amy THECENTRE REPORTER. Re ie a Cextre Harn, PA. Jan. 16, 1884, eu L The Larg sr in Centre Count ¥. $2 per year in advance, $2.60 when not in advance Advertisements 2) cents per line lor three insertiens, Yeurly and half yearly ad's at special rates, One colum per year $903 colum $45. gr-Horeafter all subscribers paying thir subscription in advance, will get a er di it y months additional as a pre mn Fanaa LERMS =~ WHITMER & COS Two Stores (counected by telephone) int beat anywhere “in this neck © buy WHEAT, RYE, BAR- Sell HARD and SOFT COAL, TT Min ANIACLUTe Ss Agents for Furniture and “arm Implements, : Co., WHITMER & Co Spring Mills bh. B. & ill have gnod sleighing. Ehrhart. of Haines, intends stakes and go west, d Mrs. J. Henry Keller, of e, last week started gn a trip to Any one desiring to purchase an wat little farm, read ad of John inger in another column, - i: ir. Wm. Keller has raised a large in vocal music in this place. . W. Rewalt, Wrightsville, Pa, I suffered from dyspepsia and hurn, which Brown Iron Bitters en- y relieved. roots and seeds en- Ger- arhe FOS, » composition of Smith's wistown, cor ury Kreamer, of Miles, havirg to Miliheio in company with another, he will } BA HOt 1m wiil move él market. -Mr. Cond boss coach- Venn and is ( I fas with a iwndsome NAL. nt of the » Reror ‘he company i active and agent in this state, inden Hall, healthy » Sey was - Ro @ so0n-a-com and to brin h valuable readers the rail Lemont, for the Mills and ltl Madisonburg, His sale mn from Milroy woolen factory Mr. 3 $oseits 10yt De robin 3 } a 11 8&1 build, tO rE have not the Lewistown £1 ion of sed preparing materi- {a new church daring The structure is te will be a credit to the i town, congregal I, or low tariff, who cares mt can boy men and boys’ neap at the Philad, Branch? ranch has saved the peo- inty more money than any r sell vou the best quality of ie clothing for a trifle below other stores for inferior goods a from 20 to 30 per cent i cal 8 place, of convention fo b. next month, uoder the foremost instrue will be a first class af- r. Perking’ presence settles that. vention here, last winter, was he best ever held in this jpart of he will strive to render ning one better still. Read ad. in her column, th § rains one i the land and Brackbill's furniture rooms in mite are the most extensive in the part of the state, and it is besides the oldest establishment. You are not wived in any article of furniture pur- chased at Brekbills, and he keeps every- thing belonging to his line, wee Wer are indebted to Mr. Thomas Weaver, of Leadville, Col, son of Col. Noah Weaver, of Woodward, for a copy of the Leadville Democrat, which gives a full description of the mining opera- tions in that section, and a portrait of all the head menof the various mines, No sufferer from any scrofalous we, who will fairly try Ayer's Sarsa- tills, need despair of a cure. It will titge the blood of all impurities, there- by destroying the gems from which serofala ia developed, and will infuse new life and vigor throughout the whole phivaical organization, Far Ohoies Ono Cloverseed for male, and cash paid for Wheat, Rye, Barley, ote, Call before selling, Zjands Warrmer & Co, Spring Mills, Panrins that have grain to sell should be sure to sell to or call on the under signed who will always pay the best market price, at Spring Miils and Cow burn. 11octGm LJ. Gaexonvg, ne WANTED ~-A good, strong, young horse Lor de ivering goods. Varuxrixes Srone Co, Liv, Bellefoute, Pa. ws]. N. Laeitzel, Anctionser at Spring Mille, will ery sales in acy part of the eonniv, and goarantee satisfaction, Charges reasonable, Reference—Col, Josiah Neff, Centre Hill, tf ~Pure grooeries at Sechlers, Be central de MRA WOMAN'S PROVINCE. The Duties of the Gentler Sex— How Best Fulfilled. What a great'task is assigned to woman its dignity canpat be elevated. It is not her province to make laws, te lead ars mies, nor to be at the head of great en- terprises, but to her is given the power to form those by whom the laws are made, to teach the leaders of mighty | armies, and the governors of vast em- pires. She isrequired to guard against having the slightest taint of bodily inflr- mity touch the frail creature, whose mor- al, intellectunl and physical being is de- rived from her. She must instill correct principles, inculcate right doctrines, and breathe into the soul of her offspriog those pure sentiments which in time to come will be a part of themselves, and bless generations as yet unborn. Yes, to woman i8 given the blessed privilege of aiding the suflerers in all the various atages of his existence, She smiles renely at the christening, and weeps at the burial, wh'le she soothes the bereav- od heart. Yet now can she fulfill her mission unless she is possessed of a strong and bealthy body? The prepar- ation of Dr. 8. B. Hartman, and known as Peruna, is just the thing for ail per sons suffering from a majority of the complaints incident to this climate, It is invaluable to women, and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, of New Lisbon, Columbia Co, is a noted example of what the medicine can do. She says she had saffered for vears with congestion of the longs, ca- tarrh in the head, and was troubled with a bad cough. She tried a number of phy- gicians, but they failed to cure her. Bhe was induced to try Peruoa, and immedi- ately a marked change took place. After using one bottle her cough ceased, and in a short time her other ailments were cured. She is now completely restored to health, and gives all the credit to Pe- runs. Hw . For hoots — elegant hofl house blo k, beals tll other estab lishments combined. For low prices none can approach them. Go and see their stock. All goods warranted genu- ine. - Ea - Subscribe for the Reporter. —FEvorybody talks of attending tbe Centre Hall Musical Convention. Lots of sleighing parties hereab pee doulas N HALL ITEMS . i in croup and w as a remedy in cold Do not waste tn danger preci worthiesa Nee, Mone chasers, McDonald's i | jorsed by « ph and by them in their daily practice. package free. Init arein- 0 UG i chasers, For smaliness of dose, easiness to take and effectivencss as a worm destroyer McDonald's celebratel worm powders surpass any vermifoge on earth. Eatire ly vegetable, Money refunded to al! dissatisfied pur- chasers, Dr. Kessler's coogh medicine, McDon- ald’s improved liver pills and celebrated worm powders are sold and warranted by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall, and all druggists and dealers in medicines, Jonson, Hotioway & Co, Philadelphia, agents, - IF AND 1F. » suffering from poor health wg on a bed of sickness, , if you are simply ailing, or if you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly ki ng why flop Bitters will Rarely © yom “If you are a minister, and have overtaxed your- self with your pastoral duties, or a mother, worn out with care and work. or a man of business or laborer weakened by the strain of your every-day duties, or a man of letters, tolling over your mid. night work, Hop Bitters will surely strengthen you. 8 “If you are suffering from over-caling or drinking any indescre- tion or dissipation, or are young and growing too fast, as is often the cane “Or if you are in the workshop, on the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel that your system needs cleansing, toning, or stimulating, without intoxicating, if you are old, blood thin and impure, pulse fee ble, nerves unsteady, faculties waing, Hop Bitters is what you need to give you new life, health and vigor” If you are costive or dyspeptie, or suffer ing from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you remain fll. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for & cure to Hop Bitters, If you are sick with that terrible sickbess Nervousness, you will find a “Balm io Gilead” in Hop Bitters, Bitters, be paid for a case they will not eure or help, MARK KTS, Philadelphia, Jan. 14, 1884, (Corrected Weekly.) A Chicago, Philadelphia] 09 ~=Bi Ebi} 003 wl (4) 11a45 i — Corn Wheat Oats Pork Lard S8axuen Warre, Jr.,, Com'n Broker, 81 Bouth Third Street. BELLEFONTE MARKET, i Girain—Wheat, 1 00; Rye, 60; Oats, 40] Corn, old 60, new 50 by L. L. Brown, . Produce—Butter 30, eggs 30, ham 16] shoulders 13, sides 1214, lard 13, pota- toes 60—by Valentines’ Store, SPRING MILLS MARKET. Wheat—Red and mix shusiens White & Mixed Y 1 BYO...oiniscsnisrenss o Corn, shelled, and ears ( Oats... coos Buckwheat BArIOY ..aucorcesessss Cloverseed...... Timothy seed... Plaster, ground p flour, per barrel Butter 15; 104 SO trooted week v1.3 Coal: Pea, 8. 25; Chestuut, 4.75; Egg, 4.75, When all the railroads now con-| templated at Bellefonte are made, that town will be quite a little railroad cen- tre, and more strapgers will visit it than ever before because it is famons for hun- dreds of miles as the only town in the state that has a clothing store which | sells at bottom prices, and that is the] Philad. Branch. Crockery. —Millbeim Crockery ware crocks, flower pots, vases, ete, are cons, | gtantly kept on hand by John 8B. Auman st Farmers Mills. Manufactured by M. | Ulrick, Jr. octlitf Dec. “ ay ay 14.024 Oodle “" “ { i i sho stove FLYING BEFORE he cit commanding the forces there, | again | A) the orders to retreat. LAS ! i - 1 iv f’ tart! telegraph Khedive for instant| rib ( thie provinces i Pp clare i ribes are raisin e Mudir { Kh: ¢ in Centre and DAY Evixing, E Church, and ¢ { THURSDAY AND i i patsiod Dr PERRINY 1 He Hen used. with a collection of Choruses hires sessions daily-—-990 A. MM. 1.3 TWO CONCERTS harwiay and Februar ih and Ih. M day and Friday al convenience of Fa book “1 ings Boarding can be « Houses at 82 for Lhe obtain boarding free tb tee no later than Fe term i ¥ applying to the Commit ary i. TERMS Mexserotrr Tics to entire Convention and Concerts, but not entitling to resery ed seals . Hmaeny TicKET entitling Stage only Swaine Sesmon or Rehearsal tickets Concert TICKETS Concert RESERVED Beats, extra 15 All are invited 10 come ard enjoy the Musical Feast AR, GREGG, Chairman, JACOB B. BOLT, Secretary MARRIED At Centre Hall, on Jan. 18, bytHey. WK. 1 Mr E E Stambach and Miss both of Aaronsburg On Dee, 20, by Rev. A. J. Boan, Mr. Martin Dale, of Houserville, Centre county, and Miss Ollie Rob insoti, of Clearfield. In the Zion church, noar Tussyville, Pa. by Rev Benj. Hengst, Dee. 20, Mr. John W, Lose, of Mill hein, and Miss Mary E Strolun, of Tussyviile Quite early the people commended to gather in the church to witness the wedding ceremonies, nut] the hour came the house being filled with anxious lookerson The ceremonies in the church being over, the married couple, and a good number of invited guests, repaired to the residence of Mr, Jasob Strohm where a spledid dinver—a table filled with all imaginable good things, gotten up in Pennsylvania style—was ready. Soon all were angaged in doing good " he bride was not neglected by the guests, but was made happy by the many valuable gifts she received, Mr. Lose is well recommended by thos who know him, and mention has aiready been made sthat he was a most useful young man iu the com- munity.” Mrs. Lose has successfully tanght schon! for sev: eral terms in Millhelm and vicioity Then and there she formed the acquaintance with Mr. Lose and on Mth Dee, accepted him a life partner. She also there became soquainted with Rev, long, and finding him a minister of her choles. holders to seat on ster, Jennie Crouailler, 20th. May their wedded life be a happy one BY a Frinun. A A A Ba —— DIED, On 10 inst., of constmption, Mary, wife of David Ulrich, of Prin, agod 56 years, 1 month, 12 days. FARM AT PRIVATE SALS offers at E~The nndersigned lowing valuahl 1 estate, fa Fou pale ah uf able real estate Or Low : 20 ACRES OF LAND, » all clear and 1 a good state of caltivation, There on erected s twostory HOUSE, bank-barn snd sll necessary outbuildings. All kinds of cholos frail, and ne water there For wii, “ WARNER MILLER. The Bling New Yorker and Whe May Antagonize Him, New Youx, Jan, 10.—In speaking of the potency of Benator Miller's position in or ganizing Now York's state sonate, a Wasb- ington special to The Bun says: When Senator Warner Miller cameo out of the fight for the reorganization of the sen- | 4 th Lhe “EH, BTROREEKER CROLS- TH i Wanted by the Lewisburg & Tyrone dai'lroad Co who stood by him, with certain exceptions, the Chicago convention. beginning with New York, New York senator never exci ed He want The senior is one of Arthur for the president has since for it, they have nevi 1 lone much to atona r forgiven to it than OWN In tipathies against Arthur for for years prayed are now ws disp i do ever revivin ncts might * An wh dier, who, to deceive marches to enemy, and countermarches his men few to seem to be { sins of C 80 Ab many. 1 § nkling, his % at Albany, are re. hearsed to frighten those whom Arthur strive Now. the n to con In this Senat friends a i in BORGO Soy WASHINGT Be wit Jan ato Ned raska, last spring, brou reso a Ludget g the attoroey-general with ex in his attempts 10 bring Dorsey thers 10 aco Another bun been transmit this matter 5 ¢ senate, by ution, Hargh trav AL RNCX nges Las and as soon as Van Wyck will make criticizing the department He said today that Mr. Bliss had, without {doubt, received about $80,000 for his ser | vices as Jeading counsel, and that Mr. Ker { has also drawn a much larger amount than is mentioned in the reply to the resolution, WOO ch e received by Nr. Merrick by no means repre. | sents the sum to which he is eatitied. The | ills of the detectives employed in the star f the report “Drinks,” “theatres tickets” and “car fare” have been charged with the stmost precision. A sample of these bills is as follows: To Demeenive E. J. D., Dr. July 80 Langley's, drinks, ten cents; Na- tional Hotel, ten cents: Bt. James’, thirty cents July 81. McCormick's, fifty cents; Lang. loy's, twenty-five cents; Farrell's, twenty- five conta centa: tion between Miller and Bargent: Drinks forty cents; Farrell's, thirty cents, Jo Hammill, ten cents; National, ten cents; Langley's, five cents; St. James, ten cents; Holmes’ saloon, twenty cents, August B5.-Holmes', thirtyfive cents; Hammill's, twenty-five cents; BL James’, ten pents: MoCormiok’s, watching Dectective Miller, drinks, thirty cents; Farrell's, twenty cents; langley's, ten cents; Theatpe Com- ique, watching Murray, drinks, fifty cents Malone's saloon with two congressmen, drinks, forty-five co ta; watching the jury at Haggerty's, fifteen conta, Three op four hundred dollars were spent by seven detectives for drinks and theatre tickets. Mounties for Ninety«Day Mon, Wasnixaron, Jan, 8 ~The bill fntroduced | .to the house by Gen. Rosecrans to equalise pounties 10 the soldiers of the late war pro. vides fur the paymant to pon-commissioned officers, musicians, artifioops, toamsters and private soldiers who served in the way of the rebellion, including those od inky the service under tho President's first call for 35,000 troops, who actually served nivot Jays or more snd were honorably disc the sums of 85.58) per month for the time of actual service between April 12, 1861, apd May ©, 1505, tho amount of all bounties pre. to, be, deducted ln computing v od - CAH JAB WH dd off seg it bee do rder of Orphan's Co there will be LAW ® {late of Grege twp, ses, at 1 p. offered of Amos i a propertly > dec’'d, on the premi m, on Saturday, January 26, | 1854, the vpdivided § interest in all that loertain tract of land situated in Gregg twp , Centre county, Pa., bounded on the inorth by lands of Daniel Breon, on the least by lands of J. P. Heckman, on the south by lands of David Fiokle and Wm Gentzell and on the west by lands ol | Harvey Vonada, containing 20 acres more or less. Terms—Cash on deliery cf deed. SAMUEL HARTER, AMLINDA REEDER jAdm’re. He USE AND LOT FOR SALE AT PINE GROOVY MILLE «A lit of bg sore, with 2story house {18x82 in good condition, haviesg om Kitchen, house, wood and coal house, stable, and {plenty of ehoige frult, A very desirable home of fered very choaj A. J. ORNDORF, Zina Im Pine Grove Miles, Pa gwisnd HOTEL STAND FOR SALE OR RENT. {The Stover hotel stand, at Boalsburg, is offered at private sale or for rent. The ho- tel is centrally loeated, and in good re- pair. Possession given on Apri! first, next. For further information apply to bdect! B. F. STOVER, Bellefonte, Pa. HOUvsE AND LOT FOR BALE ~The undersigned offers a valuable homestead al private sale, situstod about two miles west of On tra Mall, on the old Lewistown road, consisting of a HOUSE, bank barn. wagonshed, outhalidings 11 acres of ground, with the ghelepst of all kinds of fruits, and an excellent well 6f water. The land ix in a state of cultivation, adjoining the Van Valzah furm, near the Brushvalley rom FBaovim WM. W, HORNER, Centre Hall, Pa. SALE OF UN. OMMISSIONERSY J BEA 1kD LANDS «In pursuance of an Act of Amembly passed on the Mh day of March, A.D, 1524, the Comm rh of Centre Conuty will sell at public sale ai the Court House in the Borough of lefonte, on Tuesday, the 12th day of Febuary, A. D1 the following deserib- od tracts of land purchased by the County at Treasurer's sale, and which have remained unre: Jermed for the space of five years and upaards, . A. J GR . Hs > CAMPBELL, ¥ WoOLY, Conn ssioners, Acros. Per, Warraniee Name, Township, £0... veovonees DY CHERORAEN coins iii 1 10. ohn MM Hall. cnn cession d RIOR n MH a Dn . || CAI all, a he. pv vasa RE hehdndh Wi ER ERLE er i Bun aeiay pwnene 1 ™»...... " I Ba i Fobert Irvin weer 1 Atwood Joseph Taylor Andrew Epple a Godfre; phi Kelso, . [Atwood ,, John Pulmer,,... LHalmuesl Baird LJ0b W Packer do Curtin Fame] Hall . harles Bruce «NL Atwood. Thos McEwen Jesse Brooks, Brooks Hobert Patterson JBobert Pallerson 8 Baoed 3 P Sortis a Marr M Wharton D Camskadden Wm P Mitchell... Richard Wain... Andrew Bavard Lewis lowis ‘ Sarah MeClanshan weoinrgaret Bponr....... cnn hlEx Marin ‘ enedtoOnpe Parker... werd ONE Liggent . wa ~Rerney Wharton......... Alex Martin. ce Wis Lewis... wdvobert Rainey wm Banks.......... wo iMnvid Willints., wees TO 0 llygrccesmen .Aoseph Xorton David Williams... we OBEY TOOL... cones John Johnston... - I HB Williams wolibniel Beok........... waionn Beightol.......... Jon Downing. Jax Fox. ng SEREROR SOEs aRTeoeeeesoee rnd = e = 3 wave WIR Gilbert. ai Aken... Ly Seat vine HA La » chan : - be Eh an Fwy wd 8B en ay OH his bat | WE SORRY RE Sy ssfeasessess