The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 23, 1884, Image 7

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    Murrox por pre — Cut as large a part
as desired of u fore quarter of muttin
into pieces of from three to five inches
square. Place these in a pot which has
a tightly fitting lid, and cover with cold
water, Of course, the length of time it
18 necessaxy to boil the mutton depends
upon its degree of toughness, and of
this the cook must judge only bearing
in mind that it should be made very
tender, When nearly done remove
from the firo, and leaving the pot still
closely covered to keep in the steam,
set it a away in a cold place till the
next day, when you may remove the
cake of fat that will have settled on the
top, after which set the pot on the fire
adding salt and pepper to taste, an
alisprce if liked, and if necessary, suffi-
cent hot water to well cover the mut-
ton. When all is boiling, add pieces of
thoroughly light bread or biscuit dough,
and do not allow the boiling to subside
until the dough is done, Serve in a
platter with a deep centre, that it may
hold the gravy as well as the meat and
crust, Liven very tough mutton may
in this way be rendered palatable, and
chickens that have lived past the hey-
day of their youth may be advantage-
ously treated in the same manner,
sta. —Dr. Milner Fothergill recommends
the use of stewed fruits in many cases
of gout and dyspepsia. Sugar is un-
doubtedly objectionable to many,but it
is by no means necessary to sugar
to stewed fruit, If the acidity be neu-
tralized by an alkali little or no sugar
is required. Thrifty housewiyes have
long been familiar with the fact that
the addition of a small quantity of bi-
carbonate of soda to stewed Iruit re-
duces the acidity, so as to save the ne-
cessity for so much sugar, If about as
much bicarbonate of potash as will lie
on a shilling (English) be added to each
pound of fruit it will be found sufficsent
to neutralize the acidity, and to bring
about the natural sweetness, Milk,
puddings and stewed fruits are exocel-
lent for the dypspeptic, the bilious and
the gouty.
AxoxG the many points to be consid-
ered 1n the selection of a winter dress
is its capacity for being turned upside
down and wrong side out when its fur-
ture destiny may demand such trans.
formation. It is also desitable to have
goods that can be dyed, and on that
account mixtures of silk and wool
should be avoided. All wool materials,
‘such as serge, cashimere, flannels and
debeges, and all the goods of similar
pature sold under various names, are far
more satisfactory and are often cheap-
er in the end than the fancy mixtures,
Full plain skirts are still in favor, and
very neat and stylish costumes, suitable
either for home, business, or street
wear can be made of seal-brown, steel-
gray or olive-green cloth, flannel or
cashmere, with full skirt trimmed only
with a broad velvet nbbon one shade
darker than the cloth, and placed about
six mches from the bottom of the skirt.
Make with panel basque, and if desir-
able, braid down the front and panels
with silk braid one-fourth inch in width,
and of same shade as the goods,
ALMOND s¥ONGE CARKE.— Whites of ten
eggs, one goblet of flour, one and a
half goblets of sugar, one teaspoonful
of cream of tartar. Bake in jelly cake
tins, This will be much lighter if the
flour is sifted three or four times, as for
angel's food. For the custard one-half
pint of cream or milk, Boil it and star
in three-well-beaten yelks, two table-
spoonfulfuls of sugar, one tablespoon-
ful of corn starch dissolved in cold milk,
Boul until thick. When cold add one-
half pound of blanched almonds, chop-
ped fine, saving out two dozen to dec-
orate the tap. After putting the cream
between the cakes, ice the top with the
white of an egg, a small cup of sugar
and a .very little bitter almond;
ihen orcament with whole almonds in
rays from the centre,
Hosex oasz.—A pound of honey, a
pound of flour, a quarter of a pound of
butter, a quarter of a pound of almonds
pounded coarsely, a drahem of pounded
cloves the grated peel of a lemon and
half an ounce of carbonate of soda dis-
solved in water, Let honey and butter
come to a boil over the fire; take this
off, and in a few moments stir in the
flour and spice by degrees, then the al-
mounds, and lastly the soda, Let the
mass stand all night in a cool place, In
the morning roll it out half an inch
thick, cut it into little square cakes,
put half an almond io each corner and
a shoe of peel in the middie. Bake
them in a moderate oven a pale brown.
———— PIA
Wooncccr—Broiling 1s a favorite
method of cooking game, and all birds
are excedingly nice roasted, To broil ;
Split down the back, open, and flatten
the breast by covering with a eloth and
pounding, season with pepper and lay
the inside first upon the gridiron; turn
as soon as browned, and when almost
done, take off, place on a platter,
sprinkle with salt and return to the
When done, place iu a hot
dish, butter both sides well and serve
at once. The time required is usally
about twenty minutes. They require
a brisker fire than poultry, but take
less time to cook. Their color when
p paste abou :
ineh thick. Boll it, tie close in a flan.
nel eloth, boil two hours and serve with
sweet sauce,
VUMLEY came home one might and
declared that he had heen so busy dur-
ing the day that he hadn't time to
draw a long breath,
“Yes,” remarked voung Brown, *‘I
noticed when you came running up the
steps that your breath was very short,
but, according to my way of ’
what it lacked in length it more than
made up in strength.”
$20,000 Gone! .
Say Fraxowsoo, Cal—The Chronicle
publishes in substance the following
marvel, Captain W. ¥. Swasey, the
oldest ploneer of the coast, makes a
statement of the intense suffering of his
friend Colovel D, J. Williamson, an
Army officer of distinction, and an Ex-
U. 8. Consul, who was attacked in the
winter of 1861-2 with violent rheuma-
tism. Sb great was his agony in after
years, he became a helpless cripple, and
after trying numberless remedies, the
baths of other countries and spending &
fortune of $20,000, the disease seemed to
assume a more virulent type. Finally,
he was persuaded to try Bt Jacob's Oil,
the great conqueror of pan. It worked
a miracle of cure. ln a letter to the
Chronicle be confirms Captain Bwasey’s
statement and adds: *‘[ cheerfully give
my unqualified attestation to the truthful-
ness of the statement, because 1 feel por-
fectly certain that a knowledge of my
care by St. Jacobs Oil, will prove the
means of relieving hundreds of sufferers.”
sersnmmesrssmscintl A AP — H
A sMALL boy will dance on chestnut
burrs and broken bottles, and run
airily over a wheat fleld just after the
wheat has been cut, and think nothing
of it; but let the point ot a nail work
up a hittle way through the heel of his
shoe, and he howls and ime and
thinks it is sufficient cause for him to
remain away from school.
The Chemistry of the Stomach.
As in the most delicate processes of the labora.
tory, i is essential that the re-agents employed
produce chemical changes in mailer should be
unconliam inated, so also it is mperatively neces.
gary that the fiuids of the stomach, which act
chemically upon the food, should be perfectly
pure. When the stomach Is acid, It Is because
these fuilds are vitiated or diluted. Stmilarly,
other forms of indigestion arise from a deficiency
of the chemical properties of the gastric julces
The most direct and agreeable way 10 restore
thelr parity and improve their quality, is to take
before each meal & wineglassfull of Nosteller's
Stomach Bliters, which corrects acidity, renders
digestion complete and painless, andovercomes
the constipation which it produces. Tle pervous-
ness and weakness resulting from chrogic dys-
pepsia, also disappear under its influence.
A rarest medicine advertisement
reads: “Fifty dollars reward to any one
who will produce a case of liver com-
plaint that our bitters will not care.”
Tunis generous offer will undoubtedly
occasion great rivaly among the lead.
ing producers of liver complaint, and
stimulate them to renewed exertions,
A Masons Affair.
1 have been troubled for a number of years
with kidney and bladder difficulty; at times
have suffered a great deal with the weakness
caused by the inflammation and intense
pains in the back and loins. I tried many
medicines that were recommended, but none
of them seemed to reach my case until one
day I related my case to one of our drug-
gista here in Auburn. Mr. Smith was very
urgent that I should try Hunt's Remedy,
for be knew of many who had used it with
wonderfnl success, 1 purchased a bottle
and used it, and found a great deal of bene.
fit, and commenced to improve rapidly,
and the paius in the back were relieved.
gained strength and vitality, and after
using four bottles 1 have been completely
cured, and have recommended it to others,
and give this statement voluntarily, believ-
fug that, from my own case, Hunt's Reme-
dy is ail that is recommended, and you can
use this as you choose forthe benefit of the
public. Wittiam C. CLARK,
Mason and Builder, 8 Van Anden 8t
Anbar, N. Y., June J, 1583.
A tribe of Indians having tails from
6 to 8 inches in length is said to have
been discovered in Paraguay. Should
this asonouncement prove true, the
“Journal of Science” protests in advance
against their being paraded as‘‘the mis.
sing link,” since the anthropoid spes
have no tails.
Rescued from Death.
William J. Coughlin,of Somerville, Mass, ,
says : Inthe fall of 1876 I was taken with
bleeding of lungs followed by a severe
congh. I lost my appetite and flesh, and was
confined to my bed. ln 1877 I was admit.
ted to the hospital. The doctors said 1
had a hole in my lung as big as a
ualf dollar. At one time a report went
around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope,
but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. Hall's
Balsam for the Lungs. I gota bottle, wh,
to iny surprise, I commenced to feel better,
and to-day I feel better than for three years
“Waeee Oar Storms Come From,”
read Mr, Broughline, in a scientific
paper, “Well, I know where a great
many of them come from,” he mentally
ejaculated, looking up and glancing at
his wife.
Ko Barer Remepy can be had for
Coughs and Colds, or any trouble of the
Throat, than “Browx's BRONCHIAL
Trocues.” Price 20 cents. Sold only in
Svoar cookies without eggs are made
of two cups of sugar, one of butter,
one of milk, half a teaspoonful of bicar-
bonate of soda, hall a teaspoonful of
cinnamon or of nutmeg, with flour
enough to roll,
Phang Pectoral breaks a cold and stops cough, Sota,
Prnuavs the worst ever made ;
A man went into a florists ‘Can you
let me have two bouquets to-day?” he
asked. “No, sir.” "Why cant you?”
po 1quets I haven't got ‘em, that's
The only remedy for Heart Lhisease in
all its forms is Dr. Graves’ Heart Regula.
tor. Proce $1. 6 for $5.
Atheism is the result of pride and
ignorance, of st sense and feeble
reasons, of good-eating and ill-living.
Ladies and chuiaren's boots and shoes
cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Heel
Btiffenors are used.
E like straws upon the surface
Sow: hr That would search for pearls,
must dive below,
If the blood be {mpoverished, as mani.
festod by pimples, eruptions, ulcers, or run-
ning sores, scrofulous tumors, swellings or
general debility, take Dr, R. V. Pierce's
‘Golden Medical Discovery.” Sold by
It 15 50 easy to meditate on a far-off
heroism, so dificult to cut off a little
self indulgence quite near at hand.
Tennyson's “May Queen.’
Who knows that if the beautiful girl who
died so young bad been blessed with Dr,
Pierce's “Favorite Prescription’ she might
have reigned on many another bright May-
day. The “Favorite Prescription’ isa cer-
taln cure for all those disorders to which
females are liable, By druggists,
——— UI A I———————
Persons who care the least about
pleasing others will always complain the
most when others do not please them.
Our Frogress.
As stages are quickly abandoned with
the completion of railroads, so the huge,
drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude
and balky medicines, are quickly aban-
doned with the introduction of Dr, Pierce's
“Pleasant Purgative Pellets,” which are
sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard
seeds, but composed of highly concentrated
vegetable extracts. By druggists
Sadness 1s a disease; the best remedy
for it is occupation.
The pills are warranted to be PURELY vege.
table, Kee from all mineral and other poisonous
substances, ‘They are a certain cure for Consti-
fon, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Billousness,
orpid Liver, Loss of Appetite, and all diseases
arising from the
Liver, Stomach, Bowels or
They remove all obstructions from the channels
of the system and purify the blood, thereby im-
parting health, strength and vigor. Solid by drug-
gists, or sent by mall for 85 cents in stamps by
83 Mercor St., New York,
So.0 Manufacturers of ST, BERNARD VEGE-
send for circular.
Greatest inducesmnests ever of
fered. Now's your taps to up
orders for cur celebrated Teas
; py secure 8 bessii.
J or Mose Rose Chins
Tealet, or H swe Doootsted
Draner Bet, or Gold Basd Moss
For full particulars address
51 sod 13 Vesey SL, New York.
Is your child AO [Fk i" E ite pose,
start in its sleep, and grind Matesth* Jf ao,
it has WORMS, and you should use
. m bottle, 1
« py
OER viled bet,
| Box SN,
in its section 4
BM Dest Cough By. Tastes goed. BY
Use in tithe, Bald 27 drogiists, BN
aE EL®l
d snd per
4 dataly aller
treatinent. Examination free, Send stage for re
Wa oN, om, 31 oR Bireat. Philadelphia,
& £ WR ogen, Reading, Pa., every
Saturday; Hepshey Route, Harr bourg, Pa. Mh and
th: 8. Clair Hotel, Pitisburgh, Pa, "th sod 88h of
cach month.
GENTS WANTED forthe Best and Fastest
{ soiling Petorial Books and Bibles Pries im
duced 3 per oenl. Natiowat Pos Oo, Philads., Ps
Casuphor Mik i» the best Linkment Price 5 oeote
alent in he world,
very } * has
and 1 raarned ¥
Get the genuine,
onr trade-mark
razer's. SOLD
ri EE
S$ 4 0: Ensin
tam to COLEMEN 8 OQ.
SHEETS fine writing paper,
80 with calendar, by mail Ayo
anted. HEooxouy
0 blotter,
"RixTING Co, Newbury.
AGENTS WANTED 5751 P02, us
hn LE med. Will knit 8 pair of
with MEE i TOR complete in ®
min 11 will also knit a grost variety of fancy
tor which there is * dy market Send
lar and tere to the Twombly BK
foe Co . 10 Tremont Wired, 2 nitting
$65 A oNTn A board for 8 live Youse Youss
» Ladios COUNTY.
$ VRIBOLER & CO. Phistapain
Co. Pa
P A ’ I - N i S r
roms for inform atic « T. POWER, Attorney
1-Law and Bolicit Py .. W
Slaw gicior of Pateath No 8M F. SL, NW,
JOUNG VALENTINE | Bibs "Ta Coville Wis.
Mexican M Liniment h
A new rubber-producing plant, pra-
meria glandulifera, has been brought
forward in India. 1t is common, in
Southern India and Cochin Caina, and
yields abundant supplies of pure caout-
choue, The liquid juice is often em-
ployed in medicine by Anamites and
Any Sufferer with Files
will realise heaven in the relief of pain by sending
to P. Neustmdter & Co,, Box 2416, New York City
for free samples of “Anakesis,” DOW established
by the experience of 25 years on three continents,
as an absolute and infallible pile remedy. As doc.
tors of all schools have adopted ils use we com
mend it without the slighest hesitation as being
all that is claimed for It.
Talent is of no more use without
cultivation than bricks and mortar
without a mason. Inspiration is, in
one sense, the gift of trying.
FOR DYSPEPSIA, INDIGRSTION, depression of gpir-
its and general debility,in their various forms; also
as a preventive against fever and ague and other
intermittent fevers, the “Ferro-Phosphorated-
Elixir of Calisaya” made by Caswell, Hazard & Co,
New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best
tome, and for patients recovering from fever or
other sickness, it has no equal
The metals best used for ealico print-
ing cylinders are pure copper and alloys
containing from 25 to 30 ot zine to from
75 to 70 of copper. Lead is injurious
if present to even the extent of 0.5 per
He wins at last who builds hus trust
In loving words and actions just.
Who's head, who's walk, his very mien,
Proclaum the use of Carboline.
——— I WI ————————
Age is beautiful and wonderfully at-
tractive when in youth the soul was
conversant with truth, Its glories
abide in old age.
Walnut Lea: Halr Restorer.
It is entirely different from all others, Itis
as clear as water, and as its name indicates is
a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer, It willim-
mediately free the head from all dandruff, re-
store gray hair to its natural color, and pro-
duce a new growth where it has fallen off. It
does not in ary manner affect the health,
which sulphur, sugar of lead and nitrate of
silver preparations havedone. It willchange
light or faded hair {n a few days to a beautiful
gouty hewn. Ask yourdruggistforit. Each
tie is warranted. Sait, Kuixe & Co,
Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. and
C. N. CrirrEXTON New York.
— cali fetm—
Learn to despise outward things and
to give thyself to things inward, and
thou shalt perceive the kingdom of
God to become in thee,
1found it a sure cure. | have been
troubled with Catarrhal deafness for seven
ir eight years with a roaring noise in my
head. I bought medicine in 13 slates but
nothing helped me till 1 procured a bottle
f Ety's Cream Balm. In four days I
could bear as well as ever. [ am cured of
the Catarrh as well. 1 consider Eiy's
Cream Balm the best medicine ever made.
—A3arrett Widrick, Hastings, New York,
- et ——
Oh, how small a portion of earth will
hold us when we are dead, who ambi-
tiously seek after the whole world while
we are living.
When you visit or leave New York City, save
Baggage Ex ge and Carriage Hire, and stop
a! the Grand Union Hotel, opposiie Grand Cen
tral Depot.
Elegant rooms, fitted up at a coal of one
million dollars, reduced 10 §1 and upwards per
day. European Pisa Eevalor. Hestasrant
supplied wilh the best. Horse cars, slages and
elevated raliroad 10 all depots, Families can live
better for joss money at ihe Grand Union Hote]
than at any other Gral-class hotel In the city,
ms ——— A. UD TPC —
We must not roughly smash other
people's idols because we know, or think
we know, that they are of cheap human
Millions have died with Bright's kidney
disease and rheumatic diseases. Dr. Ei.
more is the first to discover a cura. He has
treated thousands with Lis Rbheumatine-
Goutaline and never lost a case. It always
Cems AAI
The greatest of these is charity. If
there is to be millennium its spirit will
consist in making allowances.
Chrolithion collars and cuffs are cheapest
in the long run. They wear longer than
any other, and you save cost of washing.
Ss—— I P—————
The sister of temperance is not she
who stands idle, but she who goes
straight forward to the work.
Emory s Little Cathartic Pill—best made
for Laver Complaint and bihiousness.
Tasteless, harmless, fallible. 150,
ctr ii—
At times, into some hours of life are
crowded so much of anguish, that we
seem to live years; ves, to become aged
in a brief space.
Heart Disense in all its forms cured by
Dr. Graves’ Heart Regulator. Price $1.
6 for §5. by druggiste.
We should never have enemies, if for
no other reason, because it is so hard
to behave towards them as we ought,
Prevent malanal attacks by invigorating
the liver with Dr. Banford's Liver lawvigo-
i ———— III
Divine love is a sacred flower, which
in its early bud is happiness, and in its
{ull bloom is heaven,
Consumtion in any stage may be cured
by Piso’s Cure. 25 cents a bottle.
mm AI I
In this wild world, the fondest and
the best are the most tried, most trou
bled and distressed "
Camphior Milk cares sches and pains, Price, 35 cents
A man may talk continually and not
bo 9 uent; sound and substance are
Hale’s Honey
Thou must not be lord and master to
thine own actions; not a savant ora
“You claim too
muck for Bamans
Tax Nenvixe,™
saysaskeptic, “How
can one medicine be
a specific for Eple
Lepay, Dyspepsia,
Eating, Rheumatism, Spermators
rhe, or Seminal Weakness, nud fifty other
complaints?” We claim it a specific, slime
ily, because the virus of all disesses arises from
eblood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and
Laxative properties meet sll the conditions berein
referred to, It's known world wide es
It quiets and composes the patient—not by the
introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, but
by the restoration of activity to the stomach and
nervous system, whereby the brain is relieved
causes above referred to,
chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whose sed-
entary employment causes nervous prostralion,
irregularities of the blood, stomach, bows is or
stimnlant, Saxanitan Nzuviveg |
Thousands proclaim it the most wonderful
orant that ever sustained the sinking system.
$1.50. Sold by all Druggists, The DRS. A. RICH-
MOND MED. CO., Proprietors, St. Joseph, Mo,
Chas, 3, Crittenton, Agent, Mew Tork Cy. (4)
pF his porous phaser is
r # for ia quick
Orrick in the Pack, $ide or Hip, Be
and Muscles, Bore Chest, Kidoey 3 and ell pains
or aches either local or Geepaoated thes, Strength
ris and SUssuistes the paris, 3 irtaes of hops cum
bined with gums jean a 4 ready 10 apply perior to
Hniments, lotions salves, Frice 25 cents or b for
$Lo Solid by drug i T
gists and country} A CREA
stores. Mailed on re |
eeipt of price. Hop
Plaster Company, Pre-
prietors, Boston, Mase
+ o> #
(The best family pill made-diawiey’s Bt
Liver Pills ieassnt in action and ear 1
- peg -
s Lalor
Read, Mark and Inwardly Digest,
If you have nausea, want of appetite, fatuiency,
dizziness, feverish symploms, you are suffering
from costiveness, and Hop Bitlers is
If your vital foroes are depressed, If you have a
feeling and weakness, are
easily Ialig perspire freely on going 10 sleep,
are short of breath on every slight effort and have
a general feeling of melancholy and
you are suffering from general debiily
Bitters removes 11 all
if you have a sense of weight
cious, but generally feelie]
be Sure
of § Tl lasEilY
and H
or fo
8 changeable appelile w
8 morn
h severe pain
spirits after a Tall meal, wil
time aller eating, win the slomach:
sour stomach;
i rising on
£ and Sullering al
of the slotmach, af & BOreness over I nausea
teadache, or some of symuploms, you
suffering from Jdyspepsia, and Hop Bitters wil
permanently cure yor
voritin the pit
these are
a urn
h the pexi, and
{ vou are suffering all the Toriures
0, One moment
next fearing yon
pa, § Ww
ng from thal
aria’ Fever, or
yr 8
4 are suber
ne, Ma
tiers will speedily Cue you
if you have a dry, hars 1 yellow skin, a dali
pain io he right side, exien lng 10 ihe
tiade and pit of the slomach; 4 TenCeTness over
the region of th seus of Rghiness and
uticasiness about the oi m ch 30d LVEr] Feoow-
r, 4 hacking or
dry cough; © riness of broath.
ing; feet and hands coll, W eoate
disagreeabic lass south: low
blotches of the face and neck: palpitation of
heart; disturbed sleep, heartburn: laseitade
have any of these symploms, you sre
trom Liver Complaint, and Hop Bitters only
cure you.
If you have a complaint which few understand
and none will give you credit for—an enfeebied
condition; a gotneness throughou! the whole sys
tetn: twitching of the lower [imbs, a desire to fy
all to pieces, and & fear that you will; a steady joss
of strength and bealth-any of these symploms
show thal you are suffering from ihat hydra-
beaded disease, nervousness, and lop Bitters will
effectually cure you
If you have Bright's disease of the kidneys or
any other disease of the Kidneys of urinary organs
jop Bitters is the only medicine on earth that wil
sermanenily cure you. Trust no other
Ely's Urea: ta
whed applica bs
Sager 00 the hos
Wi will be abeort
ed, electually cleans
ing the Lead Of wa
tarThal vires, causing
Beaithy socretons, it
mall or at a
¥ BROTH LIS, Draggisn. Owego, N. ¥.
Insane Pervors Restored
wll BaATH B
Es akant
a NfuEdssiantn
rer 830 4RE wi
Phosolx Pectoral will cure your cough. Price doe 3 cota
Health of Body is Wealth of Mind
Sarsaparillian Resolvent.
Pure blood makes sound Sesh, sirong Hote SBC
a clear skin, If you would have your flesh frm
your bones sound withou! caries, and your cote
piexion fair, use
Radway’s Sarsaparilliam
A remeay composed of ingredients of eXWrRers
dinary medical properties, essential to purify,
heal, repair and invigorate thebroken-lown snd
wasted body QUICK, PLEASANT, SAFE and PERMA-
NENT In Hs treatment and cure
No matter by what name the compa
designated, whether it be scrofuls, «
iL may He
i der, womb, skin, iv
chronic or constitations!,
which supplies the waste and bulds 3
these organs and wasted Ussues ¢
if the blood is unbegithy, the process of repair
must ee gnsound.
r bowels, either
| The Sarsaparillian Resolvent
| Not only is 8 compenssung remeay, bul
| The harmonious section of each of the ¢
1 establishes throughout the entire sysiem
§ al harmony and supplies '
{seis Wilh a pure and healthy current of
{new Jife. THE Six, after a few days’ nse
of the Sarsaparillian, beocoines clear and
i beautiful. PFaoples, blotches, black spots and
| skin eruptions are removed ; sores and wicers soon
i cured. Persons suffering from scrofula, eruptive
{ diseases of the eyes, mouth, ears, legs, throat and
| glands, that have soccumuisied and spread, ellher
{ from uncured diseases or mercury, of from the
{ use of corrosive sublimate, may rely upon a cure
{ if the Sarsapartiian is continued a sufficient time
| 10 make its impression on the system
One bottle contains more of the active pring.
| ples of Medicines than any other Preparation
{ Taken in teaspoonful doses, while others require
ans. 1
the LOGE Ves
| Sve or six times &8 much
One Dollar a Bottle.
Hadway'sReady Relief,
The Cheapest and Hest Medicine for
Family Use In the Worla.
In from one tO twenty minutes never falls
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no matter how vicient of excrocialing the pan
the Hheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled
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may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wil
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or LIMBS are ins:antly relieved
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by RADAVAY'S PILLS) 80 quickly as RADWAY'S
It will in a few moments, when taken internally
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Pains in the Bowels, Diarrhoea, Dyseniery, Colo,
Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains,
Travelers should Always carry a bottle of RAD
WAY'S READY RELIEF with them. A few
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Miners and Lambermen 2300 aways
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RADWAY'S Pras for the cure of all disorders:
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Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Loss of
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on, Dyspepsia, Billoustess, Fever, Infame.
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worth thousands will do sem ..
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and ask for Rapw.
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