1 “Say, Mister, please give me a dime | to get a cnp of coffee?” “Why, my | man, you look strong and able to work,” | said the gentleman whose charity was | solicited," “Why don’t you go to work?’ “Please listen to my story,” said the | beggar, *‘Six weeks ago I was in pros. | perous circumstances, with a profitable | business, a pleasant home of my own, nd surrounded by every comfort; but | it it ail went, all at one swoop,” ‘‘What was it that broke you up so suddenly?’ “Alps! sir, pity me, but, in an evil f moment, I bought a ticket for opera,” ‘‘Here, my poor man, this dollar and start afresh in myself have known misfortune, cau sympathize with you, the i take | life; I | and | i ta The Profession a Unit, Mr. ©. H. Draper, of No. 223 Maln street, | Worcester, Mass., volunteers the follow. | ing: “Faving occasion recently to use a remedy for kiduey disease, I applied tomy druggist | Mr. D. B. Williams, of 1 Dooron—-*‘Have you ach the better Patient—**No, sor, Me and me wife Doctor—**Did you get that whiskey Patient—*'Yis, sir; but it did no highest termes, and pronounce it always relia- ble. taking it, snd find that it does the work ef fectually; end [ am pleased wo recom mw end to all who have kidney or liver disease the use «of Hunt's Bemedy, the sure cure.” Apell 3, 1883. We All Say So. Mr. €eorge A. Burdett, No. 165 Frent street, Worcester, Mass, has just sent us the folfowing, directly to the point: “Being afilicted with ailments to which all humanity is subject to sooner or later, I read carefelly the edy,end as it Jannery's drug store in this city, and hav- ing used it with most beneficial results in my own case, my wife snd also menced its use, and it has most decidedly improved their health, and we shall tinue its use in our fawmdly under each fas able results.” son con- Druggist's Evidence. Mr. George W. Holcomb, druggist, 129 an 131 Congre ss street, Troy, N. Y. April 7, 1883: “Lam Sonsiantly selling H for diseases of kidre ys, i ver, bi adder, and urinary organs, tomy tr: Me ie and frie nds, and find that it gives general satisfaction to all who use it.” unt's Remedy rs —— TP — On Nov. 4, 13, and 21, Mr, Raynard ~*“T'hat is strange! Yon took 1 sup- DOCTOR Patient—*Yis, wor; ye know a man, Doctor— “What has that to do “with Pationt—* Well, ye see, sor, bein’ as I fuk the w aiskey and In our advertising columng will be found the card of thogargest dealer In Auction Goods ou the Con. unent, His purchases are made chiefly at Aue tions, at Sheriffs’, Marshals, Assignees’ and Bank. rupt sales, aad in any quarter where the need of momey compels parties te dispose of thelr goods A ofrcular of 18 pages 18 issued by this house, con. tatning u list of their special bargains, all purchas. ses befug made for “spt egsh” and sales on the Ramee terms enable the proprietor to offer all goods at figures at least ten per cent. below the lowast market quotations. We call the attention of our readers to this circular, and recommend Mr. Rouss, No. 841 Br. agdway,Xew York City, as a mer- caans of unquestionable standing and lulegrity. It is stated that sackcloth or canvas as leather by steeping it in a decoction stuff, when it is taken out, passed through running water and hung up to dry. The tannin, are st the same time better fit- ted to resist Wear, alia A Consumption Uared, An oid physician, retired from pr ictice, having Bad paced in his hands by an East india mission- ary the Tesuuls of & sliapie vogeiabie remedy for the speedy and permancat cere of ( ORSUmRD! lon, Catarrh, Astama and all throat and Lang Affect.ons, also & po {tive and radioed cure felt it his duly tO make mettre and a desire 1o relieve human suller! ng. i reflector a new belt on the planet Sat- urn, and has read a note on the pheno- Society, London. A narrow definition it was seen fading ward either limb, The coler of belt was a dark blwe-gray, very differ- ent from the reddish piter belts, ———— The Key Note omfort yf physical energy, with a reliahie roking premature Jitters is unrivalled, digestion and assimilation, THAT « AS a means © Hoste Ww 1. ter's SMomacs na Of rlectly be functic iL ware mp los of vigor and boll usness and falling remedied throu Liaorder of the the Ditters, and the X nee, are alded; nerve. Constipation and i : relieved t 1 relieved by ver are thoroughly more effectively in stralr Hing fm itieg from the Liood hen resorte natie c and ague cured and prev he aged are spe Versona y experts are avert wh idly, wi ¥ that ful awallesred betore ret wrill fa repose, ——— I ——— yy 18 told of a certain dake of X valet, The latter, it seems, wns always getting into scrapes, from which he emerged with considerable success, No matter how tipsy he got, he was always'brought home safely, and never consigned to a dungeon cell Upon being asked the reason singular good lmek, he explained that be always kept lot of the .duke’s cards in his pocket, and his & & Pleivime b iw Lribute Sidney Ouarchundro, of Pittaburg, Penn. writes : “I have used Dr. Win. Hall's Bal- sam for the Luugs many years with the most gratifying resgits. The relieving in. fluence of Hall’s Balsam is wonderful. The pain and rack of the body, incidental to a tight congh, soon disappear by the use of a spoonful according to directions, My wife frequently sends for all's Balsam instead of a physician, and health is speedily re- stored by its use.” Wie riding toward the business section of Philadelphia, as correspon- dent overheard two servani-girls talk- ing of the then pending execution of O'Donnell, Said ene of them. “An sure his sonl will go sthraight to hiven.” “Yis,” said the other; ‘an’ won't all the angels be fightin’ to see who will shake hands with him first!” mn A The renownedf§lr. Ciendenning says one third of all his dissections showed signs of Heart Disease; if you have it in any form, use Dr. Graves’ Heart Regulator, $1. per bottle at druggists. Bismang Sery-Coserssen —*“Tunder nnd blitzen! I'll send your pigs and resolutions to the right apout. I am hog enough for all Yermany meinself, Decline pf Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspépaia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, cured by * Wells’ Health lenewer,” si. Ax Indiana jail-bird recently scraped off the back of a mirror and swallowed it. It was a cold day for hun when the mateury went down, Hale’s_ Honey Eorehound and Tax. One of the sublimest things in the t world is plain truth, recipe, in German, Freach or Englisk, with ful directions for preparing and using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, Daming als paper, W, A Wores, 148 Power's Biock, Rochester, 5. ¥. i —— An dloctel ¢ bouguet was presented to fhe Crown-Princess of Austoia, a short time ago, a. Vienna, which consisted of a group of spow ¥ globes inside of each of ‘which was an incandescent lamp fed storage batteries ia the vase, The capacity of the battery was tourd suflicient to maintain a brilliant illumination for three days, Carbo-lines, The magic balm, which is in truth Petroleum sweet and clean; It gives to age the charm of youth, The matchless Carboline, A nrrTie three year-old of “this city had been to a neighbor's kouse, and the baby asked him if he knew his LOY “Mamma, I kpow my to his mother: C Obs” Health fir frerwartl. rs All paip ria nis, riches & Disease inciudiag Spasms, st, of Health , rheumatism, iou, cnlargement, acute painn in left breast, & use of Dr. Graves’ Heart Regulator, per bottle at druggists. ony fo » valvular der ager : ¥ eld tothe $1. m AA A An excellent stain for giving light. colo rel wood the =p P earance of walnut may be ma and appliec 1 as follows : Take Branswick black, t it down with $urpentine until i the right tone and color, and then about one-twentieth its bulk of varnish, This mixture, it is said, will be dry and in Lin of ee ——————— I have had Catarrh for years in its worst form. Before | had used one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm droppings into my throat had cased, pain and SOTEDCSs ID MY head was removed, as well as deafoosa, It gives me Immediate relief for cold in the head. —Mrr. J. D. Hagadora,Umon, N. ¥. [Price BO cents. ] - SBaxz old lecture, Draws from the cradle to the grave. Delivered it filty times a year for the last twenty-three years, ‘‘T'he thinner the ioe iz, the more krazy every oue iz to see iro will bear,” Guess [ can ‘bold out as long as my emdience does, FOR DYSPErSM, INDIGRETION, depreamion of pir. fts and general debility in their various | forme: alas a8 a preventive against "tever and ague and other intermittent fevers, the “Ferro-Phoaphaorated. Elixir of Calisaya”™ made hy Caswell, Hazard & Co, New York, and sold hy all Droggists, is the best tonic; and for patient ® recovering from fever of other sickness, it Las no equal Ture rumor that Bamnm feeds his “sacred elephant on school girl diet— i. ¢., slate pencils and pickles—in order to ranke the animal look “pale nad ia- teresting,” 18 believed to be a base calumny originated by the opposition for campaign purposes during the ‘‘can- vasa” just opened, Mother Swan's Worm Syrap. Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic] werishness, rest. essneas, worms, 9a, Cnip —* ‘Mamma, I have found ‘some eloves in papa's avercont pocket,” Papa (somewhat hurriedly)-—'"Yes, my dear; I had the toothache the other day and I bought a few.” Mamma (severely)—'‘Charley, get me your Testiment, and I will read you the story of Ananias and Sapphira.” Brow x's BRONCHIAL fnocnEs for Coughs and Cold : “1 think them the best and most convenient relief extant.’ »- fev, C. M. Humphrey, Gratz, Ky. EE Sue know she was right: “Here! Do you know you sre riding in the wrong direetion? This train doesn’t go any- where near Philadelphia,” “There! 1 kept a-tollin® of him that twa'n’t right to be ridin’ back'ard, but he 'lowed he knowed 1% all, Men is dreadfal smart, ana | 8'8Y8." AX article in a soientifie publication is entitled **How to increase the Tem. of Furnaces.” One very good | Osm way that ocours to us is to put on more coal and shut the door, for fe. irs a good a. Aan to be wate hal of the calves, T/,e busy dairyman is apt to be unmind’ul of them in the fall and early winter, By exposure to sudden changes ad ehills from cold, winds and wet ‘weather a loss of flesh and a stint in their growth will occur that will # dorwaad cost heavily in extra feed to 0 vercome. They nee ul shelter and £7504 feed to keep oy good condition to go into winter quarters. It is an ex- ceedingly hard fortune for a calf to be- gin winter on a losing basis, ————————— Important. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggege Expressage and Carriage lire, and stop at the Grand Union Motel, opposite Grand Cen- tral Depot, Elegaut rooms, fitted up at a eost of one million dolisrs, reduced to $1 and upwards per day, Kuropean Plan, Elevator. HNestsurant suppiled wilh the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated raliread to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grund Union Hotel than at any other Grstclass hotel in the eity, nnis—s———— I AP——— “Dox’r you believe there are people who Pairs grand operas?” “Oh, “They yo highly cultivated, they not?” “No, not necessarily.” “What kind of people are they?” “Deaf people, young man,” are " “I mavex'r got any case,” said the client, **but I have money.” “How much?’ asked the lawyer. “Fifty thousand dollars.” was the reply. “Phew! you have the best case 1 ever heard of. I'll see that you never go to prison with that sum,” said the at- torney, cheerfully, and the man didn't —he went there ‘‘broke.” ————— Dr. Kiine's Great Nerve RMstorer 1s Lhe marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All fits stopped free. Bend Ww 61 Arch Street’ Phulladelphia, Pa. — —————— Ernex Trey reports that t New York contained the handsomest, and Chicago ana Baltimore the loveliest, women whom nas encountered in this country, We had no idea before that Boston girls spent go much time away from home, she coer ret iL Sure. We n#¥as™ Al or small for i . ee nes tiie Frrtz lets me wo Will “MAMMA, f= the bed!” *“*No place? more than the half have?” mamma, but ke wauts his place ho then That not, kaif in middle of the bed, " — Aalarrk oLnoxi 5555 Pleo’s Remedy for ( for that very « 3 6 cure ys disease, A new steel is said to beve been pro- duced at Sheflield, England, which expected to be of inealotlable the manafasturing aod sailroad It is said to be made “by 7 to 20 per cent, of tie ordinary fexso- manganese of commeroe to ither wholly or to a good extent decarbonine sd and refined and treated by any the ordinary processes, oF (0 stee produced by sch processes,” It if stated that a small test bar contsining 12 per cent. of manganese was bent double when | cold, and was sufficiently hard to turn | from ; that an axe eontaining the same percentage, which had never been d or cut iu two a bar an nell square, A corre § 18 iron of aia harden: tempered, of iron half speuden turar,” giving tlese facts, says that the | steel is capable of being hammered or roiled the as ordinary | showed no magnetic « | Bee t« same steel, if these correct, great JALIL any 44 1s likely to prove o: pk FS rianoe, are yory CRETE MLA ia SroLnotnic aap ——— one of the Berner he would Lovis Prainrees, jarors, was afraid in C incinnati, went to St, There is no sccounting men prefer life in Bt anywhere else, 1 #0 he - - remarked one man io directing another, *‘the place is essy io find; just turn to your left when you reach the extermination of the elevated road, ," “Warr, sir,” THE GREAT LERMan REM FOE PAIN C ’ Rheumatism, “Neuralgia ciation, Lumbage, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swellings, Sprains, Bruises, Burne, Sealds, Frost Rites, ASD ALL GTHESR BSOILY Falls AND ACHES Botd by Urugaisse and Den arn avery where, Fifty Contes Dottie, frivaetions ia 11 Langosgen THE CHARLES A, VOGELER U8. Bowers ww A. TOURER 8 C0 Haltispers, Bd. U6 by 4 This soress Shier B | Sasmens for ita quick { and hoarty action in PLASTER iis in heumatism, Betation, Oris In the Back, Wide or Mip, Neuralgia, SUE Joints and Muselen, Sore Cheet, Kidney Troubles and all pain or shes either looal or dee praeated. 1 Soothes, Streagthe ens and Stimulates the parta, The virtues of hops come bined with gums clean and ready to apply. Superior to tiniments, Jott fe and salves, I'rice 25 sente or § for glo, Sold by drug. T gista and country A CREA stores. Balled on rv eoipt of price Hop Paster Company, Vro | prietors, Boston, Masa, ef PD S® 12 The beet family pill madeiawley’s Btomarh and Liver Pills, We. Mensant in action and easy to take, PILE * Anakesis” Rey Bh “od an iN CURE for PILES, Fil Til Price 84, at drogeists, of sent prepaid by mall. Ssmples FREE Address, SANA KK ISIS" Malcors, BOX 2410, NEW YORE. Camphor Mire in tha hae | Lantmant DOB Aduniad Bi AE . n SPEED Fon PS] vivid M 8 YU Vs gone, Falling leaess “ $114 ae YiLUS Dane i re, Alcohols 0; ium Eat. ing, Syphillis, i gly Blood Ce, Dy yep gla, Nervouzness, 0 UE RIO RY ick Headache, Rheumat Nervous Weakness, Brain Worry, JHlood Sores, Billousness, Costiveness, Nervous I’ rostration, Kidney Troubles and Irveqularities. £1.50. Sample Testimoniale. “Samaritan Nervine is doing wonders.’ Dr. J. O. Melemoln, Alexan der C “1 feel 14 my duty to recommend it Dr. DV. Laughli n, € 1x 0, Kansas, It cured where physician ¢ failed, tev. J. A. Edic, Beaver, Pa. aa Correspondence freely awards “oh The Dr. 5. A. Richmond Med. Co, SL. Joseph, Mo, For test! mould and ®roulars send Hamp 47] At Pruggists. C, N + Crittenton, Agent, » Yo SOME PLAIN FACTS. Statement of a Gentleman o! Hoothester, N. Serotula yids Ba, ism, ity, Ala, XX.) over Diseases of the Biandder, Nopa'n which man has to endure surpasses that of gravel. “1 would rather Cle” exelair “than have such sltacks very often” death of Napoleon 111. Me. E Piy mouth avenue, Jockos remarkable experiones fined he was proets to th had wen It caused the { Parsons, of 271 ey Dewit had Juit, r, NK. ¥., reo t bu with it He was & wel wiking, bearty-appoaris On ali of his back sbdanen yus his sppetite fickle hk soy abe vere palin aud my disor read of hi tas stone it groat ® lor. rors 4 ¢ for 1 DIE DAVID REMEDY 3 i% g from X # LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER ie ithe gecaiesi Band remedy of Lhe age Totter, Torufuia, Views, Bulla, Pies, aud Hiood ¢ erases veld wo ite wonder Tel powers Tare Hiood te the guaranties of host h. Jess © . * Laredmarre. Pe Frog's, Phas ELY’'S Cream Balm Vauses ne Pain. Relief at Thorough Treatment will Care. Not a Lig- uid or Snuff, Ap- yh with Finger. J ive I Trial. I reais a oie i fe WOT RR Organs | x= aL tise AFTER Aber Fiacrnee Days Trial TO . who are suffer. Lossy Virapsry, wid those diseases of 8 from Artes and Eve r 1AIARCESR are st MEX ONLY, YOUNG © frg from Xsavots Warriso Wau wRsERs, Peneonat, Nartuvan, iin « Omer Cavens. Bpeedy relief and complete restoration 0 Mearrs, Vicon and Maxaood Guamaxrmen, Bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free, Address YOLTAIC RELT CO. Marshall, Mike Qurs Guacssteet x all sees iy Dr J. FB. Mare Onder his rest zasnt case io st snow “bis ined and oan sttend to they hr vi snrnedistely er tment. Ezsruinatios free, Bend saws for re R81 Arch Sireet Philsdelip Ay pe louse, Reading, fy rary San srahey Mouse, Hare sourg, Pa. Thi air Hotel Pittsburgh, Pu, Tt» nd 8 a SPECULATORS. 8. a ALD 5. 6 NILLER A 9. § & 1 Chamber of Brosdws Oornmaeron, Chiesa, New om GRAIN AND PROVISION BROKERS, re of all prom! nent Prodoos Exokanges if hey 2 Shioaso. BL Lowe and Mijwsak ve have sncine va orien York b ong © and New ER when requested 4 fc 5 ng particulars ROBT IN DBLO WILBOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. To Oneannd All-Ave yon sufierin 8 Couwh, Oold, Asthma Brouchits, of any oF be The rious grilmonary troubles that so o'ten end in Cone sumption? 1084, ues “WiLnon's Pure Cop lives Of ax Lane,” asale and sure remedy. This is no {each reparation, but is tesuiarly presenibed + 4 fou] faculty. Manufsct notare: only by A, I Winsor, Chemist, Doston, Rold by all draegiste "Orentost inducemenin aver of fered, Now's pour tens fo up adds for our eeiebirated Teas do and secure a basatl. 31 Gola Bund or Mem Rose China a Set, or IH Pecorated oun Hown Ore fet or Gold Band Mow jst AT A ie xi NTR address — AT 4 ou Cewey ye hk PA. A Sanding Laman lun establishes am Oficeo in New X rk forthe Cure ‘ EPILEPTIC FITS. From An Joraclef. Hewercle (late of Landen), who makes 8 ¥ of Ryslepey, *ithoes Heute b h ensge Shas any ether hiving Fula, i pig been actomIshIng} wa haar Ensen standing vaceminlly cw werk on ineava, when he Ane A of Wis - Lense fron th any Addon ha ta wong send thelr xpress wad P. ; 4 adh - So wddd Hb EEVEROLR, No. #0 Jehan 85, New Tork Sledge -. WILLINANTIC 12e, per dog. HOVE SPOOL COTTON, EPOOL COTTON, all colors, 900 yards best, 15¢, per i i i { § i 4-ply LINEX COLLARS, 25¢. per don No, 4 RIBBONS, 12c 8 plece, d-yurd sli-wool BLACK BRAID, $c. French HATRPINS, full count, ibe, gross papers. bi.yard SILK (spool), all colors, 16c. per Ao% 100-yard SPOOL BILE, . per dozen. 480 dozens BPANISH LACE TIES (all colors), $2 per doz; worth $8.70; genuine article, No.1 BLACEKING, $1.50 per gross, FOUR- THREAD EXITTIRG COTTON, white snd blue mixed, seal Lrown, white and brown, 18e, per 1b, (5 balls), worth Sie, 850 gross fne TOILET SOAP $5.25, di-dnech HUCK TOWELS , 108, per Cot. Colored SATINS, . per yard; worth 37340 40 yards PERSIAN FILES per yard; sanufacturers’ price, $2.95, No. 8 pepper box BLUEING, $1.50 per gross, No, T WASH BASINS, $6.50 per gross; worth $4. WHITE BONE SPORTING FOCKET KNIFE, $1.00 per doz; worth §L85 8 FANCY BOTTI NICKEL PLATED CAB. TORS, $02, each; worth £1.50, TIN TEASPOUONS, 8&2, per gross; worth §1.50 44 SMY I GE, $4.85; worth $°. WOVEN CORSETE, white (Saratoga), $5.90 Pe ToC. EB, “A Tit MA RA - = and colored $2.75 per bul. BLACK WOO! SOPT HATS CK WOOLSOFT HATS, $2 per above all new styles. line of MENR, YOUTHS, BOYS, 8 HATS, rc #4 ifieen to i 1% ‘8 Jowest per SHOLS. MERS WOUL-LINE] PET pair, ones « MISSES pair, by case only Wi ME Fie year i, ret Guss Le ABIES ( oubale), 801K JEWELRY. ) ARCTICS (Empire), $1.18 I~-LIXED ARCTI Wi 4 Table { in plece. } Job” LASSOCKS, fancy colors), $1.50 per piece {12 yards $50 HOSIERY. GENTS STRIPED HALY HOSE, 45 per dozen. LADIES BUNDLE HOKE, 85¢. per dozen, LADIES BERLIN GLOVES, «bc. per dozen. CLOTHING. MENS FINE DARK CASSIMERE SUITS (full £3.12; worth #8 BOY 8 SUITS (KNEE PAXTS) 97c, sult: $108 MEN'S REV pir Gopal. nes) worth ERSIELE KUDBER COATS, $165 WINDOW SHADES, LIOR” HOLLAND SHADES, 6 and 6 feel, 85s and $2.75 per dogen moanted, Newest style DADORS, 60c, each WINDOW HOLLARDS (solid goods) €ic, per STATIONERY. XX8 ENVELOPES, 90a. per 1,000, XX6 ENVELOPES, $1.08 per 1,000, DAVID'S ASSORTED COLORED INK, $2.50 per gross. ARXULIYS IMPORTED INK, $1.75 fer gross. VUMIVERSAL® MUCILAGE, $4 per grom EXTRA FINE COPY BOOKS, 180, per doson. FALCON PENS, equal 10 any made, ybe, per groms, SILK PRINORD per 100, Imported EMBOSSED EASTER CARDS, $1.98 per 100, Big “Job” in No. 2 BLACK PENCILS, $1.30 per grows: worth $2.50, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, American, foroign, comic, and statuary, $1.72 per 108, PHOTOS OF ACTRESSES, $1.78 per 100, ®inch red and blues PENCILS, $1.68 per gross, finch red PENCILS, $2 por gross. Big “Job” in PAVETERIES, Bc, per Dox. VALEXTINE CARDE, ® EHELY P AP EH, five gross assorie od, 10 a box, rile . PEX RTOS i BOOKS, HMEMORAN bhe. per doren; w DUM BOOKS, #0¢ eligion. hard nitlers that but united are paced os Kies and raids ry prive to sober up all pon were 10 boy, masses the read beyond the , epociaities, and raitiing spproached by an GELEnELD.Y on LE that does Teal’y tine cannon nee DUSIneRs the dead uncertainty of wn R41 OD OF upon The 3 uyers only to she Be CLF IRNETH i fore all t ous rate of interest they pay for the pa lege of a Lillie Lime, merchants whose earnest | guccess upon the subject of how and #0 a8 10 plank down before the golid botiom values Lu al once reach and range of competition IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR LATEST CIRCULAR, DROP US A LINE AND IT WILL GO FORWARD BY RETURN MAIL. CHARLES BROADWAY RODSS, Wholesale Auction Dry Goods, ¢ Ihe Tee 4 centred al ure 341. BROADWAY, New York City. SHOPPING wax. A Bucesst.n Ploatuie, snd Profitable when A tae Lire i. Te SPRING SUMBER of ovr new a THANDNOME LY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF FASHION AXD ART. THE “Eg ox n REASOXA, ** will be ready yn oiete snd ela. rad A vi pn Guide pri Dry Goods Onin Jogue publisued treasure to all who re. ceive 3. Price $6 conte gw ¢ lave a ted er f ansmple copies ! r ¥ REE dim 3 a 1TIYE a ‘Ww Ld want rouforn reguinr su baeriber, SIMPSON, CRAWFORD & SIMPSON, sixth Avenue and Nineteenth Street, New York City, N. ¥Y. i wit EVEC] MEN [REAL TIFY LREA SHE kL i ¥ TS 1 ng Cs order dt awi & box wa CARD WORKS. East Ki ver Ok ; Visdt {ype toc, INFORM MAT] 0% I¥ REGARD TO FREE 1 rsi ote, deporting jands for sale can be had hain I POWLER , Eat Pass Ag, U — 3, Ww ROWITZ b. Pam ya WH Med l 1 LAN i 1 have & positive remedy jor 4 the shove Sinaane ! i] have buen, outnd ETE wll een 4 i ton wilh a 0) v HT his ny wu Serer. Rr PO aadrest “DR TAS UM. Pearl 5L, New York i pa efron ea 8110 Rates lo Texas, Arkansas znd California 3 D McEBLATH XE JL | Jeo. East. Pass. Ag MM x RR 242 #5 Sway, N.Y. | ome Shioussnds of onses of wom Kind aud ig A CABLE TEEA Walosst Leaf alr Kestorer. FA = Pd Sa 1 is ents rely dierent fronyall sthers.and as 8 ham Vooetable Hur Restorer. 11 wi a fren the bead fromall dandruff, restore ite 2 sired color, and prodoos 3 Dew It dows not Sect t i. which valphur, nitrate of r preperall ne Uk : ! hair in a fow days 10 & baguitily Ask vour drageiet for it Suth, Kliue & Co., Wholesale Ag"Y Gx rites tan, R ¥ Vl TANTED — LADIES TU TAKE OUR Fuocy work at thelr by snd earn $6 or Lg ahd Mur MIA HU DBON . Plidia, Fa, aud MPO. 0.36 Sixth Ave, XX. ERVE R esToRER morve Dpises Cindy rere. Sicved to Da KLINE > Fh Dvcggien. BEWARE OF IMT Cir ative m= LA human body ERADICATED by using RK'S WORM SYRUP! SEARK'S WORM | An old-time remedy. Safe n Safe and cHectu. “ectu. "vice 25 cents nu battie, al in ts acthon, EF FOR ~ALE BY DRUGGISTS, "2 SERAE BOOK Leatheretts : Bound Hiust'd Cover Size 814 x 10 £10: ast Side Ais E. 0. Burt's Fine Shoes, 281 Crand 8t., New York. Homer rent m this page By mail on receipt ¢ For Two Cenerations The good and staunch old stand-by. MEXICAN MUS. TANG LINIMENT, has done more {0 assuage pain, relieve suffering, and save the lives of men and beasts than all other liniments » vat together. Why! Because the Mustang pene- trates through skin and flesh to the very bone, driving out all pain ‘and soreness and morbid secretions, and restor- ing the aiflicted Sted part to sound . aud supple hea