S.—William K. Vanderbilt, the railroad king, passed throogh here to-day en route for Cincin~ pati, in a speci coach, making the fast- est time on record. The train came from Lima to this city, a distance of 74 miles, in sixty-six minutes and from here to Hamilton, a distance of 35 miles, in thir ty~six minutes. The train made the trip trom Detroit to Cincinnati, a distance of 9263 miles, in five hours and thirty-nine minutes, an average of fifty and seven tenths miles an hour, It is estimated that in some places the train travelled a mile in from forty-eight to fifty-two sec- nds, BEPLY Mr. Ex 3 scopyolf il 11, in which the piy from Mr. C. | of March 12, & through its co facts without ip TO PENN TWP. AFFAIRS Last week end handed me “Democratic Watchman” of April a fri r. Alexander had done so and the facts 1 would have been well satis i y misrepresented re not correct, 1 ir columns to refute place relative to the turday prior to tl lection, Mr. that 1 it rivilege in y In the first to order, wh cled who wou na Ar y Mr things his own way fx tion Del ler want Alexan 1€ >t that & notion WAS made that 5 s hhotise fron re¢lec hh at pul ¥ ould return ! fur so do og Mr. Alexander does not be everybody knows it is not x OG Sen But Mr. Alexa get the above predicament by adu £ LORS iF We 08 PE i x hich had been ley oon wit of he did a » « silstor’s percentage on two or three hun lars hoe ian was needed. 1 did make motion and it carried unanimously by full board, but he does not bv thar oi ne tion of myself said resolution was reconsidered and that before the d aie was completed I on ly wanted a tax of 3} mills and that it was finsl- ly decided to levy & tax of 1}¢ mills for hoot purposes and 2% mills for building purposes ; 1p tal 4 mills, Now I frankly sdmit the board made a mistake in levying Cg mills for building purpo- sex, not that it would have Jett an overplus of two or three hundred dollars as Mr, ‘Alexander thought, but because that while the law aliows 13 mills to be levied for school and 13 mills for build. ing purposes it at another place declares that the building tax shall not exceed in mmount the an- nual school lAX in any one year, Which latter pro- vision 1 had overlooked when the building tax was levied ; and the collection thereof was aban doned by advice of counsel, because that while the majority of the tax-payers would have paid the tax a few of the grumblers would have refus- ed and could not have been compelled to pay it But if it was right to have an overplus in the treasury of $179.5 June, 1476, after deducting un- paid orders of same year, and of $19.25 after tak- ing $40 f ve directors” salary, in June 1877: and in June, 1578 of $305.94, while ir, Alexander was in office and no new school houses erected. and when Mr. Alexander could approximately Ascer. tain the annual cost of running the schools, wh is it wrong now whet other persons are fn oie, when a new house was built aad s suitable lot for & school site had to be taken and condemned br the board of directors, and when the board conld not exactly Getermine the cost for said pur at the time the tax was levied if by chance thete would be an overplus of $150 in the treasury by 3 not that much if the board had decided to oir patent desks in the new house as | desired th . to do and as should have been done from the vr that they are Shonpet in the end, much mor fact fortable for the children and the townahiy bs well afford it since it had only 13% mille ig school tax for the Inst three years and p banat tax. Had Mr. Alexander examined th i ihe and informed himself of the real fact, er ng 80 Ins ol : - . . ng a much bis folly would not ‘save been so Relative to the futerest on Mr. note fer Mr. Alexander and the A iesary A ie wis and Sutestuqhs 11 office, : eiative to the order No. 58 fo » Qirectors I inquired into the de a Shlairy wry iy seked the director to whom the order w Redial- able, aud he thought he never er salary, and yet the record ho yy or paid ( at or at least the $40 were taken out of i ee As to Mr. Alexander opposing t Be minutes do not show & os ote, ition ot the directors told me there was none Noith " does the record show that the mone wis afte; na refunded, but who got it seems to be « to Whether or not that boned understood adaition. division and silence an Impartial public may de elds, Relative to my immense pe 1 have only this to say, thal Tibia 3 And eden had offered tickets 10 citizens of Miles Pes d 6 townships to vote at the Penn townshi election, sud had offered to swear that the iD # person for 24 or 25 years when that Tn only between 21 and 22 years old a voted on age, my larity would have been more oh ESO SOME BEASTS OF REPROACH. In Scotland they call them ‘*‘bawkie birds,” things of ill omen, and over nlarge part of rural England they are supposed to bo blood-suckers and in league with the things of another world But public opinion has been against them from the first. At the creation, so they say, the bat affected (as did the ostrich) to be neither beast nor bird, in the hope of es- caping the task which Allah was appor- tioning to all, but was punished by being told that all the day and all the night were already distributed, and that it must make shift for itself as it could with those hours whicli were neither the one nor theother. The Mosaic law pronounced the bat ‘“the fowl that creeps going on all fours,” an abomination and the rabbis carried on the national prejudice. In Egypt, mean- while, it had attracted attention, been adopted in the menagerie of worship, and solemnly dedicated to Darkness. Rome and Greece took their bat from Egypt, and wo find the bat drawing the ear of Nox through the sky and transformation into the bat one of the gloomiest penal- ties within the imagination of the myth- maker, Here and there, however, it is redeemed from opprobrium, ss by the Moslem legend of Isa makirg 8 bat, “Khopash,” out of clay and endowing it with life, so that it might coms and tell him in his seclusion among the mountains when the sunset hour for the suspension of the Ramazan fast approached So to- day wo find this useful little snimal, a mouse on wings, regarded by a majority of mankind with apprehension and dis- like. Its appearance when seated is cer- tainly against it; but on the wingit is the very incarnation of buoyant hsppiness. Under the inquiries of science iw amaz- ing sensitiveness to touch, amounting in- deed almost to the possession of a new sense, has been the admiration of natur- alists, while its extraordinary suspension of life for part of the year (differng alto- gether in character and degreo from the hybernation of dormice and bears) ranks certainly among the wonders of nature, gratitude due to a creature that bos ven- tured upon such originality in the matter of nose? It is horn-nosed and lesf-nased, sometimes it wears a crest on the top of mimio horseshoe ; but always fantastic and unexpected. It is the very orchid of Loses. How Are oh i i * Boots & Bhoes ? Hats & Caps ? | Clothing ? | Queensware ? “ Groceries ? | Glassware ? Woodware ? | Tow Prices ? How ARE YOU « Trunks ? | o Satchels ? Hosiery ? Gloves 7 Perasols 7 Maslins 7 Shirtiogs ? Shirts 7 ff for Collars & Cuffs? Neck Oil Cloths ? Toweling ? Handkerchiefs? Embroideries? Lacs ? wear 7 Window shades A PROMINENT MAN END3 HIS SUFFERINGS BY SUICIDE. Westficld, Tioga Co., Pa, May 10.— Butler B. Strang committed suicide at his residence in this place at half-past six o'- clock this morning. He has been io fee ble health for a long time, gnd in the ab- sence of other moving ned the act is attributable to despondency growing out of the misery aud suffering that hina been cansed by his chronic ailment, The act was committed in the presence of bis | wife and son. He had just risen from | bed, and with no warning as to his puor- | poss went to the bureau drawer, took therefrom a loaded revolver, and placing it at his head fired. The bullet passed | through his brain and death wes instau- taneous. Mr. Strang was a prominent Republi- can polit cian, a state senator and at one time speaker of the house at Harrisburg, HOW TO GET WELL.—~How to keep well and be strong aud vigorous are quest f vit sortance. This is answered a HARDWARE BLACKSMITH supplies, we would Heating Stoves, STOVES. BUILDERS & call your attention to our stock Coolis & Ranges, CROWNING GLORY, FORT ND WELCOME HOME, IONEER ridshed in an IHustrated § the Howard Galvanic id ing, ugthening « Kagnetism. 1% can be Ww day, at work ar r { disease withou ping the seul free Nnsen “ “ 4¢ dress, MERICAN GALVAN Chestnut 8s, Philadelphia, Pa How Watch Cases are Made. hy fae de sire rrents eit a gold watch case, and yet few people know ference in thequality of them. InaSoLiD sary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of the wetal is needed only to stiffen and hold the engraved por- tions in place, and supply strength The surplus is not only needless, but un.os.ra- ble, because gold is a soft me tal and cannot A A AI — ITALIAN THIEVES The following account of the robbing of a countryman near Pistoia, abont thirty miles from Florence, is given by an Ital ian correspondent : Shortly after night- fall, while the family and friends were at supper, a knock was heard at the door, and on the steward's asking who was there, a voice said, ** Petrino,” {he name of n game-keeper ou the estate. When the door was opened a body of men masked with black veils appeared, and pointing guns at the company made them all lie down on their faces, aud then pro- ceeded to rifle their persons snd bresk open the cash box, in which were seven thousand francs for payments to be made on the estate. Among the company wus a priest who had one hundred sad twenty francs, of which he vms soon relieved. After this summery proceeding, the thieves, who numbered nine men armed with guns sud daggers, directed the un- happy guests and family tomardh into an adjoining room, and, placing a sentinel at the door with instructions to shoot the first person who moved, announead their intention of finish mg the supper 80 un- pleasantly interrripted by their unwel- come arrival. After two hours the senti- nel left, and it was discovered that the robbers had been gone a long time. COFFEE IN THE ARMY. “The best oc dfoe makers,” said an old gentleman with a mouth-watering sort of an expression illuminating his whole coun- tenance, ** wero the soldiers of the old Union army. To begin with, they had the very best of coffee. You may not know it, but tue contract that put the very best Java in the hands of the sokliers was engineered by an old army officer, who contended t at a cup of good, strong cof- fee would pat more spirit and fight into a tired and discouraged soldier than any- thing else that could be given him. And he insisted that whatever else might be bad, coffee should be good, and it was. The boy?. learned in time just how to make it. In the first months a great deal of coffe ‘was spoiled in the making by com- pany cooks, But in the latter years of the service each rasa carried his own cof- fee-pot and made his pint or quaet of cof- foe to suit his taste. A soldier who loved coffon became more absorbed in the pro- oes of getting that feature of his break- fast just right than in prepewation forbat- ‘tle, and one of the most spiteful and bloo diest battles T éver saw grow out of a cava ry attack on camp just as the boys were s in the midst of their coffve-making. We always find a thousand excellent exot wos for our gravest faults ; b us if sny- one wrongs us in the losal, the offense is ung ardonable We have a thous: wad reas- 0138 wherewith to condemn our ne fghbor, t mt not one herewith to exouse hin. ———— A I ——— mene, (f that wor t would allow any of comparison.) but if such th commends ! would like to know what hr be CORACII. ier, re 1s res 0 " Penn Twp., May ©. action x New sto hig att wid wents' fog goods at the Bee Hive, ilvmember by paying 'the Reros ree one year in adya it for 14 er subscribers get « red. farnis'n. To be beautiful, wo must feed the spark of intellectual fire, by resin g sud meditation, until it burns in n steady flame, irradiating the face by its brill iancy, euflusing the countenance with light. —— —— A — p— —— wee Det ist Murray repomis 8 grow. ing demau y tders. ity | necessary to make the case permanently furnish the stiffness, strength and elasti | strong and close-fitting. The perfect watch i 4 : ! case must combine gold with some x i i * tal that will supply that in which the gt. iis This has been accomplished by deficient. y $re.id i” slr ry te the James Boss’ Gold Walch Case. 5 vuay whichsaves the waste of need- > less gold, and INCREASES the SOLIDITY and graexori of the case, and at the same time we reduces the cost ONE HALF. Bend § sent slamy to Keystone Waleh Cann Vartarion, Maile deighia, Pa, for handsome [ilantrated Pamphlet showing bow samen Bow’ and Reprtene Watch Cases are made. (To be continued) i -—— ss New Store NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! LOW PRICES! HARPER & KREAMER, Centre Hall, Have just opened in one of Largest and Best Rooms in the Valley, —A COMPLETE STOCK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, O1LS AND PAINTS, GLASSWARE, QUENNSWARE, GROCERIES COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, FISH SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, EVERYTHING KEPT IN A WELL REGULATED STORE. ALL NEW GOODS, We offer bargains unsurpassed in this COUNTY. COME AND SEE US, All kinds of Produce taken, and Highest Market Prices Paid. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at home is not always the best test of merit, but we point proudly tothe fact that no other medicine has won for itself such universal approbation In its own city, state, and country, and among ali people, a8 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The following letter from ome of our best. known Massachosetts Druggists should be of interest to every sufferer: — RHEUMATISM, 520% Bis" ’ had an attack of Rheumatism, yore that I could not move from the dress, without help. 1 tried several remo. dies without much If any relief, until 1 took YRR'S SARSAFARILLA, by the use of two of which 1 wns Sumpletely cured, ve sold large quantities of your Sansa. FARILLA, and it still retains its wonderful gh The many notable cures it has eifecued n this vicinity canvines me that it the best blood ever offered to the publ EF, Hannin” River St, Buckland, Mass., May 13, 1562, Grong ANDREWS SALT RHEUM, 755255 ) on, for over twent Setore hisk removal Tn wel afiveted with Balt hen in fia Ea iE OF — DRESS GOODS, ly OF wily and be. He was entirely etired by; AYERS SRSAPARILLA, See ecertilloate in Ayers ‘ for 1883 PREFARED BY | Ded. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Masa, SoM by all Droggists; #1, six bottles for §8. XOTICE OF DISSCLUILION. | The partnership here- tofore existing between | Clevan Dinges and W, O. Rearich is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent ; all parties know- \ing themselves to be in- \debted to sard firm will \ please make prompt payment to W. 0. Rea- | rick, and those ing claims against the | same will present them \Jor payment, The stock. | fixtures and good-will | Tave been purchased b} | Clevan Ihnges who will pay notes of the firm and continue the business at \ friends and thepubticin at lowest cash prices. Mr. R. F. Sechler has charge of the store. i hod Tay oy Asents. aie te rd per mo. made ae vartrand New Famous and Pecisiye a ar (he W arid Write 10 J, ©. MeCurdy & Co. Fiiisdeiphis, Fa. JOHN A. GRENOBLE, SPRING MILLS, PA, Dealer in STOVES, TINWARE & PATENT IRON ROOFING Use Patent Iron Roofing, it ontlasts any building, and costs only a trifle more than shingles, Call and see it. Everything in the line of COOKING BTOVES, COAL STOVES, & RANGES, PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST | TINWARE , of all descriptions on hand and made to order, 12dec.y N, McFARLANE & CO PEPER NEW DRUG STORE AT SPRING MILLS PA. =itnateC EPRING MILLS HOUSE DRUGS, SPICES and PATENT MEDICINES a | kiads Oo! TOILET ARTICLES snd FANCY Alss TOBACCO & SEGARS CONFECTIONERY a Bn S and Spectacles a Specialty. Being an apothecary of experience prescriptions will be accurately come pounded C. E. AURAND, Druggisd, or at U Ppryusy LVANIA State College-- wi nuary 4, 19 fp Spring Mills Pa. - i ¥ beantif aiid henilhy 3 of ie eRlare e entire Alle gheny region peti 10 both sexes, and of $¢ purse of Four Year £ irene : Four Years lug SPECIAL COURSES, wing the first two yews of AGRICULTURK eo} CHEMISTRY Vil. ENGINEER- sree of yeu s each folld the Fowentife ® (bt NATURAL HISTORY ABD PHYSICS: 4) CO 5.1! Long ree A TURE A stot SPECIAL COURSE in A Classical and Solentific Preparatory Course, EPFIAL COURSES are srmanged to meel the ! wants of 4 Chemistry individual students, Military drill in Expenses for board and ineic miles ver) Tuition free. Young indies uncer charge of competent lady Principal For Catalogues, or other information, address GEO W. ATHERTON, President, Elate College, Centre Lo, ' iyaeld J. DRUGS, CHEMICALS PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, &eo Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes always kept i ZELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, Bellcfonte, Pa. Dealer In DRUGS ——— OHN F. POTTER, Auorney-sislaw Collections promtly made and special attention given to those baving lands or property tor sale. Will draw ud and have scknowledged Deeds, Mortgas bonds &e. Bellefonte, Pa. { B°* D VALENTINE, 1 avs and sells Real Estate on fair commission, 1nsures First-class Life Companies, “ “ Life and Accident Companies, - Fire Companies, German, Taglish and American, Combined oap- ital, $1500.00, Ofes in Bush Arcade, over Vai entine's siores, Bellefonte, Pa, Bany A P * a ond sh santa Tor postage a PLZ. ete ames iil i 10 onay Bore WB tL. than soph lug ole in this wordd. All of slither sex. susoeed frye first hotr heb road 10 fortune opens before the wot oh ag Pra sure. Address once, TRUK & Uo, A Maive. vr ARDWARE HARDW ‘ HARDW {os RE 0 A 8 A H v: Aecsb $ > A. H - | sRE SB Ge 'R SECTIONS AND SRUTIONS AND REA PERS, REAPERS, And all kinds or Farming Tools, RA KES, #ORKS SOY THES, ROPE BLOCKS | SPROUTS HAY FORKS, &eo. Ad WELL AS ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, TO MEET THE DE | MAND IN THIS LINE. JAS. HARRIS & CO, | Now Brookerkoff House. i ROC ERHOFFE pT ra BOUERY +B d G. G. MOMILLEN, Prop'r. Good Bample Rooms on First Floor. Waa. Frey Buss to and from ali iv Soocial rates to witnesses and jurors. 8un 00. CO. L Bteam Bending Shops. AT FARMERS MILLE, PA. { {| All kinds of bending in wcod done on | short notice, Orders filled for rims of all | wizen, and of best material ; bob-sled run- | ners, shafts, bent bounds, plow bandies, | pbeeton and buggy resches. Rend for price list. Orders by wail promptly ate | tended to, All work guaranteed. { lloct y J. B. REAM & BOX, | {YONFECTIONERY and EATING i) HOUSE, at SEARFASS ROOMS | Bush's block. Meals at all bours from | early to late trains. Lunch without cof. | fee 10 cts, Lunch with coffee 15 cents legular meals 25 cis. Oysters in allstye, LARGEST CROPS OF WHEAT, GRASS, OATS, RYE, BUCK. WHEAT, POTATOES, &o., BE RAISED BY | BAUGH’S Twenty-five Dollar Phosphate. i i ( IRN, —— AN UBIR Gre | This is a real Ammoniated Phosphate, which we glone means of special advantages turing. Jone Buper- produce by in mao ulsc- Is is pot an aid phosphate, B&F A Reliable and Cheap Crop Pro- ducer, wade by a pew process. To show its popularity read the follow- ing 0! the $25 Phosphate there were sold During 1879, 1,287 Tous, ‘ 1880, 3957 *» 1881, 5.148 1882 8 ORR 1883, 10 Apply to BAUGH & SONNE, Bole Manufactarers of Baugh's 825 Ame moniated Bone Phosphate, PHILADELPHIA, PA. t “ wi 1 RO wi PD as i438 SPRING MILLS Plaining Mill #8&r-The place to buy your best"¥8 #@and cheapest Building Mate | B@r-rial is of ¥ Jas. S. Krape & Co, Spring Mills, Pa., . who keep all kinds of | FLOORING, i i | GERMAN, & SPLIT SIDING, SURFACE BOARDS, WINDOW SASHES, BHUTTERS, &e., &c., &c. BLINDR He ——— Anything wanted not ready will be furnished on short no fice, MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS AL- WAYS KEPT ON HAND. 1517may Great Reduction AT BPRING MILLS, waenansedft All Kinds of.ccoeeen WINTER GOODS, &e., &c., &ec such as FLANNELS, OVERCOATS, ressessssilothing, Hats, Caps,...cvee s, Shoes All kinbs of DRESS GOODS, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, cto, ete. versnAlso in Syrups, Sugam...... Teas, Coffeen, eto., GLASS, CHINA & QUEENS WARE. Also dealer in cee Grain, Coal and Plaster, ce J. D. LONG,